A program for detecting surebets in bookmakers. Surebets in sports betting

A bookmaker’s “fork” is a situation where the odds of a bookmaker’s office allow you to make several bets on opposite outcomes and make a guaranteed profit. Surebets are formed due to the difference in quotes for one event from different bookmakers. Read more about the strategy in this article.

Manual search for "forks"

It is almost impossible to find “forks” in bookmakers by yourself. You can follow the lines of bookmakers from morning to evening and still not identify an arbitrage situation. You are able to cover several offices, and it’s not a fact that “plugs” are generally possible between them.

You need to open a painting for each match in different offices, compare odds and count if there is a fork. This is a time-consuming process and meaningless, because many services have appeared that automatically scan the lines of dozens of bookmakers.

Fork Scanners- that's what these services and programs are called. Let's take a closer look at the main free scanners and learn how to identify arbitrage situations with their help.

Surebet Scanner - Surebet

Surebet scans the lines of more than 65 bookmakers and reveals surebets in 34 sports disciplines. Free arbitrage situations with profitability up to 1% are available. Live line is not scanned.

Registration on the resource is required for a paid subscription. To use the service for free, you do not need to create an account. There are convenient filters for profitability, start time of events, ROI and "age" of the arbitrage situation. You can choose the number of outcomes (two or three), as well as specify the profit range. Additionally, sports and bookmakers are selected for scanning.

Surebet is a quality service, despite the shortcomings. First of all, these are the “forks” delays, which are 90 seconds. Sometimes there are mistakes in little-known disciplines: cricket, chess, bowls and others.

Arb search service – OddStorm

The site has a user-friendly interface and high speed. OddStorm scans more than 60 bookmakers and finds prematch and live surebets. Instead of using the site, you can install a special program on your PC.

In the free version, arbitrage situations are capped at 1%. After registration, it becomes possible to identify "forks" with a profit of up to 1.5%.

The bet percentage is displayed next to the bet. That is, if 100 rubles are allocated for the "fork", then the service immediately shows how many percent of this amount to put on each "shoulder".

It is important to respond quickly to "plugs" because they do not "exist" for long. It is possible to set up a sound notification when new forks are found. A standard filter by bookmakers is available.

Arb service – AllBestBets

AllBestBets scans over 100 bookmakers. Live "arbs" are provided for 9 sports disciplines, and pre-match - for 23. You can install the Arb Helper plugin, which allows you to open an event in the office line with one click and not search for it manually. Arbitrage situations are filtered by sports, bookmakers, bet type, tournaments, profitability, surebet detection time and match start time.

Erroneous "forks" are almost never found. If an incorrect "fork" is detected, any user can notify the administration about this through a special notification button.

It is almost impossible to use live forks, because in the free version of the site, the delay reaches 15 minutes. The delay in the publication of prematch "forks" is insignificant - a minute. Arbitrage situations, the yield of which exceeds 1%, are not shown.

Arb search through Breaking-Bet

The project is in beta mode, so surebets of any yield are available for free, but only after registration. The system scans the lines of more than 20 offices. The list is constantly updated. Arbitrage situations are identified in 7 main disciplines: football, hockey, basketball, tennis, volleyball, handball and baseball.

There is a text and sound notification. "Forks" are sorted by profit, offices, time, sport and number of outcomes (2 or 3). Arbitrage situations that do not suit you personally can be removed from general list. If an error is found, it is possible to notify the administration.

Live surebet scanner – Positivebet

The service scans the data of 34 bookmakers and exchanges Betfair rates in football, basketball, hockey, tennis and volleyball. The resource specializes exclusively in live "forks". You will not find prematch "forks".

Filters and other features are available after registration. Unauthorized users can only see "arbs" with a yield of up to 1%.

Positivebet has an extension that makes betting easier. The bet amount from the surebet calculator is automatically transferred to the coupon on the bookmaker's website. The plugin can be installed in popular browsers (Chrome, Opera, Mozilla).


"Forks" only in theory are able to bring constant and 100% win, however, there are pitfalls that make life difficult for arbers.

You may not have time to close the “fork” leverage, or overlook that the bookmaker has an insufficient maximum bet limit. Bookmaker quotes are constantly changing, so while you make one deal, the value for another outcome may change. Yes, returns are not excluded.

Even when using auxiliary services to find arbitrage situations, do not trust them completely. Check the data yourself. Only then place your bets.

Bookmaker 1xBet gives 4000 rubles for registration.

Betting scanners forks, these are special automated online services to search for forks. On the Internet, you can easily find a dozen similar Russian-language services worthy of attention and the same number that do not support the Russian language. All these scanners are paid. But without such services, it would be almost impossible for me, as well as for many of my colleagues and I really hope for you - in the near future, to earn a stable income. You can find a couple shareware scanners , but their functionality is small, the plugs come with a delay of up to ten minutes and stable income they have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Surebet breaking-bet scanner

Surebet Scanner officially launched in November 2016. Until the end of May 2018, it worked in test mode, providing full functionality to all registered users for free. At the end of May 2018, the test period ended and the scanner switched to a paid basis, but nevertheless remained available a wide range users, thanks to low subscription prices.

Surebet scanner 3bet

For more than a year, 3bet has been pleasing its users. The pricing policy remains very attractive, especially for arber beginners. Skilled betters, perhaps, will be disappointed by the limited number of sports. But the main species are present, more precisely, there are 16 of them.

3bet also offers an AI service. That is, a service for predicting the outcome of events based on machine learning algorithms. As of November 2018, ROI per turnover was: 9.35%

Lately, I have been often asked the same question, which arb scanner do you think is the best for LIVE.
Those who asked this question or read my textbook know my established opinion on this matter. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to break it, since it is complicated by personal tests, for several years and in the opinion of many professionals in their field.

But I would like to know your opinion more users, scanners. And the opinion of each of you will be priceless!!!

Among bookmakers, it comes down to a banal review and comparison of odds offered by bookmakers according to a certain formula. More plain language, the search for surebets in bookmakers is a search and analysis of numbers.

How to find surebets in bookmakers on your own (by hand)?

To do this, you need to open the websites of bookmakers, find the same match and the same event in the match in both bookmakers. Then it remains only to compare the odds for opposite outcomes in events, if the odds fit the minimum values ​​(see the table below Minimum odds for betting surebets), then this means that we have an arbitrage situation (fork)

Is it advisable to look for surebets with your hands?

For those who want to make good money on surebets, it makes no sense. The fact is that in order to quickly turn over the bank available to the arber, it is necessary to place bets in live, which is almost impossible in manual mode- coefficients change very quickly.

And when searching for arbs through a scanner, the arber receives information about a new arb that has appeared directly online, i.e. V this moment time. Usually live surebets live not long, from several seconds to several minutes.

Outcome: is it possible by hand? Yes, you can, but it doesn't make sense.

Program for finding surebets in bookmakers online - TIKI

The TIKI scanner is a high-tech software(system, service, program) which is for you. in automatic mode, with high accuracy, and on highest speed searches and bypasses the sites of bookmakers, collects data from them about matches, events in matches and betting odds offered by the bookmaker for these events.

After conducting a search and collecting data, the program independently performs an analysis using a number of mathematical formulas, and if "forks" are found, it provides convenient access to them for the user of the arb scanner service.

The topic of arbitrage situations (arbs) in sports will always be relevant, every day thousands of new and experienced players express a desire to start earning on them. After all, this is the only risk-free strategy for betting in bookmakers. The first step towards this is the choice of a scanner that will automatically find the desired selections and provide information to the client. The services of quality services are paid and the price is quite high, not all people are able to allocate the necessary amounts. However, there are also free options, for example, BMBets, this site is completely Russified, however, it is problematic to go to it due to the blocking of Roskomnadzor.

Nevertheless, there are players who want to use the services of BMBets, because surebets with any percentage of profitability are displayed here. Although the scanner leaves much to be desired, and it is not recommended for anyone even for training. The main reason for the negative attitude is that the resource has been abandoned by developers, it has not been updated for a long time, plus a lot of errors in sections and inaccurate information. however, complete list shortcomings of BMBets can be found in the article, all its functionality is displayed here and given Full description the entire site. So is it worth using it?

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