Fiction lit. Publishing house "Fiction"

Fiction- publishing house of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for publishing, printing and book trade. The largest and, in a sense, the oldest literary publishing house of Soviet times. Its history goes back to the “State Publishing House of the RSFSR” (Gosizdat) - the first large Soviet publishing house, which was created in 1919 on the initiative of A.V. Lunacharsky. On the basis of its literary and artistic sector, the State Publishing House of Fiction (GIHL) was created in 1930, which in 1934 became known as Goslitizdat, and since 1963 - "Fiction".

It should be noted that, despite the renaming of the publishing house in 1963-1965 (especially when publishing previously started collected works, the name “State Publishing House of Fiction” continued to appear on the title)

The central branch of the publishing house was located in Moscow

In 1967-1977, the publishing house published a unique publication - “The Library of World Literature”; since 1977 it has published the multi-volume “Library of Classics”. This publishing house published many popular magazines of Soviet times - “Roman-Gazeta”, “Moscow”, “Neva”, “Children’s Literature” and others.

In 1980, the publishing house was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Documents related to the history of the publishing house are stored in the Russian State Archives of Literature and Art (RGALI). F. 613. (see:

On October 21, 2010, based on the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1822-r “On approval of the list of federal state unitary enterprises under the jurisdiction of Rospechat”, it acquired the status of a Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

In the 1990s, some JSC “World Literature Publishing House” arose (Address: 191186 St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 28. LR No. 070801 dated December 28, 1992).

Have you ever thought that any action you take can lead to a series of incredible events? That just one decision will put you in front of a choice? Life or death? You or your family? What if this same family hates you?

Fiction >> Science Fiction/Fantasy

The writer Karpov escapes from America, which has become inhospitable for him, and returns to Moscow, to the USSR, where General Secretary Shelepin now rules. Life will tell how the life of a fugitive writer will turn out in his native country, what will happen to him next.

Fiction >> Science Fiction/Fantasy

It's not easy being a half-breed, even if you're a princess. The courtiers are always trying to put him in his place, his father’s favorites are trying to send him to a monastery, and daddy himself dreams of marrying him off. And he even found a groom. True, after meeting me he decided that it was too early for him to get married and ran away. And so that the child would not disappear, dad sent me to the academy. I wonder how long it will last.

Fiction >> Science Fiction/Fantasy

He is called Maestro L'Ombre. He is an aristocrat and the best detective in all of Albizia. His sharp mind has helped solve many crimes. He believes in logic, science and evidence, he is arrogant and sarcastic. He loves strong coffee and walks using a massive cane.
Her name is Mia. She owns a tiny shop in a poor neighborhood, sells spices and incense, and reads fortunes using cards and coffee grounds. She loves apples, wears bright skirts and despises the world of the aristocracy. She believes in intuition, signs and prophetic dreams.
They live in very different worlds, but one day their paths crossed due to a series of strange deaths and yellow magnolia petals.

Fiction >> Science Fiction/Fantasy

If the future boss is a demon, it is simply impossible to refuse his offer. And it doesn’t even matter that his character is not sweet, and the proposed position of personal assistant to the head of the demonic bestiarium is not at all what he dreamed of. After all, the main thing is that they were able to discern a valuable specialist in yesterday’s graduate and offer to do exactly what they are passionate about. Demons!
Well, the fact that you can quietly investigate your boss is just a nice bonus. But... Why is it that he often visits without warning and is not stingy with compliments? We didn't agree like that!

Fiction >> Science Fiction/Fantasy

AI with a trip to the 19th century... The Greek was driving across the river... not like that. A man went on a business trip... not like that again... A construction foreman, well over forty, got into a serious accident on an intercity highway and... woke up in the same place, but in the century before last. He is not a scientist, not a historian, not a special forces soldier, but an ordinary man in the street. Having found out where he was taken, he tries to survive, merge with the environment, and, with luck, return. But what will come of this and will it...

Fiction >> Science Fiction/Fantasy

Lizaveta had a family, and then it was gone. There were prospects, but they disappeared with the death of my beloved priest. All that remained were the sisters, the frail aunt and the desire for revenge, which led Lizaveta to Gossip. The newspaper, in the opinion of the public, is disgusting, but popular among the people. And the voice of the people, as we know, is capable of much.
But the boss doesn’t share Lizaveta’s aspirations, and he’s not the only one... many didn’t like Nikanor the Fair for his cunningness. However, he will have to keep quiet, fortunately something else has been found: a beauty contest is about to take place in the Arsian Empire. And who else if not Lizaveta to illuminate it?
And preferably from the inside... the main thing is not to get involved in politics. Lizaveta had no intention of doing so. It somehow came out on its own.

Fiction >> Science Fiction/Fantasy

Having left her native estate for the capital, Nastya thought that she would be able to free her father, imprisoned in a fortress on charges of conspiracy against the Empress. And she almost succeeded, if not for one “but”: by order of the empress, she had to marry, and not just anyone, but a werewolf... but before her death, Nastina’s mother ordered the girl to keep her witch power, especially from werewolves, after all, they... and this is what they are like, the werewolves who guard the empress, Nastya has to find out.

Fiction >> Poetry/Prose

The publication is the most complete annotated collection of works by N.Ya. Mandelstam, prepared on the basis of all published and archival materials identified to date.
This two-volume collection of works by N.Ya. Mandelstam includes her memoirs, essays, articles and notes, including fragmentary ones. It does not include the abstract of her dissertation, essays published under the pseudonym "N. Yakovleva" in the anthology "Tarussky Pages" (Kaluga, 1961), interviews and extensive - and still not collected - correspondence.
The collection is based on three large memoir texts - “Memoirs”, “About Akhmatova” and “The Second Book”, work on which took place alternately and sequentially, respectively, in 1958-1965, 1966-1967 and 1967-1970, with the text “About Akhmatova" is, in fact, the first edition of the "Second Book". The books “Memoirs” and “About Akhmatova” form the basis of the first volume of the collection, and “The Second Book” forms the basis of the second; the rest of the material in each volume is arranged chronologically.
Compared to previous editions, significant changes have been made to the texts of the books, based on taking into account all sources identified to date.


Prose is considered to be a literary text in which a separate rhythm, independent of speech, does not invade the linguistic fabric and does not affect the content. However, a number of borderline phenomena are known: many prose writers deliberately give their works some signs of poetry (one can mention the highly rhythmic prose of Andrei Bely or the rhymed fragments in Vladimir Nabokov’s novel “The Gift”). The exact boundaries between prose and poetry have been an ongoing debate among literary scholars from different countries over the last century.

Prose is widely used in fiction - in the creation of novels, short stories, etc. Individual examples of such works have been known for many centuries, but they have developed into an independent form of literary works relatively recently.

Medieval art reached its culmination in the XII-XIII centuries. Currently, medieval literature is usually divided into Latin literature and literature in vernacular languages ​​(Romance and Germanic). The genre division of Latin literature as a whole reproduced the ancient one. Written prose first appeared in medieval literature.

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    Publishing house, Moscow (branch in St. Petersburg). Founded in 1930 as the State Publishing House of Fiction, in 1934 63 Goslitizdat. Collected works, selected works of domestic and foreign classics, modern... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - “FICTION”, publishing house, Moscow (branch in St. Petersburg). Founded in 1930 as the State Publishing House of Fiction, in 1934 63 Goslitizdat. Collected works, selected works of Russian and... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    fiction- (from Latin littera letter, writing) a type of art in which the word is the main means of figurative reflection of life. Rubric: Literature and its functions in society Genus: Art Other associative connections: universal significance... ... Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism

    - (“Fiction”), Soviet publishing house of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Publishing, Printing and Book Trade. The State Publishing House of Fiction (GIHL) was founded in 1930 on ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    State Publishing House, Moscow. Founded in 1930 as the State Publishing House of Fiction, in 1934 63 Goslitizdat. Collected works, selected works of domestic and foreign classics, modern foreign... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    "FICTION"- “FICTION”, publishing house of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Publishing, Printing and Book Trade. The State Publishing House of Fiction (GIHL) was founded in 1930 on the basis of literary... ... Literary encyclopedic dictionary

    fiction- in rhetoric: a type of literature that exists in three main forms - epic, lyric and drama; feature of H.L. – artistic fiction; being a language laboratory, H.L. develops perfect and succinct methods of expression, makes it universal property... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Fiction- in rhetoric: a type of literature that exists in three main forms - epic, lyric and drama; feature of H.L. – artistic fiction; being a language laboratory, H.L. develops perfect and capacious methods of expression, makes it universal property... Rhetoric: Dictionary-reference book

Fiction (prose) is one of the types of art that differs from the others only in the material from which works are created - these are only words and artistic language. The result of creativity in fiction is works that reflect eras, have high artistic value and bring aesthetic pleasure.

Old Russian literature has 2 sources - church books (the Bible, lives of saints) and folklore. It existed from the introduction of writing in the Cyrillic alphabet (XI century) until the appearance of individual author's works (XVII century). Original works: “The Tale of Bygone Years” (a sample of chronicles), “The Tale of Law and Grace”, “Teachings for Children” (codes of laws), “The Tale of Igor’s Host” (the genre resembles a story, with a logical progression of events and authenticity, with artistic style).
To the section...

Peter's transformations were reflected not only in the scientific and technical achievements of Russia in the 18th century, but also made a huge contribution to the development of national culture and art. Or rather, they gave the latter a significant acceleration and radically changed the vector of development of domestic art. Until the 18th century, the development of Russian culture took place separately, even in isolation, which led to the development of authentic trends and genres, closely related to the national and church trends. In European countries at the same time, literature finally separated from the church and became secular. It was precisely this secularism—the creative freedom and breadth of genres inherent in the European Age of Enlightenment—that was lacking in Rus'.

Throughout the 18th century, Russian literature developed under the influence of European literature, lagging behind it by about 100 years and going through the following stages:

  • beginning 18th century- panegyric, hagiographic literature,
  • ser. 18th century- classicism, sentimentalism (Lomonosov, Karamzin, Radishchev),
  • dated 18th century- the dominance of sentimentalism, preparation for romanticism.

« Golden age» Russian literature. The history of Russian literature of the 19th century includes many names that have received worldwide recognition: A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov. During this period, the formation of the Russian literary language took place, literary trends such as sentimentalism, romanticism, critical realism developed, writers and poets mastered new literary forms and techniques. Drama and the art of satire are reaching unprecedented heights.

The development of romanticism (until the 1840s) and realism (from the 1850s to the end of the century), from the 1890s the directions of the Silver Age developed. The most important functions of literature are considered critical, moral-formative, socio-political, and the most important genre is the novel. Romantics: Lermontov, Pushkin, realists: Gogol, Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy, Chekhov.

Russian literature of the 20th century is represented by three brightest periods: the era of the “Silver Age” with its contradictions and innovation, the military era, with its deep patriotism, and the huge period of the second half of the century, when socialist realism flourished.

  • In the beginning. XX century Romanticism is being revived to poetize revolutionary events.
  • 30-40s of the XX century- active interference of the party in culture leads to the stratification of writers. Some in emigration develop the realistic genre, others create in socialist realism (a direction that depicts a working person on the path to communism).
  • 40-50s of the mid-20th century- “trench”, lieutenant or military prose. A realistic depiction of the war of 1941-45, where the author is an eyewitness to the events.
  • 60-80s of the XX century- the period of the “thaw”, the development of “village” prose.
  • 90s years of the late 20th century- avant-garde, post-Soviet realism, inclination towards “chernukha” - deliberately exaggerated cruelty, uncensorship.

Foreign literature

Foreign literature originated in Greece during the period of antiquity and became the basis for all existing types of literature. Aristotle formed the principles of artistic creativity.

With the advent of Christianity, church texts spread, all medieval literature of Europe (IV-XIII centuries) was a reworking of church texts, and the Renaissance (from the 14th century, Dante, Shakespeare, Rabelais) was their rethinking and repulsion from the church, the creation of secular literature.

The literature of the Enlightenment is the celebration of human reason. Sentimentalism, romanticism (Rousseau, Diderot, Defoe, Swift).

20th century - modernism and postmodernism. Celebration of the psychic, sexual in man (Proust, Hemingway, Marquez).

Literary criticism

Criticism is an organic and inseparable part of the entire literary art as a whole, and a critic must definitely have the bright talent of both a writer and a publicist. Truly skillfully written critical articles can force the reader to look at a previously read work from a completely new angle, make completely new conclusions and discoveries, and can even radically change their assessments and judgments on a specific topic.

Literary criticism has close ties with the modern life of society, with its experiences, philosophical and aesthetic ideals of a certain era, contributes to the development of the literary creative process, and has a powerful influence on the formation of public self-awareness..

Literary directions

The unity of the creative characteristics of writers working within a certain historical period is usually called a literary movement, a variety of which can be individual trends and movements. The use of identical artistic techniques, the similarity of worldview and life priorities, and similar aesthetic views make it possible to classify a number of masters as specific branches of literary art of the 19th-20th centuries.

Literature, like music and painting, is an art form that combines a single material - words. This is the theory literature– section of the science of literature. It is a system in which literature is a type of art that develops throughout its history, and, most importantly, it is a collection of works by writers, poets, and writers.
Fiction divided by: epic- works of antiquity (what happened in the past), lyrical works And dramatic works, there is a mixed type - lyric epic works.
Types of text by structure: poetry and prose. Poetry- this type includes poems, poems, short stories) this is a type of literature in which a literary text is presented in poetic form, i.e. if the rhyme is observed, it carries a certain meaning. The theme is conveyed by rhyme, which is set by rhythm, giving the text musicality. Prose- a literary text that does not depend on the setting of rhyme, but nevertheless carries with it the semantic coloring of the story being told through the predominance of certain linguistic devices - metaphor, epithet, comparison and other types of coloring. Prose is divided into: novel, novel-epic, short story, story, memoir, etc. There are certain deviations from the rules, for example, a novel in verse, which is already a poetic work. This long work, which covers a long period of time in the lives of the characters, is described in detail. Literature is divided into periods: antiquity, the main writers were the Romans and Greeks, parallel to ancient literature, directions of literature of ancient China and ancient India appeared. Ancient literature consists of the genres introduced by Aristotle - epic, lyric, and drama. Then follows the era of literature of the Middle Ages, during this period Latin literature appears and written prose appears. Latin literature is a copy of ancient literature.
Literature of the Renaissance. This is literature from the 14th to 16th centuries. It takes into account the ideas of humanism and first appeared in Italy. Having spread throughout all European countries, it acquired special qualities in each of them. Age of Enlightenment. The period of literature against the background of developing thoughts of culture, science and philosophy. Formed at the end of the 17th century.