Dream Interpretation to open the door without a key. Modern universal dream book

  • Primary elements - fire, metal, wood.
  • Elements - heat, dryness, wind.
  • Emotions - joy, sadness, turning into confidence, anger as a gambling part of the search state.
  • Organs - heart, small intestine, lungs, large intestine, liver, gallbladder.
  • Planets - Mars, Venus, Jupiter.
  • The key is the most important symbol of life and a philosophical category, common for all people of the earth, without distinction into countries and nations. The key is a symbol of the possibility of moving forward: personal spiritual movement, the movement of evolution. Figuratively speaking, the key - the symbol, as it were, opens - unlocks the door leading to the Platonic ladder of ascent to Heaven. Twice in a person's life a symbolic door is unlocked: when he is born, it is a door from heaven to earth; when he dies, the same door opens in the opposite direction from earth to heaven and closes behind the departed. Not without reason, in the Christian worldview, the Apostle Peter, guarding the doors of Paradise, is depicted with keys on his belt. As an object, the symbolism of which greatly outweighs the form and practical application, the key in the space of sleep carries an extremely important semantic load. The key in a dream to see / hold / open to them / lose is the external yang (material form) in harmony with the internal yin (access to information), which should result in the maximum realization of possible movement. The key in a dream to receive / have - means the correspondence of the method of solving (actions) of the problem itself and the correspondence of the dreamer's internal capabilities to them. The key is to seek and find - it is possible to obtain the key only by overcoming impotence and gaining in return the joy and desire to move forward. Sleep is more than favorable: the meaning of life has been found. But this has nothing to do with immediate success. Open the door / chest with a key - find a specific answer, an adequate solution to the situation, correctly apply the available force. From personal experience and cultural experience, a person keeps innumerable options for action, but only one of them is the most effective. In this case, the key is a symbol of compliance with a specific goal and a way to achieve it. Finding/already having the key, but not being able to open it, means that the present course of action will not bring results: The key does not fit (there is a feeling) - it is the course of action that does not match the goal. The dreamer cannot open (the key in his hands does not work) - this means a lack of inner strength, when a person’s inconsistency with the task deprives the key of symbolic meaning, an empty appearance of form remains, meaningless in the space of sleep. Such a dream is the need to reconsider both goals and ways to achieve them, and one's internal capabilities. Lose the key - lose the power of movement. Sleep is extremely unfavorable. Although it is not related to momentary success / failure, but the loss of one's own self does not bode well.
  • Golden key - in a dream it symbolizes a more emotional sphere of feelings and portends an interesting, but stormy course of events. Silver key - a penchant for logical analysis, for science without the obligatory explicit external expressions, emotional outbursts.

In a dream, taking the key, tried to open the lock? This is a rather interesting vision that can suggest something very important to the sleeper. Although sometimes dream books interpret such a plot as a simple warning, using which you can protect yourself from a number of troubles.

Why dream of opening the door with a key? The most accurate answer to the question can be obtained by remembering the maximum number of details of the dream.

From Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller pleases, explaining that the sleeper will definitely live happily surrounded by close people who are kindred in spirit, opening the door with a key. But there is one caveat: this interpretation will be true only if the dreaming open door was in the home.


And what can doors in other rooms dream about? If you opened the door lock in an unfamiliar room with a key, then in reality, as the dream book promises, you can find a way out of a rather difficult situation or the right answer to a certain question.

However, there is another prediction regarding the same plot: by unlocking someone else's door in a dream, you risk becoming a victim of gossip and slander in reality. And this vision also suggests that at the beginning of a certain project, relatives or friends, like-minded people will come to your aid.

Type of lock and key

The condition and even the material from which the locking mechanism is made will also help you find out why you dreamed of unlocking the door. So the castle and the key made of gold, according to the dream book, prophesy stormy, interesting, exciting events. And silver - suggest that the sleeper will experience a surge of strength, emotional upsurge and master new knowledge and skills.

An old, worn out, shabby mechanism is a sign of stability. But the old one indicates that the dreamer will remember the past. The new castle is an omen of fresh ideas that will definitely come to the mind of the sleeper. The modern key symbolizes a non-trivial, creative approach to solving some real problems and tasks.

In a dream, the key clearly does not fit the lock? This is a signal that in reality it is necessary to change the approach, tactics. A broken lock in dream books is a sign that all real efforts are in vain, in vain.

Visions of the fair half

Why does a woman dream about how she opens the door with her own key? Such a plot anticipates the appearance of an extraordinary lover in the sleeping beauty.

If a lady or a girl dreamed about how she locks the door, then soon the dreamer will get married, the dream book promises. Losing a key in a dream is bad for a representative of the weaker sex, because it is a sign of impending dishonor, shame.

In a dream, did you lock the door obviously in a hurry? The dream interpreter warns: do not be too frank even with close friends.

Neighbor phenomenon

Betrayal or danger threatens the one who slept and saw that a neighbor was picking in his door lock. It is bad if in a dream a lady living next door is spinning at the entrance to the apartment. This is a sign that in reality there will be a hitch in business, the dream book warns.

What to think if in a night dream a neighbor helps to unlock the lock? Nothing wrong, just need someone's help in the implementation of the project.

Purpose of the premises

It is also important where you open the door in a dream. So, for example, if you are heading to the library, then this is a hint: you need to constantly study, gain new knowledge, in order not to be an outsider in business, profession, and succeed in your personal life.

But to get the key and open the library hall with it in a dream can only be the one who in reality has a lot of experience, respected by people, highly appreciated by colleagues.

Secrets of the dungeon

Unflattering secrets, fears that overwhelm the dreamer, their reasons - this is what dreams about unlocking the doors to the basement, underground.

If in a dream you find yourself in a dungeon with the help of a key, it means that you really make an effort to sort out the accumulated problems and eliminate them. And do it decisively and without fear.

key by description - The key means finding solutions to problems, the desire to solve problems in an easier way. Opening a door in a dream with a key is evidence that great discoveries will be made in all fields of knowledge in the future. Perhaps a time machine will be invented, with the help of which people will be able to travel to the past and the future. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a predicament from which he will try to find a way out. Finding a key in a dream is a sign that great things await you. Most likely, you will greatly move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure the comfortable existence of your family. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life for the better. Breaking a key in a dream means that in the future the inhabitants of the Earth will have a terrible message about a space accident. Most likely, the space station will suffer from this accident. If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then this means that in the not so distant future you will have the opportunity to make an amazing journey to many countries. On this journey, you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things. To dream of two keys is an unexpected turn of events. Lose the key - be in an awkward position. Seeing in a dream how someone gives you their keys is an unexpected help in a difficult situation. A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing severe trials. To see a golden key in a dream is yours, the efforts that you spent in search of the truth will be rewarded according to your deserts. To dream about how you are looking for the keys to your house - in reality, trying to find a solution to your personal problems., Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

key by description - Keys dream of unforeseen changes. Lost the keys in a dream - in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events, found - peace in the family and revival in business await you. Spoiled keys portend separation. If a young woman in a dream saw a door not locked with a key, she will have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition. If a woman dreamed that she was locking the door with a key, she would marry. Lost the key - her reputation is at stake. Nostrodamus claimed that the key symbolizes the desire to solve problems in an easier way. He interpreted dreams about the key as follows: They opened the door in a dream with a key - such a dream prophesies a predicament from which you will try to find a way out. Found a key in a dream - great things await you. Most likely, you will greatly move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure the comfortable existence of your family. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life for the better. If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then soon you will go on an amazing journey and visit many countries. On this journey, you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things. We saw two keys in a dream - an unexpected turn of events is possible. Lost the key - you will find yourself in an awkward position. We saw in a dream how someone gives you their keys - you will receive unexpected help in a difficult situation. A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing severe trials. We saw a golden key in a dream - your efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded according to your deserts. They were looking for the keys to their house in a dream - in reality you will try to find a solution to your personal problems. D. Loff wrote: “Keys are a symbol of power and might. To lose the keys means to lose control over the situation, to lose the means of access to something. The loss of keys means the inability to get something important to complete a task, to find an approach to people or access to information. To find the lost key is to establish yourself in this situation, to feel like a "blacksmith" of your own happiness. It is interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you cannot find a direct use for it, although you feel that this is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to reach your potential in yourself or in relationships with others. Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

searches by description - Finding an object that constantly changes its place can be annoying, but the find can be a pleasant surprise. To determine the meaning of a dream about finding something, it is important whether the plot ends with finding an object or not. If the dream ends successfully, it is important to note what or who you were looking for and how these objects were found. Think about the connection that exists between the object and the person who helped find it (if there was such a person). In many cases, the object that is lost reflects an area of ​​life in which we feel inept and incompetent. Looking for him in company with others may be a clue that you should seek wise advice to resolve the current situation. A 48-year-old man recounts his dream: “I am looking for my car keys and I can’t find them anywhere. I turn everything in the house upside down, yell at my wife and generally lose my temper. Blame her. Her friend suddenly walks in and tells her to look in the lock of the front door. So I do. My keys are there." This search dream is interesting because in his detailed account, the man showed how much he was worried about his daughter driving. The feeling of losing control of his daughter's life consumed much of his emotional energy. After clarifying the meaning of this dream, he realized that the cause of most domestic conflicts was his own ANXIETY, and not real defiance on the part of his daughter. The understanding developed by sleep led to the normalization of relations with her daughter and, as a result, to peace in the family. A dream about an unsuccessful search usually illustrates the need for emotional trauma to be healed. The object of an unsuccessful search can be an object or a person. Common search-for-person dreams include a crying CHILD who cannot be found, chasing a fugitive who cannot be located, or receiving a message that cannot be answered. DEATH of a loved one. Another scenario of unsuccessful searches is unsuccessful searches for a place or object. For example, in a dream you may have a plan that leads nowhere, or you may not be able to find an item after leaving it on the table. Dreams of this kind can help you gain insight into your life goals and how effectively you are pursuing them. If you often have such dreams, perhaps you should check whether your goals and behavior are consistent with each other, or if they are mutually exclusive., Loff's Dream Book

door by description - Seeing an open door in a dream portends success and a warm welcome, closed - disappointment and trouble. A door with a lock hung on it - to meet unpleasant people. A door with creaking hinges - to an unwanted visit. A broken door - to a generous offering, burning - a disease of one of the household. Extinguishing the burning doors of your house in a dream is a meeting with friends on a sad occasion. Not finding doors at your house is an obstacle in business. To close the door with a key - for marriage, a door that is not locked with a key - you will get a new admirer. Just closing an open door is disappointing and troublesome. Entering a door in a dream indicates that your efforts to get rid of unwanted visitors will not lead to anything. Entering the door of the parental home portends a cloudless existence surrounded by kindred souls. Seeing others entering or leaving the door means possible difficulties in putting things in order. If in a dream the door flies off its hinges and falls on you, this is a danger that awaits your friends. To stand in front of the doors of some institution in bad weather and not be able to get inside - in reality to do stupid things and behave like a capricious child. Looking through the peephole, watching what is happening on the landing, means that in the near future you will have difficulties that will bring you to insomnia and a nervous breakdown. Close the door on the heck - refuse to help neighbors with whom you are at odds., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

lock by description - A door or padlock portends trouble and all sorts of obstacles. If you open or lock something, it means that in reality it will soon be discovered that you have an enemy and a spiteful critic, do not trust him! A broken lock means that unworthy people will ridicule and humiliate you, and only love will save you from despair. Buying a castle in a dream means defeating your opponent. An old, rusty castle portends a successful trip. Throwing it away - the journey you have undertaken will not bring you the desired joy. A lock on a bracelet or chain portends doubts about the fidelity of your chosen one, but you will have the opportunity to verify their groundlessness. A zipper on shoes or clothes - for many purchases, on a purse or wallet - for a waste of money or their loss. If in a dream you look through the keyhole in someone else's door, then in reality you will let someone down, involuntarily betraying his secret. Seeing someone peeping through a keyhole means that people who pretend to be your friends, but who are not, will shamelessly delve into your family relationships, looking for any compromising evidence on your husband. Seeing a drunk in a dream, unable to get the key into the keyhole - to the fact that a friend will let you down, but not intentionally, but due to unfortunate circumstances., Dream Interpretation Melnikov

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Dreams that are difficult to forget due to their vividness and reality are often prophetic. Dreams in which a person tries to open doors with a key promise changes in personal and social life. But it depends on some details of sleep whether these changes are good, or troubles and troubles await a person.

What if you dream of opening the door with a key?

Since ancient times, the key has been a real symbol of change in life, which makes it possible to move forward. A closed door means unfulfilled deeds, projects, dreams and fantasies.

It doesn’t matter what the undertakings are connected with: with love, relationships, business, work, but opening the door with a key means that everything that is planned will certainly come true. For people who are engaged in business, having a dream signals that it is possible to start developing new projects that previously lacked determination.

Those people who are interested in why they dream of opening doors with a key should know that a dream does not always promise only positive results. If the door did not open in a dream, then in reality it is worth waiting for problems. At work, it can be intrigues from colleagues, in relationships - the intervention of third parties.

If a person dreams that there are only doors in front of him, and there is a whole bunch of keys in his hands, this means that several options are suitable for implementing the conceived idea. Which one to choose depends on the person himself.

If in a dream a person stands with one key in front of several doors and then tries to open them, this means that he has several things in his thoughts that he wants to start. But the dream warns that all forces and opportunities should be directed to the implementation of one project. Only in this case it is worth expecting positive results.

What portends?

Memorable dreams, so similar to reality, always have many details that a person willy-nilly remembers. In a dream in which a person is trying to open the door with a key, you need to pay attention to what materials it is made of and how it looks.

Ordinary wooden or iron doors mean that the undertakings and the implementation of the plan will go smoothly, according to plan. Doors made of gold or other expensive material promise a quick positive solution to all problems, including material ones.

If the door is dirty, covered with cobwebs, and nearby is the corresponding entourage: devastation and desolation, then this dream warns that it is better to leave the idea alone. And if the key also does not fit, then you should not start your plan in the near future, it is better to wait a while.

Do not be upset if the interpretation of sleep promises only problems and troubles. It is not always necessary to take the meaning of dreams literally. But still, caution and attention in relationships and in business never hurt. Forewarned is forearmed.

The keys dream of unforeseen changes.

Lost the keys in a dream - in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events, found - peace in the family and revival in business await you.

Spoiled keys portend separation.

If a young woman in a dream saw a door not locked with a key, she will have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition.

If a woman dreamed that she was locking the door with a key, she would marry. Lost the key - her reputation is at stake.

Nostrodamus claimed that the key symbolizes the desire to solve problems in an easier way. He interpreted dreams about the key as follows.

They opened the door with a key in a dream - such a dream prophesies a predicament from which you will try to find a way out.

Found a key in a dream - great things await you. Most likely, you will greatly move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure the comfortable existence of your family. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life for the better.

If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then soon you will go on an amazing journey and visit many countries. On this journey, you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

We saw two keys in a dream - an unexpected turn of events is possible.

Lost the key - you will find yourself in an awkward position.

We saw in a dream how someone gives you their keys - you will receive unexpected help in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing severe trials.

We saw a golden key in a dream - your efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded according to your deserts.

They were looking for the keys to their house in a dream - in reality you will try to find a solution to your personal problems.

D. Loff wrote: “Keys are a symbol of power and might. To lose the keys means to lose control over the situation, to lose the means of access to something. The loss of keys means the inability to get something important to complete a task, to find an approach to people or access to information. To find the lost key is to establish yourself in this situation, to feel like a "blacksmith" of your own happiness.

It is interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you cannot find a direct use for it, although you feel that this is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to reach your potential in yourself or in relationships with others.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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