Outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic: Summary of direct educational activities for the implementation of the educational field “Artistic creativity” Drawing “Vase with fruit. "self-assembled tablecloth" drawing in the senior group

Yulia Babich

GCD Drawing« Orchard»

The idea was taken from the Internet. Thank you girls.

Software tasks; Learn to convey in a drawing the characteristic shape and color of friends fruit growing in our gardens.

Continue to develop compositional skills (distribution of objects evenly along the paper)

Develop the ability to develop a plan (in advance, before starting work, mentally imagine the content of your drawing).

Continue to develop your painting skills pencil: in one direction with continuous movements without skipping, without going beyond uniform moderate pressure.


Sheets of paper, pencils, wax crayons, illustrations with images fruit; monkey and pig toys; illustrations with drawn outlines of fruits.

Progress of the lesson;

IN: Look guys, a monkey and her friend a pig came to visit us. They brought us the game, but they can’t handle it themselves. Let us help them. DI "Loto vegetables fruits» or "Twins"

Guys, we were great at helping our guests. Let's play a game with you "Hugs"

They love Petya and Natasha (children hold hands)

They love to give hugs (Holding hands, swing hands left to right)

Hugs, hugs (children hug)

Show off your shirts (arms spread to the sides)

Well done guys, take a seat. (I’m telling you (Calm, quiet music sounds, we played the first classics that came across)

“Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year; in the fall the leaves fall from the trees, while beautifully swirling in the air and rustling underfoot. Various leaves rustle underfoot: beautiful oak, large maple and small birch and chestnut leaves. And the gardens are already ripe fruits. Juicy, tasty, and so different in shape, color and size. They are pink, and yellow, and green, and red, and striped, and speckled, and with a ruddy side. Fruits Not only tasty but also very healthy, they contain a lot of vitamins. Vitamins are very useful; they benefit the body. Fruits loved not only by children but also by adults. And also from fruit compote, jam, jam, juice, and you can also dry it. And also from fruit your mothers and grandmothers cook delicious pies.

Guys, just name those fruits that grow in our gardens.

Children's answers.

What other ones do you know? fruits.

Children's answers; banana, lemon, orange, pineapple, kiwi.

Of course, guys, these fruits grow only in the south, for these fruits need a lot of sun, heat. Guys, tell me which ones monkey loves fruit, and what kind of pig?

(Children lay out and explain why)

Tell me guys, what time of year is rich here? fruits?

Children; Autumn.

Right. Your mothers and grandmothers have already made blanks from fruit for the winter. But our guests are not with you yet. Let us help them and draw juicy and ripe fruits. But before we start let's draw, let's prepare our fingers. (finger gymnastics)

This finger is an orange

He is, of course, not alone.

This finger is a plum

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot.

Grew high on a branch.

This finger is a pear

Asks: “Come on, eat it!”

This pineapple finger

Fruit for you and for us.

Let's sit down at the tables, open the album, and begin paint. What would make it easier for you? paint I have prepared riddles for you, whoever guesses the riddle will be draw this fruit. Listen carefully to my riddles.

This the fruit tastes good

And it looks like a light bulb (pear)

They know this one fruit kids

They love and eat his monkeys

He comes from hot countries

Grows in the tropics (banana)

Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.

It contains a useful vitamin -

It's ripe.

Answer (Orange)

Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch;

Adults and little children love me.

Answer (Apple)

It's almost like an orange

Thick skinned, juicy,

There is only one drawback -

Very, very sour.

Lemon –

Balls hang on the branches,

Turned blue from the heat.

Well done, you guessed all the riddles, now let's paint.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to independently make attributes for the role-playing game "Shop" Tasks: 1. Continue to learn how to correlate the color of paper with the color of real ones.

A week has passed on the topic of fruits. We discussed with the children where they grow up and what they look like. We tasted some fruits. Guessed riddles: Pear,...

Lotto game "Fruits" Lotto game "Fruits". Goal: To develop children’s knowledge about fruits. Enrich children's vocabulary. Individual work with children. Develop perception.

Topic of the week: Fruits and vegetables Age: 4 years Goal: to develop the child’s ability to paint a picture according to a sample, to be able to use paints carefully.

Unconventional drawing with experimentation “Drawing on ice with watercolors” in the preparatory group Goals and objectives: To introduce a new way of drawing on ice. Consolidate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, develop the ability to fantasize.

GCD. Artistic creativity. Drawing in a preparatory school group. Topic: “The Scarlet Flower.” Drawing with palms Objectives: introduce children to a new technique of drawing with palms. Strengthen the structure of the flower. Reinforce rules of behavior in public.

kezhik ondar
Lesson summary “Fruits. Drawing on the theme “Favorite fruits”

Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group

Subject: Fruits. Drawing on a theme« Favorite fruits»


Introduce names fruit, learn to describe fruits, compare them, develop logical thinking, develop the ability draw with cotton swabs

Materials: Pictures showing fruit, vegetables, bowl, plate, individual sheets of paper with outlines fruit, cotton buds

Progress of the lesson:

Today we have class not only very interesting, but also delicious.

I'll tell you a riddle, and you guess:

Ripe, juicy, colorful,

Visible to everyone on the shelves!

We are useful products,

And they are simply called... (fruits)

Which fruits you know? What vegetables do you know? Where do they grow?

I will show a picture with an image fruit, and you can tell whether it is soft or hard. Which fruits are shaped like a circle? (Apple, pomegranate, orange, tangerine.) Which fruits look like a triangle (Pear) Which fruits are oval shaped(Apricot, kiwi, plum, banana, lemon.)

A game “Where should I put what?”(I suggest the children divide the vegetables and fruits: vegetables in a bowl, fruits on a plate)

A game "Big small"

You know there are soft and hard fruits. And then there are big ones and small ones. How small fruits you know? How big fruits you know? Look at the picture and name small and large fruits.

A game “What’s extra?”

Children look at the pictures in each row, name the extra object and explain why it is extra.

Guess which ones I wished for fruit:

Green, yellow, red, some sour and some sweet. (Apples)

They grow on trees, dry dried apricots are called. (Apricots)

When she ripens on the branches, she turns blue in the sun. (Plum)

It also grows on trees and looks like a light bulb. (Pear)

With a red side and shaggy, it is very juicy and sweet. (Peach)

Physical education minute: We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruits,

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear,

Let's put the drain on the sand,

We cook, we cook compote,

Let's treat honest people

What can be prepared from fruit?

From fruit make drinks. Juice, compote, lemonade.

From fruit make filling for cakes, pies, pastries.

In summer, children and adults enjoy eating popsicles.

You can also cook fruit salad, fruit yogurt, fruit jelly.

In stores you can buy sweets with fruit filling, fruit marmalade.

Your grandmothers and mothers probably know how to make jam from fruit. What is the name of jam made from different fruit, we'll find out now.

Didactic exercise "Jam from fruit»

Apples are made into... what kind of jam? Apple.

Plums are used to make... what kind of jam? Plum.

Pears are used to make... what kind of jam? Pear.

Peaches are used to make... what kind of jam? Peach.

Apricots are made into... what kind of jam? Apricot.

Didactic game "Taste it"

Children are invited to taste the pieces with their eyes closed. fruit and determine the names of these fruit


I'm handing out some leaves for you to color. fruits


Tasting fruit juice and marmalade. And now I invite you to enjoy fruit marmalade and fruit juice.

Publications on the topic:

Program content. Clarify and consolidate the concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”; explain their benefits of use; continue to introduce children to.

Summary of a lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech in the middle group of compensatory orientation for.

Abstract of the educational activity "Fruits" (non-traditional drawing - semolina) in the senior group Goal: to introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique using semolina. Tasks: - continue to teach children how to work with paints.

Summary of a lesson about fruits in the younger group Topic: “Fruits” The goal is to consolidate knowledge about fruits, about methods of preparing them; teach to manifest.

Summary of an open lesson on speech development in the senior group. Theme: "Vegetables and fruits - healthy products." Goal: development of coherent speech in children.

Goal: to consolidate children’s understanding of the formation of numbers 4 and 5 and counting skills within 5; learn to coordinate numerals with nouns.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group on the topic “Fruits.” Program content: Introduce children to the techniques of sculpting oval objects.

Software tasks.

Learn to convey in a drawing the characteristic shape and color of familiar fruits growing in our gardens and in the south.

Continue to develop compositional skills (arranging objects evenly across the entire sheet of paper).

Develop the ability to develop a plan (in advance, before starting work, mentally imagine the content of your drawing).

Continue to develop the skills of shading with a pencil: in one direction with continuous movements without skipping, without going beyond uniform, moderate pressure.


Sheets of paper, pencils, wax crayons, illustrations of fruits; monkey and pig toys; illustration with drawn outlines of fruits.

Previous work:

D/i “Wonderful bag” - classification of vegetables and fruits.

D/i “What grows where?”, “When does this happen?”, “Who is bigger?”

Modeling fruits from plasticine. D/i “Define by taste”

The children stand in a semicircle.


Hello my friends!

How many children do I see?

How many guests do I see!

Let's, guys, wish everyone a good day.

As hospitable hosts, we must welcome our dear guests.

Children say hello with a song.

Good day, good day

We will repeat these words.

Good day, good day,

We tell all our friends.

Educator: - But we also have guests - the inseparable monkey Anfiska and the pig Khryusha. They brought an interesting game, but they can’t figure it out themselves because all the pictures with fruits are mixed up. We will, of course, help them.

Educator: reads or tells: “Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Slowly circling in the air, yellowed leaves fall from the trees. Carved oak leaves and golden hearts of birch leaves rustle underfoot. Against their background, the reddened maple leaves seem so festive... And the fruits are ripe in the gardens. How many of them! Juicy, tasty and so different in size, shape and color. Yellow, green, red, white, striped, speckled, with bright barrels and a delicate blush... Fruits are not only tasty, but also very healthy. They contain many vitamins and other substances necessary for the human body. Both adults and children like them. You can eat fresh ones, you can make jam from them, make juice, dry them. And what delicious pies with fruit filling our mothers and grandmothers bake!”

Look carefully at the fruits, and name only those fruits that grow in our gardens.

Children call.

V. – What other fruits did you not name?

D. – Banana, orange, lemon, etc.

V. - Of course, guys, these fruits grow only in the south, since they require more warmth and more daylight hours to grow than in our area - the monkey Anfiska loves them very much, but Piggy also loves fruits.

Help me choose fruits for the monkey and Piggy. Place fruit on the top shelf for Anfiska, and on the bottom shelf for Piggy.

(Children lay out and explain why they do this).

Q. – Guys, what time of year is rich in fruits?

D. - Autumn.

V. - Your mothers always prepare compotes and jam in the fall. But our guests, the monkey Anfiska and the pig Khryusha, do not know how to do this. And we are very attentive and caring friends, we will help them, we will draw sweet, ripe, juicy fruits for them.

But before we start drawing, we’ll do some physical exercise.

“Apple picking” (any music, with a clear rhythm).



We are going to the orchard.

Inhale the aroma of apples.

Walking in place or in a group.

Breathing exercises.

We want to pick apples from the tree.

Maybe we can jump to them?

Let's think about how to pick apples?

We need to put up a ladder!

We pick the apples and put them in the basket.

We've collected the apples, now let's rest.

They rise on their tiptoes, alternately pulling one or the other hand up.

The same thing, only with a jump.

Half squat, arms slightly to the sides.

Simulates climbing stairs.

Simulate picking apples.

They sit on the floor and close their eyes.

And, now go to your places, take everything you need for drawing and make yourself more comfortable for work.

You will draw fruits for the monkey Anfiska on the top of the sheet. And for Piggy - on the bottom.

I have prepared a drawing for you - a riddle. Look at it and guess what fruits I decided to draw. My riddle is only from the outlines of the fruit, but you have to name not only the fruit, but also its color.

(Children name the fruits shown and their color)

To make your drawings beautiful, remember how to arrange objects on a sheet of paper?

D. - Not very small and not close to each other.

V. - That's right. I suggest you, too, not to immediately draw the entire fruit, but to depict your plan in outline, and I will try to guess from your outlines what kind of fruit you have depicted.

Think, decide and start drawing.

(Children draw, I pass by and guess from the outline which fruit they are drawing).

V. – Try to paint carefully, without going beyond the contours of what you have drawn.

(At the end, I propose to bring your drawings and offer the monkey and Piggy your drawn fruits and tell who they drew which fruits to whom).

V.- I think these reserves will be enough for our friends for the winter.

You guys are friendly, hospitable, always ready to help not only each other, but also others.

As a farewell, we will sing a verse of our song for Anfiska and Khryusha and for our guests.

Our kindergarten

Famous for friendship

Come visit us

If you like it,

Goodbye, see you again.

Lyudmila Dudnyak

Lesson summary on the topic« Fruits» .

Target: Develop interest in unconventional methods drawing.


Educational: Expand children's understanding of fruits;

Strengthen skills paint unconventional methods drawing(painting with cotton swabs) .

Developmental: Develop visual creativity, continue to develop the ability to enjoy beautiful drawings. Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children using finger exercises. Educational: To cultivate a humane attitude towards nature and interest in artistic creativity.

Equipment: Outlines fruits on album sheets, clean sheets of paper, gouache, cotton swabs, containers of water for each table, wet cloth napkins for the hands of the Cheburashka toy.

Methodical techniques: Game situation, conversation-dialogue, problem situation, productive activity of children, reading fiction, analysis, summing up.

Preliminary work: Guessing riddles about fruits,reading a fairy tale about fruits.

Educator. - Guys, what time of year is it now?

What signs of autumn do you know?

(Leaves are falling, birds are flying to warmer regions, it is getting colder, people are putting on warm clothes, and they are harvesting.)

Educator. -Yes, in the fall people collect crops from fields and gardens. You will find out what fruits are harvested in the fall if you solve the riddles.

1. Blue uniform,

White lining,

It's sweet in the middle. (Plum)

2. Round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch;

Adults love me

And little children. (Apple)

3. The fruit looks like a tumbler,

Wears a yellow shirt.

Breaking the silence in the garden,

Fell from a tree. (pear)

You solved the riddles easily. How can you describe in one word what the riddles were about?

Where do they grow? fruits?

Picture No. 1 - photo « Fruity tree with red apples"

Educator: Name fruits that you see. - What color are the apples? -What shape are apples?

Picture No. 2 photo "Branch with Plum".

Name fruit, which you see.

What color is plum?

What shape is a plum?

Picture No. 3 photo « Fruit tree with pears» .

Name fruits that you see.

What color are pears?

What shape are pears?

Physical education minute

« Fruits»

We will cook compote. (march in place)

You need a lot of fruits. Here. (show with hands - “a lot”)

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear,

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand. (imitate how they crumble, chop, squeeze, lay, pour sand)

We cook, we cook compote, (turn around yourself)

Let's treat honest people. (clap)

There is a knock on the door, the teacher goes to open the door (takes Cheburashka)

Educator: Guys, look who came running to us?

Educator: Hello, Cheburashka!

Cheburashka: Hello guys! Help me, please, you know that my best friend is the crocodile Gena and I don’t know what to treat him with.

Educator: A Gena loves fruits?

Cheburashka: Of course, apples, plums, and pears!

Educator: Cheburashka, we will be there today draw fruit maybe you'll stay with us for class, and when we draw, you can choose your favorite ones fruits and treat them to Gena. Guys, do you agree with me?

Educator: Now sit down at the tables and let’s draw fruit.

The children sit at the tables.

Finger gymnastics

We went to the garden to pick plums

The finger is strong and big

(raise thumbs of both hands)

I went to the garden to pick plums,

Index from the threshold

Showed him the way

(pointing gesture with index finger)

The middle finger is the most accurate -

He picks plums from the branch!

(middle pull and release)

Nameless picks up

("we select" unnamed)

And the little finger plants seeds in the ground.

(little finger "press into the ground" in a circular motion)

Educator: Contours in front of you fruit, you think and decide which you will draw fruits. Before drawing dip a cotton swab in water, remove excess water on the edge of the glass, and then dip it in paint of the desired color. We draw carefully, without going beyond the outline of the drawing, and do not forget to leave a little space between the points so that our drawing looks like a mosaic.

Educator: Children, Cheburashka is watching us, watch your posture and get started paint.

Offer to admire the resulting drawings.

The works are displayed on a separate table, and the best ones are selected through analysis.

Cheburashka chooses her favorites fruits for Gena, with the permission of the children, "rips off" them from the tree, thanks them and leaves.

The teacher thanks the children for their work. Invites them to play “Guess the Taste.” (Are used fruits: plum, apple, pear)

Class is over.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group Topic: “Portrait of a mother” Natalya Kostyugova Goal: To cultivate love, care, and tender attitude.

"Smeshariki" is perhaps one of the most favorite cartoons among modern children. It is his heroes that we decided to draw today. - Guys, me.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group Topic: Fruits. Drawing on the topic “Favorite fruits” Purpose: To introduce the names of fruits.

Goals of the lesson: Correctional - teach children to correctly pronounce speech sounds, answer questions on the topic studied, develop auditory perception.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Vegetables and Fruits” Goal: to create conditions for the formation of children's ideas about vegetables and fruits. Objectives: Educational: -practice to distinguish words.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “Felt-tip pen and mouse” Drawing lesson notes: in the senior group. Educator: Aksakova. SK. Educational areas: Creativity. Sections: Drawing with felt-tip pens.

Methodological development.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group

"Orchard ".

Tasks . Continue to improve the ability to convey the characteristic features of fruits by their descriptions in riddles. Introduce new colors (lilac) and shades (pink, dark green, light green, lilac). Learn to mix paints to create new colors. Develop compositional skills.

Preliminary work.Examination of fruits, illustrations depicting the fruit harvest. A conversation about what fruits are, where they grow, how they are useful, what can be prepared from them, who likes which fruits. Making and guessing riddles. Role-playing game “Fruit Shop”

Materials. Landscape sheets, gouache paints of different colors, brushes, jars of water, palettes, napkins. Fruits (natural or fakes). Painting depicting an orchard.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher asks the children questions, the children answer.

What time of year is it now? (Autumn.)

Autumn is the time to harvest fruits and vegetables.

Pear, apple, banana,

Pineapple from hot countries.

These delicious foods

Together everyone is called... (fruit)

Today we will talk about fruits.

What fruits do you know? (Apples, pears, plums, apricots, bananas, oranges, lemons.)

Let's look at them. (Look at the fruits. Discuss: what shape, what color, what size is each fruit).

What are the benefits of fruits? (They contain vitamins).

Children, now I will ask you riddles about different fruits, but you don’t say the answers, you draw them. Each fruit is on a separate piece of paper.

Who hid it under the leaf?

Your ruddy, strong side?

Under panama sheets

Hiding in the heat... (apples)

What color apples did you draw? (Yellow, green, red)

You can draw a pink side on a yellow apple. And also add light or dark green leaves. Next riddle.

The fruit looks like a tumbler

Wears a yellow shirt.

Breaking the silence in the garden,

Fell from the tree... (pear)

That's right, pears are similar in color to apples, but differ in shape. And you can also draw leaves.

What will you draw now?

Someone there, in the corner of the garden,

In a modest purple dress

It hides timidly in the leaves.

Did you guess it? This is... (plum)

Well done, they depicted plum berries, blue, purple, and green - unripe.

Next riddle.

What kind of fruit is this?

Yellow citrus fruit

It grows in sunny countries.

And it tastes sour.

What's his name? (Lemon)

What beautiful, bright lemons you made.

All of you children, well done, coped with the task. And the riddles were solved, and everything was drawn so colorfully! Tell me, where do fruits grow? (On the trees)

That's right, and such trees are called fruit trees. And now we will hang our drawn fruits on the trees, on one - apples, on the second - pears, on the next - lemons, and on the last - plums. And we succeeded (all together - an orchard!)

To be healthy and strong

You must love fruits.

All without exception

There is no doubt about it!

Each has its own benefit and taste,

And I don’t dare decide

Which one is tastier?