Victory Day: concerts of stars, an exhibition of tanks and fireworks. Victory Day: concerts of stars, an exhibition of tanks and fireworks May 9 Victory Day program of festive events

Festive events on the occasion 9th May V Moscow started the day before, but the main events will take place today. How to spend this holiday and where to go in the capital? We have compiled for you a small program of the most important and interesting events.

Parade on Red Square

The most important event on Victory Day on May 9, 2018 will be a military parade on Red Square. More than 12 thousand people and 120 units of military equipment will take part in this solemn parade. Among them will be presented vehicles "Tigr", armored personnel carriers, missile systems, "Iskander-M", S-400 and many of the best Russian tanks. The parade will end with an air show, where 73 helicopters and aircraft, including the latest Su-57 fighter, will take to the skies.

By the way, the victory parade can also be watched from large screens that will be installed on the square of three stations, on Poklonnaya Hill and several other important celebration sites.

"Immortal Regiment"

The action “Immortal Regiment”, which has already become a tradition, will again be held in Moscow. It is dedicated to the memory of relatives and friends of all people who lost someone in the war. The procession will start at 15:00 from the Dynamo metro station along Leningradsky Prospekt and end on Red Square. People will gather from 13:00. All marchers bring with them portraits of their loved ones who gave their lives for the sake of the free future of the Motherland.

The main venues for celebrating Victory Day

In addition to the main events, Moscow will also host many other venues with concerts, entertainment programs, performances and much more.

On Theater Square from 19:00 to 22:00, veterans will enjoy an entertainment program with an orchestra and songs of the war years. Also, a large concert of military songs will be held on the square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. At 20:00 on Tverskaya Zastava Square near the Belorussky railway station there will be a concert "Songs of Victory" performed by the "Turetsky Choir", as well as the Soprano group.

moment of silence

A moment of silence will be announced at 18:55. At this time, it is proposed to silently remember those who died defending their homeland.

Fireworks in honor of Victory Day

Of course, the holiday will end with a solemn fireworks display. According to the Ministry of Defense, five thousand fireworks will light up the sky of Moscow on May 9. Holiday lights will be 550 colors and shades. Fireworks will open at a height of 350 meters. To launch fireworks and salutes, four caliber installations will be used - 105 mm, 125 mm, 195 mm and 310 mm. Moreover, on Poklonnaya Gora, on one of the salute sites, ZiS-3 guns from the Great Patriotic War will be used, which, as the military says, will “provide noise support” to complete the effect.

Mikhail Terentiev

Victory Day is celebrated annually with grandeur and grandeur, especially in Moscow, but at the same time, certain changes are taking place in the work of surface and underground transport. Knowing the timetable and peculiarities of the work of the Moscow metro on a holiday will help Muscovites and guests of the city to think over their route correctly, not be late anywhere and visit the most striking events on May 9, 2018.

How the metro works on May 9, 2018: features of the metro in Moscow during the holiday

To ensure the safety of underground transport passengers, the metro management regulates the load at the stations every year and restricts entrances and exits on certain days. During the rehearsal of the Victory Parade on May 6, Muscovites already felt these changes, and those who did not take into account the change in the operating mode of the stations did not get to the right place on time.

May 9 from 7 am until the end of the parade of the metro station "Alexandrovsky Sad" and "Teatralnaya", "Borovitskaya" and "Library im. Lenin”, “Revolution Square” and “Okhotny Ryad” will be open only for entry and movement between stations. It will not be possible to get off at these stations during the specified time interval.

Throughout the day at the Park Pobedy station, lobby No. 1 on the odd side of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, towards Park Pobedy, will only release metro passengers, and lobby No. 2 will work exclusively for the entrance.

Metro users need to remember that on Victory Day exits from Pushkinskaya, Mayakovskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya stations will be limited; and it will be impossible to get to Nikolskaya Street from the Lubyanka.

After all festive events have been held, in order to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers in the metro and to avoid traumatic crowds, according to the information of the Moscow metro, access to the following stations will be limited:

On Victory Day, the Moscow metro will operate as usual until one in the morning.

How the metro works on May 9, 2018: getting festive symbols in the metro and holding photo exhibitions

The workers of the metropolitan metro did not stand aside in the organization of the Great Victory Day. Subway passengers are expected by thematic events dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory Day. There will be “Live communication” stands, where St. George ribbons and more than 30,000 flags and badges with the corresponding symbols will be distributed free of charge to everyone.

From 8 to 12 May, the Park Pobedy station will host a photo exhibition organized by the Memory of Generations Foundation, with an exposition of photographs titled Heroes of Russia as No One Has Seen Them. Another exhibition of historical photographs "Metro during the war years" will be located at the crossing between Leninsky Prospekt and Gagarin Square stations from May 9 to 13.

How the metro works on May 9, 2018: a musical concert in the metro and the release of commemorative tickets

The department of strategic development and client work of the Moscow metro has also taken care of music lovers, the site reports. At the Taganskaya metro station, an orchestra of the cadet class of one of the Moscow schools will perform patriotic songs. The music of the war years will immerse passengers in the atmosphere of the holiday and make the trip underground another memorable event on this day.

As an annual tradition, thematic travel documents will be issued. According to information from the portal of the Moscow government, on the front side of the card in red there will be the inscription "May 9", and on the back the word "Remember". Sales of commemorative metro tickets for one, two, 20 and 40 trips will begin directly on Victory Day.

Victory Day will be celebrated in Moscow everywhere, underground as well. Knowing the main places of celebrations and focusing on the peculiarities of the work of the metro on this day, guests of the capital with Muscovites will be able to manage everywhere and have a great time on May 9th.

In 2020, Moscow will celebrate its 873rd anniversary. City Day celebrations will begin on Saturday 5 September and continue the next day, Sunday 6 September.

How will the City Day celebration be held in Moscow?

Residents and guests of the capital are waiting for a rich program of festive events dedicated to the City Day in Moscow. The holiday, preparation for which, as a rule, takes several months, traditionally takes place on a grand scale.

Tverskaya Street will become the epicenter of festive events. It will install platforms and stages where theatrical, musical and sports events will be held. Also, everyone will be able to attend exciting master classes and open training sessions, take part in intellectual competitions.

Several hundred art objects will decorate the capital these days. These are modern lighting structures created using the latest technologies. Pedestrian zones, where street festivities will take place, will be especially brightly illuminated. Fireworks on City Day in Moscow in 2020 promise to be an unforgettable sight. However, let's talk about everything in order.

Moscow City Day celebration program 2020

A detailed program for the celebration of Moscow City Day in 2020 will become known closer to the date of this event. At the venues in the center and districts of the capital, the guests of the holiday are waiting for musical performances, sports and craft master classes, street theater performances. Here you can dance to the hits of popular artists, as well as try various dishes specially prepared for the holiday by Moscow restaurateurs.

The center of the holiday - Tverskaya Street - by tradition on September 5-6 will become a pedestrian zone. You can also take part in festive performances, take part in contests and quests that will be held at various venues - there are many ways to have fun in the capital.

Last year, on City Day, during two holidays, about 3 million guests visited four central venues. The intellectual game “What? Where? When? ”, Master classes in a motorcycle workshop, a robotics studio and a decorative art workshop.

Highliner athletes from Russia, Germany, France and Canada set a new world record at the Moscow City site, breaking the distance between the OKO and Neva Towers on a rope stretched at a height of 350 meters. And on the Vodootvodny Canal, SUP-surfing competitions were held in which 50 amateur athletes who passed the qualification selection took part.

On the section of Tverskaya Street from Stoleshnikov Lane to Manezhnaya Square, master classes were held for fans of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Here, professional athletes demonstrated their skills, who held demonstration performances on freestyle scooters, rock climbing master classes.

For jumping on BMX bikes, mountain bikes and scooters, a special springboard 9 meters high was built. Here one could see competitions among amateurs and professionals. Shows and competitions were also held at the Skate Park, a special structure designed for scooter jumping.

Also here you could do slacklining or, more simply, tightrope walking. All those wishing to feel like circus performers were taught to balance on a tightrope by real professionals. In addition to master classes, an exciting show program of walking on a sling stretched between buildings was shown here.

Even more entertainment was waiting for the guests of the holiday on the site in front of the Moskva Hotel (the intersection of Okhotny Ryad and Mokhovaya streets from Tverskaya).

For the little guests of the City Day celebration in Moscow, a program of master classes was prepared in the Technograd and the Park of Crafts. Also, those who wished could participate in intellectual competitions, which were held in the format of the TV game “What? Where? When?".

The host, in the role of one of the well-known experts of this club, offered the players a question. After a minute of discussion, each team wrote down the answer to the question on a special form, which was given to the facilitator. The team received one point for a correct answer. 12 questions were asked, and the team with the most correct answers was the winner.

The theatrical program of the festival was no less extensive. In the very center of the capital one could see theatrical performances of Russian and foreign street theaters presented by the Golden Mask Festival.

Famous artists also prepared a special musical program for the Day of the City of Moscow. During the holiday, performances by artists from the Bolshoi Theater and the Theater of Nations, the Moscow State Academic Dance Theater Gzhel, the Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra conducted by A. Gindin, the Moscow Provincial Theater, and the SBPC Group took place on four main stages.

Muscovites were offered free tours for City Day. On them you can not only learn about the distant past of the capital's streets and squares, but also about how Moscow has developed in recent years. To participate in them, you had to register in advance.

An extensive festive program was prepared for City Day and for visitors to Moscow parks. In the park. Gorky, Fili, Sokolniki, Kolomenskoye, Kuzminki, Izmailovskoye, Tagansky, Babushkinsky garden, the park. Bauman, the Hermitage Garden and others hosted theatrical performances, concerts, fun games and competitions.

And at the end of the evening, colorful fireworks took place in the parks, timed to coincide with the celebration of the City Day in Moscow.

A varied program at the celebration on the Day of the City of Moscow with the participation of singers, dancers, musicians, competitions and dances was prepared by many catering establishments in the capital. Among the most popular establishments of the capital these days can be attributed such cafes and restaurants as "Paradise", "Fireplace", "Ararat", "Aurora", "Taj Mahal", "Carlson", "Bono", White Rabbit, "Banquet -hall in Izmailovo", "Wheel of Time" and others.

Bright festive shows with performances by DJs, famous artists, various competitions and incendiary dances were held in the nightclubs Propaganda, Roof of the World, Garage, Solyanka, Rolling Stone Bar, Papa's Place, Microphone, Baikonur and others. Everyone could give preference to establishments that organized bright shows for large audiences, or romantic cozy restaurants where one could celebrate a holiday in a small company.

For those who were ready to celebrate the holiday with good deeds, the largest charitable foundations and public organizations presented their projects:

  • Charitable Foundation for Children with Serious Liver Diseases "Life is like a Miracle"
  • Charitable foundation for helping people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other neuromuscular diseases "Live Now"
  • Charitable Foundation "In the Name of Life" helps people suffering from a genetic disease - cystic fibrosis
    Charitable Foundation for Support of People with Disabilities "Act"
  • Charitable Foundation for Helping the Elderly "Link of Generations"
  • Charitable foundation for helping those in need of constant care "Longevity"
  • Charitable Foundation for the Support of the Elderly "Dignity"
  • Charitable Foundation for the Promotion of Sports and Culture "Live Good"
  • Charitable Foundation "Protection of Childhood" "Our children - the future"
  • Charitable Foundation "CHILDREN TO CHILDREN"
  • NGO "Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow"
  • Charitable Foundation "Food Fund Rus"
  • Charitable Foundation "Red-White Heart"
  • ANO Training and Kinetic Center "Dogs - Helpers of the Disabled"
  • Fund for helping homeless animals "REY"
  • Charitable Foundation for Supporting People with Disabilities, Strengthening and Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle "Strength of Spirit"

Street festivities took place on Red Square, Tverskaya Street, Chistoprudny Boulevard, VDNKh, Poklonnaya Hill, Sparrow Hills and other venues.

In each district of Moscow, specially equipped concert venues were organized, where professional and amateur groups performed. The safety of citizens was provided by thousands of employees of security organizations.

The celebration of the City Day in Moscow ended with traditional fireworks. The metro worked on the days of the holiday until two in the morning.

A more detailed program of festive events for the City Day in Moscow can be found on the open data portal of the Moscow government and the official website of the event Thanks to a convenient map, Muscovites and guests of the city will be able to choose the most suitable places for visiting the holiday.

Venues for celebrating Moscow City Day

Like last year, Moscow City Day 2020 will be the end of the Flower Jam festival, where the celebration of the 873rd anniversary of the capital will take place.

On the streets and squares of Moscow, from July 19, 2020, compositions by designers who have become nominees and winners of the Flower Jam contest will be presented. Last year, the streets and squares of the capital were decorated with the following venues of this festival:

  • Tverskoy Boulevard, 2 (at the entrance to ITAR-TASS)– «Rock Garden», Damien Michel (France, UK)
  • Kamergersky lane, vl. 4– “Green Fluff”, Elena Fedosova (Russia)
  • street Kuznetsky Most, 7– “You are The Landscape”, Alessandro Trivelli, Silvia Calatroni (Italy)
  • Petrovka street, 15– “Tide”, Pavel Cherepanov (Russia)
  • Rozhdestvenka street, 7– “Harmony with Diagonals”, Heidi Hannus (Finland)
  • Klimentovsky per., 23с1 (near Tretyakovskaya metro station)– Whirlwind of Fate, Elena Bykova (Russia)
  • Moskvoretskaya Embankment (opposite Zaryadye Park)– “Reflection”, Alex Solomnishvili (Georgia)
  • st. Krymsky Val, 9с2 (at the main entrance to Gorky Park)– “Sounds of the city”, Elena Gorskaya (Russia)
  • st. Krymsky Val, 10 (Museon Park, near the entrance to the New Tretyakov Gallery)– “Topographical Flower Stories”, Kairi Meos (Finland)
  • Muzeon Park (entrance from Maronovsky Lane)– A-mazing Garden, Maggie Wu, Alejandro O'Neill (PRC, Uruguay)
  • Arbat street, 48– “Above the Roof”, Patricia Garcia Alayo (Russia)
  • Novy Arbat street, 15– "Origami", the team of authors of the company "Elki" (Russia)
  • Novy Arbat street, 15– “City Pastoral”, Dmitry Bochkov, Denis Batashev (Russia)
  • Novy Arbat street, 17– “Silk Road”, Tinatin Khimshiashvili, Giorgi Saginadze, Marina Shimanskaya (Russia, Georgia)
  • New Arbat street, 19-21- "Architecture of nature", the team of authors of the company "Derevo Park" (Russia)
  • New Arbat street, 19-21– “Life”, Elizaveta Kozyreva (Russia)
  • Peace Avenue, ow. 119 (JSC "VDNKh", Northern Square)– «Universal Rhytm», Adele Sironi, David Rampinelli (Italy)
  • Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square (near the Sukharevskaya metro station)– “Neglinka-Sad”, Natalia Shushlebina (Russia)
  • Myasnitsky Gate Square– “The retinue is playing”, Vitaly Panteleev, Anastasia Golovina (Russia)
  • The area near the metro station "Barrikadnaya"– “Red Garden”, the team of authors of the company “Archiland” (Russia)
  • The area near Krasnopresnenskaya metro station– “The Circle”, Lorenza Bartolazzi, Luca Catalano, Claudia Clementini (Italy)
  • Presnenskaya nab., 4c1 (near the bridge "Bagration")– 360 Flower Garden, Richard Marfiak, Michael Marchinov (Slovakia)
  • st. Cow shaft, bldg. 1A (the area near the Dobryninskaya metro station)– “Gravity”, Evgenia Vorontsova (Russia)
  • Square near the Marxistskaya metro station (entrance 6)– «Goblin and Sunbeam», Tanja Nyemenen, Tina Holmberg (Finland)
  • – “Kandin-skyline”, Katyusha Ratto (Italy)
  • mountains Zelenograd, Youth Square– Intermission, Elina Krasilnikova, Nadezhda Abdrashitova, Alesya Goncharik, Ilya Zdulyakin, Ana Zlateva, Olga Vakhrameeva (Russia)

The theme of the holiday this year will be the 80th anniversary of VDNKh.

Where it will be interesting on Moscow Day 2019, where to go first of all, read about the program in the center, city festivals and free events in this article.

Moscow City Day Program 2019

The main events of the City Day in 2019 will be a holiday on Tverskaya, a street theater festival, concerts, sports workshops and evening fireworks.

Holiday on Tverskaya

Tverskaya will become the central place of the celebration. According to tradition, it will be made pedestrian.

On the main street of the capital and in the adjacent lanes, 30 art objects will be placed - copies of pavilions, fountains, VDNKh monuments, sports grounds, concert stages, tents for master classes and street cafes.

Site "Birth of a legend"- from Kozitsky lane to Voznesensky. This site is dedicated to the first years of VDNKh. Guests will walk through the arch of the Northern Entrance to the Worker and Collective Farm Woman monument and the Golden Ear fountain. The production of "The Pig and the Shepherd" and a musical program will be shown on the stage, and those who wish can listen to lectures on crop production near the "Agriculture" pavilion.

Site "Revival Program"- from Voznesensky lane to Tverskaya, house 7. A 14-meter tunnel, the Cosmos pavilion, a model of the Vostok rocket, the U-2 aircraft, the Stalinets caterpillar tractor, pavilions of the Union republics, the Friendship of Peoples fountain, and near the house 8/1, athletes in fantastic spacesuits will perform on high-altitude ropes.

Venue "Meeting Point"- Tverskaya, building 7 - building 1. A 10-meter pavilion No. 1 "Central", an 8-meter climbing wall in the form of the Glavkhladprom pavilion will be erected here. An exhibition of retro sweets will be placed inside the climbing wall.

Children will feel like climbers, having mastered a small climbing wall 2.5 meters high. A pump track for scooters, skateboards and bicycles will be installed near house 6. Skating master classes will be held for children from 8 years old and adults. The guests will be entertained by artists dressed as penguins and ice cream sellers.

"New Era" site- on the streets of Okhotny Ryad and Mokhovaya, Teatralny Proyezd. The intersection of Tverskaya and Teatralny proezd will be decorated with the arch of the Main Entrance of VDNKh, the sculpture "Tractor Driver and Collective Farm Girl" and the Moskvarium. Inside the Moskvarium, 40 aquariums will house models of marine inhabitants, ships and bridges.

On Okhotny Ryad in the skate park, performances on freestyle skates will be shown in the form of a huge robot, professionals will give skating and parkour lessons for everyone.

A large 35-meter surf pool with a Stone Flower fountain will be installed on Mokhovaya Street. Children over 8 years old and adults will be able to learn SUP and watch surfers. Above the pool at a height of 10 meters stretched 80-meter rope - zipline. Come ride!

In total, 200 sports master classes will be arranged for guests. Everything is free, including the rental of skateboards, bicycles, roller skates and other equipment.

Performances by artists, athletes, master classes and other activities will run from 10-00 to 22-00, the schedule will be posted on information stands at each site.

What will happen at Manezhnaya

A garden in the form of a VDNKh map with an area of ​​1,000 square meters of 4,000 chrysanthemums of different colors will be created at Manezhka.

The Museum City, Amusement Park, Knowledge Park, Landscape Park, Crafts Park, EXPO and Ostankino Park will appear here.

Concert program

On the four big stages on Tverskaya during the celebration of Moscow Day 2019, there will be concerts of classical and modern pop music.

The program includes performances by artists from the Bolshoi Theatre, the Theater of Nations, the Gzhel Dance Theatre, a symphony orchestra conducted by A. Gindin, and ballet performances.

Also, the audience will hear music in the style of rock, indie rock, jazz.

street theaters

On the central streets of Moscow these days the Golden Mask in the City festival will be held, in which street theaters from different countries and Russia will take part.

Flower Jam Festival

City Day will also be celebrated at the Flower Jam festival!

Come to Tverskoy Boulevard, Kamergersky Lane, Revolution Square, Novy Arbat and hundreds of other festival sites in all districts and districts of the capital.

The festival program includes concerts, master classes in arranging bouquets, cooking delicious dishes, pottery and gardening.

On September 7 and 8, there will be musical days on the festival stages, and on September 8 in Zaryadye Park there will be a Flower Ball. September 8 from 10-00 to 18-00 - amateur flower garden competition. The main prize at each site is an iPad. The detailed schedule of the Flower Jam festival can be found at

Free museums on City Day

On September 7 and 8, Moscow museums will become free, many of them will conduct tours of expositions in honor of the capital.