Material (senior group) on the topic: Autumn ball. Autumn ball in kindergarten

Target: show children the beauty of autumn.

Lesson progress

Children enter the hall and become a semicircle.

I. Introduction.


Autumn us to your ball

She invited me

So that no one is late

Autumn asked.

And here we are.

But where is Autumn?

Let's call Autumn

Let's sing an autumn song to her.

The song “Autumn has put on a sundress” is performed (lyrics by I. Chernitskaya, music by T. Popatenko).

Autumn enters, distributes autumn twigs to the girls.

II. We welcome guests.


I am Golden Autumn.

I bring beauty everywhere

Our forest is already covered with gold,

A ray of golden sun glided from heaven,

And on the ground the carpet is all golden,

You will only see this in the fall.

So what, kids?

It's time to open our ball.

And let the young waltz sound

Will spin you in a dance.

The music of D. Joyce "Autumn Dream" sounds. Children dance a waltz with autumn branches.

1st child.

Thank you Autumn what now

You are with us.

We praise you with songs, poems.


Our ball will continue

We are friends,

I invite you to dance

Who is the music calling?

Have fun people!

I. Strauss polka sounds in the recording. Children perform the dance "Friendly guys".


Autumn is golden! What a wonderful ball!

I called the guys to the dance again.

Children perform the Sudarushka dance to a Russian folk tune.

2nd child.

New guests, come

Visit the autumn ball!

Enter Kholodina and Mokrina. Mokrina has a huge umbrella in her hands, and large rubber boots on her feet. Holodina in a warm shaggy coat, in felt boots.

Holodina and Mocrina(tremble and sing).

As soon as autumn comes

Our turn comes.

Quietly damp creeps towards you,

And the trembling beats suddenly.

That's why everyone scolds us

Scolded and driven everywhere.


I bring dampness to people,

I splash through the puddles, wander.


I, Kholodina, tremble all over

And I put a cold on the guys.

Mokrina. Cold, listen! We must have been invited to the ball.

Kholodin. Apchi! (Sneezes into a handkerchief.) How many years I have lived in the world, no one has ever expected me to visit or called me.

Mokrin. Yes, me too!

Holodina(shudders). Oh, who is this? (Carefully examines Autumn.)

Mokrina. This is the queen of the ball - Autumn.

Holodina. Gold autumn!

Mokrin. Well, yes! Here they sing songs and dance for her.

Holodina(cries). Wow! How everyone loves her.

Mokrina(trembling). And we are not.

Holodina. You, Mokrina, have spread some slush. Do not Cry! And so cold. Better let's think about how to teach this Autumn a lesson. Look, I got it!

Mokrin. Let's enchant her, dilute the slush, so much so that it becomes rainy from gold.

Holodina. Let's make it so cold! Brrr!

Mokrina. Let's turn it into a wet, cold, rainy autumn. Then she will be kicked out of the ball.

Holodina. Brrr!


I'll break the mud

I will call you despondency!

Holodina. Brrr! What if she breaks down?

Mokrina. She can break the spell only when her guys call her in this form.

Holodina. Yes Yes! After all, people like to be dry and warm. How are we going to charm her?

Mokrina. Let's call her here!

Holodina and Mokrina(together).

Autumn dear, come

And take our drink!

They dilute slush in a glass. They give Autumn a drink, calling the drink "The Elixir of Beauty". Autumn falls asleep.

Kholodina (she has a big blue fan in her hands).

Well, hold on, kids.

I will drive you into houses, into cages.

3rd child k. Stop! What are you doing? You've come to the party!

Mokrina. Ah, for the holidays! I have candy for you. (Takes candy out of bag.)

Holodina(reads on a huge candy). Snickers.

Mokrina(angrily). You are Snickers! This is "Rhinitis".

Holodina(reads again). "Ba-un-tee"!

Mokrina(with evil). Not "Bounty", but "Cheahunty". (Handing out candy.)

Leading(runs onto the stage, stops the children from eating the candy).

Don't take sweets in your mouth

Don't bring sickness into yourself.

Now we will call Autumn again,

Our ball will continue and sing.


Kholodina and Mokrina, go away,

And take your sweets!

We don't want to

We get sick.

Sports need to be done

Us henceforth.


Let's call the prom queen.

Today, dear, she is tired.

Children(in chorus).

Autumn, autumn, wake up

Appear before us!


I hear, dear children,

The days are golden.

Winter is knocking on our window,

November is on the threshold.

Leading(referring to Kholodina and Mokrina).

Now leave

And wait for November.

There will be shelter for you

Where wind, cold, rain live,

The fields are turning black, winters are waiting.

Children(in chorus). Go away, go away!

Kholodina and Mokrina, bowing their heads, leave the ball.

III. Seeing off autumn.

4th child.

Release the golden autumn

Let him go to rest

Before next winter.


And now the ball is over

who called us here.

Thank you

golden autumn,

We are in colors


Let's draw.

IV. Creative work.

Autumn is slowly leaving. Children are given album sheets for drawing illustrations on the theme "Golden Autumn". Then there is an exhibition of works.

V. Reflection.

An organized exchange of children's views on illustrations.

The autumn ball can be part of a system of activities aimed at the ethical and environmental education of the child, and the development of creativity and motivation for learning in children. Before holding the Autumn Ball, it is necessary, if this is the first Autumn Ball in the life of children, to acquaint them with the history and traditions of balls, learn several dances that can be performed at the Autumn Ball, for example, polka, waltz, waru-vara, Krakowiak, Russian square dance, Russian lyric - optional.

Before the Autumn Ball, children, together with the teacher, can pick up beautiful autumn leaves on a walk in the park and learn how to make an autumn bouquet out of them. The leaves will be useful both for decorating the ballroom and for the competition during the Autumn Ball itself.

Of course, the Autumn Ball in kindergarten will not completely repeat the real balls of the 19th century, but it is quite possible to hold a stylized ball on the theme of "Autumn", creating the atmosphere of a ballroom.

Ball move

In the hall, on the stage - Autumn and the stewards of the ball - September, October, November in the appropriate costumes of autumn coloring with recognizable stylistic elements of autumn.

Solemn dance music sounds.


“Come into the ballroom, friends!”
We can't do without a ball,
After all, autumn has come!
We ask you all to the ball!

Children dressed in ball gowns and ceremonial costumes enter the hall in pairs, dance step and sit on chairs.


- Foliage is flying outside the windows,
And words fall from my lips
That the summer has flown by
Ripe and rowan bunch,
Rains are waiting for us cold flurry ...


But don't be sad!
Ball today!


- Autumn gives us beauty,
Rays of autumn warmth,
We will keep summer in our hearts
In dreams to meet us with him!


- We will remember the summer, friends,
After all, joy cannot be forgotten!


Autumn has come to us today!
Don't run home
After all, autumn is also so beautiful,
There are many clear days in it,
We call her golden
And we love autumn!


— I brought gifts with me.
The weather, which is not hot at all,
Autumn leaf beauty
And harvest deliciousness
Transparency of air and light,
Which in the summer is definitely not.
After all, autumn is a wonderful time!
Do you agree with me, kids?


— Poets glorified autumn!
Do you know poetry? Let's ask!

Children go on stage and tell pre-prepared poems about autumn by different poets.


- But we will remember the summer,
Let's not forget about him, beautiful.
Tell autumn about summer
Children with their beautiful dance!

Pre-prepared children perform with a dance about summer. This can be, for example, a jive dance in appropriate costumes, if there are children in the group doing ballroom dancing, or some kind of summer themed dance, invented and staged by the music director.

November: - Tell me, how do we know that autumn has come?

September: - I'll check the calendar.

October: What if there is no calendar? Children, by what signs can you find out that autumn has come?

The children answer.

November: - Yes, I also love it when autumn rains dance in the sky and yellow, red, golden leaves swirl .... Children, can you imagine that you are raindrops and show them dancing?

Children dance the signs of autumn, which the leader calls: leaves, raindrops, wind, migratory birds, depicting them in a dance to the appropriate music. These could be, for example, the following works:

  • T. Snezhina "Comic song about autumn";
  • L. Paly, B. Budar "Song about autumn";
  • O. Polyakova, V. Orlov "Autumn paths";
  • music S. Sosnina, sl. V. Semernina "Geese, geese";
  • S. Nasaulenko. "Autumn has come";
  • A. Weiner "Rain in the palms";
  • Y. Chichkov "Cranes";
  • M. Krasen, M. Ivensen “Leaves are falling, falling”, etc.

You can also use the corresponding fragments from P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons".

September: Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year. I just want to capture it as a keepsake in order to admire this colorful splendor and luxury on long winter evenings!

October: We can do it right now! We will split into two teams and make a panel about autumn from the elements of autumn that are on our tables!

Children create autumn panels on paper sheets from colorful leaves, dried flowers, acorns, and so on. You can use a stapler, glue, tape, pencils and felt-tip pens.


- Guests came to the ball today!
We will ask them to introduce themselves!

Birch, Ryabinka, Maple and Oak come in.


- We came from the autumn forest,
We brought gifts with us.


- Bright autumn is just wonderful
Any bush can look like.


We will share beauty with you
From beautiful autumn forests.


- After all, beautiful in the style of autumn
This fall, everyone is ready to become!

October: Our guests brought gifts from the autumn forest to the ball. With their help, we can become just as beautiful and bright in autumn. Now each of you will be able to make yourself a decoration from autumn gifts. Dear parents, you can help your children in their autumn creativity! A jury of our guests will evaluate your decorations and choose the King and Queen of our autumn ball!

Children together with their parents make decorations from rowan berries, acorns, dried autumn flowers and leaves. Children wear jewelry. The jury evaluates everyone and chooses the King and Queen of the Autumn Ball.


- So we met with you, children!
Let's meet, let's be friends
And hopefully in the autumn months
We will have a lot of fun!


- Perform the final dance
I invite you today!
Let under our ballroom vaults
Our Autumn waltz will spread!

Children dance the Autumn Waltz.

Ball ends.

ON A NOTE. Children's costumes at low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten" -

The scenario of the autumn holiday in the senior group "Ball in the autumn forest" is intended for holding an autumn holiday for children 5-6 years of age in kindergarten. The script provides for surprises for children, the appearance of fairy-tale characters and forest animals, the performance of songs and dances by children, dramatizations, participation in musical games not only for children, but also for parents. Joint games and dances of children with their parents unite, unite. Cooperation, ownership, spiritual interpenetration require efforts from parents, but they give birth to love and appreciation in the heart of the child, the need to communicate.



"Ball in the autumn forest"

Scenario of the autumn holiday for the senior group

Adults: Leader Children: Magpie

Fox Bear

Autumn Hare

Badger Hare


1 hedgehog

2 hedgehog

Children run into the music hall to cheerful music and stand near the central wall in a semicircle, holding autumn leaves in their hands.

presenter : Music hall with us

So decorated a year only once:

Leaves, mushrooms -

See for yourself!

My lovely boys

Guess the riddle:

The birds stopped singing.

The sun doesn't heat well.

And on the street now

It got colder.

The rain often pours

And when does it happen?(Children answer.)

Vedas. And we will start the holiday with poetry. Do you guys agree?

  1. th child : Autumn colors gold

Groves and forests.

Farewells are heard

  1. y: Scarlet and yellow

The wind is tearing the leaves.

Spinning, spinning in the air

Motley round dance.

3. autumn leaves during the day

Such beautiful

Let's sing, friends, we are a song

About golden leaves!

Children perform the song "Autumn" by G. Rebrova.

4. We'll take all the leaves

Let's dance with them!

Vedas : We will now raise the leaves

And we'll waltz with them.

Children perform Waltz with leaves. F-ma "Autumn" R. Gutsalyuk

Soundtrack sounds"Wind"

Vedas: Well done! They danced very beautifully. Guys, can you hear the autumn wind roaring? Let's sit down and listen: it seems that he flew into our hall!The leader collects leaves from children. Children take their places.

Vedas: Guys, look! (Takes a balloon out of the window. Attached is a letter.)The wind brought us a letter! What is written in it?

“Today, a ball in honor of the Queen of Autumn will take place in the fabulous autumn forest!

Everyone who knows how and loves to have fun is invited!”

Guys, do you want to go to the ball in the autumn forest?

Children: Yes!

Vedas. Fine! But first, tell us what it is - a ball in the autumn forest?

1 reb: Red autumn arranged a ball,

Lush, elegant, colorful carnival:

In yellow birch, in purple aspen,

Scarlet beads on rowan branches,

2 reb : Spruces and pines in green attire,

Willows turn yellow, maples in gold.

Autumn spread a carpet of mosses,

It has colorful mushroom caps.

3 reb : To make the gardens bright and lush,

She hung pears, apples, cherries.

The rain on the strings will play songs for you,

Autumn invites all children to the ball.

Vedas: Okay, guys, but where is the hostess of the ball - Autumn? Why isn't she? Let's call her!

Children: Autumn, Autumn! Please visit!

Music sounds, the Fox enters with an umbrella, dressed as Autumn.

Fox : Are you talking about me? How glad I am!

Bow to the ground, friends.

Well hello! Did you call me?

So I came to you for a holiday,

Although the case did not let go,

But I still found the time!

Oh! It's not easy being a queen! (sits down on the throne)

Vedas: Your Majesty, you sit down, rest, and we will cheer you up a little.

What would you like to see?

Fox: Oh! What do I wish ... I wish that the clouds frowned and the leaves fell quickly, quickly! I also wish that everyone had a dull, dull mood! And in general - that everyone fell asleep!

Vedas: How did you sleep? After all, we came to your ball to have fun! Guys, maybe it's not Autumn at all? Let's check it out! Well, tell us, Your Majesty, do you like falling leaves?

Fox: What leaf fall? What it is???

Vedas: Guys, let's tell you what leaf fall is.

1 reb : Falling leaves! Falling leaves!

The entire park and garden are strewn!

colorful carpets,

Spread out under your feet!

2 reb: leaf fall, leaf fall,

Golden rain.

Everything is flying, everything is flying

Leaves, leaves, leaves!

3 reb : Yellow leaves are dancing,

From the branches they fall, they fly.

This fairy tale is golden

They call it "falling leaves".

Fox : No! I don't like your leaf fall! What is good here? Leaves

full, all the hares hid under the leaves and couldn’t find them!

Vedas: And what's with the hares? I don’t understand… Well, well, answer one more question: do you like autumn rains?

Fox: Oh! Of course not! Rain, this is so disgusting! All the hares are wet, the paths in the forest are slippery, you won’t run away, you won’t catch!

Vedas: Hares again! Guys, in my opinion, this is not Autumn at all! So ... And who hunts for hares in our forest?

Children: Lisa!

Vedas: So it's you, red-haired cheat! Answer, where did our Autumn go!

Fox : Autumn, Autumn ... Where did I put her ... But you sing to me, I'll tell you!

I want to be a queen too!

Vedas: Guys, let's sing an autumn song!

The song "Autumn knocked on our door"

Vedas: Well, Lisa. We have fulfilled your request, now tell me where our Autumn is! Just don't be smart!

Fox : Do not be cunning, do not be cunning ... How can I not be cunning if I am the most unfortunate fox in the world! ( fox crying)

Vedas: Lisa, what happened? Why are you the most miserable?

Fox: Yes, because no one wants to be friends with me! I don't have friends!

And you, how friendly, you were invited to the ball, but not me!

Vedas: Lisa, and you stop being cunning and you will have many friends! Tell me, where is Autumn?

Fox: And then you will be friends with me?

Vedas: Of course we will!

Fox: Okay, I'll tell you. Your autumn is very busy. She escorts the birds to warm lands, decorates the leaves on the trees, collects rain clouds. I will give you an umbrella. It's not simple, it's mobile! You can call Autumn, and she will come right away! ( gives an umbrella ). And this is the number to call and instructions for the umbrella (gives a plate with a number and instructions). Well, are we friends?

Vedas : Of course, Lisa, we are friends!

And our guys know a song about friendship and now they will dance for you. Really guys?

Dance "You and I, together we are friends"

Fox: Oh, guys, how fun you dance! Well, call Autumn soon, and I will run to everyone in the forest and tell everyone how many friends I have!

Vedas: (reads the instructions): To call the umbrella, you need to twist the umbrella.

Twist as many times as we have leaves. Guys, we need to count the leaves!(counts the leaves on the umbrella and twists it)

Phone beeps, Autumn says in the recording:

Autumn: Hello! Queen Autumn is listening!

Vedas : Dear Autumn! We've been waiting for you! Come to our party soon!

Autumn : I'm in a hurry to see you, friends! Soon, soon I will!

Wait a little longer, you will start a round dance!

round dance


(sat down)

Music sounds. Enter Autumn.

Autumn: You were waiting for me? Here I am! Hello autumn to you, friends!

We didn’t see each other for a whole year, after the summer it’s my turn!

Hello children! I came to you for the holiday and I am very glad to meet you, how elegant and beautiful you all are.

Vedas. Hello Autumn - beautiful, we like to meet you here.

Autumn: Autumn signs are clear and simple: magic umbrellas walk the streets!

Vedas. Tell me, dear Autumn, is your umbrella magical?

Autumn. Certainly. Whoever stands under a magic umbrella, he will speak in verse like a poet.

Vedas . Now you will be convinced of it. I invite under the umbrella ...

Children. 1. Autumn, autumn outside the window:

The rain is pouring down,

Leaves are falling...

How are you, Autumn, good!

2. - The leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed with rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps.

All of us, autumn, you give!

3 . - The leaves in the sky are spinning,

Raindrops are falling.

We run through puddles

Along the forest path.

4. -The sun is smiling,

Glittering gold.

We all really like

Autumn is golden!

5. Leaves fall from maples,

There are more of them every day.

On the grass - still green -

Between the trees we go

6. Softly stellit before us

Own carpet autumn garden.

The rustle of leaves underfoot.

It means - leaf fall!.

7. Autumn colors gold

Groves and forests,

Farewells are heard

8. Scarlet and yellow

The wind rips the leaves

Spinning, spinning in the air

Motley round dance.

Autumn . What wonderful verses sounded under my umbrella, well done guys!

Now guess my riddle: who was walking along the roof with a ringing sound?

No, not cats! And not mice! These water legs have become a puddle by the road!

Guessed, do not be bored: answer more fun!

Children. Rain!

Reb. The cloud darkened, frowning and angry.

Our group is not afraid of rain at all!

We stood under the umbrella, laughing merrily,

Closer to the teacher and to each other we press.

Song "Umbrellas" by G. Krainova(under umbrellas).

Autumn: And which of you, friends, has seen how everything has changed in the forest?

An autumn ball was given in the forest! The trees are all dressed up!

And shaking the leaves to the beat, they can't stop.

Would you also like to spin like this in the autumn minuet?

Vedas. Yes, Autumn, our children love to dance and play. Now we will show you what kind of musical game we came up with.

Soundtrack sounds Minuet P. Mauriat

Vedas. To the music, guys, stand in pairs. We move to the music in pairs in a stream. The couple that will be in front at the end of the music is declared a happy couple.

Autumn. Beautiful music, are there any happy couples among you? Now we will find out. The lucky couple will receive a prize.

Game "Brook" 2-3 times: To the music, the children stand in pairs in an ode column. Couples move forward to the music - in a stream. The couple that will be in front at the end of the music is declared a happy couple. Autumn presents the happy couple and gives them a prize in the form of a medallion - an autumn leaf.

Autumn: A leaf will fly into the sky

And miracles will begin

I will wander with you

I'll show you the autumn forest!

Vedas: Autumn, take us with you, we are ready - look! Just suddenly something happens there? What happens to us all of a sudden? Suddenly a runny nose, cough will begin ... Our children will get sick ...

Autumn : Well, it doesn't matter! We will always help you here!

Scene "Forest Pharmacy":magpie flies to the music.

Magpie. Attention! Attention! Dear residents!

Do you want to hear the latest news?

The badger opens a pharmacy and calls all the animals to his place.

For buyers of the nicest there will be a rich choice.

The prices are very tempting, the discounts are simply amazing!

Hurry over there, to Uncle Badger's pharmacy!

A badger appears. Opens a pharmacy.

Badger. Lord! Lord! Ask everyone here! Hurry up, take a closer look! There are forest grasses, spare tails,

Useful tinctures and iron teeth. Have fun and buy, buy!

Autumn: The solemn moment has come: the first client has appeared at the door!

Mikhailo Potapych welcomed.

The bear enters to the music.

Bear. The beaver was visiting, he caught a cold - just fear!

I urgently need to warm up, maybe rub myself with something?

Badger. From colds, a birch broom is the most useful!

Heat up the bath hotter, take a broom with you -

Tomorrow you will be like a cucumber, you will forget about illnesses.

To the music, the bear receives a broom and leaves.

Autumn: The squirrel rode up, did you recognize the red squirrel?

A squirrel runs out.

Squirrel. I was in the salon at the fox, curling her mustache there.

I burned my nose with a hairdryer and came to you for ointment.

Badger. I know from childhood a great tool!

Buy sea buckthorn here, gently rub your nose.

Wait three minutes and blot with a tissue.

The squirrel gets the remedy and runs away.

Autumn: A father comes in with a child, a hare with a little hare.

Hare. My son blew up the cracker.

He has an ear hanging.

Used to frolic like a foal

And now the child does not hear anything. Look!

The hare strokes the hare on the head, affectionately saying:

Hare: My jumping bunny!

Bunny: I'm not your T-shirt!

Hare: You are my long ear!

Bunny: I'm not your gun!

Hare : Help soon! Give me something quickly!

Badger . Here, take a tincture of herbs, apply a compress to your ear at night.

Hare and Hare thank you and leave.

Autumn : Here the dragonfly flew in,

Music sounds. A dragonfly flies.

Autumn: Yes, I immediately fainted!

With a cry, the dragonfly falls onto the bench.

Autumn: Hey, orderlies, run here, bring the dragonfly to the hospital as soon as possible!

To the music, 2 hedgehogs run out - orderlies with a stretcher. Nurses check the pulse, listen to the breath.

1st hedgehog. So! All clear! Summer sang red, did not eat vitamins.

2nd hedgehog: Let's take her to the doctor immediately.

Orderlies take the dragonfly by the hand.

Dragonfly (waking up). In hospital? Injections? What are you, no, no!

Eat - I'd rather have more sweets!

Badger: No! Buy lingonberry syrup

And take it every day!

Autumn: Sick syrup buys. Here he drinks it.

(Dragonfly buys, drinks.)

Dragonfly: Oh! I am completely healthy!

I want to play, friends!

Autumn : And with joy, the dragonfly began a cheerful dance, and invites all the guys to dance!

Dragonfly : Hey, mischievous guys, run out as soon as possible, and dance more fun!

Let's all show together how to have fun!

Pair dance "Friendly couples"

Autumn: What a wonderful dance! And how well the movements are worked out. And what music! Thank you very much, I'm glad.

Vedas: Your Majesty, little mischievous droplets came running to you for the holiday. They are still quite small, but they also want to greet Your Majesty.

1 reb : Raindrops

transparent, cool,

And from the sun's rays

Shiny, elegant!

2 reb: Autumn droplets

Dancing in puddles

And circles are different

Cheerful people draw.

3 reb : At the autumn ball

The drops are ringing.

A cheerful song

Happy guys!

Song "Droplets" (with orchestra)

Autumn: Mischievous droplets wet the whole forest for us. See how many puddles around, what to do after the rain?
Children: Jump through the puddles!

Vedas. Then let's play a fun game!

Puddles game. Two children are called. Drawn puddles and an umbrella are laid out in front of them. Who will quickly run through the puddles and take an umbrella.

Autumn: Well, the guys played with umbrellas, and my umbrella got lost somewhere. And the rain keeps on pouring. Where is my umbrella? (looks all over the room)

Vedas (gives away the umbrella): Autumn, but here it is, lying under the Christmas tree!

Autumn takes an umbrella, opens it, and sweets hang under it..

Autumn: It rumbled and flashed.

And then vice versa.

The sky is covered with clouds,

It's raining on the paths.

Only the rain is unusual,

Very tasty, no doubt.

Sweet rain, unusual,

That candy rain!

This is my gift to you -

Dear my friends!

(gives the umbrella to the ved.)


Autumn: Thank you, dear guests, for coming to my ball today, for having fun and making me happy. I am sorry to part with you, but the turn of winter is approaching.

I'll come back to you guys. You are waiting for Autumn in a year. Goodbye! (leaves)

Vedas: May children's joy always illuminate the years with a smile,

May the fairy tale of the autumn kingdom remain with you always!

Children leave the hall to autumn music.

Spare verses

  1. th child : Autumn at the edge

Dilute the colors.

Quietly through the leaves

Conducted with a brush.

  1. th : Yellow hazel.

And the maples blushed

Rowan purple.

The oak is still green.

  1. th : A cloud grumbled in the morning.

The whole sky darkened

But the sun is a red ray

He suddenly looked awkward.

And autumn smiled.

A yellow maple leaf

Thought it was again

It turned completely green.

  1. th: What happened, and what's the secret.

Where is the green color hiding?

Neither in the forest nor in the garden

I can't find green leaves.

Suddenly everything turned yellow around:

Garden and grove, river and meadow.

Old house and fence.

The sun also turned yellow.

  1. th child : It suddenly became twice as bright.

Yard as in the sun.

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

  1. Y : Morning "we are going to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain.

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly!

Alena Georgievna Vashchuk

Children run into the festively decorated hall to the music.

HOST: Here's an artist, so an artist!

He gilded all the forests,

Even the heaviest rain

This paint has not been removed.

Please solve the riddle:

Who is this artist? CHILDREN (in chorus): Autumn!

HOST: Covering the earth with a magnificent sundress,

Walking to visit us Autumn is golden!

Holiday autumn in the garden and light and fun!

Here are the decorations autumn hung here!


1. Autumn us to your ball,

She invited me.

So that no one is late

Autumn asked.

2. And here we are. The hall sparkles.

Warm faces.

It's time to open our ball,

And spin in the dance.

3. Spinning over me

Rain of mischievous leaves.

How good is he!

Where else can you find one like this?

Without end and without beginning?

I began to dance under him,

We danced like friends

Rain of leaves and me.

4. Only the wind came,

Did a lot of work right away.:

Dispersed the clouds in the sky

Tore the leaves from the tree

Spin them high

Scattered them far away.

We'll pick up the leaves

Let's dance with them!

The DANCE "THE LEAVES SPIN" is being performed.

After the dance, the children sit on the chairs, put the leaves under the chairs.

5. But where Autumn?

Has she forgotten the way to us?

With business, maybe again,

A little delayed?

Let's our autumn

Let's call together

"Autumn, autumn, autumn,

We are waiting for you to visit."

All: "Autumn, Autumn, Autumn We are waiting for you to visit."

6. Here it is autumn has come to us,

The kids are having fun

Because a lot autumn

She brought us surprises!

To the music of Vivaldi enters the hall Autumn, in the hands carries a basket.

AUTUMN: How nicely you have fun!

Hello, friends,

In a day autumn on a wonderful day

I'm glad to see you.

I - Autumn is golden,

My bow to you, my friends!

I've been dreaming for a long time

About meeting with you.

HOST: In a golden dress

Autumn came to us in the hall,

Like a beautiful queen

Opens a ball for us.

HOST: Thank you, Autumn that now you are with us,

And you give us such a generosity of colors.

We praise you with songs, poems.

Admire the beauty autumn fairy tales.

Children read poetry autumn.

1. We cannot live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

Magic, autumn and fairy forest

He invites us to visit.

The wind will spin to the song of the rain,

Throw leaves at our feet.

Such a beautiful time:

Miracle came to us again Autumn.

2. Less often the sun shines

Warm rays.

To the south a flock of birds flies,

Breaking up with us.

Frequent rain outside the window

The sky is crying

The leaves are yellow all around.

This autumn, Means.

3. The rain is pouring, trying

Even if they don't ask him.

The sun is in the clouds,

So this autumn.

4. Autumn is a generous hostess,

Gives us everything without hiding:

Pumpkins, apples, watermelons,

Grapes and corn.

Makes jams and preserves

Pickles, treats.

Autumn is a good friend!

A feast for the whole district!

5. Autumn - red sister

The craftswoman dressed up

And trees and bushes

gave us fruit:

Plums, apples, nuts

For small children to enjoy.

Stored honey in tubs,

Baked pies for us

From lingonberries and blueberries,

Juicy cranberries, blueberries.

Invites us all to visit

He serves pies.

6. If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring -

So this is the time of year

Autumn is called!

AUTUMN: I'm always happy for the holiday,

Come to kindergarten.

I love to have fun

Play with kids.

I have a basket in my hands (shows

In her autumn gifts.

Everything I'm rich with.

Brought for the kids.

AUTUMN: I brought vegetables.

From the garden bed

But to know them

Guess riddles.

Children solve riddles about vegetables

seventy clothes,

And all without zippers. (cabbage)

A beautiful girl sits in a dungeon,

And the spit is on the street. (carrot)

No windows, no doors

Full of people. (cucumber)

I grow in the garden

And when I mature

They cook a tomato out of me,

They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that. (tomato)

There is a green hook on the wattle fence,

A chest hangs on a hook.

There are five guys in the chest

They sit quietly side by side.

Suddenly the chest opened

Everyone scattered around. (peas)

Red, not viburnum,

Bitter, not aspen,

Round, not a basket,

There is a tail, not a cat. (radish)

And green and thick

A bush has grown in the garden,

Dig a little

Lies under a bush. (potato)

Burgundy, pot-bellied, like barrels,

They sit alone. (beet)

AUTUMN: Well done!

I see that you know all vegetables.

I suggest you play

Harvest sort!

GAME C IN AUTUMN: Relay game in progress "Sorting fruits and vegetables".

And now I want to introduce all my friends.

We welcome the vegetable team with applause!


AUTUMN: Only for some time now,

They start an argument.

So that there are no quarrels,

Let's hear the conversation?


VEGETABLES (in chorus):

Which of us, from vegetables,

both tastier and more useful?

Who in all diseases

will it be better for everyone?

AUTUMN: Polka dots jumped out - well, a braggart!

polka dots (funny):

I'm such a good green boy!

If I want, I'll treat everyone with peas.

AUTUMN: Blushing from resentment, beets grumbled:

Beet (important):

Let me say a word

Listen first:

Beets are needed for borscht,

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat yourself and treat - There is no better beetroot!

Cabbage (interrupting):

You beet already, shut up!

Shchi is cooked from cabbage!

And how delicious

Cabbage pies!

bunny bunnies,

They love stalks.

I will treat the guys

Sweet stalk.

Cucumber: You will be very pleased

Eating a pickled cucumber!

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will love it, of course!

It crunches on the teeth, crunches.

I can feed you!

Radish: (modestly):

I am a ruddy radish.

I bow low to you.

Why praise yourself?

I am known to everyone!

Carrot (coquettishly):

The story about me is not long.

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice and gnaw carrots -

Will you then, my friend, strong,

strong, smart!

AUTUMN: Then a tomato puffed up and said strictly:

Tomato: Don't talk, carrot, nonsense.

Shut up a little!

The most delicious and enjoyable

And, of course, tomato juice!

There are many vitamins in it.

We enjoy drinking it!

Onion: I am the seasoning in every dish,

And always helpful to people.

Guessed? I am your friend.

I am a simple green onion.

Put a box by the window

Water more often

And then, as a true friend,

Green onions will come to you.

Potato: I, the potato, are so modest,

She didn't say a word.

But everybody needs a potato:

Both big and small.

Eggplant: Yes, everyone needs potatoes,

And eggplant caviar is both healthy and tasty.

Autumn: It's time to end the dispute, it's useless to argue!

We all really need you and it's good to eat you!


Baba Yaga runs into the hall on a broomstick with goslings, sings to the soundtrack and dancing:



Lived at Yagusi

Two cheerful geese,

One is cunning

Another greedy one

My geese, geese!

Goose paws scratch,

Feel the gifts

One is cunning

Another greedy one

My geese, geese!

Take away, geese,

A basket for Yagusi! Fast! (whispers to the geese)

The goslings take the basket and run away.

BABA YAGA: Oh, red-billed, well done!

HOST: And what kind of guests are these?

AUTUMN: And they took our treat!

BABA YAGA: This basket is mine! I lost her!

HOST: How is yours? This Autumn brought treats for all the children!

BABA YAGA: So what! I also have two baby caterpillars, hungry by the way, they want to eat!

AUTUMN: Baba Yaga, let's treat all the guys. And the geese will get it!

BABA YAGA: What more! For that matter, then Autumn I will enchant and take it with me to the forest!


Baba Yaga pulls Autumn by the hand, and leaves.

HOST: What to do? Necessary Autumn bail out, and we don’t even know where Baba Yaga took her.

KIKIMORA APPEARS: under the soundtrack "SONGS OF KIKIMORA" dancing:

HOST: Hello Kikimora!

KIKIMORA: What do you need?

HOST: You don't know where Baba Yaga dragged our Autumn!

KIKIMORA: And why should I help you! I am an orphan, I didn’t go to kindergarten, I didn’t learn the rules, everyone offended me - and I don’t want to help anyone!

HOST: We know you're kind, you just didn't have friends in the swamp! Do you want us guys to be friends with you? The children will tell you poems and sing a song!

KIKIMORA: Well, well, it's boring in the swamp, some frogs croak, let's listen to your kids, but I have a condition, if I don't like it, I won't tell you anything about Baba Yaga.

Children recite poems:

1. Leaves fall, fall,

Leaf fall in our garden...

yellow, red leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

2. Birds fly south

Geese, rooks, cranes.

Here is the last flock

Wings flapping in the distance.

3. We will take a basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms

Stumps and paths smell

delicious autumn mushroom.

4. Yellow coins fall from the branch.

There's a treasure under your feet!

This autumn golden.

Gives leaves, not counting.

Gives golden leaves

You, and us, and everyone in a row.

5. Walks autumn in our park,

Gives autumn gifts for everyone:

Red beads - rowan,

Pink apron - aspen,

Umbrella yellow - poplars,

Fruits autumn gives us.

6. Who walks outside the window?

In a colorful, lace dress

And in a rowan pendant -

Ten berries on a line

And in the middle


We don't wear these...

oh yes it is Autumn!

7. Has come autumn,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Don't hear merry

Nightingale song.

The birds have flown away

To distant lands.

8. Golden leaves, fall, fly,

Golden leaves cover the garden.

There are many golden leaves on the paths,

We will make a good bouquet of them,

We'll put the bouquet in the middle of the table,

Autumn golden came to visit us.

9. The coast is timid

Brittle ice falls.

Sad gray cloud

Floats along the bottom of the pond.

Harsh breathes autumn

Clear water.

Trees shed their leaves

Facing the cold.

10. The leaves flew away after the flock of birds.

I'm red miss autumn day by day.

The sky is sad, the sun is sad...

It's a pity that autumn It doesn't stay warm for long!

11. It's raining down the street,

wet road,

Many drops on glass

And a little warmth.

How autumn mushrooms,

We carry umbrellas

Because in the yard

Has come autumn.

12. In the morning the sky was gloomy,

And everything seemed dull.

Autumn loves to cry,

Rain on the ground.

Likes to rustle leaves

And pluck them from the trees.



KIKIMORA: Well, thank you! You warmed my heart. (crying)

I will show you the way to Baba Yaga!

I saw where Yaga

Our Autumn took away.

I will show you the way, the way,

Do not spare only the legs,

Our Autumn you will find,

Bring the holiday back to kindergarten!

Wow, Baba Yaga is hiding in that forest.

BABA YAGA: Fu-fu-fu-Something smells of childish spirit here ....

HOST: This is what we came for autumn!

BABA YAGA: Ha-ha-ha-ha! Guess my riddles first, then I'll see whether to let go or not to let yours go. Autumn!

BABA YAGA: Who is on mossy wet bumps,

Like a light ball bouncing?

At a soft swamp hummock,

Under the green leaf

The jumper lurked -

Goggle-eyed. (frog)

Made a hole

dug a hole,

The sun is shining

But he doesn't know it! (mole)

Flying all night

Gets mice.

And it will be light

Sleep flies into the hollow. (owl)

BABA YAGA: What smart kids! All mysteries solved! Okay, so be it, take your Autumn. Only I put her to sleep so that she won't wake up soon! And I’ll fly to another kindergarten for the time being, it’s necessary to spoil the holiday there too ... (Baba Yaga flies away on a broomstick)

HOST: It seems to me, guys, if we tell poems and sing a song about autumn, then she will definitely wake up. Let's try!

Autumn has come,

dried flowers,

And look sad

Bare bushes.

Wither and turn yellow

Grass in the meadows

Only turns green

Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field

The rain is drizzling.

Noisy water

fast stream,

The birds have flown away

To warm climes.

walks autumn in our park,

Gives autumn gifts for everyone:

Pink apron - aspen,

Red beads - rowanberry,

Umbrella yellow - poplars,

Fruits autumn gives us.


Autumn wakes up.

AUTUMN: Oh, how long I slept! Thanks guys for helping me out! Here are gifts from me!

Autumn distributes treats from his basket. Children thank and say goodbye to her.

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 7 "Smile" Sakhalin region, city of Kholmsk.


King Tomato, Queen Tomato, Crow, Autumn.


Prince Tomato, Scarecrow garden.

To the music, the children of the preparatory group enter, go around the hall in pairs and sit down.

In pairs, the children of the older group enter, turn to the audience.

1 child:

Why are there so many colors of red, red, gold?

2. This autumn knocked softly on the door to you and me.

3. In autumn, we are very happy how beautiful her outfit is.

4. Yes, everyone is happy to admire autumn nature.

5. So let's glorify and praise autumn together

6. Sing a lot of wonderful songs and speak in verse.

A song is being performed "Autumn"

7. Oh, how mischievous leaves are spinning in the rain.

We will dress warmly and go for a walk in the yard.

8. We will circle with them, dance like them

Ah, the dancers are tired, they sank along the ground.

Children Art. gr. Performing a couples dance "Drip-drip" then sit down.

The boys of the preparatory group come out to the music, the girls run up to

boys and get in pairs.

1. Crying, crying autumn with a little rain

Drops crystal drops

And a little old maple is sad,

He. probably summer remembers.

2. Friends will not understand me in any way,

Why do I love autumn so much.

As a girlfriend of autumn I whisper

I want to tell you my secrets.

3. Leaf. yellow leaf,

You fly faster.

Let the wind blow you.

I run with you in a race,

I will be until the wind stops.

4. Give your rowan berries

There is no more beautiful than your beads in the world

And in return, take this song

There is no sadness in it in any verse.

5. Friends will not understand me in any way,

Why do I love autumn so much.

As a girlfriend of autumn I whisper

I want to tell you my secrets.

Children of the preparatory group perform a dance "Autumn Jive" , sit down.

Music sounds, King Tomato and Queen Tomato appear.


My dear Tomato Queen, how beautiful you are today! How does your dress suit you?


Dear King Tomato. And don't even think about sucking up. We'll have a ball

There have been no holidays in our vegetable kingdom for a long time. It's autumn now. Most beautiful

and our favorite time of the year. I know you prefer to sit in silence, but

it is harmful for our little son, Prince Pomidorka, to be bored alone. By the way, where is our


I don't know, haven't seen him since morning. Prince, where are you?


Where are you my boy, respond!

(Prince Pomodorka appears from behind the carriage)



Where have you been, son, your mother and I have already begun to worry.


I've been trying to reconcile the vegetables all morning.


How. Are they fighting again?


Well, of course! they are arguing over who is the boss.

What a kindergarten! Yes, see for yourself.

(Children of the preparatory group come out in hats of vegetables, they swear among themselves)


Quiet! Calmly explain what the dispute is?

polka dots (funny):

Very cute, stylish boy

Tailcoat green from a pod oh, what a beauty!

Beet (important):

Well, think about your tailcoat

Everyone knows beetroot anyway!

For salads - decoration

And in borscht I'm overeating.

Cabbage (interrupting):

Please be humble

After all, cabbage is the most important

I'm salted, I'm fried

They stew me, they boil me

So I'm the tastiest

So I'm the most important!

Cucumber (fervently):

By the way, I'm more important:

Well, ask people.

I'm good fresh

Salty is also in demand!


It's time to end the fight

After all, it's me!

Without me, the okroshka is empty,

Without a radish, it's just sad.

Carrot (coquettishly):

Have you forgotten about me?

Vitamins is me!

Animals adore me, people respect me.

I am useful and tasty

Carrots are the most important!

At least people cry from me

They don't hide me away.

I enter every dish,

Onions are everywhere, everything is good.


What are you arguing, friends?

I am the most important of all.

Even children know this.

There is no better potato in the world!


Stop arguing, I'm the most important, all the healthier and tastier!


Yes, it's time to intervene and resolve your dispute. Dear vegetables, you are all useful and good

each in his own way.

I propose to reconcile.

(vegetables shake hands)

And in honor of your reconciliation, we arrange a ball in our vegetable kingdom.


Long live our glorious tomato king!

Fanfare sounds.


How do we start our holiday?


Well, waltz, of course.

(Performed by Waltz preparatory group).


How beautifully these lovely children dance!


King, our dear prince is also talented. Now he will sing us a poem


Son. Don't embarrass your parents.

Well, then dance.


I am not good at,

May I call my friends?

Guys, come out, show me a dance with a cane.

Queen to king:

You need to send your child to kindergarten immediately. Everything will be taught there.

(Dance with a cane is performed by the boys of the older group)


What good fellows I also danced beautifully in my youth.

But let's change the genre. Who can sing? I want to hear a good song. Who is in my

kingdom sings?

(Singing a song "Autumn ran merrily along the path" preparatory group)


Oh, how wonderfully they sang, well, they pleased!

Dear queen. And who are these beautiful girls in yellow sundresses?


These are our guests - rowan berries.

Girls, come out, show yourself!

(Dance "POCK" senior girls).

The king and queen applaud. Music sounds, a CROW appears with a suitcase.


Karrrrr! Ugliness. They are dancing and having fun. They don't care about the poor

unfortunate crow. Karrr!

What cruelty! Karrr! Well, pay attention to the poor bird. Ask anyone

anything, what happened?

Children: what happened?

Crow: What bad kids. They don't even know that I have a grief in a crow!

Queen: Stop screaming and explain what happened?

King: Yes, explain calmly?

Crow: Explain. They flew away. But I stayed. They left without me.

Queen: Who flew where? Guys. Can you guess what the crow is talking about? Who

Children answer:

Migratory birds flew away to spend the winter in warmer climes.

Crow: Here, here. And I mean, I can't fly that well. Yes I am, yes I have the most

beautiful wings, here!


Lady Crow. Stop croaking already, oh, sorry. scream.


Here. That's how everyone tries to offend. Everyone doesn't like my voice. That is OK. Now

I will pinch your rowan berries. You will know me!

(Tries to pinch the rowan girls)


Leave our ball immediately


And I won't think.


Take your suitcase and leave the premises.


Yeah. just picked it up and flew away.

The song sounds "Scarecrow in the Garden" A garden scarecrow appears - a child of Art.

Children Art. groups

Undressed scarecrow

Good clothes:

satin trousers,

Gunny jacket.

  • straw hat

Looks great

With bright patches -

Very pretty.

Old gray scarf

The wind develops.

Who dressed up the scarecrow?

And nobody knows.

Scarecrow flaunts

Looking around

Fly up to the crows

Close does not order.


In the garden I stand and carefully look

So that the birds do not fly, our crops are not pecked.

Everyone sing a song game "Scarecrow in the Garden" At the end, the scarecrow catches up with the children and the crow.


I won't leave it like this to you, I'll complain. (takes suitcase and runs away)

King and queen.

You are our savior!


Let's all say thank you to our savior!

The kids say thank you.


We are ready to fulfill your every wish.


I really want to play in an ensemble on some kind of instrument.


Well, I think the guys will help us with this.

(Orchestra of the senior group. The child playing the role of the Scarecrow plays the cymbals).


Our dear friend, I ask you to stay on our holiday.

It's time for beautiful poetry. Who will read poetry to us?

(reading poetry)


Oh, how beautiful was our ball!

But mom, dad, I'm tired.

The guys are tired too

They sang and danced


Our prince spoke in verse! I always knew he was talented.

Queen: What a beautiful ball. I think it's time to show up here

autumn beauties.

Autumn release:

I am golden autumn. lined with leaves,

I decorate the whole earth and make people happy.

I am a golden autumn, I am a harvest

They call me with love the queen of all rains.

I dream of making friends and spinning in a dance

No wonder I put on my best outfit.

It is woven from leaves of raindrops and flowers

Everyone is happy to admire them today.

Take the leaves and get up in a round dance.

round dance "A Conversation with Autumn" 2 groups


You return the autumn leaves,

Collect them carefully in a basket

(The older group puts the leaves in a basket).

Soon November will knock on the window, the last leaves will be blown away by the wind

Snow-white winter will come next and bring another holiday after itself.


Thanks to autumn, we will say that it comes to us every year

And gives generous gifts; that the garden and the garden are ripening.


We will say thank you in autumn for the beauty of our native fields

For the forest that is painted with gold and the song of white cranes.

Everyone sing a song "Autumn" .


Thank you all for a wonderful ball. I must definitely feed the kids.

(King brings mushroom)


What a wonderful mushroom, it is not small, it is large.

I'll look under the hat, where are the gifts?

(a toy frog sits under the hat)


Get acquainted. This is my friend the green frog.

She is such a sweet tooth!

Where he recognizes sweets, he jumps for joy. She ate it all.

Autumn: this is a joke for the guys, frogs don't eat sweets!

The leaves that I put in the basket

I immediately turned into sweet gifts.

Distribution of gifts.

The holiday is over.