Strong Elvira - the meaning of the name. Origin and character of the name Elvira

Elvira's name day

Elvirs celebrate name days on July 16 and August 21. The patron saints of women with the name Elvira are: Saint Elvira, Holy Martyr Elvira.

What does

Elvira means "bright", "ruddy" (translated from Latin).


It makes sense to start the analysis with its origin. According to one version, the history of the name Elvira has ancient Germanic roots and consists of two words: “al” - “everything, all” and “wer” - “truth”. There is also a version that the name Elvira comes from the name of the German-Scandinavian spirits of the alves (alves, elves, elvars), who were revered as a symbol of fertility. There is another version that believes that the name comes from the Latin word meaning "light, ruddy."

What does the name Elvira mean according to P. Rouge

In accordance with the interpretation according to P. Rouge, the main features of women with this name are will, activity, intelligence and susceptibility.

Type: the character of the name Elvira can be called extroverted. Thanks to the ability to control himself, he has the ability to extricate himself from difficult situations. Can sometimes be very aggressive.

Mind: Elvira tends to adapt easily to her surroundings. It can be both objective and subjective at the same time. She believes that she should devote her life to some cause, whether it is caring for loved ones, social activities or religion.

Excitability: Quite strong, but never turns into nervousness.

Reaction speed: You can convince Elvira only with the right arguments, but not by force.

Intuition: sees all the hidden secrets of others. It is almost impossible to hide anything from Elvira.

Intelligence: Elvira has an excellent memory and a great interest in the life around her. She has good intellectual abilities. Knows how to be a diplomat.

Susceptibility: Through her faith and love, she can move mountains, but disappointment can break her.

Sociability: Elvira is proud and her friendships often become despotic, but she remains true to true friends all her life.

Characteristics according to B. Higir

According to the description of the name Elvira according to Boris Khigir, a woman with that name at first glance seems to be a rather calm and balanced person. However, this impression is often misleading. In Elvira there can be stubbornness, cunning, the ability to adapt to circumstances. She is always dissatisfied with everything.

Elvira is very hardworking, she hates slow and indecisive people. Largely because of this, she more often chooses men as her friends than women. In the eyes of others, she looks strong and courageous.

With all this, Elvira becomes a good housewife and caring mother. The first marriage is often short-lived. But in the second marriage, Elvira becomes truly happy.


Options: Ella, Vira.

Diminutives: Elya, Elyusha, Elunya, Elvirochka, Elvirushka, Elyusya.

Different languages

  • in English: Elvira (Elvira).
  • in German: Elvira (Elvira).
  • in French: Elvire (Elvir).

Famous Elvira:

  • Elvira Nabiullina is a Russian economist, statesman, Minister of Economic Development of Russia.
  • Elvira Avakyan is a Soviet animator and director of animated films.
  • Elvira Danilina is a Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia.
  • Elvira Khasyanova is a Russian athlete, performs in synchronized swimming, Olympic champion, multiple world and European champion, winner of the World and European Cup.
  • Elvira Todua is the goalkeeper of the Russian women's national football team.

Since ancient times, the name Elvira was given to girls who were predicted to have a high social status and financial well-being. Fate is demanding on the bearers of this name - it is necessary to sharpen a strong character in order to find a balance between determination and femininity.

Pictures with names Elvira

Girls who are accustomed to industriousness and trained in good manners succeed. The aristocratic roots of the name form a craving for self-education, communication in higher circles and the desire to look perfect in any situation. Elviras delight those around them with inexhaustible optimism and the ability to overcome colossal difficulties with a smile.

True Elvira - bright, truthful, aristocratic

The meaning of the name Elvira is determined by historical roots. Legends about the magical people of the "alvs" (elves) permeate Scandinavian and Celtic mythology. Elves are represented in legends as immortal and shining spirits with huge wings. Light elves favorably treat people, protect small children and help those who are in trouble.

  • truthful

Magical people exalt Truth and Kindness, hate lies and stupidity - the fate of the adult Elvira greatly depends on education and upbringing. It is important to emphasize the moral and aesthetic development of the girl in order to open her access to strong Celtic energies.

  • Faithful

Among the Germanic peoples, the idea of ​​​​Elvira, as a protector of the weak, was somewhat transformed. A stable image of the Keeper of the Hearth appeared - a faithful wife, trustworthy. German Elviras put the interests of the family above their own, provide their husbands with tremendous support in difficult periods, impeccably run the household and cannot imagine life without needlework.

  • fine

The character of the Spaniard Elvira is distinguished by sophistication of manners, a craving for luxury and the need to rotate in high society. “Shining”, “white”, “blissful” - such epithets in hot Spain could only be awarded to aristocrats who rarely go out into the sun. Such women are destined for an impressive destiny - passionate fans, career growth and travel.

The origin of the name Elvira is ambiguous, so her character may surprise you with eccentricity. It is important to consider the influence of the historical roots of the name in order to bring out the best features.

Character Traits - Elvira is impressive

To name a daughter Elvira means dooming her to a bright future. Depending on the derivative form used, the girl should devote herself to:

  • science or art to comprehend Truth and Beauty;
  • arrangement of the hearth, being realized as a wife and mother;
  • career growth that guarantees high social status and power.

The meaning of the name Elvira is softened by various derivative forms: Ella, Ellochka, Elya, Vira, Eva. A lot of affectionate derivatives (Elunya, Elvirochka, Elechka, Elunya) help to soften the character of the girl. For example, the abbreviated "Elya" will give the girl a flirtatious and perky character, and the solid "Ella" will make her faithful and strong-willed.

Such different Elvira - the meanings of the name

The potential of the name "Elvira" is revealed throughout life. In childhood, her tendency to hermitage manifests itself - girls immerse themselves in the world of books, or find an outlet in contacts with nature. The energy of the first ones should be directed to realization in a career or to develop inherent talents. The second type is closer to family values ​​and love for needlework.

The meaning of the name Elya is inextricably linked with such features as:

  • decisiveness and courage;
  • perseverance and inspiration;
  • intuition and will;
  • power and aristocracy.

Want to spoil Elvira? Teach her to be lazy, or encourage excessive feminization. A brilliant fate awaits only harmoniously developed bearers of the name.

Water grinding stone - Elvira needs to be softened!

The strong-willed "Ella", as well as the somewhat softened "Elya", is always distinguished by a strong, somewhat violent and quick-tempered character. She is initially attracted to extremes, there is excessive self-confidence, a desire to control everything and rise above the crowd. It is important to smooth out the dominant features with a gentle upbringing, to teach them to take care of others, to show generosity and goodwill.

From birth, Elvira shows the features of a true leader - it is easy for a girl to accept the role of a winner, it is pleasant to be in a crowd of fans, to receive awards for achievements. Her fate is largely determined by the quality of manifestation of typical female traits (tenderness, kindness, responsiveness, forgiveness, unconditional love).

A strong character needs to be cut, otherwise the girl can grow into an imperious but unhappy woman. Elvira is unbearable to be unloved, so from early childhood she should be taught to dress up beautifully, build relationships with the opposite sex and present herself correctly in society.

Popularity of the Name Elvira

In the modern world, daughters in wealthy and powerful families are called Elvirs. Often parents are worthy representations of dynasties in three areas - business, art and education. What the name Elvira means becomes obvious when assessing historical reports - the name has been glorified over the centuries by royalty, outstanding artists (opera singers, ballerinas, writers), teachers and athletes.

Are you naming your daughter Elvira? Be prepared for pedagogical difficulties - her character can hardly be called easy, but the future will be great!

Among all the famous names whose roots are associated with one source, Elvira is one of those whose origin is explained by several versions at once.

And, according to one of the most common, it was first mentioned in ancient Germanic sources, where it sounded like Allovera (which translates as "well-wisher"). Thus, it can be assumed that "benevolent" or "favorable" are the words that determine the meaning of the name Elvira.

At the same time, in other references to this name there is a connection with mythology. If you believe these explanations, Elvira, the meaning of whose name is associated with the spirits of the fabulous country of the Elves, in translation means “protector of the elves” or “inhabitant of the country of fertility spirits”.

It is impossible not to mention the wide distribution of such a name among the Tatars. Returning to the origins and the first mention of him among the inhabitants of the European part of Russia and Kazakhstan, it can be assumed that Elvira is also of Tatar origin, although at that time its derivative was Ilivira (abbreviated - Vira), which became a derivative of the Arabic "Ilfir". In the Tatar ethnos, such a name carries the definition of "protective."

What other information will provide value for the beautiful name "Elvira" to future parents who wish to name their daughter that way? Having learned the origin of the name, as well as its meaning, it is quite possible to assume what the fate and character of its future owner will be.

Elf in the modern world

The name Elvira allows its owner to be a principled, independent person and good-natured at the same time. Parents and close friends may call her Elya, Eva, Ella or Vira for short. Diminutive forms for a name can be:

  • Elvirochka
  • Virochka

Each owner of such a name has a complex character since childhood. Girls grow up principled and not accommodating. These wayward traits are reflected not only in relationships with loved ones, but also in the future, when girls try to build relationships with guys.

It is common for the girl Elvira to manipulate others, stopping the same attempts in relation to herself. Compromises, persuasions and ultimatums are not suitable for raising girls with that name. Therefore, future parents need to look for an individual approach to education from the first years of the baby’s birth if they decide to give her the name Elvira.

The meaning of the name Elvira suggests that without proper upbringing, girls and girls grow up to be self-centered and a bit selfish. Therefore, the approach to persuading the baby will need to be thought out more than carefully.

The ambition inherent in Elvira's character does not help her achieve good marks for a school certificate or diploma. Maximalism and stubbornness will interfere with her studies and, in particular, in interactions with teachers and lecturers. Regardless of the strong-willed nature, selective qualities will manifest themselves more often than the desire to please someone.

From a wayward girl, Elvira grows up and turns into a purposeful person who will only do what can truly interest her. Very often in Elvira's activities there is a tendency to:

  • Sports - she will be happy to attend training or fitness classes.
  • Medicine - many women realize themselves in this area.
  • Creativity - often when they become leaders of teams.

At a more conscious age, Elvira's character will complement the desire for leadership, which will manifest itself in almost everything. It is worth noting that she can always justify her point of view, thereby puzzling the interlocutor.

Extremely restrained, the girl Elvira will not allow herself to be nervous because of the little things. Although, in more significant situations, she can flare up and show excessive emotionality. This quality does not particularly affect Elvira's compatibility in friendship and love, as she is quickly outgoing.

Fate does not deprive girls with that name of friends. In her social circle there will always be a couple of people who will come to the rescue in difficult times.

The character of the matured Elvira practically does not change. She remains the same strong, purposeful and not accommodating. The lack of desire to pacify your character will create little difficulties on the way to the heights in your career.

Family matters

The same qualities will not be the best for personal life. The role of a complaisant and humble housewife is clearly not for her. The meaning for the name "Elvira" suggests that it is difficult for such women to build a family. In most cases, this is due to the wayward disposition and the shortcomings characteristic of these girls.

As for her personal life, here it is also not acceptable for Elvira to look for a “golden mean”, She is unlikely to be able to combine her career and family. Therefore, for her, the family hearth is either everything or nothing.

The search for a soul mate and the construction of romantic relationships complicate the difficult nature of the girls. But if they truly fall in love, they are ready for a lot. Even pacify your temper and work on shortcomings.

At the same time, if her chosen one gives rise to doubts, or worse, disappointments, she will make ruins from the family hearth with her own hands. For her, the main thing is that the spouse corresponds to the ideal that she draws in her mind.

In general, family life with girls whose name is Elvira is not easy. Complicates her character of the owner herself and some masculine features inherent in her.

Those who are interested in what the name Elvira means for building family relationships need to be prepared for the girl's perseverance. Overshadowing most of the virtues, the desire for leadership will go far to the detriment of the relationship. This quality will be relevant if the chosen one himself gives up the “reins of government”. Having received supremacy in a pair, she will show all her only best qualities.

Surprisingly, the meaning of this beautiful name Elvira defines her as an excellent hostess. Being loved, she is ready to restrain her restlessness, devoting herself to her husband and children completely.

Such a woman will become a very strict mother, because the meaning of the name Elvira implies a predominance of male traits in the character. At the same time, it cannot be said that such a woman will be grumpy and demanding without an obvious reason.

Fortune and fate will be favorable to the girls, whose name is Elvira, if she is calm in stressful situations and when she is defeated. In addition, they should not be disappointed in themselves when the "streak of bad luck" drags on. Author: Elena Suvorova

The meaning of the name Elya: This name for a girl means "ruler of the world."

Origin of the name Elya: Muslim.

Diminutive form of the name: Elichka, Elushka, Elochka, Elyusha, Elyusya, Elchik.

What does the name Ela mean? It is known that Elya is often an abbreviated form of the names Elmira, Elvira. However, today it is also used on its own. Distributed in Europe, despite the fact that it has Muslim roots.

Angel Eli Day: is not celebrated, since the name Elya is of Muslim (Arabic) origin and is not included in the list of church holidays (Catholic and Orthodox).


  • Zodiac - Gemini, Virgo
  • Element - Fire
  • Colors - Violet-blue, Garnet
  • Metal - Lithium
  • Tree - Elm
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Constellation - Grid
  • Number - Five
  • Food - Meat
  • Animals - Bear
  • Stones – Jasper

Influence of the season

Interestingly, the meaning of Elya's name may differ depending on the time of year of her birth.

  • The representative of the winter type is active and decisive. A girl named Elya knows how to cook deliciously and always strives to ensure that her house is clean and tidy.
  • "Autumn" Elya has practicality and developed intuition, and also knows how to combine these two opposing qualities. Her personal life is not going very well, although Elya herself is distinguished by thriftiness and diligence.
  • "Summer" Elya has an obstinate character and often cannot get along with her mother. She also behaves unfriendly with her husband and, in general, is rather stingy with affection, hardly showing emotions. At the first opportunity, he will refuse to build a career and devote himself to children.

Characteristics of the name Elya

Negative Traits: In childhood, she is very sickly, timid, shy and quiet. That is why Elya hardly gets along with her classmates and cannot boast of a large number of friends.

Positive features: At the same time, he is distinguished by diligence in his studies, and he receives not only good grades, but also knowledge that will help Elya achieve stunning success in her career in the future.

The nature of the name Elya: The character of El often inherits from his mother, but outwardly, on the contrary, he resembles his father. Elya's name is very fond of reading, often attends a music school or dance studio. Strives to communicate with adults, trying to learn something new from them.

Having matured, a girl named Elya becomes very controversial in character. She often cannot find harmony in life, and circumstances influence her. Elya tries not to listen to others when it comes to making an important decision, but tries to focus solely on her own intuition, which she unconditionally trusts. However, others are trying, in turn, to help with advice if she is asked about it. In general, the name Elya is a docile and not obstinate person. Although it is strict. Moreover, she makes such an impression, since even in adulthood she remains closed and quiet. True, he tries to behave friendly and be affable.

Elya and her personal life

Love and marriage: Her stubbornness may seem unfounded. What a woman named Elya does not tolerate is indifference and inattention, an excellent hostess, striking with her hospitality and ability to create a cozy, friendly atmosphere. Her passion for adventure is promised to her beloved man, unforgettable sex anytime and anywhere, she can be very bitchy when she is in a bad mood, fortunately she rarely has it.

Able to teach children independence, openness, strength and justice, she will never tell the secret entrusted to her. A woman named Elya loves sex, but is an absolute supporter of monogamy - to belong to only one partner. They are called fatal, dangerous, falling in love with a man, even if he is married, he is ready to leave his family. Women named Elya are not often in crowded places. He chooses the role of a weak half next to a strong man, believes that any man can turn the world around.

If your friends do not like her, do not worry, she shows her feelings only to close people. Women named Elya, without hesitation, take on the implementation of any, even the most difficult cases. Do not try to interfere with her plans, but rather help in their implementation.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: As for professional implementation, the name of El often becomes an engineer, teacher, nurse, doctor, fashion designer, salesman, architect. He achieves notable success in his career, thanks to his perseverance and diligence. She is able to enter the conservatory and connect her life with music.

Elya prefers to work where there is a clear daily routine. She is a diligent and diligent worker. It is worth noting Eli's desire to improve working conditions without demanding anything from his superiors. She will certainly find several options to make her work easier, which will surprise employees much more experienced than herself.

Health and energy

Health and Talents: Unfortunately, Eli's health is often weak. She gets sick noticeably more than other children, but as she grows older, this situation changes slightly. Most often, her problems are associated with the respiratory system.

Eli's fate in history

What does the name Elya mean for female fate?

  1. Elya Chavez - born in 1984 Russian singer, sings in Russian, Japanese and English, also starred in some films.
  2. Eliana Gaygalaite - (1933-2015) Soviet and Lithuanian actress.
  3. Elya Kagan - (1909-1944) Jewish writer from the USSR.
  4. Ela of Salisbury - (1187-1261) English aristocrat, countess.

The meaning of the name Elvira is "protective". It has Tatar roots. Another popular version of the origin of the name Elvira is from the German Alvar. The third variation is from the name of the Scandinavian mythical creatures Elvars, who symbolized fertility and abundance. In Islam, the name means a patriotic girl.

Suitable patronymics: Alekseevna, Alexandrovna, Andreevna, Romanovna, Stanislavovna, Nikolaevna, Yurievna, Viktorovna, Leonidovna, Vladimirovna, Valerievna, Sergeevna.

  • Show all

    Childhood and youth

    Elya has been growing up as a very independent and responsible child since childhood. The girl will never allow herself to be offended and will be able to protect her younger brothers and sisters. Parents can safely trust any assignments to Elvira and be sure that everything will be done flawlessly and on time. But if a mother or father begins to criticize and raise her voice at her daughter, she will throw them a tantrum and become aggressive towards her relatives.

    Elya is a cheerful and inquisitive child, she is active and restless, sociable. The girl has many friends, she is always surrounded by the attention of her peers and is the soul of the company. Elvira cannot be deceived and used for her own selfish purposes, Elya will figure out the deceiver and punish him at the opportunity.

    At school, the girl studies well and conscientiously does her homework. She develops comprehensively and participates in extracurricular activities, attends creative and sports clubs, loves to read and listen to music, has an irrepressible imagination and a lot of talents.

    Variations and diminutive forms: Elka, Elli, Alice, Vira, Elechka, Elina, Elyusya, Elvirochka, Elushka, Elsha, Ellochka, Elvi.

    Having matured, Elvira becomes a bright and attractive young lady. She is charming and smart, knows how to make a positive impression on others and wins the hearts of guys at first sight. Elya cannot be called a frivolous and windy person who has only entertainment and parties in her head. However, the girl does not miss student events and tries to stand out among her classmates with a stylish hairstyle, expensive clothes and light makeup.

    Elvira does not forget about her studies either, preparing for the session and studying lectures all night long. She will not allow herself to come to a practical lesson unprepared and always tries to show off her knowledge to the teachers.

    The character of a girl born in different seasons:

    • Summer is tender, touching and charming. Elya knows how to enjoy life, but does not forget about useful things, always managing to do what is planned.
    • Winter is a tough and principled nature, very demanding and picky, knows her own worth.
    • Spring is a sensitive and receptive, insightful and purposeful person. Spring Ale has a lot of creativity and has many hobbies.
    • Autumn is reasonable, pragmatic and smart. He will find a way out of any situation and will always lend a helping hand to those in need.

    How to determine if a guy suits a girl - name compatibility in love and marriage

    Fate and character

    The fate of a woman develops quite successfully. She clearly knows her goals and confidently moves towards them, despite life's obstacles and defeats. Elvira chooses a leadership position and never quits halfway through. She will not turn to her loved ones for help and will not admit her weaknesses.

    Characteristics and compatibility for the name Elvira.

    Character type Choleric
    Strengths Purposefulness, perseverance, responsibility, discipline, sociability, kindness, honesty, justice, insight, diplomacy
    Weak sides Irritability, irascibility, despotism, selfishness
    Mental capacity A woman has a sharp analytical mind, she knows how to think logically and make the right decisions with lightning speed, quickly analyzing information. A woman has a high level of concentration and excellent memory
    Psyche Elvira has an unstable psyche, she is prone to emotional breakdowns and sudden mood swings. Elvira is demanding of herself and others, she does not forgive small mistakes and always defends her own opinion.
    Health Eli may have serious stomach problems due to nervousness, she tends to be overweight, has a weak immune system and does not pay enough attention to her health condition
    Moral The owner of such a name has unshakable principles, she rarely uses cunning tricks and makes a deal with her conscience only as a last resort.
    Sex Elya is passionate and temperamental in bed, she will give her man an unforgettable experience and unearthly pleasure in bed, experiments with pleasure and loves variety
    Business The owner of such a name can open her own business and successfully manage her own business.
    Friendship Elvira has few friends, since the owner of this name absolutely does not know how to keep the secrets and secrets of her friends, they immediately become public
    Interests and hobbies Literature, travelling, music, theatre, fashion, painting
    Suitable Professions Financier, journalist, singer, actress, photographer, teacher, scientist, politician, lawyer, lawyer
    Maximum love compatibility with male names Eldar, Elmir, Alexander, Mikhail, Alexey, Daniil, Valery, Edward
    Average Compatibility Yuri, Vladimir, Victor, Roman, Artem, Arseny, Emil, Vladislav
    Low compatibility Vasily, Peter, Anton, Stepan, Maxim, Nikolai, Nikita, Sergey

    Love and marriage

    It's not easy to please Elvira. She loves beautiful courtship and male attention, but is in no hurry to let guys get too close to her. Love at first sight is not peculiar to her, she thinks pragmatically and does not look for fleeting relationships and short-term love adventures.

    For marriage, Elya chooses a kind, physically and morally strong young man who carefully monitors his appearance and has a rich inner world.

    A girl usually does not consult with her parents and friends about her chosen one and relies only on her own sympathies and feelings. Remarriages for the owner of a similar name are extremely rare.

    Family relationships and children

    Elvira honors her husband and takes into account his opinion, but she will never allow him to control herself and tell her what to do. Eli has a difficult character, she often arranges grandiose scandals and scenes of jealousy, but then quickly calms down and asks for forgiveness from her household for her harshness and intemperance.

    Elvira is an excellent and thrifty hostess, she cooks tasty and varied dishes, creates home comfort and brings up her own kids on her own, without asking her parents or spouse for help. But a woman does not like monotonous and routine work, she tries to diversify family leisure and arranges spontaneous trips out of town or long trips to distant countries.


    Elya will never accept the role of an ordinary housewife, she needs to fulfill herself in her career and prove to herself and others that she is worth something. A woman is ready to work day and night in order to achieve general recognition and fulfill the obligations assigned to her. She is both a good performer and a competent and wise leader. Able to achieve rapid career growth and lead their employees to a good result.

    Elvira can become a teacher, a successful lawyer or a financier. It is important for her to receive a good monetary reward for her work. She will not take on low-paid events, even if she likes the profession.

    What suits Elvira?

    Lucky symbols and talismans for the owner of the name.


    Psychological portrait of a woman named Elvira, born under different signs of the zodiac.

    Virgo Delicate, tactful and diplomatic person, laconic, does not like noisy events and useless pastime, prefers cultural rest and communication with interesting people
    Scales Easy to communicate and laid-back, knows how to cheer up and support, kind and generous personality, not afraid of changes in life and striving for career and spiritual growth
    Scorpion A rather quick-tempered and aggressive personality, does not tolerate criticism in his direction and reacts negatively to comments. Eli Scorpio has practically no friends, it is difficult to get along with her, so she is often lonely
    Sagittarius Energetic, active and cheerful, loves sports and extreme recreation, does not pay attention to her appearance, the spiritual component is important for her. She is sociable and has a good sense of humor, knows how to find the right solution and quickly navigates in any situation.
    Capricorn For the sake of achieving her goals, she is ready to give up a lot, for her career is in the first place, and the family is of secondary importance, she is strong in spirit, has good endurance, is disciplined and responsible
    Aquarius She is scrupulous and slow, distrustful of people, relies only on herself and will never show her tears to a stranger, wearing a mask of calmness and composure
    Fish A touching, charismatic and friendly girl. She needs a caring and careful attitude, she is often disappointed in life, but she does not stop trusting people, remaining the same naive and childishly direct person.
    Aries A persistent and courageous person, she goes ahead and is not afraid to fail, she is decisive and independent, it is impossible to influence her and prove anything to her. She has many friends and acquaintances, but Elvira-Aries has no real friends
    Taurus She is a manipulator and a born leader, knows how to subjugate and impose her opinion on almost any person. Elya-Taurus is arrogant and conceited. She loves to be flattered and suffers badly from setbacks.
    Twins Cheerful and open, easily makes contact and knows how to listen to the interlocutor. Elvira-Gemini tends to idealize others, therefore she often suffers and is disappointed in people, especially in men
    Cancer A vindictive, melancholic and vulnerable nature, likes to dream for hours on end and does not notice the obvious. It is difficult to build relationships with Elei-Cancer, she is a changeable person
    a lion Hardworking, strong-willed, purposeful, independent. Elvira Leo is able to provide for herself and her family, she never complains about life and she controls her own destiny, achieving a high social status and financial independence.