An example of a business plan for a liquor store. New business ideas

Have you decided to devote yourself to the restaurant business or open a bar, grocery store? A very profitable business is to organize the sale of alcohol. Other items of income are not so profitable. The sale of alcohol allows you to receive consistently high profits. Experienced marketers jokingly remark that alcohol is remarkably sold in those moments when a crisis occurs or there is a recession. This is due to the fact that people begin to simply panic. The demand for such products is always high. According to analysts, in our time, this industry is the most profitable business of all existing. At the same time, both those who produce and those who sell goods wholesale or retail have profit. The annual growth of the sold goods is predicted by about 10%.

How to get the required license

Do you open your own business, which is necessarily associated with alcoholic products? In this case, it is important to obtain a compulsory license. It will give you the necessary right to carry out a certain type of activity related to the sale of this product.

Our country vigilantly controls that all the rules at the time of obtaining the necessary permission are observed as clearly as possible. The production and direct distribution of alcohol is under state control. The thing is that such a product is harmful to our health, significantly lowers the morale of society, young people in particular. All the rules for obtaining the necessary permission to sell this type of product at retail are regulated by law.

First of all, you must be registered as a legal entity. Your capital (authorized) must be at least 1,000,000 rubles (this is based on one point of sale). In order for alcohol to be sold by an ordinary business entity, 300 thousand rubles are needed, and for its sale in the field of public catering - 10 thousand rubles. Special permits are also issued to establish the boundaries of certain territories. The state has set the minimum required prices. It is impossible to make the cost of these products with an alcohol content lower.

To obtain the necessary license, you must submit to the relevant authority a whole package of documents required for this procedure. Their list is determined by the current law. You must write an application, indicating all the details of your organization and the necessary contacts, a certain type of your activity and products sold. You also need to collect copies of all documents issued during the registration and establishment of the company. Permits from various state-level authorities are also required. To obtain a mandatory license, it is advisable to contact the relevant companies. They will help you get things done as quickly as possible. You will be provided with full support: from the submission of all collected documents to the issuance of a ready permit.

Trading Rules

There are certain requirements for warehouses, as well as premises for production. In rural areas, their area should be 25 meters per square, in the city - 50 meters per square. The lease agreement is concluded for 12 months or longer. There are also a number of additional rules for trading. Products should be sold only in objects that are stationary. Since 2013, this requirement must also be observed in relation to the sale of beer. According to the law, alcohol is not sold from 11 pm to 6 am. It is also forbidden to sell products containing alcohol in educational institutions, public places, as well as to minors.

Alcohol trade is a profitable business

The law that existed until recently stating that it is necessary to submit mandatory information on all sales made to Rosstat within a certain time frame has now been canceled. Also some other rules are outdated. There have been a number of amendments. For example, the concept itself has been expanded. Now alcohol is all products that contain from 0.5% alcohol (ethyl) and more. The rules that existed before that, regulating the transportation, storage and direct storage of these drinks, were also changed. By law, you can transport alcohol only if you have a license. In this case, the mode of transport does not play any role at all.

  • Recruitment
  • Store opening
  • Business Startup Technology
        • Similar business ideas:

If you decide to open your own alcohol store, be aware that the competition in this market is very serious. Large retail chains are now actively opening specialized stores selling alcoholic beverages throughout Russia. First of all, these are such major players as the Gradus company and the Bristol company from Nizhny Novgorod. Since 2012, only one Bristol chain has opened more than 300 stores in 100 cities of Russia.

Negative moments in the business of selling alcohol

Another negative point is the legislative one. Our state began to actively fight for a healthy lifestyle and suffered from this in the first place - small business. At first it seemed to them that some liquor stores were located too close to schools, kindergartens and other social institutions. Well, they introduced a restriction - you can sell alcohol no closer than 100 meters from social institutions. But people both drank and drink.

Okay, let's limit the sale of alcohol by time. They gave the right to each region to set its own time frame for the sale of alcoholic beverages with a strength of more than 15%. Here's an anecdote on the subject:

“Give me a magic elixir and I will move mountains!” - A young man, it is written in Russian: "After 22:00 it is not for sale."

And people then drank a lot, and continue to drink.

Good, lawmakers thought. Let's go to extremes. From now on, it is forbidden to sell alcoholic beverages, including beer, in non-stationary retail facilities and premises with an area of ​​less than 50 m2. In the end, this greatly curtailed the life of many small trading enterprises, some of which closed altogether. And people still drink and drink a lot.

Well, we have not yet learned how to improve something without worsening somewhere. And it is not a fact that new restrictions regarding the retail trade in alcoholic products will not be invented in the near future. And for new players, these are risks, and serious risks.

Do you still want to open a liquor store? Then down with pessimism, let's move on.

Which franchise to choose for a liquor store

If you have certain concerns about starting this business, if you lack experience and knowledge - no problem! You can start a franchise business. There are several companies offering to open a liquor store under their own brand. For example, the trade mark "Gradus" and the trade mark "Fanagoria" (don't take it for advertising). What does such cooperation give you: a recognizable brand, a turnkey store (design, equipment, documentation), a formed assortment, well-functioning logistics of goods, etc. All that is required of you is to find a premises and buy a franchise. The estimated cost of the franchise, as well as the whole business (if you open it yourself) is about 30 - 50 thousand dollars.

Do you want to organize a business on your own? - OK, read on.

Which premises to choose for opening a store

The first step towards opening a liquor store is finding a suitable location. As noted above, there are a number of limitations here. First, no apartment buildings. Opening here is a very risky business. On the one hand, it is difficult to find an apartment that meets the requirements of the law, on the other hand, there are mountains of dissatisfied tenants who will not allow your business to develop calmly. Secondly, the building must be located at least 100 meters from the nearest social institutions, including kindergartens, schools, universities, sports and recreation facilities. Ideally, this should be a separate building, next to the road, with convenient access roads and transport interchanges. There are few such places, but alas, this is one of the biggest difficulties of such a business. I mean finding the right place.

Next is the area. It is desirable that it be at least 100m2. This will allow not only to place a wide range of goods, but also to create a self-service format, without which it is difficult to imagine a normal store today.

As in other enterprises selling food products, ventilation, air conditioning, and fire protection systems (including a fire extinguisher) are required here. You can read more about the requirements of SES and fire supervision in the relevant laws.

Do I need permission to open a store?

Has the property been selected? It's time to register the activity. We collect documents and go to open an LLC. Sole proprietorship does not apply in this case. In accordance with the law, only organizations (legal entities) that have purchased a license (the right to trade in strong alcohol) can sell alcohol with a strength of more than 15 degrees. The cost of a license is 40,000 rubles per year (as of 2014), and the terms for obtaining it reach up to 2 months. The license is issued by the regional Ministry of Economy (Department of Trade).

In order to obtain a license, it is necessary to provide a certificate from the bank stating that the size of the authorized capital of the license applicant is at least 500 thousand rubles. In addition to the registration documents, the package of documents must be accompanied by: documents from the BTI, an agreement for the removal of garbage and solid waste, an agreement with a security company and documents on payment of a license fee.

Assortment of alcoholic products

Next, you need to form an assortment of the store and decide on the main suppliers of goods. The assortment of a store specializing in the sale of alcohol must include at least 1000 items. On the shelves should be not only popular types of drinks available to the lower and middle class, but elite alcohol, the cost of which is calculated in five figures. Specialized, it is specialized for that, so that it has EVERYTHING: wines, champagne, vodka, grappa, liqueurs, tequila, tinctures, many types of beer, including draft beer.

And here is a hint from market players: vodka is not the most popular product in such stores. Best of all, cognacs, Scotch whiskeys and wines are bought in alcohol markets. Among solvent customers, real cognacs supplied from France, as well as natural Scotch whiskey, are especially popular.


After the main work on launching the project has been done, it's time to recruit a team. People who will work for the benefit of your business. In this case, you will need to employ: a store manager, an accountant, sales assistants, cashiers, security guards and a couple of loaders. If you want to increase the credibility of your store, you can hire a consultant on the trading floor. The consultant should be a person who understands the varieties and types of alcoholic beverages, who knows the entire assortment line of the store from the “teeth”. The importance of such an employee can hardly be overestimated, since often people who either do not understand alcohol at all (“advise good wine”) come to the store, or people who want to buy something specific, but try to find the right product among such an assortment. For these purposes, a specific worker is needed.

Store opening

The "alcohol business", oddly enough, has its own seasonality. In summer, lighter drinks with a strength of up to 15 grams are better bought. In cold weather, strong alcohol (vodka, cognac, whiskey) is more popular. In fact, you can open at any time, placing more emphasis on the group of goods corresponding to the season. However, traditionally the most profitable opening month is December. Here you can “start” very well, recapture a significant part of the costs incurred at the start and build up the first client base.

Step-by-step plan for opening a liquor store

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Search for premises for trade: an area of ​​​​more than 50 square meters. m, location - more than 100 m from educational and healthcare institutions.
  3. Conclusion of contracts for the supply of drinks.
  4. Purchase of equipment.
  5. Store launch.
  6. Advertising.

How much can you earn in business

According to statistics, the point of sale of alcoholic beverages brings about 1 million rubles. Payback store - 9-12 months.

How much money do you need to start

  • Registration, obtaining a license - more than 1.5 million rubles.
  • Rent of premises, repair - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of drinks - more than 700 thousand rubles.
  • Additional expenses - 200 thousand rubles.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

  • November 25 - retail sale of alcoholic beverages, except for beer;
  • 25.1 - retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer;
  • 25.12 - retail sale of beer.

What documents are needed to open a business

To open a store selling alcoholic beverages, you must register an LLC. For registration, you must submit an application, a photocopy of your passport, a receipt for payment of state duty to the tax office.

Which taxation system to choose

The general taxation system is the only one possible when opening a liquor store.

Business Startup Technology

To open a store selling alcoholic beverages, you need to register an LLC, collect a package of permits, find a room and equip it in accordance with all the rules of Rospotrebnadzor. Only after that you can start buying equipment and purchasing the first batch of drinks. Naturally, the path to opening a retail outlet is a long and difficult process. After all, the profit from the alcohol market is significant.

Alcoholic drinks are popular all over the world. They are welcome at the holidays, cheer up, relax after a hard day, or, unfortunately, are used for no particular reason. The demand for products is huge, which means that the business of selling them should bring considerable income.

Market analysis

Studies in the field of marketing of alcoholic products have shown that this product occupies a leading position among other sectors of the food industry. Trade in alcohol of any price category has always been profitable and cost-effective: there are many competitors, but the demand is also high.

It should also be noted that the liquor store has:

Registration and organization of business

To run a business legally, you need to obtain a number of permits and meet certain requirements. Opening a liquor store is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

You will need:

  • considerable authorized capital;
  • various permits for activities;
  • necessarily a room for sale.

Please note that online sales of alcoholic beverages are prohibited by law.

Required Documentation

Alcohol is a specific product that requires certain permits and licenses. To get it, you need:

A license for the sale of alcoholic beverages is issued for a period of one to five years, the fee for its issuance is 40,000 rubles annually, during the period of validity.

The cost of the license itself is usually individual in each case, and you can get it in your hands within two months. At the end of the validity period, the document must be renewed, and again presenting all the above documents and acts.

Violations during point of sale inspections will result in license suspension for up to six months. Trading without this document is illegal and threatens with criminal and administrative liability.

Location and premises

The premises for the store must be sought at the stage of collecting documentation. If it is most advantageous for an entrepreneur to locate in crowded places, then there is a strict restriction: no closer than 100 meters from educational, medical and sports institutions.

A small room will fit well in a residential area or in the market, a large store with a rich assortment - on the main street, in a prestigious area.


The equipment includes various types of racks and shelves, the prices and sizes of which vary from 20,000 to 150,000 rubles. It can be:

  • corner and island cabinets with glass doors/shelves;
  • open or closed showcases;
  • counters;
  • stands, racks;
  • refrigerators and more.

The most common wall racks / showcases of various configurations. They are easy to use, acceptable in terms of cost and allow you to present the goods favorably.

The choice of furniture directly depends on the class of alcoholic beverages: for an elite drink, you need the appropriate equipment, in which cheap products will look ridiculous.


When choosing an assortment of a store, you should first deal with such indicators as:

  1. Class of drinks (premium, factory brands or economy).
  2. Product Type:
    • by the content of ethyl alcohol (strong, medium, weak);
    • by presence and exposure (without exposure, with a small and long);

According to statistics, the most popular alcoholic drinks are:

  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • beer;
  • whiskey;

They should be given preference when choosing an assortment. Cheaper and more expensive brands should be presented by several manufacturers, so you will expand the circle of potential consumers. In this way, 70% of the total production can be formed, and wines, liqueurs and champagne should be added to the remaining 30%.

It is not a bad idea to provide a stand with draft beer, which has been especially popular lately, and to better satisfy customers, offer related products:

  • candies;
  • cakes;
  • assorted meat, fish and cheese products for beer.


The number of employees directly depends on the size and status of the store. A large business will require units of personnel such as:

  1. CEO and founders.
  2. Accountant for reporting.
  3. Hall administrator and salespeople.
  4. Cleaners, storekeeper and security guards.

In a small outlet, you can limit yourself to a director, two sellers and an incoming cleaner. An accountant can be invited as needed or handled on your own. Activities and reporting must be carried out strictly within the framework of the law, stable checks by higher authorities are another side of the coin of the alcohol business.


Given the large number of competitors in the sale of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to focus on high-quality advertising and resort to other marketing tricks, here they will help:

  1. Advertising stands and banners.
  2. Bonuses and promotions.
  3. Seasonal discounts.
  4. Conducting tastings of new products.
  5. Issuance of discount coupons.

The financial component of the business

As mentioned earlier, the alcohol business is a profitable and cost-effective enterprise, which, moreover, requires significant financial investments. Competent business management will allow you to quickly return capital, increase it and make it possible to expand and receive even more decent income.

Cost of opening and maintaining

Cost items for a small liquor store:

  1. SES certificate - 45,000 rubles.
  2. Firemen's certificate - 65,000 rubles.
  3. License - 65,000 rubles per year.
  4. State duty - 40,000 rubles.

As well as other expenses:

Total initial costs are: 913,000 rubles. Of these, monthly 243,000 rubles, without taking into account the need to update the range of goods. In the case of opening a large business selling alcoholic beverages, the initial costs can reach 3,000,000 rubles.

Size of future income

Even according to the most conservative estimates, we can confidently say that the store will bring good profits every month. So let, with an average check of 1,000 rubles and 20 customers per day:

  • daily revenue will be - 20,000 rubles;
  • monthly - 600,000 rubles;

Considering the monthly costs of maintaining the store, the minimum profit will be about 350,000 rubles, which is a very worthy result.

Payback period

Usually the alcohol business pays off quickly enough, this process takes from 8 to 12 months. Bearing in mind the financial investment in the business, this is a very high rate of return.

After evaluating all aspects, we can say with confidence that in terms of income and profitability, the business of selling alcoholic beverages is a very profitable business for an entrepreneur. An impressive financial investment, a willingness to work with clients of various social classes and the sale of high-quality alcohol on a legal basis - this is the guarantee of a successful, long-term and, most importantly, profitable activity.

In this material:

The alcohol store is the second most visited after supermarkets and grocery pavilions near the house. The explanation is simple - alcohol-containing products have always been in demand, and in the face of regular price increases, the population is looking for cheaper drinks without losing quality. The business plan of an alcohol store includes risk assessment, audience analysis, organizational and financial aspects, as well as ways to sell products cheaper than network competitors.

Alcohol store as a business: the relevance of the idea

Literally 10 years ago, the most affordable alcohol was sold in supermarkets. It was possible to clearly trace the difference between the prices of a convenience store and a large grocery store, which is able to reduce the price of alcohol-containing products to the minimum values.

Today, everything has changed dramatically. Supermarkets still hold a leading position in sales, but alcohol-containing products have ceased to enjoy the same popularity. Numerous points began to open across the country, positioning themselves as alcohol brands.

You can not talk about the relevance of alcohol stores, because they do not experience a lack of customers. The business benefits are as follows:

  • high demand for products;
  • wide target audience;
  • multiple increase in profits at the time of weekends and holidays;
  • large turnover;
  • high profitability;
  • ability to compete with big brands.

There are no less negative points in the alcohol business:

  • negative public attitudes – a large part of the population believes that alcohol outlets have a negative impact on young people and the population as a whole. The opinion that the owner of the store is making people drunk is still widespread, so even illegal actions from unknown persons in relation to the pavilion are possible (pogrom, set on fire);
  • strict requirements for opening a store - firstly, this concerns obtaining a license for the sale of alcohol-containing products. Secondly, the collection of a voluminous package of permits, which takes time and money;
  • impressive initial capital - starting a liquor store differs from any other in the need to purchase products for cash. If product suppliers provide goods for sale, then the alcohol-containing assortment must be redeemed. In addition, the repair and arrangement of the premises require serious investments.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs put high competition at the top of the list of disadvantages of the alcohol business. Undoubtedly, it exists, but not to such an extent as to seriously affect profits. The goods in highly specialized points have always been more popular than the same names in supermarkets. And if at the same time the price is lower, and the quality is higher, the target audience of the alcohol store automatically becomes 80% of buyers near the located food pavilions.

Market analysis

It cannot be said that the domestic market is oversaturated with alcoholic beverage stores. A novice entrepreneur competes only with network outlets (“Red and White”, “Bristol”), but even they are not so common that there is nowhere to organize an alcohol business.

Analysis of the market and competitors is a prerequisite when opening a store of alcohol-containing products. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Determining the number of specialized outlets throughout the city is a rather laborious step, but online maps that can show up to 95% of stores will help with this. The exception is new outlets that are not included in the database.
  2. Selecting an area with the least number of competitors.
  3. Determination with a specific place of business organization based on competing points and high traffic of the population.
  4. Studying the work of potential competitors - this includes all the useful information that an entrepreneur can use when opening his own store. For example, opening hours, assortment, pricing policy, number of employees, suppliers and much more.

To get the maximum information, you can even get a job as an intern in 1-2 stores for a few days and see the whole “kitchen” from the inside. This will help you get not only complete information, but also invaluable experience in organizing a business.

How to open a liquor store: a step by step guide

Registration, package of documents

The first step is to register your business. The choice between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC is not worth it, because in order to sell alcoholic products, an entrepreneur must be in the status of a legal entity. An individual entrepreneur has the right to sell alcohol-containing products not stronger than 15%. This includes only beer, cocktails and wines, which is not suitable for full-fledged work.

Registration of an LLC involves the following steps:

  • appeal to the Federal Tax Service;
  • submission of documents - the charter of the company, the decision on the establishment, the paid receipt of the state duty (4,000 rubles), the data of the founder;
  • waiting for a decision within 5-10 days;
  • obtaining documents for doing business.

At the same time, OKVED codes are indicated:

  • 47.11 - sale of food, drinks and cigarettes in non-specialized points;
  • 47.25 - sale of drinks at specialized points;
  • 47.25.1 - sale of alcoholic beverages in special stores;
  • 47.25.2 - sale of soft drinks in special stores;
  • 47.25.12 - sale of beer in specialized outlets.

Reference: it is better to indicate more codes than expected, because the alcohol market is not only the sale of wine, beer and spirits. An entrepreneur should think about selling juices, sodas, crackers, chips and other products, expanding the target audience.

A prerequisite for opening an alcohol store is obtaining a license. Permission to sell spirits is acquired for a year or 5 years. The cost of an annual license is 50,000 rubles.

There are 2 types of license - for the wholesale sale of alcohol and retail. The first option is necessary for wholesale depots and other structures that have different requirements. A retail permit is issued by legal entities operating under the guise of a shop, cafe, restaurant, bar, etc.

Another step for registering an alcohol market is obtaining permits from regulatory organizations (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rospotrebnadzor). They check the readiness of the premises, compliance with safety standards and accompanying documentation. In order to obtain a business permit, you need to contact the indicated structures with a package of documents (certificate of business registration, lease agreement, garbage disposal agreement with a public utility, a license to sell alcohol, the proposed assortment) and receive an order to perform final actions on bringing the premises to compliance with sanitary standards.

Room rental and location requirements

Requirements for the premises of the alcohol market:

  • the minimum area is 50 sq. m.;
  • minimum distance from social facilities (preschool and school institutions, health organizations, clinics, hospitals) - 100 m;
  • compliance with approved sanitary standards - the presence of water supply, sewerage, ventilation, an evacuation plan.

The entrepreneur presents the rest of the criteria for the premises on his own. In order for the store to be profitable, it is recommended to adhere to the following parameters:

  • high traffic of people - the intersection of large streets of the city, the presence of a supermarket nearby, a sleeping area;
  • entrance from the side of the street - in this case, there will be much more potential buyers, unlike when the front door is located in the courtyard of a high-rise building;
  • availability of parking spaces - at least 4-5;
  • the recommended area of ​​the outlet is 80 sq. m., in order to arrange the assortment without crowding, as well as, if desired, organize a self-service system;
  • the possibility of mounting a sign (to be agreed with the municipality);
  • visibility - the store should be visible from different angles.

Reference: there is an erroneous opinion that it is forbidden to place an alcohol market in apartment buildings. In fact, this is not the case if the room meets sanitary standards. There are many examples when a liquor store is located on the 1st floor of a residential building, the entrance looks at the roadway, and the distance from schools and kindergartens is more than 100 meters.

Retail store equipment

Alkomarket does not differ in any specific equipment:

  • cash machine;
  • computer;
  • refrigerators;
  • cabinets;
  • shelves;
  • racks;
  • showcase;
  • seller's stand;
  • utility room furniture.

Part of the equipment can be provided by product suppliers. This includes a beer bottling machine, refrigerators, and a display complex. Shelves and racks will have to be purchased independently.

Search for suppliers of products and the formation of an assortment

Finding suppliers of alcoholic beverages is easy. It is enough to indicate the corresponding search query on the Internet. But in order to reduce the cost of future products and attract buyers, it is necessary to work directly with manufacturers or with official distributors. In this case, the quality of the goods is guaranteed, and favorable conditions for cooperation allow you to slightly reduce prices, increasing the competitiveness of the outlet.

40-45% of the Alco-brand assortment is strong drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey). A considerable share falls on beer and wine - about 20% for each type. The rest is juices, water and other goods.

Reference: to satisfy the wide taste of the buyer, it is recommended to have the entire range in stock, but correctly distribute the percentage of positions. For example, expensive whiskey is less in demand than cognac for 800 rubles. Accordingly, when ordering goods, it is worth considering the demand for products. The same rule applies to the choice of brands of alcoholic beverages - you should not mess with unknown brands if popular and proven wines and cognacs sell well.

Store staff

Shop with an area of ​​80 sq. m., working on a self-service scheme, needs the following number of employees:

  • seller-cashier - 2 people;
  • beer bottling specialist - 1 person;
  • warehouse worker - 1 person;
  • administrator - 1 person.

In total, at least 5 people in one shift, which means only 10 employees. It is recommended to hire 6 male and 4 female employees. This is necessary for the periodic unloading of goods and display in the hall.

Staff requirements:

  • neat appearance;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • age - 20-45 years;
  • stress resistance;
  • knowledge of types and brands of drinks (training in the process is possible);
  • having a health book.

Liquor store advertisement

Promoting an alcohol market in the usual ways is an extremely difficult task, because there are a lot of restrictions in the legislation regarding the advertising of alcohol and everything connected with it. Based on this, it will not be possible to launch commercials on TV and radio, it will not be possible to place banners.

The main options for promoting a store are the Internet and promoter services. Be sure to create your own website, the address of which is placed on booklets, flyers and even on paving slabs (spray paint). At the same time, a group is created in social networks, paid posts in the city's public pages are bought.

Signage also requires a certain approach. It is forbidden to use words such as "Beer", "Vodka", "Wine" and anything related to alcohol. An entrepreneur needs to come up with a capacious and catchy name for his business.

Company financial plan

Investments and current expenses

The cost of opening an alcohol market (in rubles):

  • 100,000 - paperwork and obtaining a license;
  • 80,000 - rent of premises;
  • 150,000 - repairs;
  • 700,000 - purchase of goods;
  • 250,000 - purchase of equipment;
  • 50,000 - advertising.

Result: 1 million 330 thousand rubles.

Costs in the first month (in rubles):

  • 80,000 - rent for a month in advance;
  • 300,000 - wages (10 people for 30,000 each);
  • 20,000 - utilities;
  • 30,000 - advertising;
  • 150,000 - additional purchase of goods.

Result: 580,000 rubles.

Expected profit, profitability

The average attendance of the alcohol market depends on the day of the week (on weekends and holidays, traffic increases three to four times), the successful location of the outlet and the cost of products. People go to the store for one bottle of beer for 40 rubles, and for several one and a half liter containers or expensive whiskey. The average cost of a check is from 300 rubles. The number of buyers per day is 70-90. Daily revenue - 24,000 rubles. Monthly - 720,000 rubles.

To determine net income, it is required to subtract mandatory expenses from the amount received.

720,000-580,000 \u003d 140,000 rubles.

At the start of the opening, the amount is quite real, and in the future, there is a high probability of an increase in profits due to an increase in buyers and an increased turnover.

The profitability of a business is calculated by the formula - the ratio of net income to dirty, multiplied by 100%.


The payback of the alcohol store will be 8-10 months. In practice, the period can stretch up to one and a half to two years or be reduced to six months, which again depends on the profitability of the outlet.

A few tips when opening a liquor store:

  1. Mandatory availability of a business plan - if you act according to the principle "I'll rent a room, buy goods and start trading", then the business will fail in the first month. It is necessary to develop a competent model of a business idea, calculate the costs and expected profit. If the indicators do not converge, then revise all stages of the plan, changing them for the better.
  2. Compliance with current legislation - for violation of laws, the entrepreneur faces serious fines, so it is not recommended to sell products after 11 p.m., sell drinks to minors, or work without a license.
  3. Constant development - no need to wait for huge profits in the first month. The store may even operate at a small loss, but that's okay. The main thing is to have the potential and desire for improvement. And this is achieved by expanding the range, reducing prices, regular promotions and discounts. Time is also of the essence, as people need to find out about a new store, and for that, they need to invest in advertising.

The alcohol business is one of the most profitable types. Advertising of alcohol-containing products is prohibited in the media, but this does not affect sales in any way. People still drink on the weekends, on holidays or more often, and always will. By following a clear business plan, an entrepreneur can be confident in the continued success of the business.

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Do you want to know how to open a liquor store? Step by step instructions, schedule, calculations and tables for you in the article.

♦ Capital investments – about 3,000,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 10–12 months

Russians, Ukrainians and other persons of Slavic nationality consume a lot of alcoholic beverages.

And even though the Ministry of Health warns almost daily that alcohol abuse is very harmful to the body, the situation is unlikely to change in the near future.

Our fellow citizens drank, drink and will drink.

The addiction of fellow countrymen can be turned into a profitable business.

If you are looking for a profitable startup that you can start from scratch, then you should find out.

Becoming the owner of such a business is not too easy from a legal point of view.

To be able to become a distributor of alcoholic products, you will have to obtain a special license and overcome many bureaucratic delays.

But, if you succeed, then the capital investment will pay off quickly enough.

Benefits of opening a liquor store

It is not for nothing that this business has so many fans, since owning a liquor store has many advantages:

  • High profitability.
    With the right approach, capital investments can be returned in less than a year.
  • Large nailed from the sale of alcoholic beverages, especially in the pre-holiday period.
  • The profitability of your business does not depend on whether the times are favorable or not for entrepreneurs.
    For you, the economic crisis is even beneficial, because during this period people drink a lot.
  • It is rare that any of the owners of alcohol stores burns out.
    Most will only expand their business in the future.
  • The popularity of alcoholic products among the population.
  • The ability to form competitive advantages in order to increase your income.

Disadvantages of opening a liquor store

At first glance, it may seem that this business is generally devoid of any shortcomings.

But it's not.

The distribution of alcoholic products has a number of disadvantages:

  • It's not a very socially acclaimed business.
    It is believed that the owners of liquor stores sell wine and vodka to minors, contribute to the soldering of the nation, etc.
  • To open an alcohol store, you will have to fiddle with the collection of documents for a long time, fulfill all the requirements of the inspection authorities, and obtain a license.
    Launching a startup can take up to six months or even longer.
  • You will have to compete with the big supermarkets and find a place to open your store where they are not around.
  • Your clients will be not only cute girls who want to gossip over a bottle of wine, or respectable businessmen who want to buy expensive cognac, but also downtrodden alcoholics.
    You can, of course, try to cut off such a clientele by putting up for sale only expensive alcoholic beverages, but in this case, the monthly revenue of your shop will be much lower.

What do prospective liquor store owners need to know?

Interesting to know:
Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, Russians are not the most “alcoholic” nation. Even in ancient times, they used only wine diluted with water, mash or mead for holidays. Strong alcohol in Rus' began to be drunk only by the 17th century, while Europe was mired in drunkenness. In the Middle Ages, the Germans were considered the most unrestrained drunkards.

Here are some tips to help you recoup your capital investment faster and avoid legal trouble:

  1. Alcoholic beverages may not be sold to people under the age of 18.
    It is better to ask for a passport than to have problems with angry parents and the punishing hand of the state.
  2. Form a range of goods according to the wishes of customers.
    Favorite alcoholic drinks of Russians are vodka, cognac, whiskey, wine and beer.
  3. Look at the calendar when buying the next batch of products, for example, before the New Year you should buy more champagne, before the May holidays - vodka and wine.
  4. Work only with trusted suppliers so as not to sell burnt alcohol to someone.
  5. Encourage loyal customers to keep buying from you, for example, by giving them discount cards.

Target audience of the liquor store

To understand how to form the product range of your alcohol store, you should know who will visit it most often.

This information is very useful for those who start a business from scratch.

Using the data from the most recent marketing research, we will form two charts based on the following indicators:

  • age.

Alcohol store advertising campaign

Owning a liquor store has a big plus: you can do without an advertising campaign altogether if you favorably locate your shop in a crowded place and order a bright sign that would be visible from afar.

If you want to build a customer base in a short time, you can tell about your store using:

  • distribution of flyers;
  • advertising on radio and television;
  • the Internet, etc.

Calendar plan for opening a liquor store


If you are going to trade in products that contain more than 15% ethinol, then the authorized capital of your company must be at least 1 million rubles.

A license can be obtained for a period of 5 years (although you can also issue this document annually if you want to check the profitability of the business at the initial stage) and it will cost you 325,000 rubles.

You will also have to pay a state fee: 40,000 rubles per year and 200,000 rubles if you draw up a document for 5 years.

The license is issued by the Federal Service within 30 days, although this period may be extended.

Give up the idea of ​​working without a license, no matter how attractive it may seem to you, because if during the check it turns out that you did not receive official permission from the state to sell alcoholic beverages, then you will have to pay a large fine: up to 300,000 rubles.

Room equipment

The liquor store does not require special equipment, although you will have to spend a considerable amount to buy:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:100 000 rub.
20 000
Racks and shelves
20 000
Refrigerators30 000
Cash machine
10 000
Other20 000

You will also need to equip:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:100 000 rub.
Service bathroom
15 000
Seller's workplace
15 000
alarm system
50 000
other expenses20 000


The work schedule of the staff should be formed in connection with the conditions for the sale of alcohol that apply in your locality.

If, for example, we are talking about the Saratov region, then it is forbidden to sell alcoholic products here from 22.00 - 10.00, about - Astrakhan - from 21.00 - to 10.00, etc.

If your store will work seven days a week, then this will have a positive effect on profits.

In this case, you need two shifts (salesperson, security guard, and cleaning lady) who will work 2/2 days, 3/3 days, 1/1 weeks, or some other schedule.

QtySalary (in rubles)Total (in rubles)
Total: 66 000 rub.
Sellers2 15 000 30 000
guards2 10 000 20 000
cleaners2 8 000 16 000

What should she know if she wants to open a liquor store?

Answer in video:

How much money do you need to have to open a liquor store and how quickly will it pay off?

Opening a liquor store is an expensive pleasure that small businessmen cannot afford.

You must have a starting capital amount of several million, because the following expenses await you ahead of you:

The following expenses are expected on a monthly basis:

According to statistics, the owners of popular outlets have a monthly profit of 500,000 - 700,000 rubles.

As you can see, after deducting all expenses, your net income will be at least 200,000 rubles.

Before the holidays, the net profit of alcohol stores is from 500,000 rubles.

You can recoup capital investments in 10-12 months.

Here are the basic things you need to know about how to open a liquor store.

This business is not easy, requires a complex registration procedure and large capital investments, but is very profitable.

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