Why do certain people star. Why do people like to be photographed

Gone are the days when the camera was a luxury, and pictures were taken only on great holidays. These days, all new phone models are equipped with a fairly good camera, and many also have professional or semi-professional cameras in addition. Nowadays, a person takes a lot of pictures, but why is this happening.

Just a few decades ago, life was more calm and measured, now with the help of photographs, a person is trying to somehow stop, to make the moment freeze.

Scientists explained why a person needs to be photographed and be sure to store photographs in printed form. They even term phototherapy brought into use.

Phototherapy helps fight self-doubt, helps a person become more open and contact. If you are unsure of your appearance, then you should definitely arrange a professional photo shoot for yourself, always with makeup, in a beautiful dress. This will help you see yourself as if from the outside, understand how beautiful you can be, become with proper care and proper makeup, help you become better and more confident in yourself. Such pictures must be printed and put in a conspicuous place, they will be your motivation. A kind of phototherapy can also be called the love of the current generation for laying out everything that surrounds them in social media. One psychologist even jokingly said that such photographs remind him of the inscription "Vasya was here" on the fence. However, it is this kind of posting of photos of your food, your activities, your new clothes and yourself that helps a person to attach himself to reality, find new acquaintances and become more open and responsive.

Another way to motivate yourself and become better is collage. Surely you have photos that you love and need to use when creating a collage. Take an A4 sheet, a glossy magazine, your photos and make a model of your ideal life out of all this. It's called a wish card. Colorfully depict your ideal life, work, hobby, home, vacation, and more. Be sure to hang your masterpiece in a prominent place and strive to be sure to achieve what you want.

If you want to stand out among your friends and acquaintances with bright and unusual photographs, color photographs will help you with this. smoke bombs .

Why else do people like to be photographed? To keep this state of "here and now" in mind, women are especially fond of such photographs. It is they who order professional photo shoots most often. Men, on the other hand, are more calm about the fact that their body and face are changing, and sometimes not for the better. Women are in a hurry to keep a beautiful body and face at least in the photo.

Another expression of love for photography - photographing children. When a woman has a child, the number of photographs taken increases exponentially. The first smile, the first step, the first toy, the first food - you want to capture all this as a keepsake, then show it to a grown-up baby. The child grows up very quickly, so it is important to photograph literally every day of his life. Another important detail is that children look great in photographs, because they still do not know how to pose and act on camera, which means that all their emotions are real and sincere.

Photos accumulated over time in printed form can even play the role of original antidepressants. If you have a breakdown, a creative crisis, depression - just open a family album, emotionally relive all the happiest moments of life, let go of those who are no longer with you, forgive insults and forget. Psychologists have proven that such an emotional shake-up is extremely useful.

It is also useful not only to take pictures, but also to take pictures. We have lost the habit of noticing the little things around, everyone living today has his own frantic rhythm. In our life there is no place for thoughtless viewing of clouds, flowers, sunrises and sunsets. This is what photography will teach you. You will notice the little things in life and enjoy them. And if you have good photographic equipment, then such pictures can even be sold at online auctions, or you can simply save them for your viewing or even make a kind of thematic gallery that will complement your interior.

Many people do not like to be photographed and this is also understandable. Some people are really extremely unphotogenic and definitely don't want to see themselves ugly in photos.

There are also certain fears, and sometimes phobias before photographing. They usually take their roots in early childhood. It's the fear of being caught red-handed.

Many men are just do not like to be photographed, consider this not a male occupation and joke that they are not models. For women, it's much more difficult. A woman can have hundreds of photos and dozens of professional photo shoots while she is young and beautiful and not a single photo at a more mature age. It is very logical and legal for women to endure the fading of their beauty and unwillingness to be photographed.

Many people simply do not like to be photographed, while they themselves can be wonderful photographers, but the request to be photographed will be refused.

Also, photographs of a person are prohibited by many religions. This is due to the belief that each photo carries human aura imprint and, falling into the wrong hands, can do harm.

At any banquet where any famous person is present, all guests will certainly queue up to take a photo with a celebrity "as a keepsake". One day, filming an endless stream of such people, I suddenly thought - why do I personally never feel such urges? After all, I seem to regularly have such an opportunity, but I never use it.

To begin with, I must say that I don’t understand at all what is the point of this action? Boasting about meeting a famous person? But wait, if in the picture, for example, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is embracing the turner Vasya from Chelyabinsk, who will believe in such an acquaintance?

Maybe people do it in order to touch someone else's glory? Feel more significant after that? This is even more stupid, you must understand that after this photo you were a sucker, and you will remain a sucker.

Or maybe then, with the help of this picture, to prove that you really met this person? It’s also strange, it seems like those people whom you respect should respect you in return, and take your word for it, and you should not give a shit about the opinion of the rest from a high bell tower, right? In short, it is completely incomprehensible why people do this.

But the question is different - why do I never want this personally?

Of course, most of the "celebrities" that can be seen in our Muhosransk are the stars of domestic show business, and taking pictures with such people is not to respect yourself, but sometimes you come across decent people, Roy Jones recently, and this is a person I respect infinitely. But I photographed him for four days, and so I didn’t bother with a single self with a world boxing star.

But when people saw him, they simply lost their minds, people were ready to trample each other to death for such an opportunity, and often the guards simply pulled Roy out of the crowd and took him away from sin. The audience was very upset, they all really wanted to get a picture with the world champion. But somehow I was not excited at all about this opportunity.

But after a little thought, I realized why I was not drawn to take a picture with Roy. It turned out that it was all about elementary arithmetic. Let's count: seven billion people live on planet Earth. About a hundred million people know Roy Jones by sight, maybe three hundred people know me.
And now, if you show random people a photo where I am captured in an embrace with Roy Jones, then:

No more than three hundred people will say - "Yes, this is Dmitry Maistrenko and Roy Jones."

And a hundred million people will say - "Yeah, this is Roy Jones, and some kind of asshole."

And why the fuck, you ask, do I need such a photo?

Now we will ask obvious and not very questions to smart people in order to get answers to them. This time we decided to find out why people take pictures of themselves on the phone and post pictures on the Internet. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Psychology of VSUES Lidia Kirsanova answers.

The desire to see yourself in the photo is quite natural, especially for girls. It is always interesting to know how you look from the outside, how others evaluate you. But why should photos be posted on the Internet instead of just showing them to friends? I have such a hypothesis: the opinion of our inner circle is already known to us and seems boring and boring. The Internet audience is limitless, anyone can appreciate us with a fresh look.

Girls need attention to their own person. To do this, they constantly design their image in various roles and wait for evaluation. I don't see it as some form of addiction, it's self-knowledge. Although it can take very transformed forms. If a young girl constantly doubts whether she is beautiful, whether she eats good food, whether she spends her leisure time correctly, and “poureds” everything that surrounds her into her Instagram so that people express their opinion, then this is a developing inferiority complex and internal insufficiency.

The male gender is being repressed
feminine, so guys start
copy behavior

Our culture is slowly becoming feminized. There is a gender imbalance in our country: there are much fewer guys than girls. In such conditions, some young people are trying to assert their masculine position, while others want to adapt to the female environment. On the Internet, along with photographs of the fair sex, we also find photos of young people in stylish clothes and with fashionable hairstyles. The male gender is being replaced by the female one, so the guys start copying the behavior of the girls.

Why is it so fashionable to be photographed on the phone today? First, it is a tool that is always at hand. One moment - and the picture is already on the Internet, retouched and corrected using various applications. Very convenient and quite simple. Secondly, we want to play with other people's beautiful toys. I mean Apple products. The fact is that Russian culture is secondary in relation to technical means and borrows novelties from the West. But, since I travel a lot, I can say with confidence that in Europe people spend much less time with the phone than we do.

I think that when our culture begins to realize itself at the level of individuality, then the imitation and borrowing of everything Western will disappear. Then young people will stop being photographed on their phones, exchanging platitudes in the comments and focusing only on themselves. But I think that this will not happen in the near future.

It is difficult to find a person who would not like to take pictures. Today, photography has become one of the most common hobbies of a huge number of people. And this is not surprising, because what other hobby can bring so many positive emotions and happy moments? Why do we need photos Photos create history

Only thanks to the photo we can capture the iconic and happy moments of our lives. After a while, we can return to the past, looking at the photo how our children grew up, how interesting and fun we had on vacation.

Photos make emotions come alive

Probably, each of us noticed how the emotions experienced at the moment of shooting are reborn in the heart. Thanks to photographs, we return to that time again and feel with even greater force the joy or sadness that took place in the past.

How to take beautiful animal photos

Photos help you take a piece of your family home with you.

We do not always have the opportunity to visit our loved ones from a neighboring city or country. As well as we can not always revisit a favorite resort or city. That is why we try to photograph everything that is dear to us. So these people and places will stay with us forever.

Photos help us have what we don't have

How often do we photograph things we can't have - cars, beautiful houses or outfits, jewelry or unique paintings. By photographing the things we like, we gain the opportunity to own them, admiring the images.

How to arrange photos?

Photos keep things safe and sound

Many of us take pictures of our favorite chair or bike that we rode as a child, and all because in this way we can save things that are dear to us and take them with us at any time.

This useful hobby is able to evoke positive emotions not only while doing it, but also allows you to experience moments of happiness and joy as many times as we often leaf through an album of pictures dear to our hearts.