Hamlet read online full translation. Golden Fund of World Classics - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Current page: 1 (total book has 6 pages) [accessible reading passage: 2 pages]

William Shakespeare

Notes by translator Mikhail Lozinsky.

* * *


Claudius, King of Denmark.

Hamlet, son of the deceased and nephew of the reigning king.

Fortinbras Prince of Norway.

Polonium, chancellor.

Horatio, friend of Hamlet.

Laertes son of Polonius.

voltimand, Cornelius, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Osric, 1st noble, 2nd noble- courtiers.


Marcellus, Bernardo- officers.

Francisco, soldier.

Reinaldo, a servant of Polonius.


Two jesters, gravediggers.


English ambassadors.

Gertrude, Queen of Denmark, mother of Hamlet.

Ophelia daughter of Polonius.

The ghost of Hamlet's father.

Nobles, ladies, officers, soldiers, sailors, messengers And other servants.

Location: Elsinore 1
Elsinore (Helsingor) is a city on the island of Zealand, in Denmark, on the banks of the Sound, in the narrowest part of the strait, 38 km north of Copenhagen. Here, under King Frederik II in 1574-1583, according to the plans of the famous astronomer Tycho Braga, the fortified Kronborg Castle was built, located at the tip of a spit jutting into the sea. In 1585 and 1586, a troupe of English actors played at Elsinore, of which three - William Kemp, George Brien and Thomas Pope - later became Shakespeare's stage companions. In 1596, during the coronation of Christian IV, another English troupe played in Copenhagen under the direction of Thomas Sackville. It is natural to assume that from the members of both these troupes Shakespeare learned a number of information about Danish life and customs.

Act one

The first phenomenon

Elsinore. Square in front of the castle.

Francisco on guard. Included Bernardo.



No, answer me yourself; stop and show up.


Long live the king!





You have come at the right time.


Twelve strikes; go to bed, Francisco.


Thank you for changing harsh cold,
And I don't feel like myself.


Was everything quiet?


The mouse didn't move.


Well, good night.
And if you meet the rest, Marcellus
Or Horatio, hurry them up.


I seem to hear them. - Stop! Who is here?

Enter Horatio And Marcellus.


Friends of the country.


And people of the Danish service.


Good night.


With God, honest warrior;
And who replaced you?


Bernardo has arrived.
Good night.



Hey! Bernardo!


Horatio with you?


Piece of it.


Hello Horatio; Marcellus, hello.


Well, did it show up again today?


I have not seen anything.


Horatio considers it ours
Fantasy, and in a terrible vision,
Presented to us twice, he does not believe;
That's why I invited him
Watch over the moments of this night
And if the ghost comes again
Let him take a look himself and let him call out.


Nonsense, nonsense, will not come.


Let's sit down;
And we will move again to storm your ears,
For your unapproachable story,
Everything we've seen.


OK then,
Sit down and listen to Bernardo.


Last night
When that star over there, to the left of the Polar,
Came to shine in that region of heaven,
Where it shines even now, Marcellus and I,
It's barely been an hour...

Included Ghost.


Shh, shut up; look, here he is again!


Just like the dead king was.


You are a scribe 2
You're a scribe... - Horatio knows Latin, and the incantations of the spirits were pronounced in Latin.

; go to him, Horatio.


Look like a king? Look, Horatio.


Yes; I am riddled with fear and embarrassment.


He's waiting for a question 3
He is waiting for a question. “According to ancient belief, ghosts could not speak first.


Ask Horatio.


Who are you that encroached on this hour
And this abusive and beautiful appearance,
In which the dead lord of the Danes
Did you ever step? I beg you, shut up!


He is offended.


Look, he's walking away!


Stop! Speak, speak! I beg you, shut up!

Ghost leaves.


He left and didn't answer.


Well, Horatio? Trembling and pale?
Perhaps this is not just a fantasy?
What do you say?


I swear to God I wouldn't believe
Whenever an indisputable guarantee
My own eyes.


Look like a king?


How are you on your own.
He wore the same armor
When he fought with the arrogant Norwegian 4
Norwegian - Norwegian king; as well as further: Dane, Briton - Danish, English king.

That's how he frowned when on the ice
In a fierce battle, he defeated the Poles 5
... when he defeated the Poles on the ice in a fierce battle ... - "... Don't smote the sledded Polacks (different interpretations: roll-lax, role-axe) on the ice" - a dark place, read differently; one of the possible interpretations is given here. We offer, along with it, two others:
a) ... when, flaring up,
He threw the Pole out of the sleigh onto the ice.
b) ... when one day
In response to the ambassadors, he hit the ice with his axe.

How strange!


And so it is twice in this dead hour
Passed with our guards with a formidable step.


What exactly to think, I do not know;
But in general I see it as a sign
Some strange troubles for the state.


Shouldn't we sit down? And let those who know say
Why are these strict guards
Do the citizens of the country work all night?
Why cast all these copper guns
And this buying up of ammunition,
Recruiting carpenters whose hard work
Can't distinguish holidays from weekdays?
What secret meaning such a hot rush
That the night has become the co-worker of the day?
Who will explain to me?


I; at least
There is a rumor. Our late king
Whose image appeared to us now, was,
You know, Norwegian Fortinbras,
Moved by jealous pride,
On the field called; and our brave Hamlet -
So he was known in everything known world
Killed him; and the one under the contract,
Bonded by honor and laws,
Lost, along with life, all the lands,
Subject to him, in favor of the king;
In return for which our late king
He vouched for an equal share, which
Passed into the hands of Fortinbras,
Whether he is a winner; like him
By the force of the concluded condition
Got Hamlet. And now, immature
Seething with courage, the younger Fortinbras
Scored myself from the Norwegian coasts
A gang of lawless daredevils 6
…A band of lawless resolutes… – …a list of lawless resolutes… – If we accept another reading – a list of landles resolutes – then this verse would read: A band of landless resolutes.

For food and grub for some business,
Where is the tooth needed? 7
... For food and grub for some business where a tooth is needed ... - "Food and grub" (food and diet) is a tautology that prepares attention for the next "stomach". "Stomach" (literally "stomach") is used here in the sense of "determination, courage", but with an additional connotation of "greed, gluttony". In the translation of this play on words, the expression "tooth" serves; "toothiness" is associated with a similar range of ideas.

; and that is nothing else
(This is also understood by our state), -
How to take away, with weapons in hand,
Through violence, the said lands,
Lost by his father; Here
What caused our preparations
And this is our guard, that's the reason
And t O ropi and noise in the state.


I think that's the way it is.
That's why this prophetic ghost
Wandering in armor like a king
Which gave rise to these wars.


Mote, so that the eye of reason is darkened.
In high Rome, the city of victories,
In the days before mighty Julius fell 8
Julius Caesar (100-44 BC)

Leaving the coffins, in the shrouds, along the streets
The dead squealed and cursed;
Bloody rain, shaggy luminaries,
Confusion in the sun; wet star 9
... a wet star ... - The moon that controls the tides of the sea. Neptune is the god of the sea.

In whose area is Neptune's power,
Sick of darkness, almost like on judgment day;
The same harbinger of evil events,
Hurrying messengers before fate
And proclaiming things to come,
Revealed together heaven and earth
And our compatriots and countries.

Ghost returns.

But hush: see? Here he is again!
I'm going, I'm not afraid of damage 10
... I'm not afraid of damage. - It was believed that a person was in danger of damage if he stepped on the place where the ghost appeared.

. Stop, ghost!
When you own sound or speech,
Tell me;
When can I do something
For your sake and for your own glory,
Tell me;
When the inheritance of the fatherland is opened to you,
Foreshadowing, perhaps disgusting,
Oh, speak!
Or when during your lifetime you buried
Looted treasures, according to which
You, spirits, in death, they say, languish,

The rooster crows.

Then say; stop and speak! – hold up
Him, Marcellus.


Hit with a protazan 11
Protazan - halberd, reed, wide spear.


Yes, if it moves.



Ghost leaves.


We are in vain, since he is so majestic,
We show him the appearance of violence;
After all, he is invulnerable to us, like air,
And this miserable onslaught is just an insult.


He would answer, yes, the rooster crowed.


And he shuddered like someone guilty
With an ominous call. I heard that
Rooster, trumpeter of the dawn, his high
And a ringing throat wakes up from sleep
Day god, and with this call,
Whether in water, fire, earth or wind,
The wandering spirit hurries
within your own limits; that it's true
The real case proved it to us.


He became invisible at the cock's crow.
There is a rumor that every year around that time,
When the Savior was born on earth,
The singer of the dawn is not silent until the morning;
Then the spirits do not dare to move,
Healing nights, do not smash the planet,
Fairies are harmless, witches do not enchant, -
So blessed and holy is this time.


I've heard it and I kind of believe it.
But here is the morning, throwing on a red cloak,
Steps on the dew of the eastern mountains.
Break the guard; and I would think so
What we saw at night, we will not hide
From young Hamlet; I swear
That the spirit, dumb for us, will answer him.
Do you agree that we tell him
How is it that we are commanded by love and duty?


Yes, I'm asking; and today I know
Where can we find it best.

They leave.

The second phenomenon

Ceremonial chamber in the castle.

Pipes. Enter king, queen, Hamlet, Polonium, Laertes, voltimand, Cornelius, nobles And servants.


The death of our beloved brother
Still fresh and befits us
Carry pain in the hearts and all our power
Frowning with one brow of sadness,
However, the mind overcame nature,
And, with wise grief, remembering the deceased,
We also think about ourselves.
So sister and queen
Heir to a warlike country
We, as if with a darkened triumph, -
One laughing, another twisting eye,
Sad at the wedding, having fun over the coffin,
Balancing joy and despondency,
The spouses took, in this relying
On your wisdom, which was free to us
An accomplice. Thank you for everything.
Now another thing: young Fortinbras,
Appreciating us low or thinking
That ever since our brother passed away,
Our kingdom has fallen
Entered into an alliance with a proud dream
And relentlessly demands from us
The return of those lands that are in possession
Legally adopted from his father
Our honored brother. That's about him.
Now about us and about our congregation.
Here the matter is this: we ask by this
By a letter from a Norwegian, Uncle Fortinbras,
Who, weak, barely heard
About the intentions of the nephew - stop
His steps then that and sets
And all the supply of troops is burdened
His own subjects; and we want
So that you, my Voltimand, and you, Cornelius,
They brought a message to the old Norwegian,
And we give you no more power
In negotiations with the king than here
Allowed articles. Good way.
Haste mark your zeal.

Cornelius and Voltimand


We didn't doubt it; good way -

voltimand And Cornelius leave.

And you, Laertes, what will you tell us?
What did you want to ask us, Laertes?
Before the Dane your voice is in vain
It won't sound. What could you wish for
What would I suggest to you?
The head is not so dear to the heart,
The hand is not so helpful to the mouth,
Like a Danish scepter to your father.
What would you like, Laertes?


My sovereign
Let me return to France;
Although I came from there myself
Fulfill your duty at your coronation,
But, I confess, now my hopes
And thoughts again strive back
And they are waiting, bowing, for your permission.


And how is the father? What does Polonius say?


He bothered me for a long time, sir,
Persistent requests, while
I did not reluctantly seal them with consent,
I beg you, let your son go.


Well, good luck, Laertes; be your time
And spend it as you go the best forces! –
And you, my Hamlet, my dear nephew...


(to the side)

Nephew - let; but not cute at all 12
Nephew - let, but certainly not cute. - In the original, to the words of Claudius: "But now, my cousin Hamlet, and my son ..." - Hamlet responds with the phrase: "A little more than kin, and less than kind" - the meaning of which is rather obscure. Most commentators agree that Hamlet utters this phrase to the side, and does not address it to the king. Kin means "related, relative"; kind can mean "kind, breed", as well as "affectionate, supportive, sweet". Some understand this word in the first sense, others in the second, and apply it either to Claudius or to Hamlet; still others consider it deliberately ambiguous; some even tend to see here the German Kind - "child". The proposed translation is an attempt to convey the general meaning of the verse in connection with the previous one: 1) Claudius is not just Hamlet's uncle, he is at the same time the husband of his mother, his stepfather; 2) they don't like each other.


Are you still shrouded in the same cloud?


Oh no, I even have too much sun.


My dear Hamlet, throw off your black color,
Look as a friend at the Danish ruler.
You can’t day after day, looking down,
To search for the deceased father in the ashes.
That is the fate of all: everything that lives will die
And through nature to eternity will pass.


Yes, the fate of all.


So what's in his fate
Does it seem so unusual to you?


I think? No, there is. I don't want
Togo, what a zhe t with me. Neither my dark cloak,
Nor these gloomy clothes, mother,
Nor the stormy groan of constrained breathing,
No, not a rich flow of eyes,
Neither grief dejected features
And all the guises, types, signs of sorrow
They won't express me; they only have
What is it with me and can be a game;
What is in me is truer than a game;
And this is all - outfit and tinsel.


Very gratifying and commendable, Hamlet,
That you are paying a sad debt to your father;
But your father also lost his father;
That one - his; and the survivor is called
Filial fidelity for a certain period
To grave sorrow; but show perseverance
In obstinate grief will be wicked
Stubbornness, so a man does not complain;
That is a sign of will, recalcitrant to Heaven,
Souls of an unstable, violent mind,
A bad and unwise mind.
After all, if something is inevitable
And that's why it happens to everyone
Is it possible with this in gloomy indignation
Trouble the heart? It's a sin against Heaven
Sin against the dead, sin against nature,
Contrary to reason, whose instruction
There is the death of the fathers, whose eternal cry
From the first dead to the present:
"It should be". We ask you to leave
Barren sorrow, think of us
How about a father; let the world not forget
That you are closest to our throne
And I am no less generosity of love,
Than the son of the most tender of fathers,
I give you. As for your concern
Return to study in Wittenberg 13
The University of Wittenberg, founded in 1502 (famous for the activities of Luther and Melanchthon), attracted many Danish students.

She is at odds with our desire 14
... She is at odds with our desire. – It is the most retrograde to our desire. - "Retrograde" is an astrological term meaning the removal of a planet from the earth's orbit.

And I beg you, bow down to stay
Here, in the caress and joy of our eyes,
Our first friend, our kinsman and our son.



Madam, I am obedient to you in everything.


Here is a loving and dear answer to us;
Be here as we are. - Madam, let's go;
In the consent of the prince, free and hospitable, -
Smile to the heart; as a sign of what today
For every ladle that the Dane drains,
The big gun will burst into the clouds,
And the rumble of Heaven over the royal cup
Earthly thunders will respond, - Let's go.


Everyone except Hamlet exits.


Oh, if this dense clot of meat
Melted, perished, dewed!
Or if the Eternal had not set
Prohibition of suicide! God! God!
How tiresome, dull and unnecessary
It seems to me everything that is in the world!
O abomination! This is a lush garden, fruitful
Only one seed; wild and evil
It dominates. Reach this far!
Two months since he died! Even less.
Such a worthy king! Compare them -
Phoebus and satyr. He so unlived my mother,
That the winds of the sky would not let touch
Her faces. O heaven and earth!
Should I remember? She was drawn to him
As if the hunger only increased
From saturation. And a month later,
Don't think about it! - frailty, you
You are called: woman! - and shoes
Not wearing out, in which she walked behind the coffin,
Like Niobe 15
Niobe (Niobe) - the wife of Amphion, the Theban queen. Enraged by her arrogance, Apollo and Artemis killed all her children, and the woeful Niobe turned into a rock that sheds tears.

All in tears, she, -
Oh God, the beast, devoid of understanding,
Would have missed it longer! - married to uncle
Who looks no more like his father,
Than I on Hercules. A month later!
Also the salt of her dishonest tears
On the reddened eyelids did not disappear,
How did you get married. Vile haste -
So throw yourself on a bed of incest!
No, and it can't be good. -
But shut up, heart, my tongue is chained!

Enter Horatio, Marcellus And Bernardo


Hello, prince!


I am very glad to see you, -
Horatio - Or I myself am not myself.


He is the prince, and your poor servant.


My good friend; let it be mutual 16
My good friend; let it be mutual. - That is, for me you are a good friend; treat me like a good friend.

But why aren't you in Wittenberg? -


My good prince...


I am very glad to see you.

(To Bernardo.)

Good evening. -
So why aren't you in Wittenberg?


By a penchant for idleness, good prince.



I sailed to the king's funeral.


Please, no kidding, student friend;
Hurry up to the Queen's wedding.


Yes, prince, she followed quickly.


Calculation, calculation, buddy! From the wake
Cold went to the wedding table.
Oh, I'd rather meet in paradise
My worst enemy than this day, Horatio!
Father! .. I think I see him.


Where, prince?


In the eyes of my soul, Horatio.


I remember him; the king was true.


He was a man, a man in everything;
I don't see him like him anymore.


My prince, he appeared to me tonight.


Appeared? Who?


King, your father.


My father, the king?


Moderate your amazement for a moment
And listen to what I tell you
Taking these officers as witnesses,
About this diva.


For God's sake, yes.


Two nights in a row these officers
Bernardo and Marcellus, keeping watch,
In the lifeless desert of midnight
We saw this. Someone like your father
Armed from head to toe
It is also a great step
Passes by. Three times he passed
Before their frozen eyes,
At a rod's distance; they are,
Almost turned into a jelly from fear,
They stand in silence. That's for me
They told under a terrible secret.
On the third night I was on guard with them;
And, as they said, at the same hour
And in the same form, confirming everything exactly,
A shadow appeared. I remember the king
The two hands are so similar.


Where was it?


Prince, on the platform where we guard.


Have you spoken to him?


But he did not answer; though once
He raised his head and I thought
As if he wanted to speak;
But at that very moment the rooster crowed;
At that sound, he darted quickly
And became invisible.


It is very strange.


Like what I live for, prince it's true
And we considered it a prescription of duty
Tell you this.


Yes, yes, of course, but I'm confused.
Who's on guard today? You?

Marcellus and Bernardo

Yes, prince.


Armed, you say?

Marcellus and Bernardo

Yes, prince.


Head to toe?

Marcellus and Bernardo

From toe to toe.


So you didn't see his face?


No, of course, prince; he walked with his visor raised.


What, he looked sullen?


His face was more sad than angry.


And pale, or purple?


No, very pale.


And looked at you?


Yes, closely.


Wish I was there.


He would terrify you.


Very possible. And did he stay long?


You could count up to a hundred slowly.

Marcellus and Bernardo

No, longer, longer.


With me, no longer.


Gray beard?


Such as I saw in the living, -
Black with silver.


Today I will be with you;
Perhaps he will come again.


I vouch.


And if he again takes the form of a father,
I'll talk to him, even if hell breaks open,
Tell me to be quiet. I ask you all -
How have you been silent about this until now?
So you keep it a secret
And whatever happens tonight
Give everything a meaning, but not a language;
I will repay you for your love. Farewell;
So I will come at twelve o'clock
To you on the platform.

Prince, accept our duty.


I will accept love, and you - mine; Farewell.

Everyone except Hamlet exits.


The third phenomenon

A room in Polonius' house

Enter Laertes And Ophelia.


My belongings are already on the ship; say goodbye;
And if the wind turns out to be fair
And there will be a case, then do not sleep, sister,
And the news came.


Did you doubt it?


And Hamlet and his location -
So it's just a rush, just a whim of blood,
Violet flower at the dawn of spring
Hasty, fragile, sweet, lifeless,
Fragrance of one minute;
But only.


Only and everything?


Trust me;
Nature, ripening, multiplies in us
Not only power and stateliness: with the growth of the temple
The service of the spirit and mind is growing.
Now he may love you;
Neither filth nor slyness stains
His good wishes; but fear:
Great in desires are not powerful;
He is subject to his birth;
He does not cut his own piece,
Like others; from choosing it
The life and health of the entire state depend,
And in it he is bound by the will of the body,
To which he is the head. And if
He speaks words of love to you
Then be smart and trust them only so much
How high is he in his rank
They can be justified; and it will be
How the general vote of Denmark will decide.
And consider how your honor will diminish,
If you believe the songs of seduction,
Either you lose your heart, or you open
Your pure treasure of dissolute insistence.
Beware, Ophelia, be afraid, sister,
And bury yourself in the rear of your desires
Away from arrows and the destruction of passions.
Any girl is generous beyond measure,
Letting the moon look at you;
For slander, nothing and virtue;
The worm often sharpens the first-born of spring,
Until their buds open,
And in the morning of youth, in the dewy haze,
Pernicious dangerous breaths.
Be careful; timidity is the best friend;
There is an enemy even where there is no one around.


I will make the guardian of my heart
Your lesson is good. Only, dear brother,
Do not be like a sinful shepherd that others
Points the thorny path to Heaven,
And himself, a careless and empty reveler,
It walks along the blossoming path of joys,
Forget your advice.


Oh don't be afraid.
But I hesitated; here is the father.

Included Polonium.

Doubly blessed is the twice blessed;
I smiled at the opportunity to say goodbye again.


(Putting his hand on Laertes' head.)

And in memory write down my covenants.
Keep thought away from language
A rash thought - from action.
Be simple with others, but by no means vulgar.
Your friends, having tested their choice,
Attach to the soul with steel hoops,
But don't callus the palm of nepotism
With any featherless familiar. into a quarrel
Beware of entering; but by entering
So act to beware of the enemy.
All favor the ear; voice - only a few;
Collect all opinions, but keep your own.
Neck dress as expensive as possible
But no fuss - rich, but not catchy:
A person is often judged by appearance;
And the French are upper class
Very elegant and dignified in this.
Do not borrow and do not lend;
It's easy to lose a loan and a friend,
And loans dull the blade of the economy.
But the main thing: be true to yourself;
Then, as day follows night,
You will not change others. Goodbye;
Blessings will put it all together.


When the blood burns, how generous it is
Language for oaths; these flashes, daughter,
Which shine, but do not warm,
And go out at their occurrence,
Don't take it for a flame. Henceforth more stingy
Be on your girl's society;
Value your conversation more
Than a meeting by order. As for the prince
Then believe that he is young and can
Walk on a leash longer than that
which is given to you; but oaths
Don't believe him, then what are these pimps
A different color than their outfit,
Intercessors of sinful harassment,
Sounding like pure vows
To better deceive. Once for all:
I don't want you from now on
I wasted my leisure time talking
And speeches with Prince Hamlet. Look,
I ordered it. Now go.


I will obey you, my lord.

They leave.

The fourth phenomenon


Enter Hamlet, Horatio And Marcellus


How the air tingles: a great frost.
It is more commendable to violate than to observe.
Dull revelry to the west and east
Shame us among other peoples;
They call us drunkards, nicknames
They give us swine; yes indeed,
He is our highest deeds
Deprives the very core of glory.
Happens to individuals too.
What if they have a congenital defect, -
What is not guilt, then what is nature
He cannot choose his origins, -
Or the preponderance of some property,
Blowing away all the fortresses of the mind,
Or the habit of being too diligent
In trying to please - then in these people,
Marked with at least one flaw, -
A stain of nature or a stigma of fate, -
All their virtues - let them have no account
And let them, like perfection, be pure, -
According to others, this disadvantage
Already destroyed: a grain of evil
All good things will be suspected
And dishonor.

Included Ghost.


Prince, look: here he is!


May the angels of the Lord protect us! -
Blessed are you or cursed spirit,
Fanned by Heaven or hell you breathe,
Evil or good intentions are filled, -
Your image is so mysterious that I
I appeal to you: Hamlet, lord,
Father, sovereign Dane, answer me!
Do not let me burn in ignorance; Tell,
Why are your buried bones
They tore their shroud; why the tomb
In which you were peacefully laid to rest,
Having opened his heavy marble grin,
Did you get kicked out again? What does it mean,
What are you, a soulless corpse, in all iron
Step back into the twinkling of the moon
The night is distorted; and us, jesters of nature,
You shock nature so terribly
A dream, unattainable for our souls?
Say why? for what? And what should we do?

The ghost beckons Hamlet.


He beckons you to follow him
As if I wanted to tell you something


We follow him; can't be left like that.


Let's go. – How can all this end?


Something has rotted in the Danish state.


Heaven rules everything.


Anyway, let's go.

They leave.

Fifth phenomenon

Another part of the site.

Enter Ghost And Hamlet.



So listen.



My hour is near
When in a painful and sulfuric flame


Claudius, King of Denmark.

HAMLET, son of the former and nephew of the present king.

POLONIUS, chief royal adviser.

HORATIO, friend of Hamlet.

LAERTES, son of Polonius.


ROSENCRANZ, GUILDENSTERN - former university comrades of Hamlet.




FRANCISCO, soldier.

REINALDO, close associate of Polonius.

Two gravediggers.

GHOST of Hamlet's father.

FORTINBRAS, Prince of Norway.

English ambassadors.

GERTRUDE, Queen of Denmark, Hamlet's mother.

OFELIA, daughter of Polonius.

Lords, ladies, officers, soldiers, sailors, messengers, retinues.

Location: Elsinore.



Elsinore. Square in front of the castle. Midnight. Francisco at his post. The clock strikes twelve. Bernardo approaches him.



No, who are you, first answer.


Long live the king!




You made sure to come at your own time.


Twelve strikes; go to sleep, Francisco.


Thank you for changing: I'm cold,
And sadness in my heart.


How is the guard?


Everything, like a mouse, fell silent.


Well, good night.
And Horace and Marcellus will meet,
My replacements, hurry up.


Listen, don't they. - Who goes?

Enter Horatio and Marcellus.

Friends of the country.

And servants of the king.


Goodbye, old man.
Who replaced you?


Bernardo on duty.


Hey! Bernardo!


Yes, in a way.


Horace, hello; hello friend Marcellus.

Well, how did this oddity appear today?


Haven't seen yet.

Horatio thinks it's all
A game of imagination and does not believe
In our ghost, seen twice in a row.
So I invited him to stay
On guard with us tonight
And if the spirit appears again,
Check it out and talk to him.

Yes, that's how he will appear to you!


Let's sit down
And let me storm your ears
So fortified against us, by story
About what you saw.

Excuse me, I sit down.
Let's hear what Bernardo has to say.


Last night
When the star that is west of the Polar,
Transferred the rays to that part of the sky,
Where it shines now, I am with Marcellus,
It was only an hour...

The Ghost enters.

Be quiet! Freeze! Look, here he is again.


Posture - the spitting image of the deceased king.

You are well-versed - turn to him, Horace.


So, does it look like a king?

Yes, how else! I'm scared and confused!


He is waiting for a question.

Ask Horace.

Who are you, without rights at this hour of the night
Having taken the form that shone, it happened,
Buried Denmark monarch?
I conjure the sky, answer me!

He was offended.


And walks away.

Stop! Answer! Answer! I conjure!

The ghost leaves.

He left and didn't want to talk.


Well, Horace? Full of flutter.
Is this just a fantasy game?
What is your opinion?

I swear to God
I wouldn't recognize it if it weren't obvious!

And how similar to the king!

How are you with yourself.
And in the same armor, as in the battle with the Norwegian,
And just as gloomy as on an unforgettable day,
When in a quarrel with the electives of Poland
He threw them out of the sleigh onto the ice.

At the same hour with the same important step
Yesterday he passed us twice.

I don't know the details of the puzzle.
But in general, this is probably a sign
turmoil threatening the state.

Wait. Let's sit down. Who will explain to me
Why such severity of guards,
Hindering citizens at night?
What caused the casting of copper cannons,
And the import of weapons from abroad,
And recruiting ship carpenters,
Diligent on weekdays and on Sunday?
What lies behind this fever,
Who demanded the night to help the day?
Who will explain it to me?

Will try.
At least that's the rumor. King,
Whose image has just appeared before us,
As you know, he was called to fight
Ruler of the Norwegians Fortinbras.
Our brave Hamlet mastered in battle,
And so it was heard in the enlightened world.
The enemy has fallen. There was an agreement
Bonded with respect for the rules of honor,
What along with life must Fortinbras
Leave the winner and the land
In exchange for what and from our side
Vast estates were pledged,
And Fortinbras would take possession of them,
Take him over. For the same reasons
His land under the named article
All Hamlet got. Here's what's next.
His heir, the younger Fortinbras,
In excess of innate enthusiasm
Scored all over Norway squad
For bread ready to fight thugs.
Preparations visible target,
As reports confirm,
Violently, with weapons in hand,
To recapture the lost lands by the father.
Here, I believe, lies
The most important reason for our fees,
Source of anxiety and pretext
To confusion and turmoil in the region.


I think that's the way it is.
It is not in vain that he bypasses the guards in armor
An ominous ghost like a king
Who was and is the culprit of those wars.

He is like a speck in the eye of my soul!
In the heyday of Rome, in the days of victories,
Before the imperious Julius fell, the graves
Stood without tenants, and the dead
On the streets, they were grinding incoherence.
Dew was bleeding in the fire of comets,
Spots appeared on the sun; month,
On whose influence the power of Neptune rests,
He was sick with darkness, as in doomsday.
The same crowd of bad omens
As if running ahead of the event,
Like hastily dispatched messengers,
Earth and sky send together
To our latitudes to our countrymen.

The ghost is back.

And to fight him is stupid and pointless.


He would answer, but the rooster crowed.

And then he shuddered, as if guilty
And afraid to answer. I heard
Rooster, trumpeter of the dawn, with his throat
Wakes up piercingly from sleep
Day god. At his signal
Wherever wanderer-spirit wandered: in fire,
In the air, on land or at sea,
He is in a hurry to get home. And just now
We have confirmed this.

He began to fade at the cock's crow.
There is a belief that every year, in winter,
Before the feast of the Nativity of Christ,
The bird of the day sings through the night.
Then, according to rumors, the spirits are not naughty,
Everything is quiet at night, do not harm the planet
And the charms of witches and fairies disappear,
So blessed and sacred time.

I have heard it too, and I believe it too.
But here is the morning in a pink cloak
The dew of the hillocks tramples in the east.
It's time to take down the watch. And my advice:
Let's put Prince Hamlet on notice
About what you saw. I vouch for life, spirit,
Mute with us, break the silence before him.
Well, friends, what do you think? Say,
How does duty of love and devotion inspire?

I think to say. Yes, and besides
I know where to find it today.

Tormented by the problem of choosing between honor and duty, for 500 years now, Hamlet has made readers and theater lovers think about the meaning of life, human destiny and the imperfection of society. Immortal work " tragic story of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark" is considered one of the most famous tragedies in the world. This story is not just a high-level murder that happened in the Kingdom of Denmark. The value of the image of the young prince lies in the feelings that force the reader to experience.

History of creation

During the tenure of William Shakespeare, works for theater productions were created on the basis of existing plays. "Hamlet" was no exception - back in the 7th century, the Danish chronicler Saxo Grammaticus wrote down the legend of Prince Hamlet, which is part of the collection of Scandinavian sagas. Based on her motives, a contemporary and compatriot of the English playwright (it is assumed that it was Thomas Kidd) composed a play that was staged in theaters, but has not survived to this day. In those days, there was a joke about "a bunch of Hamlets scattering handfuls of tragic monologues."

In the period 1600-1601, Shakespeare simply remade literary work. The work of the great poet differs from the Scandinavian primary source in the refinement of the artistic canvas and meaning: the author shifted the focus from external struggle to the spiritual suffering of the main character. Although the audience still saw, first of all, a bloody story.

The tragedy went through three editions during Shakespeare's lifetime. However, researchers believe that all of them were created without the permission of the author and are considered “pirated”, because only some monologues are fully recorded in each, while the speeches of other characters are either poorly presented or completely absent. The fact is that the publishers paid the actors for "draining" the plays, but the actors could literally reproduce only their words in the production.

Scene V from Hamlet: Act IV (Ophelia before the King and Queen)

Later, literary scholars managed to compose full text plays. The only thing left "behind the scenes" is the final form of the work, which was presented to the public. The modern division of the play into acts and actions does not belong to the author.

In Russia, dozens of writers tried to translate Hamlet. Shakespeare's most famous tragedy is read "from the words" of the poet and translator Mikhail Lozinsky and the writer. The latter endowed the work with a more vivid artistic language.

Plot and characters

Shakespeare included many characters in the list of the main characters of the tragedy:

  • Claudius - King of Denmark;
  • Hamlet is the son of the deceased and the king's nephew;
  • Polonius - an approximate nobleman of the reigning king;
  • Horatio is a learned friend of Hamlet;
  • Laertes is the son of Polonius;
  • Ophelia - daughter of Polonius, beloved of Hamlet;
  • Gertrude - mother of Hamlet, widow of the previous king, wife of Claudius;
  • Rosencrantz and Guildestern are friends of Hamlet;
  • The ghost of Hamlet's father.

The plot of the play is based on the thirst for vengeance of the Danish prince on the current king for the murder of his father. A ghost appears every night in front of the castle in Elsinore. Once Horatio is convinced that these are not rumors, but reality, and tells about what he saw to Hamlet, who came from school to attend his father's funeral. The grief of the young man is aggravated by the betrayal of his mother - immediately after the death of her husband, Gertrude married his brother.

To a young man able to talk to night shadow the deceased autocrat, who told the truth: the king was poisoned by Claudius when he was resting peacefully in the garden. The ghost begs his son to avenge him. Hamlet decides to pretend to be crazy in order to bring his uncle to clean water.

The first to suspect about the madness of Hamlet was his beloved girl Ophelia. Soon the news that the prince had gone mad reached the king. But the monarch is not so easy to deceive, and he sends the young man's friends - Rosencrantz and Guildestern - to find out the truth. Hamlet immediately reveals the purpose of the sent comrades, therefore he continues to play insane.

The prince comes up with another plan related to the arrival of artists in the city. Hamlet asks the troupe to insert a couple of poems into the play own composition about the murder of the protagonist Priam. The king, present at the performance, cannot stand such a direct indication of guilt and leaves the theater, thereby betraying his crime.

Prince Hamlet is invited into the chambers by the Queen, outraged by her son's behavior. During the conversation, he mistakenly takes Polonius hiding behind the carpet for the king and pierces him with a sword.

Shocked by the murder of his father, Laertes arrives from Paris, but another surprise awaits at home - sister Ophelia has gone crazy. And King Claudius decides to destroy Hamlet with the hands of an angry Laertes, having come up with a cunning idea: the offspring of Polonius will meet the prince in a duel in which he will hit him with a poisoned sword.

Before the duel, for fidelity, the ruler puts a goblet of wine and poison on the table to give Hamlet a drink. In this performance, everyone was destined to die: Laertes wounded the enemy, while changing the rapier, the Danish prince dealt a mortal blow with a poisonous sword to Laertes and the king, while the queen accidentally drank poisoned wine.

When analyzing a work, literary critics give a very specific description of the hero. The main character of the tragedy becomes a misanthrope, because it is impossible to remain a philanthropist while maintaining honor in such a society. According to socionics, Hamlet's personality type is an ethical-intuitive extrovert: a romantic intolerant of evil is prone to endless reasoning, doubts and hesitations, is focused on global problems humanity. He asks questions whether people are worthy of happiness, what is the meaning of life, is it possible to eradicate evil.

A humanist, a man of modern times, he is tormented by the need to take revenge. But decisions are given to Hamlet with difficulty, because he is not sure that the world will change for the better with the departure of Claudius. Yes, and the murder will compare him with those who are on " dark side". The hero is waiting for continuous disappointments, even in love. He comes to the conclusion that man is a creature weak before evil. He cannot come to terms with injustice, but it is also not easy to find the strength to take decisive steps.

The philosophical essence of "Hamlet" is the tragedy of the conflict of a high personality with a society where lies, betrayal and hypocrisy flourish. The prince's reasoning speaks of an internal struggle, the hero is torn between a sense of duty and his worldview. And the famous monologue “To be or not to be” does not just reflect the question of all times: what is easier - to come to terms with misfortunes and continue to live, or to end mental suffering by death. The question of choice is brought to the fore: to fight injustice or to humbly reconcile.

Productions and film adaptations

The number of theatrical and film productions of the immortal work is incalculable. The first image of Shakespeare's Hamlet was embodied by Richard Burbage at the London Globe Theater at the beginning of the 17th century. In the future, the story of the Prince of Denmark was transferred to the stage of the temples of Melpomene in almost every corner of the globe. Hamlet appeared in cinema in 1907 - the Frenchman Georges Méliès presented the audience with a silent short film. Who took the lead role is still unclear.

We note the most curious productions of the English tragedy in cinema and theater:

"Hamlet" (1964)

A two-part drama dedicated to the 400th birthday of William Shakespeare was directed by Grigory Kozintsev, choosing key role inimitable. 10 years before the film adaptation, Kozintsev staged the play at the Drama Theater. , and it was a resounding success. The film adaptation was waiting for the same degree of popularity, and not only in the Soviet Union.

While nurturing the idea of ​​the film, the director immediately decided on Hamlet. However, the actors for the rest of the main roles were not inferior in talent to Smoktunovsky. Ofelia was played by the fragile, already familiar to the audience as Assol from " scarlet sails and Gutierre from Amphibian Man. The film stars Mikhail Nazvanov (King Claudius), Elsa Radzin (Queen Gertrude), Yuri Tolubeev (Polonius).

"Hamlet I Collage" (2013)

The play by Canadian director Robert Lepage captivated the audience with its originality, becoming the highlight of the season at the Theater of Nations. The unusualness of the work is that he embodied all the images, and high 3D technologies were used in the production itself.

Mironov shows the world the wonders of reincarnation, instantly changing images. The authors of the production managed to harmoniously combine circus tricks and animation, enhanced by brilliant acting. The biography of Hamlet has undergone significant changes.

"Hamlet" (2015)

The delight of the English theatergoers was caused by a performance with the participation. The production glorified the name of the actor, but in general it received not flattering reviews.

Tickets began to be sold in the summer a year before the premiere, and by mid-autumn the box office was empty. Benedict was called the incomparable Hamlet.

"Hamlet" (2016)

In the spring of 2016 in St. Petersburg Maly drama theater presented the new Hamlet. The modernity of the Danish prince is betrayed by his clothes - in the title role he wears jeans on stage.

But innovations are not at all in clothes, but in the sense: Dodin reoriented Hamlet's thoughts from a thirst for justice to revenge in its purest manifestation. The young man appears possessed by the killer. Ophelia is playing.

  • The role of Hamlet is the longest in Shakespeare's plays. The volume of the text, sounding from his mouth, is 1506 lines. And in general, the tragedy is larger than the other works of the author - it stretched for 4 thousand lines.
  • For the author's contemporaries, the tragedy was a tale of bloody revenge. And only in late XVIII century, he turned the perception of the work upside down - he saw in the main character not an avenger, but a thinking representative of the Renaissance.
  • In 2012, the character took second place in the Guinness Book of Records for the frequency of appearance of book characters from among people in films and television (he was in the lead).
  • Crimea often became a platform for filming Soviet films. The scene of the monologue "To be or not to be ..." performed by Innokenty Smoktunovsky was filmed at the "Children's Beach" in Alupka.
  • According to socionics, a harmonious business or family union will be made up of such types as Hamlet (ethical-intuitive extrovert) and ( logical-intuitive extrovert). In a pair of "Hamlet and Jack" relationships can remain in balance for a long time: the first partner is responsible for communication skills, the emotional component, the second - for the reasonable use and distribution of resources.


"There are many things in nature, friend Horatio, that our wise men never dreamed of."
"And then silence."
"How often blindness has saved us,
Where foresight only failed!”
"Closer to a son, but farther away than a friend."
"You turned your eyes pupils into the soul."
"Don't drink wine, Gertrude!"
"Great in desires are not powerful."
"The madness of the strong requires supervision."
"Call me any instrument, you can upset me, but you can't play me."

The tragedy "Hamlet" is one of the pinnacles of Shakespeare's work. The play is based on the tragic story of the Danish prince Hamlet, who pretended to be insane in order to take revenge on the murderer of his father, who seized the throne. The internal mental struggle associated with the terrible discovery of the secret of the father's death, combined with the rejection of the base environment royal court and the desire to correct the world leads Hamlet to suffering, which causes his own death and the death of those around him.

William Shakespeare


As a playwright, Shakespeare began performing in the late 80s of the 16th century. Researchers believe that at first he processed and "updated" already existing plays and only then moved on to creating his own works. However, many of Shakespeare's dramas - among them such famous ones as "King Lear" - are deeply original reworkings of older plays or based on plots used in pre-Shakespearean dramaturgy.

Shakespeare's legacy is thirty-seven plays. The most famous of them are the comedies "The Taming of the Shrew" (1593), "Much Ado About Nothing" (1598), "As You Like It" (1599), "Twelfth Night" (1600), historical chronicles "Richard III" (1592) and "Henry IV" (1597), the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" (1594), "Othello" (1604), "King Lear" (1605), "Macbeth" (1605), "Antony and Cleopatra" (1606), "Storm" (1612). Shakespeare's greatest tragedy is Hamlet (1601), or The Tragic Story of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.

This tragedy embodied a bitter historical paradox, according to which the Renaissance, which liberated the individual and freed him from the oppression of medieval prejudices, was the beginning of the transition to a new social order - capitalist, with its prejudices, with its economic and spiritual oppression. “Thus, at the turn of two worlds,” wrote M. Morozov, a Soviet researcher of Shakespeare’s work, “the decrepit world of feudalism and the new, emerging world of capitalist relations,” the mournful image of the Danish prince appears before us. This grief is not accidental. Shakespeare himself experienced it, in his works many of his contemporaries experienced. The collapse of feudal ties gave rise to the greatest flowering of liberated thought and living art. But the feudal world was replaced by the capitalist world, which brought new slavery for the people, new fetters for thought. The humanists of that era could they could only dream of the happiness of mankind, they could interpret life, but they were powerless to create this happiness, to change life. They created utopias. But they did not know and could not know in that era the real ways to realize their noble dreams. And the discord between a dream and reality gave rise to "Hamletian" sorrow in them. The tragedy of Hamlet is essentially the tragedy of the humanism of that era, which flourished in the cold morning dawn of the capitalist era.

Plot history

The legend of Hamlet was first recorded at the end of the 12th century by the Danish chronicler Saxo Grammatik. In ancient pagan times - thus tells Saxo Grammaticus - the ruler of Jutland was killed during a feast by his brother Feng, who then married his widow. The son of the murdered man, young Hamlet, decided to avenge the murder of his father. In order to buy time and appear safe in the eyes of the treacherous Feng, Hamlet pretended to be insane: he rolled in the mud, waved his arms like wings, crowed like a rooster. All his actions spoke of "perfect mental stupor", but in his speeches there was a "bottomless cunning", and no one could understand hidden meaning his words. A friend of Feng (the future Shakespearean Claudius), "a man more self-confident than reasonable" (the future Shakespearean Polonius), undertook to check whether Hamlet was insane. To eavesdrop on Hamlet's conversation with his mother, this courtier hid under a piece of straw lying in a corner. But Hamlet was careful. Entering his mother, he first searched the room and found a hidden spy. He killed him, cut the corpse into pieces, boiled them and threw them to be eaten by pigs. Then he returned to his mother, "wounded her heart" for a long time with bitter reproaches, and left her weeping and mourning. Feng sent Hamlet to England, accompanied by two courtiers (the future Shakespearean Rosencrantz and Guildenstern), secretly handing them a letter to the English king with a request to kill Hamlet. As in Shakespeare's tragedy, Hamlet replaced the letter and the English king instead sent two courtiers accompanying Hamlet to be executed. The English king affectionately received Hamlet, talked a lot with him and marveled at his wisdom. Hamlet married the daughter of the English king. He then returned to Jutland, where, during a feast, he got Feng and the courtiers drunk and set fire to the palace. The courtiers perished in the fire. Feng Hamlet cut off his head. Thus triumphed Hamlet over his enemies.

In 1576 the French writer Belforet retold this ancient legend in their " tragic stories". In the 80s of the 16th century, a play about Hamlet was staged on the London stage, probably written by the playwright Thomas Kyd. This play is lost. The ghost of Hamlet's father was displayed in it (this is all we know about this play). These were sources, using which Shakespeare created his "Hamlet" in 1601.

Time and place of action

The legend of Hamlet, as we have seen, belongs to ancient times: if the events described by Saxo the Grammar really happened, they probably belong to the 9th century. But in Shakespeare's "Hamlet" we find many details relating to a much later time. For example, in the tragedy, cannon fire is mentioned, and gunpowder was invented only in the 14th century. The scene of the tragedy is located in the Danish town of Elsinore (on the shore of the strait separating Denmark from the Scandinavian Peninsula) fortified castle, which was built here only in the XVI century. Shakespeare points out that Hamlet studied in Wittenberg (in Germany), and meanwhile the university in this city was also founded only in the 16th century (in 1502). Most of the household and other details of "Hamlet" belong to England of the era of Shakespeare. But the main thing is that the people described in the tragedy, their thoughts, feelings, relations between them belong to the living reality of the era of Shakespeare. Under the guise of antiquity and foreign names, Shakespeare showed the audience a picture of contemporary society.


Claudius, King of Denmark.

Hamlet, son of the late king, nephew of the reigning one.

Polonius, court dignitary.

Horatio, friend of Hamlet.

Laertes, son of Polonius.

Voltimand, Cornelius, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Osric - courtiers.


Marcellus, Bernardo - officers.

Francisco, soldier.

Reinaldo, servant of Polonius.


Two jesters are gravediggers.

Fortinbras, Norwegian prince.


English ambassadors.

Gertrude, Queen of Denmark, mother of Hamlet.

Ophelia, daughter of Polonius.

Courtiers, ladies, officers, soldiers, sailors, ambassadors and other employees.

Spirit of Hamlet's father.

The location is Denmark.

Act I

Scene 1

Elsinore. Square in front of the castle. Francisco on guard. Bernardo enters.


Stop! Who goes? Respond!

Long live the king!

You just got here just in time.

It was already midnight: you can sleep, Francisco.

Thanks for the change. cold burning,
And terribly at heart.

Is everyone on guard?

The mouse didn't run.

Good night. If you meet
Horatio with Marcellus, on guard
They are with me - let them hurry here.

They must be. Stop! Who goes?

Enter Horatio and Marcellus.


Friends of the Fatherland.

Goodbye, brave warrior!
And who replaced you?

Bernardo's turn.
Good night!

Horatio, are you here?

Horatio, great! Friend Marcellus,

Well, did it appear today?

I have not seen anything.

Horatio does not believe: twice we
He considers the shadow that appeared
A sick fantasy, nothing more. I
Persuaded him to come today
To our guard. And if the ghost again
Appear, let him see it
And try to talk to him.

It's all nonsense: he won't come!

Swear here.
You do not believe, but again I will tell
About what we are two nights in a row
They were witnesses.

I am sitting, -
Bernardo tells me about the spirit.

Last night...
Here is that star to the west of Polaris
When she shone where and now
It shines, the hour has just struck,
Me and Marcellus...

The Spirit enters.


Shh! Shut up! He appeared again.

In appearance - our late king.

After all, you are a scientist, so talk to him.

Horatio, is he like a king?

Terribly similar. I am confused and excited.

He is waiting for questions from us.


Who are you - in the midnight hour
Having assumed the king's miraculous form,
In martially beautiful attire?
Answer, I conjure you with the sky!

He got offended!

Look, it's leaving!

Stop, speak! Oh, speak, I beg!

The spirit is leaving.


Disappeared... Doesn't want to answer.

Are you pale, are you trembling? 'Cause that's all
Horatio, more than a game
Imagination. What do you say?

I swear I wouldn't believe the story
If I didn’t see everything now with my own

What, he doesn't look like a king?

How are you with yourself!
He wears the armor in which he
Once fought with the king of Norway;
That menacing look with which he threw on the ice
The ruler of the polar countries, arguing with him ...
All this is strange...

So twice here, in the silent hour of midnight,
He walked majestically before us.

I do not know what this vision promises,
But I think it prophesies to us
The revolution is coming in the state.

Come on, friends. Tell me,
Why are we always on duty at night?
Why without interruption pour from copper
Guns? Why is the purchase
All kinds of shells abroad?
Why work hastily at the shipyards?
You can't tell Sunday from weekdays!
What kind of thunderstorm is coming - when and at night
In a hurry to finish the day's work, -
How to explain all this?

I'm rumored
Here's what I can tell you. Our king
Whose ghost has just appeared to us,
Was Fortinbras, king of Norway,
Possessed with pride of lust for power,
Called to a duel. Our Hamlet
He was known to the world for his bravery.
He killed the Norwegian; under contract,
Bonded with seals and an oath,
According to the old knightly laws,
Norwegian together with earthly life
Lost lands too. Our king
Put in turn the same part
Her lands, and Fortinbras her
Could get when I won
He is Hamlet, according to the contract.
And now the heir of Fortinbras,
Blazing with the courage of young prowess,
Gathered a crowd of homeless daredevils,
From the sea coasts miserable rags,
Promising them food and money
For a valiant, unknown campaign.
It is clear to everyone, both to the government and to us,
What he wants to return possessions by force,
Lost along with the duel
His father. Here is the reason for these
preparations; here is the main reason
night watch; here is the source of this
Anxious life in our state.

Yes it is. Sinister ghost in full
Armament was not a gift:
He looks like a king, and the king
And there is a reason for the future war.

He, like a mote, confuses the eye of the soul!
In the days of victories and proud glory of Rome
Before the mighty Caesar fell,
The tombs opened up and with a groan
Dead men roamed the streets.
Tailed stars rushed across the sky,
Dew was like blood, spots in the sun
Were. Moon, queen of the seas,
It was eclipsed, as if the last judgment had come, -
Those are signs of ordinary fate,
Harbingers of coming change
And disasters to come: their skies
Reveal to us, prophesying to the world
The coming.

The spirit enters again.

But be quiet! Again he
Look! I will stop it:
Let him destroy me! vision,
Stop! If you are able to speak
Perhaps I can do a good deed
Free a wandering soul?
Perhaps Denmark is in trouble,
Have you come to prevent them?
Or maybe where you hid wealth,
Unjustly obtained during life,
And therefore condemned to flour?

The rooster crows.

Stop! Answer! stop
Him, Marcellus!

Hit him with a spear?

Hit when he leaves.

The spirit is leaving.


We have offended the royal shadow!
Our violence is a ghost for him.
Like air, he is invulnerable, and spears
An evil mockery is over him.

He wanted to speak when he sang

And he disappeared instantly
Like an infernal spirit from a terrible spell.
There is a belief: a rooster, herald of the morning,
The daytime god wakes up with sonorous singing.
At this call the spirits that wander
And rush among the fire, water,
In the ground and in the air, rush at once
Back to the graves. Convinced today
We are in the truth of popular belief.

The rooster crowed and he disappeared instantly.
They also interpret as if on the night of a holiday
Birth of the Savior-Christ
The singer of the dawn sings all night until morning.
Then evil spirits do not dare to wander.
The stream of stars is harmless, the night is clear,
Powerless charms of fortune-tellers and witches -
So immaculate, holy is this time.

So they say - and I kind of believe
Ready for everything. But here comes the purple dawn
Goes up the hill in the morning dew.
Our watch is over. My advice to you:
All we have seen - to tell
Young Hamlet. This spirit
The mute with us, I swear, will speak
With him. They oblige us to
Love and duty. Do you agree with me?

So we will do it! I know where
As soon as we can meet him.

Scene 2

Throne room in the castle.

Pipes. Enter King, Queen, Hamlet, Polonius, Laertes, Voltimand, Cornelius, Courtiers, Servants.


Although fresh in our memory
Death of Hamlet, beloved brother,
Although in a single sorrow with the state
And we cry, but still prudence
Victory over sadness
And we, sad about our brother, did not forget
And ourselves. And therefore - until now
Sister, and now our queen, -
Sharing the labors of government with us,
We, suppressing joy, smiling
Through tears, crying at the marriage ceremony
And smiling at the funeral
Carrying both sadness and joy in equal measure,
We were accepted as spouses. Didn't shun
We are your advice, and you are our marriage
Approved. Thanks for everything!
About Fortinbras speech now. He is little
Appreciates us, thinks that brother's death
All of Denmark upset and unrest
She settled in it. Carried away by delirium
Ridiculous rights, he decided to trouble us
A message about the surrender of those lands,
Who our brave brother once
According to their legal condition,
I received it in my possession. Today
We have brought you here. We are writing
Norwegian ruler, Fortinbras
To his uncle (he is sick, bed
Doesn't leave and hardly knows
About the plans of the nephew), - let him
The set will pause. After all, recruitment
And the training of the troops the prince produces
In his domain. Because we are you
Dear Cornelius, with Voltimand
Appointed ambassadors to Norway.
All personal relations with the king
Will not go beyond those articles
Which are indicated in the message.
Good luck, and the sooner the better.
Cornelius and Voltimand

We will fulfill our duty, as always, exactly.

No doubt! Bon Voyage!
Cornelius and Voltimand exit.

Now, Laertes, what would you like to say?
Are you asking us? Tell me, Laertes, with what?
You know that there can be no refusal
Nothing for you. What can you ask
What, Laertes, would I not give without asking?
How close is the mind to the heart, how close are the hands
To the lips - so close to the Danish throne
Your parent. Tell us, Laertes,
What do you wish?

I, sovereign,
Please allow me to return to Paris.
From there I voluntarily came
Fulfill your duty on the day of the coronation.
Now this sacred duty has been fulfilled
And my dreams and thoughts fly again
To France, praying for a vacation.

Does the father agree? What will Polonius say?

He squeezed, sir, my consent
With my pesterings, and I
He gave the decision with great reluctance.
Let him, let him go.

Well, if so, Laertes, you can go
And do whatever. Well, what about you,
My nephew and my son?
Hamlet (About myself )

Yes, the genus is the same, but the breed is different.

Are you all frowning from the clouds of heavy sorrow?

Oh no, I'm standing too close to the sun.

Throw away your gloomy thoughts, my dear Hamlet,
And joyfully look at this throne!
It’s not forever to search, downcast eyes,
In the ashes of a buried father.
After all, it's all so simple and common:
Everything dies, passes into eternity.

Yes queen, it's just...

Does it all seem so strange to you?

I think? no, that's the way it is.
I don't seem to know.
Neither my black cloak, mother, nor mourning
Solemn, nor these sighs of the heart,
No streams of tears, no dull look
Faces are none of these signs of grief
You won't have any idea about me.
After all, it's all very easy to play,
And it will all seem the same.
In the soul there is something that is higher than the signs of sorrow
And all conventional mourning clothes.

Beautiful and laudable sorrow debt
Quite natural to your nature, Hamlet.
But remember: after all, your father lost
Once upon a time his father, who
He also buried his father.
The son is obliged to be sad about his father, - but
Cry all the time, be stubbornly wild
In your sadness - unworthy of a husband
And signifies disobedience to the sky,
An obstinate spirit, a shattered will,
An undeveloped and incapable mind.
Why with the stubbornness of a child to accept
So close to the heart is what is inevitable
What is so ordinary and so simple?
Be ashamed! because it is a sin before heaven,
Sin before the dead, sin before nature,
Madness! The human spirit reconciled
From the very first death on earth
To the corpse that has cooled today:
"Yes, that's the way it should be!" I ask you to drop
All these sighs; look at me
Like a father. Let the world know that you
Of all the closest to our throne,
That I love you with such love,
Which loves only the most tender father
Native son. you wish again
Go to Wittenberg and study again?
But this is not according to our thoughts.
We ask you to stay here with us,
To our joy, to the consolation of our eyes,
Our heir, our nephew and son!

Do not make your mother ask in vain:
Stay, Hamlet, don't go to Wittenberg!

I will obey you to the best of my ability.

The answer is respectful and glorious! Be
Here with us in Denmark. Well queen
Let's go. Hamlet direct answer
And honest - filled my heart with joy.
And let every toast be healthy today,
Offered at a feast by the king,
Up to the clouds it rushes with the thunder of cannons,
And the clouds will thunder. Come on!

Pipes. Everyone except Hamlet exits.


Oh, if only my healthy flesh
Melted, scattered with dew ...
Oh, why did the Creator forbid us
Suicide? My God! Oh my God!
How vile, sluggish, flat and fruitless
It seems to me everything on earth. The world is ugly.
Some kind of wild garden - where overgrown
All weeds, where evil and rudeness
Some reign. That's what it's come to!
Two months since he died ... No, less,
Not two, but less. Valiant King!
Phoebus, compared to this faun! – Passionately
He loved my mother - he is a breeze
He wouldn't let me touch her face!
Oh heaven and earth! Why again
I remember? And her love
Everything grew every day ... And suddenly, after a month ...
No need to think! Oh, inconstancy
Here is the name of the women. How is a short month?
The shoes in which
She is behind the coffin of a poor father,
Like Niobe, she walked in tears ... Oh God -
And a foolish beast would be sad longer ...
She is married to her uncle, to her brother
Father like him like me
Looks like Hercules. A month later!
Feigned tears still left traces
In her eyes - she is the wife of her uncle!
What a shame: on the sin of incest
Hurry yourself! What to expect in the future?
Sorrow, soul, but endure everything silently!

Enter Horatio, Marcellus, and Bernardo.


I have the honor to appear, prince.

I'm glad
To see you... How, Horatio? You are?

He is the most, prince, always your servant.

Say "my good friend" and I will
I will answer the same. Are you not in Wittenberg? -

I am very glad to you! Bernardo, hello! -
Seriously, why are you here?

Sloth attacked me, prince.

your enemy
And he would not dare to respond
So about you - and I don't believe you:
You are slandering yourself; I'm with you
I know and I know: you are not lazy.
Why would you be in Elsinore? Is
To learn how to drink?

I was in a hurry
At your father's funeral.

Don't laugh at me, my school friend:
You were on your way to your mother's wedding.

Yes, prince
One after the other went so fast.

Calculation, calculation, Horatio! Remained
From the funeral of leftovers - them at the wedding
Finished it. I'm ready to see
In the paradise of the enemy than this day, my friend ...
Father! I think I see my father...

In the eyes of my soul, Horatio.

I knew him. He was a great monarch.

He was a man in every sense of the word!
I don't see such people anymore.

I think I saw him, prince,
Last night...

You saw! whom?

The prince, the king's father.

Like a king...

Don't be surprised! With attention
Listen to the story of this miracle,
And these gentlemen will confirm you
My words.

Oh, speak quickly!

Two nights in a row these officers
Bernardo and Marcellus, in the dead of midnight
They were on guard. Suddenly before them
Appeared a ghost in knight's armor
And like a king. He majestically
Solemnly passes by them,
Passes three times, only at a distance
The wand that he holds in his hands. They,
Frozen with horror, petrified,
Without saying a word to him.
Mysterious story about this miracle
They told me alone.
On the third night I myself went on guard.
Their story was confirmed: at the appointed hour
The spirit appeared. I am your father
Knew! these two hands are no more
One is similar to the other.

Where is it all

On the terrace, prince
Where is the guard.

Have you spoken to him?

But he didn't answer. Once only
He raised his head and
I wanted to talk, but at this time
Suddenly a rooster crowed sharply, and the ghost
At the same time, the singing stirred up - and
Disappeared without a trace.

How strange this is...

It's all true, prince, I swear! And we
feel obliged to you
Everything about it...

Yes of course. But me all this
Confused. Are you on guard at night?
Marcellus and Bernardo

Was he armed?
Marcellus and Bernardo

Head to toe?
Marcellus and Bernardo

From head to toe.

You didn't see his face, did you?

No, they saw: he was without a visor.

What, did he look stern?

He was more sad than stern.

Was he pale or ruddy?

No, very pale.

And looked at you?

Oh why wasn't I there!

You would probably be horrified.

Yes, yes, it's possible. How long was he with you?

So a hundred could be counted ...
Marcellus and Bernardo

Oh longer, longer!

Oh no, no longer.

His beard was
gray-haired? No?

As in life: sable
Silvered in it.

I will come to guard
And if he shows up...

When he takes on his father's image again,
I will talk to him, and hell itself
Won't stop me. I ask you
When you kept a secret until now
Keep it in the future too. And to
Nothing happened tonight, that's all
You can think, but no one
Not a word. I will repay you for your friendship!
Farewell. I am at eleven or at midnight
I will come.

Take some respect...

No -
Love - and I will answer you with love!

Everyone except Hamlet exits.

Father's armed ghost. Secret
Sinister! Hurry night! you heart,
Be calm ... Hide evil even in the underworld,
But it will crawl out into the human court ...

Scene 3

A room in Polonius' house. Enter Laertes and Ophelia.


Everything on the ship is mine. Goodbye,
Sister. When the tailwind will
And the ships will go - do not sleep and lead
Send me.

Can you doubt?

And Hamlet and his game with you, -
Believe that this is a whim and fun
That early spring violet
Short-lived, for a moment
Fragrant. No longer than a moment.

For a moment, no more?

No more, trust me.
Nature develops in us not only
All the muscles of the body, together with this temple
The service of the mind and spirit is growing.
Maybe he loves you now
Intentions and thoughts of evil
He doesn't, but beware!
You remember: his rank is high. powerless
In his desires he is: he is a slave of birth
High. He can't, like everyone else,
To dispose of fate: his marriage -
Peace and prosperity for the region.
Brides choice - from the people's will
Depends on the will of the state.
The people are the head, they are the body. Speaks,
That he loves you. But you are smart
You will act if you believe the prince,
As far as he can his vows
Align with the desire of the Danes.
See that your honor does not suffer,
When, believing his oaths, you
You will lose your purity by bowing
To his daring entreaties. Sister,
Ophelia - beware, be afraid
And protect yourself from the arrows of his love:
When furtively the moon peeps
The beauty of a modest girl - she
It will turn out to be too generous. Believe -
Innocence will not escape slander;
Often the first-born of spring are
Exhausted by worms in the first kidneys.
In the morning of life more than anything
Dewy fumes are dangerous.
Fear is the best guard. Pretty and fight
With myself to you.

Your advice
Let me be guarded. But dear brother
You will not be a hypocritical shepherd,
What, the path is thorny and heavy to the sky
Pointing himself goes merry
The path of pleasure, forgetting
Your advice?

Don't be afraid for me.
It's time for me to go. Here is the father!

Enter Polonius.

Once again you bless me:
I am happy to say goodbye twice to you!

Are you still here! Hurry up on deck
Laertes! the wind is blowing the sails,
Everything is ready. Well, here's another one for you.
My advice! Remember - speak
Everything you think is unnecessary. But
Think carefully about everything you say.
Be kind, but don't let go of anyone:
A tried friend by close friendship
You can chain to yourself - but still
Do not rub calluses on your hand,
Shaking hands with everyone you meet. Quarrels
Try to avoid. But if there is a quarrel,
Let your enemy be afraid of you. All
You can listen - speak for yourself
With few. Advice from everyone
Take it, don't give it yourself. If there is a lot of money -
Dress well, but not freaky, -
Rich - yes, but not colorful at all.
After all, they are met by the dress, - and the French
They know how to dress well.
Do not borrow or lend:
You will lose a friend with money;
The loan will bring down the calculation in your household.
Most importantly, be true to yourself.
And it is clear how the day follows the night:
You will be the same in front of everyone.
Farewell, may these counsels strengthen
My blessing.

As your obedient son.

It's time! Go!
Servants are waiting for you!

Well, goodbye, sister.
Remember my words.

I closed
They are in your memory - you have the key.

What's happened
Did he say, Ophelia, to you?

We talked about Prince Hamlet...

A! By the way! To me
It was reported that you often
You meet alone
Generous to these meetings. If this
All true (only warn
They wanted me), then I must say,
That you don't know how to hold on
Pretty good for my daughter. Tell
The whole truth: what is between you?

He made these days of recognition to me
In love.

That's what! Confessions! And you baby
Inexperienced in matters of this kind,
Did you believe in his confessions?

I don't really know what I should think.

What to think? You child accept
His words at face value?
Confessions! You must admit
Your dignity, not that - (that's the word by the way
I had to) - they recognize me as a fool.

But he is so modest to me, father, his
Love expressed...

Yes, we know this modesty! Oh well!

But, father, he confirmed his speech
Holy vows...

Snares for stupid birds!
When the blood boils and beats like a key,
The language is wasteful on oaths!
I know! These, my daughter, are only flashes, -
They shine brightly, but do not warm
And go out at the very moment of occurrence.
From now on, be stingier with confessions,
Value yourself more than his requests.
As for what to think about Hamlet,
I will also say: know - he is still young!
The leash on which he walks
Where yours, Ophelia, longer.
It all comes down to you not
Did not yield to the prince's oaths, this
A lie covered only by holiness,
And his purpose is impure - he only
Then he calls for piety,
To deceive more. And here's to you
In the end my solution is:
I do not want your meetings with the prince!
Don't waste a minute talking to him!
Do you hear? Remember! And now - go!

I obey you, father!