King shooter fb2 introductory fragment. Why you should read the book

Title: shooter
Writer: Stephen King
Year: 1982
Publisher: AST
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 260 pages
Genres: Foreign fantasy

About The Gunslinger by Stephen King

The Dark Tower series of books by Stephen King is one of the most read today. This amazing story about the shooter Rolland, who wanders the world in search of the very Dark Tower that personifies the Axis of the Worlds. On the way he meets different heroes, while he himself is pursuing a powerful magician, who should lead our hero to the main goal.

The Gunslinger by Stephen King is the first book in the series. The author is a master of horror, which he skillfully demonstrated here. Also, when you start reading the work, you will notice such genres as fantasy, mysticism, western, Science fiction. The writer worked on this book for about 10 years, so the work turned out so colorful and unusual.

The plot of the book captures from the first lines. Main character walks through the desert, chasing a certain person in dark clothes. Along the way, he finds a boy who miraculously ended up in this place. And he himself is from a world that is very similar to our modern one. At the same time, the boy there, in his old world, died after being hit by a car. The shooter decides to take him with him. And already together they go after the man in black clothes.

The book "The Shooter" by Stephen King is full of not only mystical moments, but also philosophical ones. So, the hero of the novel at the end has to make a very serious choice that will affect not only his later life but also the lives of those who are nearby. What will he choose? You will know when you read this amazing, but sometimes heavy work.

Also, the secret of the main character's past will be revealed here. It turns out that he ended up in one town, where he saw the same man in black when he resurrected a drug addict who died from a local drug. Rolland goes to all sorts of tricks to find out at least some information about a person who has such incredible strength. But all this leads to a chain of unexpected moments, and the main character commits a terrible crime. In addition, he tells the boy about his childhood, his parents. It is always interesting to get to know the hero better in order to understand him. further actions and words.

This book will appeal to all Stephen King fans. This amazing person with no less amazing imagination, he created a novel in which there is everything - mystical adventures, mysterious personalities, difficult life decisions, philosophical reflections and, most importantly, a riddle that you have to solve together with the main character.

On our literary site you can download the book by Stephen King "The Gunslinger" for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have big choice books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

Stephen King

Ed Ferman, who, at his own risk, watched these chapters one by one.


About what happens when you're nineteen (and not only about that)

When I was nineteen significant number for the story you are about to read), hobbits were everywhere.

There were probably half a dozen Merrys and Pippins and twice as many Frodo roaming the mud at Max Yasgur's farm, at the Great Woodstock Festival, and there were countless hippie Gandalfs. At that time, The Lord of the Rings by J.P.P. Tolkien was wildly popular, and although I never made it to Woodstock (unfortunately), I was still, if not a real hippie, then a half-breed hippie. In any case, this half was enough to also read these books and fall in love with them - books like The Dark Tower, which, like most long fantasy tales written by people of my generation (The Chronicles of Thomas Cavinant by Steve Donaldson and " The Sword of Shanara by Terry Brooks to name but a few) came out of The Lord of the Rings.

But although I read The Lord in 1966 and 1967, I still refrained from writing myself. I was immediately imbued (frankly and sincerely) with the scope of Tolkien's imagination - the ambitious plans of his book - but I wanted to write my own, and if I had started writing then, I would not have written my own, but his story. And that, as the late Slick Dick Nixon liked to say, would be fundamentally wrong. Thanks to Mr. Tolkien, the twentieth century received its necessary portion of magicians and elves.

In 1967, I had no idea what my story should be, but it was not so important; I was sure that I would immediately recognize her if I met her on the street. I was nineteen. I was a very confident young man. Self-confident enough not to rock the boat and calmly wait for his muse and his masterpiece (and I was sure that it would be a masterpiece). When you are nineteen, you have the right to be self-confident: you have a lot of time ahead of you, and you don’t have to be afraid that it won’t be enough. Time is a tricky thing. It takes away both hair and jumping ability, as one popular country song sings; however, in reality, it takes much more. I didn't know this in 1966 and 1967, but even if I did, I wouldn't care. I could still imagine - albeit vaguely - that one day I would be forty. But fifty? No. Sixty? Never! Sixty - it was generally unthinkable. When you're nineteen, that's how it always is. When you're nineteen, you say: "Look everyone, I drink dynamite and smoke TNT, so you'd better get out of my way if you value your life - here comes Steve."

Nineteen is a selfish age when a person thinks only about himself, and nothing else worries him. I had big aspirations and that worried me. I had big ambitions and that worried me. I had a typewriter, which I transported with one wretched rented apartment to another, and I always had a pack of cigarettes in my pocket, and a smile shone on my face. Compromises of middle age seemed so far away, and the infirmities of the elderly - generally beyond. Like the hero of this song by Bob Seger, which is now played in stores so that people buy all kinds of rubbish, I was full of inexhaustible strength and inexhaustible optimism; my pockets were empty, but my head was full of thoughts that I could not wait to tell the world, and my heart was full of stories that I wanted to tell. Now it sounds naive; but then it was beautiful and amazing. I considered myself very cool. Most of all, I wanted to break through the protection of readers: gut them, rape them and change them forever - just by the power of the word. And I felt that I could do it; that's what I'm meant for.

And how does it sound? Very smug or not? But anyway, I'm not going to make excuses. I was nineteen. And there was not a single strand of gray in my beard - not a single hair. I had three pairs of jeans, one pair of boots, and I was sure that there were many different possibilities in the world and that I would definitely succeed - and nothing that happened over the next twenty years convinced me that I was not rights. And then, when I was thirty-nine, it all started: drinking, drugs, an accident that permanently changed my gait (among other things). I've written a lot about this already, so I won't go into details. And why? You yourself know everything, don't you? It certainly happened to you too. Life periodically sends us evil patrolmen to prevent us from particularly dispersing and showing who is in charge here. You, I am sure, met them (or will meet); I have already met mine, and I know that he will come back. He has my address. He is a feisty guy, a bad cop, a sworn enemy of all foolishness, harmless gouging, ambition, pride, loud music, all that is so important when you are nineteen.

But I still think it's very good age. Maybe the best. You can bang all night long, but when the music stops and the beer dries out, you're still able to think. And dream big. In the end, the evil patrolman will still pinch your tail and prevent you from turning around, and if you start small, then when he finishes with you, there will be no wet place left from you. “Yes, there is one more!” - he will say and go on, checking the list in his notebook. So a little self-confidence (or even a lot of self-confidence) is not so bad, although your mother must have always said otherwise. Mine claimed. "Pride, it doesn't do any good, Steven," she said... and suddenly it turned out - at an age somewhere around 19x2 - that my mother was right, and pride does not lead to any good. Even if you are not thrown from heaven to earth, then at least they will push you into a ditch - that's for sure. When you're nineteen, the bartender can check your age on your ID and politely ask you to get the fuck out of the bar, but no one will ask how old you are when you sit down to write a picture, a poem or a book, and if you are the one who is reading this book now is still very young, I beg you, do not let any of the elders who consider themselves smarter dissuade you from this. You must have never been to Paris. And he never took part in the bull run in Pamplona. Yes, you are still just a boy who only three years ago had hair under his arms - so what? If you don't start with a big idea, if you don't have a high opinion of yourself from the start, how will you get what you want? Do not listen to what others say, but listen to me: spit on everyone, sit down and beat this honey.

It seems to me that there are two kinds of writers, including inexperienced, budding writers, like myself in the 1970s. Those who classify themselves as more literary or "serious" writers view all plots and themes in light of the question, "What does this book mean to me?" Those whose destiny (or ka, if you like) is to write popular books are asking the exact opposite question: "What does this book mean to others?" "Serious" authors are looking for clues and clues to themselves; "popular" authors are looking for readers. Both of them are equally selfish. I knew a lot of people and I'm ready to bet on anything. As they say, I put both a wallet and a watch.

But be that as it may, I am sure that, even when I was nineteen, I was able to recognize that the story of Frodo and his attempts to get rid of the Ring of Omnipotence belongs to the second category. It was the adventures of a very British company of pilgrims against a vague northern mythological backdrop. I liked the idea of ​​the search - I really liked it - but I wasn't particularly interested in Tolkien's hefty rural characters (that's not to say I didn't like them, because I liked them) or his wooded Scandinavian landscapes. If I tried to do something like that, I would do everything wrong.

So I waited. In 1970, I was twenty-two and already had the first graying strands in my beard (I think this is partly due to two and a half packs of Pall Mall a day), but even when you are twenty-two, you can still afford wait yourself. When you're twenty-two, time is still on your side, even though the evil patrolman is already hanging around the neighborhood and asking about you.

And then, in a nearly empty movie theater (Bijou in Bangor, Maine, if anyone's interested) I saw Sergio Leone's The Good, the Bad, the Ugly. And somewhere in the middle of the film, I realized what I wanted to write: a book of search imbued with Tolkien magic, but in the setting of Leone's absurdly majestic western scenery. If you've seen this crazy western on TV, you'll never understand what I'm talking about - I'm sorry, but it's true. In the cinema, on the big screen, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is a grandiose epic, quite comparable to Ben Hur. Clint Eastwood is an eighteen-foot giant, and every hair on his stubbled cheeks is about the size of a young tree. The wrinkles on Lee Van Cleef's lips are as deep as canyons, and each can have a wormhole at the bottom (see "The Sorcerer and the Crystal"). The desert seems to extend at least as far as the orbit of the planet Neptune. And the barrel of each of the revolvers is huge, almost like the Dutch tunnel.

Added on 05/12/2017

Genre: Foreign ancient literature

Year of publication: 2012

Series: Dark Tower

Rating: 7.6

Reviews in the pilot: no reviews


Young Roland is the last noble knight in a world that has moved. He needs to find it no matter what. dark tower- center of power Foundation stone universe. Someday he will find this tower, but for now he has a long and dangerous path ahead - a path through a world ruled by black magic, through a world from which doors to our reality sometimes open ...

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Reviews about the book Strelok

Comments 0 - 18 of 18


A good start to a long story. The first part is a bit straightforward, but the GG type captivates with simplicity and realism.

As they say - the taste and color. But personally, I like the first part of this one the most. wonderful history. The rest of the books have more professionalism, more King the Writer and less King the Gunslinger.
The first book is like a broken string. Everything is in it at the same time - rage, hopelessness, despair and delight. In others, all this is present, but to a lesser extent. Not so bright.
And yet the whole series is just great.

2 Antc
For many years, Moscow, in addition to real benefits, overlaid the Baltic states with such powerful propaganda that a fantastic book with a circulation of 5,000 copies and 8,000 downloads from a fanzine could not dream of.
In terms of audience coverage, this book is approximately like an article in some supernumerary regional newspaper that two drunken Ukrainian and Russian combiners fought (choose the winner yourself :). Read and forget. No global conclusions.
P.S. Confused is a good word. But to whom exactly does it apply? That is the question:)

Horcho, I read the rules of the shooter on the wave. For one time it will go and maybe for the second.


The shooter is an excellent book. As well as almost everything from the author. 9.5

Even I don't know what to say. On the one hand, it is very unusual and interesting. On the other hand, the unusual nature of the story is at times a little scary. In general, to start with 7. And then we'll see. All the same, I prefer King's horror films.

I have read the whole series, and I want to say: take your time and read it! The Dark Tower really deserves it!
rating 10/10 - Super!!


Stelok laid the foundation for the Dark Tower series. Further interest unfortunately gradually faded away.

A cool book, it’s a pity it’s not a reprint - there King writes the plot deeper and more clearly from the very first pages.
I wonder if there is a reprinted version in Russian?

I liked it. I’ll probably re-read it. I just didn’t understand why the King is the king of horrors: it’s time for the one who this book scares to repair his head

My favorite........... The whole series.........

I read it a very long time ago. At first I didn't like it. Some time passed, they offered another book by King, I owed it, I liked it. I recently re-read the arrow, COOL !!

Ovcharov Vitaly

Oh that King. I don't even know how to feel about him. He has wonderful pieces, but there is such crap ... When he writes about people with all their relationships, it's interesting, and when pop-eyed monsters start to crawl out of the cracks, it becomes not scary, but funny. Some comic. In general, I read it like this: I re-read something twice, and I look at something obliquely. The shooter in this respect is a very king thing, quite chaotic, badly baked, but very good in places!

On the origins of King's gloominess.

It was 1959. Young Stephen was sitting in one of the small American cinemas and was watching a movie about aliens. It wasn't very interesting. Everything is as always - they flew in, they defeated the army, they eat civilians ... How SUDDENLY ... the film stopped, the owner of the cinema came out to the audience and announced in a trembling voice: "The Russians launched an artificial satellite of the Earth with the name "SPUTNIK"!" As if a discharge of current pierced auditorium. Fear gripped Stephen. He couldn't move or breathe. King himself said much later that he would not have experienced such horror even if cinematic aliens suddenly jumped out of the screen.
So the future King of Terror knew this very Horror.

So, "my dear kids", if you want to be really scared - imagine yourself as Americans and read Maxim Kalashnikov! ;-)

shooter the best part from all the parts I've read
just read Suzany's song
despite the fact that it was published in 78 - the coolest of all books
although I don’t like king - gloomy and boring

A gloomy work and, to be honest, it is perceived quite hard, like all the author's books, it is a bit boring. Still King American writer and writes for Americans. This time. Secondly, who said that his works are imbued with sparkling fun. But nevertheless, the Shooter deserves the highest rating. And in order to put it, you need to read the series to the end.

Pages: 1

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Travel notes on the Dark Tower route. Halt second.
While Roland was extracting his companions from our world for further journey, this is what King (who is probably sitting in this very Tower and watching through a glass ball as we squirm here under the hot sun of a world that has moved) extracted from me.
Here is a description of what was extracted:
- ruined manicure (weird, I haven't bitten my nails before)
- lighter (too often used)
- the delight of visiting the Kunstkamera with nasty characters (bue, of course, but wildly interesting)
- light feeling own greatness (increases as the route progresses)
- unanimity with a friend (did you read it? I sat until three in the morning yesterday. How did he deal with those policemen, huh? Handsome!)
- reading with a flashlight (this is when everyone is already sleeping, and you are lying like this in bed, turned to the wall and read from the phone)
- if I see crab meat in the store, I only call it “did-a-chik” to myself now
- parting words to those walking behind - do not stop, all the most interesting is yet to come
- change of plans (Are you supposed to watch a movie? I changed my mind. Are you going to bed?
- daily praised all the literary gods and muses that the cycle is over - nausea (a common occurrence when reading King)
- working under an audiobook, completed a weekly plan in a day
- about 16 hours of my free time
- I tempt and persuade friends to become tower worshipers (for this you need to put on a mysterious look and say with a dreamily absent look - and now I'm reading King ...)
- hentai blush (Detta annealed) And how does King affect you?

Twice I have set foot on the parched lands of this desert. I was eighteen when it first happened. How stupid and deaf I was. All that remained in my memory was the desert and the feeling of boredom. Roland pursued the man in black, and I trailed after him and languished. Now I can't believe it myself. A weak excuse for me is that King himself admits that Strelok must be overcome. ("The Gunslinger" even sounds completely different from other books - to be honest, it is difficult to read. I apologized to readers too often for this and said that if they worked through the first volume, they would see that already in "Extraction of the Three" history finds its true voice (c) S. King) And I remember it exactly as overcoming. The generous maestro even edited it to make the entrance to the universe of the Tower more comfortable. Now, for me, he is already so good, but it was ... it was ... Then the cycle was not yet completed and I stalled somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "Sorcerer and the Crystal". Three years I was going to continue. And then 10 years was going to re-read. Years passed, I again began my journey to the Dark Tower, which took the maestro thirty years to create. I have to see this. Roland has remained the same, but I have become different. I again walk beside him in his eternal pursuit of the man in black. And although I understand that I have already been here once, everything is new to me. This world, although it has moved from its place, is full of events, passions, secrets. How could I have missed this in the first place? Not otherwise than the sand of these lands clogged my eyes and ears. It is full of hints and crossroads. Everything here is interesting, everything is exciting. I stared greedily around, considering the surroundings - a mixture of Mad Max, the Wild West and technological progress. The civilization of machines here died long ago, but its rusty remains were often encountered on our way. This world is somewhat similar to ours, but much for Roland would be a revelation and fiction. At night halts by the fire, I listened to the story of his life. Sketchy, but still allowed to understand something about him. For the first time here, I was bored and waited for the road to end. Now I didn't see our path. It was short, but that's how it should be. After all, it was a path only to the threshold from which the Big Way to the Tower. Roland, I'm with you! And now to the end.

Sometimes it seems that smallest representation about the extent of Stephen King's talent he himself has. There is no other way to explain the fact that the beginning of one of the greatest fantasy cycles in history first got moldy in the box for many years, then came out in a very limited edition, and if the name SHOOTER did not flash in King's official bibliography, causing an indignant roar of fans who did not want to miss a single one thing from our favorite author, we would never have known about Ka-Teta, Roland of Gilead, Eddie Dean, Susanna the Lady of Shadows, Jake, Yshe ... We would not have known about the incomprehensible Dark Tower that rises in the center of the worlds, holding them in balance, about the Scarlet King, who dreams of bringing it down ... and about very, very much more. And it all started with the fact that one young writer I wanted to play Tolkien, rolling my own fantasy epic. At the same time, I wanted to play with style, building the narrative backwards. The second idea was a success, but the first one was not so good, and the story (think, just literary game!) lay down ""on the table"" until better times. But this, apparently, is the peculiarity of the Middle World created by the author: once you look there, you will forever hear his call. The book was created painfully slowly, in parts, but, in the end, it comes out in its entirety. To many, this novel may seem very strange: instead of the aesthetics of medieval legends already familiar to fantasy, there is the harsh surroundings of Sergio Leone’s Wild Shoot-From-Hip West, a world stuck between modernity and feudalism, allusions from the Bible to the stories of Robert Howard with his lone hero, only the motives and motives of this are not entirely clear, in contrast to the simple and clear motives of Howard's heroes; a world where the remnants of magic coexist with the remnants of technology. And all this does not turn into a hodgepodge - the plot is structured, the images are lively, bright, perhaps thanks to the language - laconic and dryish, like the very desert through which the initially nameless Strelok goes, goes to some distant and obscure goal ... From of all the books in the ARROW cycle - the most ""author's"" and the most personal. The novel is permeated with philosophy, not too dynamic, rather contemplative. He is ruthless and stern, like his hero, and at the same time also impetuous, and also does not allow a single extra movement, not a single extra phrase. But, like the hero, he is not alien to both feelings and emotions. Unlike all subsequent parts, this book is dedicated to Roland of Gilead - and no one else. This is the beginning of his long, difficult journey, as well as yours, if you agree to become his companion. Think about it, the journey will not be easy and long, and the Man in Black is only the first step. So, the Man in Black went into the desert, and the Gunslinger followed. And thousands of Regular Readers, thinking, followed him.

The Gunslinger is the first book in Stephen King's Dark Tower series. It took 10 years to write the novel, and the whole cycle took about 30.

The novel tells about the archer Roland, who pursues unknown person V black clothes to find the way to the Dark Tower. This man visited the dying city of Tull, where he resurrected one of the inhabitants who died from a drug. To find out information about the unknown, the shooter has to stop in the city and become the lover of the innkeeper. But the man in black warned in advance and set the preacher against him, who handed him over to the inhabitants of the city and said that he was the messenger of the devil. The shooter had to kill all the inhabitants of the city to the last and go into the desert for the unknown.

On the way, Roland meets a boy who came here from another world. There he was hit by a car and died. And now, inexplicably, he was here. Roland and Jake continue on together. The protagonist recalls events from his childhood, telling the boy how he and his friend handed over a traitor cook to the authorities, for which he was executed. The shooter and the boy become attached to each other. When Jake fell into the circle of the Succubus Oracle, Roland saved him by surrendering to the Oracle in exchange for information about his future.

Meeting with the man in black, the gunslinger learns that he will have to make a choice between Jake's life and information about the location of the tower. The unknown is hiding, and the satellites continue to chase him in the caves. On the way, the shooter talks about his family and childhood. He tells how he had to pass the test for the title of a man much earlier than he should have. A close friendship develops between the man and the boy. And the more difficult it will be for Roland to choose what is more important for him: Jake or the Dark Tower.

On our site you can download the book "The Shooter" by Stephen King for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Every saga has a beginning and an end. The book "The Gunslinger" is the beginning of, perhaps, the most important work of Stephen King's life - the "Dark Tower" cycle. This version The book is a new edition, remade by Stephen King himself before the release of the last part of the heptology. The first part of the book is a kind of introduction to the world of the Strelok, where he comes from and to the reality where he is chasing the Man in Black, the embodiment of evil. A story spanning many lifetimes. An explosive mixture of dystopia and mysticism, where remnants can be observed in the neighborhood of the Wild West modern era and wild feudalism.

Young Roland is the last noble knight in a world that has moved. By all means, he needs to find the Dark Tower - the focus of the Force, the cornerstone of the universe. Someday he will find this tower, but for now he has a long and dangerous path ahead - a path through a world ruled by black magic, through a world from which doors to our reality sometimes open ...

Do not miss the opportunity to read an excerpt of the work online or download it in full on our website to catch the mood hovering among the lines. It has both tiny squabbles and global world issues. Crazy laughter hand in hand with despair, a thick shawl of memories on a bloodstained carpet - a box full of trinkets, each of which hides an abyss that needs to be comprehended. This novel is a promise. You have to cross the threshold to see the details and understand the future...

Why is it worth reading the book?

  • The Gunslinger novel is the first of a series of seven books in which time and times, as well as universes, are intertwined in a hallucinogenic form;
  • The world of the book is a kind of post-apocalyptic setting in the spirit of Mad Max, with a scorched desert;
  • It is worth preparing for the fact that the book will not let you go until the very last paragraph, and the first thing you want to do after reading is to read the next book;
  • Be sure to read - after all, the story will be even more interesting and exciting.
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