Summary: Prospects for the development of the road network and the main directions of technical progress of roads.

The road economy of Russia is one of the elements of the transport infrastructure, which provides constitutional guarantees to citizens for freedom of movement and makes possible the free movement of goods and services. The presence and condition of the network of public roads ensures the territorial integrity and unity of the economic space of the Russian Federation.
The modern transport system of Russia was largely formed in the conditions of the so-called planned economy, in which the main attention was paid to the development of heavy industry, meeting the needs of the military-industrial complex and the geopolitical interests of the state. Satisfaction of the needs of the population in goods and services, transport provision of freedom of movement, development of interregional and world economic relations were not among the priority areas of state policy at that time. The result of this was the deviation of the development of the Russian transport system from the trajectory that would have taken place in the case of normal economic growth, characteristic of modern industrialized countries (2). In recent years, certain measures have been taken to rectify the situation that has developed in the transport system of Russia. First of all, this applies to the road sector.
The basis of the country's road network is made up of federal highways, which provide links between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the capital, with other regions of Russia, with countries near and far abroad, as well as within the region. Mostly international road transport is carried out on federal highways.
Despite the fact that the length of federal highways is only 8% of the length of public roads, they account for almost half of the total traffic intensity. At the same time, today about 4,000 km of federal highways have reached the capacity limit, more than 8,000 km are in overload mode, which leads to systematic traffic jams, especially in the summer months. Calculations have shown that about half of the total volume of traffic on federal highways is carried out in conditions of exceeding the standard level of traffic load on the road network, which leads to an increase in road transportation costs by 20–30% compared to normal traffic conditions.
According to the diagnostics of the transport and operational condition (9), 56% of federal highways have unsatisfactory strength of “road pavements”, and 37% have unsatisfactory evenness of road surfaces. The length of federal roads with 4 or more lanes is only 8%. About 8% of the length of the federal highway network is covered with gravel or crushed stone. About 60% of federal highways do not meet regulatory requirements.
Federal highways in most cases are designed to carry axle loads of 6-10 tons, which is significantly lower than international standards (for example, in France this standard is 13 tons). Currently, more than a third of the length of federal roads requires reconstruction and modernization for the passage of modern heavy vehicles.
About 20% of bridges and overpasses on federal roads were built more than 40 years ago and do not meet modern requirements for carrying capacity (9).
Territorial public roads are the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, their operation and development are under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are carried out at the expense of regional budgets. Reconstruction and construction of individual sections of territorial highways are also carried out with the involvement of funds allocated from the federal budget.
The strength characteristics of most territorial roads and bridge structures do not allow the movement of heavy vehicles.
Currently, about 50,000 settlements do not have paved roads connecting them to the public road network. In some regions, such as the regions of the Far North, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Magadan Region, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, and others, a backbone road network has not been created, which complicates the delivery of goods and increases the cost of their delivery.
In many regions in rural areas there are no roads between neighboring settlements and communication is carried out through the roads of regional centers, which leads to overrun of vehicles and road congestion. The strength characteristics of territorial roads and bridge structures do not allow the movement of heavy vehicles.
Significant volumes of road transport are carried out along municipal urban and rural streets. At the same time, their transport and operational condition is much worse than that of federal and territorial roads, which, together with a high load and the complexity of traffic flow regulation, leads to a significant decrease in traffic speed.
In cities, the development of the street and road network lags significantly behind the pace of motorization. Over the past 10 years, the length of city roads has increased by 2–3%, while the number of cars has increased by 2.4 times. Insufficient number of bypass roads leads to the passage of freight transport through the territory of residential development. On congested sections of roads near large cities, there are many hours of traffic jams, which leads to an increase in transportation costs by 2.5-3 times.
73.3% of the population lives in Russian cities, about 45% of the country's car park is registered, fixed assets of enterprises, powerful port complexes, railway junctions, bus and air terminals, and main transport bridges across large rivers are concentrated. All this is due to the high traffic intensity of cars, and, consequently, with the greatest load on the road network. At the same time, there are practically no highways of high-speed and continuous traffic in cities. The streets, which are a continuation of extra-urban highways, are of insufficient width, especially in the areas of the historical center, where, under the conditions of the existing development, their expansion is impossible. The technical parameters of the streets often do not correspond to the level of transport load. All these problems lead to a decrease in road safety - more than 70% of road traffic accidents occur in cities.
Particular problems are associated with departmental and private roads that pass through the territory of settlements and municipal districts in rural areas. About 25% of such roads are abandoned by their owners, are in poor condition, and in some cases pose a threat to traffic safety.
Practically in all regions there are ownerless (former departmental) roads and bridges, which were previously maintained by timber industry enterprises and other enterprises. After the dissolution of these enterprises, there was no one to monitor the roads and bridges, so no one knows how long they are and how much their overhaul, which they urgently need, can cost. The condition of roads and bridges is a matter of life for thousands of rural settlements, especially in remote areas of Siberia and the Far East, where the distances between settlements are huge and there are no other transport links.
To solve this problem, it is necessary to carry out an inventory of all departmental and ownerless roads, on its basis to develop a plan for their phased transfer to the public road network.
The tendencies of the socio-economic development of the country that have taken shape in recent years make it possible to predict the growth of the fleet of trucks in Russia by 2010 to 4.8-5.2 million units, buses - up to 700-730 thousand units. Increasing the income level of the population will contribute to the growth by 2010 of the number of cars up to 240 units. per 1 thousand inhabitants. It is assumed that the mobility of the population will increase significantly due to the massive use of personal cars, the number of which will generally increase to 32–35 million units. (5)
The configuration of the Russian road network has a pronounced radial structure, oriented in the European part to the capital (Moscow) and other major cities, which in a number of directions leads to a significant overrun of vehicles. The low density of roads in Siberia and the Far East leads to a decrease in the transport accessibility of certain regions and an increase in transport costs.
The increase in road transport with poor road quality has a negative impact on the environment. Thus, the share of road transport in the total emissions of air pollutants reaches 45%, and in the noise impact on the population of cities - 85–95%. The number of urban population living in conditions of acoustic discomfort exceeding the permissible noise levels by 5–30 dBA is about 30 million people. The damage from the negative impact of the road sector and road transport on the environment is estimated at 100 billion rubles. annually.
The unsatisfactory transport and operational condition of the road network hinders the pace of socio-economic development. In Russia, there is no expressway system that allows you to cross the entire territory of the country without delay, while in the United States, Germany, France and other economically developed countries, expressway networks are successfully functioning.
As a consequence of the above reasons, the transit potential of the country is not fully used either. In addition, the low capacity of a number of roads to transport terminals and checkpoints at the border hinders the development of international traffic and the attraction of transit cargo.
The capacity of highways in the countries of America and Europe is many times higher than the road network in Russia. In the context of increased international cooperation and growth of traffic flows, the existing imbalance in the quality of roads can cause economic isolation of the country.
The cost of road transport in Russia is 1.5 times higher than in developed foreign countries, and the specific fuel consumption is 20–30% higher. The size of the transport component in the cost of production reaches 15-20% against 7-8% in countries with developed economies.
The uneven development of the road network hinders the alignment of the levels of socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Over the past 20 years, the number of settlements in Russia has decreased from 200 to 148 thousand, mainly due to the lack of permanent transport links. The annual amount of losses associated with the poor technical condition of the road network is estimated at 450–500 billion rubles, which is approximately 3% of Russia's GDP.
The bottlenecks of the motor transport complex of the Russian Federation are:
- unsatisfactory overall condition of the road network in most regions of the country;
- the standard size range of vehicles that does not correspond to the structure of transportation;
- insufficient development of transport and logistics systems for servicing transportation;
– Poor organization of traffic.
To ensure a full-fledged transport process in its modern sense, it is necessary, first of all, to reform the country's road infrastructure, aimed at creating a road network that meets the needs of the population, the state and business in traveling on public roads with minimal time while ensuring comfort, reliability and safety. transportation. At the same time, one of the main directions of reforming the road sector of the Russian Federation is the transition to a new management system focused on achieving results and improving the efficiency of the industry.
One of the main conditions of a market economy is the intensity and quality of economic relations, which is what road transport does, because. it provides transportation in the operational mode "from door to door" for the most different sizes of consignments and groups of passengers. It is road transport and the road network as the infrastructural basis for its development that turned out to be the most adequate means of intensifying economic interactions for a market economy. This determines the need for accelerated development of the road network. The development of the road network will also make it possible to realize the most important macroeconomic functions of the road complex in order to overcome the gap between the industries of export-import orientation and industries working for the domestic market. Roads serve as the main link between the leading "core" of the economy and the sectors of the economic "periphery".
Another macroeconomic function of the road network is, as already noted, their ability to stimulate economic growth. To do this, an important part of the economic strategy should be a large-scale state order for the deployment of road construction (6). The development of the road network should be considered as an important part of the state regional policy, which ensures the solution of the social and economic problems of the region.
The main documents regulating the development of the road network are: FTP "Roads of Russia", "State Concept for the Creation and Development of the Road Network of the Russian Federation" (3). Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 338 dated May 31, 2006 adopted the federal target program “Modernization of the transport system of Russia (2002–2010)” (7) and the sub-program “Roads” included in it. Many factors influenced the general direction of these documents. In conditions when about 1/3 of all settlements of the Russian Federation are deprived of communications with regional, regional and republican centers via paved roads, road construction should be aimed primarily at developing a network of local roads. At the same time, one cannot agree with the goal of “equalizing the density of the road network in the regions” put forward in the Roads of Russia Program, since these indicators do not always correspond to the transport needs of the economy and the population. The need for roads, as well as their configuration, depends on a number of factors, in particular, on the transport and geographical position of the region, the features of the existing settlement system. Here, much is determined by the location and hierarchy of cities, "focusing" most of the roads. In the future, an increase in the load on the road network will be increasingly determined by the processes of suburbanization (the exit of production and the population from large cities to the suburbs) and deurbanization (full-scale decentralization of urban settlement) (6). Therefore, a more urgent and realistic task for the development of the road network is to equalize the levels of road provision of the regions of the country, taking into account the peculiarities of their territorial organization. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following strategic tasks.
1. Creation of a strategic planning system focused on achieving the target indicators of the state and development of the road sector and the performance of federal government agencies that manage the motor transport complex.
2. Improving the structure and technology of road management.
3. Formation of a system for financing the road sector on the basis of a program-target approach, increasing the efficiency of using budget funds.
4. Increasing the efficiency of the use of state property in the motor transport sector.
5. Improving the system for monitoring the state and development of the road network, introducing a system for monitoring the results achieved and monitoring the evaluation of the effectiveness of management decisions.
To solve each of the listed tasks, it will be necessary to implement a set of measures agreed on terms, performers and resources.

Financing of work to bring roads into a standard state is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the road management authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a legal entity authorized by it and a contracting organization attracted on a competitive basis. Target budget funds of territorial road funds are formed at the expense of:

transport tax;

Excises on petroleum products in the amount of 50 percent of revenues;

Land tax in the amount of 100 percent of incomes subject to transfer to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Proceeds from the repayment of debts formed as of January 1, 2014 on the tax on road users, fines and penalties for late payment of the said tax, as well as on final calculations on the tax on road users for 2013;

Subventions to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation allocated from the federal budget to finance the road sector;

Other sources that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, sent to the territorial road funds in accordance with the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on budgets.

The tendency to reduce the financing of the road sector, which has been established in recent years, leads to a disruption in the functioning of the Russian economy and the transport system of the state. Expenses for financing the road sector at the expense of the federal budget and the budget of the subjects of the Russian Federation decreased from 389 billion rubles over the period. in 2011 to 182 billion rubles expected in 2016, that is, more than 2 times.

In the budget for 2015, an amount of 11.9 billion rubles is provided for financing the road sector. less than in 2014

The amount of subsidies allocated by the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to finance the construction and reconstruction of public roads has decreased. Further reduction in funding for the road sector will lead to the fact that by 2016 the length of federal highways, which are used in excess of the established transport and operational indicators, will increase by 1.4 times. This will cause a decrease in the average speed of vehicles by 20%. By 2016 over 80% of federal roads and more than 95% of public roads of regional significance will not meet the standard transport and operational indicators, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the cost of their maintenance and repair.

The fact is that after the adoption of the government program, changes occurred in tax legislation: the tax on road users was canceled, the system of deductions to territorial road funds was changed. They began to form excises on fuel and lubricants, and as a result, in most subjects of the Federation, funds for the development of the road network have sharply decreased. The abandonment of the road fund system cost the industry 80 billion rubles in losses. As a result, most of the funds at their disposal are spent by road builders on at least maintaining the existing network, and the construction of new facilities is forced to be carried out according to the residual principle. But even to accomplish this modest task, much more significant funds are needed than those that the industry today falls into.

Despite the fact that recently a number of highways have been built that meet the best world standards, more than half of Russian roads have insufficient pavement strength, more than a third of highways already require reconstruction today. It remains to add to this that 40 percent of our bridges require major repairs, and 5 percent are in disrepair. This is the state of the road network today. And in 2010, as you know, the task was set to double Russia's GDP. But one way or another it will have to be carried on our roads. The share of motor transport in freight traffic will increase from 8.8 percent to 11 percent, and in the volume of passenger traffic - from 50 percent to 55 percent. Our highways simply cannot withstand such a load. In a word, roads, both literally and figuratively, will become a traffic jam for the Russian economy to move forward.

You can not count on the fact that "the market will regulate everything." The experience of the most developed countries shows that the road industry belongs to the sphere of state regulation. And our Russian experience has shown that a road development program is most successful when it has presidential status.

Reforming the system of financing by the road industry is proposed to be carried out in two stages. At the first stage, it was supposed to revise the powers and expenditure obligations at the levels of state power and local self-government. The current target program, for example, does not consider issues related to the development of municipal roads at all. As a result, in the vast majority of our cities, funds are practically not allocated for the maintenance of city streets. Budget sources for the development of the road sector should correspond to three levels of the budget system: federal, regional and municipal.

At the second stage, there should be a gradual increase in the tax burden on road users, so that in the end it is those who drive on the roads who pay for their maintenance. At the same time, they propose to make wider use of extrabudgetary funds for the implementation of road facilities, public-private partnerships, including for the construction of toll roads.

The implementation of the proposed measures will reduce the cost of passenger and road transport by 15-20 percent.

Another problem - perhaps the main one for our motorists. The statistics of the rapid growth of car accidents on our roads clearly shows that our roads do not always meet safety standards. For example, the need for fencing on main roads is only one third satisfied.

Legislative changes in recent years, aimed at reducing the tax burden on enterprises, have led to a significant reduction in the sources of financing for the road sector. Moreover, the reduction in sources for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is more significant than for the Federation, although it is replenished from the federal budget. The reduction in the tax burden has had a favorable effect on economic growth, but the excessive fall in the volume of tax competence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation hinders the development of federalism. In the future, this, reducing the ability of the regions to maintain economic growth, may become an obstacle to the development of not only the road sector.

Rosavtodor (the state road management service) requires that the cost of road repair and maintenance services carried out by the DRSU be lower than on the free market. However, strong-willed dumping in the state order does not so much “save” budget money as it confidently leads the industry to decline and loss of personnel. This provision is connected, first of all, with the fact that Rosavtodor is placed in a position of a conflict of interest: it provides management of the activities of state DRSUs (in fact, acting as a founder), and at the same time is a state customer for them.

An analysis of the dynamics of financing aimed at the maintenance, maintenance and overhaul of federal highways showed that these expenses, with a downward trend in the total volume of financing for highways, almost doubled: from 18,804 million rubles. in 2010 to 35,409 million rubles. in 2014 (in comparable 2010 prices).

Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the field of quality management, the main trend in this area is the transition from the concept of optimal quality to the concept of a quality management system based on International Quality Standards. That is, _ to building the work of the entire enterprise according to the quality management system (QMS) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001.

In the process of forming the required quality level throughout the entire life cycle of the road (from marketing research to operation), the main problems of quality assurance are manifested at the construction stage, in particular, today there are no QMS at enterprises that carry out technical supervision.

A separate problem is the improvement of the condition of road surfaces in order to reduce their wear rate and increase the permissible load (only about a quarter of all paved roads are designed for an axle load of 10 tons, while the restriction imposed by European countries requires that roads be designed for a load of 11 .5 tons).

The internal problems of the industry are: low efficiency of management and spending of budgetary funds; low technological level and quality of road works, lack of mature market institutions and mechanisms to regulate market demand. When we talk about the low technological level of the industry, one of the main reasons for this situation is the lack of market interest on the part of the customer and the contractor in ensuring the high quality of road works. Regardless of the outcome, "the consumer pays anyway." Only he pays not with money, but with a broken suspension of his car, lost health and time. The next systemic problem is the low investment attractiveness of the industry, as a result of which almost all costs for the maintenance and development of road infrastructure today fall on the budget.

In turn, a serious obstacle to attracting private capital is the lack of the necessary legal framework. Today we do not have laws that would regulate concession agreements, the creation of toll roads, land relations in road construction. Without this, it is difficult to create an adequate market mechanism for the functioning and development of the road industry, to make it attractive and transparent for the participation of private capital. Even today, roads are becoming one of the main factors hindering economic growth in the country. According to forecasts, while maintaining existing trends by 2016:

Over sixty percent of the roads will not meet the regulatory transport and operational requirements, there will be a significant destruction of the road network;

The number of traffic accidents will increase by forty to fifty percent (40 to 45%);

Almost completely paralyzed traffic in metropolitan areas and on the approaches to large cities;

The length of federal highways in excess of the standard load will increase four times, which will lead to a decrease in the average speed on the roads of the country by twenty percent (20%);

The trend of reduction of rural settlements and the loss of a large number of agricultural lands will continue;

The construction and reconstruction of almost all facilities will be stopped.

The presented measures for the implementation of the subprogram are aimed at the phased resolution of the problems considered and overcoming negative trends in the development of the road industry. The experience of the leading countries of the world (USA, Japan, Germany, China) proves that with a properly chosen strategy and an adequate level of funding, roads can become the infrastructure basis on which a qualitative economic growth is built, as well as an increase in social activity and people's well-being.

In the field of road infrastructure, first of all, it provides for the solution of three main tasks: the first task is the preservation and modernization of existing roads, the completion of the construction that has begun, and overcoming the tendency to destroy the road network. The second is the priority modernization and development of the backbone road network, primarily highways as part of international transport corridors, as well as highways that ensure the integrity of the country's economic space and communications between the regions of the Russian Federation. And the third task is to improve and develop the network of regional and municipal roads to realize the potential of the territories, cities and villages of the Russian Federation.

Until 2020, the main efforts and resources of the road industry will be concentrated on the maintenance, modernization and development of the federal road network. Objects under construction will be taken under special control. At the same time, it is necessary to adjust the “roads” subprogram as part of the FTP “modernization of the transport system of Russia”, in order to bring it into line with the transport strategy, based on existing budgetary opportunities, existing federal target programs, and also as new opportunities and tools are created for attraction of additional off-budget investments. Based on the analysis of socio-economic efficiency, lists of priority objects for the reconstruction and modernization of the road network were formed. For each of these objects, the necessary amounts of financing, the sequence and the expected timing of the work have been determined.

The performance indicators of the planned investments are given. After completion of the full scope of work on the objects of construction in progress, it is possible to move on to the implementation of other infrastructure projects, the main part of which is expected to be implemented in the future.

The experience of Western countries shows that with a competent financial policy and the creation of adequate institutional conditions, roads, despite the state form of ownership, can become quite an attractive segment of private investment. An important factor is the creation of a precedent - the first "positive stories" of the successful implementation of such investment projects. The main organizational and legal format for attracting extrabudgetary investments should be the institution of public-private partnership, implemented through the mechanism of concessions. It is assumed that the subject of concession agreements will be toll roads built with the involvement of funds from the future concessionaire (a common world practice is the distribution of funding between the state and business) and transferred to it for operation after construction is completed for a long period.

Based on materials provided to the State Unitary Enterprise NIiPI of the General Plan of Moscow.

Problems of the modern metropolis.

Recently, a rather difficult transport situation has been developing in the capital. The reason for this is the landslide growth of the fleet on the one hand. On the other hand, there is an underdeveloped road network, a lack of main streets, a shortage of parking spaces for storing and parking cars, serious shortcomings in the system of organization, management and control of traffic and pedestrians, as well as imperfection of the planning system and the lack of an information database. And, of course, the problems associated with financing and management in the development of the road network.

The analysis carried out as part of the transport section of the General Plan of Moscow made it possible to identify the main problems in the state of the city's transport infrastructure. For example, the lack of a network of main streets within the city limits is about 250-300 km.

The chronic backlog of road and bridge construction from the real needs of the city, aggravated by a sharp increase in the fleet of motor vehicles, has led to the fact that about 80% of highways and transport hubs, especially in the central part of the city, are operating at the capacity limit.

Constantly occurring traffic jams lead to the redistribution of traffic flows to residential streets and intra-quarter territories that are not suitable for their passage. The environmental situation in the city is deteriorating significantly. In new areas of mass residential development, the density of the street network of local significance is low, and there are no residential streets.

Currently, there is not enough about a million parking spaces to store private cars.

Plus, the imperfection of public passenger transport.

The main tasks of the development of the transport system.

Reducing the loss of time of the population for transport movements; ensuring a significant improvement in transport services for peripheral areas of mass development; unloading of the central districts of the city from transit traffic flows; improving the comfort of passenger transportation; reducing the negative impact of transport on the environment.

There is still a need to develop off-street public transport, which is a deterrent to the use of a private car for urban transportation. It is accepted in the General Plan that no more than 15-20% of passengers will be transported by passenger cars. To ensure this indicator, it will be necessary to introduce an additional 2,000 km of backbone networks and build over 1,700,000 parking spaces.

Main street and road network.

The total length of the highway network to pass the projected traffic volumes for the estimated period will be 3100-3200 km.

In Moscow, a radial-ring scheme of highways has historically developed, which is no longer possible to change. Its development is ensured by the creation of new ring highways in addition to the existing MKAD and the Garden Ring. These include the Big and Small Third Rings and the Intracity Ring Highway, routed along Minskaya Street, Nakhimovsky Prospekt, then through the Kolomenskoye and Pechatniki districts.

The radial-ring scheme of the capital is complemented by chordal and transverse directions, providing the shortest connections between the city's districts.

The implementation of this program will significantly relieve the city center from transit traffic and significantly improve the environmental situation.

It also provides for the construction of backups of the main highways - Volgogradsky Prospekt, Varshavskoye Highway, Mozhayskoye Highway and others. Also, this step will increase the number of entries into the city. Such highways as Leningradsky, Kutuzovsky, Leninsky, Volgogradsky prospects and some others are planned to be made highways with continuous traffic through the construction of transport interchanges.

Save the big city.

Even in the first half of the century, it was clear that it was necessary to unload the city center from traffic congestion as much as possible. In 1971, it was already planned to build an additional ring highway and several chord traffic directions to bypass the center. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, many of these projects never came to fruition. And so, a couple of years ago, under the patronage of the Moscow Government and personally the mayor Yu.M. Luzhkov, the construction of a new, vital ring highway has begun, without which the city will simply “suffocate”. Some sections pass along existing streets that require reconstruction and bringing the entire route to technical indicators. The commissioning of the third ring will relieve the Garden Ring and the city center by 15-20%.

The beginning of construction was carried out at an accelerated pace: day and night. The most expensive and modern imported equipment was involved, significant human resources were thrown. The road was built simultaneously on several sections. It should be noted that during this period other projects were commissioned in the city. But since 2001, new difficulties have appeared. The reduction of the federal tax rate for the road fund and, as such, the elimination of the latter, led to a catastrophic shortage of funds. These changes led to a sharp reduction in road construction in the city. The construction of all facilities has been practically suspended, with the exception of the third ring. Thus, the ring is the most important task for the near future. And in the future ... it will be seen. If there were funds, there would be projects.

A few words about the ring itself.

The third ring consists of two. Small, 35 kilometers long, is located almost symmetrically to the city center. And Bolshoye, whose length is 54 kilometers, passing for the most part along the path of the small ring of the Moscow railway. In the south, both rings run side by side. The third ring is a modern urban highway with a continuous traffic regime and interchanges at different levels. From a technical point of view, this is a very complex project. Half of the entire length of the route is made up of artificial structures. Estimated throughput will be 6-8 thousand vehicles per hour in each direction. The estimated speed of the track is 120 km/h. The speed limit, taking into account road conditions and the situation, will be 80-100 km/h. Estimated completion date for the entire line is 2005. Let's wait until it becomes easier and more pleasant to move around our city.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Educational Institution "Brest State Technical University"

Department OFIGiG


Subject: Prospects for the development of the road network and the main directions of technical progress of roads

Completed by: student group 611 Evgeniy Vorozin;

Received by: Professor P.V. Shvedovsky.

Brest - 2009


The state of the road network and highways today

Industry program "Roads of Belarus"

Improvement of design and construction methods for roads and bridges

Improving the methods of repair and maintenance of roads and bridges

Improving methods for the reconstruction of roads and road structures

Improving road safety

Improving the quality of road works and road structures

Improving the environmental safety of the road sector

Personnel issue


List of used literature

The road network is one of the most important sectors of the economy, performing the function of a kind of circulatory system in the complex organism of the country. It not only helps to meet the needs of the economy and the population in transportation, but together with cities forms the “framework” of the territory, has a significant impact on the dynamism and efficiency of the socio-economic development of individual regions and the country as a whole. World experience shows that it is impossible to create an effective market economy without a developed transport and automobile network.

The current trends, global and national imperatives define the strategic goal of sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus as a dynamic increase in the level of well-being, enrichment of culture, morality of the people based on the intellectual and innovative development of the economic, social and spiritual spheres, preservation of the environment for current and future generations. The Republic of Belarus has a set of favorable factors and conditions that contribute to its transition to sustainable development. This is, first of all:

Favorable economic-geographical and geopolitical position;

Developed system of transport communications and industrial infrastructure in general, etc.;

The Republic of Belarus has a favorable economic and geographical position, being in the center of Europe at the crossroads of the most important trade and communication systems between the economically developed Western European countries and the regions of Eurasia, which have the richest natural resources. The most important indicator of the integration of the transport system of the Republic of Belarus is the rational use of the existing road network, the realization of the advantages of its geographical location and communication ability, providing the shortest route to European countries with Eastern and Asian continents. But in order for the road system of the Republic of Belarus to transform into a world-class road system as quickly as possible, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive modernization of the entire road industry.

Thus, the chosen topic of the work is quite relevant.

The aim of the work is to study the organization of the road network and develop ways to improve the road industry.

The state of the road network and highways today

An extensive network of roads has been created in Belarus, which makes it possible to provide year-round communication with all settlements. The length of the network of public roads is 83.640 km, of which 15.426 km are republican, and 68214 are local roads, while the density of roads per 1,000 square kilometers of the territory of the republic is more than 360 kilometers. Among the road-developed countries of Europe, Belarus ranks twelfth in terms of length per 1,000 inhabitants and fifteenth in terms of the density of national roads.

Trans-European and international transport routes are complemented by national and regional transport communications that connect the network of urban and rural settlements of the country and ensure their foreign economic relations.

The geopolitical position of Belarus is determined by the fact that the republic is located between the largest countries of the CIS, of which it is a member, and the countries of the European Union. The territory of Belarus is a watershed for the basins of the Baltic and Black Seas.

Motorway M1/E30 Brest-Minsk-Russian border (592 km) is a continuation of the European highway Cork-London-Berlin-Warsaw. The highway Kaliningrad - Kaunas - Vilnius - Minsk - Gomel crosses Belarus from the northwest to the southeast and ensures the transportation of goods to the largest seaports. The largest highway, stretching from St. Petersburg to Odessa through Vitebsk, Orsha, Mogilev and Gomel, connects the northwestern region of Russia, and through it the Scandinavian countries with Ukraine and the ports of the Black Sea. The important route Minsk - Grodno - Gdansk provides the shortest connection between the countries of the northern part of Western Europe through the seaport of Gdansk in Poland with Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

International road carriers deliver goods to more than 60 countries of the world. At their service on the state border of Belarus there are 37 road checkpoints, a network of parking lots, gas stations, hotels, coffee shops, dispatch stations has been created and is developing.

There are 155 diagnostic stations and control points, including 25 mobile ones, to meet the needs of car owners in state inspection services.

Every year, new sections of republican highways are put into operation.

There are 1116 toll facilities operating on motor roads and 65 roadside service sites have been reconstructed. 205 technical conditions and approvals for the placement of roadside service facilities were issued.

Benefits of road transport

Road transport is the most popular today. The advantages of road transport over other modes of transport are as follows:

Maneuverability - the ability to concentrate transport where required. Collection and delivery of goods can be carried out without reloading, to all points where the car can reach. It is this characteristic, more than any other, that is taken into account when, in domestic transport, road transport is preferred over all other modes of transport;

Urgency and regularity of delivery. The time of collection and delivery of goods can be assigned quite accurately. This is important when labor is involved in loading and unloading and when the arrival of the cargo is synchronized with the needs of production. Delivery can be arranged according to the "just in time" system - just in time;

Greater safety of transported goods. Compared to transportation by other modes of transport, the loss, loss and contamination of cargo is much lower due to the fact that the driver carrying out the transportation is responsible for the safety of the transported cargo. At the same time, packaging is required in smaller volumes or even not required, since, as a rule, there is no transshipment of goods.

Industry program "Roads of Belarus"

According to the department "Belavtodor", the industry program "Roads of Belarus" is operating in the country until 2015. The goal of the program is to create conditions for the further dynamic development of the national economy, ensuring the country's security and defense capability, implementing the state's social policy and further increasing the business activity of the population.

The system of measures provided by the program is a set of interrelated measures and mechanisms aimed at improving the transport and operational condition of roads and providing the real sector of the economy and the population with road transport. The activities are supported by the volume of work on construction and reconstruction, overhaul, current repair and maintenance of highways. The program defines the main areas of activity in the field of improving road safety, developing scientific and technological progress, staffing, and developing roadside services.

Thus, as a result of the implementation of the program, by 2016 the transport and operational condition of the republican roads will significantly improve: according to the integral indicator of evenness, the existing length of sections with unsatisfactory transport and operational condition (2680 km) will be excluded, with a satisfactory one it will decrease from 7734 km to 6897 km, and in good condition increased from 4992 km to 8636 km. The length of sections of highways with exceeded overhaul periods for major repairs will decrease from 10,729 km to 7,145 km. All bridges and overpasses will comply with regulatory requirements. The length of sections of republican highways of category I will increase by 314 km, which will total 1,408 km. Republican highways connecting Minsk with regional centers and on the directions of international transport corridors will ensure the passage of a load of 11.5 tons on a single axle. Based on the analysis of traffic intensity, construction costs, economic efficiency, bypasses will be built for the following cities: Baranovichi, Verkhnedvinsk, Vitebsk, Kalinkovichi, Volkovysk, Grodno, Lida, Slonim, Mogilev, Molodechno and the urban-type settlement Pogranichny.

Improvement of design and construction methods for roads and bridges

The intensive path of expanded production poses a number of important problems for transport that require urgent solutions.

It is necessary to accelerate the pace of construction of paved roads. At the same time, the industries that most actively use transport, the so-called transport-intensive ones, impose new requirements on it to increase speeds and increase the tonnage of delivered goods.

This direction provides for the improvement of the methodology of design and survey work based on the widespread use of the latest automated systems, the formation of an updated regulatory framework in the design and construction of roads and bridges, the organization and quality control of the construction of public roads. It is envisaged to create new materials, structures and technologies to improve the reliability and durability of structures based on deepening knowledge in the field of the mechanism and patterns of operation of all structural elements of the road in various natural conditions. At the same time, the solution of the problem of increasing reliability and durability should not cause a significant increase in capital investments at the stage of work of the construction complex. The implementation of works in this direction should allow obtaining additional financial opportunities for the construction of public roads and artificial structures on them by reducing the cost of the construction complex.

The direction includes:

Development of improved technologies for engineering surveys and computer-aided design of public roads and bridges, incl. development of the use of GPS-systems;

Development of design standards for public roads, taking into account the need to harmonize domestic and foreign standards to ensure uniform traffic conditions on international routes;

Development of norms in the field of organization and supervision of the construction of public roads, taking into account the provision of the required level of quality of road works;

Creation and implementation of new artificial materials with controlled physical and mechanical properties for use in various layers of road structures and the creation of new non-traditional road structures;

Development of alternative binders for coatings of highways of high categories;

Improving the methods of using durable cement concrete pavement structures.

Improving the methods of repair and maintenance of roads and bridges

At present, an extremely undesirable increase in the service life of road and bridge structures without major repairs is characteristic; accordingly, the process of aging of the materials of their structural elements continues. The average service life of road surfaces and bridges has increased.

The current state of the Belarusian highways causes serious concern among the road builders, forcing them to propose to the government not always popular preventive measures. But when making certain decisions, the road builders at the same time understand well that the roads do not exist on their own, they are created for movement along them. At the same time, the road ideology cannot run counter to the national one, which rejected the method of “shock therapy” that painfully hit ordinary people in neighboring countries. Such “therapy” in Belarus is unacceptable for roads as well. We are talking about a natural, but unfavorable trend during this period of acute lack of financial resources to get momentary profit from the passage of as many of the same heavy transit vehicles through our republic as possible.

Road workers in this situation, in order to preserve the road network, willy-nilly are called upon to play a deterrent role. Because of this, a golden mean must be found in the operation of roads, which would, on the one hand, make it possible to bring profit from transit through our republic, and on the other hand, prevent incomparable damage to domestic roads. After all, the state does not yet have multibillion-dollar funds for the restoration of roads. With all the understanding of the importance of local roads for households and citizens of the republic, it must be remembered that the republican roads are most intensively exploited, which provide more than 70% of the freight work of road transport and almost all international road transport. The results of the annual diagnostics of the republican roads indicate the emerging trend towards a decrease in the main transport and operational indicators (carrying capacity and evenness of road surfaces).

In order to preserve the roads in our especially adverse weather conditions, Belarusian road builders are forced to introduce temporary restrictions on weight parameters for the movement of heavy vehicles on a number of roads in the spring. Many complain in general about the low permissible loads in our country, while pointing to European roads. Indeed, according to European standards in their best performance, the load on a single axle is 11.5 tons. But this does not take into account such an important aspect as the design features of European roads. So, in most EU countries, the thickness of pavements is 2 times greater than that of Belarusian ones, and the bearing capacity is almost 3 times. But even so, the passage of super-heavy trucks there is provided only along international transport corridors according to strictly established rules.

Improving the system of repair and maintenance of roads and bridges is aimed at developing an effective set of measures that can, in a short time and at a rational level of costs, make up for the accumulated underrepair of structures, as well as create an organizational and scientific basis for the transition mainly to the widespread use of preventive measures that can significantly reduce costs. for the repair and maintenance of roads and bridges. The most important measure is the development of the state system of road maintenance, its organizational design and methodological support. The scientific support for improving the methods of repair and maintenance of roads also includes:

Development of methods for assessing and predicting the state of the subgrade, pavement and coatings during operation;

Development of methods for increasing the crack resistance of asphalt concrete pavements on various bases;

Development of principles and methods for the application of preventive measures and repairs that can significantly reduce the cost of repair and maintenance of roads, including methods for assessing, predicting and forming ruts, bumps, pitting, cracks, peeling and spalling;

Development of methods for eliminating deformations and destruction of the subgrade and pavement at an early stage of their development;

Development of cold technologies in the repair and maintenance of roads;

Search for new methods of winter maintenance of roads, protection of roads from snow drifts, forecasting and prevention of winter slipperiness by creating anti-icing coatings, new environmentally friendly chemical materials;

Development of methods for assessing and predicting the service life of bridges in operation based on their monitoring.

Improving methods for the reconstruction of roads and road structures

Due to the lack of financial resources, the Belavtodor Department was forced to change the priority directions in the implementation of road works. The main attention is paid to the systematic maintenance of the existing road network, the prevention and elimination of minor damage to roads and structures, and the improvement of conditions for safe traffic. This allows you to quickly eliminate the pitting of road surfaces, implement the installation of thin protective layers, apply road markings, improve drivers' awareness of the conditions and directions of movement by introducing route orientation and timely replacement or installation of road signs, as well as the operational situation on the roads through the media. Of course, in the face of a shortage of financial resources, issues of economy and frugality come to the fore.

The direction includes:

Solving the problem of the most efficient use of elements and structures of the existing road, by developing special standards and requirements for the design of reconstruction;

Solving the problems of reliable pairing of the existing and new subgrade, base and pavement, giving them equal strength and stability;

Development of modern methods for the reconstruction of pipes, bridges and other engineering structures.

Improving the quality of road works and road structures

In this direction, first of all, research is needed that establishes the required standards for the quality of road works, taking into account the material and technical state of the industry and studies of the reliability of the work of the highway as a complex system, which makes it possible to determine the economically viable service life of individual elements of this system.

In order to improve technological discipline, it is necessary to develop regulations that define responsibility for the quality of work, as well as standards that establish the service life of road structures.

The direction includes:

Development of an industry quality control system for road and bridge works and a package of road industry regulatory documents on quality;

Development of an industry certification system for road products and services;

Development of a metrological support system for the road sector;

Development of express methods and instruments for quality control of road materials and road and bridge works.

Improving the environmental safety of the road sector

The operation and construction of public roads have a significant environmental impact on the environment. Based on the concept of environmental protection and sustainable development, a system of organizational and technical solutions should be developed and implemented to protect the living environment of the population from vehicle emissions, to reduce the negative impacts of road complex structures on natural systems, and to rationally use natural resources. The tasks of improving the environmental safety of existing public roads with high traffic intensity on the territory of settlements and urban agglomerations require priority attention.

In this regard, scientific research in the following areas has a priority character:

Development of methods that allow, with a sufficient degree of reliability, to assess the state of the environment in roadside areas, taking into account the intensity, composition and traffic conditions, the transport and operational qualities of public roads, protective equipment and other local factors;

Development of methods for assessing and forecasting economic damage from environmental impacts at the stages of construction and operation of public roads;

Development of methods for reducing emissions from asphalt plants and other road enterprises, taking into account technological and natural features;

Development of a system for monitoring the ecological state of public roads;

Development of the concept of environmental management in the road sector;

Development and implementation of regional programs to improve the environmental safety of public roads.

Personnel issue

The purpose of the development of this direction is to provide the road sector with engineering and scientific personnel capable of ensuring a high level of quality in the construction, repair and maintenance of roads using the latest domestic and foreign machines and equipment and the use of the most effective technologies achieved in world practice.

The relevance of the direction is determined by the ever-increasing competition from foreign organizations and firms that are actively working in the domestic market of road construction and repair work.

The direction includes:

Training of engineering and technical personnel in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of Belarus according to agreed programs and in accordance with the priorities of scientific and technical policy;

Financial support for the material base of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions through the system of personnel training and advanced training;

Improving the system of additional professional education of road sector personnel, including the assessment and forecasting of personnel needs, the preparation of a reserve for filling managerial positions;

Creation of an incentive system to attract the most gifted young scientists and road specialists to postgraduate and doctoral studies;

Organization of a system of scientific training for young specialists in countries that have achieved the greatest progress in the field of road construction technology;

Coordination of the topics of candidate and doctoral dissertations with the priorities of the scientific and technical policy of the road sector.


We are convinced that in the process of modern development there are fundamentally new problems that have no analogues in the past, the solution of which requires the search for new methodological approaches and new means of resolving them.

The potential of the Republic of Belarus has the ability to improve road freight transport.

The task of the research is to create theoretical foundations and principles, as well as technology for managing the process of maintaining, improving and developing the road network based on modern methods of diagnostics, comprehensive assessment and forecasting of the state; substantiation of needs and choice of a strategy for the development of the road network; efficient distribution of funds for maintenance, repair, reconstruction, etc.

The main directions in the development of the road network are as follows:

Improving methods for designing and building roads and bridges;

Improving the staffing of the road sector;

Improving the environmental safety of the road sector;

Improving the quality of road works and road structures;

Improving road safety;

Improving the methods of reconstruction of roads and road structures;

Improving the methods of repair and maintenance of roads and bridges.

The richness of natural diversity, the presence of numerous lakes and preserved swamps determine the importance of Belarus as an integral part of the ecological network of Europe. In this regard, and not only, it is necessary to improve the quality of services provided, environmental safety and competitiveness, to reach a higher level of technological services.

List of used literature

1. Handbook "The State of the World's Population". United Nations Population Fund, 1998

2. Information resources of Belarus: Catalog. Issue. 6 / comp. V. N. Agafonov [and others]; under. total ed. O. I. Galinovsky, N. M. Strukov. - Minsk.: Adukatsiya i vykhavanne, 2007.

3. Aksenok I.Ya. Transport: history, modernity, prospects, problems. - M.: Nauka. - 1985.

4. Degtyarenko V.P. Highways and road transport of industrial enterprises. – M.: Vysh. school - 1981.

5. Convention on Road Traffic. European agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Traffic. Moscow, ASMAP, 1990

6. Program for the development of transit transportation of goods and passengers by rail and road through the territory of the Republic of Belarus until 2005 (approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 11, 2001 No. 33).

7. Program of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus for 2001-2005 (approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of August 8, 2001 No. 427).

8. Alexander PANICH “Roads and bridges of the republic. Status and prospects for the development of road and bridge facilities”

9. Materials of the construction exhibition "Budpragres".

Over the past year, more than 2,000 km of highways were put into operation in Russia, including 169.2 km of federal highways. The volume of budget funds allocated to the country's road sector amounted to more than 250 billion rubles last year. Of these, 120.35 billion rubles are federal budget funds. About 38 billion rubles were allocated for the construction, reconstruction and modernization of federal highways. At the same time, the country's car fleet is growing rapidly, and the development of the road network is lagging behind. The condition of existing roads is far from perfect. On the network of federal highways, about 56% of the length have unsatisfactory pavement strength, 37% - unsatisfactory evenness of road surfaces. About 28% of the length of federal roads serve traffic in overload mode, that is, approximately 48% of the total volume of traffic on federal roads is carried out with significant losses of carriers' time.
The question of how to develop the industry is very relevant. But today in Russia there is not a sufficient number of powerful construction organizations capable of timely and efficiently mastering the funds allocated for the construction of roads. We encountered this, for example, in 2005, at the construction of the Ring Road in St. Petersburg. The same situation was during the construction of individual sections on the Chita-Khabarovsk highway. In Europe, large construction companies are growing into large industrial and financial groups. As an example, well-known French companies can be cited, which are not only engaged in construction, but also actively participate in concession projects. I hope that such companies will appear in our country. In 2005, Russia adopted the Law on Concessions, the regulation on the investment fund, and the first public-private partnership projects appeared. Not only Russian, but also foreign investors show interest in our competitions.
The unsatisfactory transport and operational condition of many sections of roads, the poor level of arrangement of main roads with traffic interchanges, the random allocation of land in the roadside by local authorities for development, the insufficient number of intersections at different levels with railways lead to a significant level of accidents on roads.
On the roads of the federal network, there are still not enough bypasses of settlements. For example, on the M-10 Moscow - St. Petersburg highway, about 130 km of the route is laid along the streets of cities and rural settlements with dense historical buildings. Freight transport passes through residential areas in St. Petersburg, Vyborg, Ulyanovsk, Perm, Orel, Yaroslavl, Vologda, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Volgograd and other large cities.
In many directions, especially in the regions of the Urals and Siberia, due to the lack of a sufficiently extensive network of roads, it is impossible to switch traffic flows to other roads if necessary, which causes low stability of the system, leads to traffic interruptions in case of adverse weather conditions and emergencies.
Delay in the modernization of international routes may lead to an irretrievable loss of transit competitiveness of the Russian transport system due to the switching of cargo flows to other directions passing through the territory of other states. It is necessary to speed up work on the reconstruction of the main routes, the inclusion of which in the European network "E" and the Asian network "AN" over the past decade has been sought by the Russian Federation.
The situation with the state of the territorial component of the Russian road network is difficult. The length of sections of territorial roads that meet the regulatory requirements for transport and operational condition is about 24% of the total length of the network. The lack of paved access roads to small and remote rural settlements causes large additional costs for transportation on dirt roads, which are 3-4 times higher than on roads with improved coverage. The length of dirt roads to such settlements is about 220 thousand km, the movement and access to land on these roads is extremely difficult in the autumn-spring period, which leads to untimely sowing, harvesting and other work, causing significant losses of agricultural enterprises.

About 50,000 settlements do not have year-round communication via paved roads, which leads to the curtailment of production, including agriculture, and the outflow of the population from these regions.

At the same time, many regions do not have sufficient funds to ensure not only the development of their road network, but even the maintenance and repair of roads.
In connection with the introduction of federal law No. 131-FZ "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation", a significant part of public roads should be transferred to municipal ownership. The so-called "departmental" roads, many of which are actually ownerless, should also be included in municipal public roads. A significant part of them, according to their parameters, cannot be attributed to any of the categories in accordance with building codes and regulations. Their normal operation, especially taking into account the provision of public transport, cannot be carried out without significant work to bring them up to the standard level. The total length of municipal highways can be over 500,000 km. However, the funding sources for these highways have not been identified. The subjects of the federation are holding back the implementation of this part of the law due to the high probability of destruction of roads due to lack of funding.
The directions for the development of the country's road sector are determined by the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2005 No. 45 in pursuance of the protocol decision dated April 28, 2005 No. 17 of the meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation.
The Transport Strategy defines the goals and objectives of the development of the road sector of the Russian Federation, as well as the main indicators of the transport and operational state and development of roads for the long term until 2020 in conjunction with the activities of other modes of transport.
The provisions of the Transport Strategy are detailed for the medium term in the draft Transport Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2010.
In terms of specific measures and projects for the development of the road sector, the directions of the strategy for the development of the transport complex are detailed in the subprogram "Roads" of the federal target program "Modernization of the transport system of Russia (2002-2010)". The federal targeted program was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 5, 2001 No. 848 and is significantly outdated. Significant adjustments have been made in the past year. New target indicators have been introduced, the resource provision of the program has been adopted in accordance with budget projections. The total amount of expenses for the implementation of activities of the adjusted subprogram for the period 2006-2010. adopted in the amount of 2478.7 billion rubles, including at the expense of the federal budget - 878.5 billion rubles (of which 198.1 billion rubles are subsidies), at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 1703.1 billion rubles. In accordance with the actual volumes of funding, the target indicators were set, as well as the priority activities of the subprogram.
In order to concentrate financial resources on areas that ensure maximum cost efficiency, a system of priorities has been developed in areas of investment. The following have been identified as the highest priorities: firstly, ensuring the safety of roads, that is, their maintenance and repair. Particular attention should be paid to the overhaul and repair of approaches to large cities, on which the supply of the population of cities depends and through which people commute to work every day. Priority also includes measures to eliminate places of concentration of road accidents (undeveloped road crossings, railway crossings, unlit sections of roads in settlements, and so on); secondly, modernization through overhaul and reconstruction of sections of existing roads overloaded with traffic or requiring strengthening of the pavement structure, primarily those that are part of international transport corridors, which carry out the largest traffic flows, including international ones. The significance of transportation along these roads is also the greatest for the country's economy.

It is necessary to accelerate in the field of eliminating the main gaps and bottlenecks in the backbone transport network in the field of roads. If we talk about specific positions, it is important to complete in 2008 the construction of the federal highway "Amur" Chita - Khabarovsk in the territory of the Chita and Amur regions, the Jewish Autonomous Region in the first stage of construction, and in the sections most congested with traffic, as well as on the approaches to settlements, on the condition of which the supply of the population depends, its delivery to places of work, study and recreation - with a capital type of pavement. In the same period, the liquidation of the last 79-km-long earth rupture on the Kolyma highway in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) will be completed. The construction of the second stage of the ring road around the city of St. Petersburg will be completed on the section from the Rossiya highway to the Narva federal highway. It is planned to complete the construction of a number of city bypasses, including in 2006 the bypass of Vyborg on the Scandinavia highway and Kolomna on the M-5 Ural highway; in 2007 - bypassing the city of Vladikavkaz on the M-29 "Kavkaz" highway; in 2008 - bypassing the city of Krasnoyarsk with a bridge over the river. Yenisei on the highway "Baikal", Lugi - on the highway St. Petersburg - Pskov. In 2009, it is planned to put into operation the first and second phases of the Sochi bypass on the M-27 Dzhubga - Sochi highway to the border with the Republic of Georgia, bypassing the city of Novosibirsk with a bridge over the river. Ob on the Baikal highway.

The implementation of a number of projects aimed at creating alternative routes in the main directions of commodity circulation will continue with the involvement of extra-budgetary sources within the framework of public-private partnership. We are talking about the construction of a high-speed highway Moscow - St. Odintsovo, sections of the Central Ring Road of the Moscow Region. The implementation of these major projects of national importance, it is advisable to carry out with the involvement of the Investment Fund. Construction, reconstruction and overhaul of sections of highways that are part of international transport corridors are being stepped up in order to increase Russia's transit potential.
In the direction of the North-South transport corridor, in addition to the above-mentioned construction of the St. regions, Krasnodar Territory. In 2006, it is planned to commission sections of the Don road with a total length of 55 km, as well as artificial structures on it with a total length of 1,300 linear meters. On the M-5 Ural highway in the Moscow region and the Republic of Bashkortostan, it is planned to put into operation sections with a total length of 19.5 km.
In the direction of the Transsib transport corridor, in addition to the above-mentioned construction of the Amur federal highway Chita - Khabarovsk, sections of the route Perm - Yekaterinburg - Tyumen will be constructed with the commissioning in 2007 of sections with a length of 17.8 km, sections of federal roads "Baikal", "Ussuri" and others.
One of the most important priorities is the implementation of the program for the construction of out-of-class bridge and transport facilities. The program provides for the completion of the construction of a number of out-of-class bridges across major rivers, including across the river. Ob near Novosibirsk, Yenisei near Krasnoyarsk, Angara in Irkutsk, across the river. Volga near the cities of Yaroslavl, Ulyanovsk, Volgograd, Saratov, across the river. Kama near the city of Perm and near the Magpie Mountains in the Republic of Tatarstan and others. In the period up to 2008, it is planned to put into operation 12 out-of-class bridges. These bridges will open up new opportunities to improve the quality of life for many thousands of Russian citizens.
At the same time, the implementation of such large investment projects of national importance requires very substantial budgetary funds. The mentioned program for the construction of out-of-class bridge and transport facilities requires investment in the period 2006-2010. more than 100 billion rubles, of which about 78 billion rubles should be allocated from the federal budget and 22 billion rubles from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is clear that these structures, while performing the most important social and economic tasks, practically do not increase the length of the country's road network.
The implementation of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 and the Highways subprogram of the federal target program Modernization of the Transport System of Russia (2002-2010) will make it possible by 2010 to increase the proportion of the length of federal highways that meet the regulatory requirements for transport and performance indicators compared to 2000 from 39% to 43%, and the proportion of federal roads serving traffic in excess of the standard load will decrease from 26.1% to 25%. This will lead to an increase in the average speed of traffic on the network of federal highways by
8 %. The number of traffic accidents per 1,000 vehicles due to related road conditions will decrease by 8%.
During the period of the program implementation, permanent year-round communication of 3,100 settlements on paved roads with the public road network will be provided. The supply of goods and food products to the population of cities will improve, as well as the conditions for delivering people to places of work and recreation.
The completion of the construction of the Chita-Khabarovsk road will not only provide a through passage of transport from the Pacific coast to the western borders of Russia, but will also provide access to the public road network for residents of entire regions of Transbaikalia and the Far East, who previously could only use the railway.
In general, traffic safety will increase, the ecological situation in the roadside will improve significantly (primarily in cities), the noise impact of transport, the emission of harmful substances into the air and soil will decrease. And an increase in the speed of delivery of goods will lead to a decrease in the costs of road transport enterprises, will create prerequisites for reducing the growth of tariffs for the transportation of goods and passengers, which will result in a decrease in production costs, and will affect the cost of goods, works and services.
Ensuring the repair and maintenance of federal highways is very important to improve the safety and sustainability of the transport system. The road works program provides for the concentration of funds for the route repair of a number of federal highways. The federal highways, which are part of international transport corridors, are identified as priority areas, where the highest traffic intensity is noted, as well as inconsistencies with regulatory requirements for transport and operational condition and a high accident rate. Repair work will also be carried out on the approaches to major cities. It is envisaged to concentrate the allocated resources on the repair and overhaul of the federal highways M-10 "Russia", M-5 "Ural", M-7 "Volga", M-4 "Don", M-8 "Kholmogory", the road Perm - Ekaterinburg - Tyumen. In total, in 2006 it is planned to carry out repairs and overhauls on sections of federal highways with a total length of 4,200 km.