Why does Varum tolerate Agutin? We understand the couple's family problems. So Agutin or Varum?! Who really sings “Everything is in your hands Scandal Agutin and Varum who sings

The popular singer was caught by paparazzi kissing a stranger while his wife was sleeping in a hotel

The last day of the New Wave festival in Jurmala may put an end to the 14-year love story of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum. Life News witnessed how a “barefoot boy” cheated on his wife while she slept in a hotel room.

Leonid and Angelica are frequent guests of the New Wave. By fateful coincidence, it was at this festival that they had their first serious fight - in 2007. Then Varum flew to Jurmala several days later than her husband and found him in an indecent condition. Leonid, left unattended, went on a spree. In front of Angelica's eyes, he was literally carried out of the restaurant of the Europe Hotel.

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Four years later, the surroundings were like a carbon copy: again an invitation to the “New Wave”, again Varum arrives later than Agutin, again the couple checks into the same hotel, located on the main tourist street of Jurmala. True, until the last day of the festival, nothing foreshadowed a scandalous outcome.

A few hours before the betrayal, nothing foreshadowed trouble in the couple’s family life.

The couple came to all concerts tightly holding hands and smiling radiantly, showing with all their appearance that rumors about discord in their family were nothing more than rumors. Those around them were not even embarrassed by the fact that Leonid and Angelica took different rooms at the hotel.

“This is not the first time they have settled like this,” the hotel staff reassured Life News. - Angelica cannot sleep under air conditioning - she immediately catches a cold, and Leonid, on the contrary, cannot stand the heat.

The after-party after the closing ceremony of the festival took place in one of the most luxurious restaurants in Jurmala, “La Riva”, located right on the shore of the Gulf of Riga, near the marina of expensive yachts. Angelica did not betray herself even on such an evening, kissing her husband and going to bed. If only she knew how this would turn out...

A beautiful stranger brightened up Leonid's evening

Leonid started his last night in Jurmala at the bar. As soon as he ordered himself a glass of whiskey, a striking brunette sat down next to him. The 43-year-old singer and a girl who looked half his age started talking. Then they began to drink together - Agutin, of course, treated them.

“This is probably one of those local young ladies who come here every night to hunt for stars and rich men,” suggested the waiter of the establishment. This version is also supported by the fact that the girl was not alone: ​​two friends were patiently waiting for her at the table opposite.

The passionate caresses of Agutin and the stranger continued for more than half an hour, only now away from prying eyes - in the deserted corridor of the establishment.

During this time, one of her friends approached the girl twice and tried to take her home, but it was all in vain: the kissing couple could not tear themselves away from each other. As a result, Agutin took the initiative.

Angry spectators who came to the concert of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum in Ulyanovsk are asking the organizers to return their money for the event.

“Komsomolskaya Pravda” published a letter from a resident of Ulyanovsk who attended a concert at which a scandal broke out between the star couple: “Yesterday my family went to a concert by Varum and Agutina. I wanted to express my dissatisfaction. Firstly, the concert was delayed by 40 minutes. We were kept behind the door for about 30 minutes while they rehearsed on stage. Then we were finally allowed to take our seats in the hall. Thank you. Secondly, Agutin came out clearly tipsy. Someone from the stalls shouted, “Are you drunk?” Agutin's incoherent speech... The singer himself explained to the guests that he was very sad for the victims of the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg. He also said that the singer Angelica was ill and would not be able to sing with him in a duet and hit “high notes” - he himself does not know how this happened. Of course, I understand the organizers of the concert, but we, who paid from 1,700 to 3,700 rubles for one ticket (we went as a family and bought more than one), didn’t want to look at drunk singers and I think that such concerts should be canceled and the money returned to the buyer! Or is consumer protection not one of the stars? Or is this just the norm in our small town? A year ago we were at a concert by another performer. I also had to put up with listening and looking at the drunk singer.”

Komsomolskaya Pravda found out that this concert actually began with a serious delay - the Ulyanovsk press writes that the couple delayed the concert due to a quarrel. Like, Leonid and Anzhelika started quarreling even before arriving at the rehearsal, continued to quarrel at sound check, and did not start the concert until they more or less came to their senses.

Eyewitnesses said that Leonid and Angelica were arguing during the concert, right on stage - the artist did not appear for a long time to perform the duet song “Queen”, and Agutin had to be nervous while waiting for his wife. And when Varum appeared on stage in the finale, she almost out loud began to sort things out with her husband, who decided to reprimand her.

Fans who were waiting for the singer after the concert to get an autograph were no less surprised than Angelica when they realized that Leonid had left, “forgetting” his wife on the set. And the fans who arrived at the hotel witnessed how Leonid went to another city at night, leaving Varum alone in the hotel. In the morning, the upset singer was forced to take a new car to travel alone 250 kilometers to Saransk, where the couple also had a concert.

The concert organizer commented on the incident in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda: “The concert was really delayed. But when I called the director of the group, she told me that Maria (Angelica’s real name) had some problems with her voice, so they had to select the repertoire for a long time so as not to overload the ligaments, since they work live. As for drunkenness, I have been working with Leonid for several years, I have not noticed this. As for the concert, I wasn’t there, and, unfortunately, I can’t comment.”

    Eyewitnesses to the incident between the spouses said that the quarrel arose even before the concert. Agutin’s speech was incoherent, but they still performed the concert, and Leonid left the concert hall without waiting for Angelica. A married couple of Russian performers Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum upset their fans who came to their joint concert in Ulyanovsk. ...The spectators who came to the concert of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum could not hide their dissatisfaction with the situation in which they found themselves. The concert of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum in Ulyanovsk ended in a scandal. Spectators wrote on social networks that they had been waiting for the star couple for forty minutes, and when Agutin came on stage, it turned out that the artist was drunk.

    drunk Leonid Agutin had a showdown with Angelica Varum on stage and then ditched her in a hotel

    Now Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin are traveling around the country on tour. ...According to eyewitnesses, the singer came on stage late, which her husband did not like, which is why Varum and Agutin began to sort things out right on stage.

    According to media reports, the day before in Ulyanovsk the concert of the show business star couple Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum was delayed for 40 minutes, and the audience was already ready to leave their seats. ...According to rumors, Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum had a big quarrel behind the scenes, and on stage they continued to sort out their relationship.

    From time to time, rumors appear in the press about discord in the family of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin, and confirmation of this appeared the other day. ...The artists arrived in Ulyanovsk, where their concert was planned: the performance began with a 40-minute delay, and the show itself caused a wave of criticism among the spectators who visited it.

    Recently, Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum found themselves at the center of a conflict. ...In Ulyanovsk, during a joint performance by Agutin and Varum, a small discrepancy occurred.

    Angelika Varum and Leonie Agutin commented on their pages on social networks about the concert in Ulyanovsk, which ended in a scandal. ...The performance was delayed for 40 minutes, and Agutin allegedly went on stage drunk.

    Eyewitnesses to the incident between the spouses said that the quarrel arose even before the concert. Agutin’s speech was incoherent, but they still performed the concert, and Leonid left the concert hall without waiting for Angelica.

    One of Leonid’s fans, having attended his concert in Ulyanovsk (a joint performance by Agutin and Varum was announced), demanded compensation for losses. According to the woman, the concert was delayed for almost an hour, and Varum did not sing a single song.

    After reports of a scandal between spouses on a tour, Leonid Agutin spoke about the illness of Angelica Varum. Spouses Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum explained the reason for the strange behavior at concerts by the singer’s illness.

    Famous musician Leonid Agutin had to justify himself for a scandal with his singer-wife Anzhelika Varum, which occurred during their performance on tour. ...And so Agutin dotted all the i's. As the musician explained, during the tour Angelica got sick, but continued to work.

    The recent performance of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum in Ulyanovsk provoked a scandal. ...As eyewitnesses later said, Leonid and Angelica during the concert began to sort things out with each other right on stage.

    Recently, Russian media learned that the audience was dissatisfied with the performance of 48-year-old Leonid Agutin and his 47-year-old wife Anzhelika Varum in Ulyanovsk. ...Internet users have no doubt that Anzhelika Varum and Leonid Agutin are experiencing a serious crisis in their relationship.

    The concert of the star couple Agutin and Varum began with a family drama right on stage. Fans of the singers' creativity could not wait for their idols to appear on stage for a long time.

    Ulyanovsk fans of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum had to wait a full 40 minutes until the artists deigned to appear on stage. As it became known, the couple had a huge quarrel before the performance, and their quarrel continued even on stage.

    Drunk Leonid Agutin had a fight with Anzhelika Varum at a recent concert, leaving his wife alone in the hotel. ...Agutin surprised his fans by unexpectedly leaving the venue after the concert and leaving his wife alone.

    According to the Komsomolskaya Pravda publication, at a concert in Ulyanovsk singer Leonid Agutin was drunk, and after the performance he left his wife, singer Angelica Varum, alone at the hotel and went to another city. At the concert in Ulyanovsk of the married couple Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin, the latter was was intoxicated and quarreled with his wife. ...As Komsomolskaya Pravda found out, the concert was delayed due to a quarrel between Agutin and Varum.

    On April 3, a concert of popular Russian pop singers Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum took place in our city. There were quite a few spectators at this event, despite the expensive ticket prices, which ranged from 1,700 to 3,700 rubles.

    Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum are one of the strongest couples in Russian show business. ...The KP correspondent made inquiries and learned from the Ulyanovsk press that the concert actually began with a delay due to a quarrel between Agutin and Varum.

    Anzhelika Varum and Leonid Agutin recently finished part of their tour of Russian cities. ...Judging by the reviews that celebrity fans leave on social networks, they were not very happy with some aspects of the performance.

    Singer Leonid Agutin arranged a family showdown with his wife and pop colleague Anzhelika Varum, without being embarrassed by prying eyes. ...The performance was in jeopardy: concertgoers were forced to wait forty minutes, after which Agutin appeared on stage drunk.

    Fans of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum complained in their posts that the concert was delayed by 40 minutes; that the stars, without hesitation, argued with each other right on stage; Moreover, Agutin was allegedly tipsy. ...But the spring cold does not explain why Agutin allegedly immediately left for another city after the concert, leaving Varum alone in the hotel.

    Leonid Agutin was forced to justify himself to fans for a public quarrel with Anzhelika Varum, which was witnessed a couple of days ago by spectators of their joint concert in Ulyanovsk. ... Angelica allegedly came out to the audience very late, and Leonid could not hide his dissatisfaction with his wife’s behavior and a quarrel took place between them.

    The other day, 48-year-old Leonid Agutin and his 47-year-old wife Anzhelika Varum performed in Ulyanovsk, but the audience was extremely dissatisfied with the concert - the couple entered the stage with a long delay and... quarreled right during the show. ...It seems that Anzhelika Varum and Leonid Agutin are going through a difficult period in their relationship.

    Star spouses Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum started a scandal right on stage at a concert in Ulyanovsk. First, they delayed the start of the show by 40 minutes, and then Agutin went on stage drunk and he and his wife continued to quarrel in front of the audience.

    After information appeared in the media about difficulties in the couple’s relationship, Anzhelika Varum and Leonid Agutin decided to clarify the situation. ...Currently, Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum are actively touring.

    The concert of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum in Ulyanovsk was spoiled by a scandal between the spouses. ...It is worth noting that the organizer of the concert, in his interview for KP, stated that the reason for the delay in the performance in Ulyanovsk was not a scandal in the musicians’ family, but problems with the voice that Anzhelika Varum had.

    The day before, news appeared online that an altercation occurred between Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum right during the concert. ...Agutin’s speech was incoherent, but they still worked through the concert, and Leonid left the concert hall without waiting for Angelica.

    The Ulyanovsk audience was outraged by the family quarrel between Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum, which happened right during the concert on April 3. According to them, Leonid looked tipsy from the outside, Varum became increasingly tense as the performance progressed, and in the final it ended in a showdown in front of the audience.

    Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum quarreled. ...Because of the spouses' scandal, the concert almost fell through.

    One of the most beautiful and strong couples in our showbiz are famous performers Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum. In addition, part of the public noted Leonid Agutin’s incoherent speech and assumed that he was drunk.

    The most beautiful couple among representatives of domestic show business, Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum, quarreled. ...Because of the scandal of the spouses, the performance in the specified city almost fell through.

    A married couple of Russian performers Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum upset their fans who came to their joint concert in Ulyanovsk. ...The spectators who came to the concert of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum could not hide their dissatisfaction with the situation in which they found themselves.

    At the concert of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum in Ulyanovsk, a scandal occurred: due to a quarrel between the artists, the performance was delayed for almost an hour. In addition, viewers claim that the singer went on stage drunk.

    A concert of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum took place in Ulyanovsk last Monday. ...Some of the visitors to the concert of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum in Ulyanovsk demanded that their money for tickets be returned to them, since the artists took the stage half an hour later than planned.

    In Ulyanovsk, at a concert by Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum, a real emergency happened. Dissatisfied concertgoers wrote letters to the editors of Komsomolskaya Pravda asking them to look into the situation.

    The media reported an unpleasant incident at a concert in Ulyanovsk, where Anzhelika Varum performed with Leonid Agutin. The couple caused a scandal in front of the public and almost disrupted the performance.

    One of the most beautiful and strong couples in our showbiz are famous performers Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum. ...At the end of the concert, Varum almost out loud began to sort things out with Agutin, and after the concert the couple went in different directions: Angelica to the hotel, and Agutin in the opposite direction.

    The famous couple Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum came to Ulyanovsk with a concert. However, this was not the kind of “concert” that the townspeople apparently expected.

    A resident of Ulyanovsk, who attended the concert of Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum, which took place in her city, complained that the singer was clearly drunk, and at the end of the performance Varum very loudly began to sort things out with him. ...In response to a question from the audience whether Agutin was drunk, the singer said that he was very sad for the victims of the explosion in St. Petersburg.

    Famous artists Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum jeopardized a concert in Ulyanovsk due to a personal quarrel. Spouses Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum became the heroes of an unpleasant touring story.

    A resident of Ulyanovsk complained about famous musicians Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum. Agutin, according to the spectator, was clearly drunk during the performance, and at the end of the performance, Varum almost out loud began to sort things out with him on stage.

    Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum are considered one of the most beautiful and strong couples in domestic show business. ...However, fans of Agutin and Varum, who came to their concert in Ulyanovsk, were convinced of the opposite.

    Eyewitnesses reported that Leonid Agutin performed at a concert in Ulyanovsk while intoxicated. ...Recently in Ulyanovsk there was a concert of a famous couple in Russian show business - Angelika Varum and Leonid Agutin.

    Singer and composer Leonid Agutin and his wife Anzhelika Varum staged a showdown right at a concert in Ulyanovsk. ...After this, Leonid went on stage drunk, which became clear from his incoherent speech.

    In Ulyanovsk, at a concert by Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum, a real emergency occurred. ...He and Anzhelika started arguing right during the concert, since Varum did not go on stage for a long time.

    According to the audience, they were not allowed into the hall for a long time, explaining the delay in Varum and Agutin’s performance as a rehearsal, but even greater disappointment awaited fans of the star family when the concert finally began. According to those present at the event, Varum first did not go on stage for a long time, and then began to express complaints to Agutin, who decided to reprimand her right during the performance.

    The famous spouses Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum got into an unpleasant situation. One of the most beautiful couples in Russian show business was accused of quarreling in public and almost disrupting the concert.

    Lately, artists have been complaining that they have fewer concerts - they say there is a crisis and the audience is already tired of touring. ...Eyewitnesses said that Leonid and Angelica were arguing during the concert, right on stage - the artist did not appear for the duet song “Queen” for a long time, and Agutin had to be nervous while waiting for his wife.

    Despite the high cost - from 1260 to 3680 rubles - tickets for the artists' performance were sold out long before the concert date. ...The concert at the Lenin Memorial, scheduled for 19.00, began at 19.50; the artists themselves did not explain the 50-minute delay.

    The artists did not start the concert scheduled for 19.00 on time. ...As soon as the artists entered the stage, the singer addressed the audience: “Sorry for the delay in the concert, two terrible events just happened today.”

Recently, news appeared in the media about a public showdown between Leonid Agutin and his wife Angelica Varum who recently celebrated their 19th anniversary of marriage. According to the press of Ulyanovsk, where the couple recently had a concert, the artists did not come out to the audience for 40 minutes, and then publicly argued with each other on stage.

According to rumors, Leonid and Angelica had a serious quarrel even before going on stage. During the rehearsal, they started to sort things out. In addition, according to eyewitnesses, Varum did not go on stage for a long time to perform the song “Queen” in a duet with her husband. Spectators who attended the concert wrote comments online expressing their dissatisfaction. They noted that Agutin went on stage drunk. According to Ulyanovsk press reports, Leonid rushed to the hotel after the concert and left it alone. And Varum left the hotel after her husband set off on his journey.

After the uproar in the media, the singer decided to comment on the current situation. He published a joint photo with his wife on his Instagram page, which he accompanied with an explanation of the incident that happened in Ulyanovsk. “Cheboksary, Ulyanovsk, Saransk, Yoshkar-Ola, thank you! We’ve gotten a little used to ourselves, but it’s impossible to get used to your applause, smiles and sincere affection. Every time is a great success! Moreover, the trip was quite difficult. Angelica was sick, but she managed. She went on stage and worked the entire route simply heroically. We're going home. I have a couple of days to catch my breath and move on...” said the artist (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Ed.).

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Cheboksary, Ulyanovsk, Saransk, Yoshkar-Ola, thank you! We’ve gotten a little used to ourselves, but it’s impossible to get used to your applause, smiles and sincere affection. Every time is a great success! Moreover, the trip was quite difficult. Angelica was sick, but she managed. She went on stage and worked the entire route simply heroically. We're going home. I have a couple of days to catch my breath and move on...