natural biorhythms. Biorhythms: how our internal clock works

For people who work a lot, 24 hours is not enough to do everything. It seems that there is still a lot to be done, but by the evening there is no strength left. How to keep up with everything, but at the same time maintain a cheerful state of health? It's all about our biorhythms. Daily, monthly, seasonal, they help our body to function smoothly, cell by cell, as a single unshakable natural organism. After all, do not forget that in nature everything is thought out to the smallest detail, and a person, interfering with the laws of the creator, only harms himself.

Biorhythm: what is it and why is it needed

Modern life has a frantic pace. In pursuit of their dreams, people spare neither themselves nor their health. We often forget about simple things, do not listen to the internal calls of our body. But it's so easy to get acquainted with natural biorhythms and stick to their schedule. This approach will help you stay alert throughout the day, and will also maintain the healthy functioning of all organs.

According to medical terminology, biorhythm is a cyclical process in a living organism. They do not depend on race or nationality, but they are very much influenced by natural and social factors.

We often say about people: "This man is a lark, but this one is an owl." Thus, we mean that these two people have different circadian biorhythms, like animals. Some may get up very early and work at dawn. They are called "larks". Almost 40% of the population are precisely the morning birds, which, in addition to everything else, go to bed early.

The opposite type is "owls". There are quite a lot of such people, about 30%. They differ in that their highest working period falls in the evening. But in the morning it is very difficult for them to get up.

The rest of the people are mixed. It is noticed that almost all athletes are "owls". Their ability to work after 6 pm is 40% higher than in the morning.

What are biorhythms

Daily - the most noticeable biorhythm in the life of each of us. Its components are sleep and wakefulness. Sleep is vital for a person in full. During the period of the "fast" phase, the brain restores memory, and the person has wonderful dreams, like mixed pictures from the past. The "slow" phase helps to fill the body with new energy.

It is also noticed that even in the daytime and at night there are certain hours of active wakefulness (from about 16.00 to 18.00) and a passive state (from two to five in the morning). It has been proven that most road accidents occur before dawn, when drivers relax and cannot concentrate.

Seasonal biorhythms

They appear with the change of seasons. It is proved that in the spring, like a tree, the human body is renewed, metabolic processes are intensified. In winter, these processes slow down. It is hard for people to live in such climatic conditions, where the change of 4 seasons does not occur. For example, in the North, the seasonal biological rhythm is very strongly disturbed due to the fact that spring here comes much later than in the middle lane.

Favorable and critical biorhythms

Have you noticed how you really like any job at one time, and then there is a decline in interest? Or are you interested in something, but after two or three weeks it is no longer interesting to you? All such phenomena are explained by the change of three biorhythms: physical, emotional, intellectual:

  • the cycle of physical activity is 23 days;
  • emotional - 28 days;
  • intellectual - 33 days.

Graphically, each of these cycles can be represented as a wave that gradually increases, reaches a maximum, stays at the top for a while, and then falls down, passing the zero value. Reaching the bottom point, it moves up again.

In practice, this means being interested in some business, so when calculating the schedule of training, business trips and reporting projects, you need to give time for a break and change the type of activity.

This issue has been studied in detail in China. As you know, in the countless factories of the Celestial Empire, ordinary workers have to do simple but monotonous work. Over time, a person gets tired of monotony, and his performance decreases. It is during this period that you need to change your workplace in order to switch. Thus, by changing workers, the Chinese manage to achieve maximum labor efficiency.

Examples of daily biorhythms

All our life on Earth is connected with its rotation around its axis and around the Sun. Therefore, the daily biorhythm of a person lasts about 24 hours, exactly as long as the Earth makes a complete rotation around its axis. During the time from midnight to midnight, various measurements are taken: illumination, air humidity, temperature, pressure, even the strength of electric and magnetic fields.

As mentioned earlier, circadian biorhythms include the alternation of sleep and wakefulness. These two phases are closely related and form one another during the day. If the body is exhausted and needs rest, then the sleep phase begins, during which recuperation occurs. When the rest process is completed, the wakefulness phase begins. Scientists recommend sleeping during the day for 1-2 hours not only for children, but also for adults after 50 years. This favorably affects the renewal of strength and significantly improves healthy well-being.

Principles of behavior for healthy sleep

Here's what's especially important:

  1. You have to try to follow the rules. The body is very sensitive to inconstancy. If you go to bed every day at the same time, then even 5 hours will be enough to restore full strength.
  2. Proper distribution of hours of work and rest. The key to good sleep is physical activity during the day. Passive lifestyle and daytime sleep can lead to disruption of nighttime rest.
  3. Do not overdo it with sleeping pills. Take pills only in the most extreme cases, but first try other methods to improve rest: a walk in the fresh air before going to bed, a warm bath, heated milk with honey, etc. Know that pills depress the nervous system and lead to disruption of natural rhythms.
  4. Never lose heart, even if you can't sleep. You just need to relax. Listen to music, read a book, watch a movie... And then sleep will come by itself.

How our organs work during the day

Our organs also obey. Each of them has hours of maximum load and minimum. This allows doctors to choose the time to treat the damaged biomechanism at the most favorable time for this. Consider the daily biorhythms of the organs and give the time of their maximum activity:

human: norm and pathology

A healthy organism will be when its internal cycle is fully coordinated with external conditions. Examples of this can be easily found in nature. Dandelions close at night to open their buds again in the morning. Cranes with the advent of autumn feel that the cold is coming, and begin to fly south. With the advent of spring, Arctic foxes move closer and closer to the Arctic Ocean in search of food. Of these biological phenomena, plants are subject to daily biorhythms. Many of them, like people, "go to bed" at night.

But plants are affected by only one factor: the degree of illumination. A person can have dozens of such factors: work at night, life in the North, where half a year is night and half a year is day, lighting with a fluorescent lamp at night, etc. Pathologies associated with a violation of biological rhythms are called desynchronization.

Causes of violations of the rhythm of human life

There are two factors that affect desynchronization:

  1. Interior. It is associated with the psycho-emotional state of a person, depression, apathy, which is accompanied by sleep disturbances and insufficient energy. Adversely affects the use of substances that first excite the nervous system, and then deplete it. These are all types of alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, stimulants, nutritional supplements.
  2. External. Changes in the human body are influenced by many external factors: the time of year, work schedule, people around at work and at home, secondary needs that force you to work overtime, etc. Of these phenomena, work schedules are classified as daily biorhythms. It is he who largely influences the formation of the daily cycle. If a person has a lot of night shifts, his body is rebuilt to meet new needs, but this is quite difficult and painful to do. All the same, there comes a time in the morning when you feel unbearably sleepy.

Another external factor that is subject to the daily biorhythm is the use of a fluorescent lamp during the dark hours of the day. From time immemorial, our body is designed in such a way that when dusk comes, it prepares for sleep. And if at the time when you already need to go to bed, there is still daylight, the body is perplexed: how so? This leads to desynchronization. Exceptions are the regions of the Far North during the polar nights.

The Secret of Survival

In the Buddhist religion there is a basic law: do not disturb the natural course of life. He says that you need to obey what is laid down by nature. In the modern world, we often forget that we are part of the universe. Man seeks to conquer the Earth, space, solve mysteries and become the ruler of the world. It is at this moment that a person forgets that he does not control nature, but she controls him. The pursuit of a dream leads to the fact that the daily biorhythm is lost, and this leads to the emergence of dangerous diseases that often lead to death.

To ensure the survival of the organism, we must take care of the safety of such factors:

  • Food;
  • water;
  • changing environmental conditions.

We must be tempered and accustom our children to this. The closer a person is to nature, the healthier he is.

Violations of the daily regime

We can have one day off a week, go to the sea once a year, rest once a month, but we must sleep every day. Of these phenomena, the change in the time of wakefulness and rest belongs to daily biorhythms. The following diseases are associated with violation of this schedule:

  • Delayed sleep phase syndrome - a person falls asleep very late and gets up closer to dinner, but cannot change himself.
  • Sleep phase advance syndrome - early birds go to bed early and wake up at dawn.
  • Irregular sleep-wake rhythm. Patients can sleep a couple of hours a day, while feeling good. For example, go to bed and wake up late.

How to restore the daily cycle

The daily biorhythm of a person is built in such a way that when the sun rises, you need to start work, and when it sets, you need to go to rest and go to bed. Getting used to the same routine, it is difficult to readjust after a change in external conditions. But there are a few tips to make it easier:

  1. Night shifts must be changed with day shifts so that the body gradually adapts.
  2. If, by the nature of your activity, you often have to change location with a new time zone, then you need to develop a set of permanent actions that will be postponed at a subconscious level and help you accept the changed reality. An example of such a daily biorhythm is to make the body awake in the morning, even if it is deep night in the native land, and before going to the bedroom, calm the body with relaxing teas, deceiving the internal clock.
  3. If the trips are frequent, but short, it makes no sense to adapt. But you also need to develop a set of constantly repeating actions. We have it on a subconscious level: wash in the morning, have breakfast, work, have lunch, work again, have dinner and go to bed. At least once a week, we always wash our hair, every month we go to see a doctor for an examination, but of the listed phenomena, only those that are repeated invariably every day are classified as daily biorhythms.

Physical activity

The more tired a person is, the easier it is for him to fall asleep.

Scientists from the University of Barcelona Trinitat Cambas and Anthony Diez, specialists in chronobiology, argue that our body is a unique self-healing system. And she herself will function well if a person does not interfere with the biorhythms of nature. If your sleep goes wrong, you feel overwhelmed and not at ease, think about it, maybe you yourself are to blame for such consequences.

As for acupuncture points) - the body is preparing for awakening.

By 5 o'clock in the morning, production begins to decrease, body temperature rises.

Shortly before waking up, at about 5:00 am according to geographic, real local time, the body begins to prepare for the upcoming wakefulness: the production of "activity hormones" - cortisol, adrenaline - is increasing. In the blood, the content of hemoglobin and sugar increases, the pulse quickens, blood pressure (BP) rises, breathing deepens. Body temperature begins to rise, the frequency of REM sleep phases increases, and the tone of the sympathetic nervous system increases. All these phenomena are enhanced by light, heat and noise.


By 7-8 o'clock, "owls" have a peak release of cortisol (the main hormone of the adrenal glands) into the blood. In "larks" - earlier, at 4-5 hours, in other chronotypes - about 5-6 hours.

From 7 to 9 in the morning - getting up, physical education, breakfast (meal - after sunrise).

9 hours - high performance, fast counting, short-term memory works well.

In the morning - the assimilation of new information, with a fresh mind.

Two or three hours after waking up - save your heart.

9-10 am - time to make plans, "wiggle your brains". "The morning is wiser than the evening"

9 - 11 am - immunity increases.

Effective drugs that increase the body's resistance to disease.


Up to 11 hours - the body is in excellent shape.

12 - reduce physical activity.

The activity of the brain is reduced. Blood rushes to the digestive organs. Gradually, blood pressure, pulse and muscle tone, respectively, begin to decrease, but body temperature continues to rise.

13 +/- 1 hour - lunch break

13-15 - noon and afternoon rest (lunch, "quiet time", )

After 14 hours - minimal pain sensitivity, the most effective and long-lasting effect of painkillers.

15 - long-term memory works. Time is to remember and remember the right things well.

After 16 - the rise of working capacity.

15-18 hours - it's time to go in for sports. I am thirsty at this time, plentifully and often quench with clean boiled water, hot-warm - in winter (for the prevention of colds, gastrointestinal diseases and kidney diseases). In the summer you can also cold mineral water.

16-19 - a high level of intellectual activity. Housework


19 +/- 1 hour - dinner.

Carbohydrate food (natural - honey, etc.) contributes to the production of a special hormone - serotonin, which favors a good night's sleep. The brain is active.

After 19 hours - a good reaction

After 20 hours, the mental state stabilizes, memory improves. After 9 pm, the number of white blood cells almost doubles (immunity increases), body temperature drops, and cell renewal continues.

From 20 to 21 - light physical education is good for health, walking in the fresh air

After 21:00 - the body prepares for a night's rest, the body temperature drops.

22:00 is time for sleep. Immunity is strengthened to protect the body during the night's rest.


In the first half of the night, when slow sleep prevails, the maximum amount of somatotropic hormone is released, which stimulates the processes of cell reproduction and growth. No wonder they say that in a dream we grow. There is a regeneration and cleansing of body tissues.

2 hours - for those who do not sleep at this time, a state of depression is possible.

2-4 hours is the deepest sleep. Minimum body temperature and cortisol levels, maximum melatonin in the blood.

What are biological rhythms? This is a regular change in the nature and intensity of biological processes, a periodic alternation of cycles of activity and rest of all biosystems without exception: from a single cell to a species population. Simply put, biorhythms are subject to the vital activity of all living organisms at all levels of their existence. In accordance with them, cells divide, flowers bloom, animals hibernate, birds migrate ... In a complex system of biorhythms - from short, with a period of a fraction of a second, at the molecular level, to global, associated with annual changes in solar activity - a person also lives .


Modern science knows more than 300 biorhythms that the human body obeys. There are daily, monthly, seasonal, annual biorhythms - all of them are characterized by the alternation of functional activity and rest of organs and systems, which ensures the full restoration of the body's physiological reserves. A special place in this hierarchy is occupied by circadian (daily) rhythms associated with the cyclic change of day and night, i.e. with the rotation of the earth around its axis.

All physiological indicators of the body fluctuate in a daily rhythm (starting with body temperature and ending with the number of blood cells), the concentration and activity of many substances in various tissues, organs and fluid media change. Circadian rhythms are subject to the intensity of metabolic processes, energy and plastic supply of cells, sensitivity to environmental factors and tolerance to functional loads. According to scientists, about 500 processes in the human body occur daily.

In the daytime, our body is dominated by metabolic processes aimed at extracting energy from the accumulated nutrients. At night, the energy reserve spent during the day is replenished, regeneration processes are activated, tissues are restored and internal organs are “repaired”.

The control center for circadian rhythms is located in the brain. More precisely, in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, in the cells of which clock genes work. The suprachiasmatic nucleus receives light information from the photoreceptors of the retina, and then sends signals to the brain centers responsible for the cyclic production of hormones - regulators of the body's daily activity. Changing the length of daylight hours affects the activity of the "control center" and leads to "circadian stress", which can trigger the development of many diseases and accelerate the aging process.


A person spends a third of his life in a dream - this is how nature intended: the body regularly needs rest and “repair and maintenance work”. Anyone who constantly saves on sleep eventually pays for their shortsightedness with mental disorders, endocrine, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and even oncological diseases. So “harmless” at first glance, insomnia is not only a consequence of a broken “internal clock”, but also one of the causes of a number of pathologies that inevitably lead the body to premature old age. Why?

With the onset of night, from the upper appendage of the brain, the pineal gland, the "sleep hormone" - melatonin - is released into the blood. This is a derivative of another hormone - serotonin, which is synthesized in the body during daylight hours. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland exclusively at night, therefore, as the activity of the enzymes involved in this process, it is suppressed by daylight.

Under the action of melatonin, body temperature and blood pressure decrease, respectively, physiological processes slow down. Of all the internal organs, only the liver actively works at night: it cleanses the blood of accumulated toxins. It is at this time that another hormone is activated - growth hormone (somatotropin). It stimulates anabolic processes (the synthesis of essential substances from the food that has entered the body), cell reproduction and restoration of connections.

Melatonin also has another unique property - an unprecedented antioxidant activity. With respect to free radicals, it acts much more strongly than many antioxidants known to science, including vitamin E. And if the action of light can enhance lipid peroxidation - the main reason for the formation of an excessive amount of free radicals, then the nightly “vigilance” of melatonin is aimed at inhibiting this process by activating special enzymatic protection and neutralization of the aggression of hydroxyl radicals.

Melatonin subordinates the production of sex hormones - androgens, estrogens and progesterone to strict circadian rhythms. Melatonin deficiency, primarily for the female body, is fraught with cancer: the chaotic formation of sex hormones disrupts the natural cycle of ovulation and causes cell hyperplasia in the tissues of the mammary glands and reproductive organs. At the same time, the body's tolerance to glucose and insulin sensitivity decrease. So the neglect of night sleep can lead to the development of not only typical "female" problems, but also diabetes. The situation is aggravated by another factor: due to prolonged illumination, the main conductor of the endocrine "orchestra" - the hypothalamus - loses sensitivity to estrogen, and this accelerates the aging of the whole organism.


With the beginning of a new day, vital processes are activated in the body. The adrenal cortex is the first to “wake up”: from 4 in the morning it begins to produce hormones that excite the nervous system. The most active of them, cortisol, increases the level of glucose in the blood, as well as blood pressure, which leads to vascular tone, increases the rhythm of the heartbeat - this is how the body prepares for the upcoming daily stress. At 5:00 a.m., the large intestine begins to work - the time comes for the release of toxins and waste. At 7:00, the stomach activates: the body urgently requires replenishment of nutrient reserves to extract energy from them ...

Heart, liver, lungs, kidneys - all organs live and work by the clock, each has its own peak of activity and recovery period. And if, for example, the stomach is forced to work at 21 o'clock, when the “day routine” is provided for rest, the acidity of gastric juice rises by a third above the norm, which leads to the development of gastrointestinal pathologies and exacerbation of peptic ulcers. Night load is also contraindicated for the heart: a failure in the daily activity of heart muscle cells is fraught with hypertrophy with the subsequent development of heart failure.

Even a seasonal decrease in the length of daylight hours can seriously undermine health: an excess of melatonin inhibits the work of the pituitary gland and takes the hormonal activity of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland out of its control - as a result, metabolism is disturbed, susceptibility to infectious diseases increases, and the risk of developing autoimmune diseases increases. Also known is the ability of melatonin to suppress the secretion of the “satiation hormone” - leptin, which regulates energy metabolism and prevents the accumulation of fat. Therefore, it is not surprising that with insufficient activity on short winter days, by the end of the season we gain a few extra pounds.

Daily fluctuations of various body functions form a single ensemble, in which there is a strict sequence in the activation of physiological and metabolic processes. Breaking the harmony is as easy as shelling pears - just shift the time of wakefulness and sleep or change the diet, starting to dine at night. An imbalance in the functioning of the body due to a malfunction of natural biorhythms is most clearly manifested during long-distance travels: flying by plane through 2-3 time zones leads not only to insomnia at night and, accordingly, lethargy during the day, but also to increased fatigue, irritability, headaches and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Night shift work is no less hazardous to health, especially in the “day after three” mode. For the body, such “swings” are serious stress, which increases the chance of earning all the diseases listed above in the shortest possible time.


It has been scientifically proven that, in accordance with biorhythms, the body's susceptibility to various drugs and biologically active substances changes significantly during the day. And this means that the same drug, taken at different times, will work differently: its effectiveness directly depends on the rhythm of the production of the transport substances necessary for its delivery, necessary for the processing of enzymes, as well as the activity of the receptors of the cells of those organs and fabrics for which it is intended. Scientists argue that taking medications and prophylactic drugs should be carried out exactly at the time when the body is most sensitive to their action.

Chronotherapy, an applied area of ​​modern medicine that develops schemes for the prevention and treatment of various diseases, taking into account biorhythms, is based on two principles. The first one is proactive: it involves taking medicines and dietary supplements for a certain time before the expected exacerbation (which, by the way, also occurs in accordance with biorhythms). The second is an imitation of the natural rhythm of the production of active substances in the body. It is this principle that should be adopted by everyone who takes dietary supplements and seeks to protect themselves from diseases.

The best time to take drugs designed to support the work of our body is the peak of maximum activity of organs and systems, adjusted for bioavailability: active substances in liquid form enter the blood rather quickly, capsules and tablets take time to dissolve. When drawing up the schedule “Periods of daily activity of the main organs and systems” (see below), we relied on the publications of Professor R.M. Zaslavskaya, the founder of Russian chronopharmacology. Taking into account the graph data, it is possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of NNPTSTO preparations. For example, Endotirol should be taken, focusing on the increase in thyroid activity (in the morning, at 7:00), Mayonk - in accordance with the period of liver activity (adjusted for dissolution - before bedtime), and Danko + - at the beginning of the working day, when the heart is activated.

Try to align your internal biological clock and daily routine: eat at the same time, wake up at 6:00, go to bed no later than 22:00. By the way, this is exactly what our ancestors did: they got up at dawn and went to bed at nightfall - probably not only because of the lack of electricity!

If your “clockwork” needs a serious repair, do not miss the opportunity to take part in the new project of the VITA-REVIT Group of Companies and pay attention to the first of the three basic products - the Metacor Metabolic Corrector. Thanks to the control of melatonin secretion, Metacor will normalize the circadian rhythms of your body, correct intracellular metabolism and strengthen the signaling system of intercellular interaction, providing the necessary conditions for a full-fledged information exchange between cells of various tissues and organs.

Periods of daily activity of the main organs and systems

23:00 - 01:00 - Gallbladder
01:00 - 03:00 - Liver
01:00 - 02:00 - The maximum activity of skin cell division, therefore, before going to bed, it is advisable to apply a nourishing night cream to the skin.
03:00 – 05:00 – Easy
04:00 - 11:00 - Adrenals
05:00 - 07:00 - Large intestine
06:00 - 08:00 - Increase in blood pressure (by 20-30 points), the risk of hypertensive crises, strokes, heart attacks.
07:00 - 12:00 - Thyroid gland
07:00 - 09:00 - Stomach
07:00 - The body's susceptibility to aspirin and antihistamines increases: taken at this time, they remain in the blood longer and act more efficiently.
09:00 - 12:00 / 15:00 - 18:00 - Brain
09:00 - 11:00 - Spleen and pancreas
08:00 - 12:00 - Hypersensitivity to allergens, exacerbation of bronchial asthma.
11:00 – 13:00 – Heart
13:00 - 15:00 - Small intestine
15:00 - 17:00 - Bladder
15:00 - Minimum sensitivity to allergens, but maximum - to anesthetics: a favorable time for surgical interventions and dental treatment.
17:00 - 19:00 - Kidneys
17:00 - Maximum muscle activity, aggravation of smell, hearing, taste sensations.
19:00 - 21:00 - Pericardium (shell of the heart)
19:00 - 21:00 - Reproductive system
19:00 - It is at this time that in response to allergens, the release of histamine increases, an exacerbation of skin reactions occurs.
20:00 - Inflammatory processes worsen (time to take antibiotics).
21:00 - 23:00 - Immune system

Konstantin Malyshkin,
Group Marketing Director,
immunologist, Ph.D.

Source: Journal "Laboratory of novelties", April 2012, No. 2 (7)

Sleeping in the dark prevents weight gain

6 a.m is the perfect time to transition from sleep to wakefulness. At this time, the body responds well to a contrast or cool shower. After it, the skin will remain fresh for a long time. Do not forget to also wash your face with cold water or rub it with ice cubes.
Lots of cleansers. For all tastes: mild soaps (luxury or special cosmetic), gels, foams enriched with moisturizing ingredients. It is preferable to use water not from the tap, but boiled, passed through a filter. Ideally, if you add a few drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to it. Such a precaution will not damage the natural acid-base balance of the epidermis. Your skin can not stand even such a gentle washing - it turns red and flakes? There is only one way out - a cleansing cosmetic milk or lotion (tonic), but always non-alcoholic. Soak a cotton swab liberally in it and thoroughly wipe the face and neck, avoiding the sensitive area around the eyes. By the way, milk at the same time still moisturizes and soothes the skin. Be sure to apply such a product (strictly in accordance with the type of skin) after washing with water. From 8 am to 1 pm- a period when women look especially good. At this time, the metabolism in the body is at its peak, the processes of blood circulation in the skin are enhanced. To make the most of this time for intensive skin care, if possible, go to a beauty salon. There is no such possibility, do not despair. Schedule home care on a day off for this time. However, there are some pitfalls here as well. In the interim WITH 10 to 12 hours, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases, and the skin begins to shine. You can correct the situation at this time if you apply matting agents to the skin. They regulate the secretion of fat and remove its excess. But ordinary compact powder or any foundation can help. Between 19 and 21 hours cells begin to actively divide and absorb oxygen. As a result, susceptibility to various cosmetic procedures increases.
If you have the opportunity and desire, go to a beautician or arrange a "home beauty salon". However, be sure to remove your makeup first. Even if you do not use it, evening cleansing of the skin is a must. You don't forget to take off your street clothes when you enter a house, do you? Oily and normal skin can be washed with soap, gel or foam. Carefully treat problematic and dry skin with cosmetic milk or tonic. Now it's time to start nourishing the skin with the so-called night cream, which nourishes, soothes the skin, and also prevents the appearance of wrinkles. It is useful to drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed, it will help to remove toxins from the body. From 20 to 22 hours the body is ready to get rid of harmful substances accumulated during the day, it is at this time that water relaxing procedures are very useful: A wonderful effect will be from visiting the sauna, but do not forget after it to avoid peeling, moisturize the skin with cream or milk, But drink less liquid. This can have a bad effect not only on the skin, but also on the general condition of the body.
You can also take a bath. Combine business with pleasure: use exfoliating and anti-cellulite products. By the way, a bath with the addition of sea salt will improve skin tone and moisturize it. After 23 hours it is better to go to bed. No wonder doctors say that one hour of sleep before midnight is equivalent to two hours of sleep after midnight. At this time (closer to midnight, active cell division and restoration takes place), the night cream will begin to work actively so that in the morning the skin will be

Emotional biorhythm - lasts 28 days. The biorhythm is also called the receptivity cycle.

Human biorhythms

Biorhythms of a person is a real opportunity to increase one's abilities, capabilities, and the effectiveness of one's actions, thanks to a predetermined line of behavior.

Biorhythms of the day

Have you noticed that the periods of decline and surge of your life activity alternate as if according to a schedule? You must have noticed: at the moment you just can’t get up from the couch - you are so tired, although you slept well, and didn’t do anything particularly laborious. And in an hour a second wind opens and you are ready to move mountains.

It's all about the personal schedule of our body, which changes depending on the time of day. Such ups and downs are indeed observed every day at the same time, unless there are any force majeure circumstances (for example, illness or urgent work that had to be completed at night).

Usually we try to cheer ourselves up with coffee, and because of this, we often consume more caffeine than we need and can. The result is increased nervousness and heart problems.

But if you don't go against, forcing yourself to work when your strength is running out, and to cooperate with biorhythms, you can significantly improve the nervous system, general well-being, and even appearance.

Here's what an example looks like "daily routine" of our body, focusing on which, you can get the maximum result both in work and in personal relationships:

05-00 am- at this time, oddly enough (after all, in the morning one sleeps especially sweetly and soundly), the first general rise in activity begins. This is how the body prepares for a gradual awakening and begins the work of all its organs.

06-00 am- now not only "larks" usually wake up, but also people who are tormented by problems and anxious thoughts, since it is at 6 o'clock in the morning that the release of adrenaline increases.

07-00 am- everything eaten at breakfast is digested as much as possible, since from seven o'clock in the morning the period of the greatest activity of the stomach begins. Therefore, make sure that breakfast is as healthy as possible. Also pay attention to your appearance: creams and other nutritious cosmetics especially enhance their effect and the effect of their use at this time will be as positive as possible.

09-00 am- a slight decrease in activity, and if you are now in the office, do simpler tasks that do not require close attention, which will help you "warm up" before a busy day at work.

10-00 am- the time most favorable for mental and physical work. In the next two hours, all organs are involved in active work, so it is not in vain that many organizations want to see their employees in their offices at 10 am.

12-00 noon- and tiredness came again, so it would be nice to drink a cup of tea, since tea also contains caffeine, but it is four times less than in coffee, which is absolutely safe for "cores".

13-00 of the day- Traditionally lunch time and not in vain. At this time, the body produces the most gastric juice and it needs food rich in proteins.

14-00 of the day- this is the time of the greatest working capacity of a person, when his physical activity is best manifested, and mental activity gives good results. Also, the processes of digestion and cleansing of the whole organism are now actively proceeding.

15-00 of the day- everything is smooth and calm. The greatest activity of the bladder falls on the period from 15 to 17 hours. This time helps to get rid of unnecessary things from the body, therefore, if you are on a diet or, wanting to improve your health, remove toxins from the body, it is best to drink special juices and infusions right now.

16-00 of the day- a new rise in physical activity, but a mental decline. It's time to go for a walk or do a little exercise to take a break from work, relax and collect your thoughts, because you probably still have things to do today.

17-00 of the day- the most active period for the work of the kidneys. They process all the fluid that enters the body, separating the necessary and unnecessary substances, and remove the latter from it.

18-00 pm- The blood pressure of the body rises, which means that people become more nervous and can easily go into conflict on such occasions that they would not have paid attention to at other times. Knowing this, take care of your loved ones who are nearby and restrain yourself!

19-00 pm- slightly increased physical activity. Also at this time, we are overwhelmed with experiences, and we are in the grip of thoughts about what has been accomplished during the day. The body is entering a recovery phase, and now is the time to exercise.

20-00 pm- the brain starts to work actively. Do you still have some work left for tomorrow? It is better to start its implementation right now, and not stay up late at night.

21-00 pm- the body begins to tune in to rest and slowly fall asleep.

23-00 pm- the ideal time to go to sleep, because it is not for nothing that sleep until midnight is called the dream of beauty. If you continue to stay awake, then do not be surprised that you will soon be drawn to the kitchen for a bite to eat, and if you go on about your appetite (which usually rises from 23-00 to 02-00 am), you can not only gain extra pounds, but also disrupt the metabolism in the body.

24-00 nights- at this time, the cells are updated especially quickly, so you'd better sleep already - in the morning you will see in the mirror a positive result from a good healthy sleep. In the body, during this period, the process of restoring the structures destroyed during the day takes place and a period of complete rest begins.

Critical days (when the biorhythm crosses the central, horizontal line) last 24 - 48 hours, can be successful, but more often, they are accompanied by a breakdown, a decrease in the ability to perceive, inappropriate behavior, etc. According to statistics, most accidents occur on these days.

Physical biorhythm - lasts 23 days:

This biorhythm affects all physical aspects of a person.: strength, endurance, speed of reaction; affects the physiological processes of the body Key words: immunity, metabolism, digestion. The physical biorhythm is especially sensitive for those who are more associated with physical activity.: athlete, installer, massage therapist - they feel it better.

positive phase: there is a good physical and physiological condition, strength, endurance, better results in sports.

Critical days: reduced "attention", risk of injury, dangerous "driving".

Negative phase: there is a decrease in immunity, a growing risk of "catching a cold", catching an infection, increased fatigue, physical activity, more strongly reflected in the body. In this phase, it is recommended to be more attentive to your health, reduce activity and not worry.

Useful: everyone - to predict physical well-being; athlete - will show the best time for the result; sick - will give recommendations on time, for greater effectiveness of treatment.

Emotional (mental) biorhythm - lasts 28 days:

The biorhythm is also called the receptivity cycle., primarily concerns - mood and sensitivity, perception, behavior in society. Its influence is more pronounced in those whose professions are associated with communication, work in a group.

positive phase: there is an improvement in mood, optimism, reaction to emotional stimuli, much calmer than at other times.

Critical days: can be reflected acutely, at this time, most often there are psychological "breakdowns", the danger of "driving".

Negative phase: more often there are pessimistic moods, apathy and lethargy.

Useful: to everyone - to predict the mood: his, "partner", boss.

Intellectual biorhythm - lasts 33 days:

Biorhythm controls intellectual (mental) abilities: prudence, sharpness of perception, common sense. It is well felt by teachers, economists, lawyers.

positive phase: information is easily assimilated, mental abilities are at their maximum, creative processes are much easier.

Critical days: confusion in the head, you should not make important decisions.

negative phase: concentration worsens, intellectual abilities, mental fatigue increases.

Useful: all - to control the time (date) of the adoption of important actions, responsible decisions; for students - an excellent guideline for passing tests, term papers and for working with information (an hour of classes in a positive phase will give a greater result than half a day in a negative phase); schoolchildren and their parents - forcing yourself or a student to "hard" prepare in a negative phase or on critical days is not effective. published

Under the biological rhythms of health is understood the cyclicity of the processes occurring in the body. External factors influence the internal rhythms of a person:

  • natural (radiation of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun);
  • social (changes at the enterprise).

The study of biorhythms is carried out by biorhythmologists or chronobiologists. They believe that biorhythms are periodic processes that occur in living matter. These processes can cover completely different time periods: from a couple of seconds to tens of years. Changes in biological rhythms can be caused by various processes. They can be both external (ebb and flow) and internal (work of the heart).

Classification of biorhythms

The main criterion for separating rhythms into groups is their duration. Chronibiologists will distinguish three types of human biological rhythms. The longest are called low-frequency. The amplitude of such fluctuations in the work of the body is determined by lunar, seasonal, monthly or weekly intervals. As examples of processes that obey low-frequency rhythms, one can single out the work of the endocrine and reproductive systems.

The second group includes mid-frequency rhythms. They are limited to a time period from 30 minutes to 6 days. According to the laws of such fluctuations, the metabolic process and the process of cell division in the body work. The periods of sleep and wakefulness are also subject to these biorhythms.

Rhythms with a high frequency last less than 30 minutes. They are determined by the work of the intestines, heart muscle, lungs and the rate of biochemical reactions.

In addition to the types mentioned above, there are also fixed biorhythms. They are understood as rhythms, the duration of which is always equal to 90 minutes. These are, for example, emotional fluctuations, a change in sleep phases, periods of concentration and heightened attention.

Of particular interest is the fact that biological cycles can be inherited and are genetically determined. The environment also affects them.

Types of biological rhythms

From birth, the human body is subject to the influence of three rhythms:

  • intellectual,
  • emotional
  • physical.

The intellectual biological rhythm of a person determines his mental abilities. In addition, he is responsible for the caution and rationality of actions in behavior. The influence of this biorhythm can be felt most strongly by representatives of intellectual professions: teachers, scientists, professors and financiers. The ability to concentrate and perceive information depends on intellectual biocycles.

The emotional biorhythm is responsible for the mood of a person. It affects perception and sensitivity, and can also transform the spectrum of human sensations. It is because of this rhythm that people tend to change their mood during the day. He is responsible for creativity, intuition and the ability to empathize. Women and artistic people are more affected by this cycle. The emotional state caused by fluctuations of this rhythm affects family relationships, love, sex.

The physical biorhythm is directly related to the work of the human body. It determines internal energy, endurance, speed of reaction and metabolism. Reaching its peak, this biological rhythm increases the body's ability to recover. This is of particular importance for athletes and people whose activities are related to physical activity.

Change of biorhythms during the day

The most noticeable changes in biological rhythms are observed during a full day. They determine favorable hours for work, sleep, rest, learning new information, eating and playing sports. So, for example, the period from 7 to 8 in the morning is the most successful for breakfast, and the time from 16 to 18 is the most suitable for intellectual work.

Daily human biorhythms easily and quickly adjust to time zones. The process of the human body is like an internal clock. And, as in the case of the transition to winter time, when changing the belt, the body itself “transfers arrows” in the direction it needs.

Indicators of biological rhythms may fluctuate somewhat in favor of the individual characteristics of the human body. In addition, there are several chronotypes that have excellent daily biorhythms.

Human chronotypes

According to the nature of daily activity, three types of people are distinguished:

  • owls,
  • larks,
  • pigeons.

It is noteworthy that only a small percentage of people are completely chronotypical. The vast majority are transitional forms between "owls" and "doves" and "doves" and "larks".

"Owl people" usually go to bed after midnight, get up late and are most active in the evening and at night. The behavior of "larks" is the opposite: they get up early, go to bed earlier and are more active at the beginning of the day.

With "pigeons" everything is more interesting. They get up later than the "larks", but they also go to bed closer to midnight. Their activity during the day is more evenly distributed. It is generally accepted that "pigeons" are only an adapted form. That is, people who live with such a biological rhythm simply adjust to the schedule of work or study, while the other two chronotypes have their own characteristics from birth.

A sharp change in the daily routine can cause a deterioration in well-being, uncontrolled mood swings. It will be extremely difficult to deal with such a condition, and it is difficult to restore the normal rhythm of the functioning of the body. Therefore, a clear daily routine is not a luxury, but a way to always be in a good mood.

Biological rhythms of human internal organs

Of particular importance for a person and his health are not only the biological rhythms of the body, but also of individual parts. Each organ is an independent unit and works in its own rhythm, which also changes throughout the day.

The time from 1 am to 3 am is considered the period of the liver. From 7 to 9 in the morning, the stomach works best. That is why tomorrow is called the most important meal of the day. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. the most favorable time for the heart muscle, therefore, trainings carried out at this time give greater results. From 15:00 to 17:00, the bladder works most actively. Some people note that they experience stronger and more frequent urination during this period of time. Kidney time starts at 5 pm and ends at 7 pm.

You can bring down the work of your internal organs by malnutrition, non-compliance with sleep patterns, excessive physical and psychological stress.

Methods for calculating biorhythms

If a person knows how his body works, he can plan his work, study and other activities more efficiently. Determining the biorhythms of health is quite simple. The result will be true for all chronobiological types.

To calculate the exact biological cycles of the body, you need to multiply the number of days in a year by age, with the exception of leap years. Then multiply the number of leap years by 366 days. The two resulting scores are added together. After that, you need to divide the resulting number by 23, 28 or 33, depending on which rhythm you want to calculate.

As you know, each fluctuation of the biological rhythm goes through three stages: a low energy phase, a high energy phase and critical days. If you need to know the physical condition, then it is determined by a 23-day cycle. The first 11 days will be days of well-being, greater resistance to stress, sex drive. From 12 to 23 days, fatigue, weakness, poor sleep appear. During this period, you need to rest more. Days numbered 11, 12 and 23 can be considered critical.

A cycle of 28 days determines emotional indicators. In the first 14 days the energy will be high. This is an auspicious time for friendship, love and relationships. A person will be overwhelmed with emotions, all creative abilities will become aggravated. The period from 14 to 28 will be a time of decline in emotional strength, passivity, reduced performance. There are only two critical days in the cycle: 14 and 28. They are characterized by the occurrence of conflicts and a decrease in immunity.

The intellectual cycle lasts 33 days. In the first 16 days, there is the ability to think clearly and clearly, increased concentration, good memory and general mental activity. In the remaining days of the cycle, the reactions are slow, there is a creative decline and a decrease in interest in everything. On the three critical days of the cycle (16, 17, 33) it becomes extremely difficult to concentrate, there are errors in work, absent-mindedness, age, the risk of accidents and other incidents due to inattention.

For a faster calculation, you can use the human biorhythm calculator. You can find many different resources on the Internet, where, in addition to the calculation applications themselves, you can read reviews of real people about them.

Knowledge of the biological rhythms of the body can help a person achieve his goals, harmonize interpersonal relationships and life in general. It will also have a positive effect on the physiology and emotional state.