Meaning and decoding of the life line. Short life line on the hand - what does it mean?

Lines on the hand can predict human destiny; to do this, you need to carefully consider their character. The main characteristic when predicting the future is the length of the life line.

It is believed that a short life line on the hand foreshadows death at a young age, but this is an ambiguous interpretation; its nature may change depending on the presence of additional graphic defects on the palms. The science that studies the fateful marks located on the palms is called palmistry: using its basics, it becomes possible to determine the meaning of a shortened life line.

General characteristics, location

The life line is the dominant mark on the hand, to which palmists first of all turn their attention when talking about a person’s fate. This strip can tell about the following characteristics:

The life line originates in the area located between the thumb and index finger. Then it moves downwards, around the tubercle of the thumb, approaching the wrist.

An ideal feature is one that has clear, deep graphics, long length, a coherent, even structure free of defects. However, there are very few people who have such a trait in the palm of their hand. Basically, there are different islands, gaps, bifurcations on it. It is worth considering that each of the listed defects has its own meaning, especially in combination with a shortened stroke length.

Comparison of the length of the life line on both hands

If the life bar is long on the main palm and shortened on the secondary palm, the interpretation of such symbols will have a positive meaning. A short strip of a secondary life line carries a negative meaning only when it ends in a fork or a bifurcation.

This indicates an unexpected death that will happen very quickly. Some palmists are confident that such a symbol is a sign of poor health, the development of a hidden pathology that can suddenly end a person’s life. Therefore, if there is a fork at the end of a shortened life line, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

When considering a short life line, you need to pay attention to its length on the other hand. If a shortened line is located on the left palm of a right-hander, and on the right its length is much greater, then this portends the realization of one’s own potential, overcoming all difficulties that arise along the way. For left-handers, the shortened stripe located on the right palm will have a similar meaning.

If a short line is located on the right hand of a right-handed person, and on the left it is long, this indicates that the person has wasted his life potential due to addiction to bad habits, poor lifestyle, and illness. For left-handers, this decoding is relevant if the short line is on the left hand.

A short life line on both hands indicates a long, easy life with a prosperous financial situation, which will be observed not only in adulthood, but also in old age. However, in such a situation there is a risk of living alone, which appears against the backdrop of the person’s arrogant nature. This situation can be corrected if the owner of short life lines reconsiders his attitude towards others.

The meaning of the short line on the right hand

If a person is right-handed, the features located on the right palm tell palmists about events that have already occurred in human life, or will soon take place. The meaning of the short line of life on the right hand should be interpreted taking into account its location relative to the thumb:

A broken short life line located on the right palm indicates that fate has prepared dramatic changes for a person associated with a change of residence, illness or breakup of relationships.

Often, various branches extend from the shortened life line, which means:

If the life line on the right hand is duplicated, this is a good sign. It is believed that a person who has a duplicate life line on his palms has good health, has a huge supply of energy and strength, he is always successful, and his life will be happy and long.

Shortened life line on the left hand

If a person is right-handed, the stripes located on the left hand tell about events destined by fate. This is due to the fact that the left hand is considered passive. The location of a shortened line on the left hand does not indicate imminent death, but indicates probable health problems. This interpretation is appropriate only if on the other hand, the right, the life line is long, and there are no defects on the left line.

In order to more accurately interpret your fate, you need to carefully examine the strip, since all defects will give its shortened length a special meaning:

Defects that carry a favorable meaning:

  • the location of the gratings indicates an easy period of life, when a person will not set any goals for himself and will not think about his future;
  • the presence of a square even between the line gap is a good sign, which means that a person will successfully overcome all difficulties;
  • the triangle indicates that the person will become more confident, more diplomatic, and smarter.

A decoding of the shortened life line can be obtained by calculating the periods of life at which additional marks are located: the area located at the base of the fingers will tell about the young age, and the area at the wrist will tell about the mature period.

Short life line on children's palms

A shortened life line on a child’s left palm does not mean his short life. It is worth considering that as the baby develops, his life line will change, including such changes in the length of the line. In addition to lengthening the stripe, its schedule will change, supplemented by various marks, by which it will subsequently be possible to determine the life path of the child prepared by fate.

Due to the difficulty of interpreting a child’s fate, professional palmists recommend postponing this process until the baby grows up. You should start predicting the future of a child only after the graphics of his life line become deep and clear.

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- an ancient science that deals with predicting a person’s fate based on his hand lines. The forecasts turn out to be quite truthful, which explains its great popularity among people eager to look into their future.

Concept and meaning

When reading, the first thing the palmist pays attention to is life line. After all, it is considered one of the main lines on the palm, which contains information about a person’s life path.

The life line originates between the thumb and index finger, goes around the tubercle of the thumb, the so-called Mount of Venus, and descends to the wrist.

Using it, a palmist can tell you about your state of health., diseases, approximate age and life expectancy, which is of particular interest to everyone who wants to know their fate.

Ideally, the life line should be smooth, long, clear, and its integrity should not be compromised. Owners of this line are extremely rare. Most often it contains islands, breaks and various irregularities, each of which has its own interpretation.

If the stripe is intermittent and consists of several segments and islands, then this indicates poor health, a painful period in life.

Short line on the left hand

The left hand is passive. It reflects what is destined, what fate has prepared for us.

When you see a short line on your hand, many people fear about their life expectancy. But it is not so. If the short life line is on the left hand and the long one on the right, there is no reason to worry. A short streak may indicate health problems.

In order to correctly interpret the future, it is necessary to evaluate the life line in conjunction with other minor lines and signs:

  • Presence of islands reflects a serious illness, a difficult period in life.
  • Breaks often means a fatal disease. If the lines overlap each other, changes in life are possible.
  • Presence of a cross on the line speaks of a difficult period in life.
  • Chains indicate the times when you are most susceptible to depression.
  • If there are dashes, some kind of shock awaits you in life.
  • Lattices indicate a flighty nature, when a person does not think about the future or set any goals for himself.
  • A favorable sign is square on line. If it is located at the site of the break, this means a successful resolution of a difficult situation in life.
  • Triangle indicates a person who is intelligent and diplomatic.
  • Specks talk about a person prone to illness.
  • Star is considered an unfavorable sign. May indicate an accident or some kind of injury.

What does on the right hand mean?

The right hand is considered active. It reflects those events that have either already happened or will happen in the very near future.

It is important to evaluate how the life bar is located:

  • Close enough location sign of fear, uncertainty, weakness.
  • If away from the thumb - large supply of vital energy, difficulties are easily overcome.
  • The high start of the life bar, near the index finger, is a sign of ambition and energy.

If there is a break in the life line on your right hand, big changes are in store for you. For example, a divorce, moving, or illness may occur.

The line may have branches:

  • The presence of a fork at the base of the line will tell about a person who loves to travel and longs for change.
  • Short branches extending upward are a sign of good changes and new opportunities.
  • If the branches look down - to loss of energy, anxiety.
  • There are cases when you cannot see a double life line. This is considered a good sign. The owner of this line has good health, a large supply of vitality, success and longevity.

Life line on the palms of a child

The interpretation of lines in children occurs a little differently than in adults. You can ignore the right hand at all for now, because the child’s future has not yet been fully formed. Although the life line begins to appear the very first, in the womb.

In the left palm you can see what is prepared, the innate features of the baby. It is very difficult to carry out fortune telling on children's palms. The lines and signs constantly change as the child grows. It is almost impossible to make an accurate prediction based on children's hands.

Therefore, do not be upset if your child’s life line is short. Wait until a little time passes, the lines become longer and clearer, and other signs appear on your baby’s hands. And only in this case can you start making predictions using children’s palms.

A short life line on the hand in palmistry was previously interpreted as a sign of a short life. Don't be alarmed, this is just a myth. In fact, it is impossible to accurately determine the lifespan from the life line in the palm of your hand; to do this, you need to analyze both palms as a whole. The length of the life line has nothing to do with life expectancy, but this sign is worth paying special attention to.

Life line called the most important line on the hand. As a rule, it is the brightest and clearest among all the others. In palmistry, the life line is used to judge a person’s state of health, activity, energy and lifestyle. If you want to know the meaning of the short life line, then you need to look at both palms.

Short life line on the palm

If the life line is short only on the active hand(right hand for right-handers), and on your other palm it is quite long, this indicates that during your life you have lost a lot of energy and vitality. This may be due to illness, bad habits and poor lifestyle.

If the life line is short on the passive hand(the left one is for right-handers), but on the active one it is of normal length, then this is a very good sign. The left hand reflects what was given to you from birth, this is the so-called fate and genetics. The right hand indicates what you yourself have achieved throughout your life. So if the life line is short only on the passive hand, this means that your energy potential is growing, and you have overcome a difficult period of life for you.

Remember that the lines on your hand can change, disappear and appear. So what is written on your hand is quite possible to change. If your life line indicates poor health, then it is never too late to correct it. Start leading a more active lifestyle and take care of your well-being. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.11.2014 09:34

The line of fate is considered the second most important line on the hand after the line of life. It signifies development...

The lines on the wrist are called bracelets in palmistry. They can tell about a person’s health and lifespan. A special prediction for these...

A short life line, as many claim, indicates a short stay on Earth, but this statement is not entirely true. It is not always worth characterizing a short line as a short life. Which hand should you use to guess? What does a short life line mean? And how to correctly interpret the location of the line?

Which hand to cast a spell on?

When asked which hand is used to guess, few people know the correct answer. Most people believe that both hands are suitable for divination, but this is an erroneous statement. Experienced palmists and people involved in predicting the future believe that the fate and life path of a left-handed person can be characterized by their left hand, and, accordingly, right-handers determine what awaits them by their right hand. Therefore, analysis should be done using the leading hand, that is, the one with which a person writes, eats, brushes his teeth, and so on.

Life lines on the palm

Each line on the hand represents a certain aspect of an individual’s life. The main and main line on the hand is the life line. Where the life path line is located and how to correctly interpret its location is of interest to many people.

Thus, many centuries ago, healers and sages were able to predict what life path was destined for this or that individual. Our ancestors passed on a variety of knowledge about fortune telling and prophecies, which over time developed into a general system of fortune telling called palmistry. Predictions of the future made by hand are largely true. Therefore, this type of divination has not lost its relevance and popularity in modern life.

The life line on the hand is the main fateful sign strip on the palm, which determines the level and quality of the destined path, the length of life and possible changes in a person’s destiny. Finding the life line is quite easy; to do this you need to take a close look at the open hand.

Short life line on hand

At the base of the thumb there is a noticeable tubercle, which is called the Mount of Venus, and around this planetary sign there is a line of life. The best line option is a smooth, continuous and clearly defined line, without any branches.

In palmistry, the life line determines the state of health, activity, energy and lifestyle of a person. To correctly and competently determine the value of the short line, you need to consider both hands. If the life line is short on the right hand, it is worth looking at the left hand, on which the life line may be noticeably longer. This pattern can arise for the simple reason that the left hand reflects what is given to a person at birth, the so-called fate and genetics. And on the right (if the person is right-handed) reflects what the person has achieved throughout the entire journey.

Also, such a phenomenon may indicate that at a certain stage of life a person will face difficult trials and troubles. Serious illness or road accident or any situation that may threaten life. If the life line at the site of the break is restored and continues its location along the Mount of Venus, then this is a sure sign that the illness or grief will pass and life will continue, as indicated by the length of the stripe on the opposite palm.

Interpretation of line location

When a break in the life line occurs in the form of noticeable islands, this is a harbinger of illness or troubles that caused the break in the fateful line. However, you should not be disappointed or upset when you see a short life line on your palm. It is worth looking at other lines located on the palm. Perhaps the short line is blocked by the line of fate, which will take on the further function of the life path. And, in the end, a person always has the opportunity to influence the quality and duration of his journey, lengthening the short line of life - fulfilling the mission assigned to everyone on Earth upon birth, and leading a full-fledged correct lifestyle.

Reasons for line shifts

If a person notices a deviation of the life line on his hand, there is no need to worry or panic, since there are various reasons for the formation of various gaps that need to be considered depending on the combinations of existing lines on the hand.

The reason for the shift could be a serious revision of beliefs and a change in worldview. Also, a change in character or behavioral habits could affect the location of the line. Depending on the characteristics of the individual, this may also indicate a loss of internal status, self-confidence, or reluctance to live.

In the language of palmistry, this determines a complete and quite deep, and sometimes radical transformation of personality.

Nuances of fortune telling

During palm fortune telling, you should pay attention to some important points:

By paying proper attention to the life line, you can direct your energy and all your strength in the right direction. So, a short life line is not a sentence, but, on the contrary, an incentive to action. And by making the right decision and starting to change your beliefs, you can dramatically change not only the location of the lines on your hand, but also your personal destiny.

Life line

The life line on the hand is the main stream or channel along which vital energy flows, fortune telling along the life line is the first thing to do, a good life line must be safe and sound, because the line along its length can bifurcate on the hand, be a short line on the hand, and may be interrupted. Vital energy, descending along the hand, surrounds the tubercle of the thumb, which in Palmistry is called the tubercle of Venus, thus tracing its way to the base of the hand.

Often there is a short life line on the hands, which naturally does not please the owner and worries the palmist. The mount has a very important meaning in Palmistry. Take a look at your line of Life and the Mount of Venus - the fullness of the Mount of Venus shows the inherent life resource, this is a gift of nature that rewards with human strength.
Therefore, by the expression and shape of the Life line on the hand, we can trace all periods of a person’s contact with critical situations in life, adversity and vicissitudes of fate associated with a person’s mobility, vitality and stamina.

The life line is the line to which a person will first pay attention when getting acquainted with palmistry; the length of the line is one of the important indicators of life expectancy. A life line will be successful if there are no various kinds of defects or damage on it, a dangerous condition or a change in life, it promises a break in the life line, especially if it is large. Ideally, the “LV” should be uniform in depth, the same color, long and without any sudden displacements, flow around the Mount of Venus like a stream. The fewer congestions and obstacles along the riverbed, the healthier a person feels. Figuratively speaking, the appearance of the life line will indicate the physical condition and level of vitality of the subject, and also suggests a possible life expectancy.

For the first time, a person pays attention to his hand and asks himself the question:
Should I look at the Life Line on my right hand? or look at the Life Line on the left hand?
The answer to the question is that the palmist looks at both hands, but if you are interested in the future, then look at the active hand, it has predictive value, while the life line on the left hand records past events. Particular attention should be paid to the signs on the life line since they have a mostly negative meaning, deteriorating the quality of the line and making their own adjustments.

If the life line has a pale appearance and is too wide, it predicts, first of all, poor or, more precisely, poor health, and also speaks of an envious nature with angry instincts - this is a river of vital energy, too spilled in the banks, this is a weak stream with a muddy bottom, This is a quiet pool in which devils live. Such a line reveals and shows negative qualities or those opposite to those qualities that have long, good meanings and color lines. Such a line, at the first glance at the hand, will stand out from the general map of the hand due to its width, and will look more massive compared to other lines.
Surely you have a question, what does the life line have to do with a person’s character? It’s worth making a reservation right away and bringing things up to date. The life line in palmistry, the fate line, the heart line, the mind line and even the marriage line - imagine, they have a basic dual meaning, this applies to all the lines on the hand that are not listed. On one side, the lines carry material information that is responsible for the state of the “organ” to which they belong, while the other side of the “coin” is the sensory-psychological area of ​​the personality.
For example, I will give you the life line and its third significance, from which the eastern schools of palmistry extract additional information. Not even all researchers in the field of prediction know that according to the Indian interpretation, the life line is associated with the father, and the line of the “head” mind is compared with the mother. Thus, the general interpretation of these two lines together is as follows: - if your life line is damaged, then the father will die first, if the mind line has a defect, then the mother, which is undoubtedly confirmed in many cases in practice.

If in life you are unable to endure long-term illnesses, the island on the life line will undoubtedly predict a painful period. If the line is constantly cut by many small “hairline” lines, these are lines of stress (1), they can mean minor illnesses or at least “headaches”, that is, events associated with psychological stress that will accompany the owner of the hand for as long as the “LV” will pursue intersections.
When the life line begins from the Mount of Jupiter, or throws a line (2) from there, this indicates that all the vital energy of the individual is directed to fueling arrogance, ambition, pride, and reveals a great desire to acquire status and honors; as a rule, such a line denotes the hand of a successful person, the goal will be achieved, since all it takes is time.

If the line sends out shoots to the bracelets of the hand, “transverse lines on the hand” - this means that at a certain time there will be a material decline in wealth or money, and a gradual transition to poverty is also possible.
Quite often, a bifurcated line is observed on the hands; if the life line bifurcates, you should immediately pay attention to the auxiliary lines responsible for the biological state of the body, in this case to the Mercury line. Small lines, as if offspring from the line of life upward, mean signs of joy, these are fountains of emotions associated with the fulfillment of desires, or the acquisition of something, for example, buying a home, or a car, the birth of a child, or even celebrating leaving to live separately - from the “beloved” mother-in-law.

The double line of life, the “sister line” can also be called the line of Mars, according to the eastern interpretation of palmists, it is associated with the line of the father, the line indicates additional capabilities of the body, a reserve of vital endurance that comes to the rescue in critical situations, this is also additional support. and therefore health, vitality, longevity. This line is called the name of the god of war, because it comes from the space of the tubercle of lower Mars. The line can bring success to the owner of the hand in a military career if it is active, and is highlighted in a reddish color.

In rare cases, we may encounter a full-fledged double life line on our hand, but we should still discuss this option for the configuration of the lines. As mentioned above, the double line indicates a large supply of physical strength, it is also called the line (guardian angel), in Indian palmistry, it is called the “father line”. It will belong more to the “parental” line - if the “twin” originates from the life line, which indicates the influence of parents in a person’s life.

The double line of life on the hand “works” in full force only when it runs parallel to the main line of life along its entire length at a short distance, and most importantly, it must begin independently, that is, not come from the life line. Such a double line helps a person survive in extremely unfavorable conditions, sometimes there are cases where it would seem impossible for a person to survive in certain circumstances, but people survive despite everything, thus the double line has many meanings and characteristics, reflecting the interesting characteristics of a person. But it is worth noting that any line on the hand without a good line of fate will not greatly please the owner of the hand.

Often there are ascending lines on the hand - those that go up to the fingers are considered good, they indicate the prime of life, the realization of a person’s capabilities.
The short shoots extending from the line of life mean certain joyful events or successes associated with climbing the ladder of life, they are called signs of joy; the characteristic difference between the shoots and other lines is their small length.

When the life line can change its direction, throwing a powerful branch onto the hill of the Moon, thus indicating long journeys, or long-term departures from home, usually, according to tradition, such lines have people who change the coordinates of their place of residence, that is, most often it means moving abroad - this is the line of emigration.

As mentioned above, the lines going to the top are lines of excess, this is the time of the prime of life, high capacity for work, the time when it is necessary to make a major breakthrough in life, since there is an excess of energy that needs to be used profitably. Simply put, “strike while the iron is hot,” while you are young and full of enthusiasm and strength, because the time is not far off when your strength will begin to melt away, everything will turn in the opposite direction, vital fluids will begin to evaporate, and you need to have time to do the main thing at such moments in life robot, establish yourself and get on your feet, provide for yourself while looking into the future, and into the inevitably approaching old age.

Time along the life line

To determine dating along the life line or the time of events on it, we lower a vertical line from the middle of the base of the index finger to the life line, at the point of contact we will get an age of ten years.

Taking into account the fact that time flows evenly along the life line (unlike other lines), we measure the length of the life line and divide the entire line into equal parts, maybe into ten parts, or maybe into seven sections, since the average life expectancy is approximately currently forecast. As we see, it is very easy and convenient to calculate the time just guided by one starting point, also for a more accurate calculation, you can divide these areas into smaller segments, as a result you will get dating accurate to a year, more accurate dating of time along the life line to For example, by month, using palmistry alone is impossible. There are many options for measuring time or date along the life line, but each of them has its own errors, much also depends on the dimensions of the palm, where the usual 1mm. the length of the lines does not coincide with one year of life, so it is worth noting that it is necessary to confirm this or that sign on the hand, in other places on the palm and by the sum of time indicators, based on it and draw a conclusion. The question may arise: why were so few years or years measured for the hand shown in the picture - probably because the occupied area of ​​the Mount of Venus, relative to the space of the hand, is very narrow and small, which should also be taken into account when fortune telling along the Life line, be attentive to all signs on the hand, especially for moles on the hand and marks on the lines.

Short Life Line

A short life line on the hand is mainly associated with a sign of short-lived life, which is an incorrect prognosis; for the events to be fatal, there must be several other evidence on other parts of the hand. If on one hand the line is short, and on the other it is good and long, and the long line is on the active hand, then you should not worry, since your future is in your right hand (right for right-handed people), and the past and general purpose, the instincts with which people are born are in the left palm. It has a much worse meaning when the life line bifurcates, as if ending with a fork.

The perfect sign of death, as old palmists argued, is a line torn in half and its highest part leaning towards the tubercle of the thumb, as if making a turn towards the tubercle of Venus - this is inevitable and irresistible death. The most terrible fateful sign, especially if there are no signs of neutralization. Breaks in the life line are also common, some ordinary, some with slight displacements to the side towards the middle of the hand - which indicates possible bodily injury, an accident, and the greater the width of the deviation of the line to the side, the more tragic the scale of the event.

A short life line in palmistry means, as already mentioned, not a long life - but you should not die prematurely, contrary to popular belief - it does not mean a short life at all, but only indicates poor health and lack of vitality. Even if you see a short line on your hand, because lines tend to sprout, even the shortest line of life can subsequently erupt and lengthen, thus it can sprout and become a good line of life, at worst it can be partially replaced or fulfill its function by the line of fate, which neutralizes the dangerous situation, but in this case the line of fate should be close to the Mount of Venus. When you see a short line on your hand, you naturally feel uneasy, but people live with a short line, of course, if the other main lines do not have a bad reflection. If the line of Mind and Heart is good and without breaks, then it is quite possible that a person will live for quite a long time, no one can give guarantees, even people with a strong and strong life line may not live long. The fate of a person lies not only in a healthy body, but largely depends on his destiny, with which he came to Earth for testing.

Island on line meaning

An island on the life line - indicates a period in a person’s life when the weakened body is exposed to various kinds of diseases, that is, periods of poor health, fatigue, lack of vitality for the duration of the island.

Pay attention to your line, if there is an island on the line of life, then there will be time that will burden life, which can subsequently knock a person out of the normal rhythm of life, this can be either a disease or a consequence, an accident. If after the island there is a whole chain of islands on the line, it means that the illness will periodically remind itself of what it means to have an unproductive life, defiled by the painful suffering of the individual, throughout the entire chain of islands. The length and size of the island on the life line are proportional to the situation that has arisen.

Often there are various types of damage when the life line bifurcates or small islands may form on the line, or points and various signs may appear, all this carries a negative meaning, which is not good - it also mainly indicates painful periods, events associated with human health, these are signs that weaken the life line. You should pay attention to the state of the life line after any unfavorable sign, the shape and integrity of which after the defect will predict the consequences after the illness. If the line is restored and takes its previous shape, then health will improve and the person will return to the normal rhythm of life. The reasons that contributed to or were a factor in the incident can be traced using stress lines directed towards the island on the life line, and by asking other Signs on the life line, the correct conclusion is drawn.

Options for bifurcating the life line

The life line bifurcates - if the life line on the hand bifurcates, this is not a good purpose; as a rule, the bifurcation of the life line occurs due to a weakening of the physical condition of the body. Such a forked line on the palm, at first glance, is negative, and is roughly equivalent to a short line of life, but the splitting of the line into two channels can occur in different ways, and does not always predict trouble for the owner and means something bad.

However, such a line configuration can be interpreted in different ways and is not always a line indicating danger. In such cases, it is worth paying utmost attention and caution so as not to harm the person with an incorrect prognosis.

The point is that you need to study the line, pay attention to how the life line changes after the fork in the hand. In the case when the branch of the forked end of the line loses its strength and depth, that is, weakens, we can talk about a strong decline in the person’s health. Usually, a bifurcated life line is observed at the end of the line, quite already in old age, but when a bifurcated line is found on the palm of young people, you should immediately pay attention to your health and take appropriate measures and undergo an examination.

If the life line branches reaching the rosette (transverse lines on the hand) and one part of the fork goes to the Mount of the Moon, indicates a person’s tendency to madness in old age, senile insanity, restless imagination, whims, exaltation or relaxation, depending on the state hill. If the bifurcation of the line is uniform, then most likely it indicates a sharp decline in strength, the old palmists interpreted such signs on the line of life as mental fatigue - this is a consequence of constant overstrain of the brain, such people were advised to give up everything and rest as often as possible on time before it is too late.

When the line bifurcates, throws a powerful branch towards the hill of the Moon and intensifies, there can be no question of any loss of strength - we conclude about a positive force that helps a person; similar line patterns can indicate a move, a change of place of residence, they are called lines moving, or even a moving sign on the hand, they mean that a person will move to live in another place, and depending on the state of the line, they can indicate moving abroad - these are emigration lines on the hand.

Life Line meaning of signs on the hand

Signs on the life line are quite common; the presence of special signs on the hand and on the line has a negative meaning. Let us remind you that time along the line of life moves evenly, from top to bottom. To determine the location of the sign on the life line, the starting point will be a vertical line lowered along the axis of the index finger; at the intersection with the life line, it will indicate the age of ten years. Thus, we will mark the life line in equal sections of 10 years, after which it will be convenient to calculate the time of action of specific signs based on the years of life.

A square is generally considered a good sign, but it has a completely different meaning if it is located near the line on the inside on the Mount of Venus (sign-2), being there on the hill, the sign indicates restriction of freedom. The first thing that comes to mind is that this could be a prison. In fact, you shouldn’t rush to a conclusion - although such a sign on the hand quite often “works” and is confirmed in practice, it requires additional signs. The square should be clearly visible, the papillary pattern of the square is raised, the fate line has a dashed line or starts from the arm bracelet, there may be additional sections on the sun line. Restrictions on freedom can be expressed not only by prison, if it was difficult for a person to come to terms mentally, then serving in the army, for example, or studying in some closed institution can find such an expression on the hand, in general, anything that limits a person’s capabilities, there can be a lot of options.

A small triangle located on the line of life (sign-1) predicts the threat of fire, and if the triangle is located directly on the line itself, as shown in the picture, then the owner of the hand may receive bodily harm. If such a sign only touches the life line, then it indicates an event associated with a fire, but the person himself will not participate in the event.

The islands found on the line (sign-3) will warn of possible diseases - this is a river of vital energy, the bed of which is divided into two weak streams, and accordingly losing strength.
This development of events indicates the poor state of human health, and the longer the island is, the longer the suffering will continue.

As you can see in the picture example, a point on the life line (sign-4) may indicate danger from natural elements, but if the point is dark in color, this means health problems due to illness.
A cross located on the line (sign-5), and cutting the line of life with its branches, speaks of a very weak state of the body, possibly exhausted by disease, decrepitude, and threatens death, and the more poorly expressed the cross is on the line of life, that is, the shape of the cross, the more it will bring more suffering.
If the cross is at the end of the life line, but does not cut the life line (sign-6), then it speaks of poverty in old age; such people suffer in the twilight of their years, and mainly because of their kindness, and often remain deceived. So, if you find such a sign on your hand, you should think about it and take any decisions and actions with caution.

The life line in pictures clearly demonstrates the possible variants of signs on the life line and the violations with which they threaten; when you see signs of danger on your hands, you should think about and consider the issue of health more closely.