What is the difference between an external collaborator and an internal one. Internal and external partnership

Today I will write about one important point, which must be well understood by all those who are employed or planning to. Combination and part-time: what's the difference? I am sure that very few people can immediately and accurately answer this question. And someone will think that this is generally the same thing, but this is absolutely not the case.

There is a very significant difference between the very consonant concepts of “combination” and “combination”. Not so long ago, one reader in the comments described her situation in which the employer issued her part-time job as a part-time job instead of a combination, which resulted in significant underpayments and serious. To avoid such situations, you need to understand well what combination is and what is combination work.

These concepts have different meanings from the point of view of labor law and are regulated by different articles of the Labor Code. What is it and what is more profitable for the employee: combination or part-time work - let's figure it out.

What is a combination?

Combination- this is the performance by an employee of functions and tasks that are not included in his official duties, simultaneously with the performance of the main job, for the same employer. Combination work is confined to the main employment of the employee, and can only be performed by him voluntarily (forcing an employee to combine his main job with another job is prohibited).

For example, an employee can combine the position of a cashier and an accountant, a cashier and a teller, a salesperson and a consultant, etc. at an enterprise.

Combination work in Russia is regulated by Articles 60.2. and 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

What is concurrency?

part-time- this is the performance by an employee of additional work in his spare time from the main work. It can be of two types: internal and external.

Internal combination- working in a different position with the same employer at a different time.

For example, an employee works as a driver during the day, and at night as a part-time watchman at the same enterprise.

External part-time- work in a similar or different position with another employer in his spare time from his main job.

For example, a teacher teaches during the day at the main job in one educational institution, and in the evening - part-time in another. Or a person works at the enterprise as an economist during the day, and in the evening as a part-time bartender in a nightclub.

Part-time work in Russia is regulated by Article 60.1. and Chapter 44 (Articles 282-288) of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Combination and part-time: what's the difference?

Well, now let's highlight the main differences between combination and part-time work.

  1. Legal basis. Combination and part-time employment are different concepts regulated by different articles of the Labor Code.
  2. Hours of work. When combining, the employee performs additional work at the same time as the main one, when part-time - in his free time from the main job.
  3. Working hours. The maximum time for part-time work is limited by the norms of the Labor Code. When combining such restrictions is not required, since it occurs simultaneously with the main work.
  4. Place of work. Combination can only occur with the same employer as the main job, and part-time work can occur both with the same and with another.
  5. Initiative. The combination occurs, as a rule, at the initiative of the employer with the consent of the employee, and part-time employment - at the initiative of the employee.
  6. Salary. When combining, the employee receives an allowance for combining to the main salary, when combining - two different salaries for two positions.
  7. Taxation. Part-time wages are usually subject to an increased income tax rate, the combination allowance is at the same rate.
  8. Positions. When combining, an employee necessarily combines two different positions; when combining, he can work both in the same and in different positions.
  9. Registration for work. When working part-time with an employee, a separate employment contract is drawn up, an order for employment is issued. When working on combining, it is enough to sign an additional agreement to the current employment contract, an order on combining is issued.
  10. Entry in the workbook. When combining - it is not done, when combining - it is done at the request of the employee.
  11. Restrictions. There are no restrictions when working on a combination. There are restrictions on part-time work (for example, it is not allowed for persons under 18 years of age, for harmful working conditions, etc.).
  12. Termination of work. When combining, the employee receives a notice of termination of the combination, an order to terminate the combination. In case of combination - there is a dismissal from the position, the employment contract is terminated.
  13. Vacation. When combined, additional leave is not granted. In case of part-time work, it is provided in the same volume as in the main job provided for by the Labor Code.

Now you know what is the difference between combination and part-time. What is more profitable - combination or internal part-time work - everyone can determine for himself individually, based on what is more priority for him: the amount of remuneration, the amount of time worked, vacation, etc.). I hope that this information will help you more competently defend your rights and needs before employers.

Join the number of regular readers and be financially literate! Until we meet again on the pages of the site!

In the process of carrying out the economic activity of a business entity, unforeseen production tasks often arise that require immediate solutions. Due to the fact that the volume of work may not be enough to attract full-time employees, the employer has the right to arrange a part-time job or impose additional duties on an employee with whom an employment relationship has already been formalized.

Many employers do not fully understand such concepts as part-time work and combination, what is the difference, and in what production situation is their application relevant. To understand what part-time work and combination are, you should understand each concept, with the nuances of design, conduct of activities, as well as payment for the results of labor.

Giving an employee additional responsibilities


If an employee performs the work stipulated by the provisions of the employment contract, and the head of the business entity has a production need to implement additional tasks, then their solution can be imputed to this employee. New relationships are formalized on the basis of part-time employment, which is possible only if the employee has free time from his main activity. Additional obligations may be imposed for their implementation at the enterprise at the place of main activity or at another business entity.


Types of combination

There are two types of part-time activities:

  1. Internal, involving the performance of work by the employer with whom the main relationship is formalized. The solution of production tasks is carried out in a time period that is not related to the main working time. It is relevant to use such relations if the manager has vacant vacancies.
  2. External, when the activity is carried out outside the enterprise where the employee has a work book.

Legislative regulation, prohibitions and restrictions

All part-time workers who work for business entities in the status of an individual enterprise or legal entity are subject to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation applied to regulate relations between the employer and the employee.

For the standard list of professions, there is no need to obtain permits from the main employer to conduct activities as an external part-time job. The head of a business entity, as well as representatives of the collegial executive body, will have to obtain permission from the founders at the council if the constituent documents or legislative norms establish special conditions for labor regulation for them.

The legislative procedure provides for a restriction on the performance of part-time work, regulated by the possibility of carrying out activities in this mode for no more than 4 hours a day. This is due to concern for the health of the employee, whose body may be subjected to overload, as well as with respect for the interests of the employer in the form of preventing a decrease in the quality of work performed and an increase in the level of injuries.

Applicable restrictions on the working hours of a part-time worker

Regulatory acts provide for a list of categories of workers who cannot be employed in jobs that are additional. These include minors, employees of state institutions, as well as citizens employed in their main position at work in which dangerous and harmful conditions are regulated.

"HR Department of a commercial organization", 2013, N 12

Question: What is the difference between concurrency and concurrency?

Answer: The main difference between part-time employment and combination is the period of additional work. In the first case, it is performed in the time free from the main work, in the second - during the working hours of the employer with whom the employee has an employment relationship. In addition, part-time employment requires the conclusion of a separate employment contract, which is not necessary when combining.

Rationale: By virtue of Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time employment is the performance of other regular paid work on the terms of an employment contract in time free from the main job. The conclusion of employment contracts for part-time work is allowed with an unlimited number of employers, unless otherwise provided by federal law. This work can be performed both at the place of the main job and with other employers. The employment contract must indicate that the work is part-time.

And Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is established that with the written consent of the employee, he may be entrusted with the performance during the established duration of the working day (shift), along with the work determined by the employment contract, additional work in another or the same profession (position) for an additional fee in accordance with Art. 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, the difference between part-time work and combination is that when part-time, other work is performed on the basis of an employment contract in time free from the main job. To carry out the combination, it is not necessary to conclude a separate employment contract, since it is formalized as an additional agreement to the employment contract. If part-time work is a second job, then combination is not a separate job, but only an additional duty to the main job.

Note that part-time employment is possible both in the organization in which the employee is already working, and with other employers, and combination is possible only with the employer for whom the employee is already working.

The next difference is the working hours. For part-time work, it is limited and should not exceed four hours a day (Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the case of combination, the duration of working hours is equal to the duration of working hours that has already been established for the employee (part 1 of article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation when combining professions (positions), expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work or performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without exemption from work specified in the employment contract, the employee is paid an additional payment. And the remuneration of persons working part-time is made in proportion to the hours worked, depending on the output or on other conditions determined by the employment contract.

The concepts of “part-time work” and “combination work” are often confused. In 2006, it was even necessary to introduce additional articles (60.1 and 60.2) into the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, giving a clear definition of these concepts. So, what is combination and how does it differ from part-time?

What is combination

Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the work of combining as the performance "during the established duration of the working day (shift), along with the work determined by the employment contract, additional work in a different or the same profession (position) for additional payment."

This means that during his working time, the employee performs both his duties and the duties of another person, that is, he works “for two”.

The law identifies several types of additional work:

1) combination of positions (additional work in another position). For example, an accountant performs not only his duties in full, but also the duties of a personnel officer (combines two positions);

2) combination of professions (additional work in another profession). For example, a locksmith performs the duties of a locksmith, as well as the duties of a turner (combines professions);

3) increase in the volume of work (additional work in the same position or profession). For example, in the absence of one accountant, another may perform his work along with his duties;

4) expansion of the service area (additional work in the same position or profession). It is used if the work involves a clear division of the service area. For example, a janitor serves both his own plot and the neighboring yard;

5) performance of duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from his own duties.

How to pay for combination and other additional work

You can set an additional payment both in a fixed amount and as a percentage of the salary for a combined job or for the main job. Moreover, there are no restrictions on combining work for commercial organizations, you can pay at least 100% of the salary for a combined position. Another question is whether the employee will have time to work for two for 8 hours. If this is realistic, it is probably worth reviewing the workload for the employee in these positions.

What is concurrency

Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives a clear definition of part-time work: this is “the performance by an employee of other regular paid work on the terms of an employment contract in his spare time from his main job.”

That is, part-time work is work under a different (separate, second) employment contract.

For example, the company has an administrator who agreed to be on duty on the “hot” phone after his work. Since he will perform this work in additional time in relation to the main work, this will be work on a part-time basis. To apply for a part-time job, you need to conclude another employment contract with the employee, in which you indicate that work “on the phone” is part-time work.

An employee entering into a part-time work contract must have a main job (it does not matter if it is with the same employer or with another). If the employer is the same, the combination is internal, if different, it is external.

Making a part-time job is a complete admission procedure. Therefore, briefings on labor protection, and familiarization with local regulations and a card for a special assessment of working conditions (SOUT), and issuing a personal card, and issuing an admission order are mandatory. But it is not necessary to make an entry in the work book - only at the request of the employee.

Part-time work involves employment after the main job and / or on weekends. In the time sheet, the time of work of the part-time worker is recorded.

The number of employers with which an employee can conclude employment contracts for part-time work is not limited. That is, a person can have a main job (his work book is stored and filled in there) and several part-time jobs. For example, work as a part-time accountant for 5 entrepreneurs at the same time. And still have a main job.

You can terminate the contract with a part-time job for all the reasons that are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and if the employment contract is concluded for an indefinite period, then also in connection with the hiring of another employee for this position for the main job (Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How do combinations and combinations differ in practice?

The table shows the main differences between combination and part-time work, which will help you find answers to some fairly common questions.

The accountant was entrusted with the job of combining the position of an economist with payment in the amount of half the salary of an economist. How to establish that the duties of an economist must be completed within 4 hours?

When assigning work to combine, it is impossible to separate the time that the employee spends on performing duties on the main job and the time spent on additional work. The time sheet takes into account only the main working hours during which the employee performs duties for himself and another employee. That is why it is impossible to entrust the work of combining, which must be performed in a different place or at a different time than the main work. And that is why you cannot go on vacation from your main job, and continue to fulfill the duties of combining.

The secretary went on vacation, the personnel specialist agrees to answer calls and register documents for this time. How do you need to arrange an additional job for an employee: entrust work to combine or conclude an agreement on part-time work?

In this situation, it is necessary to issue additional work in the form of fulfilling the duties of a temporarily absent employee, since the personnel officer will perform additional duties of a secretary at the same time as his main duties - during his working day.

Zita LLC and Gita LLC are part of a single holding. In the Zita company, the labor protection specialist is on a long vacation. Her duties are ready to be performed by a specialist of Gita LLC. What to choose, combination or part-time?

In this situation, you need to conclude an agreement on part-time work, because the employee will perform work for another employer.

The chief mechanic additionally performed the duties of the transport director during his vacation. Now he asks to reflect this fact in the work book. How to do it?

In the work book, we enter information about hiring, transfers to another job, dismissal, renaming of an organization, unit or position. When assigning work to combine the main position of the employee does not change, there is no transfer to another job. Therefore, the performance of additional work is not reflected in the work book.

Evidence of the fulfillment of duties in a higher position may be an additional agreement to the employment contract, a copy of which must be kept by the employee, and / or a certified copy of the order on assignment of additional work.

Today, labor legislation allows combination and part-time work. It should be remembered that these concepts are not identical.

The format of this type of employment varies significantly. First of all, this concerns the mode of operation, as well as the format for concluding an employment agreement.

Usually, combination and part-time employment is required when the volume of work performed is relatively small.

Before concluding an appropriate employment contract, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the legislation in force in this regard.

What you need to know

There are a large number of different formats for conducting labor activity on the territory of the Russian Federation. In this case, violation of the law is not allowed.

It is important to remember that combination and combination are two completely different concepts. Moreover, the format for concluding an agreement between employers in both cases differs significantly.

The differences also relate to the duration of the agreements, as well as other important points.

In order to avoid violation of existing legislative norms, as well as increased attention from the controlling state bodies, it will be necessary to consider the following issues:

  • basic concepts;
  • employment procedure;
  • legal regulation.

Basic concepts

Before proceeding to the conclusion of an employment contract, an agreement regarding the format of employment in question, it will be necessary to carefully study the legislation.

But for a proper understanding of it, it is important to familiarize yourself with the terminology used in it. The most commonly used today include the following:

  • "part-time";
  • "combination";
  • "responsibilities";
  • "employment contract";
  • "terms";
  • "working day";
  • "wage".

What is the difference - internal combination and combination - can be determined only after studying the current legislation.

This issue is discussed in detail in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in special articles.

The term "part-time" means the performance of any official duties in their free time from the main job.

In this case, a special, separate one is concluded. The part-time job itself can be with one employer, or with several at once.

But it should be remembered that in any case it will be necessary to conclude another employment contract. This is what distinguishes combination from "combination".

The second term refers to the execution of additional work simultaneously with the main work. Moreover, the combination in some cases implies the performance of two works at the same time.

Additional time is not allocated. Under "work duties" is meant the performance of various kinds of additional work in addition to the main one.

A complete list of such obligations is necessarily reflected in. The employer also has obligations towards its employee.

They are reflected in the employment agreement. It should be remembered that the duration of the agreement between the employee and the employer may be limited.

In some cases it is. It implies the end of the agreement.

It stops its action at the moment of reaching a certain time. At the same time, it should be remembered that the conclusion of such an agreement is inadmissible in some cases.

The labor code indicates the circumstances when the conclusion of an urgent / is allowed.

"Working day" - means a certain period of time during which the employee must be present at the workplace and perform his job duties.

Its duration is reflected in the contract. In some cases, working time refers to a shift, a short period of time. The duration of action is also regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

"Salary" - a certain amount of money that is paid for the performance of an employee's job duties. Its size is also regulated by law.

The employer should, if possible, familiarize himself with the calculation of vacation pay, as well as other social benefits, in advance. When drawing up an agreement, you should pay close attention to this point.

Employment procedure

A more complicated procedure is employment specifically part-time. This procedure is regulated by law.

When combined, the device for work looks like this:

  • the employer must receive all the documents necessary for employment;
  • a referral for a medical examination is issued;
  • the employee gets acquainted with all regulatory legal acts, other documents at work;
  • an employment contract is formed in the required form;
  • the document is signed by the employer and his employee;
  • an employment contract is registered in a special journal;
  • one copy remains with the employee, the second - with the employer;
  • the contract is registered in;
  • an order for employment is formed, all operations are performed in the following order:
  1. Order No. T-1 is being drawn up.
  2. The document is signed by the head.
  3. Registered in a special journal.
  4. The worker himself gets acquainted with the order;
  • appropriate amendments are made to the work book.
  • certain information is entered in the Book of Accounts.
  • procedure is being carried out.
  • required information is sent.

In the case of combination, everything is somewhat simpler. There is no need to draw up a new employment contract. It will be enough only the consent of the employee himself.

A special supplementary agreement is drawn up. It reflects the following points:

  • the duration of the combination itself;
  • amount of work performed, part-time position.

The main difference between part-time employment and the combination of professions and positions is set out in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the current legislation in this regard.

Legal regulation

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the issue of combining positions, as well as part-time employment, is disclosed in sufficient detail.

The fundamental legal document in this case is precisely.

It includes the following main sections:

What are labor agreements and their parties
This section refers to the imposition of a prohibition on agency work.
What exactly should be included in an employment agreement
Duration of the employment agreement
What is a fixed-term agreement between an employee and an employer
It is indicated that it is inadmissible to demand the performance of work that is not reflected in the agreement between the employee / employer
What is meant by the term "part-time work"
How is the combination of different professions, as well as different positions
How does an employment contract come into force?
Reflects the need to issue documents directly related to the work performed by a particular employee

It is also important to remember the extensive list of various specialized legislative acts. Their action extends directly to certain types of positions, specialties.

The employer needs to pay close attention to studying the law. Otherwise, there is a high probability of conflicts with labor inspectorates.

An ordinary employee should also not neglect the study of legal acts. This will help you avoid violating your rights.

What is the difference between combination and part-time at work

The differences between part-time and combination is quite extensive. Moreover, it is not allowed to use combination in cases where combination is required.

If possible, the employer should consult with an experienced lawyer, personnel worker. It is important to understand in advance all the differences between these types of employment.

Today, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the following questions in advance:

  • main differences;
  • differences from the internal;
  • Advantages and disadvantages.

Main differences (table)

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the main differences associated with these types of employment.

The easiest way to consider them in the form of a table:

Criterion part-time Combination
concept Responsibilities performed in spare time Responsibilities for combining are performed during the implementation of the main job functions
Consent of the employee The consent of the employer/employee is required
Decor It is necessary to draw up an employment contract Only the written consent of the employee is required.
Duration Possibility of imprisonment indefinitely The term can be set only with the consent of the employee himself.
Positions Possibility to hold different/same positions Duties are performed in another profession

Differences from internal

The main difference between external part-time, combination from internal is the difference directly related to the procedure for applying for a job.

Video: find the answer. Compatibility and combination

In both cases, the process is associated with a large number of very different nuances and features. All procedures must be carried out in accordance with applicable laws.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are advantages and disadvantages of the considered type of form of employment (combination / combination).

The most significant advantages include:

  • opportunity to earn extra money;
  • the amount of pension and other deductions increases;
  • it is possible to gain additional work experience;
  • holiday pay increases.

The disadvantages include more time required to perform work duties. But really this is only in the case of part-time work.

When combined, all work is done in their free time. Nevertheless, before a simple employee agrees to a combination / combination, all the pros and cons should be carefully weighed.

Since in some cases the combination delivers a large number of various difficulties.

Today, the procedure for registering a simple part-time worker has a very large number of very different features and nuances.

The employer and his employee should definitely familiarize themselves with all of them in advance. In this way, a large number of various difficulties and problems can be avoided.