The image and characterization of Khlestakov in Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector": description of appearance and character. A brief image of Khlestakov in the comedy "Inspector General": a man without moral principles See what "khlestakov" is in other dictionaries


comedy hero N.V. Gogol "Inspector".

Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov - small capital official, which, heading from Petersburg in my village Saratov provinces, was mistaken for an auditor by officials of a small county town. Having received a large amount of bribes and a luxurious reception, having become the fiance of the mayor's daughter, Khlestakov leaves the city, allegedly for several days to arrange his affairs. Only after his departure it turns out that now a real auditor is coming to the city.
Gogol's Khlestakov is not at all like the traditional vaudeville swindler, adventurer and liar. He was not going to deceive anyone and did not even immediately understand what was happening around him. Khlestakov's actions are only a reaction to the proposed circumstances. Although Khlestakov himself participates in creating the image of the auditor, he does not show any initiative, in the intrigue that has arisen his role is passive. Khlestakov - "uncommon lightness in thoughts." Gogol himself defined the frivolity of his actions and opinions with the words: “He is not a liar by trade; he himself will forget that he is lying, and he himself almost believes what he says ... Everything is surprise and surprise in him.
From the name of Khlestakov, the word is formed Khlestakovism meaning shameless boasting, lies. Khlestakov you can name a person who in reality is nothing special, but in words depicts an important person.
Illustration for the comedy N.V. Gogol's "Inspector". Artist L. Konstantinovsky. 1951:

A shot from the film "Inspector General" by V. Petrov. Khlestakov - I. Gorbachev (on the right):

Russia. Large linguo-cultural dictionary. - M .: State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .


See what "KHLESTAKOV" is in other dictionaries:

    Khlestakov- See bahval ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Khlestakov braggart, braggart; in one fell swoop of seven kills, fanfaron Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    Khlestakov- the hero of N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector" (end of 1835, beginning of 1836; final version of 1842). Ivan Aleksandrovich X., a petty Petersburg official, in the words of his servant Osip, “a simple spruce ratishka” (that is, he has the rank of collegiate registrar, ... ... literary heroes

    Khlestakov- The protagonist of the comedy "The Inspector General" (1836) by N.V. Gogol (1809 1852), a braggart and dreamer. A common noun for people of this type. Hence the "Khlestakovism" shameless, boastful lies and narcissism (deprecating, ironic). Encyclopedic ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    Khlestakov- A; m. [capitalized] Unapproved. About a frivolous, empty person, distinguished by unbridled boasting and lies. Real Khlestakov! The Khlestakovs are and always will be. ● By the name of the comedy hero N.V. Gogol's Inspector General (1836). ◁ Khlestakovsky, ah ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Khlestakov- A; m.; disapproved see also Khlestakov, in Khlestakov's style By the name of the hero of the comedy N.V. Gogol's Inspector General (1836). About a frivolous, empty person, distinguished by unbridled boasting and lies. Real Khlestakov! The Khlestakovs are and will always be ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Khlestakov- Khlestakov (Khlestakovism, Khlestakovism). A braggart, a reported liar. Wed He's all gone... into a stupid, ridiculous panache, into Khlestakovism of the very last sort. P. Boborykin. Three posters. 5. Wed. He broke off the hinges and already a little ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Khlestakov- m. 1. Literary character. 2. Used as a symbol of a shameless, unrestrained falsely frivolous braggart. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

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    Khlestakov- (2 m) (lit. character; type of shameless braggart and liar) ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Khlestakov- the main character of Gogol's famous comedy The Inspector General, a petty Petersburg official, who in a remote province is mistaken for an important person of the auditor. Painfully frivolous and boastful, he takes the opportunity to show off and ... ... Historical reference book of a Russian Marxist


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Who is Khlestakov

The Inspector General is one of the first theatrical plays written by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. One of the central characters of the work is Khlestakov, a young man who found himself in the city of N on his way from St. Petersburg to the village to his father.

A brief description of Khlestakov from Gogol's The Inspector General can be made up of just two words: frivolous and irresponsible. All the money that his father sent him, he lost, lost in cards. In the tavern where Khlestakov lives with his servant Osip, he owes money for housing and food. Moreover, he is indignant that they do not want to feed him for free, as if everyone around him is obliged to support him.

As Gogol writes in a brief description in "Remarks for Messrs. Actors", Khlestakov is an empty person.

The role of Khlestakov in the play

In the course of the play, Khlestakov finds himself in a situation where he is mistaken for an inspector. Khlestakov was frightened at first, thinking that the mayor was going to put him in jail, but then, quickly orienting himself, used the situation to his advantage. Realizing that nothing threatens him so far and using the rank of honor on the part of the mayor and other characters, Khlestakov fishes out money from them and hides in an unknown direction. Without knowing it, Khlestakov plays the role of a scalpel that opened an abscess on the patient's body. All the dirty deeds that the officials in the city of N are doing suddenly come out. People who consider themselves the “elite” of the city begin to pour mud on each other. Although before the scene where everyone is bringing offerings to Khlestakov, everyone smiled sweetly and pretended that everything was fine.

Surname Khlestakov and his role in the play - is there a connection?

The surname Khlestakov is well suited to his role in the play, because with his deceit he seemed to “whip” all the characters on the cheeks. It is difficult to say whether Gogol connected Khlestakov's character in the comedy The Inspector General with his last name. But the meaning is very similar to this. Moreover, Khlestakov simply assumed the role imposed on him by those around him, and took the opportunity.

Khlestakov's relationship with the characters of the play

Depending on who he was with and under what circumstances, his attitude towards the heroes also changed. For example, with Osip Khlestakov - a gentleman, capricious, a little rude, behaves like a little unreasonable child. Although he scolds him at times, Khlestakov nevertheless listens to his opinion, it is thanks to the cunning and caution of the servant that Khlestakov manages to leave before being exposed.

With women, Khlestakov is a dandy from the capital, whispering compliments to any lady, regardless of age.

With Gorodnichiy and city officials - at first frightened, and then insolent visiting liar, pretending to be an important bird.

Khlestakov easily adapts to any situation and finds benefits for himself, as a result, getting "dry out of the water."

Khlestakov and modernity

The plot of the play surprisingly resonates with today. And now you can meet the servility described in the work. And the characterization of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General" is quite suitable for many people. After all, it often happens when a person, trying to appear more significant, boasts of acquaintances with celebrities or, adapting to the situation, lies and dodges.

Gogol seems to describe the events taking place at the present time. But when he wrote The Inspector General he was only twenty-seven years old. And this once again confirms that genius does not depend on age.

Artwork test

Essays on Literature: Who is Khlestakov(based on N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General") (1) N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" became a new step in the history of Russian dramaturgy. In everything here one can feel a departure from the contemporary traditions of the author. But the main retreat was the image of the main character - Khlestakov. It was generally accepted at that time to put in the center of a satirical work a rogue and a swindler leading a well-thought-out intrigue. Gogol, on the other hand, chose an insignificant petty official as the hero, who did not at all strive to consciously deceive the inhabitants of the city, but by chance, by a strange coincidence, found himself in the role of a “winner”. The character of Khlestakov was at one time a world-class discovery.

He is a master of lies and selflessly surrenders to his lies, he himself believes in fables that he invents “on the go”: both in the “thirty-five thousand couriers” sent for him, and in the fact that counts and princes are “hustling” in his front. He gives free rein to his unbridled and disorderly fantasy, thereby revealing the poverty of his nature. “They even write on my packages: “Your Excellency,” he boasts. Gogol's hero is incredibly boastful, he wants to demonstrate his metropolitan education, for the beauty of the syllable, using various exquisite literary expressions: "pluck the flowers of pleasure", "we retired under the canopy of the jets." At the same time, He loves to be revered: “I confess, I would not demand more, as soon as you show me devotion and respect, respect and devotion.”

He continually opposes himself to peasants, merchants and artisans. Entering the role of an influential person, he intimidates his interlocutors: "The State Council itself is afraid of me ...". His actions are often impulsive, he "suddenly" connects the uncombinable. His thoughts, constantly jumping from subject to subject, show a complete inability to concentrate, to concentrate his attention on something.

Khlestakov is very funny during his heated declarations of love to the mayor's daughter, then her mother, and again her daughter. The character of the hero, incredibly subject to the influence of others, is constantly changing. We see that Khlestakov, although he wants to seem significant, in fact, is nothing of himself. All his aspirations are low and petty: to spend his father's money, go on a spree, play cards and allow himself any other entertainment. Why?

Because he doesn’t do business, Khlestakov’s servant explains, instead of taking office, he goes for a walk around the prefecture, plays cards. This image embodied all the negative features of the nobility: extravagance, ambition, swagger, claims to education with obvious ignorance. The goal of life for such a worthless person is to give himself all kinds of joys, without making any effort. “After all, you live for picking flowers of pleasure,” he says. What Khlestakov only dreamed of in St. Petersburg (high positions, connections with important people, luxurious life, love victories), in the conditions of a county town, surrounded by officials who mistook him for an auditor, became possible.

And he, taking the opportunity, brilliantly played the role of the "capital stuff". (based on N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General") (2) Khlestakov is one of the characteristic characters in N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General". This is “a young man of about twenty-three, thin, thin; somewhat stupid and, as they say, without a king in his head ...

". Having stopped in a small district town without a penny in his pocket, he was unexpectedly mistaken by local officials for an auditor from St. Petersburg, traveling incognito. Not understanding at first the reasons for the changes that had occurred to him, Khlestakov, nevertheless, managed to brilliantly play the role of an auditor. He assumes importance and significance and lies desperately, describing his position in the capital and his capabilities. The false auditor easily changes appearances: he is either a lost to the nines, capable of begging for lunch from the owner of the tavern, or an important person who communicates with counts and dukes on a short footing, or a desperate womanizer who skillfully conducts amorous conversations. His artistry is simply amazing! It is no coincidence that the county officials consider him a cunning and dodgy person, with whom one must behave prudently. It is only in the middle of the fourth act that the county officials manage to understand that they are facing an ordinary swindler.

What does Khlestakov feel in this situation? It operates on the principle: "One should not miss what floats in one's hands." The comedy hero cannot be called evil or cruel, he just tries to make the most of the situation. The latter suggests that he is not stupid, he is on his own mind. If you look at Khlestakov more closely, you understand that, although he is sincere, he is an “empty”, superficial person: “He speaks and acts without any consideration.” Thoughts of any lofty or philosophical nature are alien to him: "He is not able to stop constant attention on any thought."

Khlestakov's speech is full of vulgarisms, literary cliches and misunderstood French words. It can be concluded that Khlestakov is a typical rogue and loafer, spiritually poor and poorly educated. At the same time, he is a rampant liar, braggart and poseur. It is unlikely that one would like to meet such a person in life.

>Characteristics of the heroes of the Auditor

Characteristics of the hero Khlestakov

Khlestakov Ivan Alexandrovich is the central character in N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General", a petty official from St. Petersburg, an imaginary auditor, one of the most famous images in Russian literature. This is a young man of about 23 years old, thin, a little stupid and not able to stop his attention on any thought for a long time. In St. Petersburg, he is an official of the lowest rank, about whom no one knows anything. Nobody respects him, not even his servant Osip. Khlestakov has a faceless personality, is insignificant and poor.

On the way to the Saratov province to his father, he lost all the money, and now he lives in a tavern on credit. When the mayor comes to him, who mistook Khlestakov for an auditor, he is seriously frightened and thinks that this is due to the arrest for non-payment of the debt. Taking a bribe from the mayor, he believes that he lends money out of humanity. Following the mayor, all the other officials and merchants of the city bring him money. He becomes more and more impudent and takes it all "on loan". When Khlestakov guesses that he was mistaken for someone else, he writes a letter to his friend Tryapkin, in which he unflatteringly describes each of the visitors. At the same time, he embellishes the letter with the most fantastic stories, up to an affair with the mayor's wife and daughter. This letter reveals the stupid, boastful and frivolous nature of the hero.

Khlestakov lives a carefree life, does not think about the future and does not remember the past. Wherever he wants, he goes there; what he wants, he does. Most of all, he likes to show off in front of the ladies, brag to officials and ordinary people. At the same time, he necessarily mentions that he is from St. Petersburg and talks about secular manners and life in the capital. By nature, Khlestakov is a creative person. Firstly, he is artistic, since he managed to get used to the image of the auditor so quickly. Secondly, having collected a fair amount of bribes, he wants to take up literature. Despite the fact that he did not even guess that his letter would be opened and read, Khlestakov nevertheless felt the imminent exposure and left in a hurry.

Undoubtedly, the comedy "The Government Inspector" is one of the most striking works not only of Gogol, but of the entire 19th century, and the main meaning of this comedy is still relevant today. In the "Inspector" you can clearly see how sinful, corrupt the authorities are and, most importantly, how much they try to "hush up" these sins as much as possible, it is not surprising that the mayor and all his entourage were so afraid of the arrival of the auditor, who could cross out all their past life. It was this fear that played a cruel joke on the “elite” of the city, because. they mistook the first “strange” visitor for that same auditor, and this same person turned out to be a certain Khlestakov.

Khlestakov is a person who dreams of a good and carefree life, and for his part, he does not want to do anything, which is why he spends his whole life playing card games and lying in bed, as a result of which he has constant financial problems, at this very moment and attention is drawn in the work when Khlestakov, being a passage in a small town where they are waiting for an auditor, cannot even eat because of his debts, moreover, the owner of the hotel wants to hand over to the authorities for non-payment. And when the mayor finds out that a person from St. Petersburg has been living in the hotel for some time, he takes him for that same auditor and goes to him with his retinue. Yes, initially both Khlestakov and the mayor himself do not understand each other, because Khlestakov himself initially thought that he would now be sent to prison for debts, but this does not happen and the climax begins when he realizes that he is mistaken for an auditor.

It was at that moment that his “drawing” begins, which makes such an impression on those who feared his “elite” of the city that they are ready to bow at his feet, and the famous phrase that he and Pushkin are on a short footing and with The emperor’s sign has become a cult, so the mayor and his entourage are trying in every possible way to bribe him so that he does not report “upstairs” about the sins of the authorities.

But who is Khlestakov? In fact, this is an ordinary person who, in essence, is nobody, he has a lot of debts and he himself is lazy in life, he dreams of a good life, so he begins to use this moment in his own way, fantasizing and elevating himself in the eyes of the mayor and his entourage , thanks to which his authority rises and rises, moreover, Khlestakov himself found a way to solve some of his financial problems ... Personally, in my opinion, at the present time, the image of Khlestakov can be seen in many people, no less people have individual features of this hero, in my opinion occasionally Khlestakov can manifest itself in almost all people, but when this is within the normal range, then this is not bad at all, Gogol just portrayed an extreme case and did not lose at all on this. To some extent, I would even compare Khlestakovism with the blogosphere, since it is in this world that a lot of people create a similar image for themselves, even though in life they can be completely different ...

However, I would call the main moment of this comedy the very end, when Khlestakov had already left and the real auditor arrived, and it was then that Gogol reflected the “silent stage” on which the curtain closes, and there is a separate topic of the essay on this topic, so I won’t talk about it now …