A conspiracy for strong passion - which will definitely help to evoke this feeling. Strong conspiracy for intimacy

Men are much easier than women. But both the first and the second are united by one thing - the desire to be loved. Arousing passion in a woman is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you try, you don't even have to make expensive gifts or extravagant acts to achieve the loyalty of the house. It turns out that everything is much simpler ...

Having mastered only 5 basic qualities that women appreciate in men, you will learn how to easily manage their passion. Don't believe? Learn the lesson and put your knowledge to the test.

How to arouse passion in a woman? BECOME THE PERFECT MAN

Men often make the mistake of seeking approval from the weaker sex. Every girl is a little princess by nature. From early childhood, she has been waiting for her prince on a white horse, who will be confident in himself and in his actions, self-sufficient and respectable.

So, even if you are not really like that, for the sake of a feminine disposition, you will have to change a little. When communicating with a lady, maintain correct posture, do not make sudden movements, and maintain eye contact. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 women will pay attention to you and will make every effort to get close to such a man.

How to arouse passion in a woman? GET YOUR STYLE

Folk wisdom worked before, and will work for a long time after you. Since they are greeted by clothes, then pay enough attention to this seductive detail and learn how to dress with taste.

Why do you need beautiful clothes? Let's try to think like a woman. A woman tries to hide any flaws in her appearance. Good cosmetics, special underwear, and properly tailored clothes help her in this. As the gurus of psychology say, people with similar views always find a common language. Dress nicely and you will be noticed.

And well-chosen things will emphasize the uniqueness of the individual, maturity of views and success. The female majority prefers well-groomed men. For them, this is a signal: a man who is able to take care of himself will certainly take care of his soulmate.

How to arouse passion in a woman? LEARN TO BE FRIENDS WITH THE OPPOSITE GENDER

Maintaining a friendship with a woman is the best seduction strategy. This advice is especially valuable for shy men. It is worth finding a common language with one femina, as you gradually begin to communicate with her friends, and this, in turn, will help overcome the fear of the opposite sex.

And then, friendship is always trust. It is easier for a man who knows how to listen and give good advice to find common ground even with a seemingly obstinate beauty. Friendship between opposite sexes ends sooner or later with something more intimate.

How to arouse passion in a woman? RESPECT, ABOVE EVERYTHING!

If we love with our eyes, then a woman's most excitable organ is her ears. She can and should be complimented. But the main thing is not what you said, but how. False words always end in slaps and loneliness.

Before you say something, analyze your passion again. Highlight the strengths in it and unobtrusively hint. Only with all my heart and without verbal "diarrhea".

Compliments should be delivered with all due respect, in a confident voice, with a slight smile on your face, while maintaining eye contact.

How to arouse passion in a woman? LET SHE RUN!

It sounds a little cynical, but the days of knights are long gone. Today it makes no sense to fight in tournaments or cater to incredible ladies' whims.

Rectilinear and therefore very banal men do not excite women. Lovely ladies want something extraordinary. For example, playing romantic games that are somewhat reminiscent of Cat and Mouse from childhood.

Do you want a woman to burn with passion for you? Then stop chasing her. Understatement, light flirting, restrictions - this is all a challenge to female pride, and at the same time the key to the success of your amorous event. She should follow you, not you follow her. Try this trick and you won't regret the result.

Sometimes people who love each other realize that passion suddenly passes. As a result, they begin to get bored in relationships and look for pleasure on the side. In some cases, there is a strong emotional attachment between people, but for some reason, a note of passion is not enough. In such situations, a conspiracy to passion is ideal, capable of causing a real spark between people, which will certainly turn into a fire.

A conspiracy on a candle to kindle a fire in the soul of a loved one

Such a rite is considered safe and refers to white magic, in contrast to a love spell or prisushki. It has no negative consequences and is not able to bind a person to himself, against his will. It is enough just to make a ritual to help people feel their former passion and restore harmonious relationships, or to transform a friendship into something more. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • red candle:
  • photo of a loved one;
  • White tablecloth.

Wait for the evening, wash yourself, and then spread a light, clean tablecloth on the table. Put a photo of your lover on it, just note that it should be a fresh picture in which the eyes are clearly visible. Light a scarlet candle, and then read the prayer "Our Father". After that, you need to say the magic words:

“You, candle, burn, give your hot flame. As your fire ignites, so may the heart of my beloved (name) ignite. Let the flame of love burn hot, but never go out. My word is strong, my thoughts are firm. May the servant of God (name) come with passion for me! Amen".

After that, carefully look at the fire of the candle, imagining how your beloved flares up like a flame, and his feelings all rush to you. After 10 minutes, you can put out the candle and wrap it with a photograph of the desired object in a white tablecloth. Then you need to hide all these things away so that no one can find them. Remember that it is important to make such a conspiracy to the passion of a man on the growing moon and, of course, in no case should you tell anyone about it. Since the ritual is short-term, you can repeat it whenever you feel that you lack passion from your loved one.

Salt conspiracy to incite passionate feelings

This wonderful ritual is sure to suit anyone who has been trying to translate friendship into a closer relationship for a long time. In addition, it will also come in handy for married couples in whom love is still glimmering, but banal addiction has deprived it of any passion. Such a conspiracy for strong passion will restore relationships and give intimacy brighter colors.

To perform the ceremony, it is necessary to wait for the growing moon, and then prepare the salt. Having poured it into a metal dish, you need to read the following words three times:

“I sort out the salt, I speak to my husband (name). Let him not sleep or eat without me, think and dream about how he will hug and kiss. May the servant of God (name) burn with passion for me. He eats my concoction with salt - do not eat enough, look at me, the servant of God (name), and not look enough. What I didn’t say, what I didn’t finish, let the angels finish it! Amen".

After that, you need to cook your husband's favorite dish and add salt there. This rite belongs to white magic, so it can be performed regularly without fear of punishment from higher powers. Every time the passion seems to be waning, it is enough to stir it up by adding a little salt to the food. After that, the husband will again want you and burn with the desire of which he is only capable.

A conspiracy on a string so that there is passion between a couple

There are times when a man not only loses his passion for his beloved, but also begins to look at the “side”. Over the years, even the most beautiful wives change outwardly, and most husbands simply cool off towards them. Intimate life becomes rare, and men begin to “hunt” for other charmers. To avoid such a situation, there is a conspiracy of passion that will help rekindle the fire of love that has gone over the years into the past.

Love spell to kindle passion

Husband love spell

Sexual binding or love spell wine WORKS!!! After the passion of the wedding registry office.

To do this, you need to buy white threads. You can do this in advance, but the ceremony must be performed on one of the women's days: Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. The prepared threads need to be threaded into the needle and pick up the pillow on which your lover usually sleeps. Make seven stitches in it, reading these words while sewing:

“I’m sewing a pillow, I’m sewing cute threads to myself. As a pillow is strong, so my dear loves me deeply and does not look at anyone else. So that the darling only misses me, loves and desires me alone. Let all the girls seem bad, and I always, like a pava, so that only one servant of God (name) sees me, but does not want and does not want others! Key, lock, tongue. Amen!".

After that, discreetly place a pillow on the bed and make sure that only your lover sleeps on it. Never give this thing to anyone and, of course, do not tell that you have conspired with a strong passion. After such a ceremony, a man will not think about girls on the side, but will want to spend time with you more often and will desire you with all the fire that he has.

Rite on water so that a man burns with the fire of desire

This ritual is simple, but it gives the strongest effect. To perform the ceremony, you will need clean water from a spring or bottled water. It must be kept for seven days in a dark place, and then taken out and poured into a small saucepan. Next, you need to put it on fire, and stirring, read these words:

“You, water, are cold, and my husband (name) is cold. But you kindle, fill with warmth. As you get warmer, so does my husband (name) get warmer, hotter, gravitate toward me with fire. Filled with passion, filled with desire. Let loves and wants me! Let it be so!".

This water should be added to the tea to the spouse, and then make sure that he drinks everything to the bottom. Passion on the part of a man is guaranteed, and you will have a good time. To return the sensations and repeat them again, it is enough to perform the ceremony again, waiting for the growing moon. And, of course, the main condition remains - do not tell anyone about the ritual! Let this be your little family secret, allowing you to evoke a flame of feelings in your husband.

Sex and passion

A conspiracy for the emergence of passion by chance acquaintance

Sometimes sexual desire becomes like an obsession when you see some woman. This passion can be satisfied using a conspiracy for passion. But I advise you to first think about the consequences of your relationship: if everything suitsforward

I dream of your kiss. I want to hug you and own you (name). Our meeting was not accidental, it was I who wanted to give you pleasure. You can't refuse my gaze. He beckons you and fills you with passion. Be mine, my random beauty, and say yes to me when I demand it.

Arouse lust and passion

The plot is intended for both men and women. It is read by an open fire: a fire, candles, a fireplace

I kindle a fire of passion in the lower abdomen (name). I lift that passion in my head. Let her intoxicate and intoxicate. Let the brain blows and dominates the body.

Passion burns in (name), burns and torments. Legs tremble, lips dry, hands reach out to me. There is no way to extinguish this passion. No way to get rid of her. Only I can extinguish this passion, only I can direct this passion.

Everything on me for (name) converges. Everything is done for me for him. I want (name) my body. I want it so that it gets dark in the eyes. I am for (name) the biggest dream, the sweetest piece. Let us be together in the heat of passion! Let us experience lust and lust!

Burn, fire, and burn to the bone. Burn, fire, and support me!

To be my wish fulfilled!

Khantaa ular.

Before losing your virginity

The conspiracy is read in order to improve fate, to find family happiness soon after the first sexual intercourse

Rejoice, my God Vizardas, in your work. It's time for (name) to become a woman. She prepared for it and aspired, she prayed and wished for it. Create for her a bright light, kind words, purity of thoughts, care and tenderness. May (name) become the happiest of all whom I know and have heard of. Show your mercy, Lord, give her love! Protect her from deceit and cruel cynicism. Save her from disappointment. Get rid of mental anguish, pain and tears. Make her passion a desire of the spirit. Protect her beauty with your care. Take care of her health and joys of life. Do your thing in such a way, Lord, that the deprivation of virginity for (name) becomes the opening of her fate for family happiness and all kinds of blessings. May she never know betrayal and loneliness. May she be lucky, and happiness will come to her house and not leave in the name of Your glory.

Khantaa ular.

Magic Pickup

A conspiracy is used to get someone to have sex.

The city is buzzing like a beehive. I am my own person in the city. I am an urban hunter for women's bodies and heads. I have a gun of words in my arsenal. In my arsenal - a knife-tongue. Acting is in my arsenal.

My prey will not leave me. My prey belongs only to me. My prey will fall into my nets.

I'm ready to hunt today. The weather and the time of day favor me.

My art lies in the ability to hunt.

Khantaa ular.

For strong love

While reading the plot, tie together two laces of two shoes, onemale, otherfemale

I will tie together the laces of two shoes, one for men, the other for women. I will tie the fate of two people (name) and (name) together. Let them walk together and stand together, lie together and sit together, work together and rest together, live together and sleep together. Determined, done, connected, fulfilled.

To be respected by girls

female attentionit's a kind of energy, the energy is quite pleasant. It helps a man to assert himself, to feel more confident. Many men use it to maintain their own image, health, and well-being. Manyjust to perform sexual exploits and manipulations. They like it, and God bless them, as long as no one really suffers from it. Talk about an item to carry with you

Just as the Moment glue glues everything and causes a trance, so I would glue the girls and cause a trance from them so that they are obedient to me, hang on my neck and do what I wanted.

Magic binding

The conspiracy is used in order to create a magical binding in relationships and sex from someone to someone

God tied the moon to the earth firmly, firmly. The moon will not go anywhere from the earth, it will not go anywhere, even though it walks in its orbit. So forever defined, set for centuries. Will and (name) to (name) is attached. Will walk around and not go anywhere. Will sigh, suffer, desire, inflame lust. Will always be there, always around. Always help, always forgive, always lend a hand.

Strong friendship, true love, eternal relationship.

Khantaa ular.

sexy binding

The conspiracy is used in order to establish a sexual binding. Tie knots on the thread and say:

I bind (name) to (name) tightly.

So that no one will tear it off, untangle it, or untie it, I do it at the right time, in the right place, with the right attitude. Around me are only my friends - spirits, inside me there is only the intention to create what was planned. There are no obstacles for me, there are no obstacles for me, nothing is impossible for me. Everything is within the power of my words! Everything is within the power of my friends - spirits!

I will go out of myself in the astral body. I'll look at myself, I'll love it. I'm doing a good job of magic. It will be fruitful and useful for me. I'll get what I need from her. I will get my happiness from her. I'll get my own benefit.

In fact, I stand. I know my business. I confirm my words. I bind (name) to (name) tightly.

Khantaa ular.

The plot is read at the entrance of the beloved

I went into the entrance, got into the elevator, went up to my beloved. Rang the doorbell, gave flowers, stayed the night. I woke up in the morning contented and happy. Let it be.

Khantaa ular.

Conspiracy to increase potency

The conspiracy is used to increase male potency. It increases sexual desire, increases voluptuousness, treats sexual disorders

I will dream of a prophetic woman. The prophetic woman will teach me the wisdom of sex. She will show me all sorts of miracles. She will tell about the strength of the male that is stored in her chest. She will open her golden chest, bound with human skin, with the image of babies and angels. He will take out the masculine power stored in the red time from the chest. Give it to me for my obedience to Vizardas. I will try on the strength of a man. I feel its great power. Get used to her deep breathing. I will make her mine for the rest of my life. She will serve me. She will help me with my business. Will make me a hero.

I will say: “Thank you, Prophetic woman, for your gift. He is very appropriate. Be happy yourself and be rich in love.

So it happens, that's all.

Khantaa ular.

Increase female libido

The plot is read to increase female sensitivity during sex; to cure frigidity and emotional coldness. The conspiracy helps to achieve orgasm, that is, it solves a similar problem, if one exists, without the participation of doctors and psychologists

I'll open my lady's purse. I'll find my wallet in it. I will take three coins from my wallet. One coin is old, no longer in use. These are my past mistakes, acquaintances, my pain and old love.

I will get a second coin, already modern, but worn out, dirty, walking around. This coin is my fatigue, my disappointments, my losses. I look at her carefully, smile at her and sigh bitterly.

I will get the third coin, a coin of another state. This coin is beautiful, promising, but useless for me. I’ll look at it, admire it, squeeze it in my fist along with other coins and throw it over my left shoulder to hell! To leave me forever: my pain, my fear, my coldness and my complexes!

I will have a purse in which I will put new coins: my passion, my love, my pleasure, my pleasure.

A new world is dawning for me. New means of calculation will be with themselves, people and the world.

Khantaa ular.

Prolong sexual intercourse

How long does it take to fly from Moscow to Vladivostok by plane, and even longer by train; how long to study at school and at the institute; how long to write thick books, so let (name) have sex for a long time. He doesn’t get tired, he doesn’t get out of breath, he doesn’t lose his enthusiasm, but he gets pleasure and gives pleasure to his lady.

How much strength and passion a volcano has; how much energy and power the stars have; how much light and warmth the sun has, so let (name) have a lot of masculine strength and sensuality, masculine energy and desire, spiritual light and human warmth. Let him share these treasures with women and bring joy.

He doesn't give a fuck! And with young and old, and with thin, and with full, and with strict, and with hot, with everyone with whom you yourself want. Everyone will love it, everyone will enjoy it!

His member will always stand without falling, and perform his natural work.

My word is weighty, but my deed is easy.

Khantaa ular.

Change sexual orientation

A conspiracy is used to change a person's sexual orientation. Valid only in case of non-traditional orientation: a man loves a man, a womanwoman. If you want to change the sexual orientation of a normal person, the conspiracy will not work

The stone idol turned towards the sun. It stands for so many centuries and looks at it. The sun warms him and gives light. Turn and you (name) to the sun, to God's light. Let it look at you and give life.

Love for you is a tradition. Sex for you is a continuation of life. Spit on deviations. Perversions are unacceptable for you. The classic is good for you.

Be where you are.

Khantaa ular.

Conspiracy for a favorable situation

This conspiracy creates a favorable situation conducive to sexual attraction, the emergence of passion, the expression of feelings, inflaming and satisfying the flesh. Read by candlelight or campfire

I will climb the mountain. There is a stone circle on the mountain. In the center of the circle is a red stone. A spirit lives in this stone - the Master of the area. I will make him a fire with offerings. I'll burn incense. I will sing songs about the beauty of these places.

The spirit will hear me, come out to meet me. Will listen to my request. My request is this: “I want love and happiness! I want passion and bliss! I want animal love! I want to burn my flesh to heaven!

Do it, master spirit, it's good for me! Put my request in shape! Guide me on the right path! Reveal to me luck and joy of life!”

The sun sets over the horizon. The Master Spirit retires. I go down the mountain to the city and get my wishes.

Khantaa ular.

Get rid of the obsessive person

The conspiracy is read in order to get rid of someone, to get rid of obsessive communication, to divert from yourself the love of a boyfriend or a fan that gravitates over you

Between the gray houses I will pass along my familiar road, not noticing anyone, not greeting anyone. I do not need anyone, and even more so (name). The wind will take (name) away from me. The rain will wash it out of my way. The sun will burn. I am on my own, and (name) is on my own. Our communication, our infatuation with each other is over. I will raise my chin, straighten my shoulders, walk past (name). I am moving towards my goal, but for (name) it is not noticeable.

The clouds of steam from a passing car disappeared into the air, and so did my relationship with (name).

Between the gray houses I walk along my familiar road, all alone. And I love it.

Khantaa ular.

Sign spell

Among men there are personalities downright hypersensitive. It happens that before intimacy with their girlfriend, they are so worried and worried that they risk failing. This, quite effective and strong, will help to calm down and show your masculine qualities. conspiracy for proximity with your beloved boyfriend.

“On the island of Buyan, beyond the sea-ocean, there is an oak tree, that oak is a thousand years old. That oak tree has a thousand and one branches that do not bend from the wind, do not break from the rain. So let the servant of God (name) have ninety-nine veins and one vein do not bend from a girl's body, from a woman's look, from evil intent, from an enviable thought. Amen".

This conspiracy for a beloved boy is not read immediately before intimacy– the effect can be opposite. They do this rite in the afternoon, at noon, if there is an oak tree nearby, stand in front of it and say magical incantation words. You can take a leaf from a tree, take it home and store it under a mattress.

Not only representatives of the strong half of humanity lie in wait. Ladies also suffer embarrassing failures. If you love your chosen one, but the desire for intimacy has gone somewhere, read the plot for a woman's desire. This is a strong conspiracy for intimacy for women. Go early in the morning to the river, enter the water, splash on yourself and say: "The sky is my father, the Earth is my mother, tell the water to give a woman's strength." Scoop up river water, wash it at home, saying the plot again.

Intimacy and passion go hand in hand.

  • There are periods in the life of each of us when we are obsessed with love, this bright basic instinct, the manifestation of the bestial in our nature.
  • Desire sometimes becomes an obsession.
  • The flame of passion does not warm - it burns.
  • You can find satisfaction by making a strong conspiracy for intimacy with a man, and getting what was so lacking.

Independent conspiracy to the emergence of passion by chance acquaintance

“I dream of your kiss. I want to hug you and own you (name). Our meeting was not accidental, it was I who wanted to give you pleasure. You can't refuse my gaze. He beckons you and fills you with passion. Be mine, my random beauty, and say yes to me when I demand it."

Arouse lust and passion

Read this free intimacy spell by an open fire.

Designed for both women and men.

“I kindle a fire of passion in the lower abdomen (name). I raise the passion in my head. Let her intoxicate and intoxicate. Let the brain demolish and dominate the body. Passion burns in (name), burns and torments. Legs tremble, lips dry, hands reach out to me. There is no way to extinguish this passion. No way to get rid of her. Only I can extinguish this passion, only I can direct this passion. Everything on me for (name) converges. Everything is done for me for him. I want (name) my body. I want it so that it gets dark in the eyes. I am for (name) the biggest dream. Let us be together in the heat of passion! Let us experience lust and lust! Burn, fire, and burn to the bone. Burn, fire, and support me! To be my wish fulfilled! Khantaa ular".

Mikhail Koryakin, urologist-andrologist of the Medical and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Health, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, answers:

This is understandable: in women, the level of testosterone (the hormone responsible for sexual desire) is at least 10 times lower than in men. This hormone, by the way, is also responsible for endurance, strength, large muscle mass, that is, typically male characteristics. But I categorically do not recommend using preparations with testosterone to increase libido, even in the form of gels for external use. It's harmless!

A pharmacologically increased level of the male sex hormone in the female body will inevitably lead to a masculine change in appearance: a mustache and beard will begin to grow, the skin will become rough and greasy, the voice will become lower, etc. Moreover, an excess of testosterone in a woman will block the menstrual cycle and lead to to infertility. Therefore, consider more harmless ways to increase sexual desire.

1. Erotic fantasies

Books with playful plots, juicy details, and beautiful films about love can push you to want to repeat the on-screen romance in your life and activate sexual desire.

Our advice: modern series "Masters of Sex", "Call Girl", "Say You Love Me", as well as classics - the films "Eyes Wide Shut" and "9 and a half weeks".

2. Regular exercise

Physical exercise slightly increases testosterone levels in the body. No wonder all athletes have higher levels of this hormone than other women. This is a scientific fact. But this does not mean that you need to lift the barbell or throw the shot. Regular fitness is fine. Choose what you like - swimming, dancing, aerobics, etc. So the figure will be more toned, which is also important for sexual attractiveness.

3. Aromatherapy

Although smells as such cannot arouse attraction and encourage active sexual activity (contrary to advertising!), Pleasant aromas in the bedroom will set you in a romantic mood and improve your mood. And by the way, do not forget to give your man a perfume that you like.

4. SPA treatments

A warm bath relaxes, relieves fatigue and stress, which will not interfere with love marathons. Hydromassage, in particular, the impact of a directed shower jet on certain parts of the body, can be quite exciting. So you can experiment in the shower while your husband is waiting for you in bed, and come back prepared. Or take a shower or bath together.

5. Proper nutrition, attention to your health

Do not forget to regularly visit not only a female doctor, but also other specialists, including a dentist. Any discomfort distracts, disturbs and depresses sexual desire.

6. Male compliments

It is known that a man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears. As often as possible, provoke men to admire you, talk about how beautiful you are. Affectionate words, attention, assurances of love, compliments (and even often outright flattery) can awaken passion. The realization that you are desirable, causes a response desire.

7. Sunbathing

Ultraviolet rays affect the skin and lead to the production of vitamin D and, as a result, testosterone. But the tan should be light. Excessive sun leads to skin aging and can trigger the development of melanoma.

8. Full sleep

Women generally need more sleep than men. Therefore, you should not save on sleep in order to bake pies for your beloved, clean the apartment, iron all the linen, etc. If a man in this regard is a more rude creature and can want it anytime and anywhere, then women are more tender and demanding.

9. Impact on erogenous zones

For many women, this area is the neck. You can use dangling earrings that could act on this area and increase sexual desire. Others are excited by gentle touches on the chest. In general, all human skin is a sexual organ. And even more so for a woman. It is no coincidence that in women the touch of strangers men cause rejection and irritation.

10. A little bit of wine

Alcohol makes girls more free, liberated, reduces control over behavior. The main thing in this case is not to overdo it, no one has yet been excited by a woman drunk in the trash. But a glass of red or white at dinner is only good.