On what lunar day is it better to start treatment. The beginning of the course of treatment according to the lunar calendar

The most important thing in healing the body is not to harm. Pharmacies and other health shops offer us a huge amount of medicines, from mass media sources, from relatives and friends, we can get a huge amount of advice on improving the body. But how to use these tips and medicines so that they are really useful, how to insure against failures in treatment, how not to harm yourself? There is one golden rule associated with the phases of the moon: The moon is growing - charge the body with energy, strengthen it; The moon is waning - get rid of all the excess that is in the body.

It is completely pointless and even harmful to strengthen the body on the falling moon. For example, taking decoctions and infusions of hawthorn - a well-known cardiovascular tonic - on the falling moon, we will not only get a decent result, but we can also cause damage to the body. Taking any strengthening means during the falling moon, we thereby strengthen the disease. Starting hardening on the falling moon, we will contribute to the hardening and adaptation to the conditions of our body of various pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

During the falling moon, you need to do what helps to cleanse the body: get rid of bad eating habits; sit on unloading diets; move more to improve metabolism; take medications to dissolve stones, salts and other unwanted formations; visit dermatologists and cosmetologists to remove warts, papillomas, condylomas; use cleansing masks for the skin; actively deal with corns.

During the falling moon, it is undesirable to use tonic, invigorating drugs, as they will be perceived by the body as something inadequate, untimely. The falling moon has a calming effect. For two weeks in a month, when the Moon is falling, relax, get rid of unnecessary thoughts, put things in order in feelings and desires - and this will improve your well-being.

If you carried out cleansing procedures during the period of the falling moon, then a day after the new moon - during the period of the growing moon - strengthen the body, diversify your diet, start tempering, go to the gym, take vitamins. This is a great time for the prevention of diseases, the preventive use of special medicines and complex vitamins, in order to restore, strengthen strength, and increase vitality.

Although it is better to start most things on the growing moon, this is not the case with the treatment of the body. A disease is something that needs to be got rid of, therefore, it is necessary to start the fight against the disease on the waning moon. Another important rule: you should not start wellness procedures on the days of the critical points of the moon - on the day of the new moon, full moon, first and third quarters. These days, the Moon is in an inharmonious aspect to the Sun - the planet of joy and happiness, therefore, starting something on such a day, as a result, you will not get what you were striving for, and moving towards the result will bring more suffering than joy. The phases of the moon are indicated in many tear-off calendars, and if you plan wellness procedures according to its movement, you will become less accessible to diseases.

It has long been noted that plans conceived after the new moon are carried out quickly, and those adopted closer to the full moon are not implemented so soon, but are more effective. Things started on the waning moon run the risk of dragging on. But any treatment is better to start on the waning moon.

The cycle of the lunar month is 29 or 30 lunar days. During this time, the moon goes through four phases. The countdown is from the new moon.

First phase. Begins with a new moon. The first two days the moon is almost invisible. These are the so-called days of Hekate - the goddess of witchcraft and fears. The body is weakened, immunity is lowered. There is a great danger of getting sick, irritability and aggression increase.

In the first phase of the moon, you can quickly gain weight, so you need to slightly limit yourself in food. On the young moon, it is good to cut hair: it will grow faster. It is especially useful at this time to make up for the lack of minerals and vitamins. Magnesium, calcium and iron preparations work much better.
With an increase in the crescent of the moon, the likelihood of a successful outcome of any operations decreases, wounds and injuries heal worse. Rough scars remain. Any poisoning (was stings, chemicals, poor-quality food, etc.) is very difficult.

Second phase. The energy of the body continues to grow. Things started at this time are going well, self-confidence appears. This is a time of great emotional receptivity.

Third phase. The full moon begins and lasts four days. There is great mental anxiety and physical discomfort. During the full moon, the number of traffic accidents and crimes increases sharply.
The risk of problems with the gastrointestinal tract increases. Medicines taken on the full moon are stronger, but they also show their side effects more actively. Women are especially sensitive to the influence of the full moon. After the completion of the third phase, the body's strength begins to decrease.

Fourth phase. This is the time of "old age" of the body. It is recommended to work on chronic and karmic diseases.
But it is on the waning moon that the removal of toxins and the cleansing of the body are successful, active tissue regeneration takes place, wounds and postoperative scars heal faster.
In the last two days of the lunar month, the dark and ominous days of Hecate come again - a time of fears, depressions and mental disorders.
Knowing these features, you can properly plan the stages of your treatment. This will help Lunar calendar for 2011
The new moon and the first quarter are the waxing moon, and the full moon and the last quarter are the waning or debilitating moon.

January. Waning Moon, last quarter - 01.01-03.01. Growing Moon, new moon -04.01-11.01, first quarter - 12.01-18.01.

February. Waning moon, full moon - 19.01-25.01, last quarter - 01.26-02.02. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.02-10.02, first quarter - 11.02-17.02.

March. Waning Moon, full moon-18.02-24.02, last quarter
- 25.02-03.03. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.04-12.03, first quarter - 03.13-18.03.

April. Waning moon, full moon - 18.03-25.03, last quarter - 03.26-02.04. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.04-10.04, first quarter-11.04-17.04.

May. Waning Moon, full moon - 18.04-24.04, last quarter - 25.04-02.05. Growing Moon, new moon - 03.05-09.05, first quarter - 10.05-16.05.

June. Waning Moon, full moon - 17.05-23.05, last quarter
- 24.05-01.06. Growing Moon, new moon - 02.06-08.06, first quarter - 09.06-14.06.

July. Waning moon, full moon - 15.06-22.06, last quarter - 23.06-30.06. Growing Moon, new moon - 01.07-07.07, first quarter - 08.07-14.07. Waning moon, full moon - 15.07-22.07, last quarter - 23.07-29.07.

August. Growing Moon, new moon - 30.07-05.08, first quarter - 08.06-12.08. Waning moon, full moon - 13.08-21.08, last quarter - 22.08-28.08.

September. Growing Moon, new moon - 29.08-03.09, first quarter
- 04.09-11.09. Waning moon, full moon - 12.09-19.09, last quarter - 20.09-26.09.

October. Growing Moon, new moon - 27.09-03.10, first quarter - 04.10-11.10. Waning Moon, full moon -12.10-19.10, last quarter - 20.10-25.10.

Different lunar phases affect our well-being in their own way. Astrologers compare the lunar phases to the seasons. Daily human biorhythms largely depend on the lunar rhythm. The gravitational field of the Moon, ebb and flow, has a significant impact on the human body, primarily on the distribution of blood in organs and tissues.

Chinese medicine claims that the twelve main organs, connected by their respective channels, once a day experience a two-hour tidal wave of activity, and another time an ebb wave, when the organ is minimally washed with blood. At the same time, the Moon accelerates the flow of biochemical processes in human tissues.

The influence of the moon on a person largely depends on the phases of the lunar cycle, lasting about a week. Each phase of the moon has a certain effect on our well-being. The lunar phases provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or, conversely, contribute to a successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body's defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc. aggressiveness and irritability.

The pre-new moon, full moon and post-full moon are extremely extreme periods of time for all people, regardless of their age, gender. Researchers believe that the full moon is more difficult to bear than the new moon.

In addition to the general lunar rhythm, there is also an individual lunar rhythm. In this case, the person's birthday is taken as the original lunar day, which is the beginning of their own lunar month. The rhythm of an individual lunar month is constant from the birth of a person until his death. If you know it, you can avoid many dangers and prevent the appearance of most diseases.

The phases of the moon begin with the new moon, when the moon is completely covered by the shadow of the earth. The pre-new moon, new moon and post-new moon are very difficult times. The nights are black, moonless, and at this time a person is most weakened, exhausted, the energy resources of the body are at a minimum, immunity is the weakest, and the likelihood of malfunctions in the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems increases. On the new moon and the next few days, cerebral hemorrhages, heart attacks, and epileptic seizures occur more often.

There is also an opinion that the lunar day not only of birth, but also of conception determines health, constitution, life expectancy, indicates possible diseases of certain organs that can be provoked by the mutual arrangement of celestial bodies during life.

If you notice your dependence on the phases of the moon in time, you can plan your life more successfully. In difficult periods, do not overstrain, do not expose yourself to risk and stress. Each phase of the moon has a certain effect on our well-being.

The lunar phases provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or, conversely, contribute to a successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body's defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc.

Specialists in the field of astrology suggest to synchronize the elimination of dental problems with the satellite cycle. It has been scientifically proven that on the waning moon, the body is at rest. And this contributes to the effectiveness of treatment. Astrologers also tried to calculate the period when it is better to remove and deal with units of the dentition.

The influence of phases on the human body

Consider what the relationship is based on. Experts talk about several main phases that affect our entire world:

  • The new moon has a negative impact on the Earth. During this period, it is better not to plan a trip to the dentist.
  • The growing moon contributes to all undertakings. The body is full of energy, so even complex operations will be successful, without complications.
  • On the full moon, the peak of the satellite's influence on the body is recorded. It is better to postpone a visit to dentistry, especially surgical interventions, since the blood does not clot well during this period.
  • The moment of the decreasing phase can negatively affect well-being. The protective functions of the body are falling these days. In this regard, it is better to postpone a visit to the dentist. All procedures can be painful and come with complications.
  • During the eclipse of the Sputnik, a person poorly resists the attack of microorganisms. Against this background, there are viral and infectious diseases that prevent visiting the dentist.

Auspicious days according to the signs of the zodiac

Zodiac signs also influence when it is possible to remove or treat teeth according to the lunar calendar. Astrologers believe that there is a powerful relationship between them and the Satellite.

Consider the influence of the zodiac signs:

  • Moon in Aries - does not have a beneficial effect on the beginning of treatment and prosthetics. According to the lunar calendar, it is considered not the most successful cycle for dental procedures.
  • Moon in Taurus - does not bode well.
  • Moon in Gemini - suggests visiting a doctor is acceptable. But the unfavorable phase of the satellite itself can also affect the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Moon in Cancer - the period is perfect for the implementation of all dental procedures.
  • The Moon is in the sign of Leo - even complex medical problems are supposed to be solved these days.
  • Moon in the sign of Virgo - can be attributed to the neutral period.
  • Moon in Scorpio - astrologers say that these are excellent days to eliminate any anomalies of the dentoalveolar system.
  • Moon in Libra - during this period, experts talk about a successful visit to the dentist.
  • The satellite goes through the Sagittarius cycle - you can safely go to the doctor.
  • The Moon in Capricorn is not conducive to medical manipulations.
  • The Moon in Aquarius is a neutral period in relation to all areas of medicine.
  • Moon in Pisces - if the situation does not require the immediate intervention of a doctor, then it is better to postpone the trip to him for a while.

Favorable days for dental treatment

Astrologers have determined favorable numbers for visiting the dentist. Days for dental treatment are presented in the following list:

  • The 6th lunar day - astrologers have established as an ideal period for all types of therapeutic and preventive manipulations. Good luck in everything. The treatment process is supposed to be effective and pain free;
  • The 14th day of each cycle is also considered suitable for procedures. It is possible to visit the dentist on lunar days 28 and 30;
  • 19th day - you can plan treatment, as a person is full of energy during this period;
  • Day 24 is considered a neutral date;
  • Unsuccessful days for treatment are defined as 7, 29, 30 days. It is advisable to postpone the visit to the doctor in order to avoid complications.

Extraction of teeth according to the lunar calendar

Removal of teeth according to the lunar calendar should pass with little or no pain. In addition, astrologers promise that by following the schedule, complications can be avoided. Consider on which lunar days it is better to remove teeth:

  • 14th day - recognized as the most ideal period for extraction. If teeth are removed on this day according to the lunar calendar, then the wound will quickly heal, the manipulation will pass without pain and complications.
  • Our ancestors considered days 9, 15, 23 of the cycle to be an unfavorable period for all matters, including for. People at this moment are too weak and vulnerable.

Astrologers recommend that any surgical intervention, including dental procedures, be carried out 7 days before the start of the new moon. At the same time, experts pay attention to the need to exclude days when it is better not to remove teeth. According to the lunar calendar, this is the location of the Satellite in Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Cancer and Taurus.

If there is a choice which lunar day is suitable for removal, it is better to go to the doctor on one of the indicated dates. Neutral numbers will also work. Dentists pay attention to the fact that in case of urgent need it is impossible to remove teeth according to the lunar calendar. Help must be sought urgently.

Dental prosthetics according to the lunar calendar

If you have determined lunar days for treatment, then dental prosthetics can also be scheduled. Which day do you go to the orthodontist? Let's look at the chart.

Preliminary preparation of the oral cavity in the form before prosthetics is allowed to be performed on the waning moon. The most suitable period is considered to be the presence of the Satellite in Capricorn. You can also consult a doctor every 14th lunar day. The body is full of strength and will cope with any difficulties.

It is advisable to plan the installation of all orthodontic prostheses for the period when the moon is waning. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the moments when the Satellite is in Taurus and Aries.

Experts in the field of astrology believe that by choosing an auspicious day to visit the dental office, you can increase the effectiveness of all procedures. Many people have already tried this theory on themselves.

At the same time, doctors are skeptical about this approach and do not recommend postponing a trip to the clinic for a long time. It is possible to determine on which lunar day to remove or treat teeth only with sluggish processes.

Useful video about dental treatment according to the lunar calendar

Every living organism on our planet is influenced by the solar-lunar cycle. Thanks to this phenomenon, we can observe periods when the moon fills with powerful energy and restores vitality. There are also periods when the night luminary, as if on purpose, makes its own adjustments to the plans, weakens and adversely affects the body.

For many, visiting the dentist is associated with unpleasant and painful sensations. However, dental treatment according to the lunar calendar will not only help relieve pain, but also significantly shorten the recovery period and reduce the risk of possible complications.

The phases of the moon and their effect on the human body

Astrologers distinguish eight phases of the movement of the earth's satellite. It is not difficult to determine in which phase the night luminary has entered. The moon is in two states - waxing and waning. The final chord of the growing moon is the full moon, and the waning cycle is reborn into a new moon. We propose to consider in detail the phases that are noted in the dental treatment calendar and the influence of the lunar calendar on our body:

Favorable days for the treatment and extraction of teeth

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In 2015, Russian dentists conducted an experiment. The topic for study was the influence of astrology on the quality of dental procedures.

Statistical data have shown that on certain days, the treatment and extraction of teeth, the installation of crowns and bridges are more successful, faster and more efficient.

From the point of view of the lunar day

  • The most favorable lunar days to remove a tooth will be: 3, 4 and 5 in the phase of the waning moon. These days, the removal will be almost painless, and the wounds will heal faster. The body is full of energy and perfectly copes with harmful bacteria.
  • For cleaning and treatment of root canals in the tooth, the most successful are: 2, 27 and 28 lunar days. So you can avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes. The risk of cysts under the root and manifestations of allergic reactions is reduced.
  • If you need to fill a tooth, then pay attention to the 6th and 14th lunar days. According to the lunar calendar, the filling will be more durable, and the procedure itself will pass without complications.
  • When installing a dental bridge or crown, choose: 6, 24 and 30 lunar days. During this period, the likelihood of swelling of the gums and the appearance of purulent discharge decreases.
  • For dental therapy, the following are considered neutral: 1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25 days of the lunar calendar. During this period, you can install crowns and prostheses.
  • The most unfavorable days for visiting doctors or for making serious decisions are: 7, 20, 29 days. These days are marked by the possibility of frequent inflammation and heavy bleeding during surgical interventions. The body, due to a weakened immune system, can succumb to infection or infection.

From the point of view of the horoscope (zodiac signs)

The effectiveness of treatment also depends on the horoscope, in which zodiac sign the moon is located. Usually, the planet Saturn is responsible for the state of the oral cavity. There are 12 signs on the modern astrological chart, and each has an incredible effect on the human body.

The benefits of the lunar calendar can hardly be overestimated, and even the biggest skeptics in relation to astrology admit that the influence of the moon on our health and well-being is very noticeable. We offer you some tips to help you follow the lunar rhythms and choose the right time for any procedures in order to improve your health and get the best result.

Council number 1. On the new moon and a few days before it (the days of the Hecad), there may be sleep disturbances, nightmares may occur, people often do not get enough sleep. This may be due to the change in energies during the transition from one lunar month to the next. To reduce the negative impact of the days of Hekada, one should eat only light food on these days (preferably of plant origin) and give up alcohol.

Council number 2. With a growing moon, it is more efficient to nourish and heal the body than with a waning moon. If the moon is growing, choose those products that are most useful for the organ that is vulnerable on this day.

Council number 3. Each sign of the zodiac that the Moon passes during the month includes a certain organ or part of the body for which this zodiac sign is responsible. This organ becomes vulnerable, so it should not be loaded, tired or operated on. For surgical intervention, it is better to choose organs and parts of the body that are vulnerable with the opposite sign.

The most vulnerable parts of the body, organs and systems during the passage of the Moon of the following signs of the Zodiac:

Moon in Aries: All organs of the head, including the brain, except for the ears and lower jaw, sense organs. Opposite sign: LIBRA.

Moon in Taurus: Thyroid gland, throat, larynx, ears, lower jaw, tonsils. Opposite sign: SCORPIO.

Moon in Gemini: Arms, fingers, hands, shoulders, lungs. Opposite sign: SAGITTARIUS.

Moon in Cancer: Chest, stomach, liver, gallbladder. Opposite sign: CAPRICORN

Moon in Leo: Heart, diaphragm, back, blood vessels. Opposite sign: AQUARIUS.

Moon in VIRGO: Digestive organs, pancreas, abdominal cavity. Opposite sign: FISH.

Moon in Libra: Kidneys, bladder, lower back. Opposite sign: ARIES.

Moon in SCORPIO: Urogenital system. Opposite sign: TAURUS.

Moon in Sagittarius: Liver, thighs, veins, blood. Opposite sign: GEMINI.

Moon in CAPRICORN: Skin, knees, joints, bones, spine, teeth, gallbladder. Opposite sign: CANCER.

Moon in Aquarius: Legs, eyes, joints, nervous system. Opposite sign: LEO.

Moon in PISCES: Skin, feet, toes, lymphatic system. Opposite sign: VIRGO.

Council number 4. If you do not have time to wait for a sign suitable for the treatment of a certain organ, when it is the least vulnerable, choose the signs of one cross. There are 3 crosses in total:

cardinal cross: Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn

Fixed cross: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Mutable Cross: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

For example, if you need to treat the thyroid gland, look for the sign that is responsible for this organ - Taurus, it is included in a fixed cross, which means that all signs except Taurus are suitable for treatment or operations on the thyroid gland.

However, sometimes there are exceptions to this rule. For example, if you need to treat your teeth, choose the signs of the cardinal cross, but not Aries, and you can’t choose Capricorn, in which the teeth are also vulnerable.

Council number 5. If the Moon is waning, unload and cleanse with nutrition that organ that is most vulnerable. For example, if the Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, the liver is vulnerable, which means it is better to eat light food, eliminate all fatty and fried foods, and it is also better to avoid alcohol.

Council number 6. With the growing moon, the restoration and strengthening of the body and invulnerable organs will be effective. With the waning moon, various procedures for cleansing, washing and relieving inflammation of invulnerable organs will be most effective.

Council number 7. On busy days of the moon, it is not recommended to perform operations on even the most invulnerable organs. Among these days are the days of the change of lunar phases, the day of the new moon and the day of the full moon, 29th lunar day, as well as all the days on which the Moon makes negative aspects with malefics Mars and Saturn.

Tip #8. It is easier to gain weight during the waxing moon, so if you want to lose weight, try to limit your consumption of unhealthy foods during the waxing moon (2 weeks) and allow yourself some unhealthy foods if you cannot do without them during the waning moon.

Tip #9. Change to a healthy diet and limit the consumption of starchy foods and sweets a few days before the full moon, then you will easily lose extra pounds and it will be more difficult for them to return if you suddenly allow yourself something harmful later. At this time, the body will absorb the received substances well and quickly. It is especially easy to restrict yourself in nutrition on days when the Moon is in Capricorn or Virgo.

Tip number 10. If you are susceptible to pain, it is better not to visit doctors and do not take tests on the days of Pisces. It is most effective to go to the doctor on days when the Moon is in the sign of Virgo. These days, there is a much better chance that you will be diagnosed correctly, your tests will not be lost and will be interpreted correctly.

Tip #11. Visit the dentist only during the waning moon, ideally when the moon is in the signs of Libra, Scorpio and Cancer. You should not visit the dentist at a time when the Moon is in the signs of Aries, Taurus and Capricorn, even if it is in its waning phase. The days of Libra with the waning moon will take place from November to March of any year; Scorpio - from December to April, and Capricorn - from January to June. . naturally rises on the full moon,

Tip #12. Get vaccinated during the waning moon, the risk of side effects from them increases significantly during the full moon, as well as during the three days before it.

Tip #13. If you need a relaxing, stress-relieving and body-cleansing massage, it should be done during the waning moon. Restoring and restorative massage will work much more effectively with the growing moon. The best sign of the Moon for massages is the sign of Gemini. The moon in the sign of Gemini will be in a growing phase from December to May, and in a waning phase from June to November of any year.

Tip #14. If you have serious pain, it is best to start massage therapy during the days of the Earth: with the Moon in the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and with the waning Moon. Lymphatic drainage massage is most effective when the Moon is waning in the signs of Water: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

Tip #15. Acupuncture for cleansing the body is best done with a waning moon, and for restoration and strengthening - with a growing one. Also consider the position of the Moon in signs. If you need to act on a specific organ, choose days when that organ will be vulnerable. For example, when treating headaches, it is better to choose Aries days.

Tip #16. It is easiest to wean a baby from the breast during the full moon. At the beginning of the lunar month, one should begin to gradually reduce the number of attachments to the breast, and at the time of the full moon, give the baby the breast for the last time. Then the weaning process will not be too painful, and it will be easier for you to get rid of the milk.

Tip #17. If you are tormented by bad habits that you want to get rid of, as they negatively affect your health and well-being, then it is best to start fighting them in March on the new moon. Of course, good results can be achieved in other months, but it is best to start a new life on a new moon. On the 1st lunar day, you should think carefully about how you would like to see yourself, getting rid of what worries you. You must be very clear about your feelings and emotions that await you. The stronger your desire to get rid of the habit, the easier it will be for you.

Tip #18. Do all nourishing procedures for skin and hair on the growing moon, and all cleansing procedures - on the waning one. It is best to cleanse the skin should be on the days of the passage of the Moon signs of the Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. It is best to treat sore skin on the days of Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Tip #19. It is very dangerous to get sunburn on days when the Moon is in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, as well as when the Moon is growing, so these days you are least in the sun. The tan will last longer, be even and beautiful if you sunbathe during the waning moon.

Tip #20. All water procedures are best prescribed for the days of the passage of the Moon of air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Tip #21. Hair will grow quickly if cut with a waxing moon, especially in the signs of Leo and Virgo. To strengthen your hair and keep your hair in shape for a long time, choose days when the moon is in a waning phase. It is better to dye your hair with the growing moon. Always avoid going to the hairdresser when the Moon is in Cancer and Pisces.

Tip #22. It is best to go for a manicure on the days when the Moon passes under the sign of Capricorn, as well as on Fridays after sunset.

Tip #23. Aromatherapy will bring the greatest benefit. If you use it during the days of the Moon in the signs of Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Tip #24. It is best to work with tattoos and tattooing (remove, apply) when the Moon is in a waning phase, then the process will be the least painful and the skin will recover faster.

The influence of the Moon on all spheres of human life has been discussed for a long time. And it has been proven that the state of the individual, her mood and physical condition depend on the phases of the moon. The young moon gives the best time to restore strength and accumulate energy. Therefore, astrologers do not recommend much to bother with affairs. At the time of the new moon, a person gets tired much more than on other days.

Dental treatment according to the lunar calendar for 2019 says that during the waning moon, a person’s physical condition becomes much better, because he managed to accumulate strength during the period of the young moon. Therefore, people can cope with surgery or disease much easier. Mystical and mysterious coincidences await during the period of the full moon. At this time, any treatment, extraction or prosthetics of teeth is highly undesirable. And in general, no operations should be done during this period.

The tidal period of the moon affects the distribution of blood to the organs and tissues of the body. Experts say that for a period the organs can be more washed with blood or less. Choosing the wrong day for a serious event, you can face complications and various diseases. As a result, instead of one visit to the dentist, you will have to perform several.

Fillings, crowns and bridges - favorable time

  • All days of the waning or new Moon are favorable, except for those days when the Moon is in Taurus or Aries;
  • An unfavorable time to do something with your teeth on the growing Moon, these days it is in Taurus or Aries;
  • All manipulations should be excluded during the full moon;

Tartar removal

  • wait for the waning moon, which is in Capricorn, this period is ideal;
  • the new moon is also considered an auspicious time;
  • It is not recommended to carry out these manipulations during the full moon.

Extraction of teeth and operations on the moon

  • For surgery and tooth extraction, it is better to choose the last week before the new moon, but you need to choose the time so that it is not in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius;
  • The waning moon is also favorable for manipulation, except for the days of Aries, Taurus and Cancer;
  • It is strongly not recommended to remove teeth on the full moon and three days before it;
  • The stay of the earthly satellite in Capricorn, bones and teeth are considered the most vulnerable. Inappropriate time is considered the stay of the Moon in Aries and Taurus. Therefore, it is better to postpone the procedures. This does not apply to a situation where you need to urgently contact a dentist;

Winter lunar calendar of dental treatment 2019


Dental treatment is an extremely unfavorable time for various manipulations and serious procedures.

In the first days of 2019, you cannot treat your teeth, and not only because this is a holiday period. Planning an important event should begin from the 3rd to the 14th. If the holiday fuss did not make it possible to take care of the health of the oral cavity, you should go to the doctor on January 29 and 30. On other days, dentures cannot be performed. Unfavorable days are considered 1, 2, from 15 to 28.


The period from February 11, 2019 is the most favorable. You can also make an appointment with the doctor on the 14th and 15th. 25 and 26 will be suitable. This time is most favorable for any manipulations related to dental treatment, since at this time the protective forces are activated. The most inappropriate would be 12, 13, 16 to 24 and 27.

Spring lunar calendar of dental treatment 2019


In the first month of spring, you should contact your dentist from March 3 to March 10. In addition, it is worth planning an event in the period 13 to 16, 15, 25, 26. If these days are taken into account, crowns and fillings will last a long time. Unsuitable are 1.2, 11.12, 14 from 17 to 24, 27 and 30.


The most favorable days when the most complex events should be planned are considered from 1 to 6 and the last six days of the month. Also, astrologers are advised to contact the clinic on April 21, 22, from 9 to 15 April. These days the pain will be mild, and the operations will be successful.


Having decided to go to the dentist in May, you should not choose the 4th, 5th and 6th. The period from May 15 to May 17, 29 will also become unfavorable for this purpose. It is not advisable to plan a serious surgical intervention for May 20, 21 and 23. This is the time when the moon negatively affects human health.

Summer lunar calendar of dental treatment 2019


It is not advisable to treat diseases of the oral cavity in the first two days of summer. But the time from the 3rd to the 12th, you can safely contact the specialists. For operations, the period from 3 to 12, from 21 to 24 and 30 is considered excellent.


This month is also marked by a certain position of the earth's satellite and you cannot plan a visit to the clinic from the 13th to the 17th and from the 23rd to the 27th. On other days, various manipulations to take care of the health of gums and teeth are welcome. Taking into account fluctuations in the geomagnetic situation, treatment is performed on the first twelve days of the month, from 18 to 22 and the last couple of days of July.


Unfavorable days this month should be allocated from 11 to 13 and from 19 to 26. In particular, it is not worth the risk if complex manipulations are planned, such as operations on soft tissues or implantation. It is better to move the event to the first 10 days of August, from 14 to 18 and the last three days of the month.

Autumn lunar calendar for dental treatment 2019


For those who want to deal with dental problems, September is not the best month. For the period from 15 to 25, the satellite negatively affects human health, reducing immunity. Therefore, it is not advisable to plan a visit to the dentist for this period. 9 and 10 are considered unfavorable. It is better to do this in the first eight days of September and from 11 to 14, 26-30.


In the second month of autumn, the period from 13 to 24, 9 will become unfavorable. An important action can be transferred to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 25, 30, 31.


The first six days of the month will be ideal for visiting the doctor and performing any oral manipulations. November 7 is an unfavorable day. It is also important not to plan operations and prosthetics from the 9th to the 23rd. Otherwise, the wounds will heal for a long time, and the material used for treatment will not take root. Favorable will be 8, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.


It is better to make an appointment in the first week of the month, when the night luminary is most favorably located. The period from 7 to 22 December will be bad. It is better to devote the end of the month to pleasant New Year's Eve chores.

If you look closely at the lunar calendar, then any trip to the dentist will be the most effective and will please for a long time.

The calendar will help you plan a visit to the dentist at the best time. Unless, of course, something urgent happens to you, then, of course, you should not delay the visit.

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Ecology of life. Health: Despite technological progress and the achievements of civilization, we still continue to respond to lunar rhythms. How can you find out in advance the days when stressful situations and deterioration of well-being are possible? How to choose the best time to start important things? The calendar of lunar days will help us with this.

Despite technological progress and the achievements of civilization, we still continue to respond to lunar rhythms. This is especially true for people with diseases of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. How can you find out in advance the days when stressful situations and deterioration of well-being are possible? How to choose the best time to start important things? The calendar of lunar days will help us with this.

1st lunar day

Organs of the 1st lunar day: the front part of the head, the brain.

Be careful, now your body is completely unprotected, so there is a high probability of getting any injury or getting sick. When tuning in to the new lunar month, the body spends most of its strength on the exact "adjustment" of internal rhythms to the rhythms of the entire Cosmos, and as a result, neither the physical body of a person, nor his psyche is ready for any stress. It is best to spend this day in peace and relaxation. In summer, this is an ideal time for walking through the forest or relaxing on the shores of a lake, river or sea.

On the first lunar day, if the sedative regime is not observed, there is a high probability of the formation of kidney stones and exacerbation of the entire genitourinary system.

A sick person on this day can be ill for a long time, but he will definitely recover.

2nd lunar day

Organs of the 2nd lunar day: mouth, teeth.

Now is the best time to start new health programs, to start a new set of exercises aimed at general health improvement and prevention of various diseases. This is an ideal time to explore Eastern healing systems and begin a small series of massages. In a word, the second lunar day is the time to start a healthy lifestyle.

It’s good to start new training complexes on the second lunar day, but at the same time, exercises should be selected so that they represent a kind of “golden mean” between load and relaxation. Static isometric exercises are ideal for this, which are built on the principle of alternate relaxation and tension.

The main thing during this lunar period is not to overdo it with loads, because if you stretch a muscle or overstrain it, it will take a lot of time to enter a normal rhythm again, since any exercise, movement made on the second lunar day the body remembers, “records” in their cells as a program for the next month.

3rd lunar day

Organs of the 3rd lunar day: the back of the head.

The most beneficial for health on these lunar days will be active physical exercises, skiing, kayaking, running marathons and the like. The main thing is more action. In the end, life is movement, and therefore you should not immobilize yourself.

Physical activity on the third lunar day is useful in that it can give an outlet for the accumulated energy to the outside. The essence of all energy practices is not so much to accumulate as much energy as possible, but to “pump” it through oneself. The more energy passes through a person, the healthier he becomes, because in this case every cell of the body is saturated and “washed” with energy, after which health becomes not a period of the absence of diseases, but the norm of life, in which any ailments are practically excluded.

Unused energy on the third lunar day can undermine health, because not finding a way out to the periphery, it will be directed at itself, that is, at the destruction of the body.

The one who ignores these tips and instead of active actions indulges in laziness, or even sleeps the whole period, may unexpectedly find that, upon waking up, he will feel tired, as if he had been beaten with sticks all night. This suggests that the energy simply did not pass through the energy channels and did not wash them with its healing nectar, but, on the contrary, seemed to “swamp” in it, causing many stagnations, both in the blood and in the digestive tract. Therefore, be careful, it is better to run a hundred meters for a walk in the forest one day than a kilometer later along the hospital corridors. The choice always remains with the individual.

The third lunar day, as a period of active action, is associated with the organ responsible for coordinating our actions - the cerebellum, located in the back of the head. If your body is slagged, then on the third lunar day you may experience pain in the back of your head. If such phenomena are observed, it is necessary to immediately take up the removal of toxins from the body, and especially during this period when the lunar energies are very active.

This is a very good period for participating in competitions, because the energy capabilities of a person are very high.

In many magical traditions, this is the day of the warrior, therefore martial arts are very encouraging, which will allow you to spend your strength more efficiently.

4th lunar day

Organs of the 4th lunar day: pharynx, larynx.

On the fourth lunar day, you need to pay close attention to the throat area and cervical spine - now they are especially vulnerable. Therefore, it is recommended that those working at the computer rest and stretch their necks more often, and those who have to talk a lot at work, for example, teachers or lecturers, it is advisable to be silent as much as possible during this period, and if this is not possible, then drink hot tea more often and not overexert vocal cords.

It is very good for health on the fourth lunar day to take a walk in the forest or park. It is necessary to be near flowers, trees as much as possible, it is especially good to be near oak or ash. This will help you balance the energy flows in your body and bring it into a more harmonious state.

5th lunar day

Organs of the 5th lunar day: esophagus.

This lunar period complex alchemical processes take place in the body, so physical exercises should be more focused on internal work.

It is good to work out tendons on the fifth lunar day, work with energy channels, and in addition, muscle stretching exercises are very useful.

Such a selection of exercises will help the body to go through the period of internal transformation faster and without complications, because on the fifth lunar day changes occur even at the level of cells - the vibrational characteristics of the aura completely change. Moreover, even those who do nothing on this day are subject to changes, however, such changes naturally occur with a minus sign, that is, there is a global destruction of the body. No wonder there is a saying: "If you do not go forward, you go back."

6th lunar day

Organs of the 6th lunar day: bronchi, upper respiratory tract.

Particular attention now requires organs associated with the elements of water and air. It is dangerous on the sixth lunar day to overstrain the vocal cords, that is, to “break” the voice. Therefore, all those who, one way or another, have to talk a lot on duty, it is better to refrain from talking for a long time during this interval. It is necessary to try to remain silent as much as possible, because astrologers warn that when the vocal cords are overstrained or a cough occurs, inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract can begin.

Naturally, at this time one should refrain from drinking cold drinks, even if it is summer in the yard - the respiratory tract and throat are very weak, they need to be protected.

Close attention should be paid to such a "water" organ as the kidneys. Keep them warm and avoid drafts.

For those who are actively engaged in pranayama or any kind of breathing exercises, on the sixth lunar day, it is recommended to slightly reduce the load, or at least not increase it, in order to avoid unwanted complications that can end very badly, up to a chronic disease.

It is good to perform programs designed to rejuvenate the body during this period. Massage will be very useful, and you should not limit yourself in choosing a massage method, you can use both traditional European and exotic, for example, Thai, Vedic or acupressure.

If it is not possible to get a massage from a professional massage therapist, do at least one self-massage session. This will greatly benefit you. Massages with the use of aromatic oils, as well as the actual aromatherapy session, will be very useful.

7th lunar day

Organ of the 7th lunar day: lungs.

The most vulnerable organs of the seventh lunar day are the throat and chest, so treat them with special attention. The best preventive measure is to perform various breathing exercises.

Smoking is very dangerous on this day, it can lead to serious diseases of the chest, even cancer. Therefore, if possible, refrain from cigarettes or at least reduce their number as much as possible.

On the seventh lunar day, all organs associated with breathing are very fragile, even the nostrils can suffer. For this reason, the Indian astrological tradition recommends performing jala neti or other cleansing practices of the nasal cavity, throat and lungs during this period.

It will be very helpful to spend a short period of silence, at least half a day. This will give your nervous system a good rest, help restore mental strength and give your vocal cords a long-awaited rest.

Many astrological schools advise to refrain from dental treatment on this lunar day.

8th lunar day

Organ of the 8th lunar day: stomach.

These lunar days are ideal for preparing medicines with a large number of components, and the more includes components, the more successful it will turn out.

Massage treatments and aromatherapy sessions are highly welcome.

During this period, the peripheral nervous system is vulnerable, so you need to keep calm as much as possible, do not take on excessive physical exertion, and do not be zealous in training.

Fire must be handled with particular care.

9th lunar day

Organ of the 9th lunar day: breast nipple.

Attention should be paid to the chest, to the prevention of intercostal neuralgia, angina pectoris.

On the ninth lunar day, chronic diseases may worsen. This is due to the fact that chronic diseases are karmic in nature, that is, they arise only when a problem is not solved at the psychophysical level for a long time and eventually passes to the physical one. Unexpectedly, those organs that you seemed to have healed a long time ago can also get sick. But in fact, this is not so - only the symptom is eliminated, and the disease itself, that is, its energy matrix, is not removed from the aura. That is, as has been repeatedly mentioned above, the unresolved problem did not disappear, but went into the deeper layers of the subconscious.

On the ninth lunar day, any ailments, diseases, exacerbation of any processes - all these are SOS signals, the body tries to shout to the mind that you would do something.

On the ninth lunar day, it is useful to carry out all kinds of cleansing practices, especially bowel cleansing.

All strength exercises can be done.

10th lunar day

Organ of the 10th lunar day: chest bones.

Astrologers of the European school strongly recommend starting wellness programs during this period, which should become a habit over time.

It is best to devote this day to family physical education, trips to the forest, to the river, joint marathons, and so on. All health-improving family activities on the tenth lunar day will bring a simply fantastic effect and will help strengthen family relationships.

In families where everyone goes in for sports or some kind of health programs, as a rule, no one almost never gets sick.

11th lunar day

Organ of the 11th lunar day: ridge.

The period of active physical exercise. It is useful to make long walks, run marathons, kayak, swim across stakes and lakes, ride a bike and so on.

It is very good now to engage in martial arts, but only without the use of edged weapons. In training, you can increase the load, learn new movements and exercises. An ideal time for sports, festivals, days of health and physical education.

On the eleventh lunar day, it is good to move to a new level in those health programs that were started at the beginning of the lunar month.

If you spend this time lying on the couch, indulging in laziness and longing, then your body will not really rest, but, on the contrary, will not receive the new energy it needs. The one who spends the eleventh lunar day in passivity exacerbates chronic diseases.

The energy of this day can be used for 24-, 36-hour fasting. Favorable time for liver cleansing

12th lunar day

Organ of the 12th lunar day: heart.

It is very useful at this time to engage in hatha yoga and other psychophysical practices of Eastern esoteric systems.

Close attention should be paid to the work of the heart. On the twelfth lunar day, it should not be overloaded with heavy training, but should be protected from stress and nervous breakdowns. It is best to have a meditation session.

During this period, it is desirable to receive a gentle massage.

An auspicious day for cleansing the upper respiratory tract, heart and lungs - it is useful to take an expectorant.

13th lunar day

Organ of the 13th lunar day: blood.

In terms of health, the thirteenth lunar day is a period of correction. You can improve and customize those wellness programs that you started on the second lunar day. You can make changes, replace some exercises with others, increase or reduce the time for completing the entire complex, and so on.

This period is favorable for the treatment, prevention and prosthetics of teeth, as well as for cosmetic and plastic surgeries and the treatment of cellulite.

Massages and water procedures are very useful on the thirteenth lunar day. In the warm season, it would be nice to spend the whole day outdoors in the bosom of nature.

14th lunar day

Organ of the 14th lunar day: intestines.

On this day, it is very good to engage in cleansing, mainly of the physical body, enemas, washing (when the Moon is not in lunar signs). It is ideal for Shank Prakshalana.

Good "dry" fasting, tk. any liquid that day pollutes.

The eyes are very vulnerable. It is necessary to work at the computer as little as possible, to refrain from reading and watching TV. Contemplation of water, sky or just the horizon line will be useful. Watching the sunrise and sunset is especially healing. It restores the strength of the eyes, cures many eye diseases (of course, if done every day) and relieves eye fatigue. It is undesirable now to smoke or be near smokers.

15th lunar day

Organ of the 15th lunar day: diaphragm, pancreas, intestines.

Due to the fact that the Moon is at the peak of its activity, this is a very dangerous period for the body. Many diseases can suddenly worsen, especially chronic ones. So, for example, if you suffer from frequent headaches, then do not overexert yourself, get plenty of rest. If you have problems with your legs, do not make long and strenuous walks.

On the fifteenth lunar day, close attention should be paid to the pancreas (its function is being corrected) and the diaphragm.

Astrologers recommend more meditative exercises during this period, especially hatha yoga is good. It will be very useful to get a Reiki or massage session, and any - Thai, Ayurvedic, Chinese, and so on.

In addition, this is a favorable period for cranio-sacral or thanato therapy.

16th lunar day

Organs of the 16th lunar day: spleen.

The sixteenth lunar day is very good for cleansing procedures, ablutions, herbal baths, aromatherapy sessions and similar procedures.

It must be remembered that this time is not intended for active, but passive rest. It is best to spend the sixteenth lunar day not in a kayak trip, but in a calm contemplation of nature.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to sit back and watch TV all day. No. But it's also not worth the effort.

It is necessary to give the body time to rest and accumulate new strength after previous active lunar days.

All types of cleansing practices will be very useful and successful. They will help the body get rid of accumulated toxins and stress, thus giving the opportunity to enter the new lunar phase updated and ready for new challenges.

Particularly useful on the sixteenth lunar day are blood purifying procedures. Therefore, it is highly recommended to eat more turmeric.

Workouts that require the participation of a partner, as well as paired yoga or massage, will be successful.

17th lunar day

Organs of the 17th lunar day: spleen, pancreas, stomach.

For health, this is a very favorable period, when even chronic diseases recede for some time. For example, a constant headache may pass, as if it never happened. It is necessary to consider such a phenomenon as the grace of the Goddess of the Moon, but it should be remembered that this is only temporary, and if you do not change anything, the pain will return again.

It is very dangerous to consume too much on the seventeenth lunar day, both in terms of drinking alcohol and overeating. In the end, the joy is not in getting drunk and stuffing your stomach with food, so keep everything in moderation as much as possible.

For this lunar period, you can pause in training and wellness programs. Such a rest will not bring negative consequences, in some cases, on the contrary, it will be useful.

Very successful on this day will be procedures aimed at treating infertility and impotence.

18th lunar day

Organs of the 18th lunar day: lungs, large intestine.

Drinking and smoking are contraindicated, it is useful to clean the intestines; many spiritual teachers recommended fasting.

You should pay attention to the kidneys: they are weakened on this day. On this day, skin diseases may appear, secret wounds may open (you must be very careful with any diagnosis and treatment). If something like this happened, it means that a person has violated the law of cosmic evolution.

Close attention should be paid to the condition of the skin - to conduct light massage sessions using oils or sandalwood paste. In addition, this is a favorable time for applying masks, lotions, compresses and taking herbal baths.

Herbal teas with the addition of turmeric and cinnamon are very useful during this period.

If on the eighteenth lunar day you are at sea or working in open areas, be careful, very sensitive skin during this period can easily get burned from direct sunlight. Try to stay in the shade more or use a special cream.

19th lunar day

Organ of the 19th lunar day: navel center.

Being in the bosom of nature, be careful - avoid any insects. Their bites today can cause a non-standard reaction.

The nineteenth lunar day is good for making Shank Praksha-lana, but not for the first time.

It is advisable to cancel all workouts and classes so as not to get bruises, sprains and other injuries. At this time, you may feel strong, but this is only an appearance.

On this day, the vulnerable places in the human body are the appendix, the sigmoid colon.

20th lunar day

Organs of the 20th lunar day: shoulder blades, shoulders, peritoneum.

The most vulnerable part of the body on this lunar day is the upper back. Those who are heavily involved in bodybuilding, weightlifting or martial arts are advised to refrain from heavy loads on this area. It is better to work with other muscle groups.

The most useful exercises today will be performed with a partner, and ideally, the more people involved, the better. For the same reason, it is recommended to engage in collective sports games - football, basketball, volleyball, and so on.

Some astrological schools advise to carry out cleansing procedures, especially tonic massages, and in particular back massages.

21st lunar day

Organs of the 21st lunar day: liver, blood.

This lunar day gives a great chance to build your body as a temple of the spirit, raising it to a higher level. It is recommended to perform any physical exercises, to be in the air; as well as baths, showers, dousing, hardening.

Today in training you can increase the load, it will only benefit. It is also good to run a marathon distance or make some kind of forced march with a lot of obstacles. All overload will have a beneficial effect on health.

The body is now not only able to withstand heavy loads, but also wants to test itself in extreme conditions.

True, you need to be careful with the liver, in no case do not drink alcoholic beverages and refrain from smoking. Today, even a small dose of them is almost fatal.

It is necessary to carry out blood purifying procedures - drink grass, eat carrots, cranberries, beets, mountain ash, pomegranates.

22nd lunar day

Organ of the 22nd lunar day: stomach.

The most vulnerable during this period are the hip joints, hips, sacrum and lower spine. Be very careful not to injure them. For example, if you are engaged in lifting weights, then try not to perform exercises today in which these areas are heavily loaded, it is better to work out other muscle groups.

On the twenty-second lunar day, it is recommended to start a treatment cycle, a new wellness program. It is also a favorable period for theoretical studies, for studying the psychological and physiological foundations of a particular sport or health system.

23rd lunar day

Organs of the 23rd lunar day: female organs, ovaries, Muladhara chakra (lower center in the coccyx area)

Health today must be taken care of with special care, since a powerful surge of energies opposite to each other can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases or lead to various traumatic situations.

The degree of fractures, bruises and so on is very high. Therefore, today it is recommended to cancel all workouts, even the mildest ones, since it is very difficult to predict what can cause undesirable consequences. Even an innocent muscle strain can cause unbearable pain.

24th lunar day

Organ of the 24th lunar day: armpit area.

On these lunar days, you can carry out both active training with a large number of different exercises, including the joint work of all muscle groups, and meditative exercises, such as yoga. It all depends on you how well you feel.

On the twenty-fourth lunar day, any health problems rarely occur, and if they do, they are usually minor and quickly passing.

Harmful factors for your body on this day are smoking and alcohol.

25th lunar day

Organ of the 25th lunar day: knees.

Nothing happens to health on the twenty-fifth lunar day. If you were sick, then your state of health will remain the same, the pain will not increase, but it will not go away either.

Although, it must be said, this is the most successful and favorable time for non-traditional healing practices, especially those that actively use water, for example, hydrotherapy.

It is very useful for healthy people to swim in a river, lake, sea or headquarters during this lunar time. If this is not possible, be sure to take a bath, preferably with herbs.

Some astrological schools warn against starting new medicines on this day.

26th lunar day

Organs of the 26th lunar day: heart, small intestine.

Massage and cosmetic procedures, work with acupuncture points are useful today.

The right time for -24-, 36-hour fasting.

27th lunar day

Astrologers warn: the use of chemicals on the twenty-seventh lunar day can cause an unforeseen reaction of the body, various complications. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from using drugs during this period (of course, if we are not talking about life and death).

In the health plan, you can cleanse the large intestine, visit the steam room. Give moderate physical activity.

The most vulnerable part of the body is the shins.

The lymphatic system is also vulnerable. It is believed that on this day, as a result of an improper lifestyle, a violation of fluid metabolism may occur, lymph nodes become inflamed, and diseases of the lymphatic system and blood begin. Donation on this day is contraindicated.

You need to be less in the draft, and most importantly - avoid dampness.

Standing near water also during this lunar period can easily lead to respiratory diseases. Stay away from waterways and pools.

Cold water on the twenty-seventh lunar day is very dangerous. Try not to swim today, especially for large bodies of water - seas, oceans, lakes.

28th lunar day

During this period, the human body is positively charged and capable of doing a lot, but you need to remember that first of all we are talking about internal work, and not about external work, that is, pay more attention to meditation, breathing and energy exercises than physical ones. Heavy loads are acceptable but not usually recommended.

You should take care of your head, brain, monitor blood pressure. It is very important to protect your eyesight: it is better to read less, do not look at bright light.

On the twenty-eighth lunar day, you can do various cleansing complexes and cosmetic procedures.

Useful water procedures - from swimming to swimming in the hole. It is good to take a herbal bath.

29th lunar day

Organ of the 29th lunar day: backside, anus, rectum.

During this period, the entire human body is exposed to the negative influence of negative energies. Therefore, it is recommended to load yourself as little as possible. Avoid drafts and damp rooms. In training, be careful - the day is fraught with an abundance of injuries, which often end in serious complications.

On the twenty-ninth lunar day, those diseases that you have already forgotten to think about can again make themselves felt. This is a sure signal that you have actually eliminated the symptom, and not the disease itself. The "matrix" of the disease is still in your body and must be removed immediately, otherwise the disease will return to you every time until it becomes chronic, and then turns into a pathology.

30th lunar day

Organ of the 30th lunar day: pineal gland.

Now it is useful to have a massage session or take an herbal bath, in extreme cases, just sit in silence and relaxation. It is not recommended to strain on the thirtieth lunar day. In training, it is better to conduct a theoretical lesson or reduce the load to a minimum.

On this day, it is dangerous to overstrain the brain, sharp pungent odors are contraindicated. published

Ecology of life. Health: Despite technological progress and the achievements of civilization, we still continue to respond to lunar rhythms. How can you find out in advance the days when stressful situations and deterioration of well-being are possible? How to choose the best time to start important things? The calendar of lunar days will help us with this.

Despite technological progress and the achievements of civilization, we still continue to respond to lunar rhythms. This is especially true for people with diseases of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. How can you find out in advance the days when stressful situations and deterioration of well-being are possible? How to choose the best time to start important things? The calendar of lunar days will help us with this.

1st lunar day

Organs of the 1st lunar day: the front part of the head, the brain.

Be careful, now your body is completely unprotected, so there is a high probability of getting any injury or getting sick. When tuning in to the new lunar month, the body spends most of its strength on the exact "adjustment" of internal rhythms to the rhythms of the entire Cosmos, and as a result, neither the physical body of a person, nor his psyche is ready for any stress. It is best to spend this day in peace and relaxation. In summer, this is an ideal time for walking through the forest or relaxing on the shores of a lake, river or sea.

On the first lunar day, if the sedative regime is not observed, there is a high probability of the formation of kidney stones and exacerbation of the entire genitourinary system.

A sick person on this day can be ill for a long time, but he will definitely recover.

2nd lunar day

Organs of the 2nd lunar day: mouth, teeth.

Now is the best time to start new health programs, to start a new set of exercises aimed at general health improvement and prevention of various diseases. This is an ideal time to explore Eastern healing systems and begin a small series of massages. In a word, the second lunar day is the time to start a healthy lifestyle.

It’s good to start new training complexes on the second lunar day, but at the same time, exercises should be selected so that they represent a kind of “golden mean” between load and relaxation. Static isometric exercises are ideal for this, which are built on the principle of alternate relaxation and tension.

The main thing during this lunar period is not to overdo it with loads, because if you stretch a muscle or overstrain it, it will take a lot of time to enter a normal rhythm again, since any exercise, movement made on the second lunar day the body remembers, “records” in their cells as a program for the next month.

3rd lunar day

Organs of the 3rd lunar day: the back of the head.

The most beneficial for health on these lunar days will be active physical exercises, skiing, kayaking, running marathons and the like. The main thing is more action. In the end, life is movement, and therefore you should not immobilize yourself.

Physical activity on the third lunar day is useful in that it can give an outlet for the accumulated energy to the outside. The essence of all energy practices is not so much to accumulate as much energy as possible, but to “pump” it through oneself. The more energy passes through a person, the healthier he becomes, because in this case every cell of the body is saturated and “washed” with energy, after which health becomes not a period of the absence of diseases, but the norm of life, in which any ailments are practically excluded.

Unused energy on the third lunar day can undermine health, because not finding a way out to the periphery, it will be directed at itself, that is, at the destruction of the body.

The one who ignores these tips and instead of active actions indulges in laziness, or even sleeps the whole period, may unexpectedly find that, upon waking up, he will feel tired, as if he had been beaten with sticks all night. This suggests that the energy simply did not pass through the energy channels and did not wash them with its healing nectar, but, on the contrary, seemed to “swamp” in it, causing many stagnations, both in the blood and in the digestive tract. Therefore, be careful, it is better to run a hundred meters for a walk in the forest one day than a kilometer later along the hospital corridors. The choice always remains with the individual.

The third lunar day, as a period of active action, is associated with the organ responsible for coordinating our actions - the cerebellum, located in the back of the head. If your body is slagged, then on the third lunar day you may experience pain in the back of your head. If such phenomena are observed, it is necessary to immediately take up the removal of toxins from the body, and especially during this period when the lunar energies are very active.

This is a very good period for participating in competitions, because the energy capabilities of a person are very high.

In many magical traditions, this is the day of the warrior, therefore martial arts are very encouraging, which will allow you to spend your strength more efficiently.

4th lunar day

Organs of the 4th lunar day: pharynx, larynx.

On the fourth lunar day, you need to pay close attention to the throat area and cervical spine - now they are especially vulnerable. Therefore, it is recommended that those working at the computer rest and stretch their necks more often, and those who have to talk a lot at work, for example, teachers or lecturers, it is advisable to be silent as much as possible during this period, and if this is not possible, then drink hot tea more often and not overexert vocal cords.

It is very good for health on the fourth lunar day to take a walk in the forest or park. It is necessary to be near flowers, trees as much as possible, it is especially good to be near oak or ash. This will help you balance the energy flows in your body and bring it into a more harmonious state.

5th lunar day

Organs of the 5th lunar day: esophagus.

This lunar period complex alchemical processes take place in the body, so physical exercises should be more focused on internal work.

It is good to work out tendons on the fifth lunar day, work with energy channels, and in addition, muscle stretching exercises are very useful.

Such a selection of exercises will help the body to go through the period of internal transformation faster and without complications, because on the fifth lunar day changes occur even at the level of cells - the vibrational characteristics of the aura completely change. Moreover, even those who do nothing on this day are subject to changes, however, such changes naturally occur with a minus sign, that is, there is a global destruction of the body. No wonder there is a saying: "If you do not go forward, you go back."

6th lunar day

Organs of the 6th lunar day: bronchi, upper respiratory tract.

Particular attention now requires organs associated with the elements of water and air. It is dangerous on the sixth lunar day to overstrain the vocal cords, that is, to “break” the voice. Therefore, all those who, one way or another, have to talk a lot on duty, it is better to refrain from talking for a long time during this interval. It is necessary to try to remain silent as much as possible, because astrologers warn that when the vocal cords are overstrained or a cough occurs, inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract can begin.

Naturally, at this time one should refrain from drinking cold drinks, even if it is summer in the yard - the respiratory tract and throat are very weak, they need to be protected.

Close attention should be paid to such a "water" organ as the kidneys. Keep them warm and avoid drafts.

For those who are actively engaged in pranayama or any kind of breathing exercises, on the sixth lunar day, it is recommended to slightly reduce the load, or at least not increase it, in order to avoid unwanted complications that can end very badly, up to a chronic disease.

It is good to perform programs designed to rejuvenate the body during this period. Massage will be very useful, and you should not limit yourself in choosing a massage method, you can use both traditional European and exotic, for example, Thai, Vedic or acupressure.

If it is not possible to get a massage from a professional massage therapist, do at least one self-massage session. This will greatly benefit you. Massages with the use of aromatic oils, as well as the actual aromatherapy session, will be very useful.

7th lunar day

Organ of the 7th lunar day: lungs.

The most vulnerable organs of the seventh lunar day are the throat and chest, so treat them with special attention. The best preventive measure is to perform various breathing exercises.

Smoking is very dangerous on this day, it can lead to serious diseases of the chest, even cancer. Therefore, if possible, refrain from cigarettes or at least reduce their number as much as possible.

On the seventh lunar day, all organs associated with breathing are very fragile, even the nostrils can suffer. For this reason, the Indian astrological tradition recommends performing jala neti or other cleansing practices of the nasal cavity, throat and lungs during this period.

It will be very helpful to spend a short period of silence, at least half a day. This will give your nervous system a good rest, help restore mental strength and give your vocal cords a long-awaited rest.

Many astrological schools advise to refrain from dental treatment on this lunar day.

8th lunar day

Organ of the 8th lunar day: stomach.

These lunar days are ideal for preparing medicines with a large number of components, and the moreincludes components, the more successful it will turn out.

Many astrological schools recommend at this time to cleanse the intestines, as well as arrange a fasting day.

Massage treatments and aromatherapy sessions are highly welcome.

During this period, the peripheral nervous system is vulnerable, so you need to keep calm as much as possible, do not take on excessive physical exertion, and do not be zealous in training.

Fire must be handled with particular care.

9th lunar day

Organ of the 9th lunar day: breast nipple.

Attention should be paid to the chest, to the prevention of intercostal neuralgia, angina pectoris.

On the ninth lunar day, chronic diseases may worsen. This is due to the fact that chronic diseases are karmic in nature, that is, they arise only when a problem is not solved at the psychophysical level for a long time and eventually passes to the physical one. Unexpectedly, those organs that you seemed to have healed a long time ago can also get sick. But in fact, this is not so - only the symptom is eliminated, and the disease itself, that is, its energy matrix, is not removed from the aura. That is, as has been repeatedly mentioned above, the unresolved problem did not disappear, but went into the deeper layers of the subconscious.

On the ninth lunar day, any ailments, diseases, exacerbation of any processes - all these are SOS signals, the body tries to shout to the mind that you would do something.

On the ninth lunar day, it is useful to carry out all kinds of cleansing practices, especially bowel cleansing.

All strength exercises can be done.

10th lunar day

Organ of the 10th lunar day: chest bones.

Astrologers of the European school strongly recommend starting wellness programs during this period, which should become a habit over time.

It is best to devote this day to family physical education, trips to the forest, to the river, joint marathons, and so on. All health-improving family activities on the tenth lunar day will bring a simply fantastic effect and will help strengthen family relationships.

In families where everyone goes in for sports or some kind of health programs, as a rule, no one almost never gets sick.

11th lunar day

Organ of the 11th lunar day: ridge.

The period of active physical exercise. It is useful to make long walks, run marathons, kayak, swim across stakes and lakes, ride a bike and so on.

It is very good now to engage in martial arts, but only without the use of edged weapons. In training, you can increase the load, learn new movements and exercises. An ideal time for sports, festivals, days of health and physical education.

On the eleventh lunar day, it is good to move to a new level in those health programs that were started at the beginning of the lunar month.

If you spend this time lying on the couch, indulging in laziness and longing, then your body will not really rest, but, on the contrary, will not receive the new energy it needs. The one who spends the eleventh lunar day in passivity exacerbates chronic diseases.

The energy of this day can be used for 24-, 36-hour fasting. Favorable time for liver cleansing

12th lunar day

Organ of the 12th lunar day: heart.

It is very useful at this time to engage in hatha yoga and other psychophysical practices of Eastern esoteric systems.

Close attention should be paid to the work of the heart. On the twelfth lunar day, it should not be overloaded with heavy training, but should be protected from stress and nervous breakdowns. It is best to have a meditation session.

During this period, it is desirable to receive a gentle massage.

An auspicious day for cleansing the upper respiratory tract, heart and lungs - it is useful to take an expectorant.

13th lunar day

Organ of the 13th lunar day: blood.

In terms of health, the thirteenth lunar day is a period of correction. You can improve and customize those wellness programs that you started on the second lunar day. You can make changes, replace some exercises with others, increase or reduce the time for completing the entire complex, and so on.

This period is favorable for the treatment, prevention and prosthetics of teeth, as well as for cosmetic and plastic surgeries and the treatment of cellulite.

Massages and water procedures are very useful on the thirteenth lunar day. In the warm season, it would be nice to spend the whole day outdoors in the bosom of nature.

14th lunar day

Organ of the 14th lunar day: intestines.

On this day, it is very good to engage in cleansing, mainly of the physical body, enemas, washing (when the Moon is not in lunar signs). It is ideal for Shank Prakshalana.

Good "dry" fasting, tk. any liquid that day pollutes.

The eyes are very vulnerable. It is necessary to work at the computer as little as possible, to refrain from reading and watching TV. Contemplation of water, sky or just the horizon line will be useful. Watching the sunrise and sunset is especially healing. It restores the strength of the eyes, cures many eye diseases (of course, if done every day) and relieves eye fatigue. It is undesirable now to smoke or be near smokers.

15th lunar day

Organ of the 15th lunar day: diaphragm, pancreas, intestines.

Due to the fact that the Moon is at the peak of its activity, this is a very dangerous period for the body. Many diseases can suddenly worsen, especially chronic ones. So, for example, if you suffer from frequent headaches, then do not overexert yourself, get plenty of rest. If you have problems with your legs, do not make long and strenuous walks.

On the fifteenth lunar day, close attention should be paid to the pancreas (its function is being corrected) and the diaphragm.

Astrologers recommend more meditative exercises during this period, especially hatha yoga is good. It will be very useful to get a Reiki or massage session, and any - Thai, Ayurvedic, Chinese, and so on.

In addition, this is a favorable period for cranio-sacral or thanato therapy.

16th lunar day

Organs of the 16th lunar day: spleen.

The sixteenth lunar day is very good for cleansing procedures, ablutions, herbal baths, aromatherapy sessions and similar procedures.

It must be remembered that this time is not intended for active, but passive rest. It is best to spend the sixteenth lunar day not in a kayak trip, but in a calm contemplation of nature.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to sit back and watch TV all day. No. But it's also not worth the effort.

It is necessary to give the body time to rest and accumulate new strength after previous active lunar days.

All types of cleansing practices will be very useful and successful. They will help the body get rid of accumulated toxins and stress, thus giving the opportunity to enter the new lunar phase updated and ready for new challenges.

Particularly useful on the sixteenth lunar day are blood purifying procedures. Therefore, it is highly recommended to eat more turmeric.

Workouts that require the participation of a partner, as well as paired yoga or massage, will be successful.

17th lunar day

Organs of the 17th lunar day: spleen, pancreas, stomach.

For health, this is a very favorable period, when even chronic diseases recede for some time. For example, a constant headache may pass, as if it never happened. It is necessary to consider such a phenomenon as the grace of the Goddess of the Moon, but it should be remembered that this is only temporary, and if you do not change anything, the pain will return again.

It is very dangerous to consume too much on the seventeenth lunar day, both in terms of drinking alcohol and overeating. In the end, the joy is not in getting drunk and stuffing your stomach with food, so keep everything in moderation as much as possible.

For this lunar period, you can pause in training and wellness programs. Such a rest will not bring negative consequences, in some cases, on the contrary, it will be useful.

Very successful on this day will be procedures aimed at treating infertility and impotence.

18th lunar day

Organs of the 18th lunar day: lungs, large intestine.

Drinking and smoking are contraindicated, it is useful to clean the intestines; many spiritual teachers recommended fasting.

You should pay attention to the kidneys: they are weakened on this day. On this day, skin diseases may appear, secret wounds may open (you must be very careful with any diagnosis and treatment). If something like this happened, it means that a person has violated the law of cosmic evolution.

Close attention should be paid to the condition of the skin - to conduct light massage sessions using oils or sandalwood paste. In addition, this is a favorable time for applying masks, lotions, compresses and taking herbal baths.

Herbal teas with the addition of turmeric and cinnamon are very useful during this period.

If on the eighteenth lunar day you are at sea or working in open areas, be careful, very sensitive skin during this period can easily get burned from direct sunlight. Try to stay in the shade more or use a special cream.

19th lunar day

Organ of the 19th lunar day: navel center.

Being in the bosom of nature, be careful - avoid any insects. Their bites today can cause a non-standard reaction.

The nineteenth lunar day is good for making Shank Praksha-lana, but not for the first time.

It is advisable to cancel all workouts and classes so as not to get bruises, sprains and other injuries. At this time, you may feel strong, but this is only an appearance.

On this day, the vulnerable places in the human body are the appendix, the sigmoid colon.

20th lunar day

Organs of the 20th lunar day: shoulder blades, shoulders, peritoneum.

The most vulnerable part of the body on this lunar day is the upper back. Those who are heavily involved in bodybuilding, weightlifting or martial arts are advised to refrain from heavy loads on this area. It is better to work with other muscle groups.

The most useful exercises today will be performed with a partner, and ideally, the more people involved, the better. For the same reason, it is recommended to engage in collective sports games - football, basketball, volleyball, and so on.

Some astrological schools advise to carry out cleansing procedures, especially tonic massages, and in particular back massages.

21st lunar day

Organs of the 21st lunar day: liver, blood.

This lunar day gives a great chance to build your body as a temple of the spirit, raising it to a higher level. It is recommended to perform any physical exercises, to be in the air; as well as baths, showers, dousing, hardening.

Today in training you can increase the load, it will only benefit. It is also good to run a marathon distance or make some kind of forced march with a lot of obstacles. All overload will have a beneficial effect on health.

The body is now not only able to withstand heavy loads, but also wants to test itself in extreme conditions.

True, you need to be careful with the liver, in no case do not drink alcoholic beverages and refrain from smoking. Today, even a small dose of them is almost fatal.

It is necessary to carry out blood purifying procedures - drink grass, eat carrots, cranberries, beets, mountain ash, pomegranates.

22nd lunar day

Organ of the 22nd lunar day: stomach.

The most vulnerable during this period are the hip joints, hips, sacrum and lower spine. Be very careful not to injure them. For example, if you are engaged in lifting weights, then try not to perform exercises today in which these areas are heavily loaded, it is better to work out other muscle groups.

On the twenty-second lunar day, it is recommended to start a treatment cycle, a new wellness program. It is also a favorable period for theoretical studies, for studying the psychological and physiological foundations of a particular sport or health system.

23rd lunar day

Organs of the 23rd lunar day: female organs, ovaries, Muladhara chakra (lower center in the coccyx area)

Health today must be taken care of with special care, since a powerful surge of energies opposite to each other can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases or lead to various traumatic situations.

The degree of fractures, bruises and so on is very high. Therefore, today it is recommended to cancel all workouts, even the mildest ones, since it is very difficult to predict what can cause undesirable consequences. Even an innocent muscle strain can cause unbearable pain.

24th lunar day

Organ of the 24th lunar day: armpit area.

On these lunar days, you can carry out both active training with a large number of different exercises, including the joint work of all muscle groups, and meditative exercises, such as yoga. It all depends on you how well you feel.

On the twenty-fourth lunar day, any health problems rarely occur, and if they do, they are usually minor and quickly passing.

Harmful factors for your body on this day are smoking and alcohol.

25th lunar day

Organ of the 25th lunar day: knees.

Nothing happens to health on the twenty-fifth lunar day. If you were sick, then your state of health will remain the same, the pain will not increase, but it will not go away either.

Although, it must be said, this is the most successful and favorable time for non-traditional healing practices, especially those that actively use water, for example, hydrotherapy.

It is very useful for healthy people to swim in a river, lake, sea or headquarters during this lunar time. If this is not possible, be sure to take a bath, preferably with herbs.

Some astrological schools warn against starting new medicines on this day.

26th lunar day

Organs of the 26th lunar day: heart, small intestine.

Those involved in sports today are advised to take a break or at least halve the load. Health is now very vulnerable, the slightest reason is enough to cause an exacerbation of existing diseases or get injured.

Massage and cosmetic procedures, work with acupuncture points are useful today.

The right time for -24-, 36-hour fasting.

27th lunar day

Astrologers warn: the use of chemicals on the twenty-seventh lunar day can cause an unforeseen reaction of the body, various complications. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from using drugs during this period (of course, if we are not talking about life and death).

In the health plan, you can cleanse the large intestine, visit the steam room. Give moderate physical activity.

The most vulnerable part of the body is the shins.

The lymphatic system is also vulnerable. It is believed that on this day, as a result of an improper lifestyle, a violation of fluid metabolism may occur, lymph nodes become inflamed, and diseases of the lymphatic system and blood begin. Donation on this day is contraindicated.

You need to be less in the draft, and most importantly - avoid dampness.

Standing near water also during this lunar period can easily lead to respiratory diseases. Stay away from waterways and pools.

Cold water on the twenty-seventh lunar day is very dangerous. Try not to swim today, especially for large bodies of water - seas, oceans, lakes.

28th lunar day

During this period, the human body is positively charged and capable of doing a lot, but you need to remember that first of all we are talking about internal work, and not about external work, that is, pay more attention to meditation, breathing and energy exercises than physical ones. Heavy loads are acceptable but not usually recommended.

You should take care of your head, brain, monitor blood pressure. It is very important to protect your eyesight: it is better to read less, do not look at bright light.

On the twenty-eighth lunar day, you can do various cleansing complexes and cosmetic procedures.

Useful water procedures - from swimming to swimming in the hole. It is good to take a herbal bath.

29th lunar day

Organ of the 29th lunar day: backside, anus, rectum.

During this period, the entire human body is exposed to the negative influence of negative energies. Therefore, it is recommended to load yourself as little as possible. Avoid drafts and damp rooms. In training, be careful - the day is fraught with an abundance of injuries, which often end in serious complications.

On the twenty-ninth lunar day, those diseases that you have already forgotten to think about can again make themselves felt. This is a sure signal that you have actually eliminated the symptom, and not the disease itself. The "matrix" of the disease is still in your body and must be removed immediately, otherwise the disease will return to you every time until it becomes chronic, and then turns into a pathology.

30th lunar day

Organ of the 30th lunar day: pineal gland.

Now it is useful to have a massage session or take an herbal bath, in extreme cases, just sit in silence and relaxation. It is not recommended to strain on the thirtieth lunar day. In training, it is better to conduct a theoretical lesson or reduce the load to a minimum.

On this day, it is dangerous to overstrain the brain, sharp pungent odors are contraindicated. published