The Lube bass player died after a severe beating. A stab in the back: how the bass player of "Lube" lived and died for what Music in the war

Shortly before his death, the musician sent his beloved to the television project "Voice"

A month ago, the Lyube group lost a talented bass guitarist Pavel USANOV. For two and a half weeks, the capital's doctors fought for his life after a severe head injury that the musician received in a fight, but on April 19 his heart stopped.

This tragic story immediately spread rumors. Someone said that the drunken artist himself staged a brawl in a bar not far from his home in the Moscow region. Someone believes that 40-year-old Usanov was killed for Political Views, because he has repeatedly traveled to the Donbass with concerts.

His widow Yuliana told Express Gazeta about Pavel's life and death.

Everyone who lives in the neighborhood Usanov, they say in one voice: they have not met a more decent, kind and sympathetic person. Pavel, despite the fact that he had been playing in Lube for 20 years, did not even have a hint of star disease. Between tours, he managed to teach local children to play the guitar, helped orphanages, organized music festivals ...

Pasha had a dream - to make an artist out of me, - Juliana smiles through tears, - He always joked: “If you become a star, you will support the whole family!” He passed on his experience to me, and shortly before his death, he signed me up for the casting of the Voice project. Now I don’t know how I will go there, but for the sake of Pavlusha I must try. He really wanted it. We lived in love and harmony for three years. Who would have known that our happy relationship so absurdly cut off.

- Various rumors are circulating around the death of Paul ...

That is why I want to tell the truth through your newspaper. The fact that Pasha ended up at the bar that evening is an absolute coincidence. great post was in full swing, and my husband is a deeply religious person, he didn’t even leave the house without prayer, not to mention drinking at such a sacred time for the Orthodox. Everything that Pasha did that day was not characteristic of him.

In the morning we decided to go for honey, but before that we stopped by for a cup of coffee in a cafe near the house. There was a call from his mom. She dreamed bad dream. We reassured her, because Pashka was alive and well and just glowing with happiness.

At that moment, Alexander, our neighbor, whom we met periodically in the temple, appeared on the threshold of the institution. They were never friends with him, but the news that Sasha became a dad made Pashka wildly delighted. Previously, he would never have celebrated anything with a person he knew in passing. And then I decided. I didn't answer and left on business. And when she returned, she found her husband at Alexander's house for cognac, which, like other strong drinks, he never really complained about.

I was very tense, began to persuade him to go home. The husband promised that he would be there soon, but he never came.

At three o'clock in the morning, the guards of our village carried him to the threshold. They said he drank too much. When I undressed him, I noticed that there was not a single abrasion on the body. In the morning, calls from Lube began: Pasha was supposed to fly to St. Petersburg with a concert.

She began to wake him up, because he had never missed a single performance in his life. But he could not get up, he complained about headache and was kind of slow.

When neighbor Alexander called with questions: “What is wrong with Pasha? They told me he was beaten,” everything fell into place. scored Rastorguev He ordered to urgently call an ambulance. I was worried that the journalists would raise a fuss - they say, the guitarist of "Lube" got drunk to death, but Kolya said that all this was nonsense.

The doctors who arrived examined her husband, found nothing, but recommended that they go with them to Dmitrov for gastric lavage. Pasha himself got into the car, and to my questions about the fight he answered that he did not remember anything.

In the hospital, it turned out that he had a fracture of the frontal bone and numerous bruises of the brain. I started calling Rastorguev again. Kolya immediately called an ambulance to take us to Moscow. On the way, Pasha was conscious, even joking. When we were taken to Sklif, he was immediately sent to the operating room. Nine hours later, the doctor said that everything went well and that tomorrow he would be taken out of an artificial coma.

I went home, and after a while the Internet was filled with ridiculous rumors that Usanov was dying, and the doctors could not find his relatives. She immediately rushed to the hospital. There I was told that my husband's injury was incompatible with life. Like, even if a miracle happens, he will remain a “vegetable”, he will only lie. The ground was gone from under my feet ... It's good that there were people nearby who loved Pasha very much, they even began to collect money for his rehabilitation. Until recently, they believed in miracles.

fatal blow

- Did you find out why your husband was beaten?

After I went home, Pasha and a neighbor stopped by a local bar. There, the husband began to tell Alexander about his trip to the Donbass. Last year, he brought humanitarian aid there and was engaged in a competition to identify young talents "Native Spaces" in order to distract the kids from the war and arrange a holiday for them. It was a hard trip, its participants constantly came under fire.

Pasha's story was accidentally heard by two Odessans sitting at the next table. The peace-loving Pavlusha very soon turned the verbal skirmish into a joke. Even in the video that has spread around the Internet, it is noticeable that the fuss at the bar is the usual tomfoolery. Yes, one of the inhabitants of Odessa dropped Pasha on the floor, and I suspect that the husband could hit his head, but after that he got up and talked with these guys for a long time.

At some point, the husband inadvertently elbowed a completely stranger man at the bar with his elbow. It was Maxim Dobry(who is now suspected of brutally beating Pavel. - A.K.). He had nothing to do with the inhabitants of Odessa, but for some reason he reacted aggressively to my husband. Comrade Maxim tried to calm him down. On this, it seemed, the incident was over. The men hugged each other and drank beer.

Our neighbor, whose son was celebrated by Pasha, fell asleep on the table, and when the establishment began to close, Alexander, without saying a word, got up and went home. The Odessans also left. Pasha, Dobry and his friend, who had just called a taxi, stayed at the bar.

When the car arrived, Dobry refused to leave. But I know for sure that if he had attacked my husband alone, Pasha would have instantly put him on his shoulder blades.

He was definitely attacked by several people, which is confirmed by the witness, who watched everything from the window of his house. He heard screams in the street. There was a car on the road not far from the checkpoint of our village, where Pasha, Dobry and two others were noisily sorting things out. Who they are - whether Dobrogo helped or the returnees from Odessa, I don't know. One thing is clear - Pasha was beaten professionally, so that no traces were left. Experts say they hit either with a rubber-covered bat or something heavy wrapped in cloth. That is, at that moment he was already purposefully killed.

- And the guards of the village did not hear the screams?

Pasha even ran to them to ask for help. While the guards ran out, the two jumped into the car and fled. Dobryi hid from Pasha, and when he turned around and went home, he struck him in the head. Seeing the guards, Dobry tried to hide, but the guys managed to take a picture of him. This man was in prison twice - for robbery and drugs. But all of Pasha's personal belongings, except for the wedding ring, remained with him. And the ring may have been lost in the fight. After the fatal blow, the husband went limp, but for some time he was still able to walk on his own. And then he lost consciousness. Security picked him up and brought him home. They did not think that this blow would be fatal.

I worried for a long time: suddenly we missed precious time without immediately calling an ambulance. But the doctors said that the injury was so severe that it was impossible to prevent brain-destroying processes.

guitar legacy

- There were rumors that Pasha was going to leave Lube.

Pasha always said that without this group there would be no him. After all, he is a simple boy from Novocheboksarsk, who graduated with honors from Gnesinka and decided to try his luck at the casting in Lube. Naturally, his - Russian hero with blue eyes- immediately noticed. For 20 years, Pasha stood behind Rastorguev's left shoulder, who always felt his support. Of course, the husband was not going anywhere. He just wanted to do the same solo project. We wrote songs together, which we then sang with pleasure.

Kolya is having a hard time with the departure of a friend, trying in every possible way to help me - both morally and financially. I am grateful to him for many things. Together with Rastorguev, we did everything so that the case of the murder of our Pasha was transferred to the Investigative Committee.

- In this story, many see something mystical.

Pasha had a guitar, which he inherited from previous Lube musicians - they also died tragically. He did not play it, but literally before his death, for some reason, he starred with her in a video. I try not to think about it, otherwise you can go crazy. The only thing I believe in: that evening, Pasha was left without protection, because for no reason, for no reason at all, he suddenly took off his pectoral cross, although he had never done this before. And lost in the fight wedding ring I gave it to him at the wedding. I know that the killer of my husband will answer to God for everything!

- Pasha from his first marriage had a son, Vasya, and a daughter, Sonya. Is there a question of division of inheritance?

Many people think that since Pasha is from Lube, it means that chickens don’t peck at his money. In fact, we lived quite modestly with him. The husband is completely unrepentant. I was very afraid to get involved in some business projects, because where big money is spinning, little is done according to the law. Although people often turned to him with all kinds of proposals, because they knew "Lube" - the president's favorite group. We started with him clean slate- everything that was acquired earlier, they decided to leave in the past. Pasha provided the children with housing, and we rented this house. He went with the simplest phone, he only needed money for strings. So we have nothing to share. Except his guitars...

However, none of this matters. Soon I'm going to Donbass with Pasha's contest "Native Spaces". My husband really wanted his business to live and develop. For me, this is the most important legacy.

On Monday, October 23, the Dmitrovsky City Court of the Moscow Region found Maxim Dobry guilty of murdering Pavel Usanov, bass player of the Lyube band. The man was sentenced to one year and nine months of restraint of liberty and a fine of 700 thousand rubles. Court spokeswoman Natalia Osipova clarified that Dobry had one month left to serve - the judge decided to count each day of arrest as two days of restriction of liberty.

The term "limitation of freedom" implies whole line prohibitions. The convict is forbidden to leave the place of residence at a certain time of the day, visit any places, travel outside municipality, visit public events change jobs. At the same time, the convicted person is obliged to regularly appear in the supervisory government agency for registration.

Justice of the verdict

Many decided that the sentence for the killer of the musician was too lenient. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Business Law of the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice Andrey Nekrasov, in an interview with the 360 ​​website, explained why the punishment can be considered fair. As part of the case, the court found that the accused did not intend to kill the victim. There was a fight with mutual beatings, and death occurred as a result of a combination of various circumstances not directly related to the brawl.

It is precisely because of the circumstances of the tragedy and the article itself, according to which Dobry was tried, namely “Causing death by negligence”, that the verdict looks fairly fair in a legal sense. The court also took into account the long stay of the convict in custody - Dobry was under arrest throughout the investigation.

Andrei Nekrasov mentioned a similar criminal case. In April 2011, three-time world champion in mixed martial arts Rasul Mirzaev attacked 19-year-old law college graduate Ivan Agafonov near the capital's Garage nightclub. The young man fell and hit the back of his head on the grate of the storm sewer. Three days later, in a coma, Ivan Agafonov died in the hospital. Then Mirzaev was also sentenced to restriction of freedom, only for a slightly longer period - two years. The lawyer connects the hype around the case of Maxim Dobry and the guilty verdict with the popularity of the Lyube group.

Of course, the resonance of the current history gives popularity musical group in which the deceased was a member

Andrey Nekrasov.

Criminal case

On April 2, 2016, the bass guitarist of the Lyube group Pavel Usanov celebrated the birth of a friend's daughter in the Altona restaurant, located in the village of Ozeretskoye, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region. In a bar, he got into an argument with two drunken patrons. The verbal conflict escalated into a brawl, but a serious fight was avoided. A few hours later, Usanov was attacked near the nearby residential complex "Mechta", where the musician lived. He was hit in the temple, after which the man fell and hit his head on the asphalt. He was hospitalized with a skull fracture. Soon Usanov fell into a coma.

Investigators quickly identified the attacker. It turned out to be local Maxim Dobry, who did not take part in the brawl, but was a witness to it. According to law enforcement officers, personal hostility arose between the musician and the attackers, after which Dobry decided to beat Usanov. For almost three weeks, the musician was in a coma, and on April 19 he died at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute without regaining consciousness.

Upon the death of Pavel Usanov, a criminal case was initiated on the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm to fatal, however, soon the article was reclassified to a softer one - "Causing death by negligence." The maximum penalty for this crime is two years in prison. Investigators decided that the cause of the man's death was not the attack itself, but hitting his head on the asphalt.

During the consideration of the criminal case, Maxim Dobry denied any involvement in the crime. According to him, he was relaxing in the Altona restaurant with a friend. There he met Pavel Usanov, after which the musician joined the feast. The men drank together for a while, after which they parted ways. Dobry also said that Usanov quarreled with two Ukrainians that evening. Immediately after the brawl, the accused allegedly left the establishment and never saw the musician again. The court disagreed with his position.

The widow of the member of the Lyube group Pavel Usanov, Juliana, who died on April 19, is experiencing the loss of her beloved. According to the woman, what happened to the bass player in a bar near Moscow was an absolute accident. However, the day before, Pavel's mother had a bad dream about her son.

Juliana and Pavel got married in 2013. The musician's wife also played the guitar and sang songs. Shortly before his death, Usanov signed up his wife for the casting of the TV project "Voice". Juliana says that now she will have to go there for the sake of Pavel. The woman remembered that on the day when the fight broke out, Pavel did everything that was unusual for him.

According to Yuliana, during the fast, Usanov agreed to go with his friend Alexander to celebrate the birth of his daughter.

“I did not dissuade and left on business. And when she returned, she found her husband at Alexander's for cognac, which, like other strong drinks, he never particularly complained about. I was very tense, began to persuade him to go home. The husband promised that he would be there soon, but he never came, ”said Usanova’s wife.

Pavel was brought home in a state alcohol intoxication village guards. Only in the morning in Dmitrov's hospital it turned out that he had a fracture of the frontal bone and numerous bruises of the brain. Thanks to the leader of the Lyube group, Nikolai Rastorguev, Usanov was taken to the Sklifosovsky Research Institute on an ambulance.

Usanova's wife said that her husband became a participant in a brawl with two residents of Odessa in a bar. Pavel and his neighbor Alexander celebrated the birth of their son there. Usanov accidentally hit a man at the bar with his elbow. The visitor of the bar reacted aggressively to such a gesture. It turned out to be Maxim Dobry, who is now suspected of brutally beating the musician.

“When the institution began to close, Alexander, without saying a word, got up and went home. The Odessans also left. Pasha, Dobry and his friend, who had just called a taxi, stayed at the bar. When the car arrived, Dobry refused to leave. But I know for sure that if he had attacked my husband alone, Pasha would have instantly put him on his shoulder blades. Definitely, several people attacked him, which is confirmed by the witness, who watched everything from the window of his house, ”Yuliana revealed the details of what happened to Usanov. According to the woman, the musician was beaten professionally - so that no traces were left.

Pavel's wife recalls that that evening Pavel left home without pectoral cross, that is, left without protection. And shortly before that, he starred in a video with a guitar that he inherited from a tragically deceased participant"Lube". Nikolai Rastorguev previously also claimed that there is something mystical in the death of a bass player.

“I worried for a long time: suddenly we missed precious time without immediately calling an ambulance. But the doctors said that the injury was so serious that it was impossible to prevent brain-destroying processes, ”Yuliana said in candid interview"Express newspaper".

Recall that the doctors fought for Usanov's life for about 17 days, they performed a craniotomy operation, but could not save the musician's life. From his first marriage, Pavel had a daughter, Sofia, and a son, Vasya.

And relatives and friends of the detainee refuse to believe in his involvement in the attack.

Terrible news for fans of the Lube group - in serious condition the permanent bass player of the band Pavel Usanov was hospitalized. He has been working in the Lubers company since 1996, and true fans adored him no less than the soloist, the legendary Nikolai Rastorguev. And now Paul's life hangs in the balance. After a banal domestic conflict, he was hospitalized in critical condition at the Sklifosovsky Institute.

Pavel Usanov.


Pavel Usanov was born in Novocheboksarsk. Graduated from the Kirov College of Arts, Academy of Music. Gnesins and graduate school. He played jazz in Moscow in the Manhattan group, then in the Phonograph Jazz Band group of Sergei Zhilin. In 1996, an announcement appeared in the newspapers that, in connection with the tragic death of bass player Alexander Nikolaev, the Lyube group was announcing a competition for a new performer. After he was noticed as part of a jazz quartet, Pavel passed the competition and became the bass player of Lube. Actively writes music for documentaries, including the military. He is the founder and leader of the Cultural and Educational Movement "Promotion of Creative Education" fund, the "Native Spaces" movement. He also gives concerts with his own group "Meeting Fight", but in 2012 he changes the composition and then becomes a soloist in his group.

Evil irony of fate -. And many friends of the detainee claim that the character of Maxim Dobry fully corresponds to his last name: he won’t hurt a fly, he won’t say an extra word ...

Maxim Good.

But, apparently, that evening, the word dropped by someone clearly turned out to be superfluous.

The Lyube group recently returned from a tour; a concert was scheduled for April 3 in Ramenskoye near Moscow. And on the eve of the weekend, Pavel was invited to a celebration to to the best friend Alexander. Men are not only friends, but also neighbors: they live in the same house in the Dream residential complex, in the village of Ozeretskoye, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region. Alexander called Pavel to a restaurant to celebrate the birth of his son.

The event began in the afternoon and continued until the closing of the institution. Despite the fact that the comrades were already pretty “under the shofet” by the closing of the restaurant, everyone behaved with dignity. The hero of the occasion, unable to withstand the load on such a joyful day for himself, fell asleep in the billiard room, and the musician went home (luckily he lives nearby).

Everything happened on the way to the house, almost at the entrance. Unexpectedly, three unknown men attacked Usanov. Perhaps there was some reason - someone hurt someone or hooked with a word. In any case, the forces were absolutely unequal, and the bass player got pretty bad. It is not clear how all this would have ended if the guards of the residential complex who were nearby did not pay attention to the screams and noise. They recaptured the musician from the hooligans.

Pavel was hospitalized in a critical condition. Alas, not immediately. He himself did not want to disturb the doctors, he told his relatives that he was recovering. But on Saturday, Usanov became very ill. First, he was taken to a local hospital, then urgently transported to Sklif. Diagnosis - contusion of the brain, fracture of the bones of the skull. On Sunday night, the musician was made emergency operation. Doctors gave cautiously optimistic forecasts.

The entire Lube team is in shock. But despite this, the artists were not going to cancel the concert in Ramenskoye until Sunday evening. Paul would not forgive them for that.

The police, after reviewing video cameras and interviewing witnesses, quickly detained the suspect. But there are still more questions than answers here. Maksim Dobry, 38, lives in the village of Chashnikovo as a transportation manager for a freight company. The drive from Chashnikovo to Ozeretskoye is no more than half an hour, but it is completely incomprehensible why the man went to the neighboring area. Looking for adventure? But the characterization of friends and acquaintances looks almost perfect: a real gentleman, loves children, does not have a soul in her daughter (born in December). Breeds dogs. In a word, he does not at all look like a person who gets into a fight for no reason.

The rest of the attackers are still being sought. Perhaps they will deign to explain why Usanov did not please them so much. Dobry refused to testify.