Scenario for Mother's Day. "The most beautiful of women"

Mother's Day in college. Scenario

Scenario of the theme evening dedicated to Mother's Day

Development author: Belyaeva Marina Valerievna, teacher of general education and special disciplines, State Budgetary Educational Institution JSC SPO "Astrakhan College of Computer Engineering".

1. Description of work: The script is designed for children of senior school age, students, as well as teachers and teachers who want to use all or part of the material when holding a themed evening dedicated to celebrating Mother's Day.
2. Goals and objectives:
Raising a respectful attitude to the mother, to the woman.
Development of cognitive interests, broadening the general outlook.
Raising a sense of beauty.
Creating a holiday atmosphere in the game-competition.
Congratulate mothers and grandmothers on Mother's Day.
To develop a culture of behavior and communication among the participants of the event;
Cultivate a sense of collectivism and cohesion in the group.

3. Preparation for the parent meeting:
1. Creating a thematic presentation in PowerPoint: each slide is designed in accordance with the name of the competition and, if necessary, you can attach musical accompaniment to each slide;
2. Projector, laptop (for presentation demonstration)
3. Office decoration (the inscription "Happy Mother's Day!", balloons, flowers made of colored paper, hung on the walls of the office).
4. Preparation of equipment for competitions: themed postcards, a post box for letters, A3 sheets, felt-tip pens, video clips with tasks, video karaoke of children's songs "Mammoth", "Lullaby for Umka", "Let there always be sunshine"
5. Proper arrangement of tables in the office. Since there are two teams planned, we set the tables with the letter “P”. Teams will sit on the right and left sides of the letters (the left side is the side for participants - students, the second side - for participants - mothers and grandmothers). The guests of our event occupy a third party.
6. Preparation of musical accompaniment for competitions:
"These eyes are opposite" - F. Kirkorov
“How I love you, mom” - the group “Fidgets”
"Mom" - L. Gurchenko and M. Boyarsky
"Song of the Mammoth"
"Lullaby of Umka"
"Let there always be sunshine"

Event progress:

Leading: Good afternoon dear guests of our meeting. You all received an invitation from your children to the parent meeting. And literally today, by order of the director of the college, it was decided to cancel the parent meeting, and to hold our meeting under the same name "MOTHER'S DAY"

screen caption changes

the "Mother's Day!" screensaver appears.

Leading: And today at our meeting we will not talk about the academic performance, behavior and attendance of your children.

Applause is heard from the students

Leading: Every year in the last week of November, people living in different parts of the world congratulate their mothers, give flowers and smiles, express their love and respect.
On November 30, Russia celebrates International Mother's Day. The holiday was established in 1998 at the initiative of the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs, with the aim of strengthening family foundations, maintaining a caring attitude towards a woman and emphasizing the importance of the most important person in our life - Mother.

Leading: looking ahead, I want to say that we will hold our meeting in the form of a competition: a team of students and a team of our mothers. But before we start our game, a 2nd year student came to visit us with his holiday gift.

Sergey Maleev performs with Oleg Gazmanov's song "Mom"

Leading: So let's start our competition.

The first task "Let's meet!":

Leading: We will conduct this competition in the form of a blitz survey.
In turn, I will ask one question to each team. Students will have to answer questions related to their moms, and moms will answer questions related to their children and student life.

Some questions are asked in advance to mothers and students before the start of the event in order to know the answers in advance

The second task for moms: "These eyes are opposite"

Leading: The most beautiful, most expensive, but a little sad eyes will appear in front of you in turn (I will explain the reason for this sadness later). Dear mothers, identify the eyes of your children

Leading: Well, well done everyone! Completed the task. And they are sad, apparently because these photographs were taken on a pass to college when they just entered the 1st year of study

The third task for students: "Who is called mom?"

Leading: Dear Guys! I am addressing you now:
Russian children call their mother "mama"
little French - "maman",
German guys - "mother",
English - "mamma",
Chinese - "mother",
Korean - "omma"
Georgian - "nana",
Avar - affectionately "woman"

Leading: Answer my question: who else can be called a mother?

Answers are accepted from students. If necessary, you can ask parents to help their children

In parallel with the answers, a slide is shown:

1. A woman who baptizes a child
2. Mother-in-law - when a girl marries, she gets another mother
3. "Mother-heroine" - the highest title assigned to mothers of many children, and the name of the order of the same name in the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War in 1944, when the country already knew that Victory was coming soon, that the most terrible wound had to be healed - the loss of fallen soldiers and citizens killed by the Nazis, the Order "Mother Heroine" was established
4. Rembrandt's painting "Madonna and Child with St. Joseph"
5. Motherland. The work of sculptor E. V. Vuchetich and engineer N. V. Nikitin is a multi-meter figure of a woman stepping forward with a raised sword. The statue is an allegorical image of the Motherland, calling its sons to battle with the enemy.

The fourth task for moms "Lost and Found"

Leading: Very often our students leave their belongings in the classrooms and laboratories. And now I will open my chest of some Mash-confused. Dear mothers! Find your children's things.

Students' belongings appear on the screen in turn, and mothers try to recognize them.

Leading: But in our laboratory after the joint holidays there are girls and old women. Please help me figure out dear mothers whose children these are.

The students themselves appear on the screen in costumes, in which they took part in the New Year's class hour, and their mothers are trying to recognize them.

Fifth assignment for students: "A word about mom"

Leading: Mom is for each of us the best, dearest and most beloved person in the world! Now we want each of you to name three adjectives for the word MOM.
So let's start..

Students take turns calling adjectives for the word mother.

Leading: Well done! Now we know what wonderful mothers we have.

Leading: and now while the teams are resting, horsemen came to visit us with their surprise

Three students in stage costumes dance lezginka

The sixth task for moms "Oh, this is the word":

Leading: And so we continue. And this task for mothers was prepared by the students themselves.
Three slides with three videos are shown in turn, describing one of the concepts. Your task is to guess this word. Each word has three clues.

Answers: computer, internet, college

The seventh task for all teams: “There is no better mother in the world”

Leading: And now the competition for mothers and children. Have you forgotten children's cartoon songs yet? Let's take a look at some of them one by one. The first note is a song for a team of students who sing - Mammoth's karaoke song.
The second note is a song for teams of mothers who will sing karaoke - the song "Umka's Lullaby".
And the third note is a song for all of us “Let there always be sunshine!”.
And so, let's go!

Leading: Now let's applaud each other. Well done!

Task 8 for all teams: "Let's compliment each other"

Leading: For this assignment, I need the help of another team, consisting of a mother and her son.
So, the task is this: a team of students draws up a wish list for their mothers.
Team of mothers - draws up a wish list for their children
And the team of mother and son draws up a wish list for everyone at once.

Each team is given sheets of A3 format and felt-tip pens and performs its task to the song from the movie "Mama" performed by L. Gurchenko and M. Boyarsky

Leading: So, the teams announce your wishes!

In turn, each team demonstrates their completed tasks and, with the words of wishes, are shared with mothers and students.

Someone is knocking on the door

Leading: Oh who's there?

The door opens and the postman Pechkin comes in.

Pechkin: It's me! Postman Pechkin. Brought a note about your moms! I just won't show it to you.

Leading: And what do you want, Pechkin!..

Pechkin: Want Want want… (turns his head around and notices a vase of sweets)

Pechkin: ABOUT! I want that candy!

The host treats Pechkin.

Pechkin: How about two?
Leading: Can
Pechkin: How about three?
Leading: Can

Pechkin takes an armful of sweets and puts it in his pocket.

Pechkin: So! On Monday, your group held the action “Mom, I love you!”. The guys on the card wrote congratulations for their mothers, and I came to give them to you, dear mothers!

At this time, a slide with photos of the past action is shown on the screen.

Scenario of the evening of rest dedicated to "Mother's Day »

The song sounds - "My mother is the best in the world." There is a presentation of photographs of mothers on the back.

(the alarm clock rings. One by one the Host and the children come out - two girls and a boy)

Leading : Children, you will be late for school!

Girl 1: Mom, where did my toothbrush go?

Girl 2: You won't break through to the mirror again! And I have a mess on my head!

Leading : Can't you hurry up? Breakfast is getting cold!

Boy1 : I'm not wearing this hat! She's not fashionable!

boy 2 : (behind the scenes) I'm not fashionable ladies! The whole world goes around, but everything is not so for them.

Leading : Calm down, dear. They are children.

(All children go on stage)

Leading : Like that...

Girl 3 : Or almost like this, an ordinary day of the most ordinary family begins. But today is a special day.

Leading : Recently, among other family holidays, this day has become for each of us, perhaps, the main day of the year. After all, it is dedicated to our dearest and most beloved, to those whom God has endowed with a great gift - to be a mother,

Girl 3: Today is our mothers day! And this is a wonderful opportunity to tell them all the tender and affectionate words that we, on weekdays, always hurrying somewhere, do not have time to say.

Leading : Dear mothers, on behalf of all children, accept our holiday concert as a gift.

(exit children)

The autumn wind is tearing the leaves and spinning.

The snow is flying, ringing with the earth.

Today we need to congratulate all the mothers,

Mother's Day in our country, friends.

We congratulate our mothers

Beautiful and beloved.

We always want to see you

healthy and happy

There is a women's day in the spring,

This one fell in the fall.

Asking for warmth from the sun?

Not really! We won't ask

After all, our sun is mom,

It always shines for us.

And with this autumn day

We congratulate all mothers!

Mother's Day is a special holiday

Let's celebrate it in November:

Winter awaits nature

And the slush is still in the yard.

But we are dear to our mothers

Let's have a fun concert!

We wish you warmth and smiles

A huge children's…Hello!

From the bottom of my heart, in simple words
Come on, friends, let's talk about mom.
We love her like a good friend
For the fact that we have everything in common with her.
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
We can cry at our native shoulder

We love her and for the fact that sometimes
Eyes become stricter in wrinkles,
But it’s worth coming with a confession with your head,
Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.

For always without concealment and directly,
We can open our hearts to her.

And just because she is our mother,
We love her deeply and dearly.

Mother's day today.

And the children will say together:

Dear mothers,

You are the best in the world !.(together)

Girl 1 : Mother is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of little children. Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from the mother's heart. Mother is eternal and imperishable. Mother is the soul, warmth, love.

Girl 2 : Mother's Day is worthygood holiday,

which enters the sunto the family.

And it's not nice for every motheris it

When she is rightfully honoredgive back!

Girl 1 : You, dear mothers, kind, real, are congratulated by the smallest participants of our holiday!

Everyone needs a mom

And important to everyone.

Always understands us

Hugs with love.

And if mom is sad

Bring her flowers...

She will be so happy

And you along with her!

You are our dear

Beloved mother,

Thanks for all,

What did you give us?

We'll tell you

Frankly and directly

For us you are always

Was the best.

So be healthy.

Just as beautiful

After all, only good

Your years carried.

We wish you

great happiness

And low-low

Bow to the ground

Moms, moms, moms!
You are the best in the world.
We admire and love
Your gentle features.

Boy1 : They say that even among animals there are very caring mothers. Kangaroo, for example. Sitting in a cozy mother's pocket, the baby kangaroo feels completely safe. Everything is like people.

boy 2 : Because for every mother, her baby is the most important, the most precious creature in the world.

Boy 1 : And for dear mothers and all guests, __________________ will give his musical gift

Roma : Meet!

(song playing)

Girl 5:

Before parting at the door, you say goodbye to them more tenderly.

And you are not in a hurry to go around the corner, do not rush,

And to her, standing at the gate, wave as long as possible.

Mothers sigh in silence, in the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence.

For them, we are forever kids, and it is impossible to argue with that.

So be a little kinder, do not get annoyed by their guardianship,

Do not offend mothers, do not be offended by mothers.

They suffer from separation, and we are on an endless road

Without maternal good hands - like babies without a lullaby. Write letters to them soon, and do not be shy about high words,

Do not offend mothers, do not be offended by mothers.

Leading : Our dear mothers, grandmothers, guests, the following song is performed for you by _________________

Monologue “Mom” Girl 6:
Close your eyes, listen. You will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar and dear. You can't confuse him. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands. You didn’t know how to speak yet, but your mother understood you without words. She knew what you wanted. Mom taught you to walk, talk, mom read you the very first book. Mom was always there. Everything you saw, everything that surrounded you, started with your mother.

Boy 1: I got up in the morning and immediately began to think what words to say to my mother.(Sad.) Yeah, I didn't come up with anything.

Girl 7 : Yes, you yourself think about what you want to wish your beloved mother?

Boy 1 : May she always be beautiful and young.

Girl 8 : And I want my mother to play with me more often.

Girl 9 : Well, this is how everyone should express their wishes to their mother. So it turns out that we congratulated our mothers and ...

Boy 2 (coming out ) Well, what are you all? Let's announce the next number, the guys behind the scenes are worried.

Girl 9 : Meet the ditties!

We write and read
And we compose ditties
And on the holiday of all mothers
We will also sleep for you!

Mom is writing an essay
And solves the equation.
It turns out that "5"
We will receive together.

If necessary, we will dance
If necessary, we will sing,
Don't worry our mothers
We won't disappear anywhere!

Mom asks Vasya:
– What are you doing in class, Vasya?
He thought a little
And he answered: - I'm waiting for a call!

Well ditties sang,
Good and okali.
We would all like
For you to clap us.

Leading : Dear mothers, the next musical gift is given to you by ______________________

(children come out with crepe paper hearts that they made themselves against the background of music)

Leading : There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked for centuries!
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms.
From any misfortune conjuring
(She’s not good enough!)
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud exalted mother.
The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
And so it stands for centuries.
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms.
Everything in the world is molded with traces.
No matter how many paths you walk,
Apple tree - decorated with fruits,
A woman is the destiny of her children.
May the sun applaud her forever,
So she will live forever.
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a baby in her arms!

The power of mother's love! Who will measure it? Motherhood... How does it begin? There is an old saying: “A mother carries a child for nine months under her heart and all her life in her heart.” And as a token of gratitude, accept hearts from your children that carry the love of your child.

(hearts ring out)

Leading : Our dear mothers! We sincerely congratulate you on Mother's Day. We wish you happiness, prosperity, health, smiles and all the best! Until we meet again!!!

Presenter 1:

A woman comes into the world

To light a candle

To save the hearth

To be loved

To give birth to a child

For flowers to bloom

To save the world!

To the song "Ave, Maria!" a dance composition with candles is performed on the stage

Host 2:

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked for centuries!

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

From any misfortune conjuring

(She’s not good at all!),

No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,

Proud, sublime mother.

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,

And so it stands for centuries:

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

Everything in the world is marked with traces,

No matter how many paths you walk,

Apple tree - decorated with fruits,

A woman is the destiny of her children.

May the sun applaud her forever,

So she will live for centuries,

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

(Sergey Ostrovsky).

Presenter 1:

The most beautiful word on earth is Mom! Mommy, mommy! How much warmth is hidden in this magic word, which is called the person closest, dearest, the only one.

Maternal love warms us to old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us. For mom, we are always children, no matter how old we are. The mother has a huge responsibility for the well-being of the family hearth, for her loved ones, the continuation of the human race!

Host 2:

We recognize our mother because we live with her in the womb with one breath, wrapped in her warmth. And as soon as the window opens into a huge and unfamiliar world, the first thing that calms us and protects us from strangers is the voice of our mother, her gentle hands.

This mother presses us to her heart and kisses us on tiny cheeks and the whole world seems to know that the most important person in the world was born - a mother's child! The whole universe bows before this miracle - the miracle of motherhood! For there is nothing more sacred and purer than motherly love!

Presenter 1: Mom is the miracle of the world. We must protect and spare the health of the person closest to us.

Host 2: No matter how hard we try to replace her with friends and girlfriends, in the most difficult and bitter days we still turn to mom.

Presenter 1:

Three people are born every second in the world. From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. The child needs a mother. This is the meaning of her life. Love for your baby is as natural as lilac blossoms in spring. As the sun sends its rays, warming all living things, so the love of a mother warms the whole life of a child. The mother introduces the child to the human community. In his mouth, she puts her native language, which has absorbed the richness of the mind, thoughts and feelings of the people. She fills his life with spiritual power, helping to comprehend spiritual values. Isn't that what keeps the world going? Does it make it eternal? Isn't this the link between generations? Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most kind and gentle hands that everyone can do. In her sensitive heart, love never goes out, it does not remain indifferent to anything.


Hello mother!

Again I dream of your song.

Hello mother!

Light as a memory, your tenderness.

This world is not so golden from the sun, -

It is filled to the brim with your kindness.

You are weakening - your strength is leaving me.

You grow old - your years go into me.

Anyway, despite any years,

You will be young for me forever.

Your hands have worked hard for ten lives.

Your grandchildren were born under this sky.

You sing a lullaby again.

And suddenly you recognize yourself in your granddaughter.

There are many good people on earth

There are many hearted people.

And yet the best on earth

Mom, dear mom.

R. Rozhdestvensky

Lead 2.

How often do we say words of love and gratitude to our mothers too late. Let's say kind and gentle words to mom. Man is not immune from mistakes. But let the words of forgiveness for the mistakes that we make, mothers hear in time, and not when, unfortunately, it is too late.

Love your moms today and always. Please them with your successes, be worthy of everything that they do for you, their children. And don't forget to say "I'm sorry mom"!


Oh, the faith of our mothers,

Forever not knowing the measure.

Holy trembling faith

In us growing children.

Her, like a light in a birch forest,

Will not corrode anything in the world:

Not a single one in the diary

No angry complaints from neighbors.

Mothers are such a people -

They will sigh, killing us with a long look:

“Let them get carried away. It will pass,"

And again they believe, they believe, they believe.

So only mothers believe

Exactly and patiently.

And they are unobtrusive

They don't consider it a miracle.

And just nothing of the year

Their faith, quivering and tender,

But we are not always

We justify their hopes.

V. Korotaeva

Presenter 1:

Mother's place in our life is very special, exceptional. We always bring her pain and joy. And we find understanding.


There is a bright shelter on earth,

Love and loyalty live there.

All that sometimes we only dream,

Lived there forever.

That mother's heart. It

So gentle, right! destined

He will live with your joy,

Bear the yoke of your sorrows.

L. Koidula

Host 2:

Motherhood is the great mission of women. A mother finds herself in selfless love dedicated to her children. And the children respond to her with love, attention, care.

Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of a mother is the happiness of her children. She is strict, exacting, because she feels great responsibility for her son or daughter, wishes them well. Mother is the first teacher and friend of the child, and the closest and most faithful.

Presenter 1:

We grow up, but the mother's place in our life remains special, exceptional. If we bring her our pain and joy, we always find understanding.

Host 2:

Motherhood is the whole world. The happiness of a mother is the happiness of her children. Mother is the first teacher and friend of the child, and the closest and most faithful.

Presenter 1: Whose hands are the warmest?

Students (in chorus). Mom's!

Host 2: Whose eyes are the most attentive?

students(in chorus). Mom's!

Presenter 1: Whose words are the fairest?

Students (in chorus). Mom's!

Presenter 1:

Our responsibility to mothers is immeasurable! Let's think: are we attentive enough, kind to our mothers or to those who truly love us?

Host 2:

Mom not only does not get enough sleep at night, she worries and takes care that the child is healthy, full, cheerful, happy. Mother is a window to the big world. It helps the child to understand the beauty of the world: the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars...these are beauty lessons for life... "Son, wake up, the first snow has fallen!" “Daughter, look, the snowdrop has blossomed!” Mother is the miracle of the world! With her endless readiness for self-sacrifice, she inspires the child with a sense of reliability, security.

Presenter 1:

We are in eternal and unrequited debt to the mother. Therefore, love tenderly, respect, take care of her, do not hurt your mother with your words and deeds. Thank her for her work and care for you, be kind and sensitive, make her life as easy as possible, and they will be happy.

Host 2:

Mothers have sacred rights:

Execute and pardon

Hope and cry.

And your lot

Having barely acquired

Carry through the joys

Doubt and slush.

Mothers have one responsibility:

Forgetting yourself, disperse in worries.

And flesh and soul

Lay out to the bottom

Soul and flesh

To repeat in someone.

And ask for nothing in return!

And let for everything

She will be rewarded generously!

Collected in a bouquet

Love and revelation

Come, children, to your mother

And kneel before her.

Host 2:

Mom guides us through life. As a flower reaches for the sun, so a person reaches for his mother, no matter how old he is.


The most charming

Most Attractive

The most beautiful eyes

Most charming smile

The most, the kindest

The most affectionate

most caring

Presenter 1:

The mother's heart, her affectionate, tired hands are a symbol of all the most precious things on Earth. A mother has the kindest heart in which love never goes out.

Host 2:

Years will pass, many events, people, meetings will be forgotten in our memory. But memories will always bring us back to the bright world of childhood, to the image of a mother who taught us to speak, walk, love the Earth on which we were born.

Amateur Art Number

Today we are talking about mothers. But grandmothers need special attention. After all, in addition to children, she also has grandchildren, with the advent of which she is transformed and seems to become younger.

It's good to have a grandmother! After all, only a grandmother has the most delicious pies and the most interesting fairy tales. Her care and kindness are endless.

Presenter 1:

Dear grandmothers! We love you very much! Happy holiday!

Thank you for the sleepless nights, kindness, we wish you health and youthful enthusiasm! Be happy!

Amateur Art Number

Host 2:

One great force unites mothers - love for their children! The happiness of the children is the happiness of the mother. And is it not happiness for a mother to see how your child has matured, wised up, acquired, albeit small, but his own life experience.

Amateur Art Number

Presenter 1:

The calendar sheet, dated the last Sunday of November, suggests the answer - MOTHERHOOD. A lot of words have been said about mothers today, a lot of unspoken lives in the hearts of each of us. It is important to have time to say kind words when mom can hear them.

An excerpt from Gamzatov's poem "The Word of Mother"

It is difficult to live, having lost the Mother forever.

No one is happier than us, whose mother is alive.

In the name of my dead brothers

Consider, I pray, my words.

No matter how the course of events beckons you,

No matter how you draw into your whirlpool,

Take better care of your mother's eyes,

From insults, from hardships and worries.

Pain for sons, like chalk,

Will bleach her braids to white.

Even if the heart is hardened

Give mom some warmth.

If your heart has become severe,

Be gentle with her children.

Protect your mother from an evil word.

Know: children hurt everyone more painfully!

If your mothers are tired

You must give them a good rest.

Keep them away from black shawls,

Protect women from war!

Mother will die and not erase the scars,

The mother will die, and the pain will not be relieved.

I conjure: take care of your mother,

Children of the world, take care of your mother!

The song "Under the roof of the house" is performed

Presenter 1: Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Happy is he who from childhood knows maternal love, affection, care. And children should respond to her in the same way - love, attention, care. With respect and gratitude, we treat those people who respectfully pronounce the name of the mother to gray hair, protect her old age.

Dance "Tenderness"

Lead 2
. Mom teaches us to take the first steps in this world, open our hearts to kindness and love, we receive valuable life advice from her.
Presenter 1.

Nobody knows how to love like that
How selflessly mother cherishes,
And for such love children
Always in debt, all life in the answer

Presenter1. For the first time, looking at her baby, she knows: he is the best, the most beautiful, the most beloved. No matter how old we are, mothers will love us as tightly and tenderly as in childhood.

Amateur Art Number

Presenter 1. Mom is our rear, our true friend. She deserves respect and gratitude for her selfless work and care for us. But how often do we forget to tell her an elementary “thank you”. Growing up, we fly out of the nest and forget to call again, talk on Skype, send SMS

Evening of rest for Mother's Day "For you, dear!"


  • development of interest in cultural heritage, in the study of poetry;
  • the formation of a respectful attitude towards the family, mother;
  • cultivating a sense of gratitude for a woman-mother;
  • development of skills of creative self-expression of students.


  • computer;
  • projector;
  • screen.

Event progress

4Leader: Our dear guests, are you sitting well? How is your mood?

5 Lead: Great! This means that our meeting is going on as it should: in a warm, friendly atmosphere, like a family. And I invite you to participate in our competition, which we called "The Storyteller".

4 Presenter: So, you need to answer the fabulous questions. You read a lot of fairy tales with your children when they were small (they read “fairytale questions” in turn - slides 3-5).

1. What fairy tale tells about the deceit of a beautiful woman, about the elimination of an even more beautiful rival, about the grave consequences of these actions, about a means of resuscitation that, unfortunately, is not used in medicine? (A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess.”)

2. In which fairy tale is a person, in all respects gray, carrying out a plan to kill two persons, one of whom was wearing a red headdress, but thanks to the timely intervention of the public, everything ended well? (Ch. Perro. "Little Red Riding Hood".)

3. In which fairy tale did an official grossly violate the principle “from each according to his ability, to each according to his work” and embezzle the wages of a worker, for which he committed lynching, inflicting grievous bodily injuries on the forehead of the official? (A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”)

4 Presenter: What good fellows! Dealt with difficult questions!

5 Lead: And now the Tchaikovsky Pause is announced - we are pouring tea. (The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" sounds)

6 Presenter: There are many proverbs and sayings about the mother, whether our mothers know them, we will check now. You need to complete the proverb.

7 Presenter (slide 6):

There is no better friend than ... (dear mother).

There is no friend more tender ... (mother).

When the sun is warm ... (and when the mother is good).

Whoever does not listen to his mother ... (he will get into trouble).

The bird rejoices in spring ... (and the baby of the mother).

The kalach cheese is whiter, and the mother ... (all friends are nicer).

6 Presenter: Yes, there are many proverbs and sayings about the mother, because the mother is the most important person in everyone's life.

8 Lead: I think everyone in the audience will be interested to know how well mothers know their children. Announced competition "Find your child in the palm of your hand."

9 Host: The mother must, with her eyes closed, find her child in the palm of her hand. Dear mothers, do not be cunning, close your eyes tightly, do not peep. (Children take turns approaching, stretching out their hand, mother, feeling her hands, finds her child).

8 Lead: Yes, a mother always recognizes her child, which we have just seen.

10 Presenter: And we have the next number of our program - the dance "Tenderness", will be performed by a group of girls. Meet! (The girls are dancing.)

10 Presenter: And now I am announcing the contest “Do I know my mother?”. The conditions of the competitive task: the “child” takes, without looking, the question from the box, I read this question aloud. The mother of the one who pulled out this question quickly answers it in writing, and the “child” who pulled out the question is thinking about the answer at this time. After the question is written and given to me, the "child" answers. And we will see if the answers of the mother and her child coincide. Thus, we will find out if the children know their mothers. Ready?
1. What is the name of your mother's grandmother?

2. Remember September 1, first grade. What flowers were in your hands that day?
3. How many siblings does your mother have?
4. Your mother has free time. What she respects:

B) popular science literature

B) detective

D) a newspaper

5. What is the name of your mother's mother-in-law?
6. What flowers does mom like?
7. Mom's favorite color.
8. Mom is going to school for a meeting. What will mom wear?

A) trousers B) skirt C) dress D) jeans

9. There are different programs on different TV channels. What will mom choose?

A) a classical music concert

B) news

B) series

D) an old Russian movie hit.

10. What will mom choose in a cafe:

A) ice cream B) coffee and cake C) pizza
11. What does your mother like more: marmalade, chocolate or cookies?
12. Mom was offered a ticket to choose from: on the shores of the warm sea or a hiking tour in the mountains. What will mom choose?

11 Presenter: Great! Almost all of the answers matched. And this means that we know our mothers well. Perhaps we can conclude that we are attentive to our dear mothers? So right?

12 Leader. And now we will play the promised lottery. We have a win-win lottery so that no one is offended. (Moms call their ticket number - the presenter announces the prize. Moms perform various tasks).

1. You have a happy opportunity to smile at everyone in this room!

2. You get permission to congratulate everyone on the holiday!

3. And you have the right to compliment the neighbor on the right, or on the left, or both!

4. And you can, without any hesitation, kiss the one who is dearest to you in this room!

5. You can treat the neighbor on the left with candy!

6. You can invite anyone here on a date any day!

7. You are presented with a happy opportunity not only to listen to us, but also to speak yourself. For example, tell a joke.

8. And I give you a kiss!

9. You can perform the song “A Grasshopper Sat in the Grass”, instead of singing words “la-la. Maybe you don't remember the words. However, sing as you like: with words or without words!

10. And you can invite us to visit you right now, all right now!

11. And you can borrow any amount from a neighbor on the left. Today she will not refuse you.

12. And today you can act as a choirmaster. We suggest you create a choir from those present here. Let them sing a verse of any song.

13. And you get the right to tell a nursery rhyme, maybe about your mother, or about a bunny that the hostess abandoned. (“Mom is sleeping ...” E. Blaginina)

14. You can shake hands with the neighbor on the left.

15. You had the opportunity to sing a ditty for all those present and receive applause.

16. You have a happy opportunity to confess your love for us, all present.

17. And you receive greetings from a neighbor on the left.

18. You have the opportunity to show your talent by performing the song "Smile", playing along with yourself on spoons.

19. You have the right to perform "Quadrille" for us all. By the way, choose the dance yourself.

20. You had the opportunity to give everyone parting wishes.

11 Presenter: Here is the beauty! The lottery was played, everyone received prizes. Everyone is satisfied and happy!

12 Leader. And we bring to your attention a video that Aishat made for her mother. And we all join in her congratulations and congratulate all our mothers. (Demonstration roller).

13 Presenter: Dear mothers, we want to end our meeting in a lyrical way. Please listen to the poem "Mama". Alina and Nastya are reading.

1. Four letters, two syllables - MOM!

2. The first word in life is MOM.

1. You still didn’t know any words,

Sorry, you were blowing bubbles

But with an inept mouth he already repeated

An important and short word is MAMA.

2. Who taught you the first steps?

Mother! Happy mom!

1. Who gave your hands strength and dexterity?

Mother! Smart mom!

2. When you accidentally hurt yourself,

Who wiped your tears with a handkerchief?

Mother! Good mother!

1. When you suddenly and bitterly made a mistake,

Who angrily rebuked you?

Mother! Strict mom!

2. When you suddenly sing with joy,

Admiring the spring distances,

When you bring flowers to a girl,

Remember: tenderness in you is mother's.

14 Presenter:

Thank you family for your care

For every breath of the night at the head,

For what our souls you willingly

And sacredly fill with love.

13 Presenter:

Let misfortune not touch your days,

And God bless you to live longer in the world!

We sincerely wish you today

All: love, health, joy and happiness!

14 Presenter: Dear mothers, we decided to give you orders.

13 Presenter A: You deserve them.

(All children present orders to their mothers).


Order(copied 6 pieces per page in A4 format, printed and cut out)


R. Gamzatov. In Russian - "mama", in Georgian - "nana" ...

S. Ostrovsky. A woman with a child in her arms.

Internet resources:

Video "Talk to me, mom." -

mother's day party

Light music plays until the beginning of the evening. The call signs of the evening sound the melody of the song "Talk to me mom."

Leading: Good afternoon

IN traveling: Hello!

Leading: Today is a wonderful holiday - Mothers Day. And even though frosts have come on the street, this holiday breathes with such warmth that warms everyone sitting in this hall.

Leading: Today, all words, congratulations, will be dedicated to the only, dear, beloved mothers and grandmothers.

Leading: At a dark night it is light for me,

On a frosty day I feel warm

If mom is around

Looks with tender eyes.

The sun is brighter for me - mom!

Peace and happiness for me - mom!

The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields - mother!

The call of the flying cranes - mother!

The water in the spring is clean - mom!

There is a bright star in the sky - mom!

Leading: Still, it's good that there is such a holiday - Mothers Day when we can loudly, out loud talk about our love for mom.

Leading: Although it is better to speak and prove your love all year ...

Leading: Protect, help, talk, smile and hug. From this, our mothers will become even more beautiful and younger. Interestingly, today we will please the assembled mothers at least a little?

Leading: Sure! Moreover, our program is just beginning.

Leading: Lovely women! Dear mothers!

The most gentle, the kindest!

We heartily congratulate you now,

We wish you happiness, health, love!

So that the kids do not upset you,

So that you do not know bitter sorrows,

To float through the streets like peacocks,

All as one "Miss Universe" were!

Leading: To paint portraits of you more often,

To be appreciated, loved, caressed,

To give flowers daily

And they talked about love all the time!

The point is that these words prove

So that you become happier then!

Let everything come true, mothers!

Be always the same as now!

(tea party)

Leading: So, we have finished congratulations and wishes, and now we will hold a win-win lottery, the drawing of which will take place during our program. (Participants draw tickets.)

Leading: I look at the sun, at the foliage ...

The delight is indescribable!

Because I live on earth

Thank you, mother!

Because I can love

What do the winds like?

For those daisies in the meadow

And the warmth of the fire

For the sky, stars and dreams.

For apple blossom

After all, in the world of the best beauty

And it was not, and no!

Leading: Because I can love,

For truth and hardship

I am always indebted to you

And I'm part of nature!

I look at the sun, at the grass ...

The delight is indescribable!

Because I live on earth

Thank you, mother!

Leading: Dear guests, is everyone comfortable? And how is the mood? Great, so the holiday we have with you is not boring. And I invite you to participate in our competition, which we called "The Big Holiday Challenge." After all, no matter what holiday we did not celebrate according to the calendar, anyway, our dear, beloved mothers and grandmothers are responsible for almost everything.

You, our dear mothers and grandmothers, are about to demonstrate the same thing now.

Leading: So, you have to complete the task - to answer fabulous questions.

1. What fairy tale tells about the deceit of a beautiful woman, about the elimination of an even more beautiful rival, about the grave consequences of these actions, about a means of resuscitation that, unfortunately, is not used in medicine?

(A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess.”)

2. In which fairy tale is a person, in all respects gray, carrying out a plan to kill two persons, one of whom was wearing a red headdress, but thanks to the timely intervention of the public, everything ended well?

(Ch. Perro. "Little Red Riding Hood".)

3. In which fairy tale did an official grossly violate the principle “from each according to his ability, to each according to his work” and embezzle the wages of a worker, for which he committed lynching, inflicting grievous bodily injuries on the forehead of the official?

(A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.”)

Leading: Well done! Completed the tasks! It was a warm up. I invite you to take part in the comic contest "Lyutushki".

( Three people are needed. Balloons according to the number of participants. Hand out scarves.)

You need to imagine that the ball is the head of your granddaughter, and on a signal, tie a scarf on your ball - the “head”. Whoever copes with the task earlier and knits more beautifully is the winner.

(Dance break.)

Leading: Continuing the Big Holiday Challenge. First question.

- What in Russian proverbs falls from the sky absolutely free of charge? (Manna from heaven.).

What fish likes to be warmly dressed?

(Herring under a Fur Coat).

- What bakery product went on an independent trip without having time to cool down? (Kolobok.)

- Which river do you need to go to make milk soup and jelly for breakfast?

(To the milky river with jelly banks.)

- What kind of pet is able to combine business with pleasure. Listen to the interlocutor and eat with appetite?

(Cat "And Vaska listens and eats")

– What bird can be advised to keep the commandment: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.”

(Crow from Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox".)

Leading: If you answered our questions correctly, please come to us.

Leading A: To help the participants in the competition, I ask two men to come out.

Competition "Kid".

The competition consists of two stages. For the first, I give the teams a basket, which contains everything you need: a vest, a cap, a bib. Whose team will dress the “baby” faster, better?

(participants put children's "armor" on men)

Leading: With this task, you coped with “excellent”, many years of experience affect. Now imagine that this is your son (or son-in-law), try to calm down this big child by singing a lullaby to him. The teams sing one verse at a time.

Competition "Lullaby".

Well done! Thank you for participating! Let's thank our lovely charming participants with our friendly applause..

Leading: You know, I have a strange feeling. I think it's a little warmer in the hall today. Maybe from your smiles, maybe from the kindness of your hearts, dear women, dear mothers. So I wanted to do something nice for you. Meet!

_________________________ sings for you

Leading: At a festive feast, there is a custom to drink a glass of wine, after which some begin to stutter their tongues. And now we offer you...

Contest "Patter"

The tongue twister sounds like this: “Malania talker chatted milk, blurted out but didn’t blurt out.” Remember? So, whoever pronounces this tongue twister three times more accurately is the winner.

(dance break.)

Leading: And now it's time to draw the lottery.

(Participants perform the task that fell on their number.)

Smile to all guests.

2. Congratulate all those present on the holiday.

3. Say a compliment to the neighbor on the left.

4. Kiss the neighbor on the right.

5. Persuade the neighbor on the left to eat candy.

6. Appoint a date for tomorrow with any of the guests.

7. Tell a joke.

8.Blow you a kiss.

9. Play the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass” on spoons.

10. You had the opportunity to invite all of us to visit you.

11. You can borrow any amount from the neighbor on the left.

12. Create a choir from the guests. Sing a verse of any song.

13. Tell the children's poem "Our Tanya."

14. You can kiss whoever you want.

15. Sing a ditty.

16. You have won the right to do a lap of honor in an imaginary car.

17. You have the opportunity to say that you love us all.

18. Dance "Gypsy Girl" while sitting on a chair.

19. Hello from the neighbor on the right.

20. Sing a children's song "Smile" (instead of the words "la-la-la").

21. You had the opportunity to give everyone a parting word, a wish.

22. Dance Russian.

(Dance break.)

Leading: Thank you family for your care,

For every breath of the night at the head,

For what our souls you willingly

And sacredly fill with love.

Forgive us for every tear

Stealthily wiped from my native cheek.

Leading: And no matter how hard it is for us in life,

When longing scares with a black shadow,

Holy protects us from all troubles

Blessings to beloved mothers.

May adversity not touch your days,

And God bless you to live longer in the world!

We sincerely wish you today


Leading: happy holiday You, dear beautiful - mothers, grandmothers!

Leading: This concludes our program.


Leading: All the best to you! Until we meet again at the Veteran Club!