Miracle world. All the most amazing and interesting things

We offer a selection of interesting recent scientific discoveries.

See death. This month, British scientists made an interesting discovery: they captured on camera the process of death spreading. The process itself was a blue glow that literally permeated the cells of the body while it died. The very goal pursued by scientists from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council was to increase knowledge of the processes of death in order to further try to increase human life expectancy. (According to the Daily Mail. Photo: DailyMail)

Ancient Mayan temple. Last year, archaeologists discovered an ancient temple in the jungles of Guatemala. Presumably, this temple belonged to the Mayan tribes 1600 years ago and was called the “Temple of the Night Sun”. The temple itself is decorated with giant masks of the Mayan solar god.

New species of animals in Peru. Between 2009 and 2012, a group of biologists from Mexico and Peru went in search of new animal species to the northern part of Peru - the Tabaconas Namballe National Reserve. During the entire expedition they discovered many new species of mammals. Among them is an unknown species of night monkey. Only last year, scientists managed to agree that this species of monkey was truly unknown to science. Controversy still exists over some other mammal species. (according to nationalgeographic.com, photo: National Geographic)

Solar systems and planets. In April 2012, scientists discovered an interesting star in the constellation Hydra South. The star, similar to the Sun, is located 127 light years from Earth. It is orbited by at least 9 planets, making it the largest solar system known. Our solar system has only 8 official planets. (according to nationalgeographic.com, photo: National Geographic)

Baby teeth and dictators. Scientists have made an interesting conclusion about why dictators are most likely born. Approximately 1 in 2,000 babies are born with one erupted tooth. For a mother, feeding such a child turns into real agony. The child feels a lack of attention, and with age he subconsciously tries to win it more and more. Anthropologists claim that people such as Julius Caesar, Hannibal, Napoleon, Mussolini and Hitler were born with an erupted tooth. (according to www.mentalfloss.com, photo: open sources)

Tie and vision. After many years of research, American scientists came to the conclusion that in 67% of men, vision impairment is associated with a tightly tightened collar. This especially applies to those who wear a tie. A tight tie restricts blood flow to the eyes. It also affects blood pressure. (according to Stephen Juan, “The odd body”, photo: open sources)

Chimpanzees and deceit. The conclusion was made by zoologists from Sweden. They discovered that a chimpanzee named Santino, who constantly threw stones at zoo visitors, prepared the crime weapon in advance. For a long time, Santino was under surveillance. Without showing any sign, he waited for the visitors to reach a certain place, and then quickly took out and threw a stone. Scientists have concluded that such an action is a consequence of a well-thought-out plan, which means chimpanzees are capable of deceit. (according to the journal PLoS ONE and the ScienceNOW website, photo: open sources )

Happiness and food. British scientists have come to the conclusion that only food can bring true happiness to a person. Everyone knows that a hungry person is often in a bad mood, but as soon as he eats, his mood improves. In first place among the “products of happiness” were all kinds of sweets and French fries - most people associate these products with relaxation. Next on the list is red and black caviar. She is associated with wealth and luxury. (according to www.geo.ru, photo: open sources)

Mars and water. NASA experts have come to the final conclusion that in the distant past there was water on the red planet suitable for living organisms. They were able to reach this conclusion using the Opportunity rover. The spacecraft found a piece of ancient clay that could only have formed in the presence of water. (according to bbc.co.uk, photo: NASA)

Almost gone, 2017 turned out to be a year of great discoveries - space agencies began to use reusable rockets, patients can now fight cancer cells with their own blood cells, and a group of scientists discovered a lost continent in the Southern Hemisphere called Zealand.

These and other mind-blowing discoveries and incredible scientific advances of 2017 are described in more detail below.


An international team of 32 scientists has discovered the lost continent of Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean. It is located under Pacific waters, on the seabed, between New Zealand and New Caledonia. Zealand was not always under water, as scientists were able to discover fossilized remains of plants and land animals.

New form of life

Scientists have managed to create in laboratory conditions something that is closest to a new form of life. The fact is that the DNA of all living beings consists of natural pairs of amino acids: adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine. Most of DNA is built from these nitrogenous bases. However, scientists were able to create an unnatural base pair that coexisted quite comfortably with natural pairs in the DNA of E. coli.

This discovery has the potential to influence the further development of medicine and may contribute to the retention of drugs in the body for a longer period of time.

All the gold in the universe

Scientists have discovered exactly how all the gold in the universe (as well as platinum and silver) is formed. The collision of two very small but very heavy stars located 130 million light years from Earth created a hundred octillion dollars worth of gold.

For the first time in the history of observing stars, astronomers were able to witness the collision of two neutron stars. Two massive cosmic bodies were heading towards each other at a speed equal to a third of the speed of light, and their collision resulted in the creation of gravitational waves that could be felt on Earth.

Secrets of the Great Pyramid

Scientists have taken a fresh look at the Great Pyramid of Giza and discovered a secret chamber there. Using new scanning technology based on high-speed particles, scientists have discovered a secret room deep in the pyramid that no one had even suspected before. For now, scientists can only guess why this room was built.

New method to fight cancer

Scientists can now use the human immune system to fight some cancer cells. For example, to fight childhood leukemia, doctors remove the child's blood cells, modify them, and reintroduce them into the body. While this process is extremely expensive, the technology is developing and has enormous potential.

New indicators from the poles

Not all discoveries in 2017 were positive. For example, in July, a huge piece of ice broke off from the Antarctic ice sheet, becoming the third largest iceberg on record.

In addition, scientists say that the Arctic may never regain its title as the eternally icy pole.

New planets

NASA scientists have discovered seven more exoplanets that could theoretically support life in the form we know on Earth.

As many as seven planets have been spotted in the neighboring star system TRAPPIST-1, at least six of which are solid, like Earth. All these planets are located in a zone favorable for the formation of water and life. What is most remarkable about this discovery is the proximity of the star system and the possibility of further detailed study of the planets.

Farewell to Cassini

In 2017, the automated Cassini space station, which had been studying Saturn and its many moons for 13 years, burned up in the planet’s atmosphere. This was the planned end of the mission, which scientists chose to do deliberately in an attempt to avoid Cassini colliding with possibly habitable moons of Saturn.

Just before its death, Cassini flew around Titan and flew through the icy rings of Saturn, sending unique images to Earth.

MRI for babies

The tiniest babies being treated or examined in hospital now have their own magnetic resonance imaging scanner, safe to use in the same room as the babies.

Reusable rocket booster

SpaceX has invented a new rocket booster that doesn't fall back to Earth after the rocket launches and can be used multiple times.

Boosters are one of the most expensive parts of launching a rocket into space, and they usually all end up on the ocean floor immediately after launch. A very expensive disposable device, without which it is impossible to reach orbit.

However, SpaceX's new heavy boosters can be retrofitted relatively easily and cheaply, saving $18 million per launch. In 2017, Elon Musk’s company has already carried out about 20 launches followed by the landing of a booster.

New advances in genetics

Scientists are one step closer to being able to edit a person's DNA, eliminating birth defects, diseases and genetic abnormalities before birth. Geneticists in Oregon have successfully edited the DNA of a living human embryo for the first time.

In addition, eGenesis announced that it will soon be possible to transplant large vital organs from pig donors into humans. The company managed to create a genetic virus blocker that does not transmit animal viruses to humans.

Breakthrough in quantum teleportation

The possibility of teleportation of quantum information has long been studied by scientists. Previously, it was possible to teleport data over a distance of several tens of kilometers.

For the first time in the history of quantum teleportation, a Chinese scientist managed to transmit information about photons (light particles) from Earth to space using mirrors and lasers.

This discovery could fundamentally change the way we transmit information around the world and transport energy. Quantum teleportation could lead to a completely new kind of quantum computers and information transfer. The Internet of the near future may become faster, safer and virtually impenetrable to hackers.

A group of American researchers made an incredible discovery: it turns out that there is an entire ocean under the earth’s crust - although to see it, you will have to dig 600 kilometers deep.
Moreover, just last year the scientific community considered the underground ocean hypothesis untenable, since extremely high temperatures inside the planet would evaporate all the water.
But now a new discovery shows that the water cycle on the planet is much more complex, and this could affect the existence of the world as a whole.

First guesses

Back in early spring, a group of Russian scientists made an assumption about the existence of an underground ocean, but real evidence appeared only recently. Most likely, the underground reservoir arose in the initial stages of the planet’s development.

stone ocean

In essence, this substance cannot be called water in the usual sense of the word. Scientists have discovered brucite, a mineral that is 79% water. But the existence of brucite in the mantle was considered unlikely: having reached the depths from the upper layers, according to all calculations it should have decomposed into its component parts.

New type

It turned out that when the mineral breaks down, it forms a new, more stable form. This variety of brucite can withstand extremely high temperatures and enormous pressure. Computer modeling showed that the new form of the mineral returns water from the depths of the earth to the surface more slowly, keeping ocean levels at their usual level. However, at the moment, scientists simply do not understand how exactly the water returns back - such schemes simply do not exist in the universe we are familiar with.

Ocean dimensions

Geologists cannot even imagine how large the underground ocean actually is. Provided that the mantle of our planet consists of only 3% brucite, the ocean will cover the entire Earth, and its depth will be several kilometers. This is a completely incredible phenomenon in the current scientific paradigm - with the same surprise, for example, scientists would greet the news of the reality of the hollow Earth theory.

Photos from open sources

2017 has ended and it’s time to take stock. Scientists, doctors, politicians and others have achieved something this year, taken many actions, thanks to which something has changed in our world. What happened over the past year in the field of science, what achievements and discoveries are worth noting? The top 10 most incredible and interesting scientific discoveries will help you figure this out.

1. Flooded Greenland

In 2017, a scientific group of 11 geologists put forward a theory that suggests Zealand meets all the necessary criteria to be considered a submerged continent. Most of this continent, approximately 93%, is located under the waters of the Pacific Ocean. According to scientists, this hypothetical continent was flooded 23 million years ago. However, it is currently impossible to say for sure whether this piece of land was completely dry or not. Scientists also believe that 60 million years have passed since Zealandia broke away from Australia.

2. Death is approaching

The approach of death can be felt very accurately, or rather not felt at all. As Swedish scientists have found, as death approaches, a person’s sense of smell becomes dulled and then completely disappears, and he ceases to distinguish odors. If you invite a person to smell and identify 13 odors, and he does not smell at least one of the proposed ones, then the person becomes 8% closer to his death.

3. Find in a Chinese landfill

Last year saw a Chinese landfill. A discovery was discovered there that caused a stir in the scientific world. Quite by accident, scientists found a unique mold that can recycle plastic objects. It was previously thought that plastics take between 300 and 500 years to degrade. But now scientists are seriously thinking about destroying plastic waste with the help of this mold.

4. Immortal jellyfish

The jellyfish Thuritopsis nutricula is immortal. This statement was made by marine biologists. In short, from an old being it can be reborn back into an embryo, prolonging itself from generation to generation.

5. Narwhal Tusks

Researchers have long assumed that narwhals need their tusks only for mating and to attract females. But in May 2017, scientists from the Polar Research Department managed to capture on video the hunt of this amazing mammal, during which it used its tusk as a “club” for stunning prey.

6. The Moon takes oxygen from the Earth

The Moon spends most of its time in the solar wind in a stream of charged particles flowing from the sun. However, during 5 days of each lunar month, the Moon is blocked from the solar wind by the Earth, and the satellite ends up in the tail of the Earth’s magnetosphere filled with ions of Earth’s oxygen. The Moon, passing through the tail of the Earth's magnetosphere, collects oxygen ions that are formed in the ozone layer of the planet and, thus, accumulates Earth's oxygen.

7. Harbingers of the disaster that occurred in 10899 BC

In April 2017, scientists from the UK found stone pillars with drawings carved on them in the South-East of Turkey. According to researchers, they symbolize a global catastrophe that occurred in 10899 BC. The age of these finds coincides with the age of traces left by strong climate changes revealed by the analysis of ice samples in Greenland. Some drawings could symbolize the consequences of the cataclysm, because just at this time a period of sharp cooling began, caused by the fall of a meteorite.

8. Predicting the future

Last May, scientists experimentally proved that predicting the future is quite possible, and that not all predictors are charlatans. It turns out that the human brain, after some training, is able to complete a chain of events that have not yet happened and await us in the future. Moreover, in the imagination the future comes 2 times faster than in reality.

9. Plants can hear

The root system of plants determines by the sound of water in which direction it needs to grow, and tries to avoid some areas with unpleasant sounds. So it’s time to raise the question that plants are not at all as simple organisms as is commonly believed.

10. Editing a Person

Last year, scientists succeeded for the first time in correcting a defective gene in a human embryo. We were talking about the disease cardiomyopathy. This is a disease that causes a person’s heart to suddenly stop for no apparent reason. This disease is characterized by the fact that 50% of the genes for this disease existing in the parents can be passed on to the child. Scientists have created a special technology called “genetic scissors,” which can be used to find a defective gene on a DNA helix and cut it out to correct it. As a result of the experiment, it was possible to increase the number of healthy cells from 50% to 72%. In the future, the possession of such medical devices will help to further preserve human health.

Specialists from the Netherlands managed to conduct an experiment on growing vegetables using analogues of extraterrestrial soil. The latter were created by NASA scientists, and real extraterrestrial soil was not involved in the study.

English scientists some time ago came to the conclusion that a fairly large amount of iodine oxide, a substance that is responsible for the destruction of most of the Earth's ozone layer, is located above the World Ocean, and the reason for this concentration had not previously been given the necessary attention. Studies have shown that the ocean releases hypohydrous acid into the atmosphere, although previously there was an opinion that this gas, like molecular iodine, is not produced by the ocean. In the 70s of the twentieth century, it was found that the World Ocean contains a considerable amount of methyl iodide, and most of the iodine is produced by the smallest marine plants - phytoplankton.

The history of slot machines

Every gambling person has succumbed to the temptation to play slot machines at least once in their life, and some of them have made fortunes from it! However, few of them thought about when the first “one-armed bandit” appeared and who the “evil genius” who invented this machine was.

A team of researchers from the University of Tokyo has developed extremely thin and ultra-light electronic sheets that can be used to make, for example, discreet medical sensors or solar cells. This technological innovation can bend, wrinkle, stretch and take almost any shape, and is also incredibly light and adaptable.

Can you imagine African elves? Just in case, let me clarify: not the dark ones that swarm in many online games, but African ones. However, even the wild imagination of the authors of modern fantasy did not reach the creation of Afro-elves. So, to blame on them (elves, not science fiction writers) night dances under the full moon is an unusual natural phenomenon - the so-called. “witch circles” will not work in Africa.

Archaeologists from Spain and Great Britain, exploring the tombs of Quebbet el-Hawa, discovered the burial of the southern Egyptian nomarchs, untouched by robbers. Particularly valuable in the found grave is the wooden sarcophagus of the local prince and the well-preserved mummies of his family members.