What country is Ricky Martin born in? Love adventures of the hottest gay ricky martin

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Biography, life story of Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin (birth name Enrique Martin Morales) is a Puerto Rican musician.


Puerto Rican handsome Ricky Martin ( Ricky Martin), who debuted in 1991 with the album Ricky Martin, without knowing it, planted a time bomb. By the end of the 90s, through the efforts of a number of his energetic colleagues, the bomb exploded deafeningly, infecting the whole world with the fashion for passionate melodies and hot rhythms of Latin America. This is not the first time that the epidemic has swept across the continents, but never before have the Latinos attacked the listener in such a mass and in such a cohesive formation.

Childhood and youth

Ricky Martin was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico on December 24, 1971. His first performances were school productions in which he took part. He also sang in the school choir. As a young child, he appeared extensively in commercials and (with the support of his parents) immersed himself in learning to sing. His musical tastes did not lean toward Latin American music, as many thought. He was more interested in musicians such as Boston and Cheap Trick. True, one day his mother took him to a concert by Celia Cruz, which left a deep impression on him.

At the age of about 10, Ricky heard the music of the Latin boy group Menudo and immediately went to audition. At first he was not accepted due to his young age, but then, in 1984, he finally took a place in the group, and for the next five years he worked in a grueling regime of recording and concert tours. In 1989, when Menudo was at the height of its popularity, Martin left the group and moved to New York, where he hoped to achieve solo success. There he experienced a year of unemployment, after which, frustrated, he returned to Mexico.

creative way

During his life south of the border, Martin's fortunes began to improve again, he became a regular participant in the soap opera Alcanzar una Estrella II, dividing time between filming and music.

In 1991, Ricky Martin returned to the States to seriously pursue a musical solo career. He co-wrote the material for his first album with former Menudo mate Robi Rosa, who remained Martin's regular collaborator for many years. Ricky Martin's debut disc was released at the end of 1991 in all three Americas - North, Central and South. And everywhere it was received well, rising to the Top 5 of the American Latin pop chart. Noting the uncomplicated production and far from the most interesting material, critics still paid tribute to the performer, his charisma and vocal abilities: "Martin can play both ballads and plain dance-pop with the same sincerity, even if the songs themselves are nothing. It's nice to hear how he moves away from the Menudo style and finds his own voice".


Released in 1992 and 1993, his first Spanish-language albums were quite popular in several countries. Encouraged by his success, in 1994 Martin traveled to Los Angeles, where he played the role of bartender (and nightclub singer) Miguel Morez on the American soap opera General Hospital. A critically acclaimed audience favorite, he gets another interesting offer that's hard to refuse. In the Broadway musical Les Miserables, he gets the role of Marius. For the sake of Broadway, he leaves television and has been successfully playing in the musical for more than a year. He also started working on his third Spanish-language album, Medio Vivir. Released in 1995, the album Medio Vivir became a turning point in Martin's career. The album combined a Latin style with a rock orientation. Over 600,000 copies of the album were sold within 6 months and a gold disc was released in October 1997. Almost immediately, he began work on his fourth Spanish-language album. The new album Vuelve was released in early 1998 and sold very well.

Did not abandon Ricky's musical career. In 1995, Martin publishes his third album A Medio Vivir, in which elements of pop rock appear along with the traditional Latin flamenco and cambia styles. Recorded in Spanish, like both of its predecessors, this release was produced by loyal collaborator Roby Rosa. A Top 10 finalist on the US Latin pop chart, A Medio Vivir spawned several hits - Maria (pioneer on the Billboard Hot 100), Te Extrano, Te Olvido, Te Amo and A Medio Vivir (Latin radio favorites). The concert promotion of the album went on as usual, and in the meantime, Martin managed to work in a new animated film Hercules company. For the Spanish-language version of the cartoon, he recorded the song No Importa La Distancia, which found its audience on the radio. Another success of the musician was the English-language track The Cup of Life, the official anthem of the World Cup, which was held in France in 1998. This single has featured in numerous ratings in different parts of the world for more than a year.

The track The Cup of Life was featured on the new Vuelve album, which was released in early 1998 and topped the Latin music chart from the very first week of sales. Hit singles Vuelve and Perdido Sin Ti easily conquered the charts in Spanish-speaking countries. The album included melodramatic ballads that the sweet-voiced Martin was so good at, and dance numbers pierced by hot latin rhythms. An assortment of bells, whistles, trumpets, horns and percussion helped create the atmosphere of carnival fun. In 1999, the Vuelve was still in the US Top 40 and is number one in the Canadian rankings.

In 1998, Martin was awarded the Grammy Award, his last album was named "Best Latin Album popular music". And the artist's performance at the ceremony, where he performed the song "La Copa De La Vida" (the Spanish version of the football anthem), made a sensation, after which the circulation of his releases went uphill. The new album, released by him on May 11, was simply called "Ricky Martin" and had big success. He turned down an offer to join the film West Side Story on the grounds that the film perpetuates Puerto Rican stereotypes.

Meanwhile, it was time to take full advantage of all the benefits that his growing popularity gave him far beyond the Latin American audience. The singer again calls his first English-language album Ricky Martin, just like his Spanish debut, released eight years ago. And in a few weeks it turns into an international sensation - thanks to the super-popular single Livin "la Vida Loca. Pretty appearance, strong and beautiful voice, acting charm, incendiary video clips - the artist had everything to become a world celebrity. Livin" la Vida Loca remained for a long time Martin's most famous hit. In 2000, he instantly made it to the top of the Billboard Hot 100 and remained on the first line for five weeks in a row. Soon the echo of Livin "la Vida Loca reached Europe, where the track topped the British and several other European charts. The song also set a new commercial record for Columbia Records, being the best-selling single in the history of the label.

The next single, She's All I Ever Had, stopped at the second position of the chart, and meanwhile the album was sold in millions of copies. Having topped the US and Canadian pop charts and becoming a number one hit in the Internet rating, Ricky Martin's long play hit more than 20 music libraries millions of people around the world. Ricky Martin was everywhere - on television, on radio, on posters and magazine covers, at festivals and at a reception at the White House. He became the personification new wave Latin stars, the wave, I must say, is very powerful, represented by such figures as (), (), Luis Miguel, Chris Perez.

It is always difficult to repeat any extraordinary success, and this one is especially so. Ricky Martin's new disc Sound Loaded, released in 2001, could not boast of such lightning hits as Livin "la Vida Loca. Nevertheless, the album was received very well, providing him with a Top 5 spot in the US and Canada. Latin hit number one She Bangs, accompanied by a fabulous "underwater" video with a semi-nude nature, was noted in the Top 20 of the Billboard Hot 100. The retrospective collection of favorites La Historia was released in 2001, the tenth anniversary of Ricky Martin's solo musical career.Spanish hits once again reminded him of his main asset – beautiful voice and heartfelt performance.

And two years later, the matured and mature artist, who celebrated his 30th birthday, returned with a new studio work Almas Del Silencio (2003). The LP, which confidently topped the Latin pop chart, included Jaleo, Tal Vez, Almas Del Silencio and Y Todo Queda En Nada, quite popular among Spanish-speaking listeners. Recording took place in 11 studios, with a section of strings and brass, pianists and several electric guitarists, who gave the necessary heavy touch to some arrangements. For the musician, the album was a return to the roots, to musical traditions puerto rico, "where Latin, Anglo-Saxon and African cultures collided".

In early 2004, the musician added the Far East to his traditional tour routes. At a press conference before the start of the tour, he said, among other things: "I love my job and can't imagine doing anything else. I would like to die on stage". Of course, this should not happen soon. At least after recording a few dozen more albums.

Ricky Martin continued to work hard - record singles, shoot videos, release albums, give concerts - until 2007. In 2007, the artist announced that he wanted to take a short break from his career. Martin returned to the stage only in 2010. But how come back! Ricky seasoned the reverse to public life with the release of his own autobiography, which was instantly sold out by Ricky's bored fans.

In 2011, the singer released his ninth album Música + Alma + Sexo. In the same year, a collection of Ricky's best songs, Greatest Hits, was released. Ricky Martin's album A Quien Quiere Escuchar was released in 2015. In parallel with recording records, Martin did not forget to tour various countries almost continuously to the delight of his devoted fans.


At the beginning of the 2000s, professional interests and serious interests collided in the heart of Ricky Martin. social problems to which he could no longer turn a blind eye. He became one of the founders of the international association People for Children, which is designed to help children, primarily involved in the porn industry, and fight against pedophilia and child prostitution. Martin considered pornography to be even more dangerous than drug addiction.

The singer founded the Fundación Ricky Martin, a foundation dedicated to helping children in need. Ricky Martin from the very first day of the foundation's existence personally took part in all its events and tried to keep abreast of all current affairs. For my vigorous activity, for his kind and sympathetic heart, Ricky was awarded many awards.

Personal life

Even at the dawn of his career, Enrique began a relationship with Rebecca de Alba, who is engaged in a television show in Mexico City. Ricky and Rebecca have been together for about 14 years. The lovers came together, then diverged. At one time, they even intended to get married and start a family, but their plans were not destined to come true. In 2005, Ricky Martin officially announced that his relationship with Rebecca had come to an end.

In 2008, with the help of experienced doctors and a surrogate mother, Ricky Martin became a father - he had two charming twin boys, Valentino and Matteo.

In 2010, Ricky Martin openly declared to the public that he was a homosexual. Around the same time, the name of his young man became known - Carlos Gonzalez Abella. The couple were together until 2014.

In 2015, Martin spoke to the press about his bisexuality.

Ricky Martin was born on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1971, in Puerto Rico. He was already expecting big family- his mother, Nereida Morales, was 11 cousins and sisters. Ricky was named after his father, Enrique Martin Morales.

When Ricky was only three months old, he had already won the baby competition. Later, as soon as he grew up a little, he became interested in the world of show business. This attraction was so strong that his mother arranged for him to work as a model. At school, the boy's remarkable acting talent appeared, the main roles in school plays brought him continued success. The family of the future star was not too rich (his mother worked as an accountant, his father worked as a psychologist), but caring parents ensured that their gifted child was able to develop his abilities. So Ricky started taking singing and acting lessons.

By the age of 10, dad and mom tried to attach their child to the well-known group of boys "Menudo". It was a collective, which included young Puerto Rican singers no older than 16 years old. The group, which has existed since 1977, gave a start to life to a considerable number of popular performers in the country. In June 1984, in musical group Menudo. a place is vacated and the producers are looking for a new member. Enrique really liked this group, its songs, behavior on stage. For him, participation in the casting was a cherished, and almost unrealizable dream - he knew that in addition to him, 500 more teenagers were fighting for a place. During his performance, Ricky managed to overcome fear and completely surrender to the rhythm of the music. After that, he clearly felt that something had happened, the organizers were excitedly talking among themselves ... Two days later he was informed that he had won the casting.

It was one of the most happy days in his life. Ricky participated in the third generation of the Menudo group (which was very popular throughout Latin America), he remained in its composition until 1986. He gained invaluable experience traveling all over America, from Mexico to Argentina. In Argentina, the group enjoyed such success that they had to stay in this country for 6 months. At this time, the series "Por siempre amigos" (Friends forever) was filmed there - this allowed Ricky to prove himself as an actor.

During this period, Ricky had many brides, he especially remembered one girl from Puerto Rico, Marcela. "We went to different countries with concerts - Ricky said - and I always called her and reminded her that she was in my heart." For five years, Ricky remained the lead singer of the group, and "Menudo" during Martin's stay in the team gained international fame.

Endless tours, studio work could hardly be combined with schooling. At the end of 1989, Martin realized that he had grown out of the short pants of the boy group, and age was making itself felt. He returned home to complete his education. Having passed his final exams, Ricky went to conquer New York, however, this time, unsuccessfully.

After spending a few months in the US, he realized that a successful career is rarely born on its own. Martin moved to Mexico City and took up acting in earnest. During the year he performed on the stage of theaters, starred in the TV series "Alcanzar una Estrella II", for which he was awarded the "Heraldo" award, the Mexican analogue of the "Oscar", and in free time wrote songs. He was assisted in this exciting work by a former Menudo bandmate Roby Rosa (also known as Ian Blake), who has since become his constant collaborator. Martin's debut Spanish-language album "Ricky Martin" was released in 1991 and became a hit in the Latin charts. It was re-released on Sony Music a few months later and proved to be one of the label's most successful Latin debuts. Two years later, Juan Carlos Calderón produced the incendiary "Me Amaras", which brought the singer the status of a superstar in Latin America. The album topped the Latin pop charts, and Billboard named Martin "Best New Latin Artist".

Ricky turned his gaze back to the north. He returned to the United States and in January 1994 got a role in the popular TV series General Hospital. His hero, the bartender Miguel Mores, who sings on weekends in a nightclub, brought Martin wide fame and devoted love of viewers. Ricky Martin has been on the show for over a year.

Despite all his acting successes, the singer did not forget about music. The next album "Medio Vivir" was released in 1995. It was a heavier record, rather of a rocky nature, although it retained a pronounced influence of Latin styles. The dance hit "Maria" settled in the playlists of radio stations, the video clip for the composition did not leave the television screens. The album aroused public interest and positive reviews critics, it sold well and was certified gold in October 1997.

The role in "General Hospital" attracted the attention of the artist not only to housewives who did not tear themselves away from television screens during the demonstration of the film. Martin received an invitation to perform on Broadway. The role of Marius in the production of "Les Misérables" based on the classic work of Victor Hugo, in which Ricky not only played, but also sang, was another triumph for him. The theater stage was much more attractive than working on a soap opera, and Martin left General Hospital.

In early 1998, Martin released Vuelve. By this time, he was already a recognized Latin star far beyond his native lands, his songs were well known to listeners all over the planet. Written by Roby Rosa, "La Sora De La Vida" became the official anthem of the World Cup held in France. The song reached the top of the charts in more than 30 countries around the world, "Vuelve" was awarded a Grammy in the category "Best Latin Pop Album".

Nevertheless, major success was waiting for him ahead. The first disc English language again bore the name of the singer - "Ricky Martin". Released in the spring of 1999, it blew up the music world. In the first week, more than 660 thousand copies were sold, the album took 1st place on the Billboard charts. The singles "Livin" la Vida Loca" and "She's All I Ever Had" became blockbusters, and the singer himself won the title of international superstar.

In support of the album, Martin undertook his first major US tour. Tickets for the Miami concert that opened the tour sold out in 20 minutes, despite prices approaching a hundred dollars apiece. Fans bought tickets for several concerts and followed their idol around the country. Caravan bands like the Grateful Dead aside, perhaps only Michael Jackson could boast of such attention during his 1996 tour. Ricky Martin managed to break the record and become the highest paid Latin American soloist on his first tour. concert performer in American show business history.

No less triumph brought him the next work, "Sound Loaded" (2000). The incendiary mega-hit "She Bangs" added to the musician's already considerable list of awards, including Grammy nominations and Latin Grammys, International Dance Music Awards for "Best Latin American Single" and Billboard Awards for "Best Latin Video of the Year".

A few months later, a collection of golden hits "La Historia" (2001) followed, which included "Fuego Contra Fuego" and "Al Amor De Mi Vida", which brought the singer first fame, as well as "Vuelve", "Livin" la Vida Loca", "Shake Your Bon-Bon", "Maria" and the Spanish version of "She Bangs".

By his thirtieth birthday, Ricky Martin had reached the pinnacle of success. At the World Music Award ceremony held in May 2001, given to musicians from around the world whose albums are most actively bought by the public, the Puerto Rican singer was the first in three categories at once, both as a pop artist, and as a Latin artist, and as a dance music artist. .

Representatives of sexual minorities "got" Ricky Martin. Every self-respecting world-famous blue star considered it her duty to publicly suspect the handsome Ricky of non-standard orientation and to speak on this occasion with hints of playful content. Recently, in an interview with the New York Daily News, Martin said: "If you think I'm terribly upset by the talk about my orientation, which is so actively conducted in Lately, you are deeply mistaken. I don't care at all. And I'm not going to advertise the details of my personal life. Am I gay or not gay - who cares? The main thing: I'm an artist, and everything else is unimportant. I'm already used to the fact that homosexuals take me for theirs, and straight people for theirs. Well, let them keep it. You can buy a poster with my image - and imagine whatever you want. "

In passing, we will inform you that on the first of December, a hot Latin American through MTV actively fought against AIDS and promoted safe sex. On world day against terrible disease TV channel showed the documentary film "Survivors-2", which told about the fate of six HIV-infected teenagers. Ricky Martin was the host of the program of the same name.

On November 16, at the MTV Music Awards in Stockholm, Martin said: "The AIDS epidemic is rampant and we must do everything in our power to educate the world's population, especially teenagers, about the threat of a new plague. I hope the program will AIDS with my participation will not go unnoticed and will draw due attention to the problem of AIDS."

Now Ricky Martin is full of energy and optimism. He is not going to stop there and rest on his laurels: "And after 30 years I will do the same thing that I do now - music, - the singer promises. - We need to conquer the remaining peaks."

Ricky Martin - biography, which contains interesting biographical facts one of the most famous Puerto Rican singers.

Ricky Martin's childhood and youth

Ricky Martin– in Spanish Enrique Martin Morales.
Born: 12/24/1971 in San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico.
His father, Enrique Martin Negroni, worked as a psychologist.
Mother - Nereida Morales, was an accountant.
Parents divorced when Ricky was 2 years old.
He has 2 brothers on his father's side: Daniel and Eric,
sister and 2 brothers on the maternal side: sister - Vanessa, brothers: Angel Fernandez and Fernando.
Ricky grew up in a Catholic family, attended Sunday school (where the children were taught the basics of the Christian faith), before becoming one of the members of the most popular Puerto Rican group of the 70s, which consisted of all the Menudo guys. Then he was only 13 years old (1984).

Ricky Martin ("Menudo") - "Rayo De Luna"

Ricky Martin solo career

For 6 years he was one of the soloists of the Menudo group, and in 1990 he decided to leave its composition and began his solo career.
After he graduated from high school, he moved to New York, where he was noticed by the producers of one of the Mexican TV series Alcanzar Una Estrella (translated from Spanish as "Get to the Star") and he was invited to play the role of Pablo.
Then Ricky also starred in the second part of the series "Alcanzar Una Estrella II".
After the work on the series was completed, Ricky took on a pseudonym - Ricky Martin and signed a contract with Sony Discos.

His first album was released in 1991, the lead single of which - "Fuego Contra Fuego" ("Fire Against Flame"), went gold in Argentina, Mexico and Puerto Rico, and Ricky went on tour in support of the album (in South America).

In 1992, the second album was released, called "Me Amaras" (translated - "You will love me"), which also had a cover version of the song "Que dia es hoy" by Laura Branigan (American singer, "Queen of Euro-disco" , originally from New York).
The album was a commercial success - it sold over a million copies.

Ricky Martin - "Que dia es hoy"

In 1994 - Ricky Martin moves to California, where he gets the role of singer Miguel Mores in the TV series General Hospital.

In 1995 - his third album "A Medio Vivir" (in translation - "Half of Life") is released.
The songs from the album "Maria, Te Amo, Te Olvido" made him famous in Europe. Then, in support of this album, he went on a world tour.

In 1997, after returning from a tour to New York, Ricky took part in the play on Broadway - Les Misérables, where he played Marius Portmercy (one of the main roles).

In 1998 - Ricky released his fourth album "Vuelve", which went platinum and sold 8 million copies.
This year, Ricky Martin was chosen to write the anthem for the "1998 FIFA World Cup" which was held in France. So the song was written - "La Copa de la Vida" ("The Cup of Life").

In 1999, his first English-language album called Ricky Martin was released.
The album was produced by: George Noriega, William Orbit, Desmond Child, Diane Warren, Drago Rosa.
The album contained duets with singer Meja ("Private Emotion") and Madonna ("Cuidado Con Mi"). For rotation in Turkey, a special version of the song "Private Emotion" was included in the bonus track of the album, it was recorded as a duet with Sertab Erener (Turkish singer).
The very first song of the album - "Livin' La Vida Loca" was very popular all over the world and was in the lead in the music charts: Italy, Japan, Russia, France, Brazil, USA, UK, Israel, Ukraine and many other countries. The album's second single, "She's All I Ever Had", peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100.

Ricky Martin - "Livin' La Vida Loca"

In 2000, the second English-language album, Sound Loaded, was released. This album was less successful than the first English-language album, but some of the album's singles were very successful: "Nobody Wants To Be Lonely" (duet with Christina Aguilera), She Bangs.

In 2003 - Ricky released the album "Almas Del Silencio" (translated as "Silence of the Soul"), this was his fifth album in Spanish. The album reached number one on the Billboard 200 and sold over 3 million copies. Three songs, "Jaleo", "Y Todo Quede En Nada", "Tal Vez" topped the Latin American charts in the US.

In 2005, his third English-language album, Life, was released.
One of the co-authors of this album was Ricky himself. The singer himself said that this album is very polyphonic, like life itself, in it he reunites with his feelings and emotions. The album debuted at number six on the Billboard 200.
There was also the release of the single "I don't Care", which was recorded with Fat Joe and Amerie.
Then, the singer went on a world tour "Una Noche con Ricky Martin" ("One night with Ricky Martin") - in support of the album.
After the end of the tour, which took place in the United States and Latin America, the singer released a single - "It's Alright" ("Everything is in order"). He recorded this single with Matt Pokora ( french singer who performs R'n'B music).

In 2006, Ricky Martin performed in Tirin, where the Olympic Winter Games 2006", then continued his tour, in which he also visited Africa and Europe.

In 2007 he went on a new tour - "Blanco y Negro" (in translation - "Black and White").
The tour began in San Juan and ended in New York (at Madison Square Garden, a sports complex where various international sports competitions are held).
Also this year (November 7) his album was released in the form of a box, which included CD and DVD. The song "Tu Recuedo" of this compilation was recorded with La Mari (Spanish singer). The single peaked at number one on the US Latin American charts, and the album itself topped the Latin American music charts at number 39 on the Billboard 200.

In 2011, the singer presented his new album called "MAS" ("Musica, Alma, Sexo").
As well as an autobiographical book - "ME".
The book contains a biography of Ricky Martin in his memoirs, as well as his reflections on different topics etc.

Interesting biographical facts from the life of Ricky Martin

It would not be complete without mentioning some interesting facts from his life.

Ricky founded "Ricky Martin Foundation".
The Foundation is engaged charitable activities, among his achievements: a camp for the poor, rescue operations for children, etc.
The Ricky Martin Foundation has received many awards, including: International Center, which deals with missing children, thanks for helping to rescue three girls in Calcutta, an award from GLAAD (gay and lesbian alliance against false information) and others.

In 2001, Ricky was invited to the inauguration of US President George W. Bush, where during the performance he invited George to the stage for an incendiary dance.
Later, his attitude towards Bush changed, and when he performed at a concert in Puerto Rico - Ricky showed his middle finger while singing lines from the song "Asignatura Pendiente" - "photo with Bush". This gesture was received with enthusiastic applause in the hall. Ricky himself said that he would always condemn those people who start and wage war.

According to People magazine, Ricky is included in the list of the 50 most beautiful people in the world.

In 2008, he became the father of two twin boys: Matteo and Valentino, they were born to him by a surrogate mother.

Ricky Martin was asked many times by various publications about his sexual orientation, to which he replied that he was a normal man and loved women, and despite the fact that he was a Puerto Rican prankster, he was not interested in men.
In an interview with The Sunday Express, he said that he was fine with gays, but he was not gay.
But already in 2009, in an interview he gave to TV Aqui (a Spanish TV magazine), he ambiguously made it clear that he was bisexual, saying that his heart could belong to both a man and a woman. Then he said that it was just a PR stunt.

In 2010 (May 29) - on his website he published a letter (in Spanish), where he officially admitted that he was gay.
In an interview he gave live on CNN (in the telecast - Larry King Live), he said that for a long time he considered himself bisexual, but now he is gay and when he says every word - he feels it's true, that if he could only imagine that he would feel so good when he opened up to the whole world - he would have done it much sooner.

Perhaps it does not look very good when a person is forced to lie to others for a long time, but almost every person on planet Earth does this (he lies to someone and even himself to one degree or another).
As for public people, the secrets they keep often become their vulnerabilities and a reason for blackmail by people who accidentally (or not accidentally) found out about it (sometimes even relatives), even fictitious marriages with representatives do not help of the opposite sex and the conception of common children.
Also, for some people and politicians who use other people as "cannon fodder" for their own purposes, it is beneficial for everything to continue.
As with Ricky Martin: no mystery, no vulnerabilities (at least one less vulnerabilities), so it's no surprise that he felt so good after he opened up.

In one of the interviews, he said that he would like the world to understand that he was born this way, and there is nothing revolutionary in this.

Ricky Martin - "The Best Thing About Mi is You"

Name: Ricky Martin
Birthday: December 24, 1971 (aged 45)
Place of Birth: Puerto Rico
Weight: 75 kg
Height: 188 cm
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Eastern horoscope: Pig
Activity: singer, musician, actor

Biography of Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin is a pop singer from Puerto Rico, one of the main popularizers of Latin American music on a global level. His hits "Livin' La Vida Loca" ("Live a Crazy Life") and "La Copa de la Vida" ("The Cup of Life") are still heard from the dance floors after many years.

Ricky Martin - Latin pop star

Fans are attracted not only by his work: he is a person open to all philosophical currents, a homosexual, a vegetarian, a philanthropist, actively opposes discrimination and racial prejudice, and his charitable foundation fighting the slave trade around the world.

Childhood and early career

Ricky Martin is often referred to as Ricky, but this is incorrect. His stage name is short for his full name "Enrique".

Ricky Martin as a child

Ricky was born into the family of psychologist Enrique Martin Negroni and accountant Neireda Morales. The parents of the future celebrity divorced as soon as the son was two years old. Both father and mother met a new love - this is how Ricky had a large family: two half-brothers, Daniel and Eric, as well as three half-brothers - brothers Fernando and Angel and sister Vanessa.

Young Ricky Martin with his mother

The boy was brought up in a deeply religious way. As a child, Ricky was a minister at the local priest, and also attended Sunday school. Despite the strict upbringing inherent in Catholics, the boy was not limited in self-expression: his parents encouraged his son's vocal talent, who almost from the cradle danced from a mirror with a comb instead of a microphone, and when the boy turned 9, his father took him to an advertising casting. For the next couple of years, young Enrique's face regularly appeared in commercials for toothpaste, lemonade, and hamburgers.

Ricky Martin's father spends time with son and grandchildren

The musically gifted teenager was cast several times in the Menudo boy band to replace Ricky Melendez, who left the group. He was rejected twice because of his short stature. But the boy was persistent, and for the third time, the producers, seeing the fire in Ricky's eyes, nevertheless made him part of the team. Ricky, then simply Enrique, performed with the group from 1984 to 1989. With his participation, 11 albums were recorded: Evolución, Menudo, Explosion, Ayer Y Hoy, A Festa Vai Começar, Viva! Bravo!, Refrescante, etc. In July 1989, 17-year-old Ricky Martin left the group, embarking on a free voyage.

Ricky Martin started his career at Menudo

This decision was not easy for him. He owed a lot to Menudo - with them he recorded 11 albums and, it seemed, learned everything you need to know about show business. But the strict framework of the contract, the constant supervision of managers, the total absence of a real one - all this pushed Ricky to the end of cooperation. After breaking his contract with Menudo, he returned to Puerto Rico, where he graduated from high school and celebrated his 18th birthday. Having become an adult, he received the right to open his own bank account, after which he moved to New York, towards new opportunities.

Ricky Martin left Menudo in 1989

Solo career

After school, the young artist intended to become a student at the New York School of Art. But life made its own adjustments - even before the start of classes, Ricky was invited to the Mexican musical Mama Ama el Rock ("Mommy Loves Rock"). On stage, he was noticed by a Mexican television producer and approved for a role in the soap series Reach for the Star.

Ricky Martin in "Evening Urgant"

In 1990, Ricky Martin signed a contract with Sony Discos, and the first album, which was called simply - "Ricky Martin", was not long in coming. Unfortunately, the young singer did not carefully read the terms of the contract, according to which Ricky received only one cent from each album sold.

In his youth, Ricky Martin wore long hair

Ricky Martin's debut album with a charming long-haired young man on the cover was sold in 500,000 copies. The singer received only $5,000, but the more than modest reward did not dampen his enthusiasm. The album's first single "Fuego Contra Fuego" was certified gold in Argentina, Puerto Rico and Mexico. And when Ricky went on tour in South America, he was greeted with a standing ovation everywhere. “I felt at home,” the singer later described his first solo tour.

Ricky Martin's reaction to his childhood photo

In 1993, Ricky Martin introduced the world to another album, "Me Amaras" ("You will love me"), which was received quite warmly, but did not make a breakthrough. He also starred in two seasons of the sitcom Getting By and landed a role as a singer-bartender on the soap opera General Hospital, later recognized as one of the longest-running series in television history. In the same years, Ricky Martin slept with a man for the first time, but hid his orientation for the next 15 years.


In 1995, the English-speaking world's understanding of Latin American music changed radically, thanks to Ricky Martin's new album A Medio Vivir (In the Middle of Life). Almost half of the three million copies sold were purchased in Europe, where the album's title song, "Maria", was especially passionately loved. This composition became Ricky Martin's first international hit. In France alone, 1.4 million copies of the single were purchased.

Ricky Martin – Maria

Following the phenomenal success in the musical field, Ricky Martin was recognized as an actor. He took part in the Broadway production of Les Misérables immediately after publicly saying that he would like to play on Broadway. He was entrusted to play Marius - the main character of the production.

Ricky Martin in the musical Les Misérables

After 11 weeks of showing the performance, Ricky sat down in the studio and recorded his fourth album, Vuelve (Come Back). 8 million copies of the record have been sold worldwide. But the artist considered the main achievement of those years not a new album, and not a role in a Broadway musical, but a performance at the Mundial in France in 1998, for which Ricky specially wrote the composition “La Copa de la Vida” (“Cup of Life”), which became the unofficial anthem of the championship.

Ricky Martin - Cup of Life (1998 FIFA World Cup)

Career heyday

After performing at the 1998 World Cup, Ricky decided that it was time to sing in English, so in 1999 his first album "Ricky Martin" was re-released in English with the addition of new hits. The disc, which was purchased by 22 million listeners from all over the world, also included duets with Madonna and Meya, the hit "Private Emotion", recorded together with the star of the Turkish scene Sertab Erener, and, of course, the composition "Livin" La Vida Loca ", which became a visiting Ricky Martin's card for years to come, it is generally believed that it was this song that caused the international boom of Latin American music and opened the way to the world stage for Jennifer Lopez, Enrique Iglesias, Shakira and Thalia.

Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca

The second English-language album arrived in time by the end of 2000. "Sound Loaded" debuted at number three in the US, but never reached number one. The singles from the album are "She Bangs", "Nobody Wants To Be Lonely" (a duet with Christina Aguilera) and "Loaded".

Ricky Martin does not eat meat and does yoga

In early 2001, the artist released a collection of songs in Spanish "La Historia", which conquered the Latin American charts, and a little later a collection of already English-language compositions appeared - "The Best Of Ricky Martin", which consisted entirely of remixes of greatest hits Ricky Martin.

In 2003, the singer released next album in Spanish under the title "Almas Del Silencio" ("The Power of Silence"). Ricky himself said that he really wanted to return with this album back to his former self, full of emotions and adrenaline.

Ricky Martin. Concert in Moscow. 2016

Two years later, another English-language album with a concise and thoughtful title "Life" saw the light of day. Here, according to the artist, he finally connected with his emotions. “This record is as multifaceted as our life. It's about the anger we feel. About the joy we experience. There is uncertainty and love, all the emotions that people have.”

Favorite of women and men

But for some reason, the record received a rather cold reception - only 700,000 copies were sold worldwide. Perhaps the fashion for Latin American music has passed, or maybe, on the contrary, new, more bright stars. One way or another, Ricky Martin moved away from recording new songs for a long time, devoting himself to other areas of activity.

Ricky Martin's concerts are full of drive and shocking

In the fall of 2006, the reality show The Ricky Martin Diaries was released. It showed behind-the-scenes footage, interviews and live performances.

Ricky Martin's next album came out six years later. The record "Musica + Alma + Sexo" ("Music + soul + sex") was recorded on the way from Miami to Golden Beach, Florida. Over the years of inactivity, Ricky's collection of unreleased songs has accumulated more than 60 songs, which had to be carefully filtered to please fans who have long despaired of hearing something new from their idol with the highest quality material.

Ricky Martin's personal life

Ricky Martin was named to the list of the most beautiful people in the world by People magazine twice - in 2000 and 2006.

Ricky Martin in People: Young and Now

Since the early 1990s, Ricky Martin has maintained for the public the appearance of an affair with Mexican TV presenter Rebecca de Alba. Their romance flared up, then faded again. The girl was sincerely in love with Ricky - even five years after the final break, which occurred in 2005, she claimed through tears that an affair with him was the best thing in her life.

Ricky Martin and Rebecca de Alba have been dating since they were 18

In 1999, the singer's personal life became the subject of numerous rumors after Ricky Martin refused to comment on his sexual orientation in an interview with the British edition of The Mirror. “I'm not going to comment on whether I'm gay or not. It does not concern you who I am in bed with: with a woman, a cow, or even with a broom.

Ricky and Rebecca still communicate as good friends.

In 2008, Ricky Martin became the proud father of two sons, Matteo and Valentino, who were carried to him by a surrogate mother.

Ricky Martin's kids are just adorable

Gemini with early years was diametrically opposed. Valentino, said Ricky, is a born contemplative, he loves peace, nature and all living things. Matteo is a true leader who subjugates those around him. He likes to command his brother and tell him what is worth doing and what is not.

Valentino (left) and Matteo (right) have different personalities

Only in 2010, Ricky Martin revealed all the cards and admitted to being homosexual. “I am happy to tell you that I am gay and very happy to be who I am,” he wrote on his official website. A little later, he expressed a desire to marry his boyfriend Carlos Gonzalez Abell. His chosen one was a stock broker; Ricky found his business suit and tie very sexy. In 2014, the couple announced a breakup.

Ricky Martin and his future husband Jwan Yosef

Charity and political views

In 2002, the artist traveled to India, where he discovered the shocking truth about the slave trade. There he personally saved three girls from the fate of being sold into slavery, and upon his return to the States founded the Ricky Martin Foundation. The leitmotif of the organization's activities was the coverage of the problem of human trafficking at the international level, as well as assistance to the victims of slave traders.

Ricky Martin helps children from socially dangerous regions

In 2001, Ricky Martin was invited to the inauguration of George W. Bush, as at first the musician sympathized with the Republican. During the performance, the singer invited the newly-made president to dance together - these shots went down in history. In his song "Asignatura Pendiente" ("Unfinished Business"), there is a line: "I have a photo with Bush." The photo was mentioned as an attribute of luxury along with an army of servants and a luxury hotel room. However, later Martin's attitude towards Bush changed - since then at concerts on this line he showed the middle finger, and this gesture invariably caused a standing ovation in the hall.

Ricky Martin danced with George Bush

In 2010, Ricky Martin criticized a discriminatory law allowing police to require documents from people if they look like immigrants. Subsequently, the musician supported the re-election of Barack Obama for a second presidential term, and also warmly welcomed the legalization of same-sex marriages. In the 2016 presidential election, he vehemently supported Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Ricky Martin supported Hillary Clinton

Ricky Martin now

In 2016, Ricky Martin released a new video for the song "Vente Pa' Ca" ("Come Here"), which gained 150 million views in less than two months. And the announcement of the engagement of Ricky and Jwan was greeted by the singer's fans with great joy.

A popular singer wrote a book of revelations, which immediately became a bestseller

In December, the memoirs of popular Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin became a bestseller in the United States and Latin America. He called his book short and simple - "I". As far as the idol of millions of listeners around the world was frank with his fans, the famous American television journalist Larry King decided to find out. Shortly before Martin's 39th birthday (December 24), he invited the singer to CNN's studio

“Mom was the first to whom I confessed that I was in love with a man”

Good evening! Our guest today is Ricky Martin, a Grammy Award winner, a singer whose CDs have sold over 80 million copies worldwide! Ricky, you wrote a book about your life. Why now? And why did he give her such a name "I"?

The book has such a name because it is about me. About my ups and downs, about life and career. About my children. And now, because I felt an irresistible urge to tell my own story.

- Do you have twins?

Yes, two boys. I love them very much. I confess that I have always dreamed of becoming a father.

- Really?

I assure you. I have wonderful memories of my father. And I wanted to have my own family.

- Was it difficult to write?

At times I felt unbearable tension. Not everything in life was smooth. Recovering some events in detail hurt me. But I had to finish what I started.

- It's clear. Since you're talking about children, how did you become the father of twins?

I turned to a surrogate mother for help. Believe me, I've considered many options. You could adopt a child. But I liked the path I chose more.

“So your sperm was used during conception?”

mine. Everything turned out to be simple. From the moment I first typed in the search engine on the computer the words "surrogate mother", and until the minute when I took my sons in my arms, exactly a year has passed.

- Great. Listen, how old were you when you started your singing career?

12 years old. It was in Puerto Rico. I was taken to the Menudo boy group in 1984. Members of the team were already celebrities. I sang with them for five years. It was a hard life. We gave several concerts every day. They moved from city to city, from country to country. On the other hand, I went to an excellent school. Learned discipline. Well, you know, at that age to feel like a star! Yesterday I rode my bike to school in Puerto Rico, and today I'm flying in a private Boeing 737! Now I understand that we were used to extort money. And then I was just tired. I needed a break. I left the group, came to New York. For the first time in my life, I felt free, I didn’t have to follow a rigid schedule. And I looked at the stage with different eyes. Singing began to give me joy again.

I was at your first solo concert in NYC. Great show. My son was then six months old. You took him in your arms and danced with him on stage, and he laughed.

I remember it too.

Ricky, already at the beginning of your career, there were rumors about your sexual orientation. Why didn't you tell me right away that you were a homosexual?

There are several reasons, Larry. First, I just wasn't ready to admit it. It's hard to say things like that to yourself sometimes! Secondly, I would simply not be allowed.

- Who?


- Why?

You saw my performances, clips. They are built on sensuality, sexuality. I was given a macho image. And succeeded in this, agree. My revelations would spoil everything.

Okay, who was the first person you confessed your homosexuality to? I don't mean your partners, of course.

Mom was the first. In fact, she started this conversation. I came home for a few days. She said that I looked great, that I had a happy look. “Only a man in love looks like that. Are you in love, son? Mom asked. And I really was in love then. "And this is a man?" Mom asked. I couldn't deceive her. "Yes man," I replied. She said, "Come and hug me, son!" That was incredible! A heavy weight has been lifted from my shoulders. And when dad congratulated me, I almost burst into tears. He patted me on the shoulder and said, "Be happy, son!"

- Listen, but how did you manage to pretend to be macho so cool. They say gay men don't like women.

It's a delusion. I'm gay, but I love dancing with women. You know, it seems to me that for a long time I could not understand who I am.

- Have you had sexual relations with women?

Yes. In general, the sexuality of any person is a whole complex of instincts, sensations, delusions. This is a search. And everyone goes their own way. I fell in love with both women and men. I was fine with both.

- In the physical sense?

I'm talking about this.

- So you're bisexual?

To be honest, I don't care about all this terminology. Today I am a homosexual. And I'm happy. I feel good. For many years I considered myself bisexual. Perhaps he was mistaken. I can say one thing for sure, I never deceived my partners, I was faithful to them regardless of their gender. And one more thing - I've never been interested casual dating, relationship for one night. Even if I liked someone sexually, I was in no hurry to jump into bed with this person, shouting at the same time: “I'm Ricky Martin!”

- So you've made your sensational confession.

March 29, 2010. It was Monday. I wrote the press release on Friday. But he didn't send it right away. Support was needed, although I felt I was ready to tell the truth. On Saturday, my mother flew to Miami. And it became easy.

- Tell me, when did you first realize that something was wrong with you? God, forgive me, I think I blurted out something stupid.

It's all right, Larry. The meaning of the question is clear. I was 20 years old. I fell in love with a man for the first time. And for his sake, he was ready to quit his career, leave show business.

- Did he have anything to do with show business?

None. We were both young, we wanted to live for our own pleasure, to travel Naive romantics.

- And how did it all end?

Nothing like the vast majority of similar novels at that age. But the breakup was terrible. My heart was bursting with pain. I decided that I was mistaken, and again began to meet with women.

You know, I was just thinking, maybe religion also played a role in your sexual problems? Are you a Catholic?

Yes. I was raised and brought up as a Catholic. As you know, there are many religions that are okay with homosexuality. But not Catholicism.

- Do you have a partner now?

Yes, I have a loved one, and we are happy. It is possible that soon we will go out together, appear at various events and ceremonies.

- Aren't you afraid that they will laugh at you?

I don't see anything wrong with that. I am constantly insulted, but I do not notice it.

- Offended? Where?

I receive hundreds of letters daily, regular and email. The vast majority of them are kind and sincere. But there will definitely be a couple written by evil people who set themselves the only goal - to hurt me as painfully as possible.

"I melt like ice cream in the sun when my twins hug me and confess their love"

- Tell me, you disappeared for a long time, took care of the children. Do you miss the stage?

And how! I'm ready to return. And I hope it happens soon. In March, I'm going on a world tour with a new program.

- Good news. Have you always wanted to be a singer?

I was nine years old when I decided to become an artist. When all my aunts and uncles gathered at home, I seated them, and then took wooden spoon and sang for them, holding it in front of him like a microphone. And at the age of 12 I was already in the Menudo group.

- How does your partner feel about children?

Very good. My twins get along with him, they love him.

- Sons changed your life, yourself?

But how. Everything revolves around them.

- Don't get tired of it?

Not at all. Their love keeps me going. I melt like ice cream in the sun when these tomboys hug me and whisper: “Papi, te amo” (“Daddy, I love you” in Spanish. - Ed.). And they know it and confess their love to me every hour.

- And you understand that they do not belong to you, but you belong to them.

That's for sure. They own me, my house. When I was a boy, I asked my parents for permission to go for a walk. Now, to leave, I ask permission from my children.

- Will you take them with you on tour?

Certainly. They already have passports. Children travel with me everywhere. I am often criticized for this. They say that children need stability, and eternal traveling is harmful to their development. I answer what can be more stable and reliable for the child than the presence own father? I have always been with them, since their birth.

- They don't ask where their mother is?

Not yet, but when that moment comes, I will try to explain to them that everyone is different. There are families with two parents, there are families with one. Now there are many families where children have two dads or two moms. And sometimes there are three mothers. So we have a completely modern happy family.

- How did your parents react to the appearance of grandchildren?

With delight. Judge for yourself, Larry. For ten years I persuaded my mother to move to Miami with me, but she even refused to visit for the holidays. She said you'd better come to us. And then I didn’t have time to look back, as she was already standing in my living room and squeezing the twins. Now she lives with us.

- And your father?

Oh, he's a psychologist. True, retired. Lives in Puerto Rico, but now we see each other much more often.

- I know that you founded a charitable foundation that bears your name. What does this organization do?

Many years ago I was invited to visit an orphanage in Calcutta. I thought it was an ordinary orphanage. It turned out that there live children who were previously forced into prostitution. It was terrible, Larry. Girls ages 4 to 7! And they have already managed to visit the goods. I made a promise to myself that I would fight this terrible phenomenon - child prostitution, child trafficking. Arrived in Washington, began to meet with different people: lawyers, human rights activists, politicians, financiers. Found like-minded people. This is how my foundation was born. And he works. We help children all over the world.

- Your foundation helps the victims of the earthquake in Haiti, right?

And them too. We used to take care of children left orphaned by the tsunami in Thailand. Trafficking in children, child prostitution flourish exactly where there have been some natural disasters or wars. General poverty, hunger are pushing people to terrible things. And children, as the most defenseless, are sold into slavery, including sexual slavery, or, no matter how creepy it sounds, they are sold for organs. I know hundreds of such stories, Larry.