Independent rating of legal bookmakers in Russia. The best bookmakers in Russia Popular online bookmakers for betting

Online bookmakers - who has the best conditions for betting? We have included in the list of bookmakers only reliable and high-quality bookmakers.


The best bookmakers have official licenses from well-known regulators gambling market: if this is a Russian bookmaker, then a license is provided FTS, if foreign bookmakers , then IBAS And eCOGRA.

In our rating, bookmakers are arranged in descending order - from the best to the worst. The decision to place a bookmaker under a certain number in the list was made on the basis of monitoring the most important factors, such as reliability, player reviews, website traffic, odds, line width, availability of bonuses, deposit/withdrawal availability - everything that matters for better.


Having a license is the most important factor in evaluating a betting company. Only a license from one of the states of the world allows the bookmaker to carry out its activities online. Some countries close their Internet space for those betting shops that have not received a license from local gambling authorities, which means they are transferred to illegal status. Remember, a license is a guarantee of quality!


A wide line of bookmakers has always attracted players, because the more events, the higher the probability of choosing a profitable match. The quality of the line is evaluated not only by the number of top leagues and championships, but also by the secondary ones (2nd and 3rd divisions, youth championships). In addition, the line should include not only sports events, but also political, entertainment, climatic, etc.


For each individual event, the bookmaker gives a list, the wider it is, the better it gets from the better. A large number of markets attracts players, because this gives them the opportunity to fully reveal their analytical skills. Every self-respecting bookmaker provides not only markets for the main outcomes, but also bets on statistics in the list of matches - this is more of a norm than an exclusive.

Odds and Margin

The level of odds of a bookmaker is one of the most important criteria for its evaluation. After all, it is unlikely that anyone will bet in bookmakers when quotes are several times lower than those of competitors. The lower the bookmaker's odds, the higher the margin, which means that the bookmaker enriches itself more at the expense of its customers, no one will like this.

Live bets

Many players specialize in live betting, this is their main field of activity, so it is important that live betting is in no way inferior to pre-match betting. Naturally, the list of Live events will be lower, there is no way out of this, but it should be at a decent level and include not only the main outcomes.

Bonuses and Promotions

One of the main ways to attract customers from bookmakers is a good bonus program, as well as regular promotions that give you the opportunity to earn decent money. Quality bookmakers take care of their players, providing them with an additional opportunity to make a profit, this can be a welcome bonus or a loyalty program.

Site functionality

The work of the site for accepting interactive bets is an important aspect of the bookmaker's assessment. If the pages of the site load slowly, and the colors hit the eyes sharply, no one will go to such a betting shop and start betting in it. In addition, it is important for a better to have a mobile version of the site or applications for iOS and Android.

Deposit/withdrawal of funds

Reliable and well-functioning work of the bookmaker for the deposit/withdrawal of funds is very important for the player. In addition to the speed of crediting to the account and the speed of withdrawing from the account, the number of deposit / withdrawal methods is of great importance. Highs and lows are also important, because some players make large bets, while others, on the contrary, play in a small way, so they are interested in bookmakers with minimal deposits.


If there are any problems in the work of the bookmaker, customers contact the support service and it is very important for them that their issue be resolved as quickly as possible. The presence of the required language (Russian, English) in communication with the support service increases the rating of the bookmaker.

The classification of all bookmakers is carried out according to two parameters: the legality of activities on the Internet and the format for accepting bets - online or offline, that is, through physical betting shops.

Legalization of bookmaker

Since the summer of 2016, conditions have been created for legal work online. The offices were offered to create self-regulatory organizations, and the betting community slowly began to move from the offshore "shadow" to the legal field of work. All financial transactions in legal bookmakers go through the TSUPIS, which allows the state to control financial flows in the field of sports betting, and players - a high level of security.

Offshore bookmakers, in parallel with the emergence of clear rules for regulating the online betting sector by the state, received a painful blow from Roskomnadzor. Their domain addresses and numerous mirrors were blacklisted and blocked, which created many problems with access to sites for clients of such bookmakers.

Despite the ways to bypass blocking, more and more bettors are moving to legal betting shops, as the authority of offshore offices is falling every day - they do not give any guarantees, create obstacles to receiving winnings, if the bettor goes to the "plus", they do not always fulfill own obligations.

Most bookmakers operate simultaneously via both the Internet and in a land-based format, but if earlier betting operators were more focused on creating an extensive betting shop network, now the online segment is becoming more significant and attractive. There are also a number of online bookmakers. For example, specializing in live betting.

What do all bookmakers offer?

In conditions of high competition in the sports betting market, bookmakers are trying to develop the main component - the betting line. In addition to sports betting, in bookmakers you can bet on events from the world of culture, cinema, politics.

Bets on the results of the US presidential election were hugely popular, when Donald Trump sensationally defeated Hillary Clinton, which led to a surge in the popularity of political markets. Also, bets on the Game of Thrones series are of great interest to the betting shop customers.

Increasingly popular e-sports has become a good addition to the betting line - bets on the results of matches of e-sportsmen who compete in the ability to play computer games over the network - CS: GO, Dota 2, Starcraft, League of Legends and others. Now a rare bookmaker does without an eSports line, as this betting segment is developing by leaps and bounds and allows you to cover the category of people who are not interested in classic sports, but who are gambling enough to bet on eSports.

They also change every year. New markets appear, and the line itself grows to incredible sizes due to new creative types of bets. With the appearance on the betting market of companies that provide prompt and accurate statistics, bets on corners, cards, percentage of ball possession, shots on goal and fouls stand out in a separate segment.

Also, combined types of bets appear in bookmakers, which were considered impossible just a few years ago. For example, now you can bet simultaneously on the fact that the match will have a total of more than 2.5 goals and “both teams will score”, or combine bets on the total and the main outcome. Some bookmakers, in an effort to stand out, even offer bets on the position of goal scorers, the sum of minutes scored, or a combination of goals scored and corners taken.

In general, the development of the betting market goes along the path of improving the quality of the line and the functionality of the bookmaker's websites, which, of course, is in the hands of the players.

Betting Services

Bookmakers offer approximately the same types of services, and it is not easy to surprise customers with something now. To attract new and retain existing customers, bookmakers often come up with profitable and effective promotional and bonus offers.

For example, at the beginning of this summer, BC "Leon" launched the "Summer Marathon", the prize fund of which totals 750 thousand rubles (250 thousand for each month). Every month 70 winners will be determined. It is necessary to make at least one bet per day for a coefficient of at least 1.80 with an amount of 500 rubles or more during the entire calendar month. You will earn points for winning bets.

But Fonbet launched the Preferential Express campaign. This offer includes insurance in case of loss. This offer can only be used once. According to the terms of the promotion, you need to include at least 6 events in the express with a coefficient of 1.60. If you use "safety net", in this case the amount will be returned to you.

BC Pari-Match has launched the CashOut function. It represents an early receipt of winnings at a bet. Now you do not need to wait for the end of the event to receive your winnings. For example, if you bet on the away team to win at odds of 2.00 and that team scores one goal, then the quotes will drop to approximately 1.50. You can choose the CashOut function and then you will receive your winnings at a coefficient of 1.50. And no matter how the match ends, no one will save you from winning.

What is the difference between modern BC

What is the difference between modern sports betting operators, except for the line and latitude of the mural?

First of all - the margin and the value of the coefficients. This indicator should be assessed as a whole, as it happens that even within the same match it floats - for some types of bets (total, handicap) the margin is lower, for others - a little higher due to the fact that, for example, on the main outcomes, the margin difficult to estimate "by eye" without a special calculator.

It is unprofitable for bookmakers to compete in the value of odds. The margin directly affects the stability of income, therefore, by default, Russian bookmakers do not offer quotes with a margin below 5% - only occasionally odds at the level of 1.98-1.98 can be seen in the line or, but only occasionally, on selected markets.

Bookmakers willingly bombard fans of express bets with bonuses, since this type of bet is a priori very profitable for bookmakers and bookmakers want players to bet more often on several outcomes at the same time. Welcome bonuses are often accompanied by a strict policy of checking new user details for abuse by bonus hunters who open multiple accounts. Bonuses should be considered entertainment, an interesting quest, but not the main parameter for comparing bookmakers - nevertheless, the value of the coefficients and the breadth of the line are much more important for a successful game.

Comparison of bookmakers

At the present stage of development of the betting market, there are many organizers of sports betting. To some extent, competition is good for cappers, because it is possible to choose a bookmaker that suits them. The rating of bookmakers allows you to quickly decide where you can register and bet on sports.

Domestic bookmakers often say that they set themselves the goal of entering the international market, however, in reality, this does not always turn out to be a reality. At the top of the ranking are only the most worthy bookmakers.

If we talk about the selection criteria, then the following should be highlighted: work experience, line and signature, coefficients, reliability, language support, site functionality, support service, betting limits, methods of financial transactions, charity, bonuses, software software.

Of course, each bookmaker has both its advantages and disadvantages. For example, Ladbrokes, founded in 1886, has no equal in work experience. In Russia, the most experienced is Fonbet (1994). If we talk about the line and coefficients, then Marathon is in the leading positions here, however, if this company ever declares itself bankrupt, no one will remember it tomorrow, but such a situation cannot be imagined in the case of William Hill. If you are determined to bet in the long term, then you need to take into account all the criteria in order to choose the most reliable company, or trust the rating of bookmakers.

Bookmaker betting rules

Before you start betting on sports, you must know the rules of the bookmaker where you will do it. Rules are everywhere where financial transactions are made. Knowing the rules, you will be protected from a legal point of view and you will be sure that you are doing everything right.

It often happens that bettors experience trouble due to ignorance of the rules. But they will not be released from responsibility if the rules did not want to learn. Thus, so that you do not lose your own funds and your account is not blocked, you need to know at least a minimum set of rules.

  • Only adults have the right to place bets in the bookmaker.
  • When registering, you must provide reliable personal data.
  • The resource administration has the right to require you to scan a passport or other document that proves your identity.
  • In some bookmakers, you can withdraw funds only in the same way that you made the deposit. If you replenished your personal account from a mobile phone, then when withdrawing, you will need to indicate the details of a bank card or wallet in the payment system that is registered to you.
  • Depending on the event, the bookmaker reserves the right to set limits - these are the maximum and minimum amounts that can be bet on certain events.
  • It is not possible to cancel or cancel a bet. An exception can only be in cases where a gross error has been made in the coupon.
  • If the client refuses to provide an identity document, the bookmaker will most likely prohibit him from placing bets.
  • Bookmakers are actively fighting scammers who are trying to get winnings in a dishonest way. Bookmakers forbid playing surebets, betting from different accounts and hunting for bonuses. For all these violations, you can get a ban.

Questions and answers (4)

❓ Which bookmaker is the easiest to register with?hide answer

📌 If we divide all bookmakers into legal and illegal, then the registration process in illegal offices is much simpler. The easiest way to register is with a well-known international office of Russian origin - 1xBet. The office offers four types of registration, among which there is registration in one click (the procedure takes less than a minute). However, it should be borne in mind that after a simple registration, the bettor will still have to fill out a standard personal questionnaire in his profile and send documents for verification.

In legal offices, the registration procedure is more complicated. Until the bettor registers on the site and confirms his identity for the bookmaker and TsUPIS, he will not be allowed to play. But after going through all the instances, the player can safely place bets and be sure of the safety of his funds. In the last year, the verification procedure for legal operators has been greatly simplified.

If we talk exclusively about registration in official bookmakers, then the easiest way is to go through the procedure in the bookmaker "Parimatch", bookmaker "Bingo Boom", bookmaker "Winline" and some others.

📌 The presence of video broadcasts is one of the competitive advantages of a bookmaker in the modern online market. Therefore, a significant part of bookmakers offer free broadcasts. In most cases, they are available to customers with any funds in the account.

In the legal segment, such services are provided by BC Winline, BC Parimatch, BC Liga Stavok and some others. There are bookmakers that partially broadcast events even for unregistered users: these are Betsity BC, GGBet BC. The Bingo Boom bookmaker demonstrates video broadcasts in its community on Vkontakte.

Among the world's bookmakers that provide customers with the opportunity to watch live broadcasts are Bet365, Unibet, Sportingbet, William Hill, 1xBet, international versions of Parimatch, Betcity.

📌 According to this criterion, such bookmakers as 1xBet, 1xStavka, Melbet, Parimatch, Betsity, Marathon, Liga Stavok, William Hill, Fonbet are in the lead.

📌 The largest number of "small markets" include the lines of such bookmakers as 1xBet, Melbet, Fonbet, Marathon. These offices often take bets on regional competitions, youth and amateur tournaments, not to mention the football championships of the third-sixth divisions of the top countries.

The advantage of betting on these markets is the ability to beat the bookmaker, who may not be good at analyzing such tournaments. The disadvantage is the high margin, which compensates for the gaps in knowledge on the part of bookmakers.

September 25 04.02.2020

How to distinguish a good bookmaker from a bad one? We know firsthand how difficult it is for an inexperienced player to sort out among hundreds of different betting options and make the right choice, so we have created a kind of guide to bookmakers. Our ranking includes only the best bookmakers for online betting, each of which is analyzed in detail according to a number of important criteria for a comfortable game for both beginners and professional betters.




Top 10 bookmakers in Russia

1. Parimatch: bookmaker with an impeccable reputation

The bookmaker has a good reputation among players and offers excellent conditions for. The average margin is 5% , the coefficients are average for the market. In live, the margin reaches 8% . The highest odds are set for betting on football, the margin for this sport is from 2% .

The line is above average, bets are accepted on popular and exotic sports, as well as e-sports, politics, entertainment, weather and more. A large number of long-term bets and bets on match statistics are offered. The painting is average, and for minor leagues it is very narrow. The live section is generally good, the downside is the limited number of broadcasts and the lack of full-screen viewing.

The Parimatch bookmaker has a special Express+ line with increased odds for bets like .

The bookmaker is adapted for mobile bets. There is a mobile version of the site, as well as applications for Android and iOS. The mobile versions support all the main features, plus the players receive a multi bet bonus.

For PariMatch customers, a large number of ways to replenish an account and receive payments are available, including Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, bank cards, and more. Usually money is quickly withdrawn to a card or electronic wallet.

The bookmaker has a Russian version of the site, which is connected to the TsUPIS and legally operates on the territory of the Russian Federation. Note that the presence of this parameter indicates the reliability of the bookmaker.

Pros and cons of Parimatch

  • Impeccable reputation
  • VIP Rates and Express Line
  • Wide painting on football
  • Variety of promotions and bonuses
  • cash out
  • A small number of live broadcasts
  • Weak painting for minor leagues
  • Lack of search for events in the line

2. Marathonbet: bookmaker with the best odds

The bookmaker offers very high odds, the margin is one of the lowest in the world market. The margin is equal to 2-3% , for live bets - about 5% . The line is wide, bets are accepted on more than 30 sports. Huge selection for horse racing, there are special and long-term rates.

There are three types of totalizators in Marathonbet bookmaker: "1X2", "Correct Score" and "Tennis".

Above average painting, many combined bets and offers for betting on match intervals. The live section of the bookmaker is quite informative - a large number of sporting events, variable painting, the presence of TV broadcasts and graphics.

Marathonbet bookmaker customers can make mobile bets through the mobile version of the site or using applications for Android and iOS.

To make payments, customers can use Visa, MasterCard, Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex.Money and dozens of other payment systems. Payments in most cases are made quickly and without questions.

The bookmaker's office Marathon has a Russian version of the site connected to the TsUPIS, which is a guarantee of the protection of the rights of players from Russia.

Pros and Cons of Marathonbet

  • Quick withdrawal
  • Very high odds
  • Broad line and painting
  • Tote
  • No bonuses
  • Little functional site

3. Leonbets is the best bookmaker for mobile betting

The odds in the bookmaker are average, except for the top football tournaments, where the margin fluctuates within 2-3% . For other sports and minor football leagues, a margin is laid 8-10% .

Leonbets bookmaker offers very high odds for the Champions League, Premier League, Serie A, Primera and other high-profile football competitions.

The line is above average, you can bet on football, basketball, hockey and other popular sports, as well as on exotics - cricket, floorball, squash. Esports bets and long-term bets are available. The painting is bad, even for the main football championships.

Live loses to competitors in terms of coverage of events, but the painting, unlike the pre-match, is very high quality. The odds are low for real-time betting, sometimes the margin bar goes up to 15%. There are no infographics or video broadcasts.

Leonbets has modern and user-friendly mobile applications for Android and iOS devices. A mobile version of the site has also been developed, which works without additional software.

The bookmaker has a loyalty program and regularly holds interesting promotions with valuable prizes.

You can replenish your account and receive winnings through Visa, MasterCard, WebMoney, Skrill, Yandex.Money, Qiwi and other methods. Payouts to Leon are among the fastest on the betting market.

Please note that the bookmaker has a legal site for accepting bets from Russian players. The site is connected to TsUPIS, the presence of this parameter indicates the reliability of the bookmaker.

Pros and cons of Leonbets

  • System of bonuses and promotions
  • Fast payouts
  • High odds on football
  • Quality mobile apps
  • Narrow line and painting
  • Below average odds

4. 1xBet: a bookmaker with a wide line and painting

Bookie with a huge line and very high odds. Units can be compared with 1xbet in these parameters. Average margin - 2.5% . The line features more than 30 sports, politics, e-sports, weather. The operator offers a wide range of long-term rates. The painting is also top notch..

At the 1xbet bookmaker, you can play seven different types of totalizator, as well as fantasy football.

The branch with real-time bets is not inferior to the pre-match. A huge number of events, a detailed list, coefficients with a margin 5% . By the number of broadcasts, the bookmaker can be considered one of the leaders, there are also graphic broadcasts.

Players who are used to betting from mobile have a convenient mobile version of the site, applications for iOS, Android, as well as bets via Telegram.

The 1xbet bookmaker was the first to introduce the ability to place bets via Telegram.

The list of payment methods is very long - Visa/MasterCard, Qiwi, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Bitcoin, mobile payments, Neteller and more than 40 others. Payouts can be difficult.

A weighty argument in favor of reliability is that this bookmaker has a connection to the TsUPIS, thanks to which sports bets are legally accepted in Russia.

Pros and cons of 1xbet

  • High odds
  • Broad line and painting
  • A large number of broadcasts
  • Good tote
  • Cutting highs
  • Lots of negative reviews

5. Winlinebet: online bookmaker with instant withdrawals

In Winlinebet the odds are average, the margin is approximately 6% . The margin in live is not much different from the pre-match - within 7.5% . Like other bookmakers, the highest odds are offered for betting on football.

The line and painting are very wide, according to this parameter Winline is ahead of many competitors. There are a large number of statistic betting markets available. Live can also be attributed to the leaders, especially in terms of event coverage. It should be noted, perhaps, the best live tracker among all bookmakers.

Winline bookmaker has a responsive and professional support team that always responds quickly.

For mobile bets, the bookmaker offers a mobile version of the site, which is an official site adapted for mobile devices. In addition, you can download and install applications on Android.

The list of payment methods includes a standard set: Visa, MasterCard, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, mobile payments and others. Money is withdrawn in a short time, we did not see any complaints from the players.

The legal version of the bookmaker's office - which is integrated into the TsUPIS and operates on the network based on a license from the Russian Federation. This means that the bookmaker is reliable.

Pros and cons of Winline

  • Attractive bonuses
  • Lots of broadcasts and high-quality live tracker
  • Professional Support
  • Instant Payouts
  • Average odds

6. Liga Stavok: Russian online bookmaker for beginners

The bookmaker has not the most favorable odds, which can be described as average. The highest odds are set for football and hockey, for betting on tennis and basketball, quotes are lower. Average margin - 7% .

There are quite a few sports included in the line, eSports is well covered. If the line is at an average level, then the painting is above average. Variable painting, where there is a place for betting on statistics, combined betting options. You can bet not only on sports, but also on politics, show business. There are long-term rates, a huge choice.

Clients of the Liga Stavok bookmaker often face a reduction in limits, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Live leaves mixed impressions. On the one hand, there are few events and a high margin - about 9-10%. On the other hand, a very good painting, the presence of broadcasts, a live tracker, a “multiple events” mode.

The multi-event mode is a handy feature in Liga Stavki that allows you to watch multiple matches at the same time.

The betting product is adapted for mobile betting. Players can bet both through the mobile version and using mobile applications for iOS and Android.

Generous bonus for new players 50 000 rubles.

You can make a deposit and receive a payout using Visa/MasterCard, WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money and other methods. There are no issues with delayed withdrawals.

Pros and cons of Liga Stavki

  • Legal bookmaker
  • Massive welcome bonus
  • Availability of special rates
  • Withdrawal tax
  • Weak live section
  • Cutting limits

7. Fonbet: a bookmaker with a popular totalizator in Russia

The line covers a small number of sports, only the most popular ones are included. Those that are are well covered, right down to youth competitions and the lower leagues. The painting is unstable, so it is very difficult to give an accurate assessment. The number of outcomes can vary significantly for matches within the same tournament.

Average Odds - Margin 7-8% . However, the advantage is that for live bets, the odds are not lowered, as other bookmakers do. Note that customers can use the bid builder.

The live betting section can be called one of the top ones. Wide line, variable painting, video and graphic broadcasts, informative live tracker.

The bookmaker is known for its totalizator, which is rightfully considered the most popular among Russian players. The size of the jackpot can reach 75 million rubles.

The betting company Fonbet took the issue of mobile betting seriously. A mobile site has been developed, as well as applications for Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Java.

You can make a deposit and receive winnings using Visa and MasterCard, Qiwi, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Skrill and many other ways.

The Russian version of the site is connected to TsUPIS and owns a license from the Russian Federation, which allows you to legally accept interactive bets online from Russian bettors.

Fonbet pros and cons

  • Tote
  • Bid Builder
  • Good live
  • narrow painting
  • Cutting limits

8. Olimp: bookmaker with high limits

Online bookmaker with a wide line and high limits that allows you to bet on football, tennis, hockey, basketball, e-sports, biathlon, sailing, golf, mixed martial arts, rally, culture and much more. The line is very decent, which cannot be said about the line - only top tournaments are given due attention here.

The odds are average, the margin is 7-8% . In live, the margin is increased to 9-10% . There are very few broadcasts when compared with other operators. The line and painting in the live betting section is not bad.

Olimp bookmaker offers high odds for betting on NBA matches - the margin is 3.5%.

The bookmaker has developed both a mobile version that copies the official resource and special applications for iOS and Android.

Deposit-withdrawal of funds is available by all popular methods - Visa/MasterCard, Qiwi, Yandex.Money, WebMoney and others. Sometimes the money is paid out more than the period stated on the site.

Sports betting has long begun to gain popularity in Russia and has attracted a lot of fans. However, since 2016, the government has seriously taken care of the legality of such offices, as a result of which many betting sites in the territory of the Russian Federation were closed.

At the moment, there are only a small number of companies that operate in Russia without bans. It is from them that the rating of Kush v Sporte bookmakers is compiled, where everyone can choose the right company for cooperation.

The regulation of the activities of bookmakers and the transfer of business from the shadows to the legal field was carried out thanks to the creation of the TsUPIS organization. The latter has become a kind of intermediary between betters and bookmakers, which will allow them to resolve disputes and levy taxes on players' profits.

If you want to bet on sports and make a profit, then you cannot do without creating an account on the official website of the organization. And those who have already registered can easily start cooperation with any of the presented offices.

How useful is the Kush v Sporte bookmaker rating?

The Sports Predictions League website team has carefully considered this section. It provides not just a list of legal offices, but also some other useful information. For example, the language of the bookmaker's website, the size of the bonus in the company, as well as its assessment by other bettors.

Thanks to the data obtained, you can easily compile your own rating of the best bookmakers in order to start working only with the office that offers the most favorable conditions and has earned the trust of Russian players.

  • The reputation of the bookmaker in the international betting market.
  • The uniqueness of the line for the painting of sporting events.
  • Margin policy of the company.
  • Informativeness of the online platform.
  • Betting depth in Live.
  • Bonuses and promotions of the company.
  • Availability of applications.
  • Service work.
  • Attitude towards speculative and arbitrage players.

It is difficult for a person taking the first steps in the world of betting to choose a trusted bookmaker, of which there are a great many on the network. The project experts thoroughly studied the work of each presented company, reflecting all the pros and cons in detailed reviews and made a bookmaker rating for you.

Attention is paid to brands with a good reputation. The turning point in 2016 became the era of reforming bookmakers providing services in the domestic market.

European and Asian monsters of online betting were forced to abandon Russian players, leaving a place for the development of domestic offices.

A reliable operator today is one who pays out any winnings, does not block the accounts of successful players and provides a quality service of the services offered.

A bettor is unlikely to want to place bets where the payout of winnings or the closure of an account is at risk.

But the main parameter for evaluating a bookmaker's office remains the breadth of the list of sporting events. Quality services should not be limited to the list of main outcomes or the market of general totals for betting.

Analysts from top companies surprise bettors with hundreds of sports betting markets.

The company's margin policy plays an important role. Few people want to bet at low odds and feed bookmakers with commissions. Therefore, the priority of the list is the operators offering worthy quotes for the leading sports championships.

By placing bets in trusted companies, the bettor will not experience problems with the withdrawal of funds and the resolution of disputes.

Rating of the best companies

The stability of the company in the betting market is confirmed not only by the presence of authorized capital, membership in SROs and TsUPIS, but also by the information content of the online platform.

High-quality service when placing a bet is an important parameter in the work of a bookmaker. Tools for studying statistics, the availability of match trackers and high-quality broadcast sections are the key to a stable relationship between the player and the betting brand. Placing bets with such an operator is a pleasure for a bettor.

For lovers of live sessions, the depth of events is important for placing bets during the game. It is unlikely that anyone will like the closure of promising markets at the time of betting.

In a stable company, live betting scouts offer hundreds of markets.

It cannot be discounted, which bettors also pay attention to. It is necessary to take into account how loyal the conditions of the bonus promotion are.

A self-respecting company regularly pleases users with generous promotions, within which cars, digital equipment and a bunch of other gifts are raffled off.

Which bookmakers should be trusted today

Both legal and offshore companies are oriented to the Russian market, which are still trusted by many bettors. For players from the countries of the former USSR, affordable offshore bookmakers remain a priority. Russian bettors are more focused on conquering legal operators.

There are more and more bookmakers in the world. In a highly competitive environment, companies are fighting for customers with the help of new bonus programs and the development of high-quality mobile applications. The introduction of such programs into gadgets of various levels is a separate niche in the field of betting, which our experts pay great attention to.

In connection with the legalization of the betting business and the tightening of the rules for doing business, bookmakers are pressed by the law. If the bettor is not cheating, then a trusted bookmaker always meets the needs of the client. The same cannot be said about offshore operators.

The project experts treat arbitrageurs with care and offer them high-quality reviews of bookmakers that are loyal to the game on "arbs". A number of bookmakers from Asia are calmly enduring the stay of arbers. In the realm of legal betting, things are different. Here they are not favored, they allow you to withdraw the funds won, but they already let you play further.

The key issue for any player is the choice of a gaming platform. Our reviews, taking into account all the positive and negative aspects of each bookmaker, provide an opportunity to evaluate the activities of a particular bookmaker as objectively as possible.

Information that will be useful to bettors is presented in a simple and understandable language.

How the rating of bookmakers was compiled

Up-to-date information about foreign and Russian betting operators for compiling the rating of bookmakers comes from experts who have been cooking in this area for decades and make bets themselves.

Also, real reviews of players are taken into account, from which the most recent and reliable information is received, which affects the compilation of the rating of bookmakers.

The Betonmobile project offers high-quality detailed reviews of the leading bookmakers in Russia and the world. They include information about:

  • operator history;
  • licenses;
  • promotions and bonuses;
  • assortment of offers and depth of painting;
  • the work of the support service;
  • deposit and withdrawal options;
  • pros and cons of BC;
  • popular questions related to their activities.

This helps players to determine their preferences and avoid many mistakes when choosing a betting platform.