Symbol of the coming year on book pages. Literary game - fairy tale quiz in elementary school The Tale of the Golden Cockerel

An old man lived with an old woman, and they lived in great poverty. All they had was only a rooster and a dog, and even those they were poorly fed. So the dog says to the rooster:
- Come on, brother Petka, let's go to the forest: life here is bad for us.
“Let’s go,” says the rooster, “it won’t get worse.”
So they went where their eyes look. Wandered all day; it began to get dark - it's time for the night to pester. They went off the road into the forest and chose a large hollow tree. The rooster flew up on the bough, the dog climbed into the hollow and fell asleep.
In the morning, just as the dawn began to break, the rooster crowed: “Ku-ku-re-ku!” The fox heard the rooster; she wanted to eat rooster meat. So she went up to the tree and began to praise the rooster:
- Here is a cock so a cock! I have never seen such a bird: and what beautiful feathers, and what a red crest, and what a sonorous voice! Fly to me, handsome.
- And for what business? - asks the rooster.
- Let's go to visit me: today I have a housewarming party, and a lot of peas are in store for you.
- Well, - says the rooster, - but I can’t go alone: ​​my comrade is with me.
“What happiness has come! - thought the fox. “There will be two roosters instead of one.”
- Where is your friend? she asks. - I'll invite him over.
“He spends the night there, in a hollow,” replies the rooster.
The fox rushed into the hollow, and her dog by the muzzle - tsap! .. Caught and tore the fox.

New Year walked towards us with leaps and bounds. We were waiting for him. They looked at the road, looked out the windows. And now he's on the doorstep. New Year is the Year of the Rooster. What is he, a rooster? Stately, bright, with a proudly raised head. What song the rooster sings, we know from the cradle. Unpretentious, but he is not a nightingale. The cockerel is credited with a golden comb, which means that this bird is not easy ...

Fairy tale "Year of the rooster"

The young rooster Petya heard that the new year is the year of the rooster. Rejoiced, flustered. He steps importantly, mutters something, holds his nose up. Feels like an important bird.

“Finally, they will pay attention to me,” the rooster thought, “otherwise, no matter how hard I try, and I wake up before everyone else, I don’t get the attention I deserve. Often say:

- Our cockerel has not acquired a comb, but crows there too.

Petya decided to behave differently. Crow later, select the best grains from the hens, do not greet the yard dog Corporal.

The corporal looked for a day, two, and then asks Petya:

- What is it, Golden Scallop, have you stopped greeting?

“Today my year is coming,” said the rooster, “I am now the most important. Now you, Corporal, must greet me first.

The dog was offended by the rooster and grunted:

- The fox will come running from the forest, so I will not say anything, take care of yourself!

And Pete doesn't care. He also managed to quarrel with the chickens. Petya was left alone. And bored...

And the Corporal remembered the fox for a reason. She is right here. But Petya managed to sneak away, this time luck was on his side. But he firmly decided not to quarrel with the Corporal anymore. And get along with the chickens. Petya came to their side. But they do not want to put up, they say to him:

- Whoever turns up his nose too much, he often remains with his nose.

But then, the most sensible hen, Ryaba hen, went to the world, and after her all the rest. The corporal also did not resist and extended his paw to Petya.

In a large courtyard family, peace has come. And on New Year's Eve they had a big party. The rooster was no longer bullying, he liked being just a friend to everyone.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that sometimes circumstances bring us high, and a person begins to behave differently with friends - he puts on airs, behaves arrogantly. Here friendship or even just friendly relations can crack. Moral - with those people who are dear to you, no matter what the circumstances, behave kindly. Good people- wealth.

What proverbs fit the story?

Do not look high: you will powder your eye.
Keep it simple and people will come to you.
No matter how pouty you are, you won’t be higher than a pie.

2017 is the Year of the Rooster. On January 28, 2017, the Fire Monkey will transfer his powers to the Rooster. He is bright and demonstrative, elegant and sociable.

WITH early childhood the smallest book lovers see this bird on the pages of children's publications. After all, there are a huge number of nursery rhymes, songs, poems, fairy tales and proverbs, where the rooster is the main character.

Petya-Petushok is an affectionate nickname for a rooster in fairy tales. His image is colorful and bright. Examples of rooster behavior largely coincide with human behavior. In some tales, he is weak, frivolous, disobedient, overly trusting and self-confident. His disobedience and violation of prohibitions leads to trouble. A prime example This is the fairy tale “The Cockerel is a Golden Comb”, where a fox steals him, and his friends rush to his rescue.

In others, he is a sage, adviser, assistant and protector of the weak, a good watchman, cunning and quick-witted, possessing magic power. This image can be seen in folk tales, like "Zayushkina's hut", "Cockerel-golden scallop and miracle chalk", "Rooster and millstones".

In folklore, the rooster is a symbol of protecting the house from evil. The red comb on the head of a rooster is a symbol of knowledge and talent, according to more- literary. Spurs on the paws are a symbol of fearlessness. The rooster is not afraid of difficulties. With his paws, he diligently rakes the ground, and finds a pearl grain. And this means that the rooster is a hardworking bird. As, for example, in the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Two Mice".

How literary hero, endowed with character, it is especially common in author's fairy tales and fables. Let's remember "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by A.S. Pushkin, "The Rooster and the Weather Vane" by G.Kh. Andersen, "The Rooster and the Dog" by K. Ushinsky, "The Rooster and Colors" by V. Suteev, "Who is the most beautiful?" E. Karganova, fables by I.A. Krylov and S. Mikhalkov.

The people created a multi-valued image of the Cockerel - their favorite: if in a fairy tale he is an assistant to poor people, protecting them from the rich, skeptical of kings, then in proverbs and jokes the Cockerel is different - provocative, impudent, always ready to fight. The state of some people was determined by his name - to rooster ... A perky fighter is called a rooster. The rooster is always with the people: they count the time (“Get up to the roosters”, “With the roosters”, “The first roosters are midnight”, “The second ones are before dawn”, “The third ones are dawn”).
In proverbs, the image of a rooster is versatile - it is also an assistant in the house, the owner in the chicken coop, although sometimes he is arrogant, pugnacious and stupid, but always handsome. Here are a few famous proverbs: “A good housewife will cook an ear out of a rooster” (as they say about a skilled person), “I got like a rooster in a pluck” (symbolizes a person in trouble), “When a roasted rooster pecks” (means until trouble happens), “The cuckoo praises the rooster because he praises the cuckoo” (so they say when they hint at the insincerity of someone’s praise).
Riddles about the rooster have evolved since ancient times. Basically, the riddle is based on beautiful appearance this bird, on the ability to wake everyone up in the morning with its loud voice. For a proud posture and spurs, riddles equate a cockerel with persons of a princely, royal family. Pomp, arrogance, beauty, courage and apparent severity are also noted in riddles about the cockerel.
Tail with patterns
Boots with spurs
sings at night,
Time counts.