Restaurant business plan - example and preparation. Naturally, it is worth specifying technical details


Running a food business is not an easy task. If you are looking for a guide on how to start a restaurant business for dummies, then this article will be useful for you.

Recently, the restaurant business has become increasingly popular. But there are already too many competitors on the market, and to earn trust, you need to try.

Like any other business, developing a restaurant business requires drawing up a detailed business plan, not just an idea. It should contain items such as:

  • Identify features, conduct market and competitor analysis.
  • Registering a business, obtaining the necessary permits, during which the relevant documents must be issued.
  • Choosing an establishment format.
  • Calculate expenses and profits to find out the upcoming costs of the restaurant business.
  • A plan outlining the production of an establishment.
  • Detailed business organization plan.
  • A basic marketing plan that will help you successfully organize this business.
  • Stages of opening your own restaurant business.
  • Risk analysis, where you need to describe all possible problems.

Opening stages

For those who are just learning the basics of such a business, it is important to follow all the stages of opening your own restaurant business and not forget anything. During the course, you can find out whether you can implement all the ideas, successfully manage catering alone, or open a family restaurant business.

  • The first step is to register your own restaurant business, obtain documents and permits from institutions.
  • Then decide on the concept, describe the ideas and features of the future establishment.
  • Based on the previous point, a room is selected and design ideas appear.
  • Hire staff to provide quality service to the establishment.
  • Buy everything you need.
  • Create a restaurant menu. A variety of cuisine will successfully affect the profit of the establishment.
  • Set a date for the establishment of the restaurant. To attract your first customers, you can organize an interesting holiday or show program.

Registering your business

Before carrying out any income-generating activity, you must register with the tax service. Otherwise, conducting restaurant activities without registration will result in criminal, tax and administrative liability.

There are several registration options, but a limited liability company is suitable for a small restaurant business, since individual entrepreneurs are not allowed to sell alcoholic beverages. You also have the right to choose the form of taxation; the most advantageous would be a simplified scheme, in which a legal entity will pay 6% of total income or 15% of net profit. But in addition to registering an LLC, you will need to collect various documents to obtain permission to open a restaurant business.

If you don’t understand at all where to start your restaurant, then you can turn to lawyers for help.

Market and competitor analysis

Before opening a restaurant from scratch, you need to thoroughly study your direct competitors and the features of the business. You need to choose the direction of the restaurant business, calculate its expected profitability, costs, and prospects. This will help you figure out whether it is profitable to open an establishment.

Perhaps you decide to open a pastry restaurant where you will bake cakes, pastries and make ice cream in front of visitors. You need to come up with a new business innovation that people will come to you for.

Look at what places in a large city or province such institutions are located, what they feed there, what entertainment programs they offer, identify all the strengths and weaknesses of the institutions. You need to try to find out as much as possible about the restaurant companies competing with you, this also includes the interior of the premises, suppliers of champagne and wine, and additional services provided to visitors. All this will help in choosing a strategy for making big profits and will give a chance to eliminate problems.

Restaurant format options

The format of the establishment can also have a successful impact on business. You can create various ideas that will attract a lot of customers, since innovation in the hotel restaurant business does not stand still.

  • Theme restaurant.
  • Bar or modern beer pub.
  • Democratic family restaurant.
  • An elite establishment for businessmen.

An innovative approach will increase profitability in such a business:

  • Availability of free Wi-Fi.
  • Electronic option for ordering dishes.
  • Open kitchen.
  • Molecular cuisine.

These creative innovations will ensure success for your business and bring in a lot of money even in the regions.

Organizational plan

In this section of the restaurant business plan, you need to clearly distribute the responsibilities of the staff, describe step-by-step actions and ideas for starting a business. Then things will go faster and easier.

Find an experienced restaurant manager. Write down what each employee of your establishment will be responsible for. Then it is possible to determine exactly how many waiters, cooks, and cleaners should be hired for the business. Write down the menu. Based on this point, you can calculate the correct amount of certain products. Arrange all the actions taken to open a restaurant in order, then you can really find out what to take on later.

For convenience, you can choose a business partner or organize a family restaurant business, since managing an establishment alone is not easy.

Production plan

After you have collected all the documents, you can move on to the next point in the restaurant business plan.

The first step of the production plan is to select a suitable location where the profitability of this business will justify itself. Restaurant premises can be rented, purchased or built. It all depends only on the financial capabilities of the aspiring entrepreneur.

The size of the establishment must comply with the current law of the Russian Federation, that is, 10 square meters for two seats. Accordingly, if in the future you plan to increase the capacity of a small restaurant, then the area of ​​the hall should expand.

The second step in the production business plan is to decide on the design of the establishment’s hall. Ideas can be different and depend only on your imagination.

Once we have decided on the room and its design, we move on to compiling a list of the equipment we need for the kitchen and living room. At the same time, you need to choose only high-quality equipment for the restaurant business.

For kitchen:

  • Refrigerators and freezers.
  • Small kitchen appliances. This includes meat grinders, coffee makers, blenders, and so on.
  • Cooking plates.
  • Ovens.
  • Grill, if the menu is designed for such dishes.
  • Comfortable tables for chefs.
  • Large sinks and dishwashers.

For the hall:

  • Tables where visitors will eat.
  • Chairs or sofas.
  • Beautiful dishes and cutlery;

As for restaurant kitchen equipment, it is better to choose it among imported ones and not skimp on price. As for the items for decorating the hall, you can purchase Russian tables and chairs; here the main role is played by the aesthetic appearance and the embodiment of the design idea, and not by the cost.

The fourth step involves developing a menu for the restaurant. It should have a good selection of dishes. It is best if several different cuisines of the world are represented at once.

The fifth point of the business plan is the selection of personnel to serve the establishment. The standard list of hired workers should consist of:

  • Several chefs, depending on the chosen cuisine.
  • Waiters. Their number depends on the expected size of the restaurant.
  • A cleaning lady to ensure that the living room and kitchen are always clean.

You can do the recruitment yourself or entrust this work to a professional agency for a fee, which will save your time and you will get a high-quality result for your business.

Marketing plan

To attract customers, you need to pay special attention to the restaurant sign and a variety of effective advertising. The design of the sign, of course, depends on the imagination of the establishment’s manager, but it should be bright and memorable. As for advertising, these could be:

  • As mentioned earlier, there are various interesting ideas and innovations in such a business.
  • Advertisements in local media (newspapers, television, radio).
  • Advertising on city blogs, forums and websites.
  • Distributing your restaurant flyers in crowded places.
  • Introduction of a discount system, bonuses, promotions.

You can hire a specially trained person to manage the marketing of your establishment. He knows all the features of advertising well and will successfully implement all his ideas.

Financial plan

Any business requires initial and monthly investments. And at this point you can understand in detail the question of how much it costs to organize a restaurant.

Initial and monthly investments (in rubles):

  • Rent of premises - about 60,000, depending on the city and size. You will have to pay monthly.
  • Or buy it once, if your budget allows - about 300,000.
  • Renovation of the premises - 150,000–200,000.
  • Purchase of restaurant equipment for business – 150,000–200,000.
  • Furniture for the hall – 100,000–150,000.
  • Staff salaries are 80,000–100,000, which is a monthly cost.
  • Purchase of ingredients for restaurant dishes - about 50,000 every month.
  • Advertising to attract customers to your business – 10,000–15,000 monthly.
  • Monthly taxes to the state are about 30,000.
  • Monthly utility costs are approximately 30,000.

And the approximate total income is 500,000 rubles monthly. Subtracting all costs from this, you can get an average net profit of 100,000 rubles. The restaurant will pay for itself in less than a year of operation.

Risk analysis

By making calculations of various restaurant risks, you can prepare for everything and learn how to avoid problems.

The calculation of the risk table consists of:

  • Possible increase in prices for products used to prepare restaurant dishes.
  • Insufficient demand for products or its absence at all.
  • Also, competitors may lower prices in order to lure customers away from your restaurant business.
  • Poor solvency of potential consumers.
  • Raising government taxes.
  • Deterioration in the quality of raw materials used in the restaurant business.
  • Insufficient funds for expenses.

After drawing up such a detailed business plan, instructions from scratch, every aspiring entrepreneur will know: opening your own restaurant is not difficult, the main thing is to satisfy the gastronomic taste of the client, manage competently and follow your goal. Then you will be able to open a high-quality business that will be successfully sold on the market and bring good profits.


There is no entrepreneurship without risk. New economiceconomic conditions pose new problems for the already underdevelopedentrepreneurship in Russia. There is a need to searchnon-traditional types of business activities, conducting unusual operations, which further increases the degree of risk.

In any market transaction, the risk must be calculated beforemaximum permissible limit.

The relevance of this work lies in determining the methods andtechniques for managing business risks. All market estimates are multivariate in nature, therefore continuous improvementmanagement risk is an objective and necessary regularity.

Knowledge of approaches to the analysis of risk problems and its assessment is necessaryevery owner and manager. Risk management is howscience as well as art. The risk management process includesgoal setting, marketing, management. To ensure systemicapproach to risk management, analysis should also be systematic. AtIn such an analysis, risks are examined in their mutual connection, taking into account the likelihood and characteristics of the manifestation of a particular risk.

The purpose of this course work is to develop a business plan and study the level of business risk reduction.

2.4.1 General characteristics of the industry

Over the past two or three years, coffee shops in Russia have grown intosociocultural phenomenon.

The drink has ceased to be just a utilitarian morning stimulant andbecame a companion for a completely European type of pastime: floor-to-ceiling windows, a special atmosphere, quiet music, dozens of types of coffee.However, besides all this, coffee shops are not only a businesssuccessful, but also with enormous development potential today. The specificity of the situation is that there are already severalnetwork operators constantly expanding their presence; AlsoIt is known that several more networks are planning to begin active expansion.The reasons why networkers choose this particular format are clear: it well-promoted brand, uniform service standards, close rangein each establishment of the chain, the opportunity to reduce costs through wholesaleprocurement and a simpler solution to the problem of brand recognition.

According to the results of a study of consumer preferences of coffee shopsmarketing agency Step by step , about 52% of respondents (who visit coffee shops) visit coffee shops several times a month, 35% almost every day, 20% once a week.

The number of those who entered a coffee shop for the first time is very small, about 3%. This may mean that the circle of people who like to spend their time in a coffee shop has practically formed.

39% of respondents visit coffee shops at any/different times, 26% - in the evening, 16% of respondents - during lunch. Morning, as a separate answer option, came in last place (4%). Folds up the impression is that for the majority of city residents, coffee shops have not becomea place to stop for a drink before work starts

coffee. They still remain a kind of leisure element. In Russia,despite the free consumption of wine and stronger drinks, coffeealso very popular. Today the coffee market in Russia can still be considered formed, as evidenced by constant changes in structure and participants in this market. 2009 was marked by the following factors: reduction in the range of products on the market (operators leftoffers only the most popular brands of coffee); decreasesales volumes, which was associated with the financial crisis; rising prices;increasing the market share of domestic producers and cheap counterfeits.

These trends were associated with an increase in world coffee prices, financial crisis, as well as tax and customs policies in the Russian Federation. In addition, one of the important trends today is that the fact that consumers have become more demanding not only of coffee quality, but also to the quality of service and the interior of the coffee shop.

Thus, the growth of the coffee market, despite the activity of its participants, wasdelayed by the low purchasing power of the population, crisisphenomena in the financial market and a number of “technical difficulties” (taxation, customs difficulties, supply disruptions, etc.) associated withrunning a coffee business. According to most expert estimates,The overall size of the coffee market has increased by an average of 1 1 -15%.

2.4.2 Assessment of the existing market and characteristics of competitors

The main competitive factors in the market for services that havesocio-cultural orientation, currently are: price,quality of services offered.

At the same time, for different groups of consumers, the prevailing various factors.

The price factor is the main one for consumers with an average level of income who have a need for social and entertainment services.

Service quality is more important for consumers with a high level ofincomes that need, first of all, an increased level of service.

In the shopping center building Jam-Moll » there is not a single establishmentcatering cafe.The main competitors in this segment in Kirov are: the Globus System coffee shop chain.

A comparative analysis of competitors is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 -

Competitive analysis











"Golden age"





European and

Japanese cuisine

population with

income level

average and above


full list

add. services (bathroom,





Internet); interior

in classical


Cafe "Shokoladnitsa"



European cuisine,

different kinds


cakes, coffee

population with

income level

average and above


students; guests


incomplete list

add. services (bathroom,

Internet); each

cafe has




Continuation of Table 2










Coffee shops

"Globus Systems"




drinks, others

types of drinks,

light lunches,



population with

income level

average and above


students; guests


incomplete list

add. services (bathroom,


interior in style


coffee house

"Coffee House"







population with

income level

average and above


students; guests


incomplete list

add. services (bathroom,




interior in style


Since the external and internal environment change under the influence of the enterprise’s activities and other factors, it is necessary to identifylimitations, strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise in a changing environment. And based on the results obtained, the enterprise must make changesinto the chosen strategy. Identify and relate limitations and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise will help SWOT -analysis (Table 3).

Table 3 - SWOT analysis

Competitor 1

"Globus System"

Competitor 2.

"Golden age"

Coffee house "Coffee Hause"


a wide range of,

good reputation

buyers, convenient


regular customers, convenient

location, high level of service

Modern equipment,

convenient location,

high quality goods,

low prices, high

service level

Weak sides

medium quality

products, deviation from the main goal - a coffee shop, staff turnover

Average prices; a lack of

working personnel, low assortment

Not yet formed

coffee shop image, lack

regular customers


Improve quality

products, replacement


Improve product quality

Expansion of the range,

attracting investors,

regular suppliers.


Possibility of appearance

new competitors,


customer quality


customer dissatisfaction

choice of products,

change in consumer


Changing consumer

preferences, appearance

new competitors.

So, from the analysis we can conclude thatthe coffee shop will be competitive in this market and segmentconsumers are diverse.

Alexander Mehrishvili
Director for Strategic Development of PJSC Rosinter Restaurants Holding warns about the main risks at the stage of planning, construction and opening of a cafe or restaurant


Even locations that seem different at first glance have hidden dangers. For example, the facade of the future point is located so that people will pass by without seeing your restaurant. Or the place is located in a “dead” area of ​​a chic shopping center. To correct this situation, you will have to seriously think through the navigation and identification of the restaurant. However, the cost of this work may not be comparable to the revenue. It’s better to either budget for navigation costs from the start, or think about whether you need this place.



A novice restaurateur often makes overly bold forecasts on revenue or the structure of monthly costs for staff salaries and production costs. It’s better to set a more realistic revenue target, achieve it, recoup investments, repay loans, and then calmly work and develop.

To overcome errors in your own calculations, you will have to “play” with navigation, reduce costs, or even change the concept of an already operating restaurant.


Carefully monitor development plans, renovations and everything that happens in the area of ​​the potential opening: . Information about large projects (the opening of shopping centers and the construction of transport interchanges) is available many years before the start of construction.

The construction of new transport interchanges or large facilities, the opening or closing of traffic generators significantly change guest flows.

For example, the opening of a large subregional shopping center nearby will cause an outflow of visitors. Road and other construction may prevent you from parking or limit access to the restaurant.

Of course, the opposite situation is also possible, when traffic increases due to infrastructure development. This will have a positive impact, but you also need to be prepared for such developments.


If you are offered to sign a foreign exchange agreement, then you should definitely demand the conversion of the currency into rubles. Or fix the currency corridor at which this agreement will work (minimum and maximum rates). In investment models, it is always necessary to include the highest possible exchange rate under the contract, which will ultimately allow to achieve payback.

Long-term contracts for 5 or 10 years can only be terminated by agreement of the parties. In order not to fall into bondage with the landlord, you need to clearly define the conditions for terminating the contract and other options that will reduce the rental burden (alienation of part of the premises, subletting of premises, receiving a discount).

Sometimes landlords insist on indexing service and rental payments. Allow for all possible increases in payments and form a forecast for 4–5 years in advance. The return on investment may be less, but you need to be confident that the business will remain profitable at that point.


When opening a restaurant in a shopping center, don't forget about expenses other than rent: operating and marketing fees, signs, cleaning and trash removal. Unforeseen navigation costs can significantly reduce operating profits.

Unforeseen expenses are also possible when closing a location. Sometimes the landlord requires the premises to be restored to their original appearance, which is a significant expense.

So read all clauses of the lease agreement carefully and carefully. Ask awkward questions to the landlord if something is in doubt. If the contract requires the transfer of the premises in the form of Shell & Core, plan your cash flow taking into account the fact that after the end of the contract the contract may not be renewed and you will have to invest money in the complete dismantling of the establishment.


You are making a high-tech restaurant with a focus on the Internet, good sound quality and video streaming. But at the same time, the quality of communication in this location does not meet the requirements, and the cost of the provider’s services (imposed by the shopping center) turns out to be colossal. Or it is at this point that it is impossible to obtain a license for alcohol due to various limiting factors and current legislation.

To avoid such force majeure, find out what is located around: are there pharmacies, childcare centers, are there any plans to open such establishments. Ask questions about contracts for the provision of communication services in a given location.


Thoroughly recalculate the key costs and budget items required to open a restaurant. Errors in calculating the necessary costs are very dangerous: you can find yourself in a situation where the money allocated for the project runs out. Then you will have to urgently attract investments at very high rates or look for quick sources of on-lending. Or - worst case scenario - you won't be able to complete the project.

Be sure to set aside 5-10% of the total amount for unexpected expenses. This is especially important when exchange rates are highly volatile. After all, a large volume of restaurant equipment, lighting and furniture will have to be imported.


Today you can save money, but in 2-3 years you will need either major repairs or replacement of equipment, which in the end will be much more expensive.

Carefully weigh all the pros and cons, read reviews, look at the warranty period of the equipment, choose reputable contractors, scrupulously accept work from builders and demand compliance with all norms and standards for the work.


Under no circumstances should you type a command on the fly. Guests who come to your restaurant and experience poor quality food or service will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to return.

Even at the planning stage, it is necessary to think through the formation of a team: recruitment methods, recruiting costs, methods for assessing candidates, and a training system. By the time construction is completed, you should have a fully staffed and trained team.

Beginning restaurateurs can use the services of consulting companies that can help with recruiting the right team and training.

If you have a network business, then you form an opening team that will help the new restaurant work efficiently at first and will allow you to form a permanent team. You can count on the same support when opening a franchise restaurant.

Restaurant business plan: general information + choice of class and type of establishment + 9 sections of the document + recommendations for drawing up a resume + 20 main stages of project implementation + 6 ways to attract audience interest + standard list of equipment + cost and income estimates + 6 risk factors.

The restaurant business first began in the 18th century. The modern catering industry moves with the times, and today more and more investors are ready, after studying the restaurant business plan in detail, to invest their money in this business.

After all, if the establishment is properly organized, a restaurateur will receive a pleasant reward for all his efforts. The same applies to investors who want to receive their profits.

Even if you have enough of your own funds to start and you don’t plan to attract investors, drawing up a plan for further actions to open a restaurant is the most important task at the first stage.

What is important to know before opening a restaurant?

The food service business is unlike any other. This is a very labor-intensive, responsible business that cannot be carried out “without one’s sleeves.” Keep in mind – it is characterized by huge risks and unpredictable results.

To be successful, the future restaurateur must be informed in a variety of areas, since the restaurant is a unique economic unit. It is both a trading and manufacturing enterprise and requires its future owner to have knowledge in areas such as design, architecture, cooking, and marketing.

Despite the fact that many tasks are assigned to staff, an entrepreneur must understand financial issues, be able to work with people, control expenses, purchase products, worry about good service to their customers, and so on.

A large burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of those who want to open their own restaurant:

  • Firstly, the restaurant business in Russia is still very young. Only recently has the Russian food services market begun to gain momentum. At the same time, a high level of competition has already formed in this field of activity, and only strong players manage to stay afloat.
  • Secondly, even opening a modest restaurant is a costly business, both financially and in terms of time.

Here are just a few of the responsibilities:

  • search and rental of premises;
  • development of a technical plan together with engineers, builders, designers;
  • preparation of a business plan for the establishment;
  • purchase of equipment and its installation;
  • restaurant decoration;
  • provision of dishes and other paraphernalia;
  • formation of a staff of hired workers;
  • concluding agreements with service companies for waste removal, disposal, etc.;
  • purchasing food and drinks;
  • menu creation;
  • financial hassles (invoice statements, wages, etc.);
  • restaurant maintenance;
  • payment of rent, utilities, taxes, etc.

The public loves not only tasty and healthy food, but also a pleasant atmosphere. Therefore, the restaurateur also needs to create an atmosphere of cordiality and celebration in the restaurant, so that customers can eat deliciously outside the home and have a good time. Only then will they return to the restaurant again and again.

As you can see, you can’t do without dedication to your business in the restaurant business. However, the reward is worth it. The minimum profitability can be 20-25%, and with effective management reaches 60%.

If you are ready for this, think carefully about the type and class of the restaurant, its location and concept, because this will need to be reflected in the business plan.

1. Select the type, class of restaurant and room.

It is impossible without indicating the distinctive features of the restaurant and its type.

Restaurants may vary in the variety of products they offer. These are specialized establishments where the menu is made up exclusively of fish, cheese, meat products, etc. These also include restaurants whose assortment represents national/foreign cuisine. There are also non-specialized catering establishments.

According to location, the division occurs into:

  • dining cars;
  • food courts;
  • "heavenly" restaurants;
  • hotel restaurants;
  • landscape restaurants, etc.

Based on the interests of the audience, healthy food restaurants, clubs, and salon restaurants are opened.

The purpose of the premises and composition determine the type of establishment - mobile, permanent.

Restaurants can be classified both by form and level of service: buffet, catering, when food is delivered to order at a remote location, classic (with waiters).

There are 3 classes of public catering establishments (hereinafter POP):

  • Luxury – elite restaurants with high prices and an appropriate level of service. Such establishments are also characterized by luxury, a rich menu, a wide range of services provided, the specificity of serving dishes, and a corporate style.
  • Higher – restaurants aimed at visitors with average incomes. They are associated with comfort, a variety of both gourmet and ordinary dishes, the presence of a bar with a large catalog of cocktails and drinks, and original design.
  • First. In the language of restaurateurs, these are fast foods, where people can order standard dishes at an affordable price. Self-service and simple interiors are typical for fast foods.

Having decided on the type of your restaurant and the class to which it will belong, you need to choose a room. The location to some extent determines the future of the establishment.

If you want to provide your restaurant with a large flow of customers, consider options located in noisy city areas or sites on busy streets. It is best when the restaurant is located in a place where both offices and residential buildings are located. Then the influx of people is guaranteed not only during the day, but also in the evening.

Before purchasing a property or signing a lease, find out what kind of business operated there previously. Try to avoid places where establishments have been declared bankrupt more than once.

The winning criteria for a premises are:

How to prepare a restaurant business plan: mandatory components of the document

Any plan for a particular type of activity describes the project, displaying the goals of the business organization, stages of its implementation, marketing research, analysis of the competitive environment, financial calculations and other necessary information.

It can simultaneously act as both a guide to further action and an assessment of the effectiveness of the commercial proposal used during negotiations with creditors to encourage investment.

The mandatory components of a restaurant business plan are:

We suggest considering each item separately.

1) Where does a ready-made restaurant business plan begin?

A summary is a “chapter” of a business plan, which represents one of the most important sections of the document. He is the first thing investors pay attention to. However, they write it as a last resort.

This happens because the summary contains brief information taken from the entire restaurant plan. The overview section is designed to arouse interest among lenders by displaying the concept of the establishment. The introductory part of the business plan shows how you plan to achieve your goals.

First, the name of the project is written in it. In this case: “Business plan... for a restaurant.” Instead of a pass, the specification of the establishment, for example, a “fish restaurant,” is entered. Next, important information about your future enterprise is indicated, taking into account that their volume should not exceed 10% of all information (1-2 A4 sheets) set out in the plan.

Thus, the following are reported: organizational and legal form, legal address, bank details, number of personnel, goals and mission, advantages of the establishment, financial prospects, the amount required to open a restaurant, sources of its receipt.

When writing a summary of the plan, you should adhere to a business style, keep the paragraphs concise but informative. This section requires a clear statement of goals and an explanation of the essence of the project in language accessible to readers.

The use of graphs and lists is allowed in the introduction, but there is no need to overload the plan with them. When describing your business, focus on what is good about it and why it is worthy of the attention of creditors.

If the summary captivates them, then they are guaranteed to study the entire document. Below you can see a restaurant business plan (an example of writing a resume). By working according to this template, you will simplify your task.

2) What will be the stages of project implementation in the business plan for opening a restaurant?

Usually in this section of the plan they first write: “begins from the moment the investment is received.” After this, you must indicate the end of the period, say 24 months. The stages of business implementation can be outlined separately in the Appendix, which must be mentioned in this paragraph of the plan.

Regardless of the restaurant format, you have to go through the following stages:

All activities are outlined in the plan, indicating the conditions for implementation and the time spent on each action.

3) Basics of drawing up characteristics of an object in a restaurant business plan.

The feature section of the business plan should provide general information about the restaurant. It substantiates the choice of the restaurant segment and the location of the establishment.

In addition, the characteristics of the business plan must include:

  • price category POP,
  • determining the type of kitchen and equipment,
  • provision of basic and additional services.

When outlining the concept of a restaurant, you should describe the range of dishes offered. Eg: “In the Health restaurant, 45 dishes are available to customers: dietary meat, vegetable salads, low-calorie desserts + 20 soft drinks”.

It would not be amiss to mention in the plan the parameters of the premises chosen for the restaurant, its capacity, number of halls, presence/absence of a courtyard, design style. Once you're done, describe your target audience.

Based on this factor, the restaurant’s pricing policy is determined. The establishment’s operating hours are another detail whose inclusion in the business plan is recommended.

And remember: this section helps the future restaurant owner and lenders see what the business will actually look like.

4) The importance of developing a restaurant marketing plan.

A marketing plan reflects all the research you have done on current market trends. Its importance lies in determining the direction of activity.

This section in a restaurant’s business plan consists of the results of an analysis of market conditions, the wishes of visitors, an assessment of the level of competition, and the determination of competitive advantages.

When analyzing the current market situation, an entrepreneur must take into account external factors, including political, legal, technological, social, and cultural. When researching market players, you need to weigh all sides - both strengths and weaknesses, business threats, opportunities.

Similar restaurants located in an area of ​​500 m can deprive you of 2/3 of your profit by luring away visitors. Therefore, researching local competitors is essential.

Some turn to specialists to analyze the activities of competitors. But the services of professional marketers will cost the restaurant owner a considerable amount. You can obtain the information required for your marketing plan yourself and for free.

To do this, follow the tips in the picture:

If competing establishments are registered as legal entities, the legal way to obtain information about them, including financial statements, is to contact Rosstat.

You will have to pay for the service, and business data may be presented with underestimated income, but this way you will find out the results of competitors’ activities, the average bill for the services of other restaurants and POP.

Information about the market situation can also be found in the public domain. According to statistics over the past years, there are over 30 thousand POPs in the Russian Federation, and the premium segment of the restaurant business is not that busy. If an entrepreneur decides to open a restaurant of this class, where there is no active competition, the investments made in the business will pay off relatively quickly.

Having found out how much Russians are willing to pay for food, services and leisure, you will be convinced that the amount of consumer spending does not exceed 4% (this is more than for healthcare and communications).

And the preferences of the population lead to their increase, therefore, the business of opening and running a restaurant is promising. Pay special attention to analyzing customer potential.

Rosstat will help you find out the turnover of retail trade in food and catering, which is important in business planning.

For 2016-2017 The following picture emerged:

Try to fill your marketing plan with more than just text material. Display numerical values, which you may have a lot of as a result of the work done, in tabular form. The best option would be to include a diagram in your restaurant business plan.

At the end of the marketing plan, state the strategy, i.e. the course you have chosen to achieve high performance results. Business strategy is determined on the basis of various aspects, one of which is the formation of consumer opinion.

Mention in the plan the measures that will be taken to inform about the opening of the restaurant, create an image and attract the target audience:

  • (signs, bus stops, announcements on transport, radio, television, media), video, audio advertising;
  • creating your own web resource;
  • holding social events;
  • printing and distribution of promotional products (booklets, posters, business cards);
  • provision of infrastructure;
  • creating good working conditions.

Write in your marketing plan that you are definitely going to post information about the restaurant on the Internet, for which popular web platforms and a business card website will be used.

5) Development of a restaurant production plan.

The section of the business plan following the marketing one shows the production capacity of the establishment and the characteristics of the premises. It includes calculations of the costs of purchasing the necessary equipment.

For example, the cost of a standard distribution line used in fast foods starts from 750 thousand rubles. If you plan to prepare exclusive dishes, the costs will be appropriate.

It is difficult to unambiguously estimate all costs, but approximate calculations are required. Do not forget to include in the production plan the total funds that will be spent on the purchase of furniture, bar counters, household items and equipment, dishes (dining room, kitchen, main and spare), attributes for sorting restaurant tables, and interior decorations.

In addition, you will have to spend money on an automation program for the control and accounting system. The minimum price for the most advanced computer product, R-Keeper, is about 10 thousand dollars. A cheaper option is “Restaurant 2000”. Another budget alternative could be “1C: Public catering”.

The plan's expense item includes the purchase of vehicles used in the future for various restaurant needs.

EPP equipment should be aimed at stimulating productivity growth and comply with safety regulations. Therefore, it is better not to spare money on supplying the restaurant with high-quality and efficient equipment.

The business plan indicates: name, model, quantity and technical parameters of the devices required for the restaurant.

For example:

  • electric stoves, ovens;
  • deep fryers;
  • microwaves,
  • refrigerated tables;
  • thermal showcases;
  • vegetable cutters, meat grinders or blenders;
  • coffee machines/coffee makers;
  • thermopots;
  • kitchen scales;
  • racks for dishes;
  • ice makers;
  • washing baths, dishwashers;
  • refrigeration chambers.

Colorfully arrange sorting items in your business plan:

6) What is the organizational plan of a restaurant based on?

The sixth part of the business plan outlines organizational aspects. It talks about the organizational and legal form of the restaurant, management and service personnel (quantitative/qualitative characteristics).

Therefore, the organizational plan answers the following questions:

  • What specialists need to be recruited?
  • What will be the conditions and work schedule (permanent, contract, etc.)?
  • What is the salary, etc.?

The composition and number of personnel are influenced by:

  • nature of service (combined, self-service, through waiters);
  • dimensions, specifics and capacity of the restaurant;
  • % of attendance on weekdays/weekends and holidays;
  • cost category;
  • assortment of dishes, etc.

The restaurant staff usually consists of: cooks, manager, hall manager, waiters, bartender (1-2 people), accountant, cleaners, cloakroom attendant, musicians, security.

The business plan also states the job responsibilities of each employee. For a waiter, this means friendliness and respectful, attentive treatment of guests, thorough knowledge of the menu, a neat appearance, correct filling out of the bill, paying guests, etc.

7) The financial part of the restaurant business plan.

The seventh point of the business plan is the least creative. This requires some math and concentration to figure out the cost of the project. The cost estimate contains conditional costs for paperwork, registration, purchase of equipment and other equipment, textiles, tailoring of uniforms, and printing of printed materials.

Also, separate expense items in the restaurant business plan will be:

  • advertising;
  • room decoration;
  • rent and utilities;
  • salary;
  • taxes.

The calculation also includes funds spent on the purchase of food and drinks, and other costs of doing business.

After the calculations, your plan should roughly look like this table:

Then they begin to calculate revenue and net profit. When an implementation program is drawn up, the supposedly low threshold of profitability, the plan for production volumes and provision of services for the billing period are considered.

Having created a financial statement of losses and profits, cash flow, you will see a more realistic picture and understand whether you can “pull” the restaurant and how much you need to borrow.

The restaurant business plan describes in detail the sources of financing, the system of guarantees you provide to investors, the projected income structure, and key performance indicators.


8) What risks are assessed in the business plan?

Despite all efforts to convince creditors of the reliability of investments in your restaurant, potential risks cannot be avoided. Their detail and objectivity of assessment depends on who you are drawing up a business plan for - yourself or investors.

First, you need to submit a list of the risks themselves. Secondly, describe in your business plan the actions that you are going to take if they actually occur.

Risks may be unexpected When natural disasters occur, fires are not your fault. Then the losses are covered by insurance.

The second group of risks mentioned in the business plan is commercial. Such a threat looms when marketing research is poorly conducted, resulting in underestimation of competitors, shortcomings in the analysis of market conditions, etc., emerge.

The third and fourth types of risks – economic And political, respectively. They can be less predictable, since they are caused by the political situation in the country, crisis, and declining demographics. Poorly selected restaurant staff is another reason for risks.

Serious factors for restaurant bankruptcy or other unfavorable events may include:

In the conclusions of the business plan, its developer must summarize the work done. As a rule, they follow the established rules here, emphasizing that this type of business is high-risk, but at the same time, promising and profitable.

From startup to success: opening a restaurant from A to Z.

How to write a business plan? Step by step guide

Restaurant business plan - example to study

If after reading this article you still have questions, we recommend downloading any ready-made restaurant business plan from the samples provided.

Example No. 1 can be downloaded from the link -
Example No. 2 see here -
Example No. 3 is clearly presented here -

Restaurant business plan– the starting point for an entrepreneur who wants to occupy a niche in the catering industry. If the marketing and pricing policies are correctly structured, the approach to organizing all processes and creating a reputation is chosen correctly, the restaurant will bring the expected profit.

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