General description of the mark. Libra children - what are they? Zodiac sign Libra character

Libra is born under the influence of two planets at once - Venus and Saturn. Therefore, they have a well-developed intuition, charming and very sociable. The internal harmony inherent in Libra makes them harmonious too: people of the zodiac sign Libra are almost always graceful, good-looking, tactful and sophisticated.

By nature, they are very kind and sociable and know how to easily and imperceptibly bind people to themselves. This kindness is especially felt by children and animals, with whom Libra instantly finds a common language.

However, Libra is a very unstable sign. They are restless, always unsure of themselves, and often, due to internal hesitation, they miss a chance that could bring them good luck, wealth and fame. Libras really need strong support, as they are too windy and changeable themselves.

However, it is simply not possible to get angry and offended at these people - they are so diplomatically and deftly able to get out of the delicate situations that they often create themselves, so touchingly ask for forgiveness and lie so sincerely. People of the zodiac sign Libra are very idealistic, instinctively drawn to the good, but they do not always know how to overcome the weaknesses of their nature.

They have a well-developed sense of beauty, they strive to surround themselves with beautiful things and people and have a rare talent to arrange holidays for themselves and others, easily creating an atmosphere of general fun and joy.

Zodiac sign Libra character

They are very capable, but they tire quickly and cannot endure prolonged physical exertion. Sociability allows them to easily enter into any team, but the leaders of them are worthless.

It is better to choose a field of activity in which Libra can show his subtle and sophisticated taste - design, high fashion, antique dealers, theater agents, lawyers, etc.

People of the zodiac sign Libra are easy on money, never chase after their debtors, willingly and spend a lot without denying themselves anything, but, oddly enough, they always have a lot of money, although Libra never makes them a goal and the meaning of your life.

The element of Libra is air, a sign of mobility and sociability. Therefore, Libra is afraid of closed spaces, they love to live in nature, in the fresh air. All Libras are eternally in continuous oscillation.

Making a final decision for them is a real torment, so they prefer to do the will of other people, just not to take on the responsibility they hate.

People of the zodiac sign Libra are experienced seducers, as they constantly need the company of people who are skillfully forced to love themselves. If Libra does not feel like the center of attention, they become isolated, suffer, painfully experiencing their loneliness. Unfortunately, Libras do not have sufficient willpower and quickly give up in difficult moments.

Libra of the first decade

Venus affects Libra from September 23 to October 2, giving them a special tenderness, a tendency to daydreaming and melancholy, sometimes bringing Libra to complete indifference to the outside world. Libra-Venusians are sincere, sincere and striving for perfection.

They are capable of self-sacrifice, as they always feel pain acutely, and the suffering of another person Libra generally easily understands people and adapts perfectly to them. Libra-Venusians have an innate sense of proportion, and really do not like extremes.

Libra of the second decade

From October 3 to 13, prudent Libra-Saturnians are born. They prefer to treat everything with slight contempt and indifference. Sometimes people give the impression of being cold and withdrawn, but, more often than not, they are very vulnerable and sentimental in their souls. Saturnians are very perspicacious and prudent, and under external isolation they conceal the need for support and alliance characteristic of all Libra.

People of the zodiac sign Libra are simply born to live, complementing and balancing someone. Despite the intuitiveness of thinking, Libra-Saturnians are independent and intellectual.

Libra of the third decade

From October 14 to 22, Jupiter has an additional influence on Libra. Jupiterians are real aesthetes, striving to find beauty in everything, even in the most repulsive aspects of reality.

What is good for them is that which is refined and elegant. Carefully monitor themselves and strive to live up to their ideals. Jupiterian Libra is restless, fearful, pampered and artistic. Often become writers, musicians, artists.

Zodiac sign Libra health

Libra has a fragile nervous system, they are prone to mental illness, more often than other signs. They easily become addicted to bad habits, they can become drug addicts or alcoholics, as they are usually unable to deny themselves anything.

The weak point is the excretory system, so you should drink a lot of natural juices, eat a lot of vegetables, spend more time in the fresh air and try not to worry about trifles.

Zodiac sign Libra in love

People of the zodiac sign Libra need a strong partner, willingly get married or get married, but, most often, not out of passion, but simply so that there is always a person nearby. Sentimental, complaisant, but, deep down, indifferent.

Libra men are passive, easily seduce women who always like it, but sex has never been something especially important for them. Much more they need external beauty, subtlety, intelligence.

They are fond of verbal eroticism. Easily influenced by a partner, but often cheat on him. Libra women are prone to masochism and to seeing every man as a master and master. They have a very strong need to be loved, they are affectionate, but often not very temperamental.

But Libra women are very elegant, always elegantly dressed, often invent and sew their own toilets and always wear them with rare grace. Even in a house dressing gown they know how to look luxurious.

They prefer gentle gray-blue, green, pastel colors. Men also follow fashion, but often go to extremes and can start to look ridiculous. They have a weakness for puffy bows, loose silk shirts, and brightly colored handkerchiefs.

Zodiac sign Libra stone

There are a lot of stones that bring happiness to Libra, ranging from sapphire, diamond and pearls to crystal and moonstone. Many Libra women willingly wear corals. Men can recommend jasper cufflinks.

Zodiac sign Libra talismans

The metal is bronze, so order a bronze heart as a talisman. Another talisman of people of the zodiac sign Libra is a book, so do not be stingy and try to collect a good library. Unlucky days are Tuesday and Sunday, but on Fridays and Saturdays everything will be fine.

The only inanimate symbol in the zodiac circle, Libra is the second sign of the air element, writes Para Los Curiosos.

A distinctive feature of the representatives of this sign is the desire for harmony in everything. Sensitive to the beautiful, born diplomats, with fortitude and an unbending will to win in any rivalry, Libra often act as judges, as well as lawyers at all levels.

Constancy, reliability and creative power are the best qualities of this sign!

1. They get along well with others.

Libras are easy to please people because they can make anyone feel interesting and important. They are great listeners.

Libras are very aware of your feelings and emotions. And they know how to perfectly predict the consequences of their own and other people's actions.

This is because they are very observant and have exceptionally good perceptual skills. They strive to get close to people they like, looking for long-term friendships.

At the same time, they hate superficial people and will exclude you from their circle of friends immediately if they notice you are false and hypocritical.

2. They are very kind.

Libra does not promise to solve any of your problems, but when the need arises, they do their best to help you. If you need emotional support, turn to Libra. They will dispel your worries and doubts!

Nothing disturbs the inner world of Libra more than the negativity around. All people from the environment should have positive energy and avoid conflicts. If this does not happen, Libra is disappointed in people and stops communicating with them.

3. They are born diplomats.

No one handles awkward situations better than a Libra. They are famous diplomats and easily explain any oddities. At the same time, they are stylish and elegant.

Libras like to be around other people. Just laughing, discussing all sorts of absurdities or difficult issues for hours - that's what makes them happy. Libras are creative souls who need dialogue.

4. They are inquisitive.

Libra is an element of air, so they always strive for self-development. Of paramount importance for them is the power of the intellect.

They always retain the ability to think rationally. In any situation, they look for and find ways to optimize work and household processes. It is natural curiosity that allows them not to get stuck in one place and always move forward.

5. They are selfless.

Libras are very receptive and actually interested in what's going on in the lives of friends. Even if they have conflicts, they quickly smooth them out due to their charisma and kindness.

To help your neighbor, Libra does not need additional reasons. They are always happy to lend a helping hand without asking for anything in return. But if you try to use them, they will cut you out of their lives.

6. They know how to be friends.

People are drawn to Libra when they have problems, because they know how to look at the situation from the outside. Libra tries to understand all points of view before jumping to conclusions.

Naturally, this attracts people, so Libra always has many faithful, reliable friends. And although Libra will never be friends with a scoundrel, for the sake of friends they are ready to negotiate even with the devil.

7. They have excellent taste.

Libra is under the influence of Venus, which has long been identified with the goddess of love and beauty. Libra appreciates beauty in everything: in friends and loved ones, in art, writing and music...

Therefore, they pay more attention to interiors and design than others. They are proud of their taste and have every right to be! However, they do not hide the fact that they love everything beautiful and of high quality.

8. They are perfectionists.

Libras are always looking for the best, most perfect, most harmonious way to live life. In their ideal world, everything is balanced and fair. There is no conflict in this world.

Of course, the ideal world does not exist. And this is the main disappointment in Libra's life. Therefore, they constantly strive to achieve personal perfection.

9. They are fair.

Libras are ideal bosses. They know how to control the energy of other people and at the same time do not use their skill for selfish purposes.

Justice is very important to Libra, so they never demand more from others than they can give.

Libra treats work with genuine interest and appreciates healthy relationships in the team. So they themselves do everything to maintain harmony and relaxed concentration in it.

10. They are true romantics.

Libras love deeply and with all their hearts. If you are lucky and one of the people born under this sign fell in love with you, you can be sure that you are in good hands!

Libras want their partners to know and feel that they are cared for. They are capable of both small pleasant surprises and grand gestures. If you had or continue to have an affair with Libra, know that no matter what happens, you will remember it all your life!

11. They know how to enjoy life.

Libras are usually very cultured people. They value their social environment and nature. They are usually well-read, well-informed and stylishly dressed.

They can equally appreciate a colorful sunset and a deep enlightening conversation. It is this ability to find pleasure in everything that allows them to remain relaxed and calm in life.

12. They work hard.

While Libras are often seen as lazy, it's really all about career choice. If the chosen path suits Libra, then in their field they will achieve any heights!

Also, Libras always achieve success in social life, because they never stop on the ladder of their achievements. They hate mediocrity and always demand more - both from themselves and from others.

13. They love adventure.

Scales cannot sit in one place for a long time and do not tolerate monotony. For them, life must necessarily be interspersed with interesting events, adventures, travels, etc.

Finding a person of similar temperament, they can become truly happy. So if you love adventure, hold on to Libra with both hands! You will not regret!

14. They are very attractive.

Libras often have a magnetic appearance, although, of course, not all of them can be called handsome and beauties. Their beauty is in their naturalness.

For this reason, they do not have to work hard to make their appearance stand out. They don't seek recognition on purpose, but they get it anyway. The Libra personality attracts almost everyone - without exception!

15. They are not selfish.

Libras are devoted partners and lovers who put your needs ahead of their own. But they are not inclined to believe in love at first sight.

In a relationship, they are cautious, and with them you can hardly count on a quick intimacy. They are looking for a truly strong connection. But when they find it, they will surround you with such care that others can only dream of.

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. His symbol is two scales. This sign of the zodiac denotes the desire for harmony and justice.

Element: air

Planet: Venus

Stone: coral, diamond

Mascot: book, heart

Color: all pastel colors

Characteristics of the sign

Libra is a symbol of balance and movement towards perfection. They are excellent strategists and excellent workers. They prefer to think over every step, so they often act slowly and carefully. At the same time, they always achieve their goals, even if for this they have to use prohibited means.

Libras are charming, diplomatic personalities. Representatives of this zodiac sign know how to behave in society. For them, a comfortable climate around is important, so they often act as peacekeepers and reconcile the warring parties. Thanks to their kindness and good attitude towards others, it is pleasant to communicate with them. However, they are stubborn and boastful.

Libra Woman

The Libra woman is a charming person. She attracts others with her softness, femininity and good manners. Her penetrating mind and observation allow her to emerge victorious from any dispute. At home, she proves to be a wonderful housewife and caring mother. The main person in her life is her husband. At the same time, it is important that he shows the same love and care for her, otherwise the Libra woman will feel unhappy.

Libra Man

The Libra man is the soul of society. He knows how to show his intelligence, erudition and always shows himself from the favorable side. This is a great adviser. He can suggest a way out of a difficult situation by analyzing all the chances. At the same time, he cares little about the emotional experiences of those around him, including those closest to him. At home, he shows himself to be a caring husband and father, but is prone to intrigues on the side.

Love and family

Libras often fall in love with attractive bright personalities. They are able to achieve a reciprocal feeling for a long time. In relationships with the opposite sex, it is important for them that the other half remains interesting to them. Then the relationship will be long and rich for both.

In marriage, Libra seeks peace and does not accept conflict. They try to make family life comfortable in the first place for themselves. Rarely think about the feelings of a partner. If the second half ceases to suit them, they begin to look for satisfaction on the side.


Libra has good compatibility with representatives of their zodiac sign, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. A difficult alliance develops with Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces.

Career and profession

Due to their high efficiency and ability to join any team, Libras prove to be excellent workers. They are able to achieve their goals, work well both in a team and independently. Their slowness pays off with scrupulousness and an analytical mind.

Libra-subordinate is able to perform any, even the most difficult task. To do this, it is important for him to get room for initiative and calculate the final result in advance. He expects praise from his superiors for the work done and is offended when he is treated unfairly.

In Libra-chief, calmness and activity are harmoniously combined. Thanks to his prudence and analytical mind, he achieves brilliant results. His shortcomings are slowness and indecision.

Given the developed logical thinking of Libra and their ability to communicate with people, they are encouraged to engage in analytics and diplomacy. It is undesirable for representatives of this zodiac sign to choose a profession that requires a quick reaction.


Libras care about their health. They have developed sensitivity, which allows them to feel the disease long before it develops. To maintain good health, Libras need a comfortable environment at home and at work. Negative emotions quickly affect not only their state of mind, but also their health.

Weaknesses of Libra - kidneys, lower back. They are not recommended to supercool, so as not to get a chronic disease in this area. Greens, fish, cottage cheese, milk must be present in their diet.

The only inanimate symbol in the zodiac circle, Libra is the second sign of the air element. A distinctive feature of the representatives of this sign is the desire for harmony in everything. Sensitive to beauty, born diplomats, possessing fortitude and an unbending will to win in any rivalry, Libra often act as judges, as well as lawyers at all levels. Constancy, reliability and creative power are the best qualities of this sign.

The nature of the mark

The desire to evaluate everything, weigh and demand equality makes them difficult partners both in business and in love. Hesitation and doubt, difficulty making a decision, a non-stop search for the best option often painfully accompany Libra in all areas of life. An infinite number of points of view on one problem often irritates people close to Libra, because in this way Libra tries to postpone the decision and shift part of the responsibility onto someone else's shoulders. Libras often have an attractive appearance, pleasant manners in communication, neat and consistent. If you make them angry, then you can see Libra from a completely different perspective - as stubborn, aggressive fighters for justice. They have the real power of the law, although the representatives of this sign themselves often deliberately violate it. Libras are excellent organizers, managers, legislators, lawyers, artists and directors. Possessing physical endurance and patience, they are strong athletes, military, researchers and scientists. Workaholics, who want to improve the lives of others, have physical endurance and a vital body. Have a good sense of humor, often implicitly and intellectually superior to the environment.

Venus, as the symbolic ruler of Libra, gives the representatives of this sign acting skills, a special sense of beauty, and talents in the artistic fields. Libra is sociable, somewhat distant even in closeness, often insecure and needs the support of a close circle, a strong partner. The diverse interests of Libra form a very diverse social circle, in which Libra often observe interesting models, learn from experience, bring charm and charm to interesting interlocutors. They love intellectual disputes, strive to understand culture.

Strengths and weaknesses of Libra

Indecision and rationality in matters of love can be considered the main shortcomings of Libra. Too strict assessments of the partner’s actions, the desire to make judgments with or without it, the detachment of the observer make people unbearable from Libra in personal terms. Those qualities that are most in demand in society, extremely hinder the achievement of intimacy with a loved one. Often, Libras allow themselves to be loved, while in their personal lives they rely on the arguments of reason and social stereotypes of their circle. Both men and women of the Libra sign are prone to flirting. They like to openly sort things out, they can be jealous because of visiting an exhibition, a gift from a colleague, a new outfit for work. The best compatibility with the signs of the fire element and with your own sign. Difficulties in relationships with Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Libra Men

They always manage something or someone, manage the process, exercise the rule of law. They are difficult to comprehend for earthly women, but are attractive to representatives of the fiery element. Self-absorbed and detached in love, Libra men break more than one heart of fans. An excellent communication style makes them interesting characters for a romance, but in marriage you will have to keep a distance. Libra does not like restrictions and is demanding of a partner. They encourage good manners and the desire for self-development, take into account the very wealth of the inner world, but give preference to women with outstanding external data. Rare egoists.

Libra Women

They always strive to look good, have some talent in art, are well versed in fashion and culture, often serve as a standard of beauty or demeanor. They strive to make a good impression on others, are popular, often achieve success in the profession. They like to work in plain sight. Good friends, Libra women are difficult wives. They often overestimate the capabilities of their partner, make claims of a material nature, evaluating each act from the height of universal morality. It is difficult to agree with them in a dispute, conflicts can take on a protracted nature, because the Libra woman will never finally give up her position if she is not right in time. The best companions in a brilliant secular romance, but the most demanding wives in terms of her husband's professional success, are Libra women. Often the leaders themselves achieve success and high positions if they are financially interested in the business.

Libra Child

Hates violence and aggression, conflicts of any kind. He needs the predictability of the events of the coming day, calm communication without coercion, time for reflection and doubt. The Libra child cannot make a decision instantly. It is useful to offer the child a choice, explaining the properties of the object, the moral assessment of the act, and the possible consequences of the actions. It is good for these children to constantly tell stories about "what is good and what is bad", asking them to make their own judgments about what they see. The Libra child will be very grateful for tact in communicating with him and protected personal space. Drawing, martial arts, figure skating and acrobatics are important as developing activities.

Sign health

Vulnerable in the lumbar region, prone to kidney and nervous diseases. Useful mountain air and mineral water, it is recommended to strengthen the joints, blood vessels and heart with regular physical activity. In women, the excretory system suffers, men are stronger and physically more resilient.

Interesting countries: China, Japan, Argentina, Burma, Austria, Hawaii, Egypt, England.

Significant cities: Frankfurt am Main, Copenhagen, Vienna, Antwerp, Johannesburg, St. Petersburg.

Celebrities born under the sign of Libra: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Will Smith, Dmitri Shostakovich, Ani Lorak, Gwyneth Paltrow, Bridget Bardot, Dolphin, Monica Bellucci, Marion Cotillard, Chulpan Khamatova, Sting, Sergei Yesenin, Gwen Stefani, Kate Winslet, Vladimir Putin, Leonid Kuravlev, Marina Tsvetaeva , Egor Beroev, John Lennon, Pavel Durov, Igor Wernick, Hugh Jackman, Margaret Thatcher, Valentin Yudashkin, Nikolai Baskov, Friedrich Nietzsche, Mikhail Lermontov, Ilya Lagutenko, Oscar Wilde, Sergei Bezrukov, Kim Kardashian, Nikita Mikhalkov, Catherine Deneuve, Ryan Reynolds

Libra can hardly be called unlucky. Even though they think so of themselves. For any of their slightest misconduct, they blame themselves and often consider themselves losers. But that's not the case at all! Just in the understanding of Libra, luck is the constant fulfillment of desires and the implementation of plans, to the implementation of which they would not have to make any effort. And Fortune is a changeable lady, and if you always rely only on her, then soon she will decide that you are abusing her kindness.

Libra is lucky in life in situations in which you need to make hasty decisions and quickly switch from one process to another. Due to their flexibility of character and optimism, they always remain in business. People of this constellation quickly forget about their failures and move forward.

They rarely lose heart for any reason. In their life there will always be something that can console them and switch to the positive. Many Libras tend to take on several things at the same time. In the process of activity, they can get carried away with one and give up another. Alas, Fortune does not encourage this. Representatives of this zodiac sign should choose one thing and try to bring the matter to the end. Only then can they count on dizzying success.

Libras are very lucky in dealing with people. They have positive energy, and people are drawn to them. As a rule, they are always surrounded by good people who will come to the rescue in difficult times. Representatives of this constellation are lucky with friends. It so happens that the help of a friend is the only thing they can count on in resolving their problem. Libra themselves are also always ready to lend a helping hand, not only to a friend, but to any stranger. This once again confirms that good always comes back.

All cases of Libra's luck are based on their relationship with the people around them. And since Libra is a master of words and charm, it is not surprising that Fortune loves them. It is easy for Libra to negotiate with a person and achieve the desired result from him. Even in cases where others cannot convince someone of something, Libra succeeds.

Their whole secret of success lies in a positive attitude. If they go through life with a smile on their face and with kindness in their hearts, then everything will work out for them. Fortune can turn away from them at any moment if Libra gives up and gives in to despondency. In order for luck to smile as often as possible, Libra should acquire talismans that can enhance their personal potential and help avoid trouble.

Representatives of this zodiac sign should not think that they are unlucky in life. Such thoughts can further aggravate the situation. They should know that Fortune is favorable to them, and the manifestations of her kindness are reflected immediately in all areas of life, and not concentrated on one thing.