A set of communicative games with young children during the adaptation period for children of the early age group. Outdoor games with young children


Game "Sticky"

Goal: to develop children’s communication skills, the ability to listen to instructions

When all the children in the group become Velcro, they all begin to dance together and sing: “We are Velcro. We will dance together."

Note : At first, until the children have mastered the game, the teacher can act as a “Velcro.”

Game "Carousel"

Goal: creating a positive emotional environment, developing the ability to coordinate your movements with the movements of other children and with the rhythm of music and text.

The teacher says: “Now we will ride with you on the carousel. Repeat the words after me and move together to the music in a circle so that the carousel doesn’t break.”

Children repeat the words after the teacher:


The carousel started spinning.

The carousel moves slowly to the right.

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run!

Let's run, let's run...

The pace of speech and movements gradually accelerates. To the words “run, run,” the direction of movement changes.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te...

The pace of movements gradually slows down, and at the words “one or two” all the children stop and bow to each other.

One-two, one-two,


So the game is over.

Note: The text is learned with the children in advance. If the teacher does not have suitable music or the game takes place on the street, you can play without musical accompaniment. When playing with small children, the direction of movement does not need to be changed.

Game "Kangaroo"

Goal: teaching children to move in pairs, adapt to the rhythm of their partner’s movement.

Note: Children aged 2.5 – 3 years old readily play this game. Younger children can play it not with their peers, but with their mother, with an older brother or sister, or with a teacher.

Game "Locomotive"

Goal: teach children to interact with each other.

Content: This game is a modification of the previous game "Kangaroo". Two-year-old children had difficulty understanding and following an adult's instructions. They themselves simplified the nature of the movement when they were unable to move synchronously in the complex “kangaroo” pose. One of the pair of children got down on all fours, the other followed him, wrapping his arms tightly around him. The children crawled forward. Having perceived the similarity of the pair's movement with the movement of a steam locomotive, they began to chant in unison: “Chuh-chukh-chukh.”

Note: The example of this game showed that young children have imagination and can be the creators of a range of interesting games.

Game "Turtle"

Goal: acquaintance with pets, development of auditory attention.

For example:

Dog - “Woof-woof...”.

Cat - “Meow-meow...”.

Cow - “Moo-moo...”

But as soon as the teacher says: “Turtle,” all the children crouch (you can also press your chin to your chest).

Note: Before the game begins, especially with the youngest children, the teacher repeatedly repeats the sounds characteristic of pets. In addition, he explains how a turtle differs from the named animals, shows a picture of it, and tells how and why a turtle hides its head in its shell.

For older children, you can complicate the game by adding the names of wild animals, explaining the difference between domestic and wild animals. For this purpose, you can use both appropriate toys and pictures of animals.

Game "Looking for a friend"

Goal: teaching children cooperation skills, transition from playing “side by side” to playing “together”.

The teacher tells the children that now they will dance along with the animals. But it’s boring for one bunny or bear to dance, so while the music is playing, each child must find one or two friends for his little animal. At the first stage, the teacher shows the children all the toys, focusing their attention on the fact that the set contains not one bunny, but two or three, not one bear, but two or three.

When the music starts playing, the children walk around the room and look for children with paired toys, that is, they are looking for a friend for their little animal. When a friend (couple) is found, the children dance together with the toys. You can place toys on the floor in front of you and dance around them.

Note: If the teacher does not have the necessary set of toys, it can be replaced with pictures of animals. If the children are very young, the pictures can be cut out in the form of medals and such a medal can be hung on each child’s chest.

Game "Only Together"

Goal: to teach children to establish contact with each other, adapt to the pace of their partner’s movement.

Note: When children master this version of the game, its conditions can be complicated, for example, like this: each child can hold the ball with only one hand.

Game "Planes"

(modification of the game by S. Ya. Laizane, M., 1978)

Goal: development of imagination, auditory attention, and the ability to quickly obey an adult’s instructions.

The teacher gives the signal “Let's fly!”, and the children immediately spread their arms to the sides and “fly”, that is, they run around the room in different directions.

As soon as the teacher gives the signal “To board,” all children must stop and sit down (or sit on chairs).

Game "Help Tanya"

Goal: developing partnership communication skills, increasing motivation to communicate, relieving anxiety in children.

Content: The teacher says that the girl Tanya has a problem: all her toys are broken, and she has nothing to play with anymore. Children are shown several pre-selected old toys, each of which is divided into two parts. For example, a mushroom cap and a mushroom stem, two parts of one nesting doll, etc. For older children, each toy can be divided not into two, but into three or four parts.

The received parts are distributed to children - one for each child - and they are asked to help Tanya fix her toys.

The kids' task is to find the individual parts of the toy and connect them.

Note: This game is similar to the game "Looking for a friend", but it is morefunctional, since it can be used in working with both ordinary children and “special children”. For example, it is easier for an autistic child to complete a task with a logical conclusion that is understandable to him (the toy should become whole again). For anxious children, the instructions for this game are also more understandable and accessible. True, in this case, before the game starts, the teacher must demonstrate to the children what the repaired toys will look like.

At first, with very young children or “special” children, you can play this game together: a child and an adult.

Game "It's Me. Get to know me" (famous game)

Goal: relieving emotional stress, aggression, developing empathy, tactile perception, creating a positive emotional climate in the group.

Content: Children are sitting on the carpet. One of them turns his back to those sitting. The children take turns gently stroking him on the back with their palms and saying: “It’s me. Get to know me." The driving child (who is being stroked) must guess who touched him. The teacher helps the child guess, calling in turn the names of all the children participating in the game.

It is advisable for each child to play the role of leader.

Game "Try to Guess"

Goal: development of empathy, ability to balance one’s movements, development of speech, development of communication skills, group cohesion.

Try to guess.

I'm with you here.

Tell me what my name is.

The driving child is trying to guess who stroked him. If the child is small and cannot pronounce all the words, then the first three lines are spoken by the teacher (possibly together with the other children), and the fourth - either by the child himself or together with the teacher. If the driver cannot guess correctly, he turns to face the players, and they show him who stroked him, and he simply tries to remember and call this child by name.

Note: This game is a modification of the previous game “It's Me. Get to know me." Sometimes children find it more interesting and easier to play thanks to simple poetic accompaniment.

Game "Good Hippo"

Goal: Relieving emotional stress, aggression, reducing physical activity.

The teacher asks each child to pat his neighbor on the shoulder, head, back, arm...

Then the teacher asks the “hippo” to walk around the group and sit down. Usually children, squatting together, fall and laugh. Sometimes the game turns into a general “heap and a lot”, to the general pleasure of all participants.

Game "Plane flies across the sky"

Goal: Development of imagination, auditory attention, ability to quickly respond to instructions.

The plane flies across the sky

I'm flying on an airplane.

Children use their hands to depict airplane wings and hum. The teacher says:

I'll go by car

If only I want.

Children pretend to be driving in a car, holding the steering wheel and lever, imitating the sound of the engine.

The teacher performs the movements together with the children.

Notes: With older children or when children are already accustomed to the game, the teacher can complicate the conditions and deliberately confuse words and movements. Children try not to make mistakes.

Game "My Good Parrot"

Goal: Development of empathy in children, speed of reaction, removal of aggression, expansion of vocabulary and behavioral repertoire of children.

At first, the game takes place at a very slow pace, as the children have difficulty finding an affectionate name for the parrot and do not know how to pass the toy to any of the players. But then, as you master these operations, the pace of the game, as a rule, accelerates.

Note: For older children who already know how to speak, you can use poetic accompaniment:

My good parrot

Give it to me quickly.

He's handsome, he's good

And further…

The child adds his affectionate word, for example:

He is very kind.

Game "Spiders and Mosquitoes"

Goal: development of coordination of movements, interaction skills, group cohesion.

When all the “mosquitoes” are caught, the children join hands and dance together.

Note: This game can be played with musical accompaniment. In this case, all children run freely until a certain signal (for example, until the music stops), and only then the “spiders” can catch them.

Game "Catch the Bunny"(Smirnova O. E., 2000)

Goal: relieving emotional stress and excessive physical activity.

The teacher reads a poem to the children:

Sunny bunnies -

Jump, jump, jump,

They bounce like balls

Jump, jump, jump...

Then he invites the kids to catch up with the bunny, sometimes giving them the opportunity to catch a spot of light, which then runs away again. If the bunny is “tired,” the kids manage to catch it, but sometimes it hides. In this case, the teacher says that the bunny is tired, hid in a hole, that it is also time for the children to rest, close their eyes, and take a pretend nap.

When the bunny has rested and reappears in front of the children, the children again begin to catch it. The teacher says: “The bunny woke up, look how he dances, but he hid under the table... Oh! He jumped onto the sofa... Catch him, catch him quickly!”

Game “Mirror” (Kozak O. N., 1999)

Goal: developing interaction skills between an adult and a child, introducing the child to his body, teaching the child orientation in space.

FIRST STAGE (individual)


Note: At later stages of working with the mirror, the game can be started immediately from the second part.

Game "Magic Mirror"(Filippova A.D., M., 1963)

Goal: development of imagination, orientation in space, ability to repeat the movements of an adult.

Come on, look at the mirror,

Repeat everything to us correctly.

I will stand in front of you

Repeat everything after me.

An adult approaches one of the children and makes some movement. The child must repeat the movement.

Note: This game is similar to the previous one, but it is designed for children with whom preparatory work has already been done. In addition, the poetic text makes the game more attractive for children.

Game "Tom and Jerry"(modification of a famous game)

Goal: development of motor skills, interaction skills, reaction speed.

The “cat” is curled up on the carpet and sleeping. “Little mice” dance around him (you can hold hands, you can separately from each other) and sing:

Tili-bom, tili-bom,

We're not afraid of you, Tom!

“Tom” suddenly “wakes up”, jumps up and tries to catch the “mice”. The “mice” are running away. If “Tom” has already caught one of them, he locks the mouse in a mousetrap (puts him on a chair).

Bubble Game (famous game)

Purpose: the game helps children unite and develop a sense of rhythm.

Blow up, bubble,

Blow up, big one,

Stay like this

Don't burst!

Gradually, the children expand the circle more and more until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Then the children squat down and say in unison: “Clap!”

Note: The text must be pronounced clearly, slowly - the children must repeat it after the teacher. If the game takes place on a large carpet, children usually, after the word “clap,” fall (on purpose) to the floor, roll around and laugh.

Game “Pushinka” (Kozak O. N., 1999

Goal: development of motor activity, coordination of movements, ability to control one’s actions.

Game "Turtles"

Goal: to teach children to control their actions, listen and understand the instructions of an adult.

Note: This game may seem difficult for young children, but the observations of psychologist M.V. Lutkina showed that, indeed, at first the stereotype of moving as quickly as possible is triggered in children. Approximately 10% of children aged 2.5 - 3 years old understand the instructions correctly the first time. But with the systematic implementation of the game, the number of such children increases each time.

Game "Bell"

Goal: developing coordination of movements, the ability to obey the rules of the game, practicing reaction speed.

Content: All children sit in a circle on chairs. Chairs should be as close to each other as possible. One of the children stands in the center of the circle - he is the driver. Children sitting in a circle pass a bell to each other (it should have a ringing, distinct sound). The driver's task is to touch the child who is holding the bell. As soon as he succeeds, he sits down on a chair, and the driver’s place is taken by the one who was “caught” with a bell in his hands.

Game "Show your nose"(Vasilyeva E. A.)

Goal: development of auditory attention, teaching children to focus on their body.

One two three four five,

We start to play.

You look, don't yawn

And repeat everything after me,

What can I tell you now

And at the same time I will show you.

“Ears-ears” - everyone shows their ears

“Eyes-eyes” - everyone shows eyes.

“Pens-pen” - everyone shows pens, etc.

Note: When the children get used to this instruction, the teacher can complicate the game: he deliberately confuses the children - he names one part of the body or face, and shows another. Children should notice this and not repeat the wrong movement. The teacher can help them by changing intonation, smiling slyly, thereby focusing attention on any movement.

Game "Frogs"

Goal: developing the ability to obey verbal instructions, developing a sense of rhythm, developing coordination of movements, removing excessive motor activity, and uniting the group.

Then they begin to move on these pillows on the carpet and say together:

Two frogs in the morning

They wanted to eat a mosquito.

The mosquitoes have all flown away

And the frogs didn’t eat them.

The children get up from the pillows and all dance together, holding hands and chanting:

Tara-ra, tara-ra,

It's time for everyone to have fun.

It's time for everyone to have fun.

Game "Bunny"

Goal: development of empathy, coordination of movements, the ability to interact with other children, obey the general rhythm of the game, control your body and movements.

At first the children smoothly rock the diaper and say:

Bunny, bunny is fast asleep

And he doesn’t tell us to make noise.

Then the teacher speeds up the rhythm of movement and says together with the children:

The bunny opens his eyes,

Runs off for carrots.

He runs away from the wolf

We want to help him.

The teacher gradually slows down the pace, the children say:

Calm down, bunny bunny,

Lie down in bed and go to sleep.

After these words, the movements become completely smooth, and the children and the teacher say as quietly and calmly as possible:

Bunny bunny sleeps soundly

And he doesn’t tell us to make noise...


Game "Kite" (modification of the game N. N. Kilpio, M., 1965)

Goal: development of attention, reaction speed, ability to follow adult instructions, learning skills to interact with children.

Then the “hen” and the “chicks” take a walk (walk around the room). As the teacher says: “Kite” (preliminary a conversation is held with the children, during which it is explained to them who the kite is and whythe chickens should avoid it), all the children run back to the house.

After this, the teacher chooses another “chicken” from among the playing children. The game repeats itself.

In conclusion, the teacher invites all children to leave the “chicken coop” and take a walk, quietly waving their arms like wings, dance together, and jump. You can invite the children to look for the “chicken” that is lost. Children, together with the teacher, look for a previously hidden toy - a fluffy chicken. The kids, together with the teacher, look at the toy, stroke it, feel sorry for it and take it to its place.

Note: In order to develop motor skills, you can complicate the game as follows. In order to get into the chicken coop, children must not just run into it, but crawl under the slats, which lie at a height of 60-70 cm.

Game "Rain" (TsPP Kalininsky district)

Goal: development of muscle control, spatial orientation, increased emotional tone, and the ability to interact with peers.


Content: One child driving. The rest of the children all hide together under a large (preferably transparent) umbrella. The driver uses a sprinkler (a plastic bottle with small holes in the cork) to water the umbrella, simulating rain. Children watch how drops of rain roll off an umbrella, how streams of water flow from it, and put their hands up to catch a drop.

Then another driver is chosen, and the game continues until everyone plays the role of driver.


All children under one big umbrella. At the same time, it is stipulated that the children hide so that everyone fits under the umbrella, taking care of each other. If the need arises, an adult helps them:

One or two children each under any umbrella they like, if the group has several umbrellas prepared. The adult stipulates in advance the condition that one child (or two or three children) hides under one umbrella. Older children can run “before the rain starts” in pairs, and then they will also have to hide under an umbrella in pairs.


Game "Hedgehog and Rain"

(modification of the game Dykman L., 1998: Larechina E.)

Goal: developing the ability to imitate the movements of an adult.


An adult says: “I once met a hedgehog,” and forms a fig with his right and left hands.

How's the weather, hedgehog?


And we went home.

Trembling, hunched over, cowering, two hedgehogs.

(Both “hedgehogs” depict movement.)


Whose clatter of fast legs (One hedgehog is applied to the nose.

Sounds among the stones? All the children, slightly bent over, walk in a circle in small steps,

That's a hedgehog, a hedgehog, a hedgehog, holding a hedgehog to his nose and singing a song.)

Hurries home quickly.

Suddenly clouds rolled in, (All the children spread their arms wide to the sides.

And thunder struck in the sky. They clap their hands sharply.

Our hedgehog is in a ball. The children squat and cover their heads with their hands.

Curled up, Children raise their hands, spread their fingers.)

Needles all around.

Drop one, drop two, (Children, sitting on the floor, first slowly and quietly, then all

Drop slowly at first. They hit the floor with all their fingers harder and louder.)

The drops began to keep pace,

Drop drop catch up.

It began to rain heavily... (The children are banging their palms hard on the floor.

The rain began to subside. Gradually, the children slowed down, knocking slower and quieter.

The drops began to dry up. The children ran their palms along the floor.

The sun has appeared. Children raise their hands up. Fingers to the sides. spread apart

The children bowed... Hands gradually lowered. Children smile and bow.)

Game "Morning Greeting"(modification by Larechina E.,)

Goal: creating a positive emotional climate in the group, developing communication skills, instilling the skill of greeting each child in the group.

The teacher says: “Good morning, sunshine! We are glad to see you."

The teacher says: “We all woke up, we held hands,” - the hands slowly lower down. Children join hands.

The teacher, turning his gaze to each child in turn, continues: “And Tanya is here... And Sasha is here... And Lyuba is here...” All the children repeat after the teacher: “And Tanya is here...”

Then the teacher looks at each child and says: “Everyone is here!” Children stand on tiptoes, raising their clasped hands up, and say in unison: “Everyone is here!” After this, everyone slowly squats down.

Game "Live Picture"

Goal: development of perception, imagination, thinking, ability to highlight the main thing in a subject.

Each child, looking at his picture, “revitals” it, showing some kind of movement or pose. The rest of the children guess what it is.

Note: At the first stages, the teacher carries out individual work with each child or shows the movements himself, and the children only guess what is depicted by the teacher

Game "In our group"

Goal: creating a positive emotional mood in the group.

In our group, in our group / everyone clap their hands rhythmically

Lots of little guys.

Everyone is sitting on chairs

And we have……. /the psychologist points to the child

Everyone calls his name in unison.

This continues until all the children are named.

Game “Our kids are on the floor”

Goal: developing a sense of rhythm, the ability to start and finish movements at the command of an adult.

Our kids are on the floor

They stamped their feet.

Look, they're good (children go in a group)

Our babies!

Children walk with their feet,

New boots!(walk with their legs raised high

Topa-topa-topa-topwhen they say “stop” they stop.)


There's a long way ahead

The kids need to rest. (sit on the floor and rest)



And then we'll go again

We walk around the room,(they walk in a group again, stop

Top-top-top-top, at the word “stop”).


Game "Walking"

Goal: creating an optimistic mood. “Getting to know” the body, relieving muscle tension.

Along the path - top-top-top /walking to the text/

We walk together.

Isn't it raining naughty? / raise their head up,

We need to look. Look right, left/

Everything is fine: there is no rain, / they nod their heads, smile at the sun

The sun is shining; expose his cheeks, nose and forehead/

Our cheeks, nose and forehead

Gently warms.

I’ll raise my hands to the sun, /raise my hands to the sides and up,

I catch the rays with my palms outstretched and clenched into fists./

I’ll shake them off with my finger, / each finger clicks against the thumb,

I'll play with them. Shake your hands./

And then I’ll trample / they stomp and crush their feet, making a path /

There's a path on the sand,

And I’ll draw rings / draw them alternately with each leg,

The round leg then shakes it, relaxing/

Spin around like a moth, /slowly and easily spin, shaking your arms,

I’ll sit on the bathtub, like wings, squat down.

And I will gently stroke the grass with my fingers./

Soft grass.

I’ll sprinkle sunshine / rising to my feet, they sprinkle it from top to bottom

Everything around that I know. Everything around you.

Do you all recognize me? He asks, spreading his arms to the sides,

This is me - walking! Pointing to himself, he smiles./

Game "Dog" (early age)

Goal: development of speech, auditory attention, arbitrariness, reaction speed.

You're a dog, don't bark

Don't scare our ducks!

Our ducks are white

Without that, they are not brave.

Game "Komarik" (early age)

Goal: developing the ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of other children and adults, with the rules of the game and the rhythm of the poem.

A mosquito sat under a bush, / children sit on chairs,

On the spruce tree on the stumps, placed throughout the hall./

He dangled his legs under the leaf / swayed his legs /

Hid . hiding behind a gauze scarf/

prepared in advance and hanging on the back of the chair.

The presenter walks around the children with a toy doll. He says: “Where are the mosquitoes? I’ll eat them now!”

Looking for children. Leaves. The game repeats itself. The presenter finds the children: “here they hid!” The children run away. The leader is trying to catch them.

Game "Legs" (early age)

Goal: reducing impulsivity and increased physical activity. Developing the ability to move in the same rhythm with other children, adapting to their pace.

The legs began to walk, top-to-top, top-to-toe,

Straight along the path, thump, thump, thump.

Well, it’s more fun, top, top, top,

That's how we can top-top-top.

The legs started running

Along a level path / running, trying

Run away, run awaydon't overtake each other/

Only the heels sparkle.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Game "Charging"

Goal: development of a sense of rhythm, general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

The little frog jumps 3 times / jumps in place and croaks /

The duckling swims quack 3 times/movement. hands from the center of the chest to the side./

Sports are played on site/

Fast tit tyur-lyu-lyu / hands move smoothly

It frolics in the air, tur-lu-lu, up and down, to the sides./

Everyone around is trying / to march

Sports are played on site/

The kid jumps me-me-me/jumping

And behind him the lamb is be-be-be in place/

Everyone around is trying / to march

Sports are played on site/

Here we are on exercises, one-two-three / tilts

Morning on the siteone-two-three to the sides /

You see we are trying

Let's play sports! /marching in place/

Game "Bunny"

Goal: developing a sense of rhythm, communication skills (learning to establish contact with each other, act in concert, adapt to the pace of a partner’s movement).

Little bunny /squats down, showing an inch from the floor with his hand

Long ears / children put their palms to their heads - “ears” /

Quick legs / ran /

Bunny-bunny /children jump with their hands clasped, imitating a bunny/

You are afraid of children / children wrap their arms around themselves /

The bunny is a coward / they “tremble” while pretending to be afraid.

Game "Teddy bear - clubfoot."

Goal: to develop the ability to convey an imaginary image through movements, to develop the ability to act in concert with adults and other children.

Teddy bear, clubfooted bear / raise shoulders, round arms, toes

The bear goes through the forest to turn, walk waddling /

The bear wants sweet berries / to pat his stomach, lick his lips /

He won't find them at all. /look around, shrug/

Suddenly I saw a lot of berries / show with my index finger on my face

And he growled quietly. delight, “picking” berries with both hands

The children came up to the bear and marched/

The bear gave them berries /distribute berries/

Game "Oink - Oink"

Goal: development of children's attention, arbitrariness of behavior.

When an adult names one of the animals, he should already pronounce his sounds and clap (cat: meow-meow) and everyone repeats after him, etc.

Game "Dandelions"

Goal: development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, reaction speed. Developing the ability to move in the same rhythm with other children.

Along the edge of the groove

On the grass sofa

Having fun in a crowd

Dandelions have spread.

Here the sun rose,

Rolled like a ball

Looking for the red sun

Where are the dandelions?

Dandelion children run to music or the sound of a tambourine. When the sound ends, they run to their chairs. The presenter pronounces the text, after which he goes to look for dandelions, which cover their faces and hide.

Educator (leader)

yellow dandelion

I'll rip you off

yellow dandelion

Hid in the grass.

The presenter leaves. The music starts again. The game repeats itself.

Game "Bear"

Goal: development of the ability to imitate the movements of an adult, coordination of movements, development of speech, memory.

Teddy Bear / clapping with palms

Through the forest he walks with his right and left hands along his legs/

Collects cones

Sings songs.

Suddenly a cone fell / the right hand clenches into a fist

Right in the bear's forehead and touches his forehead/

The bear is angry / palms are clapping on the legs

And with my foot - top. Or feet stomp on the floor/.

I won’t do it again / the child threatens with his index finger. /

Collect cones

I’ll get into the car / palms join and touch

And I’ll go to sleep against my cheek, simulating sleep/.

Game "Bunny"

Goal: development of speech, development of general and fine motor skills, orientation in one’s own body.

A bunny came to visit us / they walk, offer their palms

Long ears, to the head, like ears/

He is fluffy, soft all over / make light, airy movements

Like my pillow. Hands from top to bottom/

Sometimes he’s angry, / his eyebrows move,

Frowns his eyes, frowns sternly/

I say: “don’t be angry, / they shake their finger /

The bunny is touchable!”

I stroke his forehead, / with light movements they stroke his forehead from

Chubby cheeks, bridges of the nose to the ears, cheeks in a circular motion./

I’ll pretend to draw / with all four fingers they draw on the forehead

Cells and dots. And the cheeks of the cells, then lightly beat with the tips

Fingers on the forehead, cheeks, chin,/

Handle splash, the other hand splash / alternately one hand falls first

The poor fell then another/

Like strings are hanging / lightly shaking hands, tired expression

Just like me, my face is tired, my whole body is sluggish/

Again the bunny jumps and jumps / jumps like bunnies /

Jumps along the path.

Together with him we will rest, / they shake alternately the right

Let’s rinse the legs, then the left leg, as if rinsing in water/

So we worked with the bunny, / they say in a languid voice, relaxed

That the muscles of the body themselves are tired, in the end they sit on their knees

Now let’s go and rest and hug ourselves with our arms./

On mom's lap.

Game "Joiners"

Goal: development of attention, speech, imagination, ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of an adult and peers.

We are sawing, sawing a board / children imitate the movements of an adult,

In the morning, our business leader holds his right hand

Steel teeth are sharp, bent at the elbow in front of you,

The saw moves easily, leaning forward and backward/

Whip-whack, whack-whack.

Runs, runs obediently / moves arms to the side

Plane along the board, straight arms move simultaneously

And little white shavings to the left, and then back

Curled up into curls

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Come on, it’s more fun / arms bent at the elbows

Let's hit with a hammer

Stronger, more equal imitation. hammer movements./

We'll hammer the carnations

Knock-knock, knock-knock.

Game "On a Level Path"

Goal: group unity, development of auditory attention, reduction of excessive motor activity.

Along a level path - 2 times / move at a normal pace

Our legs walk - 2 times

Over the pebbles, over the pebbles / moving with big steps /

Over bumps, over bumps / jumping forward /

On small leaves / moving in small steps /

In the hole - bang! /squats/

In order to control their actions, the psychologist draws the children’s attention to the fact that they need to squat down and not just fall on their knees.

Game "Where, where"

Goal: developing the ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of other children, with the rules of the game, with the rhythm of the poem.

1.Where, where are our pens? / they spread their hands, look at each other in surprise /

Where are our pens?

Where are our pens?

We don't have our pens. / hide their hands behind their backs /

Here, here are our pens! / turn palms back

Here are our pens! Side up-down/

Our hands are dancing, dancing! / rhythmically wave their palms in front of them/

Our hands are dancing!

2.Where, where are our legs? / they spread their hands, look at each other in surprise /

Where are our legs?

Where are our legs?

Our legs are missing. /squat down/

Here, here are our legs! / clap rhythmically

Here are our legs! Palms on feet/

Our feet are dancing, dancing! / rhythmically stomp their feet /

Our feet are dancing!

3.Where, where are our children? / throw up their hands, look surprised

Where are our children? Each other. /

Where are our children?

Our children are missing. /Hide their face in their hands/

Here, here are our children! /open their face and smile

Here are our kids! Shake their head/

Our children are dancing, dancing! / dance, turn

Our children are dancing! Around yourself/.

Game "Tag" (early age)

Goal: creating a positive emotional mood in the group. Developing the ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of other children, with the rules of the game, with the rhythm of the poem.

“Sunny” says the final lines (2), after which he runs away from the children. The clouds are catching up with the sun.

Clouds walked across the sky

Caught the red sun:

And we will catch up with the sun!

And we will catch the red one!

The sun ran

Red galloped:

But I'm not afraid of clouds!

I'll dodge the gray ones!

Game “Chicken” (2 ml, medium)

Goal: development of reaction speed, ability to act in accordance with the rules. Relieving emotional and muscle tension.

Chicken on Senechka

I was walking around

Baby chicks


Don't run, chickens,

Around the yard,

Don't look for grains

At the fence.

The gander is approaching the fence,

He's going to pluck the chickens.

Children - chickens - follow the leader - the chicken - in a flock. From the 5th line to the end of the text, the chicken speaks, turning to the chickens.

At the end of the poem, a gander (child or adult) runs out from behind the shelter (fence) and catches up with the children.

Game "Goat"

Purpose of the game: development of the ability to imitate the movements of an adult, development of motor skills.

The goat was walking across the field. The children walk step by step one after another, then

He played the harmonica: spread his arms to the sides, then

Geeks-Bryki -2p on the harmonica are connected together.


A bear came out of the forest, swaying from side to side

He began to roar at the goat: his hands above his head. Accompanied

Movements roar.

Our goat didn’t run away, They shake their heads from side to side.

Played more cheerfully: side. Hand movement

Geek kicks 2p. Played more merrily. (imitation of playing the harmonica).

How the bear started dancing, Springs. Hands on the belt.

That's how he dances now

Geek kicks – 2p, and

He's dancing now.

Game "To the right, to the right of me"

Purpose: Allows you to identify children - leaders and children who are not popular, and also determines spatio-temporal relationships.

Game “I am sitting on a pebble”

Goal: The ability to express love and affection towards other people (provide support) development of the emotional sphere.

“I’m sitting, sitting on a pebble,

I'm sitting on fuel

And who truly loves me?

And who me…….

Will he still take a nap?

After these words, anyone can come up and pat the head of the person sitting in the circle (cue). After that, he himself sits down and covers his head with a handkerchief, and the next person who wishes doves on him.

Game "Mice" (younger age)

Goal: developing the ability to obey the rules of the game, act in accordance with the role, and overcome motor automatism.

Materials: toy mouse.

Playful mice are jumping, jumping on the spot

Some are on the cup, some are on the lid.

Hush, hush, hush, mice, walk on tiptoes, sit on

Don't disturb the baby's sleep, squat with folded palms

“boat”, under the cheek.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Game "Snow Carousel"

Goal: developing the ability to act in a coordinated manner.

Game “Draw in a circle. (unexpected pictures)”

Goal: uniting the children's team, developing imagination.

“An important means of forming
mental activity of the baby,
his intellect is play.”
S. T. Shatsky


The current stage of development of society (changes in the political and socio-economic paths of its development) is characterized by the formation of fundamentally new priorities and requirements for the education system as a whole and its initial link - preschool education. The most important requirement is to improve the quality of education. The development of legislation regulating relations in the field of preschool education contributed to the emergence of a fundamentally new document for the modernization of the preschool education system - Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education (hereinafter - FGT).

The ideology of FGT is aimed at developing a fundamentally new view of the content, structure and organization of preschool education. It is proposed to pay special attention to the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children, and the correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children.

Teachers currently face a difficult task: to ensure the continuous development of the child using a variety of forms and methods that are appropriate to the age of the pupils, taking into account the fact that the main activity of a preschool child is play.

One of these means is the technology of educational games. It is known that there is a huge variety of teaching materials available for use in practice with preschool children. However, few provide the opportunity to formulate all the thinking skills that are important for intellectual, in particular mathematical development, in a complex manner, and at the same time throughout preschool childhood.

Developing children’s ability to identify the properties of objects (their size, color, shape), she noted that when mastering these sensory representations, as well as when exercising to identify the properties of objects, operations of comparison, generalization, children experience difficulties.

When searching for the most effective means for the development of logical thinking, memory, imagination, creative abilities, sensory education, I chose Dienesh’s logical blocks, because I believe that this material makes it possible to introduce young children to the shape, color, size and thickness of objects in an accessible, visual way.

To implement its activities in this direction, it has set the following tasks:

  • Creating conditions for enriching and accumulating children's sensory experience during object-based play activities through Dienesh's logical blocks.
  • Formation of children’s ability to navigate the various properties of objects (color, shape, size, thickness, quantity).
  • Development of cognitive processes of perception, memory, attention, imagination, creative abilities.
  • Education of primary strong-willed character traits in the process of mastering purposeful actions with logical blocks.
  • Defined areas of work:

  • Formation of ideas about sensory standards (properties of objects)
  • Training in methods of examining objects
  • Development of analytical perception (selection of elements: color, shape, size, thickness)
  • Highlighted the following principles of work organization:

    • Availability:

    Adaptation of the material to the age of children.

    • Systematicity and consistency:

    Gradual presentation of material from simple to complex;

    Frequent repetition of what has been learned.

    • Visibility.
    • Personality-differentiated approach:

    Taking into account age characteristics;

    Creating a favorable environment for each child to learn the material.

    I have defined the following for use methods and techniques:

    It should be noted that in the practice of working with children in kindergarten, two types of blocks are used: volumetric and planar. Each of these species has its own name. Volumetric logical material is called logical blocks, planar - logical figures.

    Dienesha started using blocks in the 1st junior group.

    To organize targeted work, the preparatory stage was carried out: a long-term plan was drawn up, colorful manuals and albums were purchased, consultations were developed for parents and educators.

    Games were played with the children according to a long-term plan. I started working with blocks by giving the children the opportunity to get to know them on their own.

    Focusing on the approximate level of development of the child, she offered the child one or two exercises (games). If he does not cope with the task, she suggests an exercise that is simpler (previous) in complexity, and so on until the child solves the problem. An independent and successful decision became the step from which the child began to move forward.

    Having tested each child in this way, I received a fairly clear picture of the level of children’s thinking skills. And in turn, it made it possible to organize games taking into account the development level of each child.

    If the child easily and accurately coped with tasks at a certain level, she offered games and exercises of the next difficulty group. I would like to note that it is possible to transfer a child to subsequent play exercises only if he has “grown” from the previous ones, i.e. when they are not difficult for him. If you keep children at a certain level or give them more complex games and exercises prematurely, then interest in the activities will disappear. Children are drawn to mental tasks when they are difficult for them, but doable.

    This work was carried out in subgroups once a week and individually in joint and independent activities with children. In working with children of the 1st junior group, I used the albums: “Surprising 1,2,3,4” (plane figures), “Dyenesh Blocks for the little ones,” “Little Logics.” By placing colored blocks on colored images in albums, children see how flat images turn into three-dimensional objects, enjoy bright, funny pictures, and the children develop creative thinking and speech activity.

    In the process of various actions with blocks, children first mastered the ability to identify and abstract one property in objects (color, shape, size, thickness), compare, classify and generalize objects according to each of these properties. Then the children tried to analyze, compare, classify and generalize objects according to two properties at once (color and shape, shape and size, size and thickness, etc.), and a little later - according to three (color, shape and size; shape, size and thickness; color, size and thickness) and by four properties (color, shape, size and thickness).

    I believe that it is precisely as a result of the use of educational games technology that the intermediate data of pedagogical monitoring on children’s mastery of general educational activities have a positive trend. I present to your attention diagnostic data on mastering the tasks of the educational area “Cognition”, section: “Sensory education” in the 1st junior group for the 2011/2012 academic year..

    In September 2011, pedagogical monitoring was carried out, which showed that the number of children in the “risk” group was 14%, in the “observation” group - 66%, and in the “norm” group - 20%. As a result of targeted activities and based on the results of interim monitoring (April 2012), the following data were obtained: the “risk” group was 5%, the “observation” group decreased to 48%, the “norm” group increased to 37%, a “high level” appeared ”, which amounted to 10%. Thus, we can note positive dynamics in the development of students.

    In the current academic year, we have expanded our activities with other technologies of educational games - Cuisenaire sticks, Nikitin cubes, because this didactic material has great potential, its use can be adjusted to suit yourself, your level, your interests. For the most part, these games are presented in the form of puzzles aimed at recognizing and completing images, that is, at developing logical and figurative thinking. They can be called a sports complex for the mind, for the development of the child’s creative abilities.

    To introduce new didactic material for children into practice, a preparatory stage was also carried out: a long-term plan was drawn up, manuals and albums for working with children were purchased, and consultations for parents on the use of educational games were purchased.

    When working with children of the 2nd junior group, I use the albums: “Making tall tales” (Dyenesha blocks), “Magic paths” (Kuziner sticks), “Miracle cubes” and “Colorful world” (Nikitin cubes), also “It’s fun to play together” (blocks Dienesh and Cuisenaire sticks).

    I select games and exercises with Dienesh blocks, Cuisenaire sticks, Nikitin cubes taking into account the capabilities of children, their level of development, interest in solving intellectual and practical problems, taking into account their relationship (the presence of common and gradually more complex elements: methods of action, results) and compatibility with the general a system of exercises carried out using other didactic means. I introduce game elements into exercises in the form of game motivation (build a ladder for a cockerel, fix a fence, and so on)

    When organizing any types of children's activities, I adhere to the following principles:

    • The principle of a differentiated approach

    I remember that a child is a unique individual. I try to appreciate his individuality, support and develop him. After diagnosing the knowledge, abilities and skills of the newly arrived child, I select tasks in accordance with his abilities and skills.

    • Principle of cooperation

    I make it clear to the child that I am always ready to provide him with personal support and come to the rescue. If a child cannot cope with any task, I suggest: “Come on, I’ll help you,” “Let’s try together,” “You and I will succeed,” “Of course, you can handle it.”

    • The principle of psychological comfort for every child

    I show understanding, delicacy, tolerance and tact when raising and teaching children, I admire his initiative and the smallest independence - this helps the child develop confidence in himself and in his capabilities. At this age, it is very important to create a situation of success; the main thing is that the proposed task is completed by all children, regardless of whether he did it independently or with my help. It is important to support not only with action, but also with words: “What a great fellow you are!”, “You did great!”, “Wonderful!”, “I am very proud of you!”, “Great!”, “I know you can do it! ", "Thank you very much!" and etc.

    • The principle of variability

    Work outside of GCD or necessary individual work or in children’s independent activities, as well as to maintain interest, I try to use variants of tasks that are similar in goals, but involve actions with different tasks.

    The experience of the work has shown that the use of educational games technology with children of primary preschool age allows children to quickly learn geometric shapes, colors and shapes, learn to distinguish them from each other, compare and analyze, and undoubtedly allows them to achieve positive results. In my activities, I plan to continue working in this direction; I believe that the technologies used make it possible to form the necessary integrative qualities of children throughout preschool childhood.


    A game: “A goat walked along the bridge”


    A goat was walking along a bridge. An adult was shaking his knees.

    Up down.

    And wagging her tail. The adult turns the child out of

    Side to side.

    Got caught on the railing. Shakes again.

    It landed right in the river, splash! Simulates falling into a hole.


    A game: "On a horse"

    Target: development of trusting, partnership relations.

    Over the bumps, over the bumps, The adult rises sharply and

    Along small bushes, drops his knees.

    On a young horse

    Uphill trick, trick, trick! An adult reaches forward

    And on the old nag's legs and rolls the child down them.

    From the hill - bang!


    A game: "Carousels"

    Target: learning to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text, creating an atmosphere of joy that brings children together.

    And then, then, then - Everybody run, run, run!

    Hush, hush, don't rush, the pace is slowing down,

    Stop the carousel. gradually starting to walk.

    One, two, one, two (pause) The children stop and

    The game is over! bow to each other!


    A game: "Small bird"

    Target: development of active speech and attention of the child.

    Small bird

    She flew to us, to us!

    Little bird

    I'll give you grains, I'll give you grains, I'll give you grains!

    A bird sat on the window,

    Sit a little longer

    Wait, don't fly away


    A game: "Geese are flying"

    Target: auditory perception, attention, reaction speed, interaction skills with adults, with children, creating a good mood.

    Geese are flying! - and raises his hands up, showing how the geese fly.

    They're flying! - the children answer and also raise their hands.

    Ducks are flying! - They're flying!

    The flies are flying! - They're flying!

    Sparrows are flying! - They are flying!

    The pikes are flying!

    Getting carried away, children often answer: - They're flying!

    And they raise their hands up.

    The presenter lightly slaps hands and speaks:

    They don't fly! They don't fly!

    A game: "The deer has a big house"---Card No. 6


    A game: "Bunny"

    Target: development of spatial concepts (up-down, left-right)

    One, two, three, four, five, Toy up and down,

    The bunny came out to jump.

    He looked around, turned, left, right.

    Looked up and down

    I went for a run and got scared...

    Where are you, bunny, answer me? Hide the toy behind your back.


    A game: "Bouncer"

    Target: development of positive interaction between an adult and a child, the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

    There is a tower in a field. Squatting, cover your head with your hands.

    The door opens. Slowly raise your arms above your head.

    Who appears there?

    Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, bam-bam! Jumps up, stretching his arms up.

    The jumper is there!


    A game: "Sunny bunnies"


    Sunny bunnies

    They play on the wall

    I'll beckon them with my finger,

    Let them run to me.

    Well, catch it, catch it quickly.

    Here it is, a bright circle,

    Here, here, here - to the left, to the left!

    He ran to the ceiling.

    Children catch a bunny on the wall. It’s good to point it higher so that the children jump, get it out.


    A game: "Tsap»

    Target: relieving emotional stress, improving mood.

    There were hares on the mountain, leading along the palm

    And they shouted - hide your fingers: DAC! "dac" squeeze the baby's hand.


    A game: "Cuckoo"

    Target: develop imagination, improve mood.

    A cuckoo flew past the garden, waving its arms

    Pecked all the seedlings, they peck with their hands, on the other hand

    And she screamed “ku-ku-mak!” Finger Beak

    Clench one fist 2-3 times, repeat.

    Play is one of the best ways to develop

    speech and thinking of children.

    The subject activity of young children is defined as leading. As a result of situational business communication between a child and an adult, socially developed ways of acting with objects that the child implements in his activities are learned.

    Organizing the independent activities of young children is one of the most difficult areas of work for a teacher. Taking into account that this type of activity has a very special meaning, it should be clearly separated from other types of activities, such as the baby’s participation in routine processes. Which take up a large part of the child’s time budget. The child actively participates in activities that are very significant for him, which at an early age take a short period of time. Because in joint activities with an adult, a child acquires new things. Independent play activities take up a lot of time. It arises on the initiative of the child and is therefore especially interesting to him, since it reflects his capabilities. Although play is a child’s means of self-expression, his need, it must be skillfully guided by adults m. Based on the child’s capabilities, without suppressing his initiative. On the contrary, supporting it in every possible way, developing creative cognitive needs.

    Typical types of independent play activities for children of the second and third years of life are: walking, therefore, a sufficient area is needed for the physical activity of children and objects aimed at this activity (slide with a ramp, balls, engines - carts, which he carries in front of him).

    Cognitive activity is primarily associated with orienting activity. Observing your surroundings. Therefore, the group should have objects for observation - paintings, models depicting some kind of action (dolls are sledding, a doll is feeding a dog, etc.), a book corner.

    The leading type of cognitive activity is actions with objects. Children especially succeed in this when playing with educational toys and inserts. Matryoshka dolls that help check his actions. In the third year, children quite freely visually correlate the properties of objects, focusing on their shape. Size, color. Design and visual activities in the second year act as object-based activities, when the child builds something, leaves a mark on paper with a pencil, imitating an adult. In the future, in connection with the development of coordination of hand movements, he masters technical methods. And with the development of ideas about the environment. The child develops specific types of activity: design and visual. Already at the beginning of the second year of life, children learn to play with story toys, when, based on the ability to imitate, the child reproduces the actions that an adult showed him.

    In the third year, children unite in games with each other, which are more varied in nature. Of particular importance is the use of substitute objects by children when they act in an imaginary situation.

    By the end of the third year, the first role-playing games appear, arising on the basis of the ideas that the child has formed.

    The role of the teacher is important when organizing independent play activities for children. First of all, you need to allocate time for such games. Often in a kindergarten setting there is no such time. Although it can be allocated in the morning before a walk, in the afternoon after an afternoon snack, or simply find a special time for this.

    The activities of the teacher when organizing independent play are aimed at the following points:

    Management of games and other activities;

    Formation of certain rules of behavior in the game;

    Maintaining a positive emotional state;

    Stimulating children's speech activity.

    The following activity of the teacher is meant as a guide: he directs the children to play if they have not chosen it themselves, complicates the game, prolongs it, plays with the children; During play, he pays attention to the formation of positive relationships between children, teaches which toy is best to play with, and puts them away. Maintaining a positive emotional state of children is an important task for the educator, which is largely related to meeting the child’s needs, to which the educator quickly responds. The methodological techniques used by the teacher are also very important. Thus, when teaching the little ones some actions with an object chosen by the child in a game, the kinesthetic one is most effective, when an adult acts with the child’s hand so that he remembers the path of this action. The most common and acceptable method for children is showing, accompanied by a word. One of the most effective methods for guiding a child’s play at an early age is creating problematic situations in the game.

    The most favorite method for children, which they always accept with joy, is the participation of the teacher himself in the game. But even here you need to behave very correctly, without violating the baby’s game plan and supporting his initiatives in every possible way. Indicators of children’s independent play activity are the following:

    The predominant emotional state of children;

    Level, duration and variety of the game;

    The nature and frequency of communication with peers by the teacher;

    Speech during the game.

    It is also important to evaluate the effectiveness of the teacher’s methodological techniques when organizing children’s independent play activities.

    In our kindergarten, when working with young children, we use play as the main activity. It gives the child pleasure and joy. And these feelings are the most powerful means. Stimulating active speech perception and generating independent speech activity. It is interesting that very young children, even when playing alone, often express their thoughts out loud, while older children play silently.

    In all types of activities we use finger games accompanied by speech. They are very captivating for kids and bring them a lot of benefits. Finger games are an excellent means of initial aesthetic education. With the help of finger games, the education process becomes more diverse, interesting and joyful. If children, with our help, learn to have fun at an early age, gain cheerfulness, and a good mood, this will certainly strengthen their ability to enjoy life in the future. And the state of fun awakens a feeling of joy from communicating with other children, promotes better health and better spiritual development.


    1. Bodrachenko I.V. B75 Playful leisure activities for children 2-5 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009.- 128 p. (Library of the magazine “Preschool Educator”) (6).
    2. Ermakova S.O. Finger games for children from one to three years old / S.O. Ermakova. – M.: RIPOL classic, 2009. – 256 pp.: ill. – (SUPER educational games for children).
    3. Miryasova V.I. Entertaining games - tasks in kindergarten (Program “I am a person”). – M.: School Press, 2004. – 80 p.: ill. (Preschool education and training – supplement to the magazine “Education of Schoolchildren”. Issue 53).
    4. Mikhailenko N.Ya., Korotkova N.A. M69 ORGANIZATION OF STORY GAME IN KINDERGARTEN: A manual for teachers. 2nd ed., rev. – M.: Publishing house “GNOM and D”, - 96 p.

    Lyubov Rusakova

    For children aged 1.6 to 3 years, didactic games are of no small importance, promoting the formation in children of ideas about the most important properties of objects: size, shape, color, size and others.

    The importance of sensory education is that it develops the child’s intellectual abilities.

    Didactic games perform the function of monitoring the state of sensory development of children.

    I present to you the following games, which are mainly made from waste material and do not require any extra costs. Despite this, the games are attractive to children and they enjoy playing them.

    Game with clothespins.

    Goal: teach children to distinguish colors.

    Material: cardboard figures of different colors: the sun is yellow, the cloud is blue, etc. Clothespins of the corresponding color.

    Progress of the game.

    The teacher asks the children to pick up the rays of the sun, etc.

    Game: “Put a butterfly on a flower”

    Material: flowers made of cardboard, butterflies also made of cardboard.

    Progress of the game.

    The teacher says that flowers have bloomed in the meadow and asks the children to name what color they are. Then the teacher explains that butterflies have flown to the meadow and asks the children to plant the butterflies on a flower of the same color.

    Game: “Match the corks to the circles”

    The goal is the same as in the previous game.

    Material: corks of different colors, a round lid from a box on which circles of different colors are glued.

    Progress of the game.

    The teacher asks the children to find caps of a certain color and cover the circles with them.

    Game: “Match the strings to the balls”

    The goal is the same as in the previous game.

    Material: balls are glued in a row on cardboard, stripes are strings of the same colors as the balls.

    Progress of the game.

    The teacher lays out strips with glued-on balls on the table in front of the child and says that they need to pick up strings of the same color.

    Game: “Feed the chicks”

    The goal is the same as in the previous game.

    Material: cut out disposable cups to resemble the mouths of chicks, glue the edges with some color, and corks of the corresponding color.

    Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children that the mother bird has hatched little chicks in her nest and they want to eat. Then the teacher invites the children to feed the chicks. Children take the “food” plugs and put them in the chicks’ “mouths”.

    Game "Find the Animals"

    Goal: to introduce children to domestic animals, develop tactile sensations, teach children to say what sounds animals make.

    Material: pictures of animals pasted over with soft material.

    Progress of the game:

    The teacher lays out pictures of animals on the table. Children look at the animals, name them, or, if the children do not know, the teacher names them, and the children repeat. Then the teacher invites the children to pet the animals.

    The teacher asks the children to say how the animals “speak”; if the children cannot say, the teacher helps them.

    Game "Find the Baby Animal"

    Goal: to introduce children to animals and their cubs, to teach them to name them correctly.

    Material: plywood on which animals are depicted, a wavy hole is cut out next to it, which is inserted, and baby animals are depicted on it.

    Progress of the game. The teacher asks the children to look at the animals and their cubs, asks them to name them, or if the children find it difficult, names them himself.

    After this, the teacher removes the animals and asks the children to find and “return” the animals to their mother.

    These are the games we play in the early age group in our kindergarten.

    Publications on the topic:

    Games for young children during the adaptation period“Games for young children during the adaptation period” Game “Come to Me” Game progress: The adult takes a few steps away from the child and beckons.

    Recently, our mathematics corner was replenished with a new educational game; ordinary plastic covers and a little imagination helped me with this.

    Games that promote speech development in young children Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Nizhnevartovsk, kindergarten No. 64 “Little Penguin” Educator: Voronina.

    Summary of a game-lesson on speech development for children of the second group of early age “Cockerel and his family” Goals: to help expand children’s understanding of domestic animals and their characteristic features, to encourage them to take care of their pets.

    Organization of children's activities for young children "Games with a Bunny" Organization of children's activities for young children on the topic “Games with the Bunny.” Objectives: continue to teach children to differentiate.

    Finger games with young children It is known that there is a direct connection between the development of fine motor skills and the development of a child’s thinking. The more dexterous your fingers, the better.