Where to get strength and energy for life? Life force. Human energy

Are you tired of constantly feeling tired? Wondering why you feel sluggish all day long and dream of being full of energy all day long and more? Here are some simple yet important tips on how to be the master of your own day.


Get energized with food

    Even if you are not hungry, do not forget about breakfast. In terms of energy, breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day. It kicks off the metabolism and is probably the most important meal of the day. Breakfast charges you for the rest of the day. Scientists have even found that eating a small amount of cereal for breakfast is associated with lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

    • If you're worried about weight, don't skip breakfast. It is better to stick to the following plan: a full breakfast, a smaller portion for lunch, and something to snack on for dinner. For people who are trying to lose weight, it is much better to eat well in the morning than in the evening.
  1. Eat every 4 hours to avoid blood sugar spikes. If you eat large portions 3 times a day with an interval of 5-6 hours, this will require a lot of energy, which will cause your blood sugar to rise and then fall. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the level of sugar in the blood does not jump up and down, but stays at the same level throughout the day.

    • Eat foods that will keep you going. Every time you eat something, try to choose carbohydrates (preferably complex), protein, or healthy fats (omega-3s, monounsaturated, etc.). These foods will help you not feel hungry an hour or two after eating.
    • Eat the same amount of food every 3-4 hours, or eat smaller meals and have healthy snacks in between. Examples of healthy, energizing foods include:
      • nuts
      • Olives
      • Yogurt
      • Fresh fruits
      • Legumes
  2. Don't get too carried away with caffeine in the afternoon. Just because a small amount is good doesn't mean that a lot is better. You can ask a person who consumes too much caffeine and then can't fall asleep at the normal time in the evening. Your upper limit should be 200-300 mg of caffeine, otherwise you will not be able to sleep at night, and in the morning you will not be able to get out of bed.

    Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Doctors and scientists agree that adequate water intake is a key component of overall health and feeling of energy throughout the day, although there is some disagreement about exactly how much water is needed.

    Include more fiber in your diet. Fiber releases energy slowly and gradually, unlike, for example, simple carbohydrates, which provide your body with quick energy. Here are some of the foods that are rich in fiber:

    Include plenty of healthy fats in your diet. People are afraid of fat, and sometimes these fears are well founded. But not all fats are the same. Monounsaturated fats, and especially omega-3 fats, can be beneficial and are high in energy. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in nuts, fish, and certain vegetable oils (rapeseed oil), will help you maintain mental clarity and also make your diet healthier.

    Recharge your energy while you sleep

    1. Turn off bright lights and TV after 8 pm. Bright light can interfere with the normal production of melatonin, which sends our body a signal when it's time to go to sleep (and help us fall asleep). Reducing light exposure a few hours before bed will help you fall asleep and sleep better at night.

      • Dim the lights an hour before you go to bed. Invest in a dimmer if you don't already have one. Subdued lighting will help your body start producing melatonin and thus help you fall asleep earlier.
      • Turn off the bright computer monitors and turn off the TV at 8pm. If you find it difficult to fall asleep early in the evening, bright computer monitors and television screens are your enemy. If you must remain connected to your computer, try lowering your screen brightness so that the light exposure is not as strong.
    2. Don't look at the alarm. Keeping an eye on your alarm clock and how much time is left before it rings and what time it is, can create unnecessary stress and prevent you from falling asleep. Sometimes the harder you try to sleep, the harder it is for you to do so.

      • Solution: turn the alarm clock away from you. Or better yet, put your alarm on the other side of the room so you can't see it and have to get out of bed to turn it off in the morning.
    3. Try sleeping alone. For those who love to sleep cuddling with their partner, the consequences can be devastating: studies have shown that people who sleep in the same bed with their partners are more likely to wake up at night, experience discomfort and sleep less soundly. If you suffer from chronic fatigue, talk to your partner about sleeping separately at least a few nights a week.

      Don't drink alcoholic beverages before bed. According to research, people who drink an alcoholic beverage before going to bed are more likely to wake up at night when the body has finished processing the alcohol. When you're sober, your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) lowers your heart rate and promotes restful sleep. When the body processes alcohol, the sympathetic nervous system does not hand over the reins to the parasympathetic nervous system, and this makes you more tired than you might be if you slept normally.

      If you can't sleep, stop trying and take a break. If you've been trying to sleep for 15 minutes and can't, get out of bed and read, pee, or do something else to calm you down. Remember: no bright computer or TV screens! When you can't sleep and try very hard to do so, the stress you experience can end up preventing you from falling asleep for longer. Do something else, and then try to sleep again.

      Lower the temperature in the room. Cool temperatures help you sleep better. This is because the cool temperature also lowers the body temperature, causing drowsiness.

    Ways to get in shape

      Splash some cold water on your face. May also help to take a shower. A little cold water on the face is a good way to cheer up, which people have been using for a long time. This is water therapy at its most effective.

      Put on nice clothes. Wearing pajamas, a sweater, or a birthday suit all day sends a signal to your body to relax. If you are dressed in more “decent” clothes, then vice versa - it kind of tells you that there are things to do, there are people to meet and happiness to be found. We all know how comfortable indoor clothes can be, but when it's time to get out of bed and get to work, these clothes are not conducive to activity, as much as you would like.

    1. Let your negative emotions out. People who are tormented by some kind of problem often keep everything inside for a variety of reasons: they do not want to disturb other people, they are afraid of judgment, or they simply feel that they do not have time for this. The inability and inability to find an emotional outlet for your problems can take away your energy.

      • Talk to one of your close friends. Trust someone close. Tell me what's on your mind. Believe that the person you confide your problems to wants the best for you and wants to not only listen to you, but also help. Getting rid of anxiety in this way, you may lower your stress levels and become more energetic.
      • Write down your feelings in a journal every day. If you think you don't have someone you can confide in, a diary might be the perfect replacement. Write down your feelings, hopes, aspirations. Just by writing them down on paper, you can feel amazing relaxation and calm.
      • Lead a healthy lifestyle. This will give you more energy and help you feel good.
      • To energize yourself in the morning, take up jumping jacks or other cardio exercises that increase your heart rate and help deliver oxygen to your organs.

This article is for people who want to experience joy and love. Who have a desire to become better and make their lives happier, to begin to flourish in all areas of life and find harmony.

The first sign of imminent illness and misfortune is the lack of energy. Ayurveda says that when a person develops spiritually, this can be seen in two ways:

He is getting happier and happier every day.

– His relations with the world and with other people are improving.

If this is not the case, then this means that a person is degrading, no matter what spiritual and religious practices he engages in.

We can feel love only by giving it away. True happiness comes from giving our energy of love to the world and to other people. Envious and selfish people do not know how to love, do not know how to give, and, therefore, do not know how to be truly happy. They are dependent and attached. And you can give from a pure heart only when there is no dependence on this world. The less attachment, the more we can give, the more we can love, the more happy we are. If you take more than you give, then you are addicted. The giver is independent!

Ayurveda is one of the most ancient medical systems. She simply amazes with her wisdom and depth and claims that envy and greed lie at the basis of all human misfortunes and illnesses, since these qualities increase selfishness, self-interest and concentration on oneself.

Maintaining homeostasis for a better life

A cell that does not want to work for the whole body, but only consumes its resources, becomes cancerous. And if the body does not get rid of such a cell, it will die. The universe has the same laws. She seeks to get rid of cancer cells (stingy and selfish people), ceasing to give them energy.

The basic principle of life harmony is the exchange of energies. Before you take something, you must definitely give something for balance and balance. You can't just take and consume! So you make your life much worse than it could be. This topic is discussed in detail in the article There are ancient canons, in which enlightened arias indicate that civilizations perish not as a result of natural disasters and wars, but as a result of the fact that everyone begins to think only about how to take more, without giving anything in return.

Where to get energy for life?

To achieve homeostasis, one must learn to give more, and, therefore, not to depend on the world. We must stop being just a consumer and give more on the emotional, energy, physical and spiritual levels. But here the question arises: “In order to give something, you have to take it somewhere. And where is?".

Answer: "We can take energy only at the divine level, and in unlimited quantities." This magical energy easily passes through us if we do not close or suppress the feeling of love in ourselves and clearly understand that only this feeling should control us. And it is important to keep this feeling, despite the loss of something human (prestige, work, money, home, loved one, etc.).

It is when we feel unconditional love that we are filled with great power, divine energy, which is spent on everything. Yes, we are also filled with energy from food, of course. But it gives us energy only on the outer plane and…takes it away on the inner plane. Surely you yourself have noticed that people who eat little and fast often are much more energetic than those who eat a lot. And that is why we do not want to eat when we get sick, because through hunger the body is cleansed and restores energy. Our society with its constant stresses, as well as anxiety, promiscuity, non-spiritual communication and junk food take energy. And solitude and fasting give it.

But, nevertheless, we can receive the largest, lion's share of energy only through a continuous feeling of love. And from this follows the most important rule of health, which we constantly forget - to love yourself (whatever you are), love the world (with all its shortcomings) and love your life (with all its troubles). Do your best to get rid of selfishness and selfishness. Let your most important goal in life be the acquisition of Divine, unconditional love.

You paid attention that our society lives today only under one slogan: "Consume!". The number of healthy and happy people is decreasing every day, only problems are growing both at the state and interstate levels. And nothing helps: neither new drugs, nor new methods on the topic "how to become healthy, successful and happy." Almost everyone suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Otherwise, it cannot be. After all, the sages of absolutely all spiritual schools say that everything that comes from our false ego, from selfishness and selfishness (even if outwardly it looks like a good deed), leads to suffering and destruction! And everything that comes from our heart, from our soul (that is, from a feeling of unconditional love) leads to harmony, happiness and health.

I do not urge you to become monks and read prayers from morning to evening. Far from it. By the way, I saw people who earnestly pray, fast and fulfill all the canons, but at the same time they are embittered and sick. Because they do it not at the behest of the soul and from unconditional love, but simply because “it’s necessary”, for show. It doesn't make sense. Meaning appears only when prayer fills the soul with joy and love.

Where else to get vital energy

When else do we energize? Then when we:

- fasting, starving;

- we do breathing exercises (by the way, I advise you to master it, it combines breathing and physical exercises);

- retire and be silent;

– we are in nature, we walk, we contemplate beautiful landscapes;

- we are engaged in creativity;

- rejoice and laugh;

- eat natural food (cereals, fruits, vegetables, honey, etc.);

- we go to bed no later than 22:00 (the best, most energizing sleep is from 21:00 to 2:00 in the morning);

– do massage or self-massage;

- we walk barefoot on the ground;

- swim or douse yourself in cold water;

– we believe that everything is for the better and we see life lessons in everything, not punishment.

And we lose energy when:

- we fall into despondency, regret and discontent;

- Wasting our time aimlessly

- offended;

- we overeat;

- we achieve some goals out of selfishness or self-interest;

- we do not know how to concentrate and let our thoughts wander uncontrollably, sometimes causing a lot of negative emotions and sensations in us;

- we eat bad, low-quality or stale food, especially when it happens quickly and on the go;

- smoke and drink alcohol;

- we conduct empty conversations, especially if they are very negative (criticism, complaints, condemnation);

- strongly and constantly strain the body and mind;

- do not get enough sleep or, conversely, sleep a lot;

- we are under direct sunlight from 12 to 16 hours;

- sleeping with partners without love, leading a hectic life.

We can be filled with vital energies from the elements

We can receive the energy of the Earth by being in nature, eating natural food, walking barefoot.

We can get the energy of Water by swimming in the sea or in the river. It is also good to drink water from wells or streams.

We can receive the Energy of Fire from the sun and by eating food that contains sunlight.

We receive the Energy of Air through inhalation of clean air, especially forest, mountain and sea air. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of energy.

But, it should be understood that even if you live in nature, drink clean water and breathe fresh air, while being angry and annoyed at everyone and everything, then you will not have any energy. Or rather, you will be filled with it, but you will destroy yourself with this energy, since this flow will be negative. You pass all the received energy through the heart and it is up to you to decide whether it will spread through your body as a poison or a balm.

Every second of our lives we are faced with a choice. We can smile, shine on the world, feel unconditional love, see the best, be filled with laughter and rejoice. Or we can be offended, envious, make claims, walk around with a disgruntled face, show aggression and try to line our pockets in every way. And then, no matter how much money you have, you will still be gloomy and unhappy. And you will have less and less energy every day. And you will start looking for it and using artificial stimulants: cheerful companies, alcohol, sorting out relationships with people, cigarettes, coffee, energy drinks, walking from one bed to another, from one person to another. Yes, all this will give you an uplift at first, but in the end it will lead to complete destruction. Because all this external will finally overshadow all your internal.

Every day, ask yourself the question: are you giving or consuming, are you shining the world or are you just absorbing the light? And then you can quickly change the course of your thoughts, and then your actions, and your life will turn into a beautiful radiance filled with love. And then you won't wonder where to get energy because you will always have it in abundance!

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1. "Unloved job." A job that you don't like (this can apply to both hired work and housework) takes a lot of our energy, because we do it, guided by the word "should" or "should". As opposed to the work we love, which we do because we want to. The word "want" refers to our Inner Child, and the word "must" refers to the Parent. Which of them has more energy and strength? Of course, the child. Therefore, when we love our work, we have a lot of energy, and when we do not love it, we feel exhausted.

2. "Toxic relationship." These are relationships in which you feel shame, guilt, resentment, fear. A conversation with a "toxic" person usually consists of criticism (most often unconstructive) that hurts you personally, categorical judgments that are not possible to challenge, manipulation, the purpose of which is to make you feel the above feelings. These are relationships that do not support you, but devalue you. Usually communication with "toxic" people is accompanied by a headache, fatigue, despair. And the closer this person is to you, the higher the energy loss.

3. "Emotional garbage" - resentment, guilt, unspoken feelings. Accumulating in us, they begin to “radiate”, taking away part of our energy to contain “forbidden” feelings in ourselves.

4. "Living someone else's life." This includes: the desire to make another person happy or set him on the “true path” (for example, his own parents or husband), attempts to save another person (from alcoholism, a boring and monotonous life, making a mistake, from marriage, etc.), pay back to parents, change something in your past. These tasks are not within our competence. By continuing to invest in them, we fail, the more we weaken ourselves.

5. "TV". News programs, talk shows, political debates, serials “swing” our emotions from one pole to another, creating the illusion of a busy life and causing emotional exhaustion.

Conscious avoidance of energy "black holes" allows us to save our strength, remove "sharp" emotions, learn to "gain energy".
But what to do if there are no forces anymore, and it is not always possible to close the "black holes"?
Then you need to find your "places of power." What are "places of power" like?

1. Rest. Here, not only is it usual for us to sleep or vacation or “fellow” on the couch with a book, there is also a rest from communication, from conversations, from a large number of people in our lives. Turn off the phone, do not communicate on social networks, stay a little with yourself, take a break from others.

2. New experience. Try something new: food, clothing style, hairstyle, route to work, daily routine. Do something that you've been dreaming about for a long time but kept putting off.

3. New knowledge. They give you the opportunity to take a fresh look at yourself and others, to assess the world around you and your capabilities in it differently. If you can translate new knowledge into new experience, then this is a good source for your strength.

4. Connect with people who support or inspire you. “Good” relationships fill you with new ideas, give you confidence in yourself and your strengths, and help you realize your dreams and goals.

5. Nature. A walk through the autumn forest in terms of its energy usefulness is comparable to several hours of sleep. The absence of clear geometric shapes, the "irregularity" of the outlines of branches and leaves, the unevenness of the forest road make our brain work in a different mode, give our rational, analytical thinking a chance to rest.

6. Release of physical space. Throw away or give away old things, inspect cabinets and desk drawers, get rid of small debris, rearrange furniture.

7. Farewell and forgiveness. It helps free up your emotional space.
Give thanks and let go of your past, forgive those who are offended. Fill the empty space with love and acceptance. First yourself, and then those around you.

8. Body practices. Yoga, dancing, swimming, jogging, regular morning exercises. All this allows us to be in contact with our body, at least for a moment to stop “using” it, but to feel it. And the body will definitely respond with a feeling of fullness and strength.

9. Creativity. A hobby that you once abandoned, new directions in "manual" creativity, painting - everything will fit here. Once you dreamed of being able to draw - make your dream come true. Intuitive drawing, Chinese painting Wu-hsing, grisaille do not require any artist's talents from you at all, only the desire to draw and listen to yourself. It combines new experience and new knowledge, and relaxation.

10. Service. Each of us has a special, unique task with which we came into this world. We have enough strength and energy for this task. Failure to fulfill your task (deviation from the goals of your own growth) entails unpleasant consequences: diseases, relationship problems, financial difficulties, difficulties with work, and after that, energy costs. Thus, the world seems to be trying to return us to the place of our service, to the place where our strength and energy are needed, to the place where our uniqueness and originality will come in handy. The one who has found a place of his service in this world does not experience a lack of strength.

Avoid "black" holes, look for places of your own power and you will always be filled with energy.

In the life of every individual, black streaks can arise from failures and defeats, but individuals filled with strength get out of any situation with dignity.

Society dreams of being harmonious and happy, so the question of where a person’s energy comes from becomes very relevant in our chaotic and fussy world. Of course, physiological processes are important for maintaining tone, but at the same time, you should never forget about the quality of life itself and its fulfillment.

Where does a person get energy: the opinion of biologists

Human cells receive energy reserves through metabolism, or rather, after the breakdown of adenosine triphosphoric acid. It is ATP that acts as a battery in the body, which is also replenished with nutrients from food. ATP accumulates in a person after the breakdown of useful components, and this process can be in the form of complete decay, i.e. with oxygen, and incomplete. In the second case, the decay product accumulates in muscle tissues, but the body instantly absorbs energy. In this way, for example, glucose is broken down in the body.

The main sources of life force, therefore, are food and oxygen. Therefore, the processes of respiration and digestion are so significant. An active lifestyle requires a lot of energy, which means more food. Any food product consists of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They give the body energy. Vitamins, contrary to popular belief, do not give strength, but help speed up energy metabolism.

The glands of the endocrine system act as regulators of energy flows in the body. The thyroid gland controls the process of realizing the life force, and if it is not in the best shape, the food will not be fully used to its full benefit. The adrenal glands also play an important role, which release energy during stressful situations in the body.

But if, for example, negative emotions are restrained, excess energy begins to negatively affect the internal organs, giving them an extra load. The sex glands also control the release of energy, but such a force, as a rule, is considered creative.

What is the human need for energy? It depends on different individual characteristics. What matters is the age of the individual, height and weight, gender, metabolic rate, the ratio of physical and intellectual activity, the general nature of the main activity. It is also important in what conditions a person lives: climate, geographical nuances, humidity and air temperature.

The significant need for energy in an individual is determined by his physiology. To maintain all the basic processes, for example, maintaining temperature and heart rate, a constant energy flow is required. Biologists call the level of energy expenditure during rest after 12-14 hours after a meal, at an ambient temperature of 20 degrees, the main metabolism. This value is usually constant, and in a healthy body in middle age it is equal to 1 kcal per hour for every kilogram of weight.

Additional costs, of course, go away when playing sports or physical labor. Any employee without unnecessary physical activity during everyday chores and household chores spends a little more than 1000 kcal per day.

Mechanized labor increases this figure by 500-800 kcal, and heavy physical labor requires 2300-2800 kcal per day. Athletes also spend a lot of energy, because each simple workout adds 500 kcal to the norm. For marathon runners, the indicator jumps to 6000-8000 kcal per day. Energy consumption also increases with a decrease in air temperature.

To calculate the bioenergetic potential of a person, it is not necessary to take into account many factors. It is enough to multiply the year of birth by the number obtained by merging the month and the digit (not vice versa!) in the date. Then you need to add up all the numbers in the formed six- or seven-digit number.

For example, 1970*(9+9)=18

  • On average, this indicator shows 26-27, and if the result is less than 20, a person can be considered an energy vampire, or he simply has a weak character without leadership qualities.
  • And vice versa, a number greater than 30-33 indicates the presence of an additional energy channel in the personality, which is filled with the forces of the Universe, the presence of a guiding star and a bright individuality.

Also, if we consider the large number obtained after multiplication, we can see the development of the energy potential in the first 6-7 years of birth. Then the cycle ended and started again, so there is a chance to calculate where you are at this moment in life.

It should be noted that in addition to the indicated processes of respiration and absorption of food, sleep plays an important role in the accumulation of energy. Good rest restores strength and reduces the risk of diseases. Water is also an essential source of life. No less significant are physical exercises that increase the level of vital energy. In the movement lies the progress of man, willpower, victory over all ailments. It is only important to distinguish activity from everyday fussiness.

Where does a person get energy from: signs of fullness

Before deciding on the specific sources of the vitality of the individual, we must try to diagnose the energy state of the individual. In other words, it is worth making sure that the level of vibrations is really high and the aura is in excellent condition. Distinctive features of a carrier of balanced energy are:

  • good health. Disease rarely bothers someone who has a constant supply of energy. Such a person has high immunity, good physical tone, quick recovery after failures in the body and an always luminous face.
  • Fulfillment of desires. A person with a stable vitality attracts good luck and success, so her dreams come true much faster and more accurately than other subjects with an outflow of energy. At the same time, the number of new “Wishlists” for such a person is also growing, but they are not momentary whims.
  • attractiveness. An energetic person exudes attractive and even sexual vibes. He is filled with inner strength and likes himself, which means he is also nice to the environment. Such a person has many friends and acquaintances, they are drawn to him as a source of joy and positive.
  • Learning Opportunities. Sometimes when answering the question of where a person gets energy from, one can meet with a situation of a vicious circle. For example, vitality increases with the development of skills of understanding and concentration. But it is these indicators that can also be the result of energy fullness.
    Thus, a high level of energy allows a person to invest a minimum of his investment in the study of new information. Almost all areas of activity become accessible and understandable for this person. And all because a balanced energy guarantees confidence in your success, teaches you to quickly solve problems and remain calm in case of failure.
  • Activity. Internal fullness pushes a person not to kill time just like that, but to use it to good use. Such a person wants to do as much as possible without focusing on negative points. Therefore, this subject is very easy to communicate and has a sufficient amount of leadership qualities. People with a high level of energy and a constant supply of it can have a wide range of impacts on society.

Lack of energy in humans: causes

As a rule, insufficient energy flow in the body of an individual is associated either with a blockage in the dynamic path of the life force, or with an incorrect distribution of energy in one's everyday life. If the flows are spent efficiently, the biofield will always flourish and function as a useful shield. But, unfortunately, in everyday life there are many things that require a lot of effort, potentially necessary for much important processes:

  • negative emotions. Experiences and internal conflicts draw out a lot of personality energy. People get nervous literally on every occasion and exhaust the nervous system. Anger, anger, resentment are constant companions of life that should be immediately manifested so that negative emotion does not accumulate in the soul and is not constantly fueled by human energy.
  • Overload. A full-fledged leisure is necessary for a person, and if physical and intellectual stress is accompanied by a refusal to sleep, the body is in a stressful state and begins to absorb all energy reserves. Some people try to solve accumulated problems at night, but, as a rule, they still lack concentration, and during the day the work is not done due to compensation for proper rest from waking time. If there is not enough time for quality sleep, it can sometimes be replaced with a relaxing technique or a light massage.
  • The concern is not about the end goals. Why is there no energy in a person in most cases? The answer lies in the low purposefulness of the individual. Very often, the flows of the biofield flow away from the individual as a result of deeds that do not affect the final result. A purposeful subject always knows what his activity is aimed at, therefore he does not scatter himself on everyday household trifles that are not worth his energy costs. Therefore, by the way, the lack of a daily routine often leads to an uncontrolled outflow of energy.
  • Bad habits. The vital energy of a person is significantly reduced when addictions occur. It has been proven that the performance of smokers is at a low level before each dose of tobacco, and as for alcohol and drugs, they worsen the nervous system and increase the level of irritability. Even the popular caffeine and with various kinds of energy drinks gives only an imaginary illusion of fullness of forces.
  • Lack of contact with nature. The bustle of big cities requires a person to restore his reserves through the usual contemplation of peace and quiet. Nature helps the individual to deal with thoughts, get out of the routine of everyday life and throw out negative emotions. To refuse such a powerful source of energy is very stupid. Spending time in the fresh air, a person saturates the body with oxygen, he interacts with the active elements, learns to communicate with flora and fauna, to adopt pacifying vibrations from them too. It is through nature that a person directly receives the large-scale energy of the Cosmos.
  • Unloved things. Duties, a sense of duty, responsibility - this is an integral part of adult life, which absorbs a lot of energy. If a person does not have an outlet, a favorite pastime that brings real pleasure. he loses the ability to draw vitality in himself even in difficult moments.

What gives energy to a person in life?

Having your own mission

It is very important to have a global goal for which the individual is on the planet. If a person knows his role in life, he understands why he needs energy and activates all internal reserves in himself. Such a person has a high vitality, constant activity in the body and fresh ideas in the head.

Own dreams always nourish the individual and develop him, but other people's tasks can only deplete reserves. The main thing, of course, is not to get hung up on your goal and not go head over heels for it, but simply always remember it and try to realize it as much as possible, to contribute to society.

Thoughts about innermost desires fill a person with joy, and when there is no mission, motivation is also absent, and a person cannot discover anything but apathy and sadness in everyday life.

The global goal of life is a great tool for adjusting energy and directing it in the right way.

Absolute love

Where does the energy come from in a person who is in love with life and the world? The highest and brightest feeling on the planet nourishes all the reserves of the individual and fills every day with joy and happiness. A harmonious individual must love not only other people, but also himself in order to maintain energy potential even in difficult periods. At the same time, you don’t need to be selfish, it’s enough just to free your heart from negativity, and love will appear by itself.

True love is unconditional, it is an unlimited source of energy, because it transforms the environment and the soul itself. Therefore, people who, for example, do charity work, are always full of energy and enthusiasm.

positive views

To get extra energy, you need to notice the good moments in life. It is always worth focusing in any matter on the pros, because they exude positive vibrations. If you get stuck on the minuses, the negative will only take strength, it does not have a high energy return.

Joyful thoughts always cause a desire to act, so you need to take care of the state of the soul and mind, keep there more light, and not pessimistic or dirty. Try to laugh more often, because it clears all human bioenergy channels from traffic jams and fills the body with pleasant vibrations. This source of energy is well supported by the individual's favorite hobbies.

You can dance, travel, read smart books, listen to good music, watch a good movie or paint. But the discussion of politics, the yellow press, films about violence and loud aggressive music only destroy the natural human biofield, make it smaller and thinner. Remember to keep a sense of faith throughout your life.

Be confident in yourself, your strengths and in the good care of the world for you. Also, try to thank the Creator as often as possible for every day spent on Earth.

Quality communication

Any conversation should be useful and energetically saturated. Contact with a positive person always pushes for creativity, the dynamics of life and improves mood. Energy after such communication becomes twice as much. Conversely, a vampire can drain the life force with negativity, leaving the person feeling empty and unsettled.

It is necessary to avoid communication with those who annoy you, who pump out energy and simply take time. Try to minimize friendships with those who constantly whine and complain, but at the same time concentrate not on the shortcomings, but on the pluses of the person. Remember that for a person, the ways to receive energy are the people around him.

You should also avoid conflicts and quarrels, sorting things out, or begin to adapt to society, abandoning the previously chosen path. Sometimes you need to say “Yes” to people less often and say “Thank you” much more often.

Self improvement

In the course of his life, a person must develop. Only by building up new opportunities and fresh discoveries can you increase your energy and maintain a joyful outlook on the world.

Personality degradation is a very dangerous phenomenon that leads to complete energy stagnation or exhaustion.

At the same time, we are talking not only about the intellectual or spiritual fulfillment of life, but also about the physical. You can do, for example, meditation or breathing practices that teach the individual to remain calm and accumulate energy in himself, and not squander it into the external environment.

As usual mind training, you can use crossword puzzles or making plans for the next day.


The importance of nature for the energy of personality has already been indicated above. But where can a person get energy in the city? Here, of course, the environmental friendliness of the world plays an important role, but part of the necessary reserve can be obtained even without leaving home.

First, solar energy is of great importance for individuals. We consume it through food, but this is not enough, so you should try to let the light into the room where the person stays for a long time as much as possible. The sun adds beauty and well-being, it acts as a boundless generator of joy and warmth.

Secondly, the air plays an equally important role, so you need to ventilate regularly both at home and in work offices. And you can also receive an additional influx of energy from the earth. It is very useful, for example, to periodically walk barefoot and restore contact with the origins of humanity.

Feeling clean

First you need to maximize the comfort of the space. In order not to interfere with the movement of energy in life, a person must get rid of unnecessary things and rubbish, which takes away his strength and time. Then you need to pay attention to cleansing the body. Different methods cope with this, for example, yoga or taking special herbal decoctions.

The body needs to get rid of wastes and toxins, otherwise all bioenergy flows will begin to collide with huge blocks in the body. You should also cleanse the soul of negative energy. This can be done with the help of useful crystals that increase vitality. Jade, carnelian or jasper can become a talisman.

Finally, a mental cleansing effect can also be obtained through relaxation techniques. In particular, aromatherapy with essential oils not only improves the aura, but also adds energy to the body. To do this, you need to use pomace of citrus fruits, cinnamon, pine, bergamot, eucalyptus, etc.

Where does a person's energy come from? The answer to this question is always individual, if we turn not to the characteristics of the body, but to the secrets of the soul. It is best to listen to your inner voice and do things that bring positive emotions, as they are a sure sign of the necessary vitality. Just do not forget that even a constant influx of energy does not exclude the possibility of its leakage.