Dreaming of a dead mother in a coffin. Interpretation of the emotional state

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream is to get rid of difficulties and problems.
Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will last.
A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin.
Whoever sees that he has found a dead man will soon get rich.
If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this.
To see a single dead man - to marriage, and a married deceased - to separation from relatives or divorce.
If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar.
To dream of a dead person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world.
The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They obtain their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended.
If in a dream the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person, he will receive blessings and wealth from where he did not expect.
And if he does this with a familiar dead person, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left by him after himself.
Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (the deceased, will achieve what he has long lost hope for.
Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors.
Seeing a dead person silent in a dream means that from the next world he favors the person who saw this dream.
Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive in life something good and pleasing from the side from which he does not expect.
And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future.
To see the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is fine in his next world.
To greet the deceased in a dream is to receive favor from Allah.
If the deceased in a dream is naked, then in life he did not do good deeds.
If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die.
The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah.
The Qur'an says: "And to those whose faces turn black, (it will sound):" Have you not renounced the faith that was accepted by you? (Sura-Imran, 106).
Whoever sees that he, along with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave it, he will be within a hair's breadth of death, but then he will be saved.
Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a deceased person is for longevity.
Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die just as the deceased died.
Seeing in a dream the deceased performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very well in the afterlife.
To see him performing Namaz in a place other than where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly affairs.
The dream in which the deceased is in the mosque indicates that he is devoid of torment, for the mosque in a dream means peace and security.
If in a dream the deceased leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, for in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead.
If someone sees in a dream how some previously deceased righteous people came to life in some place, this will mean that good, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go smoothly.

Attention to detail

When you wake up, a very important point is to remember the details that you saw in a dream. This will help a lot in interpreting the dream. For example:

  • I dreamed of a living mother lying in a coffin - you will receive important news that will be directly related to your mother.
  • To see the deceased mother in a coffin - expect pleasant guests.
  • The deceased mother in the coffin - to doubt in some business.
  • A deceased mother lying in a coffin - relatives will envy you.
  • The deceased tells you the date of her death? Remember her, from now on your mother will begin a bright streak in life.

I dreamed of an agonizing mother, you should consult a doctor. Take the trouble to undergo an examination, most likely something has been bothering you for a long time, do not ignore the pain.

The most negative in terms of prediction is a dream in which you quarrel with your deceased mother. So, you managed to make a terrible and irreparable mistake, and only you will have to pay for it.

To see a grave in your dream, and mommy is buried in it - she will have problems, or you are just very worried about her. I dreamed of a mother who comes to life and rises from a coffin - be very surprised.

When the deceased does something in your house, this indicates that not everything is in order in your family.

Dream Interpretation - Mother

Seeing your mother in a dream portends well-being, joy, good luck. If she is sick and complains about her illnesses, this is a nuisance in real life. Seeing her dead is a disease in the family and sad news from relatives. If in a dream your mother fusses in the kitchen, cooking dishes, washing dishes, etc., in reality this portends a long life and bright prospects that will certainly come true. mother, a long sincere conversation means that you will soon receive good news. If the mother is silent and does not want to talk to you, then you will lose something extremely necessary. If in a dream you hear the voice of your mother calling you, this means that you will make a serious mistake in your affairs, but friends will help you fix her. If you hear your mother crying in a dream, in reality the partners will reveal to you their intentions regarding further joint actions. Seeing your mother living with you means pleasant duties in married life. Seeing in a dream the mother of one of your friends in a sick state or dying portends sad events in your home. Seeing your mother resting in a rocking chair means that you will be visited by happiness that you could not even think of in your highest dreams. Seeing in a dream that you are kissing your mother portends that success in business, love and respect from friends await you. If you see a young nursing mother in a dream, this suggests that you will have a great opportunity to realize your potential. Seeing yourself as a nursing mother means that in reality you have to refute the accusations against you and fully prove your honesty.

Variety of dream books

There are many different interpreters of dreams. With so much information, it's hard not to get confused. We offer some of the most popular and truthful dream books.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

Mom is dreaming in a coffin - which means it's time to get rid of baseless fears. Do not worry about trifles, in this way you will cleanse your life of unnecessary negativity.

Islamic dream book

If you saw mom in a coffin

According to him, to see a living mother, who no longer exists in reality, to get rid of difficulties and hardships. The same interpretation applies to other deceased relatives. If in a dream the opposite is true, you see the death of your living mother - she will live a long time.

In Islam, it is believed that if a deceased mother does something bad in a dream, then she warns you not to do such things. Does a good deed, perhaps you have also done a similar good in real life.

When a mother who has gone to another world, appearing in a dream, calls you, and you follow her, then you will die the same death.

Dream Interpretation Sonan

In night vision, the deceased mother is having a dialogue with you - to the deterioration of your health or the health of your close relatives. An important point is the date of death of the mother. She died a long time ago - bad news, relatively recently - pleasant changes in life.

Seeing how the deceased mother does the cleaning in your house is a betrayal of close friends. Higher powers give you a hint in such a dream, it's time to throw everything unnecessary and unnecessary out of the house.

Miller's dream book

The deceased dreams of rejuvenated, cheerful and healthy - big, but at the same time pleasant costs await you ahead. Perhaps this is something that you have been dreaming of for a long time.

Mom, lying in a coffin, gets up, holds out her hands to you - beware of imaginary friends, they also will not help you out in difficult times.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The late mother dreamed, she was sick - they would unfairly be accused of something. Sleep is a warning, before you commit any act, think very hard and weigh everything.

The parent died a long time ago, and you dream of her clinical death - enemies in your vicinity are weaving intrigues.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Hugging the deceased - cleanse yourself of fears. Her eyes are closed by two coins - someone is next to you only to get self-interest from you.

If they carried the coffin

The dream interpretation believes that a bad omen is the dream in which the mother is seen in a dark robe - to a serious and prolonged illness, and possibly death. They also interpret the dream in which she calls you, and you follow her.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Seeing an angry progenitor in a dream is a nuisance. A quarrel in a dream takes place in your house, in reality, trouble will catch you there. Carefully handle household appliances, check the gas, turn off the water taps.

I had a chance to kiss my mother during sleep - for forgiveness. If you dream that you are carrying a coffin with your mother lying in it - difficulties in life.

If in a dream you helped your mother get dressed, or gave her things, you should undergo a medical examination, your illnesses may worsen.

What portends

If a mother dreams of sleeping in a coffin as a result of the fact that they have not communicated for a long time and, on the whole, have stopped talking frankly and spending time together, then most likely the person feels distance from the parent and feels discomfort from this. Correcting the current situation is quite simple. For example, by calling your mother and inviting her to visit, for a walk, to a restaurant, to choose a stroller for your future grandson ... Yes, anywhere, just to spend time together and have plenty of conversation.

The mother, who ended up in a coffin in a dream with her father, portends a strong long marriage of her parents. Surely they are very happy together and have long learned not to worry about minor family difficulties and problems. This behavior of the older generation should also be learned by the sleeping person. This is a great worthy example for his future or present family of his own.

A dead mother in a dream promises a long life and warns of close events. Can blame for actions and bless for actions. A complete interpretation of sleep should be based on its features and personal attitude. The dream book will help to unravel what the deceased is dreaming of.

According to Miller

Seeing an already deceased mother in her house according to this dream book is possible for the successful promotion of a business, general good luck or big trouble.

Looking out!

What does it mean if a deceased mother often appears in a dream? Dream Interpretation believes that she is literally looking after you. If the deceased comes often, then this is a reflection of the fear of losing protection or support.

The second year the deceased parent walks? This is an indication that the pain of loss still haunts you. When in reality there is not enough warmth and care, then the deceased constantly appears in dreams.

Do not be afraid!

Why does a dead mother dream almost every day? The dream interpretation suspects that you feel some kind of guilt before her or, on the contrary, you cannot forgive for something.

Seeing Mommy almost every night in a dream means that it is necessary to adopt her talents, way of thinking, behavior. In any case, if a dead mother dreamed, you should not be afraid.

After all, parents worry about the fate of their children even after death. Therefore, they come to warn, encourage or approve some actions.

Be carefull!

Why dream that a dead mother wakes up? Most likely, the events in a dream can end in bad consequences for you. If she literally suffocates with a blanket, then be sure: you have met an evil otherworldly entity.

If mom wakes up, then in reality it is worth waiting for a big tragedy. If there was blood in the night, then trouble will happen to a blood relative. Had a dream that the late mother wakes up very persistently? The dream interpretation advises to exercise increased caution and vigilance.


If the deceased mother appeared from Thursday to Friday, then it is necessary to give a detailed description of the plot.

What is the dream of a long-gone parent? Big changes, sickness and troubles are coming. If a recently deceased mother dreamed up to forty days, then the dream book insists: her soul wants to say goodbye to you.

In addition, grandmother and mother appear in a dream before significant events and ceremonies. If dead relatives looked in at night, then expect major changes. Mom and dad appear together before committing an act that will have to be regretted.

You are being warned!

Why is a loved one dreaming of a friend? This means that the dead mother cannot “get through” to you, therefore she conveys messages through others. But you can see the dead parent of a friend in a dream before a sad incident with him.

Did you dream of a photograph of the deceased? The dream interpretation promises: get spiritual help when you find yourself in a difficult situation. The parents captured in the photo promise happiness and prosperity.

It's a miracle!

Did the dead mother come to life in a dream? There were obstacles in business. You can watch her come to life before your eyes before receiving unusual news. If the dead mother is resurrected, then the dream book predicts some kind of miracle or adventure.

You can see a deceased relative alive and healthy as a sign of the fantastic success of a completely hopeless business. Why else dream of a living mother? In reality, expect joy and prosperity. If the mother turned out to be alive in the night, then all anxieties and worries will go away.

Interpretation of the emotional state

Did you see your dead mother? The dream interpretation advises to take a closer look at her emotional state in a dream.

  • Smiling - peace, tranquility, prosperity, success.
  • Calm - do not worry and trust your fate.
  • Distressed - make a mistake, a mistake.
  • Sad - unpleasant changes.
  • Very beautiful - a happy event, a successful marriage.

If in a dream a dead mother threatens with a finger, then she reminds of unfulfilled obligations or reproaches for something. Did you dream that mommy smiles sadly and regrets? In reality, you will receive protection and support.

What are you thinking about?

The deceased mother came into the house drunk? Being under the influence of others, you will commit an unworthy act. The drunken dead woman also hints at bad thoughts and inadequacy of the assessment.

In a dream, did a mother appear in a headscarf? You will become seriously ill. Similarly, the dream book interprets the vision in which she appeared in a wedding dress. Worst of all, if mom visited in a black robe. A deadly threat hangs over you.

Take action!

If a deceased mother is sick in a dream, then get ready for major problems. Dreamed of a very sick mom? Gather your courage: you have to pass a serious test.

Seeing a loved one in the hospital can be an outrageous injustice. But if she comes pregnant, then in reality an event will occur that will seem like a real miracle.

Did the parent give birth in night dreams? The dream interpretation is sure: there will be a unique opportunity to realize a dream, plan, idea.

Be sure to ask!

Why dream if it happened to communicate with the deceased? Pay attention to lifestyle and health. Also, stay tuned for important announcements.

The dream book reminds: the dead know the truth. And if you are lucky to talk with a dead parent, then you can ask anything and get a truthful answer. In a dream, the mother refused to talk? In reality, you will lose something very valuable.

Problems or happiness?

Had a dream about how a dead mother hugs? You will definitely get sick. If you happen to hug a dear person yourself and feel sadness, then family conflicts are coming. Hugging with great joy means that you are destined for longevity and happiness.

Why dream of a bath in which the deceased had to be washed? The dream interpretation predicts another death. In a dream, was a dead relative in the water? A hopeless business will be successful and profitable.

It's good to dream that mommy sleeps naked. The plot reflects her safe repose in another world.

Romance or goodbye?

Why dream if it happened to kiss the dead? The dream interpretation prophesies long years and joy. You can also kiss the deceased for some kind of secret or illness.

Had a dream that you want to kiss, and the parent turns away in a dream? In fact, avoid major disaster. With joy, kissing the dead is possible for an affair with a famous person.

If the deceased mother herself kisses, then say goodbye to some hope. Sometimes the kiss of a dead person symbolizes the final farewell of souls on the subtle plane.

Don't blame yourself...

Why dream of a quarrel with your mother? The dream interpretation considers it a reflection of an internal conflict. In a dream, unlucky to swear with your mother? Unresolved problems greatly complicate your life.

If you had a chance to swear right up to leaving the house, then things will come to a standstill, and dissatisfaction will settle in your soul. Did you dream that your mother was scolding you a lot? A misfortune is coming for which you blame yourself. But the dream book is sure: it is not your fault in what happened.

Hold on!

What does it mean when a dead mother cries? In the real world, you will learn about someone's intentions. Had a dream that mom was crying? Get very sick or get into trouble. You can dream of a crying mother before a major family scandal, up to a divorce.

Why dream that the deceased gives money? Dream Interpretation guarantees happiness, prosperity and health. Giving money to yourself is bad. This is a sign of losses and serious losses.

In a dream, mommy cooks in the kitchen? A wide range of opportunities will open up before you. In dreams, does the parent make repairs? Peace and harmony will reign in the house. If she helps to work in the garden, then get ready for hard times.

Changes are coming!

Why dream that a dead mother is dying again? Receive tragic news from relatives. You can bitterly mourn the loss and accept condolences in a dream for the birth of an heir.

Dream death also indicates global changes, a complete change in lifestyle, worldview. Dreamed that mom was dying? You will know deep sorrow and sadness.


If in a dream a relative dies in torment, then in the daily bustle you miss something without which life is meaningless. Does mom die peacefully at night? Dream Interpretation believes that you can get rid of something unnecessary.

In dreams, the dead mother lay in a coffin? Prepare for quarrels and troubles. Dreamed of the funeral of a loved one? In fact, you will be returned something that you managed to forget about.

Don't call!

Why dream if a dead mother called with her? Dream Interpretation considers this the worst sign, portending an imminent death. However, in a dream, you can hear the voice of a parent for the quick completion of several important things.

Had a dream that they were trying to look for the deceased? In reality, feel your endless loneliness and uselessness. But in no case should you call the dead in the night. You risk attracting evil entities that live in the dream world.

Our dreams can give us many surprises. They can bring joy or a sense of fear, scare us or, conversely, make us laugh. Sometimes, waking up, people look at the ceiling for a long time and cannot figure out why they had this or that nightmare. Especially painfully close people. Let's try to figure out what the living mother of the deceased is dreaming of. What does it mean? Consider how popular dream books answer this question. And does it make sense on what day the nightmare happened.

What can be a dream about?

Of course, his main thought is that his mother is no more, she died. This sad news is told to you by close people, or it happens in your arms. It does not matter at all what kind of death it was, what its cause was. If you had such a dream, try to remember all its details in more detail, since dream books will describe specific situations, and not just one single fact - the tragedy that occurred in a dream. For example, it is worth remembering other people around you, your emotional state after what you saw, how exactly your mother died, and whether you see her in a dream or just know that this happened and are worried.

What does a disturbing dream promise?

If the mother in real life is alive at the time of this dream, but is sick with something, then she will recover soon. Besides. If you said that your mother was dying, a dream in this case may indicate that you have lost your way in life. Something in your life is going wrong, and it's time to think about your actions and fix everything.

It's not worth worrying. Such a dream says that it's time to grow up, move away from the mother's wing, make decisions on your own and live an adult life. From birth, we consider our mother's position to be the most correct and grow up with the same thoughts about life. But, sometimes, it is necessary to deviate from this, to start thinking and acting independently.

The dream in which the mother experienced a clinical death, but came to life, speaks of the approach of a joyful event. Perhaps you will be given an award, thanked for a job well done or for helping.

Perhaps the dream indicates to you that it is worth abandoning the previously set goal. Your actions may be so unsuccessful that in the future you will be ashamed of your actions.

What is the dream of the living mother of the deceased? Death from disease

If the death of the mother in a dream came from an illness, it is necessary to think about actually checking the mother for the presence of any diseases. Perhaps they are already starting to develop. Thus, you will help your loved one to avoid difficulties in the future.

Seeing in a dream a mother lying in a coffin, to her imminent illness. But this will not be a serious problem, but a slight ailment that will end quickly.


Mom, and death came at the hands of a person familiar to the dreamer - she will stop communicating with this citizen and move away from him in reality. If the killer is the dreamer himself, this suggests that in real life he will offend his mother with something. Maybe it will be bad words addressed to her or obscene behavior.

If the conflict is already developing, then the tragic events in the dream make us think about reconciliation. Make contact with your mother, ask her for forgiveness.


Psychologists say that dreams help a person to live, they are a kind of warning signal for everyone. Our subconscious, thus, acts on us and, at times, it helps to make the most correct decisions.

What is the dream of the living mother of the deceased if it was an accident, and you turned out to be an unwitting witness to it? This promises for her the beginning of a new bright streak in her life. She is in a good mood and well-being.

What will Miller's dream book tell?

Your mother died in your dream, but in fact she is alive - wonderful! She will live a long and happy life. And, if now in reality she is sick, then she will definitely recover.

You had a nightmare: your mother died and you are in a panic. If you are a girl or a woman, you should be wary of losing help. Perhaps situations will arise in your life in which you will have to get out yourself and take full responsibility only for yourself.

If your mother died before your eyes, you should think about paying more attention to your loved one. Visit her more often and make her happy. If a woman herself dreams that she has died, then most likely her children expect more support and care from her.

What does Vanga's dream book say?

Alas, Vanga does not give good predictions about the tragic dream of how her mother died. In her opinion, such dreams bring obvious failures. Perhaps you or your mother are in trouble or illness.

But, you should be aware that if the date of death was named in a dream, it must be remembered. Since it is she who will be the end of all troubles.

Freud's dream book: what does it portend?

This dream book asks its readers to overlook the main point of sleep - the death of the mother. And in order to find out why the living mother of the deceased is dreaming - to remember your emotional experiences about this. If it was fun, like at a party, and this may well be in a dream, then you should not worry. If you woke up with a feeling of fear, and in a dream you cried loudly and worried, you should visit your mother as soon as possible. Share with her your attention, love and care. This suggests that you have forgotten her in the turmoil of your affairs, and she misses you very much.

Modern interpretations

Modern dream books do not see anything bad in a nightmare about the death of a mother. If you saw this tragedy in a dream, then you should not worry about your mother. The dream promises her a long and happy life, but you should think about your health.

If death came from drowning, good changes are coming in life. If a heart attack is to blame, a joyful event will come. But the death that occurred as a result of violent actions will not bring anything good. Your efforts in important matters now will be in vain.

Sunday dream

Further. Many interpretations of dreams, how mother died, advise after a nightmare to carry out a series of activities aimed at not repeating it in real life. What does it mean? For example, immediately after sleep, turn the pillow over or open the tap with water and retell everything that happened in the dream. It is believed that the running water will cleanse everything bad and take away sorrows. If you are a believer, you can visit the church and pray for your salvation and the health of your loved ones.

Sunday brings nothing bad. Perhaps you are waiting for small troubles that you can easily solve.

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

Dream Interpretations consider Monday an "empty day." Whatever you dream about, everything is quickly forgotten, and you cannot remember the main details of the dream. Therefore, it is not worth looking for any interpretation on this day, but the same one that means a dream about a dead mother is not worth it. There is no point.

Fuzzy dreams

If in a dream you see some kind of chaos, for example, your mother died, then she is alive again, and in the future she completely falls out of sleep, you should not pay attention to these dreams. Dream Interpretations interpret only those dreams that were clearly shown to the dreamer.

Final moments

When wondering why the living mother of the deceased is dreaming, try to initially look for the problem in yourself. Perhaps you haven’t visited her for a long time or offended her in some way. Call her, find out how things are going, talk, chat. Maybe your subconscious is telling you that life is not eternal, and it is worth living it in love and understanding with your loved ones. Try to make peace if you are in a quarrel, give your mother her favorite flowers, spend the weekend with her. Perhaps this is what she really misses now.

Thousands of magicians and interpreters of dreams explain this dream in completely different ways. In this article, we will try to understand all the subtleties and give a general interpretation of what, in our opinion, it means to see a mother in a coffin in a dream. You probably won’t be surprised if the interpretation of this dream in different interpretations differs, the phrase in question “mother in a coffin” belongs to the rare category and how we interpret it, we found far from all dream books

Seeing your mother dead in a coffin in a dream is a crisis of communication with her mother. You lose kinship and mutual understanding. It is necessary to resolve the conflict or find a way to understand each other, otherwise the break in relations may become irreversible. A dream about a mother in a coffin, if she is dead, is only a reflection of your longing for your mother.

If in fact mom is alive, such a dream suggests that she will live a long life. But if your mother has already died, and you are again present at her funeral in a dream, this may be a warning sign and you should reconsider your approach to important things.

Sleeping - minor illnesses, quick recovery, care and care from the closest. Kiss, cry, dress up - recognition in the creative field. Seeing off to the grave - purity and coherence of work in financial matters.

Last tip: It is very likely that your dream is recommended to consider and just enjoy life.

If you have any questions or need help in the current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

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What is the dream of a mother in a coffin - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Refine the dream for interpretation

Miller's dream book

dreamed of mother in a coffin

Seeing your mother in a coffin means that you have to take care and burdens on your shoulders, most likely in the career field. And for your mother, this means that she will live a long time. If your mother is sick, and you saw her in a coffin, it means that she will recover soon.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

why dream of a mother in a coffin

The way mom dreamed means the future of your family. Mother in a coffin - to sorrows in the house.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

why dream of a mother in a coffin

Mom in a coffin - forebodings, good or bad. You will be disturbed by obsessive thoughts and sensations, and you need to treat them very carefully. Mom is waiting for success in some business.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

mother in a coffin in a dream

If in life your mother is alive, and you saw her dead, this is to extend your mother's life. Seeing an already deceased mother in a coffin means having financial problems. However, compassion will be shown to you and you will easily get rid of your difficulties.

Loff's dream book

why dream of a mother in a coffin

If in a dream you saw your mother in a coffin, think about whether there are any shortcomings in your relationship with her? Perhaps recently you have lost mutual understanding, or communicate with her less often, or is there something left unsaid or unresolved conflict between you? By honestly answering these questions, you will be able to understand why you dreamed about your mother in a coffin, and you will be able to establish a connection with her in real life.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Mother in a coffin - to an early family celebration, joy, your longevity and a strong marriage of your parents.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

mother in a coffin in a dream what is it for

To see a dead mother in a coffin - to a long and happy mother's life. If in life your mother is sick and dreamed of you in a coffin, this means that soon medicine will make a breakthrough and a cure for a terrible disease will be invented.

With a dream, a mother in a coffin, people also dreamed

To determine which days are prophetic dreams, you should know the famous divine holidays. Dreams can be prophetic these days and other days. More details about prophetic dreams for all days of the month can be found here.

Funny video about man's best friends. or the best alarm clocks? =)

Sleep from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

Why is mom dreaming in a coffin

Seeing a mother in a coffin in a dream - you have to get rid of the experiences and fears and phobias that tormented you, filling your daily existence with negative emotions.

Do not let negative events overcome you, try to bring only positive moments into your life, enjoying small pleasures.

Dreaming of a living mother in a coffin

Dream Interpretation Orakul considers a living mother in a coffin as important news that you will soon receive in reality. It is highly likely that she will be somehow related to her mother.

Do not ignore new information, it may be quite useful. Get the information right.

I dreamed of a dead mother in a coffin

The deceased mother dreams in a coffin before the guests arrive. If you are not waiting for them, you will soon find out about their desire to come, and at the last moment. Regardless of whether you can clean up in time, the meeting will go great.

Be happy to receive guests in your home, do not focus on cleanliness and pay attention to the sincerity of communication.

What is the dream of a dead mother in a coffin

A dead mother seen in a dream in a coffin promises a conflict with herself, doubts before making an important decision. There is also a chance that you will begin to envy one of your relatives.

Before making a choice, try to weigh everything thoughtfully. Try to achieve what you have planned without looking back at your relatives.

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  • living person in a coffin
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  • father in grave
  • dead man in coffin
  • coffin and funeral
  • empty coffin
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  • relative in the coffin
  • see yourself in a coffin
  • son in grave
  • man in a coffin
  • black coffin

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A personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in what areas of life you will succeed in the new year.

Mom dreamed in a coffin, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why your mother is dreaming in a Coffin in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

The deceased mother is in the coffin, and on her right lies a beautiful white baby, and the mother smiles

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 interpretations of dreams. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

dream interpretation

Living mother in a coffin

Dream Interpretation Living mother in a coffin dreamed of why in a dream a living mother is in a coffin? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a living mother in a coffin in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation mother in a coffin

dream book to see mom in a coffin in a dream

Mom - initially - the most dear being in the whole universe. We want her to live happily ever after. But sometimes you dream about your mother's death. Seeing a mother in a coffin, even in a dream, is not the most pleasant. But is it really a harbinger of trouble?

First of all, it is worth remembering a dream, taking a dream book, and more than one, and trying to understand this issue.

Variety of dream books

There are many different interpreters of dreams. With so much information, it's hard not to get confused. We offer some of the most popular and truthful dream books.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

Mom is dreaming in a coffin - which means it's time to get rid of baseless fears. Do not worry about trifles, in this way you will cleanse your life of unnecessary negativity.

Islamic dream book

If you saw mom in a coffin

According to him, to see a living mother, who no longer exists in reality, to get rid of difficulties and hardships. The same interpretation applies to other deceased relatives. If in a dream the opposite is true, you see the death of your living mother - she will live a long time.

In Islam, it is believed that if a deceased mother does something bad in a dream, then she warns you not to do such things. Does a good deed, perhaps you have also done a similar good in real life.

When a mother who has gone to another world, appearing in a dream, calls you, and you follow her, then you will die the same death.

Dream Interpretation Sonan

In night vision, the deceased mother is having a dialogue with you - to the deterioration of your health or the health of your close relatives. An important point is the date of death of the mother. She died a long time ago - bad news, relatively recently - pleasant changes in life.

Seeing how the deceased mother does the cleaning in your house is a betrayal of close friends. Higher powers give you a hint in such a dream, it's time to throw everything unnecessary and unnecessary out of the house.

Miller's dream book

The deceased dreams of rejuvenated, cheerful and healthy - big, but at the same time pleasant costs await you ahead. Perhaps this is something that you have been dreaming of for a long time.

Mom, lying in a coffin, gets up, holds out her hands to you - beware of imaginary friends, they also will not help you out in difficult times.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The late mother dreamed, she was sick - they would unfairly be accused of something. Sleep is a warning, before you commit any act, think very hard and weigh everything.

The parent died a long time ago, and you dream of her clinical death - enemies in your vicinity are weaving intrigues.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Hugging the deceased - cleanse yourself of fears. Her eyes are closed by two coins - someone is next to you only to get self-interest from you.

If they carried the coffin

The dream interpretation believes that a bad omen is the dream in which the mother is seen in a dark robe - to a serious and prolonged illness, and possibly death. They also interpret the dream in which she calls you, and you follow her.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Seeing an angry progenitor in a dream is a nuisance. A quarrel in a dream takes place in your house, in reality, trouble will catch you there. Carefully handle household appliances, check the gas, turn off the water taps.

I had a chance to kiss my mother during sleep - for forgiveness. If you dream that you are carrying a coffin with your mother lying in it - difficulties in life.

If in a dream you helped your mother get dressed, or gave her things, you should undergo a medical examination, your illnesses may worsen.

Attention to detail

When you wake up, a very important point is to remember the details that you saw in a dream. This will help a lot in interpreting the dream. For example:

  • I dreamed of a living mother lying in a coffin - you will receive important news that will be directly related to your mother.
  • To see the deceased mother in a coffin - expect pleasant guests.
  • The deceased mother in the coffin - to doubt in some business.
  • A deceased mother lying in a coffin - relatives will envy you.
  • The deceased tells you the date of her death? Remember her, from now on your mother will begin a bright streak in life.

I dreamed of an agonizing mother, you should consult a doctor. Take the trouble to undergo an examination, most likely something has been bothering you for a long time, do not ignore the pain.

The most negative in terms of prediction is a dream in which you quarrel with your deceased mother. So, you managed to make a terrible and irreparable mistake, and only you will have to pay for it.

To see a grave in your dream, and mommy is buried in it - she will have problems, or you are just very worried about her. I dreamed of a mother who comes to life and rises from a coffin - be very surprised.

When the deceased does something in your house, this indicates that not everything is in order in your family.

Seeing mom in a coffin, being at her funeral is a good sign, portends longevity.

During a funeral, worrying not about your mother in a coffin, but about such issues as commemoration, wreaths, payment, and so on - a dream means that in reality you devote too much time to completely unnecessary and secondary things.

When in a dream you know that your mother has died, but she is nowhere to be seen, you will soon find yourself in a double situation, it will be difficult to get out.

Another dream book considers such a dream as the murder of a mother. You are the killer, it's just a subconscious desire to get out from under someone's guardianship. Killers are other people - a difficult period of life begins.

Summing up the above, we affirm that - a dream in which you see your mother in a coffin does not carry anything terrifying in itself. More reflects the internal state. At the moment, you have accumulated too many worries, you are constantly in limbo. Higher powers in a dream give a promise, it's time to calm down, let go of anxieties, enjoy life.

Why does mom dream in a coffin, what is she preparing for?

It is not at all necessary that a dream in which parents die has a negative meaning. For example, why does mom dream in a coffin? If you had to see your mother in a coffin, then such a dream may turn out to be a hint that in real life she will live happily ever after.

What if mom is dreaming in a coffin?

Even such an unpleasant dream may well turn out to be a great sign. This is especially true in cases where the sleeping mother is very sick in real life. If, under such conditions, he suddenly sees a woman in a dream in a coffin, then you definitely shouldn’t be scared, you can, on the contrary, rejoice. Most likely, the dream predicts a speedy recovery. Ailments (even if they turned out to be very serious) will leave the parent in the near future, and she will again be able to start living a full happy life. By the way, the disease will not bring any unpleasant dangerous consequences.

Often, children see their mother in a coffin in cases where they are very worried about her for any reason in real life. The dream suggests that their worries are completely unfounded. You can relax and enjoy life.

A mother in a coffin may dream of a son or daughter after an unpleasant conversation with her the day before about a possible death. Such a dream certainly does not require interpretation and decoding. It only suggests that such conversations are extremely unpleasant for the sleeper and cause serious emotional experiences in him.

If a representative of the fair sex or a man sees his mother in a coffin, which is located at his work, colleagues are present near her or at the funeral, then this is a clear sign that the person has taken on too much responsibility, moving up the career ladder. There is a possibility that he simply allowed others to “load” him, who, after appropriate probing of the “soil”, simply forgot about the boundaries and limits of decency.

In order not to be even more inundated with other people's worries and responsibilities, you should demonstrate your “steel” character at work as early as possible. Don't worry about being fired. On the contrary, after such a “rebellion”, the authorities and colleagues will finally begin to respect the sleeping person and stop blaming their responsibility on him.

What portends?

If a mother dreams of sleeping in a coffin as a result of the fact that they have not communicated for a long time and, on the whole, have stopped talking frankly and spending time together, then most likely the person feels distance from the parent and feels discomfort from this. Correcting the current situation is quite simple. For example, calling the mother and inviting her to visit, for a walk, to a restaurant, to choose a stroller for the future grandson. Yes, anywhere, just to spend time together and talk enough.

The mother, who ended up in a coffin in a dream with her father, portends a strong long marriage of her parents. Surely they are very happy together and have long learned not to worry about minor family difficulties and problems. This behavior of the older generation should also be learned by the sleeping person. This is a great worthy example for his future or present family of his own.

Dreams in which a man or woman sees his mother in a coffin usually greatly frighten the sleepers and cause negativity. But you should not react to them in this way. Such dreams may well have a positive optimistic interpretation. The main thing is to take into account all their even the smallest (and insignificant at first glance) details and details in the process.

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mother in a coffin according to the dream book

Seeing your mother in a coffin means that you have to take care and burdens on your shoulders, most likely in the career field. And for your mother, this means that she will live a long time. If your mother is sick, and you saw her in a coffin, it means that she will recover soon.

mother in a coffin in a dream

The way mom dreamed means the future of your family. Mother in a coffin - to sorrows in the house.

dreamed of mother in a coffin

Mom in a coffin - forebodings, good or bad. You will be disturbed by obsessive thoughts and sensations, and you need to treat them very carefully. Mom is waiting for success in some business.

interpretation of sleep mother in a coffin

If in life your mother is alive, and you saw her dead, this is to extend your mother's life. To see an already deceased mother in a coffin is to have financial problems. However, compassion will be shown to you and you will easily get rid of your difficulties.

mother in a coffin according to the dream book

If in a dream you saw your mother in a coffin, think about whether there are any shortcomings in your relationship with her? Perhaps recently you have lost mutual understanding, or communicate with her less often, or is there something left unsaid or unresolved conflict between you? By honestly answering these questions, you will be able to understand why you dreamed about your mother in a coffin, and you will be able to establish a connection with her in real life.