Mole on the edge of the right palm. Mole on the palm of the right and left hands and their meanings

Each, even a very small mole in the palm of your hand, has a very fateful meaning. When compiling a description of a person, be sure to take into account its size, the nature of the shape, color, as well as the exact location, sometimes the interpretation of the same elements in women and men may differ.

The main features of nevi are the following factors:

  • the probability of their occurrence is very small;
  • how suddenly they form, so suddenly they disappear;
  • may appear several times during a lifetime.

It can be said about each owner of a mole on the palm of his right hand that he has strong energy and extremely developed willpower. Often these people are interested in spiritual self-improvement. Some carriers of moles can boast of an amazing gift - the ability to independently shape their own destiny.

Moles on the main lines

If a nevus has formed on one of the main lines, it means that a person has begun a period of failures in that area of ​​life for which the marked branch is responsible.

  • On the life line, moles portend serious health problems and poor sleep.
  • On the marriage line - your love will be unhappy, constant family quarrels and betrayals cannot be avoided, so usually the duration of such a marriage is very short.
  • On the line of fate - a constant lack of money.
  • On the line of the heart, moles mean mental anguish and worries.
  • On the line of the mind - the likelihood of clouding the mind or head injuries.

If a mole appears on the back of the palm of your hand, or you notice it on one of the main lines, you should not fall into despair, this is just a warning that allows the wearer to prepare and meet future bad events in all weapons.


The palmist first of all pays attention to the appearance of the mole. The larger and darker it is, the greater its karmic influence on fate. Usually large dark moles do not bring anything good. We saw a nevus in the palm of your hand, expect problems in your personal life, in your career, especially if the shape of the neoplasm is far from a perfect circle. The stain grows - troubles increase, the mole has disappeared - the karmic sin has been worked out, and soon pleasant changes will come. The closer the spot shape is to ideal, the more positive its value.

Moles on hands

It is believed that if there are a lot of birthmarks on the hands, for example, on the side of the wrist, a person can be jinxed even by a random passer-by who gives him an unkind look. Moles on the hands make a person extremely talented. Most often, such people make excellent doctors or famous creative personalities.

Moreover, a mole in the palm of the left hand indicates that the family plays a paramount role for a person, he seeks to create coziness and comfort in his house so that his loved ones never need anything.

If a person is right-handed at the same time, and a mole on his left wrist has been with him since birth, this means that the carrier’s fate was destined many centuries ago, long before birth, and he will not be able to influence it even with a strong desire, until the birth karma is fully worked out .

A large mole on the back of the palm of the left hand is not a good sign, indicating that its owner is constantly experiencing financial failures. The mark on the right hand has the exact opposite meaning than what the mole on the left palm means.

A dark spot is the news that any of your undertakings will be a huge success. The more nevi, the richer their owner will be. Each mole on the right palm is a piece of a powerful money magnet.

Any palmist will tell you that the meaning of moles in the palm of the right hand is always positive. People marked with such signs are born leaders and talented leaders who are always in the spotlight. Thanks to their independence and determination, they will be able to earn another million quickly and easily, if they really need it. They have a light and optimistic disposition.

If two or more such moles appear in a woman, their owner only seems weak and defenseless, but in fact she knows how to skillfully manipulate others, hiding behind the outer mask of a “poor sheep”. But, often even having achieved the desired success, in their hearts such girls are very lonely and unhappy.

What do moles on fingers say

Palmistry draws a parallel between each specific finger of the hand and a specific planet from a constellation in the solar system. If there is a nevus on one of these parts of the hand, this means that the energy flow emanating from the heavenly body is amplified several times, and accordingly its influence on the fate of a person increases:

  • The thumb has an energetic connection with Venus. If a mole appears on your finger, it means that until it disappears, you definitely won’t have problems in the love sphere.
  • Our index finger is responsible for Jupiter. On the right hand, brown pigment spots mean - power. On the left, on the contrary, they mean passivity and invisibility.
  • Middle finger, which is the conductor of Saturn. A birthmark on a finger or nail indicates that its carrier is a very scandalous person who, due to his harmful nature, often gets into unpleasant situations. Such people do not value relationships with friends and close relatives, so they often remain alone in old age.
  • The ring finger is responsible for the manifestation of the Sun. A nevus on this part of the right hand is an omen of love disappointments. Palmistry says that if you hide
  • a mole under the ring, problems in your personal life can be prevented. A neat mark in the form of a circle on the ring finger of the right hand of men is always good luck in the financial and career fields. The closer it is to the base, the better.
  • Little finger - Mercury. A mole on this planet is an omen of great success in any endeavor. But, the closer the nevi appear to the base of the finger, the greater the person's tendency to steal and deceive. Since ancient times, a large pigment spot on the little fingers near the base has been considered an internal thief's mark.


Palmistry calls a person's palms a mirror of fate, which reflects all the events of the past and can tell a lot about the future. It is enough for the predictor to take a glimpse of what the formation looks like and on which line or in the center of which hill it arose in order to understand what a mole in the palm of your hand means.

At different times, the presence of moles was treated differently. People could be burned at the stake just because they had such spots on their bodies. This was considered a sign of evil spirits. In other countries, it was believed that having moles on the body is a symbol of beauty. Their appearance in the palm of your hand is a rare phenomenon. Their color and size may vary.

Why do they appear?

Each mole has its own meaning. It is noticed that these spots on the skin tell about the fate of a person and enhance the qualities of his character. Why do they arise? It is believed that the appearance of a mole in the palm of your hand is some kind of sign. They can appear as a result of hormonal failure or during pregnancy. There are congenital and acquired moles. They can appear from exposure to sunlight.

It is believed that moles on the palms indicate karmic purity. And since there are no people without sin at all, the spots on the body indicate their shortcomings. Location, their color and shape are of great importance for the fate of a person. Moles with hair on them should alert their owners.


In the palm of your hand, palmists determine the sections of the hands that bear the names of the planets. Note that there are few of them, but each of them is responsible specifically for its direction. Venus talks about love and occupies the thumb area. Jupiter is the "pointing finger of power." Saturn rules fate and is located on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe middle finger. All the success of a person depends on the Sun, it is located on the ring finger. Plans are hidden by Mercury in the little finger. Hills in the palm of your hand are the Moon and Mars.

The meaning of moles in the palm of your hand is interesting and curious to know for everyone, but to a greater extent it interests those who have such spots. These people can change their own lives with a single act of will. They often prefer to distance themselves from everyone and not accept generally accepted rules.

Moles in the palm of your hand are studied in detail in palmistry, as they believe that this is a sign from above. People with such a mark are extremely hardworking. How to determine whether moles on the palms promise a good sign or a bad one? It is necessary to carefully study each mound on the hand, those sectors that are considered when determining fate.


The value of moles on the palm is determined by its color. Light ones appear in the palm of your hand only for a while, they portend a good event. The birth of a baby, an early wedding, promotion or material gain - all this is a joyful phenomenon.

If there is a black or brown mole on the palm, this is a good sign. But here its location is important. The center of the palm is good. Such a person does not experience material difficulties, there is a difficulty in keeping money, since the owner of this hand is a big spender.

On the right hand

A person with a good and happy fate has a mole on his right palm. The back side is marked with an unusual sign - its owner is successful and happy in everything. A mole on the right palm of a man will tell about the strength of the spirit, about its constancy in all areas of life. Indicates the integrity of nature. Despite their firmness in convictions and purposefulness of nature, such men are soft in character. They are good friends and advisers.

A woman with a mole on her right hand is absolutely perfect. She is smart, beautiful, kind and loyal.

Moles cannot be drawn, they cannot be invented, they appear to warn us about something important, to tell us about each other. This is a sign that needs to be read.

Usually touching moles is strictly prohibited, but there are times when they cause a lot of discomfort. Then only a doctor should remove the mole. There are several methods in modern medicine: using a laser, cryo-freezing or surgical intervention.

Lines and moles

Palmistry is engaged in the study and prediction of fate by hand. Moles on the palm also do not escape the field of view of this science. After all, these spots on the body are very important elements. Lines in the palm of your hand can tell an experienced palmist a lot. and a mole speak of a health problem, a mole on the head line is a signal of an upcoming injury in the specified area. and a mole on it indicate problems with the heart vessels. It is worth consulting a doctor about this. But maybe not everything is so scary, but a mole is the result of disappointments in love. And what does the line of the sun, which is burdened with a similar sign, mean? The fact that there is a lot of intrigue and gossip around such a person. What does a mole on the line of fate mean? She "screams" about loneliness and loss of money. If the speck "interferes" with the health line, you need to wait for an imminent illness.

Holma and moles

By the way the moles are located on the hills of the palm, you can tell what kind of person is nearby, what are the traits of his character.

A mole on the hillock of Jupiter speaks of the failure of all planned deeds and goals.

If the hill of Saturn has a mark, then the whole life of a person will be replete with scandals and quarrels. Similarly, a bad attitude of others is promised by a mole on the tubercle of Apollo. It is easy to recognize a person who loves to lie and steal by a speck on the hill of Mercury.

All this knowledge will help you understand what you need to change in your life, how to correct your destiny, which doctor to go for examination and preventive examination.

The hill of the Moon on the hand is an unusual sign in itself. As they say, man is not of this world. And if this hill also has a mole on it, then fantasy and good imagination will interfere with a person in creating a serious relationship. The indefatigable stormy imagination takes people so far away that sometimes they are simply cut off from reality. The hill of the Moon on the hand is exactly the area that needs close attention. The tubercle will help in analyzing your mistakes.

Left and right palms

A mole in the palm of a man on the right side predicts only the most positive things in life. The appearance of such spots on the left hands carries negative information.

A mole in the palm of the left hand tells about a person's hereditary diseases, which are a real problem for his health. When the correct diagnosis is made and the disease is left far behind, and the mark does not disappear, this predicts great and true love.

Size and shape

Large moles on the arm can predict serious, life-threatening injuries, and in this case, when you press them, the person will experience pain. If the mole disappeared with time, then the problem disappeared with it.

Many ignorant people believe that any mole is a good sign, but this is far from the case. Oval and round moles bring bad luck. These marks on the body can be channels of energetic connection with the past.

Palmistry studies moles on the hands and palms, and another science, moleosophy, is studying them on the rest of the body. She predicts the fate of a person, can tell a lot about him.

Moles differ in shape. They affect the fate of their owners in different ways. A star mole is a good sign. The cross testifies to the plight of man. Good luck can bring several moles arranged in a triangle. Moles of the correct form testify to the happiness of a person.

Palmists believe that people who have such marks on their palms are confident, boldly go through life, and try to help everyone. A woman's hand has a mole - this is a sign that the girl has happiness, a successful career, wealth and many children. Such devote themselves entirely to their family. They have a special talent, as evidenced by a mole on the inside of the hand.

It is no coincidence that all fortune-tellers and gypsies, taking a person by the hand, very accurately predict fate. How can they know all this? Studying the science of palmistry, without even knowing what it is called exactly, gypsies receive all the knowledge from their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who have the unique ability to be attentive to changes in fate.

Passive and active hand

Palmists have two concepts that play an important role in determining the meaning. There are active and passive hands. The right hand with which a person writes is active. All the lines of life on it tell about the innate qualities of a person's character. And the lines on the left, that is, the passive hand, reflect all the changes that are happening and have already happened in life. You can find out what qualities a person has acquired over time. If the image of the lines on the right and left hands is exactly the same, this means that the person does not change anything in his life. He doesn't want to do this. It is possible that everything suits him.

A little about lines

What can these mysterious lines on the palms say? Where are they located? Looking at your palm, you can see that there are a great many lines on it, but not all of them are important in describing human destinies. Only nine of them are especially significant for everyone who is seriously engaged in the science of palmistry.

So what do the lines in the palm of your hand mean? The horizontal one at the very top is the line of the heart, human emotions. In the middle of the palm, also located horizontally, is the line of the head. She will talk about the thirst for knowledge. If it is very short, then the person is lazy and slow. Moves down and is between the thumb and forefinger the line of life. It can be used to determine what kind of life force a person has. The absence of a line indicates frequent nervous breakdowns and tension. runs vertically from the base of the palm to its middle. This is an indicator of success and career. A person cannot influence the change in the line of fate. These are the most important fateful lines on the hand. There are also minor ones that are easy to read and tell about their owner everything related to health, fame, marriage, money and travel. These lines are only called secondary. Although in fact their information is more specific and often interests a person more than what is destined for him from above.


Now you know the meaning of moles in the palm of your hand. And these marks are added to the lines described above, the information narrows even more and becomes useful for a person.

On the palms of the moles appear infrequently. They are considered unusual signs of fate. We will find out what the nevi on the inside of the hand want to convey to us.

What do moles on the palm mean

The owner of the birthmark on the palm feels his special purpose. He follows personal rules and principles, not relying on generally accepted standards. It is difficult to get in touch with him. A more accurate value of the sign depends on which limb the nevus is located on.

Moles on the palm of the left hand

A birthmark on the left palm means unpleasant incidents that haunt a person through life.

It can be:

  • family curse;
  • serious disease;
  • bad luck on the personal front.

Attention! Pigmented formations on the palm of the left hand warn of the development of genetic diseases. It is important to devote a lot of time to your health.

A mole in this area prophesies a late marriage, problems in love. The owner of a nevus can marry many times, the last one will be successful.

A small light nevus in the center of the palm speaks of quarrelsomeness and absurd character. Such people are often lucky, despite their eccentricity. They rarely become victims of accidents.

Moles on the palm of the right hand

A mole on the right palm of a woman or man prophesies many trials. The outcome of life events will depend on the actions of the person himself. Either way, luck is on his side.

In general, the foreshadowing has many positive meanings:

  • pure karma;
  • success in business;
  • successful marriage or marriage;
  • marriage to a rich man.

A man with a mole in the middle of his right palm will be happy from the moment he is born. A woman with such a nevus can hope for a cloudless future next to a rich and beloved spouse.

The spot in the middle also predicts a strong friendship, a strong relationship with your soulmate. It prophesies a long and happy life, excellent relationships with loved ones, prosperity in the house. A child with such a mark in the future may become a psychologist, doctor, priest.

Moles on the back of the hand

The mark on the back of the hand is a good omen. Such a person is accompanied by luck and success. He can achieve any goal. If an individual is unhappy in youth, he is sure to find peace in old age. Often such nevi are found in artists demonstrating tricks. Most likely, a person has a talent that he does not know about.

A mole on the back of the right palm is a sign of primacy and a strong spirit. It indicates the integrity and firmness of the individual. Such a woman is beautiful, intelligent and faithful to her companion.

A very large mark on the back is considered a bad sign. Its owner will constantly experience failures in the monetary sphere. This applies to a mole on the left limb.

The meaning of the mole pattern on the palm

The meaning of the formations largely depends on which pattern flaunts in the palm of your hand:

  1. Circle. It speaks of the pleasant disposition of its owner and an easy life path.
  2. Oval. Denotes a comfortable existence, a stable income.
  3. Line. Warns of possible dangers.
  4. Crescent. A person with such a pattern is prone to risk and is often passionate about extreme sports. He can lose a large amount of cards. Without adventures, his life has no meaning.
  5. Triangle. Talks about the desire to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  6. Square. It occurs in people prone to sexual perversions.

It is worth mentioning the meaning of a mole in the palm of your hand in palmistry. This science often uses the names of the planets in the name of the parts of the hand:

  1. Venus is a tubercle under the first finger. A mole in this zone speaks of great love.
  2. Jupiter is the bulge under the index finger. Nevus testifies to the imperious nature of the carrier.
  3. Saturn is the zone of the middle finger. A person with such a mole is not able to resist fate.
  4. The sun is the area of ​​the ring finger. Prophecies success in life.
  5. Mercury is the area under the little finger. Pigmentary education shows the achievement of the goal.

Please note that under the finger of the hand there is a mound in the form of a bulge. Each of them corresponds to the ruling planet.

The value of a mole in the palm of a woman

Girls with marks on their palms are distinguished by the following character traits:

  • vulnerability;
  • increased impressionability;
  • excessive emotionality.

A nevus on the left hand of a woman indicates her excessive caution. She never takes risks and prefers a quiet measured life.

Women with a mole on the right have the gift of clairvoyance and have good creative potential. With their willpower, they are able to attract good luck. For them, family always comes first. Ladies with such a mark know how to create coziness in the house, they try that their loved ones do not need anything.

If a girl has two or more moles, this indicates a skillful ability to manipulate people. Such a young lady only seems weak and defenseless. She is often lonely and constantly unhappy with her circumstances.

Important! If the nevus disappeared some time after the appearance, this indicates that the person was able to influence his fate.

Marks on the edge of the palm warn its owner against diseases of the internal organs. A woman needs to watch her diet and engage in active sports. As for her character, he is quite changeable.

The meaning of the sign varies depending on the color of the nevus:

  • light is a positive sign and portends a joyful event;
  • red warns of impending disaster;
  • yellow indicates the development of pathologies in the body (diseases of the liver, spleen, blood);
  • brown predicts material success;
  • blue - change for the better.

If a mole appears on the palm of a pregnant girl, she will have a son. The complete absence of nevi on the inside of the hand indicates that a person does not have karmic debts, there will be no terrible events in his life. He himself is able to influence events and control his own destiny.

The value of a mole in the palm of a man

If the guy is right-handed, and on the left hand side he has a birthmark, this is a sign of fate. The events of his life were destined many years ago, even before his birth. He is not able to influence fate, even with a great desire.

It remains only to wait until the generic karma has worked itself out completely. It is possible that a hereditary disease will soon worsen, which will cause a lot of problems. If a left-hander has a mole on the right, this indicates that the time has come to pay off debts, look for a way out of the situation, and correct mistakes.

Palmists are advised to pay attention to the line that the mole crosses:

  • life - health problems;
  • hearts - disappointment in love;
  • fate - a waste of money and the absence of friends, a loved one;
  • health is disease.

If the mark appeared closer to the line of the heart, it is possible that serious changes will soon occur on the personal front. It's about getting married soon. For a married man, this phenomenon promises problems in amorous affairs. The happiness of family life is under attack.

A mole on the border between the wrist and palm prophesies great success. A man will achieve his goals and fulfill his cherished dreams. Many nevi in ​​this area promise great happiness.

What does medicine say about it?

Experts in the field of medicine believe that moles on the palms can appear as a result of a malfunction of the hormonal level, especially often they form during adolescence, menopause or pregnancy.

In this article, we want to talk about moles in the palm of your hand, their impact on a person’s life, their designation in palmistry, and just about such an unusual location of the neoplasm. What is most interesting is that moles in the palm of your hand are practically never found, which is why they are given such great importance.

The meaning of moles

Throughout life a mole on the palm, like other moles on other parts of the body, can appear and disappear, but, even if a mole in the palm of your hand appeared at least for a while, in palmistry and divination by hand, such an event can mean a lot. They say that most often, people with a mole in their palms feel great in life, more confident and meaningful, such people do not need excessive support, they themselves are ready to help everyone, shouldering part of their life burden on their own shoulders, but this is not always the case. and there is much controversy over these definitions.

As for specific location of moles on the palms, they can show some sphere of their life activity and its general influence on existence.

So, a mole on the palm of the left hand in right-handed people can mean the presence of some diseases of a hereditary type, more often this phenomenon is called the karma of the ancestors that haunts a person. For lefties, the opposite is true, and their ancestral karma comes out if there is a mole on the palm of the right hand. A mole, which is located right on the line of life, may mean some difficulties in a certain period, which still needs to be clarified by specialists. With its presence, you need to be constantly prepared for some events that can complicate life. If the mole is located at the very intersection of the lines of life, heart or head, then the power of karmic events can even double.

Location of moles. Opinion of palmists

Let's consider the opinion of knowledgeable people who have been studying moles in the palm of a person for many years, grasping the meaning of their location and each time proving some facts of the existence of this. So:

  • A mole on the life line speaks of possible dangers that can lie in wait for you at any time.
  • Moles on the line of Mars portend mental instability.
  • On the line of the heart - the owner of such a mole often does not control his anger, is jealous, demanding and unstable.
  • A mole on the line of Fate promises major bad luck, which can even happen too unexpectedly.
  • On the Health line - sensitivity problems, general health problems.
  • A mole on the line of the Sun - possible failures in a career, in business and in any endeavors.
  • Mole on the line of Marriage. Here, in general, everything is much more interesting - if the mole is located in the middle, then this portends a bachelor life, in any other place on the line - disagreements in family life, quarrels and possible partings.
  • A mole on the line of Intuition portends disappointments in some periods of life and subsequent depression.
  • A mole on the line of Voluptuousness also does not lead to anything good and promises various troubles from non-long-term, love relationships.

As we can see, the science of palmistry, a mole in the palm of your hand and its meaning, the opinions of scientists in this field and some of your own knowledge from all sides defend the very fact that a mole in the palm of your hand, wherever it is located, does not lead to anything particularly good.

Other meanings of moles according to popular beliefs

Of course, we should listen to the occultists, who often describe in their works interesting events related specifically to moles on their hands, fortune-tellers who look into other people's hands all their lives and often, very accurately, predict fate ... But around all this chaos, there is many contradictions, which we now want to give you as an example. According to folk beliefs, moles in the palm of your hand, the meaning of their location, the number of moles and their shape can mean something completely different. So, let's try to go from the other side and now find out from the next source what a mole in the palm of your hand means. They say that wherever a mole appears in the palm of a person, he can become an excellent surgeon, clergyman or psychologist, but this is only on condition that he does not belong to the occult sciences. Here you have a controversial issue, it turns out that a mole on the back of the hand can mean the exceptional abilities of a given person in one area or another, although we previously read that such a mole on the left palm, just like a mole on the right palm, brings a person only grief and misfortune. And yet, what does a mole in the palm of your hand mean? Apparently, no matter how you approach this question, the answer will always deny the previous or next one. How many people, how many sciences, the same number of opinions.

Conceit and self-belief

Several times we talked on similar topics with doctors and candidates of psychotherapeutic sciences, as well as with psychologists who not only did not believe in palmistry, reading fate by hand and similar “sciences”, but simply never even asked such questions.

They are not at all interested in a mole in the center of the palm, not interested in why a mole has recently appeared on the edge of the palm, or maybe a little higher on the arm, and all other issues with moles and their designation in scientific and folk terms. The only thing that these people said was a simple conclusion - “this science only affects the one who really believes in it, and if you are destined to be on fire and you convince yourself of this every day, looking at how comfortable the mole feels on the inside of the palm, then believe me, this grief will come to you someday, but if you believe in a good and kind future and try to arrange it every day, then after a while everything in life will work out and get better. Listening and writing down the words of such people, you begin to understand how strong a person’s self-hypnosis is, this is a real likeness of a placebo, but at the level of full consciousness.

What does a mole in the palm of your hand mean? The answer to a similar question is given by the science of palmistry, according to which moles are a kind of channels created in order to exchange energy with the Cosmos. It is believed that the larger the mole in the palm of your hand, the more important its significance for a person. At the same time, a large number of spots on the hands is considered a sign of scandalousness and conflict of character.

What does a mole in the palm of a person mean

According to the interpretations put forward by palmists, each speck has its own interpretation. For example, moles that are located on the mounds of the palms are of particular importance:

  1. A mole on the hill of Venus is a sign that constant difficulties await a person in life in relations with representatives of the opposite sex. Sometimes there will be family problems.
  2. A mole on the hill of the moon usually belongs to creative people, with a very vivid imagination and fantasy, which can cause some difficulties in life.
  3. The spots on the hill of Mercury testify to a tendency to deception, although such people are distinguished by a very sharp mind.
  4. Not particularly successful are the formations that appear on the hillocks of Jupiter and Saturn. In the first case, people are characterized by laziness and pride, and in the second, the presence of constant problems, scandals.
  5. Birthmarks on the hills of Apollo and Mars have a good location. They belong to careerists who can at some point lose their authority, neglect the art, but at the same time be patient.

The Martian location also indicates that a person can change decisions several times during the day, as a result of which control and self-control are lost.

Why do moles appear on the palm

Experts say that if moles appear in the palm of your hand, then a woman or a man has already accomplished in his life, serious radical changes are coming or are planned.

Psychologists say that self-awareness is of great importance. People can try to change something, desire it very much, and then formations appear on the palm of the right hand or left.

This demonstrates a conscious change in life, the manifestation of creativity, talent or the realization of opportunities. In order to find out what a mole on the right palm or left palm means, you need to have some knowledge of the location of the spots.

It is very important where the spot appeared earlier: whether it was a mole on the right palm or a mole on the palm of the left hand.

It is necessary to be able to determine both the specific finger and the location of the nevus (the name of the birthmark).

It can be both the back and the inside of the palms. The meaning can be viewed in various manuals or contact palmistry experts who can explain in detail what the spots on each hand mean.

  1. Firstly, as palmistry interprets, moles on the palm of the right hand usually show disappointment in various matters, especially in personal life. A mole on the same palm, but already on the back, indicates that people will suffer greatly from a break with their loved ones. This is especially true for those who have been left behind by loved ones.
  2. Secondly, if the moles on the palm are on the finger where the wedding ring is put on, then you need to try to close the stain as much as possible. It is not advised to remove the ring at all or in case of emergency.
  3. Thirdly, when a mole is located on the left palm, it is necessary to buy and constantly wear a ring. It will neutralize the influence of the nevus, remove all negative energy from the human aura, and change the direction of negative waves. It is especially important to adhere to such recommendations for those who are not married or not married.
  4. Fourthly, the presence of a mole on the palm is a symbol of the fact that a person has excellent abilities to work with knitting needles, crochet, needle and fabrics.
  5. Fifth, you need to know what a mole on your right hand means, especially if it is located in the center. This is a sign, first of all, of auspiciousness, success, material prosperity.

An interesting feature is that in men all this manifests itself at the time of birth and throughout life, and in girls only after marriage. Palmists constantly argue about what a mole on the left palm means. The general opinion is that both sexes get an excellent chance for good luck, if the spot is located in the middle, its influence is not very strong. Therefore, luck and loss will accompany people in the same way, as will the absurdity and willfulness of character. Therefore, in life, those who have a mole in the palm of their right hand are more lucky.

The lines and color of moles deserve special attention. In the event that spots appear on the line of life, then this is a signal of serious problems with the body and health. A mole on the lines of the head, heart, sun, fate, Venus, voluptuousness and Mars is also considered a bad omen. In particular:

  1. Along the line of the head, this is a sure sign that a head injury will occur in the future.
  2. On the heart - these are diseases in the field of cardiology, blood vessels.
  3. On Venus - the absence of children, etc.

A mole on the palm of your hand can also have different colors - from light to dark. More favorable are the light ones, which belong to Venus, which affects affection, happiness. If the spot turns yellow, then you need to check the blood and internal organs. Dark, black and red are ambiguous colors, because they have power, authority, and at the same time madness and rash acts.