A set of strict rules of etiquette or laws of behavior in society. Rules of conduct accepted in society

Etiquette is a historical phenomenon. All the rules of etiquette, which are expressed in certain forms of behavior, combine the moral, ethical and aesthetic aspects of life. The first side expresses the moral norm: precautionary care, increasing ...

Etiquette is a historical phenomenon. All the rules of etiquette, which are expressed in certain forms of behavior, combine the moral, ethical and aesthetic aspects of life. The first side expresses the moral norm: precautionary care, respect, protection. The second side speaks of beauty, elegance of forms of human behavior.

  • Expert advice on etiquette and protocol
    • Baby etiquette rules
    • Communication with friends and loved ones
    • Rules of conduct at the table
    • Business Etiquette

Etiquette as a set of laws of communication

Already in the ancient primitive society, during the joint work, certain requirements and norms of behavior were developed for all members of society. The oldest codes of conduct that have survived to this day were created five thousand years ago. The ancient Chinese "Book of Historical Givings" lists five basic human positive qualities: philanthropy, fidelity, wisdom, reverence for elders, courage.

Over time, new customs, customs, morality appeared. The norms of behavior have been honed for centuries, merged into the concept of "etiquette" - a certain code of conduct, norms, duties that people must adhere to in different life situations.

Baby etiquette rules

The youngest children already know how to wave goodbye or smile when they meet. Dads teach boys to give a hand for a firm shake, and moms introduce kids on the playground, even if the baby himself looks out from behind his parents.

While raising a child, adults themselves, without noticing it, teach him etiquette lessons, rules for communicating with peers (“Say hello to a friend”, “You can’t take away toys, you need to ask permission”, “The girl needs to be let forward and protected”) and with elders (“Give flowers for mom”, “Go and meet dad from work”, “Help grandma carry the package”).

Later, children will learn how to use cutlery, thank their mother for the cooked dinner, and behave properly at a party and in public.

It is necessary to teach the child the rules of etiquette from an early age. It is a shame for schoolchildren who do not give up their seat in transport to older people. And teaching a child, as you know, is easiest of all by example. After all, parents for him are both authority and an example to follow. Follow the rules of etiquette yourself, and your child will know and apply them.

Communication with friends and loved ones

If friends constantly send various nonsense (pictures, unnecessary links) to the workbox, distracting from work, then the best way out is to ignore it. Install a spam filter and when asked if the pictures were received, answer no, since they were filtered out as an attack.

If women try to extort personal details, you can either refuse to answer, or be frank, silent about intimate details and not say anything about a person behind his back that could not be said to his face.

If a girl has received an invitation to a party or a visit, but she is going to go there with a young man, you must first ask the organizers of the holiday if it is possible to come not alone.

If, after gatherings in a cafe, friends decide to split the bill equally, you can excuse yourself by saying that they did not intend to spend a large amount today and pay only for themselves.

On a date, I wanted to eat, then you need to boldly tell the gentleman about it, perhaps he will invite the lady to a cafe. But you should not order the most expensive dishes, because the visit to the restaurant was not planned, and the bill can put a man in an awkward position.

When parting, it is better to express everything in person, not limited to an electronic message, moreover, this will confirm firm intentions not to meet again.

Should a woman accept an expensive gift from a fan she is indifferent to? The rules of etiquette leave this to the discretion of the woman herself, but this does not oblige her to anything. If the gift is unpleasant, you can return it with an explanation that it is not possible to give something of equal value.

If a man boasts of his former successes on the personal front, you can safely explain to him that listening to this is unpleasant for a woman. As an argument, you can ask a man if he would like the story of a woman's victories.

Rules of etiquette when meeting parents

Getting acquainted with the parents of the second half, I want to make the best impression, remaining myself and observing the norms of social etiquette.

There is no need to demonstrate your excitement, you should not try to hide it under the mask of bravado and looseness, it is better to behave naturally.

It is not customary, when visiting potential relatives for the first time, to start a conversation about the atmosphere and interior of the house. Sitting at the laid table, you need to take the place indicated by the owners of the house. Be sure to follow a straightened posture and not relax at the table.

It is not necessary from the very beginning of the acquaintance to be excessively active, to take the initiative of the conversation. It is better to behave correctly and modestly, to answer the questions of the groom's parents. It is necessary to tell about yourself on the very first day of acquaintance only when the owners themselves ask about it.

It would be impolite to refuse the offered treat, otherwise you can seriously offend a potential mother-in-law or mother-in-law. It is advisable to try all the treats offered by the hostess, and be sure to express admiration for their taste.

You need to try to stretch one glass of alcohol for the whole evening, not succumbing to the tricks of a cunning father-in-law or father-in-law who makes toasts and pours alcohol.

Girls should not smoke at the first meeting, young people can smoke only after an offer from the owner.

If any holiday became a reason for acquaintance, then you should take care of gifts for parents in advance. You can not give pets, except in cases where it is known for sure that a certain animal is required. Perfumes, individual cosmetics and underwear are also taboo, because only a fairly close person can study the tastes of the hostess. Shirts and ties are given only to relatives, so you should not present them to your future father-in-law or father-in-law on the first day of meeting. It is better to choose beautiful flowers in a neutral package, pick up a good book.

No need to stretch your visit, you can’t stay too long at a party. Leaving the house, you need to invite the parents of the bride or groom to visit in return.

Rules of conduct at the table

The etiquette of eating is due to traditions, national characteristics. But the general rules are the same, every cultured person must know their minimum.

First, women are invited to the table, and then men. Late for a dinner party and dinner is considered unacceptable. They sit down at the table, observing a certain distance of comfort - not close, but not very far.

Sitting at the dinner table, the elbows should not be placed on the table, an exception is sometimes made for women, but only for a short period of time.

Buns, bread are taken by hand, broken, and not cut off with a knife. It is impossible to bite from whole pieces of bread, small pieces are broken off from them. Even children are not allowed to roll the bread crumb into balls, play with cutlery, napkins. While eating, do not tilt your head low over a plate, gently bring a spoon or fork to your mouth. You need to drink and eat silently, not champing, not sipping loudly. It is indecent to eat quickly, even if a person is very hungry.

The knife should be held with the right hand, and the fork with the left. However, they do not use a knife, according to the rules of etiquette, when they eat spaghetti (you need to use a fork and a large spoon), seafood (crayfish must be taken with your hands, and shrimp are pierced with a fork, there are special tweezers for crabs, lobsters, lobsters), fish, jelly and puddings ( you can use a fork or spoon).

When Yuri Gagarin was invited after the flight to an appointment with the Queen of England at the palace and offered refreshments, spreading a huge number of various forks and knives on the table, the great cosmonaut was embarrassed. Queen Elizabeth came to his aid, saying that although she grew up in the palace and knows the rules of etiquette by heart, she still does not remember the purpose of all these devices. If at the reception a person does not know how to behave, you can simply watch others or ask for advice.

Business Etiquette

Observing the rules of etiquette at work, a person forms his positive, reliable image of a competent and knowledgeable, well-mannered partner. Experienced employers pay special attention to the observance of etiquette.

You need to be punctual and time correctly. You can not say too much to others, discuss the employer and colleagues. You should think not only about yourself, but also about the interests of partners.

You should dress according to the established norms of a particular society. Be sure to monitor the correctness and purity of speech. Diction, intonation, pronunciation must be clear. It is unacceptable to use obscene words. The ability to listen to an interlocutor is a valuable quality.

Unfortunately, we are not always taught this in school. But many people are interested in the rules of behavior among friends and in a society of unfamiliar people. How to make the culture of etiquette a part of your life and become a welcome member of any company?

The norms and rules of behavior in society apply to all forms of human interaction with the outside world. Educated behavior implies that a person reacts correctly to any events and does not respond with outbursts of anger to negativity.

The formation of personality begins in childhood, so most of the responsibility for education lies with the parents. It is adults who should instill in the child love for loved ones, respect for others and, of course, good manners. And you need to do this not only with words, but also with your own example.

The next stage of personal development is self-education. Persistent and purposeful movement along this path forms character, allows you to consciously develop the most valuable human qualities in yourself and learn the rules of behavior accepted in society. There should be no excuses here, because today there are all the necessary resources for self-education - a wide network of libraries, theaters, television, the Internet. The main thing is not to absorb the entire flow of information, but to learn how to select the most valuable grains of truth.

To develop a culture of behavior, focus on aesthetic self-education. It develops a sense of beauty, teaches you to correctly understand and perceive the beauty of nature and art, to enjoy communication in a positive way. But it is worth making a reservation: it is not enough just to know and apply the rules of conduct adopted in our society. Lies and pretense are unacceptable here - in the heart of a truly educated person there is only a place for natural politeness, sensitivity and tact.

Listen first, then speak. Do not interrupt the interlocutor - you will have time to express your point of view later.

Basic norms and rules of behavior in society

Kindness and attention to others are the most important rules of social behavior. But the list of good manners is quite extensive. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Think not of yourself, but of others. Surrounding people prioritize sensitivity, not selfishness.
  2. Show hospitality and friendliness. If you invite guests, treat them like your closest people.
  3. Be polite in communication. Always say welcome and farewell words, thank for the gifts and services rendered, not only in word, but also in deed. A thank you letter, although it seems like a relic of the past, will be appropriate and pleasant for the recipient.
  4. Avoid boasting. Let others judge you by your actions.
  5. Listen first, then speak. Do not interrupt the interlocutor - you will have time to express your point of view later.
  6. Don't point your finger at people and don't stare piercingly. This confuses them, especially the disabled.
  7. Do not violate someone else's personal space - for example, do not get too close to unfamiliar people and use stuffy perfume. Never smoke in public without asking the permission of the interlocutors, especially in the presence of non-smokers - no one likes it.
  8. Avoid criticism and complaints. A person with good manners tries not to offend people with negative statements and does not complain about fate.
  9. Remain calm in all situations. Anger not only leads to unnecessary conflicts with others, but also brings dissonance into one's own inner world. Control your speech so as not to raise your voice, even if you start to get nervous.
  10. Be punctual. Being late shows that you don't know how to plan your day and don't value other people's time.
  11. Keep your word. An unfulfilled promise can lead to real tragedy in the life of the person you hope for.
  12. Pay back your debts promptly. Failure to comply with this rule often causes not only the termination of friendship and good relationships, but also serious enmity.

In business, it’s not enough to just be a well-mannered person, but by following the rules of business etiquette, you will achieve success much faster.

Proper behavior in business society

In the business environment, as well as in social life, there is a certain etiquette. It largely repeats the basic rules of human behavior in society, but it also has its own nuances. Knowing the rules of business etiquette, you will gain recognition in the world of successful people, you will be able to quickly build a career or promote your own company to a leading market position. Of course, in business it is not enough to be just a well-mannered person, but following the rules of business etiquette, you will achieve success much faster.

  • Punctuality. One of the fundamental postulates of the business world is “time is money”. You can perfectly negotiate, present charismatic presentations, professionally manage staff, but ... "theft" of someone else's time through eternal delays negates the entire effect of positive qualities. A non-punctual person does not inspire trust and respect and is unlikely to find permanent partners among successful large companies. Correct behavior in a society of business people requires a clear planning of the working day and complete control over the course of events.
  • Dress code. Appearance is a visiting card of a person, which tells about his character and inner world more than any words. A provocative appearance shows a protest against the laws and foundations of society, and this is not accepted in the business world. But a strict business suit, a neat hairstyle and harmoniously selected accessories indicate that a person is ready to obey the universal rules and work in a single team.
  • Grammatically correct speech. Muttering under your breath or slang words will negate even the most correct appearance. If you do not have an innate gift for expressing thoughts clearly, work in this direction. Speech to the point, without unnecessary lyrical digressions, will help you find a common language with colleagues and clients and will be a good help for moving up the career ladder.
  • Compliance with trade secrets. In life they do not like talkers and gossips, and in the business world they do not like disloyal employees. Disclosure of company secrets can not only cause dismissal, but also cause difficulties with subsequent employment - the spy immediately falls into the unofficial "black list" of unreliable employees.

  • Respect. A professional always shows courtesy to his partners, clients and colleagues. The ability to listen to other people's arguments without arguing or criticism and to discuss disagreements in a constructive and positive way is an invaluable quality of a business person.
  • Mutual assistance. You need to help colleagues in word and deed, especially those who have recently worked with you. In most cases, good returns to us a hundredfold.
  • Responsibility. Everyone knows that work has to be done. However, many employees spend working hours chatting and doing personal things. This is a direct irresponsibility in relation to the common cause. Half the trouble if it affects only the loafers themselves. But the failure of an important project can leave the company without profit, and employees without salaries.
  • Telephone etiquette. Business negotiations on the phone require a special approach, because at a distance with the interlocutor it is impossible to establish visual and emotional contact. To leave a positive opinion about yourself, do not interrupt the interlocutor, speak clearly and clearly, ask questions only on the case. Speaking of telephone etiquette within the company, then try to avoid personal calls during working hours - they distract the attention of other employees and position you as a frivolous chatty person.

It is perhaps impossible to list all the rules and norms of human behavior in society and at work. To pass for a well-mannered person, do not forget the basics of the culture of etiquette and show people the attitude that you wish yourself.

The rules of etiquette in society are the ability to behave in all situations in which a person can find himself. In the modern world, it is extremely important to know them, to have good manners in order to be pleased with yourself and others, to treat all people with respect, affability, benevolence, naturally. So that any, even the best elite society, willingly accepts you into its ranks.

Interpretation of the term

Etiquette in modern society is a list of generally accepted rules that relate to human behavior in relation to other people in certain life situations.

There are several main types of such rules.

  1. The ability to present oneself - the rules for the formation of a wardrobe, appearance, self-care, physical form and posture, gait, postures, gestures.
  2. Speech etiquette - the ability to correctly say greetings, compliments, thanks, give remarks; farewell rules, politeness,
  3. Table etiquette - manners at the table, serving standards, the ability to eat.
  4. Rules of etiquette in society - how to behave in a museum, at an exhibition, in a theater, restaurant, court, library, shop, office, etc.
  5. Business etiquette - relationships with colleagues, superiors, good business manners, leadership skills, etc.

Ability to present yourself

Good manners, the rules of etiquette, the ability to be a kind person - all this requires not only skills, but also knowledge in these areas. A modern person should know how to behave in any circumstances, be able to behave accordingly, be amiable, friendly and self-confident.

Etiquette in clothes

The first impression is the strongest and most memorable, and in addition, the mind is manifested in the choice of clothing for the occasion. To make a good impression, it is not enough to be fashionable or expensively dressed. If you want to please others, you must reckon with them and take into account different circumstances. Therefore, even in the formation of a wardrobe, it is customary to observe the rules of etiquette in society. It is important that the clothes are beautiful and suit you, but it is much more important that all the details of the appearance are organically combined with each other, and that it matches the time, place and atmosphere. It is not customary to wear evening dresses during the day, and to wear leisure clothes to work. Each time, choosing what to wear, you must take into account the situation, the appropriate occasion, time, place, do not forget about your own age, body features. Everything you wear should always be clean, hemmed, buttoned and ironed. The exit attire should always be in full readiness. When shaping your wardrobe, remember to include must-have items such as suits, tailored trousers and skirts, blouses and evening wear, and home kits.

Personal care

Good manners presuppose the obligatory observance of clean clothes, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. It is unacceptable to appear in society unkempt. At the same time, it is important to monitor the appearance in the complex, carefully removing the hair, going out into the "light". These are mandatory rules of etiquette and behavior for a girl, as well as for a man.

Good manners in society

The ability to present oneself begins with gait, posture, gestures, postures, manners of sitting and sitting. The rules of etiquette in society require a beautiful gait with a straight posture, when the arms do not move widely in the rhythm of the step, the shoulders are straightened, the stomach is tucked up. You can not lift your head high, but you should not walk with your head down. Equally important are postures and gestures. To make a good impression, you need to act simply and naturally. It is considered bad manners to turn something in your hands, twist your hair around your finger, drum your fingers on the table, stamp your feet to the beat of the music, touch any parts of your body with your hands, pull on someone else's clothes. As for the question of how to sit correctly, it is important to know only two rules here: do not cross your legs and do not fall apart, spreading your legs and arms to the sides.

Speech etiquette

Polite words are special formulas in which a large amount of information is encrypted, both semantic and emotional. It is necessary to know them by heart, to be able to choose the most appropriate for the occasion and pronounce them in the appropriate tone in time. Masterly, correct possession of these words is speech etiquette in modern society.

1. Greeting

When choosing a form of greeting, put enough meaning and feeling into the words. For example, you would not be very delicate when you say “good afternoon” to a person whose face shows that he is upset about something. Or it’s completely unacceptable to say hello to the boss, except in cases of personal friendship. Be attentive to words and people - when greeting them, call them by name or by name and patronymic. Men must accompany each other with a handshake. When meeting with a lady, a gallant gentleman kisses her hand, while he should not pull her towards him, but should bend as far as the woman gave her hand.

2. Appeal, presentation

Which of the appeals is preferable, you have to decide in each case, depending on the audience you are addressing. It is customary to address acquaintances by name or by name and patronymic, the second is considered a manifestation of greater respect. In a formal setting, when introducing anyone, state the first and last name. And addressing by patronymic, for example, Ivanovna, is permissible only in the village, but not in secular society.

3. Requests

The word "please" is really magical, it must be heard in all requests. Since the request in one way or another burdens the person to whom you are addressing, in some cases it is worth adding: “If it’s not difficult for you”, “Is it not difficult for you?” It is also appropriate to say: "Do me a favor, be kind, could you," etc.

4. Farewell

Before you say goodbye, you should prepare the interlocutor for parting: "It's already late", "Unfortunately, I have to go." It is then customary to express satisfaction with the time spent together, such as "I'm glad we met." The next stage of farewell is words of gratitude. Sometimes you can say a compliment to the mistress of the house, say goodbye and immediately leave without delay.

In addition, the rules of etiquette in society require the ability to invite, apologize, console, express condolences, gratitude. Each of these forms of address should sound natural, sincere, excluding rude and harsh phrases and phrases.

Table etiquette

Eating beautifully is just as important as moving and speaking well, but it is here that one must especially observe the measure.

  • No need to try to deliberately embellish the process of eating, for example, eat in very small pieces, set aside bent fingers. It is enough not to open your mouth while chewing, not to talk with your mouth full, to chew food thoroughly before putting another portion in your mouth.
  • Never drink until you have swallowed the food, unless you have taken hot food in your mouth unexpectedly. If you see that the food is hot, do not blow on it before you start eating.
  • Try to eat and drink absolutely silently.
  • In society, bread is eaten not by biting off the whole piece, but by breaking off pieces from it.
  • Salt from an open salt shaker, if there is no special spoon in it, is supposed to be taken with the end of a clean knife, after pouring it on the edge of your plate.
  • Ketchup or mustard as a condiment is offered only in the most casual atmosphere.
  • When eating, try not to stain your plate as much as possible, do not stir or smear food on it.
  • Never, even at home, eat with your hands. It is customary to hold the fork in the left hand, and the knife in the right. If you are eating a salad, then you can take the fork with your right hand.
  • If you want to drink or take a break from eating, then you need to leave the fork and knife in a crosswise or "house" position.
  • The spoon is always taken with the right hand, if you eat from a soup bowl, the spoon is left there after eating, not laid out on the table.
  • At the end of the meal and before drinking, it is customary to use a napkin.

Etiquette: rules of conduct in society and public places

In public places, there are some specific rules of good taste, which are extremely important to observe.

1. In a museum, at an exhibition, a vernissage

The rules of conduct in these "temples" of art all over the world are the same and extremely simple: walk through the halls quietly, speak in a hushed tone, do not touch anything with your hands, do not get too close to the paintings and exhibits so as not to disturb other visitors.

2. In the theater, philharmonic, concert hall

Modern rules of good manners are somewhat contradictory. Previously, a man had to invite ladies to such public places, today it is considered quite decent if a girl herself invites him to a performance, a concert. And even if it is she who pays for tickets for two. A well-bred man should play the role of a gallant gentleman, courting a lady everywhere. It is important to arrive on time, undress calmly, take a seat without disturbing anyone. People with impeccable upbringing should not chew anything while watching.

3. In court, church, clinic, library

The rules of etiquette and good manners in society urge you to behave in these places as quietly and inconspicuously as possible. You can not talk, rustle, chew and walk without special need. Questions and inquiries should be answered politely and in a low voice.

In any establishment, it is important to maintain good manners, to be accommodating, tactful and polite. Most importantly, your stay should not cause discomfort to any of those present.

Business Etiquette

Good manners at work are a must for every employee. What are the aspects of business etiquette? Easy rules will help to understand this issue.

  • Compliance with subordination with colleagues and superiors.
  • Timely arrival at work and prompt performance of their duties.
  • Polite communication with both colleagues and visitors.
  • Privacy at work.
  • Appropriate clothing for the institution you work for.
  • Lack of personal topics in discussions.
  • Maintain order in your workplace.
  • by phone.

Rules in society help to achieve the goals assigned in business. Thanks to good manners, you can move up the corporate ladder and be a successful self-fulfilling person in everything.

To be a pleasant person in any situation, to want to do business with you, you need to perfectly know the laws of behavior in society. They will help not only achieve any goals, but also become a self-confident and happy person.

Far gone are the days when the rules of behavior in society were taught in schools. After years of neglect, good manners and etiquette are making a comeback in our lives. The ability to behave at the table, in the theater, even on the bus will make your life easier and help you avoid embarrassing situations.

Here are a few simple rules that you will definitely need

1. A man always lets a woman go first. However, there are several exceptions to this rule. The representative of the stronger sex enters the elevator first. The one who is closest to the door leaves it first. A man is the first to go down the ladder of a ship, an airplane and from public transport. And further. Entering and leaving always holds the door.

2. If you have to go to your place along a row of chairs, go facing the people sitting in them. The man must go first.

3. Entering from the street, a woman may not take off her hat and gloves. But if you have a hat on your head and your hands are hidden in mittens, it is better to leave them in the hallway.

4. If you entered with a wet umbrella, it is indecent to dry it open. Fold and put in a special stand. If there is none, hang the umbrella on a hanger.

5. Without a handbag, any woman feels insecure. But where to put it, so that it is at hand and does not interfere with anyone? A large bag can be hung on the back of a chair (your own!) Or placed on the floor. A small elegant handbag looks appropriate on the table. But placing it on your knees or behind your back is unacceptable. This is bad tone.

6. Coming to visit without a call, you can put the hostess in an awkward position. Educated people pre-arrange a meeting.

7. If you decide to meet at a restaurant, the question arises who pays. Usually the one who invites. Even if a woman invites, let's say her colleague. But if she says: "Let's sit in a restaurant," this suggests that everyone pays for himself.

8. You should not notify your companions about the features of your diet. If you do not eat sweet or fatty, do not offend the hostess with a categorical "no" to her cake. Let an appetizing piece lie on a plate. And to try it or limit yourself to a compliment to the abilities of the culinary specialist - this is your decision. The same rules apply to alcohol.

9. If you do not want to catch contemptuous glances, do not carry plastic bags as bags, even with the logos of the most prestigious boutiques. They are relevant only as packaging for the purchased goods.

10. What is decent to wear at home? Many people think that a bathrobe or pajamas is the right thing. A sweater, trousers, a comfortable home dress will make you not only more attractive, but also add respect to those around you.

11. Not every woman is capable of observing the measure, decorating herself with various jewelry. International protocol comes to the rescue. He is quite loyal, limiting their number to 13 items. And a few more nuances that distinguish a lady with taste. Rings are not worn over a glove, even a thin one. Here's the bracelet. Diamonds have always been considered an evening decoration. True, now the rules have somewhat softened, and diamond earrings or a ring can be worn during the day.

12. Don't want the man accompanying you to look funny? Don't let him carry your bag. Yes, and he takes his coat, just to convey to the locker room.

13. Did you give your child a separate room? Train yourself to knock if you want to go to him. This is an important element in the development of self-respect. And he won't break into your bedroom without knocking.

14. Polite address to the interlocutor exists in all languages ​​of the world. In Russian, this is an appeal to "you". A well-mannered person says "You" to all people over 12 years old. Fans of "poking" are unlikely to achieve respect from the interlocutor. You have to be able to put them in their place. Let's say, coldly detached: "Are you contacting me?".

15. A car is an important attribute of modern life. Using it also has several rules. The seat behind the driver is occupied by a woman. The satellite (if any) is located nearby. It is considered good manners to open the door for a lady and help her get out of the car. True, in our hectic time, this rule is increasingly difficult to comply with.

16. For the ability to conduct a secular conversation, it is important to know which topics it is better not to touch. Among the forbidden are age, religion, salary and, in general, monetary relations between people (as well as intimate ones).

17. Despite the fact that sometimes you want to discuss the habits or actions of an absent girlfriend at a friendly table, do not give yourself free rein. Ushakov's dictionary gives the following definition of the word "gossip": "An unkind or defamatory rumor about someone, spread on the basis of false, inaccurate and fabricated information." So is it worth it to stoop to savoring these fabrications? Just like complaining about your husband. By humiliating him, the wife humiliates herself and gives reason to consider herself a stupid woman.

Courtesy in communication, the ability to say hello, express sympathy, congratulate on the holiday, thank and respond to gratitude - all this is, by and large, the rules of good manners. Jack Nicholson, the famous American actor, producer, director, said that they are "... a clear language of mutual respect."

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In the modern world it is very difficult to live without knowing the generally accepted norms of behavior.

It is easy to put yourself in an awkward position, but it is much more difficult to correct the situation later.

Therefore, it is important to know certain norms and rules that are accepted in society. They must always be remembered. After all, rude and tactless behavior can easily alienate people, form the wrong impression, which will then be difficult to get rid of.

The rules of etiquette apply to both men and women. It is based on the culture of speech, politeness, the ability to control one's emotions and actions, treating others with due attention.

There are rules of behavior at the table, rules of business communication, rules of etiquette when visiting public places and manners that are customary to observe in the presence of ladies.

Let's find out more about this.

The main rules of good manners

Today we will not talk about common truths: you need to be polite, friendly and cultured.

If you invite a girl to a restaurant and say: "I invite", then this means that you must pay for your joint dinner. When everyone pays for himself, then you need to say: "Let's go to a restaurant."

In no case should you come to visit without an invitation, unless there is a very good reason for this.

When unexpected guests come to you, you have every right to walk in sweatpants or curlers.

You need to invite a girl on a date only in person.

If you invite her to meet via SMS or write a message on a social network, she will take it as an insult and disrespect, as this is contrary to the rules of good manners when communicating with the opposite sex.

In cafes and restaurants, you can not put the phone on the table. When you lay out a smartphone, you demonstrate that the means of communication is much more important and significant for you than the interlocutor. Respect the one who kept you company, and try not to look impolite.

During a conversation, you do not need to check if you have received a message in Odnoklassniki and if there are updates in Instagram. It will also come off as ostentatious disrespect to whoever you are talking to. Be patient and check all your social contacts after the conversation.

A man should not carry a woman's handbag, and a woman should not drag heavy bags from the store. A man with a woman's handbag looks extremely stupid and ridiculous, like a woman with heavy bags.

Shoes should always be polished.

Indoors, the fair sex is allowed to keep their hats and gloves on. But this does not apply to the hat and mittens.

The girl's companion always helps her take off her outer clothing and carries her to the locker room himself.

If you are walking with a friend and he says hello to a stranger, you should say hello too. If they are talking to each other, you need to wait without interfering with the conversation.

It is impossible at this time to defiantly talk on the phone or press keys, typing a message and demonstrating that you do not have enough attention. Such behavior will first of all show your bad manners and inability to control your emotions.

Rudeness should never be answered with rudeness. Moreover, it is indecent to raise your voice. Keep your composure and in case of a conflict situation smile at an ill-mannered interlocutor. This will disarm him and make him look stupid, and you will get a few points in your favor in the eyes of others. Try to always behave courteously and benevolently, without sinking to rudeness in response.

A man should always walk down the street to the left of a lady. On the right, only military personnel are allowed to walk, who must be ready at any time to salute with their right hand.

When walking up the stairs, a man goes 1-2 steps below the lady in order to be able to support her in case she stumbles.

But the man should be the first to enter and exit the elevator.

Also, a man first enters the restaurant, showing that he is the initiator of this visit, and he will pay for the visit.

If the waiter opens the door, let the lady go ahead. After that, the man helps her undress and find a free table.

The arrangement of objects on the table must also comply with generally accepted standards. In order not to get into a mess, you can use the picture below (click on the picture to enlarge):

In the process of eating, you can signal to the serving staff and the restaurant manager by correctly placing the knife and fork on the plate to indicate a pause, approval or end of the meal:

If the lady sits down at the table or gets up from the table, the man should help her move the chair.

You should also open the door for the lady when she gets into or out of the car.

Smoking in the presence of a lady is possible only after she has given her consent to this.

If you suddenly quarreled about something, after which you asked for forgiveness and received it, you should not return to the incident again in a conversation.

Making your way in the theater to your seats, you should always go only with your face turned to those sitting.

Being in a public place you can not talk loudly, laugh, blow your nose, speak loudly on the phone and generally behave noisily, showing your bad manners.

And do not forget that you should never flaunt the following things:

  • Wealth;
  • Age;
  • Honor;
  • Present;
  • dishonor;
  • unsettled;
  • Disease;
  • Love connection.

Try to follow the above tips and you will always look worthy in the eyes of the people around you.