The social value of labor. Human values ​​in social psychology

In the context of this study, it is necessary to clarify the term "professional position". The issues of identifying the mechanisms of the formation of a professional position and the role of value orientations in this process remain difficult to study, since science has not developed any stable understanding of the content and structure of a professional position, the functions of its constituent elements. At present, there is a well-known contradiction between the understanding of the determining role of the position in the professional activity and behavior of a person and the inattention to its formation at the stage of a person's professional socialization.

A professional position, as a phenomenon, is considered and researched more in line with pedagogy than psychology itself. In one of the most complete works on this topic, the teacher’s professional position is stated as follows: “The teacher’s professional position as a system of his value-semantic relations to the socio-cultural environment, himself and his activity determines his professional being in educational interaction with the child, his place in the spaces modern education". In the professional position, non-educational, normative, technological, systemic and conceptual levels are distinguished, determined by the ability to consciously choose effective guidelines for activity in a particular situation.

The leading factors in the formation of the professional position of a teacher-educator according to N.M. Borytko - reflection as a comprehension of one's professional activity, self-esteem as the formation of professional meanings in values ​​and self-consciousness as the ability to arbitrariness of professional activity and behavior. The criterion for the dynamics of the formation of the position of a teacher-educator is his professional self-development, indicators - his professional freedom and dignity.

The formation of the professional position of a teacher-educator as the goal of his continuous education determines the need to implement a system of three principles: reflexivity (implying the understanding of the teacher’s own experience, the discovery of professional and personal meanings), interactivity (correlation of one’s own meanings, awareness, formation of value orientations) and projectivity (development of professional self-awareness, the assertion of one's professional position in activity), which reflect the three levels of a teacher's professional being (semantic, semantic and existential).

These principles are implemented in the logic of three phases of mastering the content, applying the methods and forms of the educational process of the teacher-educator:

the purpose of the reflexive phase, characterized by system analysis, is to address the meanings of one's activity, to understand one's self as a professional and pedagogical position, to achieve internal agreement;

the value phase is devoted to the formation of the meanings of activity in the process of system modeling into individual values ​​and the use of position as a tool for understanding the world, a different self;

in the projective phase, the educational position of the teacher as a system of value-semantic orientations becomes the conceptual basis for the humanization of his professional activity and behavior.

The three stages of continuous education of a teacher-educator are three “turning points” in his professional career, his three “transitional ages”: from choosing a profession and romantic dreams about it to professional training; from artificial-simulation conditions of activity in a higher educational institution to a complex pedagogical reality; from reactive pedagogical activity, from self-assertion in the profession to professional pedagogical creativity.

The first stage - the choice of a profession, is divided into the stages of pre-professional education (assimilation of the motivational-psychological and procedural components of pedagogical activity, identification of the social role of the teacher with a certain subject area of ​​science, culture) and the stage of initial professional training (comprehension of pedagogical activity as educational, i.e. aimed at the qualitative transformation of the child, at the "becoming human in man"). The result is the orientation of a person in the world of professions, the choice of pedagogical activity as a professional one.

The second stage - self-determination in the profession, is divided into stages of mastering the essential mechanisms of pedagogical activity, readiness for the transformation of sociocultural experience, search (in the process of student research) and assertion (in postgraduate education) of one's pedagogical style, awareness of education as a transformative interaction. The result of this stage is the conceptual position of the teacher-educator, the definition of a system of principles of his professional and pedagogical activity.

The third stage - professional self-development, is subdivided into the stages of mainly course preparation and individual-group counseling of the teacher in the process of his professional and pedagogical creativity. The professional subject-author's position of the teacher-educator as a value-semantic education is realized in the system of pedagogical activity, becomes not only the basis, but also the source of the teacher's self-development, his professional freedom and assertion of his own dignity.

N.M. Borytko concludes that the system of meanings as a vision of the result is the basis of the position as an invariant of activity. Based on the research of A.A. Bodaleva, D.N. Zavalishina, V.S. Ilyina, I.A. Kolesnikova, Ya.A. Kolominsky, V.A. Kutyreva, B.F. Lomova, L.M. Luzina, N.N. Obozova, I.E. Piskareva, V.N. Sagatovsky, N.N. Sergeeva, P. Sorokina, I.D. Frumina, N.E. Shchurkova and others, he comes to the conclusion about three types of professional and pedagogical position: cognitivist (when the mastering of knowledge by pupils is seen as the leading pedagogical result), behaviorist (experience in behavior and activities, skills and abilities) and existentialist (emotional-value relations, life position).

In the psychological scientific literature, there is practically no conceptually substantiated and holistic opinion about the phenomenon of a professional position. Practicing psychologists recognize its significance at the level of mention, for example, Yu.M. Zhukov: “The practical psychologist’s understanding of his own position when interacting with other participants in certain actions is one of the most important tasks, and it must certainly be solved in the process of organizing one’s own activity. Uncertainty and fuzziness of the solution will create a lot of problems, diverting attention and resources from doing direct work with clients and customers.

When determining the professional position of Yu.M. Zhukov means clarifying what place the psychologist's activity occupies in the system of processes unfolding in real life, and what is the purpose of this activity. It is necessary to decide in what relation the goals and objectives of the psychologist are with the goals and objectives of other participants in the events, how to qualify the type of activity in which he is engaged.

The professional position of a practicing psychologist is understood by Yu.M. Zhukov in the context of concluding a "psychological contract", some kind of agreement on the essence, methods, results of the work, as well as on who will pay for it. In essence, contracting fixes the distribution of responsibility in the process of work. It is focused on certain professional standards known to all participants in the situation of psychological assistance. Performance evaluation here is also based on professional standards.

Considering the problem of a professional position through the prism of concluding a contract, Yu.M. Zhukov pays more attention to the role aspect of the implementation of the position of a practicing psychologist. Lists the range of roles in which a psychologist appears in the course of psychological assistance. Such an approach to a professional position is more adequate and productive in solving the issue of marketing psychological services, but from the point of view of studying the formation of a professional position of a practicing psychologist, as we understand it, it is somewhat one-sided.

A practicing psychologist in the norm, before starting to provide assistance, must form a clear idea of ​​who he is here in fact, and what he is going to do, what he wants to get out in the current conditions. Consequently, his personal values, beliefs, expectations from work, personal goals of his life in this period of life become the focus of his attention. The extent to which the psychologist is aware of all this will determine the adequacy of his inclusion in psychological contact, reduce the possible trauma for both the client and himself. The elaboration of one's personal regulators of activity can significantly facilitate the mastery of the listed Yu.M. Zhukov roles of Expert, Teacher, Consultant.

The problem of professional position can also be considered in the context of studying the professionally significant personality traits of a practicing psychologist. So, for example, Isaeva M.V. notes that the appeal to the problem of professionally significant personal qualities of a practicing psychologist is associated with the arrival of new humanistic trends in psychological and pedagogical science, with a new understanding of the content of the psychology of professionalism in connection with the dramatically changed and constantly changing situation in psychology , education, the economy and the country as a whole. She emphasizes that society puts forward the requirements of high professional training of specialists, which cannot be complete without the formation of the personality of the future psychologist, without the development of his professionally significant personal qualities.

Already in the 1930s-1940s in foreign psychology, an understanding arose that the study of individual personality traits in professional activity is not enough. This entailed a transition to a multilateral, so-called characterological description, which allows to give a holistic personal assessment of a professional. M.V. Isaeva notes that in foreign psychology this problem is considered in line with such areas as psychoanalytic psychology (Z. Freud, H. Thome, H. Kehele, K. Horney, K.-G. Jung); behavioral psychology (Skinner B.F., Bandura A.), humanistic psychology (C. Rogers, A. Maslow, I. Yalom).

A personal approach is not just taking into account the individual characteristics of a person in professional activities, but, above all, the study of the ways of becoming a professional personality.

In addition, there are tendencies to consider the professionally significant personal qualities of a psychologist based on his main activities - a psychotherapist (H. Tome, H. Kehele), a counseling psychologist (R. May, Kociunas R.), a scientist (Adryuson B.T., Hunter M.). At the same time, the development of professionally significant qualities of a psychologist's personality is mentioned mainly only in materials on supervision. Supervision is one of the methods of training and advanced training in the field of psychotherapy; a form of counseling a psychotherapist in the course of his work by a more experienced, specially trained colleague, which allows the psychotherapist to systematically see, realize, understand and analyze his professional actions and his professional behavior. But these works are difficult to access even for a more mature circle of psychologists, not to mention students and beginners.

Attempts were made to consider the problem of a professional position and through the formation of the image of a professional - Ivanova E.M. writes that one of the means that accelerates the process of professionalization of young specialists can be the formation of an image of professional activity already at the final stages of their education. Moreover, this image should be not just a reflection of a specific reality. It should be a synthesis of reflection, experience, knowledge, awareness and mental transformation by a person of the objective reality that surrounds him, which he feels, understands, accepts or rejects, evaluates, “trying on” and reconstructs, that is, the generation of images of concrete reality takes place. Then the images can be considered as models of the objective situation generated by the subject, the goal and means of achieving it in the conditions of “subjective human activity”. Value experience, operational experience, communicative experience, reflective experience, experience of habitual activation are considered as components of this activity (individually special "internal" means of activating one's own efforts, Osnitsky A.K., 1997). Thanks to the formation of these components, a person gains the opportunity to purposefully, skillfully, in accordance with the interests of others, consciously and actively solve the problems that arise before him. In addition, the image is characterized as a subjective model of reality, as a "system of regulators of human behavior", which includes three components: the image of the object, the image of the subject and the image of subject-object and object-subject relations (Klimov E.A., 1999). In the studies of E.M. Ivanova (1992), the image of a professional included the construction of a hypothetical operational model of educational and professional activities, an analytical professiogram and a descriptive characteristic of the image of a future professional, containing a motivational and need orientation, awareness of the value and understanding of the process, organization and performance of work, an assessment of one’s readiness, one’s capabilities and awareness of individual ways of overcoming both objective and subjective difficulties.

Fetiskin N.P., Taradanova I.V., Mironov T.I. studied perceptual professional-role positions of modern psychologists, ideas about the professional-role positions of modern psychologists among students of psychological departments and their influence on the process of university training. A perceptual-metaphorical typology of contemporary psychologists was created on the basis of survey research materials. All psychologists were divided into two groups: "theoreticians" and "practitioners". Each group was divided into two subgroups. Thus, the group of "theorists", in the opinion of future psychologists, included two areas - "truly scientific" and "compilation". The first direction was embodied by "researcher psychologists" (generators of new ideas and approaches, creators of methods, techniques and technologies), "educators" (methodologists and teachers of psychological disciplines) and "experts". According to 78% of the respondents, a negative type of psychologist is a “theoretician-compiler”, who “makes a career” on the use of “ready-made” ideas, concepts and “does not bring anything new to science”. However, the scarcity of psychological literature and the need of psychology for synthesizers of psychological ideas calls into question the acceptability and correctness of such an evaluative-attributive approach.

Practicing psychologists were differentiated into "group members" and "consultants". Among the "group members" the following negative types were identified: "psychologists with a diploma", characterized by a lack of ability to work with groups and practical psychology in general; "quasi-psychologist" - in his work he shows his own complexes and allows transfer to his own problems or leads the client to a dead end by the means used. "Psychiatrist" - without proper foundation and education, unnecessarily immerses the client in his problem and thereby exacerbates his situation. The "trainer" - not taking into account the barriers of the client, tries to form in him those features that he considers most important for himself. "Quasi-friend" - easily crosses the distance of "psychologist-client", seeks to become a friend of the client, then descending to the level of gossip.

Among the roles of a psychologist-consultant, more positive types are distinguished than negative ones. Future psychologists attributed them to them: "performer" - qualitatively fulfills the client's orders, acting within the framework of one of the psycho-correction programs. "Coach" - together with the client forms new behavioral strategies; "innovator" - is able to change the structure of a debugged program in an adequate direction; "friend" - characterized by developed empathy, can work above the norm in order to achieve the desired result.

The team of authors notes that the identified perceptual types of practical psychologists reflect not only the level of development of practical psychology and the readiness of future psychologists to fulfill professional role positions, but also the state of university training in general.

Basically, in the definitions of the phenomenon of a professional position, descriptive, descriptive studies predominate.

On the basis of a theoretical analysis of the scientific literature, we have proposed the following point of view on the professional position of a psychologist. The professional position of a practicing psychologist is a set of mental regulators (relationships, value orientations) of activities and interactions with clients, and value orientations in its composition act as system-forming components. This is a set (system) of values, norms, attitudes, role-playing implementations and prescriptions, prohibitions on certain activities or on its special nature. All this is carried out in professional activity and directs it. The professional position, in particular, of a practicing psychologist, is quite difficult to separate from the personal one, since the range of professional duties of a consultant psychologist is set by a range of different situations in which the client finds himself - we mean interpersonal relationships, conflicts, problems of social communication. Obviously, it is impossible to be a professional in living life in the best possible way, most likely, this is the least achievable in the case when a person goes into psychology as a field of activity in order to indirectly understand his problems and failures. The professional position of a practicing psychologist is enshrined in legal documents, the "Code of Professional Ethics" and legislative acts relating to psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance.

But these norms of professional activity become regulators of behavior only if they themselves are internally accepted as necessary components of a system of value orientations. The professional position of a practicing psychologist, in our opinion, is specific by the very radical attitude towards a person who has asked for help. At the same time, a person is a unique Personality, an equal subject of dialogue, and equivalent in its human value to the psychologist himself. He cannot act as a means of realizing ambitions, solving his own, psychological, personal problems of a psychologist. A necessary component of the formed professional position is the psychologist's awareness of the measure of his responsibility for the result of the consultative contact, the measure of intervention in someone else's life, sometimes a complete stranger, his relatives.

This issue is often hushed up in the literature on various aspects of counseling, it is believed that a professional psychologist will not even think about it, since it is assumed that in the process of undergoing trainings and professional self-improvement, ethics issues become exclusively issues of distribution of responsibility in the advisory (or any other) social contact. It is assumed that the level of personal integration and the degree of awareness of behavioral processes is high enough not to think about it anymore.

We consider advisory work as an assistance in the formation of a culturally productive personality capable of adequately satisfying emerging needs within the framework of the existing society. In the process of counseling, the client's social attitudes are adjusted and changed in the direction of greater adequacy of the regulation of a person's social life. Psychological counseling is especially effective if it is aimed at basic social attitudes and the system of value orientations of the individual that regulate human behavior and activities in the most significant situations of social activity.

In the process of changing the social attitudes of the client, the personality of the consultant plays a special role. His social attitudes, ideas about the goals of counseling, motives, personal meaning of his work are realized in the "psychologist-client" contact and determine him, thereby influencing the entire sequence of counseling work. The constructive nature of these factors, in turn, determines the professional and personal self-preservation of a psychologist. Professional and personal deformations, psychosomatic illnesses, despondency, depressive states in psychologists can be identified as the result of a destructive attitude to basic life values, inadequate, "narrowed" understanding of one's life and work in general.

It should be noted that we do not touch here on the ethical aspects of the psychologist's activity, especially those that are declared. Ethical requirements are in many ways external limiting factors in behavior and activity, while values ​​in themselves are internal regulators, but they become them only in the case of personal significance for this particular person.

Professional position - a set of regulators of social behavior in the field of professional activity of a specialist. The main component of a professional position is, from our point of view, personally significant values. They are determined on the basis of personal meanings invested and implemented in the work not only by an individual, but also by those who previously worked in this field of activity, as well as by the social, economic, spiritual, political and other contexts of the existence of activity. The question of the relationship between personal values ​​and values, as it were, "invested" in professional activity, is quite relevant when considering the professional position of a practicing psychologist. It is rather difficult, or practically impossible, to draw a clear line between them; trace their influence and the process of their integration into the internal picture of professional help. At the same time, it is the process of awareness by a specialist of his own values, personal meanings of work, his own motivation to help another person that is very important.

As regulators of the social behavior of a specialist, there are also legislatively fixed norms of professional activity, scenario instructions for work, prohibitions, the internal concept of psychological norms and non-norms for the client and for the psychologist himself, the situation of choosing one or another way of influencing the personality of the interlocutor, a measure of awareness of one's own responsibility in contact with. The influence of these factors is quite interesting, but the scope of this work does not provide for their study.

The specificity of the activity of a practicing psychologist, in addition to the “person-to-person” orientation, is that, due to the subject of activity, it can be psycho-traumatic for the specialist himself, carry a strong stress charge. Contact with someone else's psychological reality, often disharmonic, entry into it, acceptance, the need to act in it can greatly affect the practicing psychologist, his well-being, perception of the world and himself in it.

What values ​​are leading for the professional position of a practicing psychologist? First of all, we can talk about the values ​​that contribute to success in professional activities, about those that help the specialist to keep himself in a variety of consultative contacts, and those that can have a destructive impact not only on practical activities, but also on the personality of the psychologist himself. Changes in personality and behavior that occur under the influence of values ​​become clearly visible only over time; we can draw an analogy with the gradual accumulation and increase in savings in the bank. At the same time, a lot depends on exactly what areas the psychologist “invests” himself in: in the development and knowledge of himself, his inner world, in love for others, the desire to help, in improving his activities in order to have a more tangible material income and etc.

So, for example, a preponderance towards values ​​that have a so-called “decentred” character - “creativity”, “life wisdom”, “happiness of others”, “development”, “freedom”, can, under certain conditions, say that that their carrier is able to be guided in the provision of psychological assistance by somewhat different priorities than when “high financial position”, “self-confidence”, “public recognition”, etc.

So far we have talked about the fact that values ​​themselves can have a constructive or destructive effect on the personality of a psychologist; it also makes sense to say that values ​​are organized into various structures and their configuration also affects the activity and self-preservation of a psychologist.

There is also a cognitive component in the professional position, knowledge of what a psychologist should be like. A particular person can relate to this internal standard in different ways, accepting it either as a positive standard and striving to implement it in his own practice, or using it as a negative model of activity. The formation of this standard depends on such factors as the experience of observing the actions of more professional colleagues in a situation of educational counseling or psychological training, the experience of one’s own practical activities, helping friends, family members, working to realize one’s own intrapersonal conflicts, and working with one’s own problems.

V.N. Karandashev points out that in many countries a long period of study of psychology is required, which exceeds the duration of the actual academic training. He lists ethical principles and rules in the professional activity of a psychologist:

The principle of professional competence.

The principle of no harm to man.

The principle of objectivity.

The principle of respect for the client.

Compliance with professional confidentiality .

Further V.N. Karandashev points out that personal qualities form an important foundation for the professional success of a psychologist. These are, first of all, the communicative properties of the individual, the ability to understand people, psychological intuition, goodwill, respect for people, tact, the ability to empathize, the ability to maintain distance, the absence of excessive self-confidence and faith in the infallibility of one's psychological conclusions. A professional psychologist needs to have adequate self-esteem, understand the individual characteristics of his personality, his abilities, strengths and weaknesses of character. It is useful to know how to compensate for your own shortcomings. A psychologist cannot be equally successful in everything, so he needs to form an individual style of professional activity, taking into account individual characteristics. The significant qualities of a psychologist, according to Karandashev, are independence of judgment, sensitivity, insight, emotional stability, patience, resistance to aggression, the ability to reflect on one's experiences and professional skills.

A strange paradox emerges: on the one hand, it really makes no sense to write about the influence of values ​​on a professional position, in the sense that the only effective means of their formation and correction was, is and always will be only the psychological training itself, and deep, but based on what - the original, a priori system of guidelines and standards for the moral development of the behavior of psychologists, and, consequently, the criteria for their personal growth, stemming from the supra-psychological value system, old and fairly “tested”. Such value-oriented psychological counseling should “attract” only the appropriate type of coach for which the moral side of his activity is important not only as an object of abstract reasoning, but encourages him to study and change his own life, its goals and meanings. The psychoanalyst would answer us that the Super-Ego predominates disharmoniously in this specialist, performing an overwhelming function and not giving the opportunity to gain “true personal freedom”. On the other hand, any (we emphasize!) consultative situation is a situation of choosing an action in stressful conditions: conditions of insufficient information and with a high level of risk, and the choice of a strategy for these actions sometimes directly depends on what the specialist himself considers acceptable and feasible.

The question of the professional position of a psychologist is quite complicated in itself. It has only recently begun to be considered in works on acmeology, professional psychological counseling. To a certain extent, this can prove that practical psychology in its development has moved from the stage of recruitment, "collecting practices", the stage of "technical" to the stage of reflection, the question "Why?" and is already able to offer some meaningful answers. This topic is developed in the works of G.S. Abramova, A.A. Derkach, T.A. Florenskaya, S.A. Belorusova, B.S. Bratusya and others.

Here is how he writes about the position of the psychologist M.V. Rozin: “Now let's clarify the position of the psychologist. He helps (influences, understands) not only as a knower, but also as a person who draws us into new forms of life (provided that we ourselves are active and going somewhere); solves his professional tasks, creating both knowledge and symbolic descriptions. On the one hand, the psychologist cognizes, on the other hand, he infects us with a certain being, a certain life, and not only describes our individuality in knowledge, but also contributes to its growth (or - this should not be forgotten - inferiority), a certain way of its existence and existence.

“... along with the activities of psychologists that are really useful for a patient or client (as an example, here we can point to psychological assistance based on a change in the value and semantic contents of the client’s consciousness), there are no less common cases of the activities and efforts of psychologists that lead to the destruction of the patient’s psyche or client, to frustrations, although the results of such activities are realized in the opposite way, in a completely optimistic way.

Different concepts and types of psychological assistance pursue different goals and impose different ways of existence (mental health) on the patient. Despite the fact that, as a rule, the patient is not informed about this or is not able to understand the result of his adoption of this or that decision, that is, he cannot understand the consequences arising from his acceptance of a certain concept of psychological assistance.

It should be noted that the possible destructiveness of some types of value orientations and the constructiveness of others, as well as the potential influence of their configurations, are in principle unprovable, since they involve too long and too close observation and study of the life of a particular person. A laboratory, longitudinal study of the influence of value orientation structures on the life of a person, in particular, a psychologist, with the establishment of clear patterns is hardly feasible, also because intentionally exposing a person to deliberately destructive (or supposedly destructive) influences contradicts the principle "Do no harm". Although almost every day before our eyes and in human history such a picture is presented completely, and something in our own life ...

Human life is carried out in connection with all manifestations of the life of society, including the spiritual. As a spiritual being, a person should not be considered in a position of separation, solitude, he is always in a certain context and should be thought of in relation to society, culture, history. E. Spranger noted that "... the values ​​that arose in historical life, which in their meaning and significance go beyond the limits of individual life, we call the spirit, spiritual life or objective culture." Psychologist-consultant, determining the goals of changing the basic social attitudes and value orientations of the personality of not only the client, but also his own, must take into account the spiritual context in which he and the client are located. The constructiveness of the professional position of a psychologist depends on the breadth and depth of comprehension of activity in not only a social, but also in a spiritual context, and is determined by these factors. Despite the obviousness, this problem has not been studied enough. The search for answers to the question of the influence of the system of value orientations on the personal and professional self-preservation of a practicing psychologist will contribute to solving a block of problems in the professional training of counseling psychologists, their observance of mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis in the counseling process.

Personal and professional values ​​cannot be the same for men and women due to the fact that different factors acquire different personal significance for them. The events of personal life, gender stereotypes, social requirements undoubtedly affect the structures of value orientations and life strategies associated with them in different ways. Psychotherapist M. Erickson constantly emphasizes that such an important factor as the onset of sexual activity, sexual experience, is of unequal importance for men and women. “For a woman to have a complete sexual experience, this means biologically: conception, nine months of pregnancy, childbirth, constant care until six or nine months, and then raising a child until 16 or 18 years. When a woman begins to live an active sexual life, her entire endocrine system is restructured. ... Because, from a biological point of view, the whole body of a woman is involved in sexual life. If these changes become noticeable in the bodily sphere, then there are changes in the worldview of a woman, her values. The spiritual realm is also changing. It also matters how, in what personally significant context these events took place.

Touching upon the topic of the formation of a professional position, it is necessary to dwell on the specifics of practical psychological assistance as a type of activity in terms of the influence of value orientations on various aspects of this process.


Value Orientations- criteria (ethical, aesthetic, political, religious, etc.) on which are based and which explain the evaluation of the personality or the community of the surrounding reality, a differentiated, selective approach to it and the way of orientation.

Value orientations are formed, formed, developed and changed in the course of a person's accumulation of life experience in a changing world, and find their expression in goals, social choices, ideas, ideals, interests of an individual or group in conditions of real interaction.

Value orientations are quite rigidly tied to both the intellectual-volitional and emotional spheres of the subject's social activity and in many ways, and often decisively, determine the content side of both individual and group activity and communication.

In the social psychology of groups, value orientations are directly related to the problem of group cohesion, which is expressed primarily in the degree of manifestation of such a socio-psychological phenomenon of interpersonal relations as value-oriented unity.

It is quite understandable that an individual (in any case, a mentally normal and acting not under compulsion) in practically each of his membership groups seeks to ensure the realization of one or another of his life goals, conditioned by value orientations. It is no less obvious that an individual who adequately assesses his own needs and environmental conditions will correlate the specifics of a particular membership group with specific needs and, depending on this, build his interaction with partners both in the subject-activity and value areas. However, according to some foreign social psychologists, there are universal value orientations of the individual associated with social interaction, which determine the dominant behavioral strategy of the individual in almost any contact community.

It is quite clear that the question of the value orientations of both the individual and the group cannot be considered in isolation from the concept of values ​​proper.

The problem of human values ​​in psychology. Hierarchy of human values.

The system of value orientations determines the content side of the orientation of the personality and forms the basis of its attitude to the surrounding world, to other people to itself, the basis of the worldview and the core of the motivation for life activity, the basis of the life concept and “philosophy of life”.

Values ​​in psychology are considered as key life guidelines that determine the method and nature of activity.

Value is the objective significance of phenomena as guidelines for human activity.

Axiology (axios - value) deals with the study of human values.

Values ​​were developed by humanity by summarizing the typical situations that took place and “formed” in the form of significant principles guiding human life. There is a certain axiological field that is common for all people, which contains these semantic universals, and a person does not invent anything new, but only “chooses” from those already available those that correspond to his individuality.

There are universal values ​​in which the values ​​of social and individual life are united. They represent a certain system of the most important material and spiritual values. The main elements of this system are:

  • natural and social world;
  • moral principles, aesthetic and legal ideals;
  • philosophical and religious ideas and other spiritual values

On a personal level, value can be defined as such an attitude to objects and phenomena of reality that shows a person his true good, reveals to him the possibility of a life that can bring the greatest happiness.

There are two well-known classes of values ​​that M. Rokeach singled out:

  1. terminal - beliefs that some ultimate goal of individual existence is worth striving for;
  2. instrumental - beliefs that some mode of action or personality trait is preferable in any situation.

This division corresponds to the traditional division into values-goals and values-means.

Terminal values:

  • active active life (fullness and emotional richness of life)
  • life wisdom (maturity of judgment and common sense, achieved by life experience)
  • health (physical and mental)
  • interesting job
  • beauty of nature and art (experience of beauty)
  • love (spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one)
  • financially secure life
  • having good and true friends
  • public recognition, etc.

Instrumental Values:

  • cheerfulness (sense of humor)
  • self-control (restraint, self-discipline)
  • education (breadth of knowledge, high general culture)
  • open-mindedness (the ability to understand another point of view)
  • efficiency in business (hard work, productivity at work), etc.

Domestic psychologist V.N. Myasishchev considered values ​​from the point of view of the psychology of relations. As is known from his theory, personality is characterized by several types of relationships, or, in other words, personality subsystems are distinguished such as intra-individual, inter-individual and meta-individual. All values ​​or the axiological "I" of a person are directly related to these subsystems.

  1. Intrapsychic relations - "Man - I myself." There are three types of relationships here:
  • attitude to the body (corresponds to the value of health)
  • to mental abilities (cognitive processes, intellectual abilities, knowledge, skills)
  • spiritual relationship with oneself.

The second point can be attributed to instrumental values, thanks to the improvement of which a person can achieve his goals. The latter characterizes the values ​​of self-development, spiritual growth, the desire of the individual to discover and realize the meaning of his life.

2. Interpsychic relations - “Man is different”

  • microsocial relationships correspond to values ​​such as love, family, friendship
  • mesosocial - work, career, recognition, etc.
  • macrosocial relations correspond to universal human values ​​affecting political and legal ideals, ethical and aesthetic norms.

3. Transpsychic relations “Man - the world of objects”

  • relationships with things (material wealth and financial well-being)
  • attitudes towards ideas (ethical, aesthetic, religious, philosophical values).

Since there can be no values ​​outside the spheres of personal interaction, it seems legitimate to consider them from the point of view of their appeal to one or another type of human relations. The system of value orientations is, to one degree or another, "attached" to these three relationships. Values ​​of some types may prevail in some people and be undeveloped in others. The value orientation of a person is a complex network of interactions of various values, where some dominate, are leading for a given person, others serve to achieve them, others may not be activated at all, but are potentially present in the axiological "I" of the individual.

Any harmonious society should ideally consist of self-actualizing individuals, while harmony in society can be achieved, first of all, through the inner harmony of each of its members. The condition for the inner harmony of the individual is the development of an appropriate system of value orientations in the process of purposeful influence and training.
Value orientation - this is the choice by a person of this type of behavior (act), which is based on certain, with one or another depth, conscious (or generally unconscious) values.
The system of value orientations, being a psychological characteristic of a mature personality, one of the central personality formations, expresses a person's meaningful attitude to social reality and, as such, determines the motivation of his behavior, has a significant impact on all aspects of his activity. As an element of the personality structure, value orientations characterize the internal readiness to perform certain activities to meet the needs and interests, indicate the direction of its behavior.
The content of education at present, in the context of a reassessment of values ​​in a crisis society, should be devoted not so much to the assimilation of professional knowledge and skills, but to personal growth and development, the formation of value orientations of a self-actualizing personality. This becomes especially relevant when it comes to preparing for activities of the “man-man” type, in which ethical and de-ontological aspects should occupy a leading place, since for this type of profession the subject of labor activity is the human personality itself. Such types of professional activity are areas of existence and development of universal values. It is here that the values ​​of altruism and creativity are realized, which give meaning to this activity.
One of the clearest examples of such activity is the activity of a practical psychologist.
As the most specific characteristic of the profession of a psychologist, who must be ready to work with people who are radically different from him in terms of educational and cultural level, nationality, political and religious beliefs, etc., one can single out, in particular, the need to accept and respect a different point of view to a world different from their own, without losing their individuality.
The system of value orientations of the individual is organically included in the structure of professionally significant qualities of generalists. Thus, it occupies a central place in the structure of the professional qualities of practical psychologists.
The system of value orientations of a psychologist undergoes a number of peculiar modifications. It is comprehended and evaluated in the process of learning, in the process of developing a personal and professional position, in the process of understanding the ethical norms of professional activity. The activity of a psychologist is a kind of social activity where generalized ideas about the value of a person are extremely concretized and personified in words and actions directed at another person. A pronounced orientation to the value of another person in the professional activity of a psychologist implies an adequate perception of his capabilities as a measure of influence on another person, based on the experience of a sense of professional duty and responsibility for their professional actions.
In the event that the value orientations of the individual do not agree well with the professional value system and ethical standards of practical psychologists, there is a serious crisis associated with disappointment in professional activities. This necessitates a detailed and deep study of the problem of harmonizing the value orientations of the individual and the professional value system of future practical psychologists.
The complication of the system of personal constructs leads, therefore, to the realization of the significance of the highest values-goals - professional and personal self-realization, creativity and freedom, as well as to the choice of more adequate means to achieve them.
The described highest values ​​occupy a leading place in the structure of professionally significant qualities of practical psychologists. Organized on the basis of the implementation of the principles of development of the highest level of the value system identified during the formative experiment, the process of psychological training creates adequate conditions for the formation of a professional system of values ​​for a practical psychologist.

Lecture, abstract. Values ​​and value orientations of a practical psychologist as the basis of his personal and professional self-development - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

" back Table of contents forward "
13. Dialogue in the context of the professional activity of a practical psychologist. Features of deep communication « | » 15. Empathy as the most important personality trait of a practical psychologist

  • Professional values- related to work. These are money, wealth, comfort, professional growth, helping other people, etc.
  • intellectual- this is knowledge, education, erudition, curiosity, creative thinking, etc.
  • Physical- sports, beauty and body hygiene, health.
  • Spiritual
  • emotional
  • ethical- honesty, decency, justice, generosity, the ability to enjoy what you have, correctness.
  • aesthetic- style, fashion, external attractiveness of people, things, aesthetic taste, cleanliness, order in the house, etc.
  • Material- money, wealth, property, valuables, etc. etc.
  • Cultural- art in all its manifestations.
  • Patriotic -



Imagine that in a few hours, unknown forces will send you to a desert island, where you will spend the rest of your life. There is a sufficient amount of simple food and water (you will not die of hunger and thirst), a minimum of clothing and bedding (you will not freeze), necessary medicines. Unfortunately, there is no mobile connection there. You are allowed to take only seven objects with you, which can include both things and people. The condition is only those things or people that you can actually bring to the airport within a few hours (you will not be able to bring your apartment or your beloved dog)

2). The second stage of the exercise is as follows: “Everything flows, everything changes, and they decided to settle companions on your island. He also has seven objects. In total, together with yours, 14. But only seven can remain. Work is organized in pairs. Their task is to compile one of their two lists, including seven items.

why is it needed(for example, a book is for personal development, a receiver is for obtaining information about the world and other people).

Issues discussed:



- Buy a newspaper, lady?

She made cocoa and toast with jam. Then she returned to the kitchen and took up the interrupted business - she sorted out the bills.

Lady, are you rich?
- Am I rich? No! She glanced down at her tattered rug.

Then they left.
Plain blue cups and saucers... But they fit together. She peeled the potatoes and made the mushroom sauce. Potatoes and mushroom sauce, a roof over her head, her reliable husband with a good job, children - all these things also went together.

Issues discussed:

What is this parable about?

Presenter resume: Sometimes, in pursuit of the accumulation of material wealth, a person forgets about what is truly valuable. The material is transitory. True values ​​are associated with the spiritual orientations of a person.

Necessary materials:

  • If a man steals a donkey, a sheep or a slave, he is a thief and must be punished
  • If a son hit his father, he should cut off his hand

Presenter resume: Some values ​​are changeable, but universal human values ​​- goodness, justice, beauty, truth - have always been and will always be.

Method "My personal coat of arms".


Exercise "Values"


Necessary materials:


family traditions

life with parents


vocational training




personal items

personal property

financial savings

love for god

harmony of soul and psyche

internal development

victories and defeats of the spirit

ups and downs


sports beauty and body hygiene

Friendship, communication

social activity

status respect


Presenter resume:

Reflection lessons

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"Psychological lesson "Life values""

Psychological lesson "Life values"

Target: prevention of risky behavior through the formation of a system of spiritual and moral guidelines.


    formation of ideas about universal values;

    creation of conditions for turning to one's own value-semantic sphere;

    formation of the priority of spiritual values ​​over material ones.

Lesson progress

Now we will conduct a game that is primarily of a meaningful nature, it will help us to reveal the topic of our lesson.

Exercise "Change places those who appreciate ..." - 4-5 min

Target: introduction to the topic, creating a working atmosphere.

Description: the chair of the leader is removed outside the circle. The leader, standing in the center of the circle, pronounces the phrase: “Those who value ... (friendship, money, freedom, power) change places. Those who believe that this statement applies to them should get up from their place and run to another vacant place. The task of the driver is to take any free place. Left without a chair becomes the new driver.

Discussion: What did you like about the exercise?

What did this exercise reveal?

Can you guess the topic of our lesson? (Values)

Before proceeding to the next exercise, as well as the disclosure of the topic of the lesson, I would very much like to read you one poem, which, in my opinion, is also very suitable for the topic of our lesson:

Throwing aside the time of everyday life,

In the night healing wilderness

I sort out the jewels

Stored at the bottom of the soul.

I don't have that many

But I don't need more.

When summarizing

They don't go down in value!

Guys, what are values? How do you understand this word?

Values- this is a person's ideas about the most important things in life; it is what gives the vector to its existence.

What values ​​do you know? How can they be classified?

Types of values:

    Professional values- Work related. These are money, wealth, comfort, professional growth, helping other people, etc.

    intellectual- this is knowledge, education, erudition, curiosity, creative thinking, etc.

    Physical- sports, beauty and body hygiene, health.

    Spiritual- faith in God, spiritual harmony, personal development and self-improvement.

    emotional- openness in communication, acceptance of people as they are.

    ethical- honesty, decency, justice, generosity, the ability to enjoy what you have, correctness.

    aesthetic- style, fashion, external attractiveness of people, things, aesthetic taste, cleanliness, order in the house, etc.

    Material- money, wealth, property, valuables, etc. etc.

    Cultural- art in all its manifestations.

    Patriotic - love for the motherland, country, traditions, etc.

Exercise "Desert Island"

Target: creation of conditions for understanding that behind any act there are values ​​professed by a person, orientations in the spectrum of possible values.

Description: The exercise is carried out in several stages.

1). At the first stage, the group members work individually. The game situation is set: Imagine that in a few hours, unknown forces will send you to a desert island, where you will spend the rest of your life. There is a sufficient amount of simple food and water (you will not die of hunger and thirst), a minimum of clothing and bedding (you will not freeze), necessary medicines. Unfortunately, there is no mobile connection there. You are allowed to take only seven objects with you, which can include both things and people. The condition is only those things or people that you can actually bring to the airport within a few hours (you will not be able to bring your apartment or your beloved dog)". The selected objects are written down on a sheet of paper.

2). The second stage of the exercise is as follows: “Everything flows, everything changes, and they decided to settle companions on your island. He also has seven objects. In total, together with yours, 14. But only seven can remain. Work is organized in pairs. Their task is to make one of their two lists, including seven items.

3). At the third stage, similar work is carried out in small groups of 5-6 people.

The groups then present their lists to the circle. The facilitator interprets what he heard from the standpoint of values: why is it needed(for example, a book is for personal development, a receiver is for obtaining information about the world and other people).

Issues discussed:

What feelings arose during the exercise?

How was the discussion in your group?

What was the most valuable thing for our group?

What was surprising and what was predictable?

Discussion - discussion of the story "Wealth"

Target: creation of conditions for the separation of material and spiritual values, awareness of the priority of the spiritual over the material

Description: A parable is offered to the attention of the group:
Behind the door stood two children, both in tattered coats, out of which they had long grown.
- Buy a newspaper, lady?
She was busy and was about to say no when she accidentally looked down and saw their sandals. Little sandals soaked in the rain.
- Come in, I'll make you some hot cocoa.
They both followed her without saying a word. Their wet sandals left footprints on the floor.
She made cocoa and toast with jam. Then she returned to the kitchen and took up the interrupted business - she sorted out the bills.
She was startled by the silence in the next room. She looked over there.
The girl held an empty cup in her hands and looked at it. The boy asked in embarrassment:
Lady, are you rich?
- Am I rich? No! She glanced down at her tattered rug.
The girl very carefully put the cup on the saucer and said:
- Your cups fit the saucers, - and there were notes of hunger in her voice, but not the one from which the stomach hurts, but some other.
Then they left.
Plain blue cups and saucers... But they fit together. She peeled the potatoes and made the mushroom sauce. Potatoes and mushroom sauce, a roof over her head, her reliable husband with a good job, children - all these things also went together.
She cleaned the living room, but the dirty prints of the little sandals remained in her heart. She wanted to leave them there, in case she ever forgot how rich she really was.

Issues discussed:

What is this parable about?

What kinds of values ​​can be named based on what they heard? (material, spiritual)

What do you think is more valuable? Why?

Presenter resume: Sometimes, in pursuit of the accumulation of material wealth, a person forgets about what is truly valuable. The material is transitory. True values ​​are associated with the spiritual orientations of a person.

Discussion "Values ​​of different eras"

Target: awareness of the universal nature of the main value orientations
Necessary materials: information for work in small groups (photocopies of the texts below)

Laws of Hammurabi (II century BC, Common Mesopotamian kingdom)

    If a man steals a donkey, a sheep or a slave, he is a thief and must be punished

    If a son hit his father, he should cut off his hand

    If a man did not strengthen a mound on his land, and the water broke through it, flooding the fields of his neighbors, let the culprit compensate them for their losses. If he has nothing to pay, he should sell all the property and himself, and let the neighbors divide the received silver among themselves.

    If a man is in debt, his wife, son or daughter must be in bondage for three years, then they must be released.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Europe, 1946)

    All human beings are born free and equal in their dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards each other in a spirit of brotherhood.

    Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person

    No one shall be held in slavery or servitude

    No one should be subjected to torture or inhuman, degrading punishment

    All people are equal before the law and have the right without distinction, to the equal protection of the law.

Presenter resume: Some values ​​are changeable, but universal human values ​​- goodness, justice, beauty, truth - have always been and will always be.

Method "My personal coat of arms".

Target: develop the skills of self-knowledge, self-expression, self-presentation, creativity, harmonization of the inner world. Optimize self-esteem.

Content: Pleasant music continues to play. Students are given blanks with blanks of coats of arms or they draw their own version. Children are invited to draw their own coat of arms. and try to depict on it your important life values(internal content of vital spheres). Children who do not want to draw for any reason are invited to use old magazines, glue and scissors to make a coat of arms using the collage technique on a ready-made template. You can offer students ready-made contours of coats of arms, consisting of a shield and a ribbon, or come up with the shape of a shield yourself.

At the end of the exercise, you can invite the guys to take turns talking about their coat of arms and answering the questions: what did he depict on his coat of arms and why exactly these values ​​are important to him.

Exercise "Values"

Target: awareness of life values.

Necessary materials: background music.

Description: Participants are given six pieces of paper and are asked to write on each of them what is most valuable to them in life. Then, the leaflets are ranked in such a way that the highest value is on the very last leaflet. The coach suggests imagining that a terrible event happened, and that value that was written on the first piece of paper disappeared from life. The facilitator suggests crumpling and putting the leaflet aside and thinking about how life is now without it. This happens with each value in order. Each time it is proposed to pay attention to the internal state after the loss of value. Then the coach announces that a miracle happened, and it became possible to return any of the values, you can choose one of the crumpled pieces of paper. So six times. Give back the papers to the participants. Then it is proposed to realize what happened, maybe add some values, see if the previous ranking order remains. The exercise is performed to calm music, the intonation and voice of the coach are of great importance, the spoken text should be simple and clear.

family traditions

life with parents

own future family


vocational training

professional development and growth




personal items

personal property

financial savings

love for god

harmony of soul and psyche

internal development

victories and defeats of the spirit

ups and downs


sports beauty and body hygiene

Friendship, communication

social activity

status respect


Presenter resume: The facilitator emphasizes how important it is to build your own hierarchy of values.

Reflection lessons. Purpose: to get feedback from students, to summarize the lesson. Forms, everyone in turn says or at will: what they liked and what they didn’t.

Over the past few years, I have watched children grow up. It is very exciting. As I rejoice in fatherhood, solve problems, and analyze my parenting abilities, I have noticed that young children do not doubt themselves. Daughters are not yet aware of the limitations, feelings of guilt and shame, excessive introspection. At what point does it usually end? When will children begin to condemn themselves, will they begin to consider their actions as valuable and not valuable? When they start asking themselves: “Am I doing this?” or “Will others understand this?”

I remember the day my eldest daughter was born. I became a father for the first time, I was responsible for human life. I clearly understood that I love a child not for actions or compliance with my expectations, but for pure unconditional love.

We think we are what we do. Value is determined by our actions

But at some point, expectations do interfere with the relationship between parent and child. “Get dressed faster, we’re late!”, “Don’t talk to your mom like that!”, “Don’t hit your sister.” I still love my daughter, but I have expectations about her behavior. Of course she feels it. He must be thinking, “Mom and Dad get so mad when I slowly put on my socks. What's wrong with that?

“Do it to get recognition”, “Don’t do it so as not to harm others”, “Don’t say that, otherwise everyone will turn their backs on you”, “Others will not approve if I do this” ... Everyone has such thoughts and doubts . The problem is that we equate ourselves with actions. We think we are what we do. Value is determined by our actions.

Many fight a silent inner battle. It might look like this:

"I'm not like the others."

"I'm worse than the rest."

"I don't fit."

"I am a loser".

"No one would want to be in my place."

"I'm special, so I can behave like this."

"People don't understand my problems."

“I always get what I want. I deserve it."

"I am better than others because I have more abilities."

These thought patterns are wrong. All people are equally valuable. Without realizing this fact, it is impossible to form a healthy sense of self-worth. We deserve love and recognition no more and no less than any other person.

Think back to the messages that society broadcast as you grew older. "Get good grades, win competitions, show your talents and prove that you are special." When we don't get recognition, don't excel in sports, or don't meet the accepted beauty standard, we feel inferior to others. We seem to be missing something. But this is an illusion. Healthy self-esteem involves the realization that we are all unique, but no one is special. Nobody is better than the rest. No one ran first to the final destination.

Comparison, arrogance and self-abasement have never helped anyone.

Avoid being the victim and feeling privileged. No one will give us a sense of self-worth, only we can do it ourselves. If we wait for praise for work and hope that the next achievement will help increase self-esteem, we are left with nothing. No matter how successful we are in life, it does not make us more important and valuable than others.

Comparison, arrogance and self-deprecation have not helped anyone yet. We always feel like we're not successful enough and we don't have enough. In the end, this leads to sobering questions. Why don't what I do and what others think of me make me happy? Why am I trying to please everyone?

Finding answers is a difficult path, but it's worth going through. Perhaps in the end we will find a child inside us who appreciates himself for who he is. This part of our personality has fallen into hibernation and is waiting to be found and recognized again. We are all unique and important. This value is given to us by birthright. Believe it.

about the author

John Harrison- psychologist and coach.