Women's English names starting with the letter a. Beautiful English names in the USA

In a variety of English names, you can find an option for every taste. In this article, we will look at the main English female names and their meanings, and you can safely choose your favorite.

The choice of a name has long been taken seriously. It was believed that the meaning of a name can largely determine the fate of a person and the qualities of his character. But even today, much attention is paid to the meaning of the name and its origin.

Meaning of the name

Before choosing a name for a child, many people want to know what origins the names have and what they meant in their original form.

Let's analyze popular women's English names with the translation. There may be different versions about their origin and meaning, and it is far from always possible to unambiguously establish the translation - we will give the most established meanings.

  • Melanie (Melanie): came from the Greek language and means "dark"
  • Florence (Florence): in Latin means "blooming"
  • Agatha (Agatha): in Greek meant "good"
  • Zoe (Zoe): in Greek meant "life"
  • Rebecca (Rebecca): originates in Hebrew and means "to bind, fasten"
  • Ruth (Ruth): translated from Hebrew as "friend"
  • Barbara (Barbara): from Greek - "alien"
  • Amanda (Amanda): derived from the Latin amandus - "worthy of love"
  • Victoria (Victoria): translated from Latin as "victory"
  • Irene (Irene): in Greek- "peace, tranquility"
  • Miranda (Miranda): from Latin word mirandus ("wonderful")
  • Bridget (Bridget): Irish name, which originally had the form Brighid meaning "exalted, enthusiastic"
  • Sophia (Sophia): translated from Greek as "wisdom"
  • Margaret (Margaret): from the Greek word for "pearl"
  • Katherine (Katherine): Greek name, the most common version of the meaning is "pure"
  • Deborah (Deborah): translated from Hebrew as "bee"
  • Vivian (Vivian): derived from the Latin vivus "live"
  • Emma (Emma): from Germanic names meaning "whole"

Some girls' names in English have a transparent origin. Ruby (Ruby) is consonant with the word ruby ​​(ruby) and is of Latin origin with the meaning "red". And the name Harper (Harper), which was worn by the famous American writer Harper Lee (Harper Lee), originally served as a surname and referred to harpists (harp - harp).

It is even easier to guess the meaning of such names as Daisy (Daisy) and April (April). The first repeats the word daisy (daisy), and the second - April (April), which, in turn, is associated with the Latin verb aperire "to open." Both of these names began to be actively used in English no earlier than the 19th century.

Choosing names for girls on English language, we pay attention to the value, it is not always possible to find out. And the point is not only that it is difficult to establish the history of the word: the meaning may simply be absent. Such interesting story It has female name Vanessa (Vanessa). It was invented by Jonathan Swift (Jonathan Swift) for the poem "Cadenus and Vanessa", combining the first letters from the name of his friend.

Royal names

If we are talking about Great Britain, then for many, the first association with it is the royal family. Although politics has historically been the work of men, women have had their say as well. What beautiful female names in English do we meet at the royal court?

Perhaps one of the main women in the history of Great Britain and the most famous queen is Queen Victoria (Queen Victoria). She ruled the country for over 60 years until 1901. Victoria is her first name. At birth, she was also given the middle name Alexandrina (Alexandrina). But the main one was Victoria, and it was it that was fixed in history: the era of her reign is called Victorian. Many are named after the Queen. geographical areas, for example, a city in Canada and a state in Australia. The name Victoria remains popular today.

The current Queen of Great Britain is Elizabeth II (Elizabeth II). Her full name sounds like Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary). Every element in it is a tribute to other members of the royal family. She was named Elizabeth after her mother, Alexandra after her great-grandmother, and Mary after her grandmother. Elizabeth II ascended the throne in 1952 and has already surpassed her famous predecessor, Queen Victoria, in terms of the length of her reign.

The name Diana is very popular in England. In the royal family, it was worn by Princess Diana, the first wife of Prince Charles. Often her name was abbreviated and simply called Lady Di (Lady Di).

influential in politics English women It's not just the royal family. One of the most significant politicians was Margaret Thatcher (Margaret Thatcher). She became the first woman in Europe to serve as prime minister.

Name Variants

We must not forget that English names often have abbreviated versions that are very popular. As the example of Lady Di shows, abbreviations are used even in relation to government officials.

It often happens that abbreviated variants are fixed in the language and become independent names. For example:

  • Sandra (Sandra): an abbreviated version of Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Stacy (Stacy): short for Anastasia (Anastasia)

In this case, the original version may be completely lost. For example, the form Alice (Alice / Alice) is derived from Adelaide (Adelaide), and in its original form the name sounded like Adalheidis.

Some names have different variants writing. This is probably best seen in the forms Katherine / Catharine / Catherine / Catherina / Katharine / Katherina. Added to this diversity are abbreviations that can be used as a full name: Cat / Cathy / Kat / Kate / Kathie / Kathy / Katie / Kitty / Cate.


In English, it is quite common to find names that can refer to both women and men, without differing in any way in form.

  • Ash (Ash)
  • Cameron (Cameron)
  • Kerry (Kerry)
  • Kim (Kim)
  • Morgan (Morgan)
  • Parker (Parker)

Often this situation is typical for abbreviated versions. Therefore, beautiful English female names can be obtained, among other things, from the abbreviation of the male form.

  • Alex (Alex): short for male name Alexander (Alexander) and female Alexandra (Alexandra)
  • Billie (Billy): short for Bill (Bill) and the female form of the name William - Wilhelmina (Wilhelmina)
  • Chris (Chris): can be formed from Christopher (Christopher), Christian (Christian) or Christine (Christine / Christina)
  • Frankie (Frankie): from male Frank (Frank) or female Frances (Francis)
  • Jackie (Jackie): from Jack (Jack) or Jacqueline (Jacqueline)
  • Nat (Nat): a variant of the forms Nathan (Nathan), Nathaniel (Nathaniel), Natalie (Natalie)
  • Robbie (Robbie): reduction of male Robert (Robert) or female Roberta (Robert)
  • Ronnie (Ronnie): can be formed from Ronald (Ronald) or Veronica (Veronica)
  • Sam (Sam): reduction of male Samuel (Samuel), Samson (Samson) or female Samantha (Samantha)
  • Steph (Step): a variant of the forms Stephen (Stephen) or Stephanie (Stephanie)
  • Terry (Terry): derived from the male Terence (Terence) or the female Theresa / Teresa (Teresa)

English names in Russian

Already in the examples of English female names given, one can find those for which it is easy to find Russian counterparts. They have a single source of origin (for example, Greek or Biblical) and have long been entrenched in the Russian language.

  • Anna - Anna
  • Maria / Mary - Maria
  • Sophia - Sofia
  • Katherine / Catherine
  • Victoria - Victoria
  • Alexandra Alexandra
  • Eva - Eva
  • Diana - Diana
  • Anastasia - Anastasia
  • Veronica - Veronica

Other names, although not typical for Russian-speaking people, are borrowed into Russian. Therefore, if you want to find beautiful English female names that sound unusual, but at the same time do not cut the ear in our society, pay attention to these options:

  • Emma - Emma
  • Sabrina - Sabrina
  • Camilla - Camilla
  • Laura - Laura / Laura
  • Irene - Irene

The English system is interesting, and even unusual for many nations. After all, the English name consists of 3 components: the first name (first name), the second name (middle name) and the surname (surname). Sometimes, instead of the first and second names, the surnames of a celebrity, relatives or historical characters are given. The tradition of giving surnames instead of given names was mainly in noble families. For example, in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, the main character's name is Fitzwilliam Darcy, where both Fitzwilliam and Darcy are surnames, but the surname in this case acts as a given name. For the territory of Russia, such a situation may seem absurd, for example, if Pushkin's hero the name would be Onegin Ivanovich Lensky.

This tradition of giving long name children in England appeared after the 16th century, before that people had ordinary names and surnames. And what are the English names of girls are now popular? It should be noted that there are many beautiful female names in England, below we will give you the most popular English names for girls and we hope that you choose the very sounding, beautiful and unusual name for your daughter. Remember, the meaning of the name plays big role In human life.

The meaning of English female names:

Aion - island

Lareina - from Lothar

Aleta is true

Fox - god - my oath

Annama - benefit, grace and May

Lorey - the land of the people of Lothar

Adelaide - noble view

Lori - the land of the people of Lothar

Alexa - protector of humanity

Latina - happiness

Aliz - noble look

Lukinda - light

Amaranth - not disappearing

Lakeshia - cinnamon tree

Annikk - benefit, grace

Leontine - like a lion

Alvena - friend of the elf

Lola - sadness

Allin - bird

Letty - happiness

Annis - chaste, saint

Loraine - from Lothar

Angelica - angelic

Loris - sadness

Alexandrea - protector of humanity

Lou is a famous warrior

Ada is a noble kind and noble

Lily - god - my oath

Anetta - usefulness, grace

Maybelline is attractive

Annita - benefit, grace

Mickey - who is like god?

Adrina - from Hadria

Misi - pearls, honey bee

Alberta - bright nobility

Madonna is my lady

Annali - graceful meadow

Margot - pearl

Azalea - dry

Martha - lady

Blanda - care

Mackenzie - pretty

Brianna - strength

Makayla - who is like a lord?

Brill - strong from God

Morine - Beloved

Bailey - Sheriff's Deputy

Makei - a gift from God

Bailey - Sheriff's Deputy

Madeline - from Magdala

Bekkai - luring into a trap

Merrilin - beloved, lake

Beka - luring into a trap

Mariabella - beloved

Bet - god - my oath

Maribet - Beloved

Brooklyn - stream, stream

Monat - little noblewoman

Bessie - god is my oath

Modi - mighty in battle

Briar - thorny shrub

Marlena - Beloved

Britney - Little Britain

Melloni - black, dark

Bernays - bringing victory

Melissa - honey bee

Belind is a beautiful snake

Monta - a sharp hill

blondie - blonde

Nicolet - victory of the people

Belita - a bit of beauty

Nevaeh - heaven

Wilma - helmet

Natil - birthday

Winnie is holy

Autumn - Autumn

Valerie is strong

Omega is the last child

Velari - strong

Owen - well born

Willow - willow

Prunella - a small plum

Vanessa - revealed

Prudence - careful

Vendaya - girlfriend

paisley - church

Ghislaine - pledge

petunia - petunia

Gaea - earth

Rhona - wise ruler

Gabby is strong from God

Roxane - dawn

Jonel - good god

Romei - rosemary (herb)

Dorinda - a gift

Rebeccann - trapping

Destiny - destiny, prosperity

Rhona - wise ruler

Jessa - god sees

Rose - horse

Jewell is a gem

Rena - born again

Demi is an earth mother

Roni - bringing victory

Jinnain - good god

Rose - raising

Divina - similar to a goddess

Rebeka - luring into a trap

Jodin - god is kind

Ruby - contemplative

Dewan - parishioner

Rinna is a maiden

Jobet - God is my oath

Sarahjin - princess

Jazmine - jasmine flower

Sam - Listening to God

Jonah - good god

Sabina - sweet

Desiri - Desired

scarlet - scarlet

Dayna - betrothed

Sammaya - God listened

Jera - year

Starla is a star

Justice - justice

Steph - crown

Joanne - good god

Sage - sage

Gilbertine - pledge

Sayanna - to be old

George the peasant

Celeste - heavenly

Jelissa - honey bee

Sandy - Sunday

Dalinda - noble snake

Sydney - Saint Denis

Dolores - sadness

Titania - from the titans

Junifer is the name of the tree

Thea is a gift from God

Gina - well born

Tessie the reaper

Josie - multiplying

Twila - dusk

Georgina - peasant woman

Trisha - noblewoman

Donoldina - world ruler

Terry the reaper

George the peasant

Teresa the reaper

Deb is a bee

Temple - temples

Desira - desired

Tessa the reaper

Yerline - noblewoman, princess

Tiler - roof

Janine - good god

Teri the reaper

Jocelyn - Goth

Tibby - gazelle and bold

Zavanna - savannah

Traki - place Trakius

Ilana - tree

Tamsen - twin

Issi - god - my oath

Tresha - noblewoman

Isabelle - god is my oath

Unag - hunger

Indi - the land of the Hindus

fern - fern

Yvon - yew tree

Flower - flower

Eline - bird

Felicia - Lucky

Zella - zealous

Phoeob - radiant

indigo - blue paint from India

Flossy - flower

Karina - walnut, keel of a ship

Heidi - noble look

Keelan - fair

Haven - shelter, refuge

Coretta - maiden or gorge

Hortens - garden

Kiseli - blind

Hanna - kind, merciful

Kiara is a little African American

Cheris - cherry

Kaylin - girl

Chelsea - landing place

Kitty - immaculate, chaste

Chantale - stone place

Claribel - bright and beautiful

Cherise - cherry

Calanz - a beautiful flower

Cheryl - beloved

Kaelea is weird

Shanna - lily

Candida - pure, white

Sha - like a hawk

Karon - to love

Shavon - good god

Kayleigh is weird

Shari - beloved

Katya - immaculate, chaste

Sharron - plain

Karrin - gone with the wind

Shevawn - good god

Kerry - Kiara's people

Chanel - good god

Connie - steady

Shena - good god

Capucaine - nasturtium

Eivise - bird

Karog - sweetheart or girlfriend

Ethel - noble

Kelly - blonde

Eldred - ancient meeting

Curry is a man

Erma - whole

Colleen - girl

Ezelinda - noble snake

Corrie is a maid

Emmaya - whole, whole

Courtney - short nose

Amy is very much loved

Kerraya - people of Kiara

Emmet - all, whole

Kimberlin - city royal meadow

Elanor - light of the star

Keita - forest

Eleanor - foreign, different

Kira - like the sun

Elenora - foreign, different

Kaylich is weird

Ashley - Ash Grove

Caitlynn - Immaculate

Edwena - rich friend

Kerray - people of Kiara

Elsie - god is my oath

Cameron - curved nose

Edwina - rich friend

Loraine - land of Lothar's people

Eugenia - well born

Lolly - babbling

Yula - courteous

Lilly - lily

Eunice is a good win

English female names are very popular not only in English-speaking countries, but throughout the world. Some of them are used in their original form, some are transformed and adjusted to the norms of a particular language. But the meaning and origin of the name always remain the same.

If you are interested in English culture or are looking for a beautiful and unusual name for your daughter, this article will provide you with a lot of useful information.

English female names and their meanings

The name of a person most directly affects his fate. Therefore, it will be very useful to know what a particular name means before choosing it for yourself or giving it to your beloved child. The following list of English female names and their meanings will help to understand this issue:

Agatha Agata kind, good
Agnes Agnes Innocent, blameless
Adelaide Adelaida noble
Ayda Ida Hardworking
iris iris rainbow goddess
Alice Alice noble
Amanda Amanda Pleasant
Amelia Amelia Hardworking
Anastasia Anastasia resurrection
Angelina Angelina Angelic
Anna Ann Mercy
Ariel Ariel God's might
Arya Arya noble
Barbara Barbara foreigner
Beatrice Beatrice Blessed
Bridget Bridget Worthy of respect
Britney Britney Little Britain
Betty Batty Oath to the gods
Valerie Valery Strong, brave
Vanessa Vanessa Butterfly
Wendy Wendy Girlfriend
Veronica Veronica The one that brings victory
Vivien Vivian live
Victoria Victoria winner
Viola Viola violet flower
Gabriella Gabriel god man
Gwen Gwen Fair
Gwyneth Gwinnett Happiness
Gloria Gloria Glory
Grace grace Grace
Debra Debra honey bee
Janet Juliet Girl with soft hair
Jane Jane God's Mercy
Janice Janice Gracious
Jenny Jenny Gracious
jennifer Jennifer Enchantress
Jesy Jessie God's grace
Jessica Jessica Treasure
Jill Gill Curly
Gina Gina immaculate
Joan Joan Merciful God's Gift
Jody Jodie gemstone
Joyce Joyce ruler, leader
Jocelyn Jocelyn Cheerful
Judy Judy glorification
Julia Julia soft-haired
June June soft-haired
Diana Diana divine
Dorothy Dorothy divine gift
Eve Eva Life
Jacqueline Jacqueline May god protect
Jeannette Janet Young woman
Josephine Josephine fertile woman
Zara Zara Dawn
Zoe Zoe Life
ivy Ivy goddess of food
Isabel Isabella Goddess of Oath
Irma Irma Noble
Irene Irene Mirnaya
Camila camilla Worthy to serve the gods
Caroline Caroline Human
Karen Karen Purity
Cassandra Cassandra shining
Catherine Katherine Purity
kimberley Kimberly Born in the royal meadow
Constance Constance Constant
Christina Christine Christian
Cayley Kelly Warrior
candy Candy Sincere
Laura Laura laurel
Leila Leila night beauty
Leona Leona Lioness
Leslie Lesley oak garden
Lydia Lydia rich
Lillian Lillian immaculate lily
Linda Linda Beautiful girl
lois Louise famous warrior
Lucy Lucy Bringing light and good luck
Madeleine Madeline Great
Margaret Margaret Zhemchuzhin
Maria Maria Bitterness
Marsha Marcia Goddess of War
Melissa Melissa Honey
Marian Marian Grace
Miranda Miranda Delightful
Mia Mia Stubborn, rebellious
Molly Molly mistress of the sea
Mona Mona Hermit
Monica Monica adviser
Maggie Maggie Pearl
Madison Madison kind-hearted
May May Young woman
Mandy Mandy worthy of love
Mary Mary mistress of the seas
Muriel Muriel bitter
Naomi Naomi Delight
Natalie Nataly Born on Christmas
Nicole Nicole Victory
Nora Nora Ninth daughter
Norm Norma Approximate
Nancy Nancy Grace
Audrey Audrey noble
Olivia Olivia World
Pamela Pamela playful
Patricia Patricia noble
Paula Paula Small
Pegi Peggy Pearl
Page Page Child
penalties Penny Weaving in silence
Poly Polly The bitterness of rebellion
Priscila Priscilla Ancient
Rebecca Rebecca Trap
Regina Regina Integrity
Rachel Rachel Lamb
Rosemary Rosemary sea ​​dew
Rose Rose rose flower
Ruth Ruth Friendship
Sabrina Sabrina Noble
Sally Sally Princess
Samantha Samantha God listened
Sandra Sandra Protector of men
Sarah Sara Princess
Selena Selena Moon
Sandy Sandy Defender of Humanity
Cecilia Cecil blind
Scarlet scarlet Fabric Saleswoman
Sophie Sophia Wisdom
Stacey Stacy Rising again
Stele Stella Star
Susan Susan Lily
Suzanne Susan little lily
Theresa Teresa Reaper
Tina Tina Small
Tiffany Tiffany Manifestation of a god
Tracey Tracy market road
Florence Florence blooming
Heather Heather blooming heather
Chloe Chloe blooming
Charlotte Charlotte Human
Sheila Sheila blind
Cheryl Cheryl Darling
Sharon Sharon Princess
Sherry Sherry Darling
Shirley Shirley beautiful settlement
Abileil Abigayle Father's Joy
Evelyn Evelyn Small bird
Edison Edison Edward's son
Edith Edith Welfare, struggle
Avery Avery Elf
Eleanor Eleanor Outlander, other
Elizabeth Elizabeth My oath is god
Ella Ella Torch
Emily Emily rival
Emma Emma Comprehensive
Esther Esther Star
Ashley Ashley Ash Grove

It is noteworthy that very little has survived to this day. The vast majority were borrowed from other cultures: Hebrew, Ancient Greek Celtic, Norman, etc. At that time, people received names that praised the forces of nature, gods, and any human qualities.

Therefore, the meanings of names can be unusual and even ridiculous for modern man. For example, the popular name Rachel today means "lamb" or "little sheep."

After Christianity came to Europe, the list of English names included the names of biblical characters (Sarah, Agnes). Many names are associated with the occupation of a person (Bailey is a sheriff's assistant; Abella is a shepherdess). Sometimes the abbreviated version of the name becomes an independent unit, for example, Victoria - Wiki; Rebecca - Becky; Angelina - Angie.

Popular English female names

Name trends come and go. Some are previously forgotten forever, and some return from time to time - often in original form, but sometimes in a new interpretation.

Olivia, Emma and Sophie are the most popular female names according to UK National Statistics.

Top 30 English female names are presented below:

Very often, fashion series or films influence the degree of popularity of a particular name.. For example, the name Arya, which is in 24th place in the ranking of popular female names in the UK in 2014, was named one of the main characters of the popular TV series Game of Thrones.

Also suddenly the names of other heroines of this series - Sansa, Brienne, Kaitelyn and Daenerys - began to be used frequently.

The name Isabella (Bella) was rarely used until recently. new life he was given by the heroine of the saga "Twilight" - Bella Swan. The first part of the film was released in 2008, and since that time the name Isabella has been annually among the most popular English female names.

And how many girls today bear the name of Harry Potter's faithful friend - Hermione! Until recently, this name was considered obsolete, but the popularity of the book and its film version have given it new life.

The success rate of name bearers also greatly influences the popularity of the name itself. A survey conducted in the UK showed which owners of which names residents Foggy Albion considered the most and least successful. The survey results are shown below.

As you can see, simple girls with short and mediocre names are less successful than their rivals, whose names are full and aristocratic. Interestingly, the name Elizabeth is the leader in the list of the most successful names, while its abbreviated form - Lisa closes the ranking of the least successful.

It is doubly difficult for the British to choose a name for a girl, since British girls' names consist of two first name and middle name. Important, of course, is the first name, since it is a personal name. It should be noted that the fashion for British girl names is changing every year, as there is an active mixing of several cultures, which was not the case in past centuries.

In 18th century Britain, the most popular female given names were Elizabeth, Mary and Anna. Almost every third newborn was named either Mary or Anna. At the same time, such female British names as Mary, Anna almost do not lose their popularity. Even now they are often used. But choosing the name of the girl, parents must understand that by doing so they determine her fate. If you want to have a girl with a warlike character, then we advise you to call her Alexa or Alexandrea, that is, the defender of humanity. And the names Gabby and Brill have a meaning - strong from God. The British name Claribel means bright and beautiful. When choosing a name, do not forget to take into account the consonance with the surname, while the name should be light and pleasant. Parents often make this mistake by calling their children complex names. As a result, the child difficult fate or severe nature. Our list of British girl names will help you when choosing.

British girl names:

Aion - island

Loris - sadness

Aleta is true

Lou is a famous warrior

Alexa - protector of humanity

Maybelline is attractive

Aliz - noble look

Misi - pearls, honey bee

Amaranth - not disappearing

Madonna is my lady

Allin - bird

Margot - pearl

Annis - chaste, saint

Martha - lady

Alexandrea - protector of humanity

Mackenzie - pretty

Anetta - usefulness, grace

Morine - Beloved

Adrina - from Hadria

Makei - a gift from God

Alberta - bright nobility

Madeline - from Magdala

Annali - graceful meadow

Merrilin - beloved, lake

Azalea - dry

Monat - little noblewoman

Blanda - care

Modi - mighty in battle

Brianna - strength

Melloni - black, dark

Brill - strong from God

Melissa - honey bee

Bailey - Sheriff's Deputy

Monta - a sharp hill

Bekkai - luring into a trap

Nicolet - victory of the people

Bet - god - my oath

Nevaeh - heaven

Brooklyn - stream, stream

Natil - birthday

Bessie - god is my oath

Omega is the last child

Briar - thorny shrub

Prunella - a small plum

Britney - Little Britain

Prudence - careful

Belind is a beautiful snake

paisley - church

blondie - blonde

petunia - petunia

Belita - a bit of beauty

Rhona - wise ruler

Vega - fallen, attacking

Roxane - dawn

Wilma - helmet

Romei - rosemary (herb)

Winnie - holy agreed

Rebeccann - trapping

Valerie is strong

Rhona - wise ruler

Willow - willow

Rena - born again

Vanessa - revealed

Roni - bringing victory

Vendaya - girlfriend

Rose - raising

Ghislaine - pledge

Ruby - contemplative

Gaea - earth

Rinna is a maiden

Gabby is strong from God

Sarahjin - princess

Jonel - good god

Sam - Listening to God

Dorinda - a gift

Sabina - sweet

Destiny - destiny, prosperity

scarlet - scarlet

Jessa - god sees

Sammaya - God listened

Jewell is a gem

Starla is a star

Demi is an earth mother

Steph - crown

Divina - similar to a goddess

Sage - sage

Dewan - parishioner

Sayanna - to be old

Jazmine - jasmine flower

Celeste - heavenly

Jonah - good god

Sandy - Sunday

Desiri - Desired

Titania - from the titans

Justice - justice

Thea is a gift from God

Joanne - good god

Tessie the reaper

Gilbertine - pledge

Twila - dusk

George the peasant

Trisha - noblewoman

Dalinda - noble snake

Terry the reaper

Dolores - sadness

Teresa the reaper

Josie - multiplying

Temple - temples

Georgina - peasant woman

Tessa the reaper

Desira - desired

Tiler - roof

Yerline - noblewoman, princess

Teri the reaper

Janine - good god

Tibby - gazelle and bold

Zavanna - savannah

Tamsen - twin

Ilana - tree

Tresha - noblewoman

Indi - the land of the Hindus

Unag - hunger

Yvon - yew tree

fern - fern

Eline - bird

Flower - flower

Zella - zealous

Felicia - Lucky

Coretta - maiden or gorge

Flossy - flower

Kiseli - blind

Haven - shelter, refuge

Kaylin - girl

Hortens - garden

Kitty - immaculate, chaste

Hanna - kind, merciful

Claribel - bright and beautiful

Cheris - cherry

Karon - to love

Chelsea - landing place

Kayleigh is weird

Chantale - stone place

Katya - immaculate, chaste

Cherise - cherry

Kerry - Kiara's people

Cheryl - beloved

Connie - steady

Shanna - lily

Capucaine - nasturtium

Sha - like a hawk

Kelly - blonde

Shavon - good god

Curry is a man

Shari - beloved

Colleen - girl

Sharron - plain

Corrie is a maid

Shevawn - good god

Courtney - short nose

Chanel - good god

Keita - forest

Shena - good god

Kira - like the sun

Eivise - bird

Kaylich is weird

Ethel - noble

Caitlynn - Immaculate

Eldred - ancient meeting

Cameron - curved nose

Erma - whole

Lolly - babbling

Ezelinda - noble snake

Lilly - lily

Emmaya - whole, whole

Fox - god - my oath

Amy is very much loved

Latina - happiness

Elanor - light of the star

Lukinda - light

Ashley - Ash Grove

Lakeshia - cinnamon tree

Edwena - rich friend

Leontine - like a lion

Eugenia - well born

Lola - sadness

Yula - courteous

Letty - happiness

Eunice is a good win

When the British Bureau for National Statistics published its annual report for 2014, an interesting fact caught the attention of experts: more and more parents are choosing a name for newborns influenced by pop culture, and above all modern TV shows.

The growing popularity of the Game of Thrones movie epic has given rise to a whole galaxy of new names - in the real, not fictional world. The character of Emilia Clarke gave a start to life to two names at once: title), and 9 more were given the name Daenerys (Daenerys).The name Arya Stark turned out to be even more popular: 244 families chose the name Arya for their daughters, but only 6 girls were named Sansa (Sansa).

British boys new fashion also did not pass by: 2014 was a fruitful year for Tyrions (17) and Theons (18) - for comparison, in 2013 there were 6 and 11, respectively.

But Game of Thrones isn't the only series to inspire Britain's new parents. "Downton Abbey" revived a dozen names popular in turn of XIX-XX centuries. Since the launch of the movie saga in 2010, the names Rose, Cora, Violet and Edith have grown in popularity. Hollywood is not far behind. disney cartoon"Frozen" sparked interest in the old-fashioned but charming Elsa name.

Fans of "Sherlock" also contribute to the "nominal statistics". And although no one was named Sherlock in 2014, 132 little Britons were named Benedict.

Meanwhile, heading the list of the most popular names in England and Wales Oliver (Oliver) and Amelia (Amelia) - however, as in previous years.

10 most British male names

Alastair, Alistair, Alistair - Alastair, Alistair

Meaning: protector

Scottish equivalent Greek name Alexander.


Meaning: strong

A Scotch-Irish name, rather old-fashioned but colorful.

Crispin - Crispin

Meaning: curly (lat.)

Saint Crispin, the patron saint of shoemakers, is mentioned in Shakespeare's play Henry V. A beautiful English name, and most importantly, a rare one.

  • If we are talking about Henry the Fifth, we strongly recommend watching the 1989 English film "Henry V: The Battle of Agincourt" with Kenneth Branagh in leading role. An amazingly dramatic film that is useful to watch in the original.

Ellis — Ellis

Meaning: benevolent

No, this is not a female name: Ellis is the Welsh version of the male Greek name Elias.

  • Interesting fact: Emilia Brontë wrote her "Wuthering Heights" under the pseudonym Ellis Bell.


Meaning: stone

Pierce is the first variant of the Greek name Peter to reach the English-speaking world at the time of the Norman invasion. Among the famous Pierces are Brosnan, Pierce Brosnan, the lead actor in four Bond films.

Conall - Conall

Meaning: strong wolf

The Scottish name Conall is a variant of the name Connor. Wolves hunt in packs - choosing this name, parents must hope that their offspring will always be surrounded by friends.


Meaning: fair-skinned

And although the meaning of this name refers to the color of the skin, Kenzi boys are often endowed with a special inner light which sets them apart from their peers.

Euan, Ewan

Meaning: born of a yew tree; youth

Scottish version of the name John. Judging by Ewan McGregor, the owners of this name are very talented, but at the same time modest.


Meaning: Warrior from the Scottish lands

The most Scottish name imaginable. You should not be surprised if this child prefers a Scottish kilt to trousers from childhood.

10 most British female names

Amelia - Amelia

Meaning: work

Most popular British name the previous year, in fact, is not a name at all. This word is a hybrid of the Latin Emilia (Emilia) and the German Amalia (Amalia), and the letter e in the middle of the word symbolizes good old England (England) :)


Meaning: country; people

Welsh name, equivalent to Claudia (Claudia).

Myrtle - Myrtle, Myrtle

Meaning: bush

Someone somewhere in the mists of time decided to name his newborn daughter in honor of a flowering bush - anything can happen. Surprisingly, the name stuck and became quite popular in Britain.


Meaning: peaceful, calm

The name comes from the Old English Friðuswiþ, combining the words frið (peace) and swiþ (strong). Therefore, little Fridesvids (no matter how unusual this name may seem) show an enviable firmness of character with outward calm. Just like Saint Frideswide (by the way, a princess) who lived in the 8th century and founded the Church of Christ in Oxford.

Note: To be honest, this name is, of course, quite rare these days. But in the days of Queen Elizabeth, it was in the top 50 most popular female names.

Agatha - Agatha

Meaning: good, respectable

Agathos in Greek means "good", so Agates - good girls(literally). The name migrated to England in the 11th century with the Normans who venerated Saint Agatha, who lived in the 3rd century and was probably a very good girl. And then there is Agatha Christie - a very, very good girl.

Olivia - Olivia

Meaning: olive

The female version of the male name Oliver (Oliver), meaning an olive seller or just an olive, an olive. Some names do not need to look for subtext.

Boadicea (Boudicca)

Meaning: victory

The militant Boudicca is the queen of the Briton tribe of the Iceni, who raised an uprising against the Romans (the events are mentioned in the Annals of Tacitus). And although the uprising was crushed, the name of the warrior has survived for centuries.

Edith - Edith

Meaning: riches obtained in battle

old English word ead means riches or blessings, and gyth means struggle. A girl named by this name will excel in martial arts. An interesting fact: the wife of William the Conqueror was also called Edith. Edith the Conqueror :)

Nora - Nora

Meaning: honesty, nobility

Most likely, this name comes from the Latin honora, from which the English word honor (honesty, nobility, honor, recognition) was also formed.


Meaning: noble birth

Perhaps a variant of the name Ida (Ida), which has Old Germanic roots and means "industrious". This name was also brought to Britain by the Normans and gained popularity in the 19th century thanks to the poet Alfred Tennyson, who named the heroine of his poem The Princess. Among the famous Hell is the daughter of another poet (namely Byron), who is considered the world's first programmer. And one of the first programming languages ​​is called "Ada" - it is in her honor.