What does a wmr wallet look like. What are Webmoney wallets, where to get Z and R wallet numbers, how to withdraw funds to a wallet

To withdraw funds from Advego, you must specify Webmoney payment purses in your profile on the page:

To save wallets in your profile, you must also specify the current password from your Advego account - NOT Webmoney!

Registration in the Webmoney system: http://start.webmoney.ru/

After registration, the user is assigned a WMID number - this is NOT a wallet number! No need to add letters to the WMID number and try to specify it as the wallet number. Payment wallets must be created additionally in your Webmoney account, for example, a dollar wallet with the letter Z, a ruble wallet with the letter R, etc.

You can check the correctness of the wallet number in the Webmoney service: http://passport.webmoney.ru/asp/VerifyWMID.asp

For owners of the Webmoney WinPro (Classic) keeper: the "Wallets" section - the "Create" menu item or the "Menu" menu - "Wallets" - "Create New".
For owners of the Webmoney Standard (Mini) keeper: section "Wallets" - "Add more".

Attention: in the profile on Advego, you must specify the wallet numbers with letters (for example, R444000222333, Z111999000222), and not your WMID or e-mail. To successfully save payment data, you must additionally specify the current password for your Advego account.

P.S. Specifying an additional payment wallet is not considered a change in payment data.
P. P. S. You can withdraw funds to any wallet - R or Z in any order.

Important! To withdraw funds to Webmoney, you need to issue a formal passport (free of charge):
Fast withdrawal up to 3 days is also available if you issue an initial Webmoney passport:

To withdraw funds, you must create an application on the page Minimum amount for withdrawal - 5 c.u. e. or 500 rubles. If the account is less than 5. e. or 500 rubles, you need to replenish your account and create an application for the withdrawal of all funds.

The first withdrawal to any wallet is carried out within 16 days:
Information on withdrawal terms for wallets with different passports:
Link to rules:

You can find out about withdrawing funds from the WebMoney system here:
http://www.webmoney.ru/rus/inout/withdraw.shtml - for residents of the Russian Federation
http://webmoney.ua/withdrawfunds - for residents of Ukraine

Please note: for any monetary transactions within WebMoney (transfer of funds from wallet to wallet), the WebMoney system takes 0.8 percent of the transaction amount. For example, in order to receive $100 to your wallet, you need to send $100.8 from another wallet, taking into account the commission.

IMPORTANT! If you provided incorrect payment information (for example, mixed up WMID and wallet number), create a topic in LPA:

In the title of the topic, indicate: "Incorrect payment data", in the topic itself, indicate the numbers of your Webmoney payment purses and your WMID.

When registering in the system, the user receives Web Money Identifier(WM ID), which consists of 12 digits. This is an important number that identifies the user in the WebMoney system for any transactions.

With the help of the program WMKeeper Classic you can create any desired wallet.

Each wallet has its own unique number, which also consists of 12 digits. Wallets are preceded by a prefix indicating what type of funds " electronic currency" he works.

For example, Z238396735342, R482764387601, E726498776501, U104553007812 - this is how wallet numbers intended for WMZ, WMR, WME and WMU currencies, respectively, may look.

IN WMKeeper Light By default, only the Z-wallet is created. Electronic wallets for other types of currencies can be created independently if necessary.

In both WMKeeper Light and WMKeeper Classic, you can create multiple wallets (including those for the same currency type) within your WMID.

Attention! Created wallets cannot be deleted.

By the wallet number, you can always determine the identifier to which it is attached. At the same time, it is impossible to find out the wallet number by the identifier.

Currently, there are nine types of wallets in the WebMoney system:

  • Z wallet, or Z wallet ("dollar"). The money stored in it (it is customary to call them WMZ for convenience) is equivalent to US dollars. Thus, 1 WMZ = $1. The Z-wallet number consists of the letter "Z" followed by 12 digits. When you want to receive money in your Z-wallet, just tell your counterparty your Z-wallet number. In this case, the indication of the letter "Z" before the number is mandatory. Z wallet number example: Z324039475235. The entry 324039475235 (without the "Z") would be incorrect.
  • R wallet, or a wallet of type R ("ruble"). The money stored in it (WMR) is equivalent to Russian rubles: 1 WMR = 1 RUR. Similar to a dollar wallet, the ruble number consists of 12 digits. The only difference is that they are preceded by the letter "R" (for example, R678834521459).
  • U wallet, or purse type U ("hryvnia"). The money stored in it (WMU) is equivalent to the Ukrainian hryvnia. The U-wallet number consists of the letter "U" and 12 digits.
  • B-purse, or type B wallet. The money stored in it (WMB) is equivalent to Belarusian rubles. B-purse number consists of the letter "B" and 12 digits.
  • E-wallet, or type E wallet. The money stored in it (WME) is equivalent to the euro. The E-purse number consists of the letter "E" and 12 digits.
  • G-wallet, or wallet type G. The money stored in it (WMG) is backed by gold, that is, 1 WMG is equivalent to 1 gram of gold. The G-purse number consists of the letter "G" and 12 digits.
  • Y wallet, or wallet type Y. The money stored in it (WMY) is equivalent to Uzbek soums. The Y-wallet number consists of the letter "Y" and 12 digits.
  • C-wallet And D-purse- These are special wallets that serve to issue and receive loans.
In addition, we will inform you that the WM-identifier and the wallet number are different things.

WMID is used to log in to WM Keeper, identify, authorize / It is the main and only user registration number (in other words, his login).

The wallet number is used to receive and send electronic money transfers within the system, as well as to store WM-funds.

All transfers in the WebMoney system can only be made between purses of the same type. That is, you can transfer money from your Z-wallet to the Z-wallet of another member of the system. But there is no way to transfer money from Z-wallet to R-wallet and vice versa.

To convert currencies, you can use a special exchange exchange, which is located.

Within one WMID, you can create any number of wallets of any of the specified types.

The exception is Keeper Mini - there you can create only one wallet of each type.

Also an exception are credit wallets C and D, you can only have one of them (Keeper Mini does not support these wallets at all).

The existence of several wallets of the same type within your WMID can be useful if you need to accept payments for different goods or services, or perform transactions related to various Internet projects, etc. That is, the presence of several wallets allows you to divide and organize cash flows, which will allow you to more effectively manage your personal accounting.

, may be of interest to those who have to work with this payment system. We will tell about how to find qiwi wallet number, where and how to find out your account number or details required for some transactions.

How to find out the QIWI wallet number

Are you going to register in QIWI electronic payment system? Then you are probably interested in how you can find out your wallet number. Believe me, this is not difficult at all, because his number is a duplicate of your phone number that you provide during registration (but without the country code).

In order to register in the QIWI system, it is enough to enter the number and password, which must be kept secret from third parties. Then a code will come from the system in SMS, by entering which you will confirm your registration in it. After that, you become the owner of an electronic wallet attached to your phone number.

After entering into Personal Area you can also see the wallet number on the top left side of the page.

Find out the account number of the QIWI wallet

So we found out how to find qiwi wallet number- however, some financial transactions require an account number. You can find it in the payment history: here, in the information about completed transactions, the wallet account number is also indicated. By the way, it also matches your phone number.

How to find out the details of a QIWI wallet

If you need to find out the details of a QIWI wallet (including BIC, KPP, TIN, correspondent account and others), then they can be found on the page https://visa.QIWI.com/replenish/tool.action?tool=4 & search (in the "Bank transfer" section).

What are the details for? For example, in order to make a bank transfer, for which the indication of these data is prerequisite. Such data may be required when making financial transactions through QIWI Bank legal entities whose transactions are under the control of banking structures.

Sometimes the details of the QIWI VISA card associated with the wallet may also be required. To receive its details, it is enough to log in to the payment system, select desired card and click "Submit Details". The request will be processed automatically, and in a few seconds the necessary data will be sent to SMS. After the details are received, you can carry out the necessary financial transactions.

In addition, if problems arise, you can always contact technical support for help.

Now you know, how to find qiwi wallet number, his account number and other details necessary for transactions.

How to change QIWI wallet number

To change the QIWI wallet number after changing your phone number, you need to contact the QIWI certification center. You can do this through the site https://qiwi.com/. To change the number, you will need to write an application and confirm your identity with a scan of your passport.

More in a simple way changing the QIWI wallet number is the option of opening a new one - with reference to a new phone number. Money from the old account can simply be transferred to a new one. True, this method is suitable only for those users who still have access to the previous phone number.

If you have become a full member of the WebMoney payment system, then you definitely need to know your wallet, to which transfers from other participants will subsequently be made. Therefore, you definitely need to figure out how to find out the WebMoney wallet number. Currently, "WebMoney" is one of the most popular payment systems, so almost every user who is engaged in financial transactions on the Internet has such a wallet. After you have registered in the WebMoney payment system, you will need to download a special program, which is also called a "client", this is WebMoney Classic. In it, you can create new wallets, as well as edit them.

The easier way

Today you can also use a simplified version of the service, where you do not need to download the program. But since today we decided to talk in detail about how to find out the WebMoney wallet number, we advise you to install the program, since it will be much easier to work and understand in it than to visit the site. The program is not too complicated and even a beginner can understand it. The most important thing is that you will need to be patient and high level attention in order to avoid mistakes or not to lose access to the wallet at all.

WebMoney electronic wallet and its identifier

Each purse in the WebMoney payment system has its own individual identification number, which is commonly called WMID. All your created wallets will be linked directly to your ID number only. The wallet number must start with latin letter, and it is classified depending on the type of currency, and after the letter there are numbers.

If you are wondering where to look at the WebMoney wallet number, then you should know that in fact, this task is not difficult at all, you can do it in the program itself. First of all, you, as a rule, will need to log in to the program, and for this you need to enter your identification number, as well as the set password, only after that we click the "Login" button. Please note that after entering your password, you will need to wait for a while and you will mobile phone, which is linked in the system, a special code will come, which will be required for authorization. If you are registered in a special E-num Storage system, then authorization is greatly simplified, since you only need to pass it in this service.

Work for speed

So, how to find out the WebMoney wallet number quickly? It's simple, after switching to the program, you should wait for a while until it is fully activated and the icon in the launchpad is updated. In the standard version, after successful authorization, you immediately get to the "My WebMoney" page, but your task is to go to the "Wallets" page. If you have just registered in the system, then you will need to create new wallets, this is necessary to receive funds from other participants. If you have already created them, then on this tab you can see all of them, as well as their numbers. In order to specify such a number, there is no need to write it down, just select it and copy it with the right mouse button. After that, you can insert the wallet number into any form, or simply transfer the number to other participants so that they make transfers to you.


Now you know how to find out the WebMoney wallet number. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, while the above procedure will not take much of your time very soon (when you remember everything). Good luck!

Completed registration in the Webmoney electronic payment system, as well as the downloaded and installed Webmoney Classic program, will allow you to create and use electronic "wallets", each of which has its own identifier in the Webmoney system.

The identifier consists of a set of numbers and a Latin letter. The presence of a Latin letter indicates which exchange rate the wallet is linked to. It is not difficult to find out the identifiers of the created wallets in the Webmoney Classic program. After carefully reading the instructions, it will be absolutely clear how to find out the number of the webmoney wallet.


You need to run the program, for this, in the notification area in the taskbar (in the tray), click the "mouse" in the icon area where there is a picture of a sad ant. Further, the Webmoney Classic system will require authorization. If you use the SMS-confirmation system, then from the drop-down list "Access key storage location", you will need to select the E-num Storage line, if the SMS-confirmation system is not used, then stop the choice on the item "

This computer. In the first variant of using the system, before entering the password, an SMS should come - a code that must be entered first, after entering the code, the password is entered. In the second use case, the password is entered immediately.

Depending on which authorization system is used, after the password has been entered, the "OK" or "Finish" button is pressed. The program will load by default, the “My Webmoney” tab, find the “Wallets” tab that appears and go to it. Find the column "Number" and there you will see the identifiers of each of the wallets you created.

There is no need to rewrite this number to transfer it to any other program - select the desired line and right-click. The menu has an item "Copy wallet number to clipboard", then switch to another program and paste the wallet number that you copied earlier.

If no wallets have been created, then on the Wallets tab, you will need to right-click on the free space. There is a “Create” item in the menu, by clicking on this item, a suggestion will appear on choosing the type of wallet. You will need to select the type of currency, after that a name is entered in the "wallet" field and the "Next" button is pressed.

After reading the text of the agreement, be sure to put a mark next to the inscription "I accept the terms of this agreement" and click the "Next" button. Your request will be sent by the program to the Webmoney server, thus, your new wallet will be created on the server. A box will appear with a message about this, and it will also indicate the ID number. Click the "Finish" button.

Forgot your wallet number?

Quite a common occurrence when they forget the number of a personal wallet. In this case, it is necessary, first of all, to use the help of the electronic support service. payment system. One of the ways * how to find out the wallet number in the Webmoney system is when the keeper opens, on its main page the wallet numbers necessary for holding different currencies appear - in rubles, in euros, in dollars.

However, if you didn’t have a wallet in any currency, then, therefore, you don’t have it, and therefore the wallet number, you won’t be able to find out. Therefore, many advise, using electronic payment systems, to record all numbers on paper. This is considered more reliable, since the computer can suddenly break down, and if the keys to WebMoney Keeper were not downloaded on time, then you will have to re-engineer the wallet, and this will take a lot of time and is very difficult.

Often, many people confuse such concepts as “how to create a WMID” and “create a wallet”. WMID is created as soon as you have registered in the system and it identifies you as a user of the system, but you will not be able to carry out operations until wallets are created.

The system supports several types of title units, each of which is stored in the corresponding electronic Webmoney wallets, such as WMZ, WMR, WMU, WME - wallets, and other types of wallets.
You can create any Webmoney wallets, but do not create extra wallets, as they are never deleted by the system!