L. Tolstoy's respectful attitude to the life and customs of the highlanders in the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus. “The Image of a Caucasian Prisoner in Russian Literature

The story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Leo Nikolavevia Tolstoy wrote under the impressions of his life in the Caucasus during the war between the highlanders and Russian soldiers. We can see the first mention of this war in Tolstoy's diaries.

General analysis of the story

The short story was created in the 70s of the 19th century, and many critics were surprised by the simple and accessible even for children language in which it was written. In addition to a realistic description of the life of the highlanders and the beautiful, wild nature of the Caucasus, Tolstoy pays attention to another theme of the story, more moral and psychological.

This topic is a confrontation, which is revealed on the example of two personalities, the two main characters of the "Prisoner of the Caucasus" - Zhilin and Kostylin. The plot of the story develops quickly, and the description of all events is colorful and memorable.

Comparative characteristics of the heroes: Kostylin and Zhilin

L.N. Tolstoy skillfully uses contrast to convey to readers the theme of his story. Under the external contrast of the energetic Zhilin and the heavy Kostylin, the contradictions of their inner worlds are hidden.

Zhilin gives the impression of a lively and joyful person, while Kostylin looks unkindly at the world around him, and is distinguished by cruelty and malice. Moreover, it cannot be said that the difference between these heroes is determined by the circumstances, both of them are Russian officers, both take part in the war of Russia against the Caucasus.

But between them there is an abyss; their inner principles, their views on the world, their life values ​​are completely opposite. Zhilin is a devoted and honest person who helps Kostylin even after he betrayed him through the fault of his cowardice and stupidity.

After all, Zhilin could not even think that it was possible to do otherwise, and when he rushes to a friend for a gun to protect himself from the highlanders, he is sure that he will help him. And even when they are captured, he still takes the cowardly soldier along with him during the escape.

His soul is wide and open, Zhilin looks at the world and other people with sincerity and inner honesty. He carries the soldier Kostylin when he gets tired of the long rescue from the captivity of the Tatars. And both heroes again fall into the place where they hardly got out, only now they are put into a huge hole.

Passive Hero and Active Hero

And here Tolstoy describes the climax of the story, the girl Dina, with whom the good soldier managed to make friends during captivity, with the help of a stick helps Zhilin escape. And the weak and weak-willed Kostylin is afraid to run away and thinks that it would be better if one of his relatives paid money for him.

Zhilin manages to escape on his own, he does not want to worry his mother with requests for money, and thinks about her health. Zhilin cannot be such a weak-willed coward as Kostylin, his nature is courage, courage and courage.

And from this it follows that the values ​​of life for him are completely different, they are spiritual and pure. Kostylin is the personification of passivity and inaction, the only thing that lives inside him is fear only for himself and anger towards other people.

Almost every classical writer of the 19th century wrote about the Caucasus. This region, engulfed in almost endless war (1817-1864), attracted authors with its beauty, rebelliousness and exoticism. L.N. Tolstoy was no exception and wrote a simple and vital story "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

L. N. Tolstoy, who became famous all over the world after the novels "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina" and others, in the 70s of the 19th century renounced his past work, because his worldview had changed. The writer developed his neo-Christian teaching, according to which he decided to remake himself by "simplifying" life and his future works. And earlier literary works were written incomprehensibly for the people, who were the measure of morality and the producer of all blessings.

Deciding to write in a new way, Tolstoy created the "ABC" (1871-1872) and "New ABC" (1874-1875), distinguished by simplicity, clarity and power of language. The first book also included The Prisoner of the Caucasus, based on the impressions of the author himself, who was almost captured by the highlanders in 1853. In 1872, the story was published in the Zarya magazine. The writer highly appreciated his work, ranking the "Prisoner of the Caucasus" as "an art that conveys the simplest everyday feelings, such that are accessible to all people of the whole world - the art of the world."

Essence of the story

A poor officer Zhilin, who serves in the Caucasus, is going home to see his mother and, possibly, get married. The road was dangerous, because the hero went along with the convoy, slowly dragging under the protection of the soldiers. Unable to bear the heat, stuffiness and slow movement, the rider rode forward. Directly towards the highlanders, who captured him together with his colleague Kostylin, who met him.

The heroes live in a barn, chained in stocks during the day. Zhilin makes toys for local children, which especially attracts Dina, the daughter of their "master". The girl takes pity on the craftsman, brings him cakes. Zhilin cannot hope for a ransom, he decides to escape through a tunnel. Taking Kostylin with him, he heads for freedom, but his comrade, clumsy and obese, ruined the whole plan, the prisoners were returned. Conditions became worse, they were transferred to the pit and the blocks were no longer removed for the night. With the help of Dina, Zhilin runs again, but his friend categorically refuses. The fugitive, in spite of his legs shackled with blocks, got to his own, and his friend was later ransomed.

Characteristics of the main characters

  1. Zhilin is an officer from poor nobles, in life he is used to relying only on himself, he knows how to do everything with his own hands. The hero understands that no one will save him from captivity: his mother is too poor, he himself has not saved anything for his service. But he does not lose heart, but is seized with activity: he digs a tunnel, makes toys. He is observant, resourceful, persistent and patient - these are the qualities that helped him to free himself. The man is not devoid of nobility: he cannot leave his fellow worker, Kostylin. Although the latter abandoned him during the attack of the highlanders, because of him the first escape failed, Zhilin does not hold a grudge against his “cellmate”.
  2. Kostylin is a noble and wealthy officer, he hopes for money and influence, therefore, in an extreme situation, he turns out to be incapable of anything. He is a pampered, weak in spirit and body, an inert person. Meanness is inherent in this hero, he left Zhilin to the mercy of fate both during the attack, and when he could not run because of his worn legs (the wound was not at all big), and when he did not run a second time (probably thinking about the hopelessness of the enterprise). That is why this coward rotted for a long time in a pit in a mountain village and was bought out barely alive.
  3. the main idea

    The work is really written simply and even its meaning lies on the surface. The main idea of ​​the story “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” is that one should never give up in the face of difficulties, one must overcome them, and not wait for help from others, and no matter what conditions, a way out can always be found. At least try.

    It would seem, who is more likely to escape from captivity: poor Zhilin or rich Kostylin? Of course, the latter. However, the first one has courage and willpower, so he does not wait for mercy, ransom, divine intervention, but simply acts as best he can. At the same time, he does not go over the heads, believing that the end justifies the means, he remains a person even in a difficult situation. The protagonist is close to the people, who, according to the author, still have decency and nobility in their souls, and not in their pedigree. That is why he conquered all hostile circumstances.


  • Many questions are raised in the story. The theme of friendship, sincere and real on the part of Zhilin and "friendship on occasion" from Kostylin. If the first defended the second as himself, then the latter threw his comrade to death.
  • The theme of feat is also revealed in the story. The language and description of events are natural and everyday, because the work is for children, so Zhilin's exploits are described in a completely ordinary way, but in reality, who will protect his comrade in any situation? Who will be ready to give everything to be free? Who voluntarily refuses to disturb the old mother with a ransom that is too much for her? Of course, a real Hero. For him, a feat is a natural state, therefore he is not proud of it, but simply lives like that.
  • The theme of mercy and sympathy is revealed in the image of Dina. Unlike the "Prisoner of the Caucasus" A.S. Pushkin, heroine L.N. Tolstoy saved the prisoner not out of love, she was guided by higher feelings, she took pity on such a kind and skillful person, she was imbued with purely friendly sympathy and respect for him.
  • Issues

    • The Caucasian war lasted for almost half a century, many Russians died in it. And for what? L.N. Tolstoy raises the problem of a senseless and cruel war. It is beneficial only to the highest circles, ordinary people are completely unnecessary and alien. Zhilin, a native of the people, feels like a stranger in the mountain village, but does not feel hostility, because the mountaineers simply lived quietly until they were conquered and began to try to subjugate them. The author shows the positive nature of the "owner" Zhilin Abdullah, who likes the main character, and his compassionate and kind daughter Dina. They are not beasts, not monsters, they are the same as their opponents.
    • The problem of betrayal fully confronts Zhilin. Comrade Kostylin betrays him, because of him they are in captivity, because of him they did not immediately escape. The hero is a man with a broad soul, he generously forgives his colleague, realizing that not every person is capable of being strong.
    • What does the story teach?

      The main lesson that the reader can take away from the "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is that you should never give up. Even if everyone is against you, even if it seems that there is no hope, then someday everything will change for the better if you direct all efforts to achieve your goal. And although, fortunately, few are familiar with such an extreme situation as Zhilin's, he should learn stamina from him.

      Another important thing that the story teaches is that war and national strife are meaningless. These phenomena can be beneficial to immoral people in power, but a normal person should try not to allow this for himself, not to be a chauvinist and a nationalist, because, despite some differences in values ​​and lifestyles, each of us always and everywhere strives for one - Tranquility, happiness and peace.

      The story of L.N. Tolstoy, after almost 150 years, has not lost its relevance. It is written simply and clearly, but this does not at all affect its deep meaning. Therefore, this book is a must-read.

      Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Included in his famous manual for children "ABC" (1872).

Even during the life of the writer, the work was widely popular. In a simple and accessible language for children, Tolstoy tells about a simple Russian officer who was captured by the Caucasian highlanders.

2. History of creation. The source for the story could be the memories of Lev Nikolayevich himself, who in the 1850s. served in the Caucasus. He cited a real case from life, when he himself was almost captured. At the same time, one of his comrades could not get away from the chase and was hacked to death by the highlanders.

Also, when creating the story, Tolstoy used "Memoirs of a Caucasian officer" by F.F. Tornau. In them, the author described his captivity and life in captivity, an unsuccessful first escape, friendship with a Caucasian young girl and her help, as well as getting rid of captivity.

3. The meaning of the name. "Prisoner of the Caucasus" - the main character of the work. The title also refers readers to the famous poem by A. S. Pushkin.

4. Genre. Story for children. Sometimes the work is called a story.

5. Theme. When writing the story, Tolstoy was guided by educational goals. He sought to acquaint children with the harsh realities of war in the Caucasus. At the same time, it was important for the writer to show human kindness and responsiveness. Therefore, the central themes of the work are the condemnation of war and humanity.

Tolstoy was deeply alien to ostentatious patriotism. There is no direct indication of right and wrong in the story. Even the irreconcilable position of the old Muslim man, who demands the death of the captives, is quite understandable: all his sons were killed by the Russians. The owner of Zhilin and Kostylin is generally quite friendly. He only demands a ransom for the captives.

After a kind of bargaining with Zhilin for the amount of the ransom, Abdul-Murat recognizes the steadfastness and courage of the Russian officer and agrees to 500 rubles. Human kindness and responsiveness is most clearly shown in the image of Dina. A Caucasian girl becomes attached to Zhilin. She does not understand the cruelty of her co-religionists. At great risk to her own life, Dinah eventually helps the prisoner escape.

6. Issues. The main problem of the story is the long-term enmity and hatred between the highlanders and the Russians. Tolstoy avoids describing mutual cruelty. It is enough for children to know about the grief of the old Muslim and the situation of the captives after an unsuccessful escape. The mutual hostility between the two peoples is reinforced by the huge difference between Muslim and Orthodox cultures. Even the good Zhilin treats the "stinky Tatars" and their funeral rites with some mockery.

Zhilin feels great love for his homeland. Throughout his captivity, he constantly thinks about escaping. Abdul-Murat's respect cannot replace his home and his old mother. Another important problem is the behavior of a person in captivity. Kostylin is a weak person. He immediately agreed to the conditions of the highlanders (5 thousand rubles) and began to meekly wait for the ransom.

Zhilin has a firm and decisive character. He always takes the initiative. Thanks to his skillful hands, Zhilin achieves the respect of the highlanders and, most importantly, "binds" Dina to himself. Zhilin drags Kostylin on him, literally and figuratively. It is not his fault that a comrade remains in captivity awaiting ransom.

7. Heroes. Zhilin, Kostylin, Dina, Abdul-Murat

8. Plot and composition. Zhilin is captured by the highlanders. There he meets with his friend Kostylin. The mountaineers demand a ransom for the captives. Otherwise, death awaits them. Zhilin prepares an escape and meets the owner's daughter, Dina. The captives escape, but they are caught again and put in a pit.

Dina learns about the impending execution and helps Zhilin escape again. Kostylin remains, as he is completely exhausted in captivity. Zhilin miraculously escapes death and gets to the Russian soldiers. The plot of the story is extremely simple and clear. Unlike Pushkin's poem, it has a happy ending: no one will know about Dina's help, and Kostylin also gets freedom.


The theme of my work is “The Image of the Caucasian Prisoner in Russian Literature”. For research, I chose three works: A. Pushkin's poem "Prisoner of the Caucasus", L. Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus", V. Makanin's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus". I decided to turn to this topic after reading Makanin's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus". I remembered that we had read the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" by Tolstoy, and Pushkin has a poem with that title. The theme of the Caucasus is relevant today. And we decided to find out how the image of the Caucasian prisoner is interpreted in the works of Pushkin, Tolstoy and Makanin.

The topic predetermined the goals of the work:
1. to analyze the texts of works of art
2. compare the methods and techniques of depicting the main character
3. highlight the distinctive features of the Caucasian prisoner in each of the considered works.

All the events that happened to the heroes of the works we have chosen for research take place in the Caucasus. It's not hard to tell from the titles of the stories. The Caucasus attracts authors with its exoticism and beauty. Russia's relations with the Caucasus during the 19th and 20th centuries were not easy. Leo Tolstoy himself served in the Caucasus, the material for the story was the events from the life of the writer and the stories he heard in the service. Pushkin was also in the Caucasus, where he began his poem inspired by the beauty of the Caucasus and the stories of the highlanders. Makanin writes about the real events of the 90s in Chechnya. Makanin's story is a polemic with the traditions of classical literature, this was manifested in the title of the work.
In the history of Russian literature, there are such facts when writers of different eras, trends, aesthetic positions refer to the same names of their works, for example: “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by A. Pushkin and “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by L. Tolstoy, “Prisoner of the Caucasus” V Makanina.
In the 19th century, the Caucasus was an emblematic space of freedom, an unrestricted spiritual movement as opposed to the conventional world of "civilization." We noticed that in Tolstoy's prose, the Caucasus began to acquire details of everyday life, details of relationships, and the little things of everyday life. The invariable component of the Caucasian theme is the mountain landscape: “Before it, the desert plains lie in a green veil; There, monotonous peaks stretch in a ridge of hills ... ”- Pushkin wrote
"Prisoner of the Caucasus" is a romantic poem by Pushkin, written during his southern exile. The author set himself the goal of reproducing the character of a young man of his time, dissatisfied with reality and seized with a thirst for freedom. In the romantic poem, the epic line (the Caucasus, the exotic life of the highlanders, the arrival of Russian conquerors) is intertwined with the lyrical one (the love of a captive Russian and a Circassian woman). For the first time, Pushkin depicts a contemporary romantic hero. The author does not indicate either the name of the hero or his past, but we can learn a little about the hero from hints and understatements. The hero of the poem is severely disappointed. He went to the Caucasus - the land of strong and freedom-loving people - to find such a desired and necessary freedom of spirit, but was captured.
Tolstoy's "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is a true story. Zhilin is captured by the Gentiles on completely legal grounds. He is an adversary, a warrior, according to the customs of the highlanders, he can be captured and ransomed for him. The main character is Zhilin, his character corresponds to his surname. Therefore, we conclude: it is strong, resistant, sinewy. He has golden hands, in captivity he helped the highlanders, repaired something, they even came to him for treatment. The author does not indicate the name, only that he is called Ivan, but that was the name of all Russian captives.
Makanin's main character is Rubakhin. The surname, like that of Tolstoy, is speaking, corresponding to the character of the hero: a shirt-guy. Analyzing the story, we see that Rubakhin is in a constant state of war, not only real, but also spiritual. He is so used to this state that he is no longer able to get out of it. Having served his time, he is always going to go home forever to the “steppe beyond the Don”, and each time he remains in the Caucasus, he wants to understand what the beauty of the mountains wanted to say to him, “why did she call out”? We don't know his name either.
Makanin interestingly plays with the title of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" and not a prisoner. According to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, the lexical meaning of the word “captive” is taken prisoner, being in captivity. A "prisoner" is one who is held captive by something. In the story, not only the young man is captivated, but also the main character is captivated by the beauty of the mountains: “for a year their majesty, mute solemnity stirs his heart”
How did the prisoners manage to escape?
Thanks to the love of a young Circassian woman, Pushkin's hero gets the opportunity to gain freedom. “You are free,” the maiden says, “run.” Because of unrequited love, the "maiden of the mountains" perishes.
Zhilin was helped by a mountain girl Dina, with whom they became friends. In both cases, human feelings played a role: love, friendship, compassion, as well as the beauty of the human soul, kindness.
After analyzing the relationship between the characters in the works, we can note the following. Makanin Rubakhin and Vovka the shooter have comrades in the service, but the Caucasian youth causes vague and incomprehensible feelings for Rubakhin. His first reaction to the appearance of the young man: "the face surprised." The protagonist only then understands why. He was very handsome, which was strange: the militants always appreciated masculinity and cruelty, and they would not have taken such a handsome man into their squad. At the end, Rubakhin kills the prisoner for his own salvation.
Comparing the heroes of the stories, we see: Tolstoy's hero is a good comrade. He does not leave Kostylin in trouble, although it was because of him that they were captured. Zhilin became sympathetic to the whole village, except for the old man, who hated the Russians.
In Pushkin, the hero has a negative attitude towards the highlanders, and does not respond to the love of the Circassian woman, his heart is no longer able to love.
Thus, we found out that the authors do not indicate the names of the heroes, that the heroes of Makanin and Tolstoy serve in the Caucasus, and Pushkin's hero went to the Caucasus in search of freedom. In Pushkin and Tolstoy, the heroes are captured and get out of it, and in Makanin, the hero captured a young man for the purpose of exchange.
In all the considered works, the theme of true and false values, true beauty. Beauty, not only of mountains, but also of a person. For Pushkin and Tolstoy, this is the beauty of the soul, deeds, human feelings, while Makanin has the external beauty of the captive, and the beauty of the local landscape frightening soldiers. “Gray mossy gorges. Poor and dirty houses of the highlanders, stuck together like bird's nests. But still, mountains? Here and there their peaks, yellow from the sun, crowd. Mountains. Mountains. Mountains. For many years their majesty, mute solemnity has tormented his heart ... In The Prisoner of the Caucasus, Dostoevsky's phrase is constantly present - "beauty will save the world", but in the story she "did not have time to save."
Pushkin's hero is romantic. Tolstovsky is a good friend and comrade, and Makaninsky is a soldier, tired of the war, but he just can’t go home.
We analyzed the texts, ways of depicting the main character and identified the distinctive features of the Caucasian captives.

Afanasyeva Anastasia

This scientific work provides evidence that the story of L.N. Tolstoy's "Prisoner of the Caucasus" can be safely called the "book of life".



Municipal educational institution

"Lyceum No. 4"

Section "My main books of life"

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" L. N. Tolstoy -

my main book of life

5th grade student

MOU "Lyceum No. 4", Saratov

Scientific adviser: Abakumenko S. V.,

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Saratov, 2010

Introduction ……………………………………………………………….2

Chapter I “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” by L. N. Tolstoy is a book of life……...3

  1. "People's Thought" in the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" ... ..3
  2. Features of human relations in the story………4





In the history of Russian culture there are many names of outstanding figures, scientists, thinkers, artists, writers who make up the glory and pride of the nation. Among them, one of the most honorable places rightfully belongs to Leo Tolstoy, the great creator who created immortal images and characters that remain relevant today. This is also the image of the “Caucasian prisoner” – a man of high morality.

In general, in the 19th century, the Caucasus was an emblematic space of freedom, an unrestricted spiritual movement as opposed to the world of “civilization” fettered by conventions. We noticed that in Tolstoy's prose, the Caucasus began to acquire details of everyday life, details of relationships, and the little things of everyday life.

So, in the story “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, Tolstoy wants to tell the main thing - the truth, the truth about a person and about this person’s place in society, and in a society alien to him, completely alien. This theme does not lose its relevance for several centuries now.

Goal of the work consist in tracking and explaining the reasons for the formation and development of the characters of the heroes of the story, their morality.

We have the following tasks:

1. to analyze the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus";

2. highlight the distinctive features of each of the characters;

3. to determine what is the moral value of the "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

object research advocates the character of the hero as a carrier of morality, moral values.

Subject research becomes directly the artistic text itself - "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

Chapter 1

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" L. N. Tolstoy- the book of life

  1. "People's Thought" in the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

"The Prisoner of the Caucasus" is the last work in the "Russian Book for Reading". In a letter to N. N. Strakhov, the writer called this story his best work, because, in his opinion, it was here that he managed to most naturally use the best artistic means of folk poetics.

Leo Tolstoy worked on it in 1872, stubbornly striving for simplicity, naturalness of the narrative, the work was written during the writer's sharp thoughts about life, the search for its meaning. Here, as in his great epic, the separation and enmity of people, "war" is opposed to what binds them together - "peace". And here there is its own “folk idea” - the assertion that ordinary people of different nationalities can find mutual understanding, because universal human moral values ​​are the same - love for work, respect for a person, friendship, honesty, mutual assistance. And vice versa, evil, hostility, selfishness, self-interest are inherently anti-people and anti-human. Tolstoy is convinced that “the most beautiful thing in a person is love for people, which makes it possible to live a full life. Love is hindered by all sorts of social foundations, ossified national barriers, protected by the state and giving rise to false values: the desire for rank, wealth, career - all that seems familiar and normal to people. .

Therefore, Tolstoy addresses children who have not yet been "spoiled" by social and national abnormal relations. He wants to tell them the truth, to teach them to distinguish good from evil, to help them follow the good. He creates a work where the beautiful is clearly distinguished from the ugly, the work is extremely simple and clear, and at the same time deep and significant, like a parable. “Tolstoy is proud of this story. This is beautiful prose - calm, there are no decorations in it, and there is not even what is called psychological analysis. Human interests collide, and we sympathize with Zhilin - a good person, and what we know about him is enough for us, and he himself does not want to know much about himself " .

The plot of the story is simple and clear. The Russian officer Zhilin, who served in the Caucasus, where the war was going on at that time, goes on vacation and on the way is captured by the Tatars. He escapes from captivity, but unsuccessfully. The secondary escape succeeds. Zhilin, pursued by the Tatars, escapes and returns to the military unit. The content of the story is the impressions and experiences of the hero. This makes the story emotional and exciting. The life of the Tatars, the nature of the Caucasus are revealed by the author realistically, through the perception of Zhilin. Tatars in the view of Zhilin are divided into kind, warm-hearted and those who are offended by the Russians and take revenge on them for the murder of relatives and the ruin of auls (old Tatar). Customs, way of life, mores are depicted as the hero perceives them.

  1. Features of human relations in the story

It must be said that Tolstoy's detailed, "everyday" description of events does not obscure the ugliness of human relations. There is no romantic intensity in his narrative.

Tolstoy's "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is a true story. Zhilin is captured by the Gentiles on completely legal grounds. He is an adversary, a warrior, according to the customs of the highlanders, he can be captured and ransomed for him. The character of the protagonist corresponds to the surname, he is strong, persistent, sinewy. He has golden hands, in captivity he helped the highlanders, repaired something, they even came to him for treatment. The author does not indicate the name, only that he is called Ivan, but that was the name of all Russian captives. Kostylin - as if on crutches, props. But pay attention: in fact, Tolstoy has one prisoner, as the title speaks eloquently, although there are two heroes in the story. Zhilin managed to escape from captivity, and Kostylin remained not only and not so much in Tatar captivity, but in captivity of his weakness, his selfishness.

Let us remember how helpless, how physically weak Kostylin turns out to be, how he only hopes for a ransom that his mother will send.

Zhilin, on the contrary, does not count on his mother, does not want to shift his difficulties onto her shoulders. He is included in the life of the Tatars, the aul, he is constantly doing something, he knows how to win over even his enemies - he is strong in spirit. It is this idea that the author wants to convey to the readers first of all.

The main device of the story is opposition; the prisoners Zhilin and Kostylin are shown in contrast. Even their appearance is depicted in contrast. Zhilin is outwardly energetic and mobile. "There was a master for every needlework" , “Although small in stature, but he was daring” , - emphasizes the author. And in the guise of Kostylin, L. Tolstoy brings to the fore unpleasant features: “a man is heavy, plump, sweaty” . Not only Zhilin and Kostylin are shown in contrast, but also the life, customs, and people of the village. Residents are depicted as Zhilin sees them. In the guise of an old Tatar, cruelty, hatred, malice are emphasized: “the nose is hooked like a hawk, and the eyes are gray, angry and there are no teeth - only two fangs” .

Kostylin - is in double captivity, as we said above. The writer, drawing this image, says that without getting out of the internal captivity, it is impossible to get out of the external captivity.

But L.N. Tolstoy - an artist and a man - wanted Kostylin to arouse in the reader not anger and contempt, but pity and compassion. The author has similar feelings for him, who sees every person as a person, and the main way to change life is in self-improvement, and not in revolutions. So in this story, the favorite thoughts of L. N. Tolstoy are affirmed, his knowledge of human psychology and the ability to depict the inner world, experience are manifested; the ability to clearly and simply draw a portrait of a hero, a landscape, an environment in which the heroes live.

The image of the Tatar girl Dina evokes the warmest sympathy. In Dean, traits of sincerity and spontaneity are noticed. She squatted down, began to turn the stone: “Yes, the little hands are thin, like twigs, there is nothing to be strong. Threw a stone, cried " . This little girl, obviously deprived of affection, constantly left unattended, reached out to the kind, paternal attitude towards her Zhilin.

“The Prisoner of the Caucasus” is a realistic work in which the life of the highlanders is vividly and vividly described, the nature of the Caucasus is depicted. It is written in accessible language, close to fabulous. The story is told from the point of view of the narrator.

By the time the story was written, Tolstoy finally affirmed the need to learn from the people of their morality, their views on the world, simplicity and wisdom, the ability to "take root" in any situation, survive in any situation, without grumbling and without shifting their troubles onto other people's shoulders. The writer at that time was completely occupied with public education, he wrote the ABC for peasant children, all the literary texts in which are simple, entertaining, instructive. "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is published in the 4th book of "Russian Children's Books for Reading", that is, the story was written by Tolstoy specifically for children, and therefore it is so instructive.

Also, we conducted a survey among 5-7 classes (60 people) of our lyceum. The results of the survey are presented in the appendix.


So, reading the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" captivates the reader. Everyone sympathizes with Zhilin, despise Kostylin, admire Dina. The emotionality of perception, the ability to empathize, up to identifying yourself with your favorite characters, faith in the reality of what is happening in the story - these are the features of the perception of a literary work, but the reader must also develop, enrich perception, learn to penetrate the thoughts of the writer, experience aesthetic pleasure from reading. The moral issues of the story are noteworthy in order to realize Tolstoy's ideal of a beautiful person.

In the story “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, L. Tolstoy solves the following problem: can people live in peace and friendship, what separates them and what connects them, is it possible to overcome the eternal enmity of people with each other? This leads to the second problem: are there qualities in a person that make it possible for people to unite? Which people have these qualities, and which do not, and why?

Both of these problems are not only quite accessible to readers, but are also deeply relevant, because relationships of friendship and comradeship occupy an ever greater place in life.


  1. Afanasyeva T.M., Tolstoy and childhood, M., 1978
  2. Bulanov A.M., Philosophical and ethical searches in Russian literature of the 2nd half of the 19th century, M., 1991
  3. Voinova N.M., Russian literature of the XIX century, M., 2004
  4. Lomukov K.N. L. Tolstoy. Essay on life and creativity, M., 1984.
  5. Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich//Short literary encyclopedia.-vol.7.-M., 1972.
  6. Khrapchenko M.B., Tolstoy as an artist, M., 2000
  7. Shklovsky V. Leo Tolstoy.-M., 1963 - (ZhZL).


  1. Are you familiar with the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"?

“Yes, I am familiar” - 54 people.

“I heard something” - 5 people.

“Difficult to answer” – 1 person.

  1. Do you remember who the main character of the story is?

“Yes, I remember” - 54 people.

“Difficult to answer” – 6 people.

  1. What, in your opinion, character traits does the main character, Zhilin, have?

"Courage, Courage" - 45 people.

"Honesty, devotion, gratitude" - 31 people.

"Caring, benevolence" - 22 people.

"Caution, foresight" - 14 people.

  1. In your opinion, is the image of the protagonist a "national character"?

“Yes, I think” – 48 people.

“Rather no than yes” - 8 people.

“No, this is not a “people's character” - 4 people.

  1. Do you consider the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" a kind of book of life?

“Yes, I think” – 40 people.

“Rather no than yes” – 16 people.

"No" - 4 people.

Zhuravlev V.P., Korovina V.Ya., Korovin V.I. Literature. Grade 5 In 2 parts. Part 1. Enlightenment, 2007

Zhuravlev V.P., Korovina V.Ya., Korovin V.I. Literature. Grade 5 In 2 parts. Part 1. Enlightenment, 2007