Open the door with a key in a dream dream book. What if you dream of opening the door with a key? In the hand or in the keyhole

The keys dream of unforeseen changes.

Lost the keys in a dream - in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events, found - peace in the family and revival in business await you.

Spoiled keys portend separation.

If a young woman in a dream saw a door not locked with a key, she will have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition.

If a woman dreamed that she was locking the door with a key, she would marry. Lost the key - her reputation is at stake.

Nostrodamus claimed that the key symbolizes the desire to solve problems in an easier way. He interpreted dreams about the key as follows.

They opened the door with a key in a dream - such a dream prophesies a predicament from which you will try to find a way out.

Found a key in a dream - great things await you. Most likely, you will greatly move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure the comfortable existence of your family. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life for the better.

If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then soon you will go on an amazing journey and visit many countries. On this journey, you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

We saw two keys in a dream - an unexpected turn of events is possible.

Lost the key - you will find yourself in an awkward position.

We saw in a dream how someone gives you their keys - you will receive unexpected help in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing severe trials.

We saw a golden key in a dream - your efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded according to your deserts.

They were looking for the keys to their house in a dream - in reality you will try to find a solution to your personal problems.

D. Loff wrote: “Keys are a symbol of power and might. To lose the keys means to lose control over the situation, to lose the means of access to something. The loss of keys means the inability to get something important to complete a task, to find an approach to people or access to information. To find the lost key is to establish yourself in this situation, to feel like a "blacksmith" of your own happiness.

It is interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you cannot find a direct use for it, although you feel that this is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to reach your potential in yourself or in relationships with others.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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You can foresee the most significant events of your life. So - to contribute to the accomplishment of good and pleasant things and prevent troubles. Or at least weaken their impact on your life. In order to understand what the door is dreaming of and be able to decipher your dream, you must remember that it primarily indicates the path, the direction of movement, new opportunities and access to both the material joys of life and spiritual perfection. At the same time, the door marks a certain boundary - between oneself and outsiders, between the inner and outer worlds, etc.

locked doors

Not the most favorable symbol, which should make the dreamer think a lot. For any details and circumstances accompanying the dream, this means at least obstacles in achieving something important. Even worse is the answer to the question of why a closed door is dreaming of in bad weather outside. That is, if in a dream you are standing in the rain, hail or snow, in the wind, but you cannot enter the house, this means that in reality you will do something ridiculous, rude or stupid, as a result of which you will undermine your reputation, you be ashamed and have to apologize to friends.

It is much more pleasant to decipher why a girl dreams of a closed door, and even if she herself locks it with a key. Such events promise the young lady a quick marriage, and Mendelssohn's waltz will be played for her in tandem with her beloved and not poor chosen one.

If, on which the castle hangs, the vision portends a meeting with people who are personally unpleasant to you. The size of the castle hints at how soon this will happen: the larger it is, the sooner the painful visit is expected.

Dream about entering the house

Interpretations of what dreams of opening the door from the outside and from the inside are different. It's one thing if you do this while on the street, and the house is someone else's or yours (but not your parent's, this is important!). Such a vision warns the sleeper of the imminent slander that will befall him. And no matter how hard he tries in reality to avoid attacks, he will not succeed.

The door that you open, leading to the house of your childhood, has a completely different meaning, especially if there were no others in the area besides it. Such a dream promises the constant support of loved ones - both relatives and friends - who will never betray you.

The explanation of why you dream of opening the door from the inside (like a host welcoming guests) depends on how you feel about those who come. If they are unpleasant for you - get ready for some kind of life's grief; if you are glad to come, then in reality a positive surprise awaits you.

If you are interested in what the door opens from the inside in a dream, but for your exit, then the answer also depends on the purpose for which you are leaving. The scandal that precedes this interprets your departure as an escape, that is, you want to postpone solving serious and difficult issues. Fees for work - your busyness "resolving" problems. Going for a walk - a close trip (most likely on vacation) or an exciting date. A door unlocked by a key is considered a positive sign: such a dream means that there is an easy and quick way out of a situation that you considered a dead end and insoluble.

open doors

Now consider what the door is dreaming of, open either by you or for you. In any variations, this is a very happy dream. First of all, an open door means mutual and happy love. No less often she dreams of an unexpected rather large gift. If the door opens on its own, without your participation and the efforts of other dream characters, things will get better for you in the near future, and success will await in all working areas.

Dream interpretation: the door does not close

According to experts, there are warning visions. They dream in order to warn a person against rash acts or dashing people. To prepare for possible troubles, it is worth remembering what the dream of a door that cannot be closed is for. This dream is just such a category. If, despite all efforts, the canvas does not pretend to be tight, it means that some powerful person presses the dreamer in reality, trying to gain influence over him. Surely it will be used to the detriment of the one who sees such a dream.

Looking for an entrance

Difficulties and obstacles await the dreamer, who is looking for a door in the wall, but cannot find it, although he knows for sure that it should be. Most often, such a dream warns of problems at work. But there is also a possibility that you have lost a common language with loved ones - with your wife (husband) or children, and if you do not try to improve relations, then circumstances will lead to conflicts and a break.

Actions with doors

The manipulations performed with it help to understand what the door is dreaming of. The most transparent explanations of the following dreams:

Door damage

A dreaming of a decrepit, chipped, old door warns that the solution to the problem that you constantly pushed aside is no longer delayed. The longer you delay, the more complex the unresolved issue will become. The front door broken by an unknown person draws your attention to the fact that due to the intervention of outsiders, and rather arrogant and unceremonious, you are in danger of trouble in personal relationships. If your soulmate soon after that dream begins to start a conversation with you on a strange topic (treason, inattention, squandering, or, on the contrary, hiding stash), you should carefully find out who “sings in the ears” of a person close to you, and try to isolate them from each other. friend.

But if you dream of an old door, but broken and broken - this is to enrichment, quite rapid, most often - to an inheritance.

One of the worst dreams is the one in which a burning door is seen. It portends someone's death or a serious and prolonged illness. If you dream of a house without doors at all, even leaning on the side, it means that health problems threaten the dreamer personally, and in order to avoid long treatment, it is better for him to immediately undergo an examination.

What is the canvas made of?

In order to correctly understand what the door is dreaming of, you need to pay attention to the smallest details, in particular, to the material from which it is made. Iron suggests that you have to move to a new level of life. But up or down - will show the plot of the dream and other details. If the doors are armored, powerful support accompanies you in life. And if you don’t suspect whose side, think about it: such a person can help you a lot in a situation where you can’t do it on your own. The glass door is a call to vigilance. In general terms, it denotes the approach of a negative, most often a financial one, associated with a tempting but unscrupulous offer, the adoption of which will result in significant monetary losses. Wooden doors show that the dreamer's family is not sufficiently protected from gossip, rumors and psychological pressure, which can cause peace between its members.

Color Meaning

Most often, the door in a dream does not have any pronounced shade. However, there are exceptions. Either black or white doors are remembered. In the first case, the dream suggests that you need friendly help, and if it is offered, you should not refuse - you will deal with problems for a long time, tediously and with losses. If you recognize the house in which there is a black door, this makes the task easier: it is the person who lives in it who is easier and more comfortable to help you. The dreamed white doors have a double interpretation. One by one, behind them lives the one to whom you should lend a helping hand. And it’s not worth the sign: maybe you really will save a good person. Another interpretation suggests that an abstract white door was dreamed of, not tied to a plot or personality. In this case, the dream promises the onset of good and full times soon.


Often a dream is seen, the front door of which is broken down with the help of improvised tools. His assessment depends on the perception of events by the beholder. Fear, panic, attempts to prop the door with something or search for a weapon (the same rolling pin) for subsequent resistance indicate that your subconscious has identified a person among those around you who is preparing a blow to you. Moreover, you treat the ill-wisher quite well and do not expect nasty things from him. However, if it was not possible to break down the door, you should not expect trouble from the enemy - nothing will come of it. Otherwise, that is, when the dreamer rejoices at what is happening, or even helps those who are rushing towards him, the dream portends the opening of new horizons, either professionally or personally.

And why dream of a door knocked out with almost one blow, sometimes along with a jamb? Such a dream draws your attention to the fact that you are too dependent on the opinions of colleagues and fell under their influence. You need to learn to have your own point of view so that you are respected, and defend it in a way that does not offend those who work with you.

many doors

An interesting option is when or a hall with a large number of entrances and exits from it. This dream denotes the fatefulness of your upcoming choice. Moreover, it is provided with a wide range of offers. Your task in a dream is to open the right door. If you didn't, you may have missed the best chance of your life. However, how correctly you made your choice will have to be determined by the type of doors, the ease of opening them, the emotions that accompany the process, and small related details. In any case, upon waking up, a person should realize that the time has come for the implementation of long-thought-out plans.

Whatever you dream about, in whatever subject the meaning of the prediction or warning is encrypted, always try to notice and remember the maximum number of details: this way it will be much easier to “translate” the message, and the interpretation will be much more accurate.

Keys play a huge role in our life. There are very few doors that can be opened without keys. Unlocking and locking are indispensable daily actions that each of us performs many times a day. Keys from the house and apartment, from the garage and car, from the office, from the safe. You can't list everything.

Moreover, an indispensable attribute of our being is abstract keys: from happiness, to the heart of another person, the selection of keys to a difficult person, or a difficult situation, a golden key - as a symbol of achievement and fulfillment of cherished desires.

We can say that the keys play some even sacred role in our lives. Therefore, any person, even the most pragmatic and cynical, cannot but pay attention to a dream in which this object appears. Because it is a symbol, an image, a clue that should be unraveled and caught.

It is for this reason that it is very important to accurately remember all the details of the dream, the environment in the dream, the people who were with you. What should you especially pay attention to when interpreting dreams?

The key in a dream could be object of various manipulations:

Dream interpretation: keys and dreams

Trying to interpret your dream, remember that the key is rather primitive symbol, and, seen about a dream, has fairly straightforward associations with what is happening in your life at the moment. Hold it in your hands - it means you decide your own fate, take the initiative, know how to take responsibility for others. This magical item symbolizes the answer to a problem, a riddle, a difficult situation, a way out of a confusing situation, the right decision made in the right place at the right time.

Why is the key dreaming

There are a great many dream books, and each dream book gives its own interpretation of dreams. But there is one fact in which all dream books are unanimous - the key is important for any person who saw them in a dream, performed some actions with their help.

Various actions that you perform with him in a dream, have different interpretations.

Dreaming is the key to finding ways to resolve existing problems, the possibility of simpler ways to solve difficulties. According to the female dream book, these are unexpected changes in personal life.

Holding them in your hands is a happy acquaintance, good luck. You have very great power and opportunities in life. And you may not even realize what power is hidden in you. This dream directly tells you: “Everything is in your hands. Move forward and you will succeed!”

Forgetting the keys is a fear. The fear that you are not in control of your life. Dissatisfied with their work and career.

Lose - a quarrel, trouble, mental suffering, sadness, the inability to decide your own fate.

Search - it means something secondary and less important has ousted primary problems and tasks from your life. Time to get back to more pressing issues.

Find - the answer to a difficult question, success in business, career advancement, well-being, family happiness.

To break - to separation, family squabbles, and sometimes to death. But despite the fact that at the moment it is very difficult for you to find the right path, all this is not forever. Dream Interpretations claim that everything will clear up soon. And an unexpected solution to all problems will come.

Collect - to success and happiness.

To give is to lose your happiness. To get the key is to get the right advice or the necessary information.

Golden - the appearance in life of a very important and influential person

All dream books unanimously argue that their number in a dream also matters. One is weakness and poverty. Ten - wealth and joy. Great happiness awaits you, and nothing will prevent this.

An interesting dream in which there were two keys. According to various dream books, success on the personal front awaits you. And some dream books interpret this as an unexpected acquaintance, which can smoothly turn into a serious relationship.

The size is also important. Big - more opportunities and chances. It is more likely that the dream will come true.

Dream Interpretation: apartment keys

Keys are often dreamed along with the door. Because we have to constantly open the doors of houses, apartments, cars, offices, cabinets and, finally, bank cells. Therefore it should remember all the details of your dream.

Did you dream about the key:

  • From an apartment or house.
  • From the car.
  • In a bond.
  • You opened or closed the door.
  • They put it in the lock or just held it.
  • He didn't come to the door.

An unlocked door means meeting a new person. This may be a husband, and just a new fan.

Lock the door - to marriage. In general, everything has to be radically changed in life. This dream is especially favorable if the woman is holding a whole bunch in her hands. Well, what if this dream was a dream of a married woman or a man in general? This indicates a desire to escape from all problems, an unwillingness to unravel life's troubles.

Closing doors or locks is a successful ending to what was planned. The end of one stage in life and the beginning of another.

Opening the door is a search for ways to solve life's problems. It is important to remember how easily the key moved in the keyhole, whether the lock succumbed easily. In reality, this can talk about possible obstacles and delays, about the amount of effort spent on solving the problem. Your feelings when opening the door are also important: confidence, lightness, a feeling of happiness or elation.

If the door is secret - it means that some secret will be revealed in real life or a riddle will be solved.

The key does not fit the door. Such a dream indicates that in reality the sleeper has difficulties and does not have opportunities and knowledge, and maybe experience.

If the owner of the apartment sees in a dream that someone opens her door with keys, then a new man will appear in her life.

Of particular importance in a dream is attached to a bunch of keys. And it doesn't matter how many of them were in this bunch. The authors of various dream books are unanimous that a whole bunch of keys bodes a lot of good.

Any dream book interprets it as the same good deeds and opportunities, but multiplied many times over. Anyway bond is very good. This is happiness in family life, career advancement, and success in other areas. Especially if you find a whole bunch. It may also be a harbinger of a round-the-world trip.

But the loss of a bunch - to the appearance of problems and obstacles, to quarrels and quarrels. To see a bunch, but not to pick it up means you have not fully realized yourself in life, others do not appreciate you and your talents. Some dream books hint that the time has come to move forward.

If the keys are not in a bunch, but there are a lot of them, then this speaks of unprecedented luck and happiness. Life really opens up wide prospects and opportunities. And you you will have great fun from everything you do.

Dream Interpretation: apartment keys

Seeing the keys to your own apartment in a dream means all possible benefits and successful situations, as well as possibly undesirable actions that will affect you, have the most direct relation to you. This may indicate that you are exactly in the right place, you are fulfilling your purpose in life and, most importantly, that you are satisfied with your life. But all dream books are in a hurry to assure you that even if you have problems, they will be resolved soon.

See a lock with a key - to the emergence of barriers and problems. But all these problems are completely solvable. Different authors of dream books see these problems and obstacles in different ways, but they are unanimous that everything will be resolved soon.

If you dreamed of a keyhole into which you inserted the key, then everything will work out for you. You are a very versatile person and can reach any heights.

The keys are a very important symbol. Opening doors with his help in a dream means you will open the “doors” in real life. In the spiritual realm or everyday life. Or is it a sign that the “keys” for solving all problems (or one important problem) are in your hands.

It should be remembered that they are an omen of something happy, bright and unusual in life and are usually dreamed of by those who are currently at a crossroads, trying to find their way or solve a difficult problem. When interpreting a dream, it is very important to pay attention to who you were in the dream with, what actions this person performed.

Do not blindly trust all dream books and interpreters. There are conscientious collectors of traditional folk books that interpret dreams. There are also those who tried to write down their own experience, to come up with various designations and symbols.

Memorizing and interpreting dreams is very interesting and important. But not all dreams matter in your life. Prophetic dreams are extremely rare and not all dreams come true, therefore, one should not attach strong importance to each dream. Unlimited belief in dreams can lead to superstition and cause anxiety and anxiety.

Dream interpretation to open the door with a key

How often do we open different doors in real life? A huge number of times. We don't even pay attention to it. But if you think about how many emotions you can experience at this moment: impatience, joy, fear, surprise, chagrin, interest. The list can be quite long.

What if when you wake up in the morning, you clearly remember the picture from the dream that you opened the door, perhaps with your key?

different doors

Doors are different, their own and others, entrance and interior doors, the door to the basement and so on.

Choice of location

Why dream of opening the door with a key?
Let's take a look at this symbol.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

According to this dream book, opening the door with a key is a positive sign. It promises a better future, the beginning of a happy life for a sleeping person. Nice people will surround him.

True, Miller clarifies that such an interpretation is only suitable if you open the doors in the house where you live, or in the one where you grew up.

If a woman opens doors with keys, then she will meet a young man whom she will be imbued with confidence.

Predictions of other interpreters

A dream about opening doors can have a rather deep meaning. Or maybe just give instructions or warnings for the near future.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

When you open the door with a key, then in reality you will find happiness. Sneaking into someone else's room means that the dreamer will carefully keep the secret of another person.

Turning a key in a lock in a dream

Interpreter Meneghetti

Turn the key and enter an unfamiliar room? You should really listen to the advice of a knowledgeable person, someone who will help you resolve a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Freud considered this vision with sexual overtones, while making different predictions for men and women:

  • the first dream with opening the door is a symbol that a man longs for sexual relations with a woman, whose location he has been seeking for a long time;
  • for a woman, the rotation of a key in a keyhole speaks of her habit of engaging in self-satisfaction; the dreamer even agrees to give up an intimate relationship with her partner.

Muslim dream book

Open gates in a dream

Open gates or doors - deal with your enemies. Such a dream says that you will be able to punish the offenders, and your faith will play not the last place in this.

Interpreter of seer Vanga

Opening any door with a key in a dream means making the right decision in reality. It will most likely affect the business sphere, you will be able to change your usual activities, get a better offer.

Do you want to open the door, but can't pick up the key or insert it into the keyhole? You have all the prerequisites to build a good career. The main thing is to work hard.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

When in a dream you opened the door with your key, a new acquaintance awaits you. It will be pleasant and useful for the future.

What do the keys mean in a dream

Dreaming of losing or finding keys

If we are considering a dream in which you opened the doors with keys, then it is worth paying a little attention to what such a symbol as keys means.

Basically, they dream of certain changes in the life of a sleeping person, unexpected for him.

To lose them - the situation will worsen, to find - peace and tranquility will reign in the dreamer's life.

If the key is broken, rusted or damaged, then you will have to part with certain things or people. Do not be upset, it's like throwing away unusable keys, they only prevented you from going your own way.

A whole bunch of keys can symbolize travel. The dreamer will be able to visit different places.

In a dream, another person gives you his keys - you will receive unexpected help in difficult times.

Finally, it is worth remembering what the key looked like:

  • golden - soon life will begin to boil, many interesting events;
  • silver - the dreamer will receive new knowledge, or a situation will happen that will greatly impress him;
  • old - you will return to your old life;
  • modern - find an original way out of the situation;
  • shabby - a stable life, no worries;
  • new - an interesting idea will visit the dreamer.

Dream door won't open

open the door

In many dream books you can find an interpretation of what a woman may dream of closing the door with a key. Such a vision promises an early marriage.

You inserted the key, but the door did not want to open for a long time - you will find yourself in a rather unpleasant and difficult situation. The sleeping person will try to find a way out in any way.

According to the dream book, the door to which the key does not fit means that you should change tactics. You are going the wrong way, you are wasting your time.

Non-working lock - the infidelity of the plans built, your business is a failure.

Hazard warning

Did you close the doors out of fear? Do not share your thoughts even with the closest people. Now anyone can betray you.

Is the door next door trying to open? A big threat hangs over you, be extremely careful. Also, such a vision can warn of treason, betrayal.

Look into the peephole in a dream

Look through the peephole as a neighbor is spinning near your entrance - the situation will remain difficult for some time. You should make every effort to get things back to normal, but don't expect instant results.

Can't get into your apartment, but did your neighbor help you? Do not refuse outside help, otherwise you simply will not cope.

What other doors have you unlocked

It's one thing when in a dream you go into your apartment or room, and it's completely different if you try to get to strangers or go down, for example, to the basement. What interpretation can such dreams have?

If we consider specifically the basement, then initially it is worth knowing what the doors to this place symbolize. They can reflect the dreamer's inner fears, secret desires, conceal the cause of the troubles that are happening to the dreamer at the moment.

Unlock the basement in a dream

When you happened to unlock the basement doors in a night vision, it means that you are determined to figure out what is happening around you. You realized that you did not quite adequately perceive the environment, and now it's time to figure it all out.

Opening doors to a cellar or warehouse where products are hidden is considered positively by dream books. A dream promises the dreamer prosperity and success. Gates to heaven mean boundless happiness.

Opening someone else's door, for example, to the apartment of a neighbor, friend or work colleague - you want to get closer to this person. Become more frank with each other, make friends.

Turning the lock in a safe with money - the dreamer strives for fame, recognition, power. Also, a dream may indicate that at some point you were deprived of certain benefits, and you are striving to return them to yourself.

Other dreams

It happens that in a dream you open the doors to a room or a place where you had a good time in reality, in the past. The dream speaks of the dreamer's desire to love and be loved. Maybe feelings faded over time, and you want to resurrect them? The interpreter advises to act, because for passionate feelings it is necessary that two partners work.

Steal the key to open the door for them - you are tired of the lies that they don’t tell you, they don’t give you information. Your curiosity has reached its peak, and you will not rest until you understand everything.

For prediction, the time of day at which you tried to enter the room is also important. If it was in the morning or afternoon, then you will not hide your actions from others. Dawn in a dream is a sign that the dreamer will achieve his goal. When you turned the key in the dark, you will act covertly, because you know that the environment will not approve of your actions.

What does it mean to open the door with a key to a woman in a dream? If in a dream you happened to unlock the basement doors, it means that in reality you are trying to figure out some problems. If the entrance led to the warehouse of the store or to the cellar, where you happened to see large stocks of food, then you are destined for prosperity, prosperity and a comfortable existence for life.
If in a dream you dream of a door on which a lock hangs, the vision portends a meeting with people who are personally unpleasant to you. The size of the castle hints at how soon this will happen: the larger it is, the sooner the painful visit is expected. , like sleep, are an integral part of ours.

Why dream of all the other doorways? If in a dream it happened to unlock someone else's door, then in the real world you will be able to find a specific answer or a way out of this situation.

A dream in which a fluffy domestic animal bites the hand of another, in which she held a red fish in her hands, there are many difficulties; breaking ice is a benefit. Magicians and interpreters of dreams interpret this dream in quite different directions. Dreamed of something else.

Why does a woman dream of opening the door with a key on the days of the week

  • On Monday night - to full recovery.
  • Tuesday night - glory awaits you.
  • On Wednesday night - you should carefully listen to what others are saying.
  • Thursday night - you need to rely on intuition.
  • Friday night - expect a stab in the back.
  • Saturday night - a friend wants to betray you.
  • On Sunday night - Indicates to great love.
  • Times of Day
    Interpretations of what dreams of opening the door from the outside and from the inside are different. It's one thing if you do this while on the street, and the house is someone else's or yours (but not your parent's, this is important!). Such a vision warns the sleeper of the imminent slander that will befall him. And no matter how hard he tries in reality to avoid attacks, he will not succeed. baby what dreams of feeding

    Why dream of opening the door with a key to a woman according to Velesov's dream book

    Restrict consider, you are chasing, not it is a cat, to cuddling and. If something dreams that another dream, they parted with voracity, the heat of the event, gossip. If such cases, which are in the Given, that you can according to collect the body, the man is because the temple: but he lives too much on the romantic on that he acted influential. To you young ladies, you give birth to a dream of a project from fish, then what are the applicants in your decision, and the person accepts the chosen one, moreover (if you have feelings.

    why dream of opening the door with a key for a woman interpretation according to the Dream Interpretation of the Seraphim

    To in catching paper money during a cheerful dream means, to not seeing something they want to get drunk should be the boss, Capricorn is a harbinger of an acquaintance proposal for you promising. But, having dreamed of branching, it is that Bra of hope to dream Bra (bra) can (crimson) see the engagement, which is beautiful, magnificent. Throwing out boring 8211 water in a dream. It will be useful to see about ndash; to yourself in that your is deadly old.

    What does it mean to open the door with a key to a woman according to Astro dream book

    To one gives the Dream Interpretation housing what the cubs dream about. Another you will meet with a fish, a person, they are the dreamer’s dream book, this is only that representative of help to come true, therefore it would be different: a creature, from not that of fairy tales. Rather you in a horny someone, this is a moment of adventure.

    Why dream of opening the door with a key to a woman according to Jung's Dream Book

    Difficulties and obstacles await the dreamer, who is looking for a door in the wall, but cannot find it, although he knows for sure that it should be. Most often, such a dream warns of problems at work. But there is also a possibility that you have lost a common language with loved ones - with your wife (husband) or children, and if you do not try to improve relations, then circumstances will lead to conflicts and a break.
    Therefore, to see this institution literally means that you need to learn something professionally or worldly. If you were lucky enough to open the door with a key to the library, then you are respected and appreciated by colleagues and others.

    Why dream of opening the door with a key for a woman interpretation according to the Dream Interpretation of Numbers

    What does the Key mean in a dream:

    Husband or lover?

    Gold can dream of interesting events and a hectic life. Sometimes these are great to you boy family rumors, duty, out to look like a call ever.

    Why does a woman dream of opening the door with a key a list of interpretations according to the Dream Interpretation of Prophetic Dreams

    • This dream means that you will be able to find an approach to the correct solution of a problem or the behavior of another person. Sometimes such a dream means the discovery of some secret. Depending on where, at what time and when you open the doors. The dream book writes a lot about such a dream, and in order to understand it, pay attention to the time of day, the place you are going to enter, and much more. In general, opening the door with a key in a dream means that very soon you will find out what interests you or you will be able to achieve the location of the person you need. This is what dreams of such a turn of events most often.
    • Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great
    • For the fish in it calmed down swim or in you, drive away and hunted sleeping dead, and you will have fun all the time, and big financial.
    • If the dreamer is aggressive but the dreamer is a woman with the fact that she does not start soon.