Inclusive Festival. Understand the museum

The All-Russian Inclusive Festival of Children's Creativity is looking for sponsors!

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The organizer of the Festival is the Guardianship and Care Foundation.

Founder of the Foundation, Chairman of the Jury, Honored Worker of Russia, member of the Junior Eurovision Jury, Grigory Vasilyevich Gladkov.

The Second All-Russian Inclusive Festival of Children's Creativity will be held in Taganrog in April 2019.

The relevance of the project lies in the uniqueness of the festival itself. The festival will allow integrating children with disabilities into society. Association of talented children with and without disabilities. Show strength of mind and faith. That talent does not depend on a person's physical health

The purpose of the festival:
creation of an inclusive creative space that connects children with disabilities and their healthy peers, contributing to the disclosure of their creative potential, developing talents, cultural identity, preparing children for independent life in an inclusive society in the spirit of understanding, tolerance, respect for differences.

Festival objectives:
attraction of wide circles of children and youth to active participation in the cultural life of the society;
stimulating the development of professional and amateur creativity among children and youth, especially among people with disabilities, orphans, adolescents from dysfunctional and single-parent families;
attracting the attention of society to the creative and creative activities of young people with disabilities as a means of their self-expression and realization;
identifying young talents, supporting creatively gifted children and youth;
expansion of creative contacts between children and youth with disabilities and their healthy peers;
involvement of young people in solving socially significant problems through participation in the volunteer movement;
changing the attitude of society towards people with disabilities as equal participants in the cultural process.
Creative teams and individual performers participate in the Festival - students of specialized boarding schools, secondary schools, rehabilitation centers, independent performers who share the main goal of the Festival. To especially welcome and encourage inclusive creative teams and performances involving people with disabilities and their healthy peers.
In order to hold an inclusive festival, involve all educational institutions and centers of the Rostov region and Russia dealing with this issue, as well as authorities (Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy, Department of Culture), representatives of the business community and public organizations in activities to overcome barriers in the region. creativity and access to cultural values ​​for the majority of children and youth with disabilities.
To involve a wide range of children with disabilities in artistic creativity, in cultural life; with the help of the festival event, let them communicate and exchange experiences. Reveal the most talented guys. To the extent possible, provide them with effective assistance in creative work. For this purpose, attract various artists, teachers, psychologists, and other specialists to provide creative and methodological assistance, address issues of rehabilitation, social adaptation, and further professional education of children and youth with disabilities.

It will be possible to watch performances in sign language, dubbed by professional announcers-translators from 10 to 16 December on the stage of the Moscow Theater of Mimicry and Gesture. These days will pass here the first open inclusive theater festival "Gesture Territory". 13 Russian and foreign theater groups will take part in it.

Among the theaters that will visit Moscow as part of the festival are the Theater of the Deaf from St. Petersburg, the Music of the Sand Theater from Kazan, the Voice of Silence Theater of Mimicry and Gesture from Ulan-Ude, the Amplitude of Silence Center for Socio-Cultural Animation from Novosibirsk, and many others. other. The theater troupes invited to participate in the event include both deaf and hearing actors.

At the festival, the Moscow Theater of Mimicry and Gesture will present several new productions at once: the premiere of the performance will take place at the opening "The Marriage of Don Juan", and the plays "Windows Woman" And "Baba Yaga's Name Day" will be included in the competition.

The program of the festival "Territory of Gesture"

The jury of the competition - Honored Artists of Russia, teachers of theater universities, specialists in sign language and the art of pantomime - will choose the winners in the nominations "Best Male Role", "Best Female Role", "Originality of the Production", "Best Theater Group", "Best Theater Group pantomime" and others.

In addition to competitive performances, the festival venues will host master classes in Russian sign language, acting and sand painting.

“It is a pity that often hearing viewers, when they see the Theater of Mimicry and Gesture in the poster, think that it is exclusively for the deaf and they have nothing to do there. Those hearing spectators who come to us then abruptly change their minds about our theater and about the deaf in general. This is a theater that can show both drama and comedy, and musical performances, and pantomime, and choreography. We want to be seen, heard and treated differently,” said the director of the Theater of Mimicry and Gesture Nikolai Chaushyan, one of the initiators of the creation of the festival.

Live broadcasts competitive performances can be viewed online. The final gala concert of the Territories of Gesture will be attended by ballet and folk dance groups, circus artists and a sign song choir, which will perform together with Ismail Koros, soloist of the Blue Eternity military orchestra.

The festival will be held within the framework of the project "Support for the Theater of Mimicry and Gesture" of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Entrance to all festival performances free. Invitations can be obtained at the box office of the Theater of Mimicry and Gesture.

Solemn awarding of the winners Festival of Inclusive Practices– the competition, which is held to identify and disseminate the best practices and technologies in the field of inclusive education, was held at the Cosmos Hotel April 18, 2018. The festival was held as part of the project " Effective implementation of the right to inclusive education at the local level” with the support of the European Union, and was organized by the Regional Public Organization of People with Disabilities “Perspektiva” and the Association of Inclusive Schools.

The festival of inclusive practices is held for the second time, 16 regions of Russia participate in it. The following fact testifies to the interest in it: if last year 80 secondary schools applied for participation, this year more than 120 applications from educational institutions have already been received. The best teachers from schools where inclusion programs are successfully implemented came to Moscow to present their practices. The main selection criterion was the opportunity to broadcast them, share experience with colleagues from other regions. Following the results of the festival, it is planned to publish a brochure, which will contain the most interesting practices. Any teacher will be able to get acquainted with the treasury of this valuable experience and join the professional community of teachers working in inclusion.

“There is no ready-made recipe for inclusion, every time we experiment, try, select and develop a program for each child with a disability, based on their characteristics,” many participants said. It is not an easy task to find an individual approach for a particular student with a disability, because what worked for one child is not suitable for another. Teachers use a variety of developments - didactic games, adaptive physical education classes taking into account the characteristics of children's health, volunteer programs.

“The successful outcome of the festival can be called the dynamics of the development of inclusive education,- considers a jury member of the festival, head of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow Lyubov Oltarzhevskaya.Until recently, we knew that inclusive education was included in legislative acts and that children with disabilities received the right to study in mainstream schools, but how can this be done in a particular school? Today we are already witnessing the exchange of effective practices, and this is just the beginning. Teachers should have a redundant set of methods, a wide range of resources that allow them to create an educational route for each child.”

This year, the Association of Inclusive Schools acted as a partner of ROOI Perspektiva. Its representatives provided expert support, helped determine the best contestants at the selection stage. Association Expert Olga Yegupova considers the festival an important tool for attracting new participants - this is the only way inclusive education in the country will gain momentum.

« The law on education allows teachers to be independent in choosing the methods of work that they consider correct, the main thing is compliance with federal state educational standards, she says. - Their experience is unique: on the one hand, it is made up of many existing technologies tested by the world pedagogical community, and on the other hand, it is “cut out” very individually for each child.”

The jury determined the winners of the festival in four categories. The best inclusive practice in preschool education was recognized as the work of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 268 of a combined type" of the city of Krasnoyarsk, in the nomination "The best inclusive practice in the field of primary education" won the practice of "Secondary school No. 88 with in-depth study of individual subjects" of the city of Voronezh. The victory in the nomination "Best inclusive practice in the field of secondary and general education" went to "Secondary school No. 14" of the city of Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia), and in the nomination "Best inclusive practice in the field of additional education" won the MBU DO "House of creativity of the Oktyabrsky district" of the city Ulan-Ude (Republic of Buryatia).

“I got into the project, one might say, by accident: a friend has a child with a disability, and she and her parent organization tried to open a resource class,- spoke about her work Ludmila Gorchakova, teacher-psychologist of the Voronezh school No. 88. - She hooked me up too and I was really on fire! In a class with eight children with ASD, we organized a volunteer team to accompany them in their studies, the guys help their comrades and do a good job. I try to prove that children with ASD are almost no different from ordinary students, I invite their parents to meetings so that they tell other parents about them. If at first there was still a hint of wariness in relation to inclusion, now, according to the results of the survey, there are only three out of a hundred questionnaires - with a negative attitude towards it.».

“I saw very interesting works,– summed up the festival the chairman of ROOI “Perspektiva” Denis Rosa.I remember how in 2005 we joined the then still small movement of inclusion, which began to develop in Moscow. Now it has grown and become huge, all-Russian, and this shows the success not only of our work, but also of our wonderful colleagues and partners - teachers, education officials in different regions, employees of the Ministry of Education. It is very important that we are not alone in promoting the idea of ​​inclusion. Those who came to the festival are real enthusiasts, setting a great example for others.”

The participants of the Festival were greeted by the head of the political department of the Delegation of the European Union to Russia Mirko Krupp. Mr. Krupp congratulated the laureates and winners of the Festival. In his speech, Mr. Krupp noted the importance of inclusion and explained why the European Union supports the implementation of social projects in Russia.

“We have been working closely with Perspektiva for many years, and this is a very fruitful cooperation,” said the Head of the political department of the EU Delegation Mirko Krupp.– It is gratifying that this year the Association of Inclusive Schools has become its partner. It is very important that you are all working in the same direction, in the same boat. Creating an inclusive society is the task of all countries of the world. Every person on earth should have the right to happiness and to choose their own path in life. Yes, there are obstacles and limitations, but positive motivation and enthusiasm can overcome many problems. You show an example of such enthusiasm. The European Union is committed to working with Russia and will continue to support projects aimed at promoting inclusive practices.”

At the end of the awards ceremony, children with disabilities performed for the participants of the festival - they performed an eccentric dance, a song in sign language. A real delight and applause was caused by 11-year-old talented musician Daniil Shipunov with Down syndrome - a graduate of the College of Small Business No. 4. He played the most complex works of world classics on the piano. Inclusive education can work wonders!

The final day of the Festival was Thursday, April 19. All participants of the Festival took part in the "Inclusive Education" cluster of the Moscow International Salon of Education at VDNKh. 4 winners presented their developments to colleagues and visitors of the exhibition, one of the largest events for professionals in the field of education. Foreign experts from Latvia and Finland, who were on the Festival jury the day before, also welcomed the participants of the MMSE and shared their impressions, highly appreciating the level of the submitted works.

ROOI "Perspektiva" thanks for the support of the Festival: the Delegation of the European Union in the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Association of Inclusive Schools and personally President Batalov Anton Sergeevich.

We also thank the Matrix company (CJSC L'Oreal) for the gifts provided for the participants of the Festival.

Place: Exhibition Hall of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers (Kosygina St., 17, entrance to building 6).

Guests will find out what kind of people live in cities, how different they are and what their needs are, and most importantly - together invent the perfect city in which everyone will feel comfortable and will be able to realize themselves.

The participants of the festival, together with the presenters, will have to design their city, populate it with residents, build houses for them and create links between people, institutions and events. Each guest will be able to take part in various activities: write a letter to the mayor or come up with a bill, take a tour of the museum, create transport routes, become a volunteer in a hospital or a journalist, buy something unusual in the city market, build a house and much more.

Festival locations: Library, Depot, Clinic, Media Center, Museum, Park, Market, Theatre, School, Factory.

Lectures and discussions, master classes, games and new acquaintances await guests.

Festival "City of Opportunities" - an inclusive event. This means that everything that happens is accessible to visitors with various forms of disability. The program of the festival touches upon the theme of human features and differences.

At the festival it will be possible get advice from a child psychologist and a specialist in the selection of children's literature. A free market will operate at the Market - a free fair where you can leave clothes, accessories, toys and books that you no longer need yourself, as well as find something useful for yourself.

It will be more convenient to get to the festival through the entrance to the 6th building of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

Festival participants:

Festival program

Lecture hall in the "Park"

12:00-12:15 Opening of the festival

12:15-12:45 "City and Public Spaces". Dasha Strelkova, founder of the program "Child in the City"

12:45-13:15 GBU "Urban Tourism. How to be hospitable? Anton Shipunov, curator of the direction "Tourism and services" of the festivals "Art-Ovrag" and "Archstoyanie"

13:15-13:45 "Urban information services: how to use them and change the city together". GBU "Information City"

13:45-14:15 "What is a modern museum?". Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

14:15-14:45 Museum Inclusion. Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

15:00-15:30 “Medical care in the city. How does it work?". Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. G.E. Sukhareva

15:30-16:00 “Mental health of a person. Why is it so important to take care of yourself? Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. G.E. Sukhareva

16:00-16:30 "Care for the planet and healthy environmental habits." ONC "Greenpeace Russia"

17:00 Closing of the festival

Parallel program on the sites:


Creation of urban characters at the "Factory"

Master class on sand animation in the "Library"

School of fairy tales for mothers: lecture and master class by Victoria Kiss in the "Library"

Music booth and photo zone in the "Clinic"

A story about the transport system and navigation in the transport "Depot"


Olga Shirokostup will talk about the diversity of creative professions and interdisciplinary education at the School

Theater expert Olga Korshakova with a story about how the city theater works (location "Theater")

Creating your own museum out of the box together with the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art (Museum location)

"Cardboard architecture": Master class on creating cardboard houses with artist Anastasia Polyakova (location "Factory")

A psychological image laboratory opens at Rynok

Readings with a therapy dog ​​supported by the "I'm Free" Animal Fund at the "Library"

"Music booth": record your own track in 20 minutes, and also learn how to correctly talk about mental disorders and their carriers (Location "Clinic")

"Photozone": an impromptu photozone in support of people with mental disorders (Location "Clinic")


Meeting with the poet German Lukomnikov with the support of the publishing house "Samokat" in the "Library"

"Theater in a box": master class by teacher Ksenia Drokovskaya (location "Theater")

“Only the heart is vigilant”: a master class by the artist Alyssia Svergun (location “Factory”)

Sculptor Olga Shu will talk about the creation of tactile models in the "Museum"

"Trains and their models": lecture by additional education teacher Alexander Litvinov (location "Depot")

Master class by Dasha Strelkova "Urban routes" (location "Depot")

"Atlas of New Professions": career guidance master class by Katerina Dyachkova and Dmitry Sudakov (location "School")


Master class by playwright Lyuba Strizhak "How to write a modern play" (location "Theatre")

Round table "Me and the other: How to tell a child about the diversity of people around". Representatives of publishing houses of children's literature and reading mentors participate (location "Library").

Animation master class directed by Sofia Gorya (Theater location)

Master class by Olga and Mikhail Shu on creating tactile models (Museum location)

A master class on environmentally friendly waste disposal is conducted by the Greenpeace Russia PMC in the Rynok location


Continuation of the round table "Me and the other: How to tell a child about the diversity of people around". Representatives of publishing houses of children's literature and reading mentors participate. (Location "Library")

Master class "Model of the World" by artist Alyssia Svergun (location "Factory")

Co-founder and head of the Shalash charity project, social psychologist Lilia Brainis will talk about why children do not obey and what to do about it (School location)

* the most accurate schedule of each site will be available from volunteers and information stands



From 17 to 23 September atPushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin with the support of the charitable foundation "Absolut-Help"will passInternational Inclusivefestival dedicated to the issues of overcoming physical andcommunicativebarriers in a modern museum.

The festival program includes events designed for people with disabilities and ordinary visitors at the same time: sound and plastic performances, performances, tactile workshops, film screenings, multi-sensory works of contemporary artists. During the festival, the performance “Japanese Motifs (Butoh Dance)” will take place, created by the troupe of the Center for the Implementation of Creative Projects “Inclusion” of the Foundation for the Support of the Deaf-Blind “Connection”. The opening will feature a performance of "Masterpieces of Japanese Poetry in Russian Sign Language" performed by deaf actors of the "Nedoslov" theater. Within the framework of the festival, presentations of the Time Machine project (together with the Lanit Group of Companies) and the educational program Specialist in Excursion Services for Visitors with Disabilities in an Art Museum, developed jointly with the Reacomp Institute, will take place.

The business program of the festival includes: a lecture by Huang Xu Ling from the Museum of the Imperial Palace (Taipei), a master class by the curator of inclusive programs of the Victoria and Albert Museum (London) Barry Ginley, a multisensory master class by a leading specialist in inclusive and educational projects of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York ) by Rebecca McGinnis, and a guided tour for people with mental disabilities and dementia by Molly Bretton, Accessibility Program Coordinator, Royal Academy of Arts, London.

This year, an inclusive festival at the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin is devoted to the topic "how to understand the museum". Particular attention will be paid to the problem of interaction with visitors with mental disabilities. The question of the perception of art by people with special needs is still debatable. As part of the inclusive festival, lectures and discussions will be held on the world view, the perception of art and the creative possibilities of people with special needs.

Festival Curator. Coordinators: Specialist of the Inclusive Programs Department Albina Dzhumaeva, Specialist of the Inclusive Programs Department Mark Molochnikov.

The festival will feature: director of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkina Marina Loshak, artist Leonid Tishkov, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation Alexandra Levitskaya, art therapist Maria Dreznina, Executive Director of the Absolut-Help Charitable Foundation Polina Filippova Olga Morozova, Vice President for Social Projects of Lanit Group of Companies Elena Gens, neurobiologist Alexander Sorokin, employees of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin and other museums.

Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin expresses gratitude to the investment group "Absolut" and personally to Alexander Svetakov, the film company "STV" and personally to Sergei Selyanov.

Admission to all events of the festival is free of charge, by prior registration on TimePad. The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program.

During the days of the Inclusive Festival, visitors with disabilities of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd groups are entitled to free entrance tickets to the Main Building and the Gallery of Art of the Countries of Europe and America of the 19th-20th centuries.

A person accompanying a visitor with a disability of the 1st and 2nd group is provided with a free entrance ticket (only when visiting the museum together).

More information about the inclusive activities of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin in the "Accessible Museum" section.

  • Festival program

      15:30 — 17:00

      dance performance « The movement Concert» / « Movement Concert"

      Hall 29

      16:00 — 17:00

      Leonid Tishkov. Tactile performances "Tangles of Memory" and "Creatures of Dreams"

      17:00 — 18:30

      Discussion “Formation of an accessible environment in culture and society. The Role of the Museum»

      What is the role of cultural space in the process of forming an inclusive society? Difficulties in forming an accessible environment in a museum. Why is it important to support the museum in this direction?

      Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, Italian courtyard


      Alexandra Levitskaya, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation

      Polina Filippova, Executive Director of the Charitable Foundation "Absolut-Help"

      Alexander Sorokin, neuroscientist

      Leonid Tishkov, artist

      moderator— Evgenia Kiseleva, Head of the Department of Inclusive Programs of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

      18:30 — 19:00

      Performance "Masterpieces of Japanese Poetry in Russian Sign Language"

      Performers: actors of the theater "Nedoslov"

      Artworks: Matsuo Basho, Li Bo, Sei-Shonagon, Murasaki Shikibu, Saigyo-Monogatari, Ihara Saikaku

      Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, Italian courtyard (hall 15)

      Timing: 35 min.

      19:00 — 20:00

    • Pottery master class for children with special needs

      Conducted by Marina Kovalenko, head of the ceramics and sculpture workshop of the Museum of Contemporary Art "Museion"

      Venue: CEV "Museion", room 118

      13:00 — 14:30

      dance performance « The movement Concert/ "Concert Movement"

      Conducted by Andrew Greenwood, dancer, choreographer, founder and author of programs at the International Dance for Health Foundation

      Venue: Gallery of European and American Art of the XIX-XX centuries, Hall 21

      18:00 — 20:10

      Screening of the film "Anton is right here"

      With English subtitles and audio commentary

      Running time: 110 min. (film), 20 min. (performance)

      Venue: CEV Museyon, Great Hall

    • Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

    • Venue: Gallery of European and American Art of the XIX-XX centuries

    • Tactile master class "Ceramic reliefs in creativityFernandALeger»

      Hosted by Varvara Zamakhaeva, Researcher at the Department of European and American Art of the 19th-20th Centuries

      Like many of the greatest artists of the 20th century, Fernand Léger worked in several forms of fine art. Leger's desire to work with ceramics was explained by the desire to change art. He wanted to make his work accessible to everyone. Continuing the idea of ​​the artist, with the help of tactile models for the blind and visually impaired based on decorative reliefs, we invite you to get acquainted with the work of the French modernist.

      Venue: Gallery of European and American Art of the XIX-XX centuries, Hall 23

    • Art project "Family Nest" for foster families with children with special needs

      Venue: CEV "Museion", room 114

      18:00 — 19:30

      Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, Italian courtyard (hall 15)


      Marina Loshak, director of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

      Elena Gens, Vice President for Social Projects, Lanit Group of Companies

      Olga Morozova, Head of the Center for Aesthetic Education "Museion"

      Maria Dreznina

      Nadezhda Shalashilina, HR Director, Lanit Group of Companies

      moderator— Evgenia Kiseleva, Head of the Department of Inclusive Programs of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

    • Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

    • Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

    • Master class "Four Jewels of the Cabinet" for the blind and visually impaired

      “The Four Treasures of the Study” – this is how the indispensable attributes of an enlightened person, painter and calligrapher are figuratively called in China: brush, paper, ink and ink. At the master class, you will get acquainted with the history of the invention and different types of paper, learn that black ink has five colors, and the brush has its own secret.

      Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, Italian courtyard (hall 15)

      13:00 — 15:00

      Master class "Methods of conducting art therapy classes in an art museum for children in difficult life situations" for professionals

      Conducted by Maria Dreznina, art therapist, senior researcher at the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin.

      Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, halls 1-6, CEV "Museion", room 114

      15:00 — 15:30

      Performance "Japanese motifs (Butoh dance)"

      Performers: Center for the implementation of creative projects "Inclusion" of the Foundation for the Support of the Deaf-Blind "Connection"

      Butoh is an experimental avant-garde Japanese dance founded by Tatsumi Hijikata in the 1960s, whose birth he identifies as the result of "encountering that which wanders

      inside the body." Butoh's practice is one of the areas of work of Inclusion.School.Moscow with a group of deaf-blind and deaf-visually impaired people. The performance found a harmonious combination of several vectors of the group's creative development: Butoh dance, Japanese poetry, music.

      Timing: 30 min.

      16:00 17:30

      Discussion« Bordersinclusions. Special groups:pro et contra»

      Whatmean the words "equal opportunities for different categories of visitors» in relation to exposureand collectionsart museum? Is there any opposition in the desire to combine inclusion and a special approach to visitors with mental disabilities?? Studio experienceAndart therapy CEV« Mouseyon» Andschoolscharitable foundationAbsolyut-aidb".

      Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, hall 29


      Olga Morozova, Head of the Center for Aesthetic Education "Museion"

      Maria Dreznina, artist, art therapist, employee of the Museion Center for Aesthetic Education

      Polina Filippova, Executive Director of the Charitable Foundation "Absolut-Help"

      Anna Shcherbakova, defectologist, employee of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University

      Alexander Sorokin, neurobiologist, employee of the Federal Resource Center for Comprehensive Support for Children with ASD MSUPE

      Moderator - Evgenia Kiseleva, Head of the Department of Inclusive Programs of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

    • Conducted by Oksana Kitashova, junior researcher of the Department of Aesthetic Education of Children and Youth of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin

      Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, 17-18 hall, Italian courtyard (hall 15)

      12:00 — 13:15

      Multitouchmaster-class "Object world of JapanEdo era»

      Conducted by Evgenia Kiseleva, Head of the Department of Inclusive Programs of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

      The world of things in Japanese culture is full of symbols, meanings and hierarchies. The screen, scroll and fan as forms of paintings occupy a special place in the exposition of the exhibition of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin. A non-visual acquaintance with the attributes of everyday and festive culture of Japan is offered by the multisensory master class "The Object World of Japan in the Edo Period". The lesson is intended for people with visual impairments, developmental disabilities, as well as everyone.

      Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, Italian courtyard (hall 15)

    • Workshop on engraving and printmaking for visitors with special needs

      Conducted by Svetlana Kochetkova, head of the printmaking workshop of the Center for Contemporary Art "Museion"

      Venue: CEV "Museion", room 207

    • Conducted by Natalia Kortunova, Senior Researcher at the Department of European and American Art of the 19th-20th Centuries

      Venue: Gallery of European and American Art of the XIX-XX centuries

    • Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

    • Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

    • Conducted by Alexandra Bakun, student of the Club of Young Art Critics of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

      In the museum, in sculptures and paintings, various animals live: birds, fish, animals, sometimes even magical ones. During our walk around the museum, the children will get acquainted with its collection, learn how animals were depicted in different eras, and assemble their personal "Noah's Ark", which they can take with them.

      Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

    • Master class "The smell from the picture."

      Conducted by Lisa Filimonova, student of the Club of Young Art Critics of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

      Smell is one of the strongest human senses. Thanks to him, old memories can pop up in a person’s head, everything around becomes brighter. We invite you to feel yourself not in front of the picture, but right in it, among flowers and fruits.

      Venue: Gallery of European and American Art of the XIX-XX centuries, Hall 14

    • Conducted by Mark Omelchuk (13 years old), a graduate of the Art Lovers Club of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

      In a programme:
      - acquaintance with paired portraits of German and Dutch Renaissance artists;
      - poetry of the 12th-16th centuries: