What is protracted depression. If nothing pleases in life - advice from a psychologist

I don’t want anything, everything seems gray and monotonous, what I used to like very much does not bring pleasure, longing or emptiness in my soul, questions about the meaning of life, or thoughts about its absence creep in. Are you familiar with these feelings?

  • Loss of loved ones, pets;
  • Loss of important relationships;
  • Accidents, catastrophes and other life-threatening situations;
  • Moving to another city, job change, change of social circle;
  • Even, it would seem, such positive changes in life as marriage and the birth of a child;
  • Systematic conflicts at work or at home;
  • Disappointment, betrayal, the collapse of hopes and plans.

What to do in such situations? Treatment for depression

Probably everyone faces such periods in life when joy disappears somewhere. Only some people can cope with and survive this period with relative ease, allowing themselves to be sad, complain to friends, get angry at others and begin to feel joy again, while others get stuck in dullness and despondency for weeks, months and even years.

"Loss of joy" in psychological language is called depression. Signs of depression include:

  • Decreased mood for more than 7-10 days;
  • Decreased vitality;
  • Appetite disorder;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Poor health - lethargy, apathy, drowsiness, disorders at the level of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Decreased sex drive;
  • Inhibition at the level of feelings and thoughts.

Such a psychological difficulty can be either mild, easily amenable to psychological correction, or be a mental illness (in medical terms, it is called endogenous depression). Most often, depression is caused by purely psychological reasons, when the help of a specialist psychologist, psychotherapist is required.

If your mood is severely depressed, it is important not to postpone your visit to a specialist, but to seek help in a timely manner. At the first meeting, a specialist psychotherapist will conduct, after which he will determine the necessary methods of psychological assistance. It is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of depression on your own, since special psychological defense mechanisms work in the human psyche, which do not allow you to soberly assess the situation, understand the causes of the problem, and look at the circumstances objectively. Our psyche is created in such a way that it distorts the perception of reality in a certain way, based on our upbringing, experience, habits and stereotypes.

It is important to know that traditionally in medical institutions all types of depression are treated with psychotropic drugs. In the case when depression is caused by psycho-emotional causes (and this is the vast majority of applications), this approach has proven to be ineffective, because the very cause of the development of the disorder is not eliminated, but only the external manifestations of depression are artificially muffled. As a result, some time after the end of treatment, depression returns again. In addition, the use of psychotropic drugs entails the appearance of side effects.

Who and how helps with depression in the Ember center?

At the Ember Psychology Center, when working with psychological (neurotic) depression, specialists do not use medications, but with the help of special psychological techniques they activate the body's natural resources. Thus, in the course of classes with a psychologist (psychotherapist), the very cause of the problem is eliminated, which prevents the return of depression.

Prices for consultations can be viewed

The work of a psychologist is complex and sometimes invisible, but its result can change your whole life, because the result can be a new quality of life, a state when you do not stand still and think about how to live on, but move forward, live, dream ... breathe deeply . Good luck on this exciting journey!

Many have such periods in life when all interest is lost in it. People begin to remember the years of their youth, when they were interested in any events, they aspired to something, achieved something. They rejoiced at every little thing and every evening, going to bed, they dreamed that a new day would come faster. Where do all these feelings disappear over the years, how to deal with it? How to regain interest in life?

Reasons why life becomes insipid

In fact, it is easy to understand why interest in life is lost. People begin to close themselves off from the outside world, do not want to see and hear everything that happens. In a similar way, a person exhibits a defensive reaction that helps to hide from the pain encountered on his life path.

Everyone can remember how often he says such phrases: I do not want to see this, I do not want to hear this, I have no desire to experience this again. During the pronunciation of such phrases, people trigger certain mechanisms:

  • Destruction program.
  • Completely close any feelings.
  • The real world in all its manifestations is no longer perceived.

Regardless of whether a person understands that with such thoughts he gives an order to launch a program of destruction, he acts. There are several channels of perception, on which the understanding of the surrounding reality depends. How to regain interest in life? You need to learn how to properly perceive the world around you.

Signs of depression

If there is no interest in life, what to do? How do you know if a person has depression? Psychologists define it by the following features:

  • A person ceases to please any events that previously caused positive emotions. Apathy, sadness, guilt and despondency appear.
  • The person no longer sees a way out of the current situation.
  • Interest in sex life is lost and physical activity is reduced. Sleep became short, and interest in food was lost.
  • Self-confidence completely disappears, and a person begins to avoid other people. In some cases, suicidal thoughts appear.
  • People can no longer control their feelings and emotions.

It is quite difficult to get out of this state, but it is possible, and in such a situation it would be useful to seek help from a psychologist.

Vision is a visual channel of perception

Thanks to vision, people have the ability to see, to distinguish a large number of shades, to notice everything that is happening around. When people age, their eyesight deteriorates, but not because the ability to see is lost. Scientists conducted many experiments and were able to prove that it can be 100% even in old age.

The visual perception of the surrounding reality depends on how ready a person is to notice and accept everything that surrounds him. Any resentment, manifestation of anger and irritation "closes people's eyes." Diseases associated with the loss or deterioration of vision appear due to the fact that people do not like everything they see in their lives. In children, such illnesses arise because they do not want to see what is happening in their families.

Hearing - the auditory channel of perception

Hearing is the most important channel for perception of the surrounding world. It also affects the ability to speak. Vibrations that are emitted by sound are perceived not only by the organs of hearing, but by the whole body. Therefore, when a person closes the possibility of perceiving information with the organs of hearing, he is fenced off from life and the surrounding reality.

People often ask back what was said, in large part because their attention is so distracted. Also, auditory perception is closed in cases where the interlocutor screams loudly, especially if it is something unpleasant. Children often have hearing problems due to high-profile scandals in the family, they do not want to perceive it, and as a result, various diseases arise.

Sensory channel of perception: sensations and feelings

A person receives most of the information through feelings, and he closes them, if something goes wrong, instantly. Often this happens when he is faced with insurmountable obstacles, such as fear, resentment, love suffering. Life becomes uninteresting because its taste is lost. It has a direct connection with the perception of any smells, tastes, and tactile sensations are of great importance.

People often resort to the easiest way to turn off such a channel of perception - this is smoking. Also, you can dull your feelings by closing yourself in, computer games and the Internet allow you to escape reality into another world. Today, when technology has developed to a high level, this happens very often.

If you lose interest in life, what to do? There are some rules for those who have lost interest in life, they will help to regain it.

You need to completely change your schedule. This may be a change in the route that a person follows to work. Perhaps you should abandon the transport that he follows, or get off a little earlier than your stop and continue on foot. Many people find it helpful to listen to their favorite music while traveling and commuting to work. This helps to strengthen the nervous system.

How to regain interest in life? Psychologist's advice: you need to start experimenting and stop being afraid of the new in your life. It is also important to stop eating the same food. Change your hairstyle, if it has not changed for a long time, update your wardrobe. You need to start enjoying all sorts of innovations.

It would be useful to update the interior in your home, you may even have to throw away some old things and purchase new ones. It also helps to add new colors to the interior of the apartment.

You will need to become a little selfish and get rid of those duties that were habitual and took a lot of time, but were not necessary. You need to start loving yourself and stop listening to someone, learn to believe in yourself. Rejoice in any small positive events in your life.

What needs to be done to regain the will to live

How to regain interest in life? The advice of psychologists boils down to the fact that you need to learn to accept the world around you as it is, and treat yourself in the same way, perceive yourself as real in this world and begin to respect. Be grateful for everything that happens in your life.

When a person has lost interest in life, what to do? Everything is very simple, in fact, life responds to what a person does in it, and all events do not happen by chance. To start living and enjoying what is happening, it is enough just to be a person with a capital letter, to believe in yourself and not to commit

In order to have a desire to live, a person must be completely satisfied with himself and everything that he does. Of course, it is difficult to imagine a person who will be satisfied with everything that happens, but he himself is not successful. But many believe that success is money. Everything is much simpler, a successful person is one who realizes himself and loves his kind of activity. There are people who do not have a large fortune, but consider themselves successful and enjoy life.

Success is not about having an expensive house, a car, a yacht. All these are just trifles of life compared to when a person was able to realize himself. A successful person always returns home with great joy and is glad to meet people close to him. Such people know what their meaning of life is, they have clearly defined goals to which they aspire.

If you have lost interest in life, what can be done the simplest? Even some of the world's leading psychologists advise not to lose a sense of humor in any, even the most difficult situation. And sometimes you can laugh at yourself.

There are moments that help get rid of depression.

It is necessary, as strange as it sounds, to balance the diet. Stop doing all sorts of snacks that do not lead to anything good. It is necessary to properly balance your diet so that you do not have to resort to the additional use of some vitamin complexes. It is useful to eat a small amount of dark chocolate, it helps

It helps to cope with the problems of keeping your diary, in which you need to write down any little things that happen in life, both successes and defeats. Sometimes there are cases that help get out of depression - this is a state of shock. These are moments when a person needs to urgently act in a given situation. In such a state, he forgets about all the problems that do not allow him to live normally. It is important that such actions are under the control of a specialist, otherwise the negative consequences can be very dangerous.

Lost interest in life? You need to pay attention to such simple things as the daily routine and night. Analyze if the sleep and rest regimen is correct. First of all, you need to normalize sleep and be sure to find some favorite activity that will become a hobby. Thanks to this, you can completely escape from pressing problems.

If it seems that everything in life is bad, then how to find interest in life? You need to reconsider your views on her and understand that she is rich in many positive events. You need to become more optimistic. Believe that life can change in a positive way, and start making every effort to do so.

Most people tend to exaggerate what is happening in their lives. You need to look back and analyze what is happening, and then everything will begin to fall into place. Perhaps some of the problems were too exaggerated or even far-fetched. Best of all, in cases where depression has overcome, look around and see how colorful the world around is. Start enjoying life and things will start to get better.

Pause in their affairs as a means of combating depression

How to restore a person's interest in life with the help of a pause in business? There is nothing difficult in this. You just need to relax, maybe meditate or go to relax in nature. To feel how pleasant it is to meet the dawn in some of your favorite places. Spend the evening by the fire. Watch how the water flows, and at the same time not remember your problems. Listen to your soul and remember some pleasant moments in life.

Remind yourself of your life purpose

How to return joy and interest in life? For this, a person needs to remember his innermost dreams, because everyone had them. It is necessary, as it were, to return to the past and find what pleased at that time, the meaning that gave energy and the desire to live. Then it’s good to think at what exact moment a turning point occurred in life and what exactly happened, why to live. Then you need to mentally return to the place and time when it happened, and rewrite the past. After such a rethinking of everything that happens, you should begin to live in complete harmony with your soul and check everything with it. The medicine that can help overcome psychological difficulties is in everyone's soul.

How to stop blocking feelings

There are 2 options for psychologists' advice on how to regain interest in life and stop blocking feelings.

First: you need to try to look inside yourself, as it were, to understand what kind of emotions you want to hide from others and yourself. Then you need to accept them completely, feel, experience and just let go.

It is best to do this in childhood. A child can freely, without embarrassment, cry if someone offended him, and immediately forget about everything and start playing, doing his favorite thing. Thus, children easily let go of negative emotions.

It is much more difficult for an adult. He needs to find a place where no one will see him. Calm down and understand what emotions are most disturbing to him. When he has dealt with this, he needs to accept them, to feel them fully, and so he can dump negative emotions. Negative feelings will no longer be blocked, and it will become much easier.

The second option: a person needs to seek help from a psychotherapist.

Laughter is the simplest cure for depression

A person just needs to perceive everything easier. Start every morning with a smile and understand that life is beautiful, no matter what. It is very useful to watch comedy films. Such a simple therapy has helped many to begin to enjoy life and get rid of negative emotions that eat from the inside.


There is a well-known truth: any correctly posed question carries an answer. A person wondering how to regain interest in life is already on the right track.

The surrounding world is gray, sad and boring to live. Green melancholy started up, there is no getting away from it, it seizes, tortures, sucks out vital juices ... Loss of interest in life. Tired of life. Want nothing. How to deal with it? What to do, if ?

If there is no interest in life

What to do if there is no interest in life and everything is dull and joyless? Why is life boring? Where did you disappear to ?

Reasons for losing interest in life:

1. Fatigue.

When a person does not know how and does not want to, turns his existence into a continuous race for results, forgets about spiritual things, negative energy accumulates, poisoning his life. It pulls down like a chain and does not allow you to “fly up”.

2. Feeling like an unnecessary person.

This feeling calls into question the value of the individual, its usefulness, the very meaning of existence seems to be a mockery.

3. Obyazalovka.

If a person goes through life guided only by principles: I must, I am obliged, I am forced, he looks like a barge hauler on the Volga. An “eternal debt” constantly hangs over him, like a huge cobblestone above his head, and makes him unhappy.

4. Aimlessness.

Life is like a tumbleweed: where the wind blows, I move there. Please do not confuse goals with desires. Desires are more mundane. It is normal to have desires - to love, to dress nicely, to earn good money, to have a family, to live in abundance, etc. Their realization provides, as an individual, as a separate person. Desires are necessary for a person for himself, as ensuring his comfortable and pleasant existence.

4. Imagine that this is the last day of your life or the last minute.

A person who has a gun pointed to his head hardly thinks that life is not interesting. Awareness of our mortality helps us to appreciate life more and be aware of every moment.

5. Stop, give yourself a rest.

Relax. Meditate. Get out into nature. Meet the dawn. Sit by the fire, contemplating the fire. Watch the flowing water. Listen to yourself, your soul. Remember the good moments of your life, feel them again. Reread your .

6. Find or remember your purpose.
9. Go outside and smile at everyone.

Make new friends. Recall forgotten friends, arrange a meeting with them. Be open to new contacts, suggestions and, see opportunities and say “yes!” to them.

10. How to deal with the blockage of feelings?

There are two options here.

First: to look into yourself and figure out which ones you want to hide, which ones you are trying to get away from, to avoid, which you do not want to be aware of. Accept, feel, experience and let go.

Children do it well. If a child is offended, he will cry heartily, and then, with a free soul and a smile on his face, he will take up his favorite toy. Everything, the emotion is won back.

It is better for an adult to find a place where no one will disturb him. Calm down. Focus on the breath, and ask yourself: what feelings do I really have for my father, mother, myself, husband, wife, son, friend, for my own life. And enter into these sensations, completely immerse yourself in them, despite the fact that they are completely unpleasant. In this way, the energy of negative feelings will be discharged and there will no longer be a need to block them, the “border post” will be removed. Joy and interest in life will return along this path without hindrance.

The second option is to contact a psychotherapist.

11. Laugh more.

Start your morning with. Make a list and watch comedies, funny positive films every day. It works!

What to do if there is no interest in life ?

As you know, any correctly posed question already carries an answer. And if a person sets it to himself, he is already on the way to his decision. I think you get the idea, the answer is to do. Share in the comments if you have experienced such conditions and, if so, how did you deal with them?

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What to do if there is no interest in life and everything is dull and joyless: 76 comments

    How is it no interest, but where did he go?

    admin Answered:
    January 3rd, 2013 at 08:14 pm

    That's what I'm talking about too! But there are people who are bored and dreary to live. This is a very unfortunate condition.

    It’s not clear to me how you can lose when there are so many interesting things around Life is so short, you have to enjoy every moment while there is an opportunity

    Vika Answered:
    February 15th, 2014 at 09:19 pm

    Why so many interesting things? For example, I don’t see anything interesting at all, everything is so monotonous.

    Rostislav Answered:
    August 9th, 2014 at 00:27

    I don’t find any sense and interest in life, and I don’t see it!

    August 11th, 2014 at 09:41 pm

    Rostislav, then just live and watch the world, do not look for interest and meaning. Maybe this is not given to you, or maybe, in the end, you will feel the taste, color and music of life.

    In each article, the same thing seems to be taken from the same source. There is nothing new. Rejoicing in something that does not please is like taking medicine that does not help. Violence over feelings is not right. And shutting up those who live worse is also not true. As if these people are suffering because of me, I broke their lives and made them like that. Or is it a guide to what to strive for? That is, for the worse. And as for feelings, there is a ban on them, especially for men. And as a rule, they begin to drown and condemn those who are not satisfied with their life. And if, God forbid, you do not hold back and splash out, then they will begin to condemn you even more. When a person is not satisfied with the way he lives, he himself begins to feel that he is somehow not like that, and when those around him begin to hint at him from all sides or even say it point-blank, then you yourself understand what kind of person.

    October 2nd, 2013 at 09:27 pm

    Alexander, you rightly noticed that everything on this site is really taken from one source - from my thoughts, experience, conclusions after reading books, articles, passing trainings and life events.
    The call to help those who are worse is not aimed at committing violence against feelings, shutting one's mouth, interrupting the flow of one's own emotions. It is aimed at redirecting this flow, in order to learn how to selflessly give, share. If you have ever done this, helped those who are worse, with a pure heart, then you know that after that the soul is filled with joy, warmth and the desire to do many good deeds.
    But I would ignore condemnations and hints if you are confident in what you are doing and how you are doing it. The task of a person is to be himself, to go his own way.

    Alena, a good psychotherapist will prescribe a medicine for an acute period, if there is such a need. In the future, his task is to push the person himself to solve his problems. A good psychotherapist does not give people ready-made recipes, but only directs, helps to awaken thoughts in the right direction and find a way out for the client himself, based on his experience, knowledge, desires and feelings.

    And the acute period is how long? Some here are sincerely surprised “how did it disappear?” And like this. It's been missing for me for 5 years now. There is no meaning in life, and there are no special joys either. Suicide - cowardly reject, because. it's just a problem for others. The advice here is good. Something I tried, something does not work. Main - . And it's hard to find and accept. I won't go to psychiatrists. I no longer have family and friends. “... and when those around him begin to hint at him from all sides or even say it point-blank, then you yourself understand what kind of person ....” - Yes it is. Everyone strives to poke his nose and advise the "recipe". From this falls even more, and the feeling of own worthlessness and uselessness is aggravated. And they genuinely wonder why it doesn't work. Because "a well-fed equestrian is not on foot"!

    December 28th, 2013 at 22:30

    5 years is a long time. And really nothing in life does not change? Have you tried changing yourself? Start reading other books, do things that you have never done but would like to, communicate with other people, try to understand those whom you think you will never understand? Read about the Karpman triangle (). Maybe you are playing this game?

    Change? What for? I don't want to read other books, communicate with other people. Understand the problem of motivation. I do not want anything. Because I don't see the point in it.
    New Year's Eve used to be a bigger holiday for me than a birthday. Now all the holidays are just another number on the calendar. Passed and it's fine.
    I often convince myself that I have a lot of positive things. Wow, some people don't even have that. Some have disability, homelessness, alcoholism. So I still have nothing. But this is not enough for long.

    January 10th, 2014 at 08:42

    If motivation is the problem, then you don't have a goal.
    New Year is not, it is a ritual. You can also meet him while reading an interesting book or over a drawing of a project that is important to you or behind the eyepiece of a microscope. The main thing is that you know why you need it.

    THANKS A LOT! I'm very glad I found your site. The fact is that I, one might say, is a little disabled, my arms and legs are intact, but a year ago they completely removed my thyroid gland ... it was bad with it, and without it it’s even worse ... I can’t return a lot, I can’t get pregnant, although I really dreamed about it. doctors can't find the right dose of hormones, and there are complications in the kidneys and heart. All I have left is a shadow of what I used to be. the mental state is also not normal, the doctor prescribed antidepressants, while I drink them and everything is fine .... I'm really angry at myself for wasting my life on others

    February 2nd, 2014 at 05:15 pm

    Nyusha - forgive yourself and learn to live in a new way, look at the world with different eyes. If you are angry with yourself, then you do not fully accept yourself. Perhaps you want to see only positive qualities in yourself and turn a blind eye to the fact that a person is woven from many virtues and is not alien to shortcomings. Love yourself for who you are now and then you will be able to cope with a difficult situation. I will be glad if the materials of the site will be useful to you and help you with this. Write, ask questions - we will think and decide together.

    Hi all!
    In 2011, the most important person in my life, my Father, my ideal, whom I have been following all my life, died. Starting from the moment of death, I began to drink, and I drank for two long months, I simply could not stop, I had a fight with my sister, cousins, I lost quite a few close friends. Then I decided to pull myself together, I thought that the problem was alcohol, and took the risk, coded. One problem went away, stopped drinking, began to work, but became nervous, took everything with hostility, the days became so gray that at times I just lay in bed and didn’t want to do anything, and trying to find something for myself aggravated it even more depressive state. Just the other day, I got drunk again. Now I hate myself, my life, I feel worthless in this life. And the problems and all the dullness, as if pressing even more. I understand that some actions, activities, hobbies will help me, but I don’t know where to start, everything is so boring.

    July 3rd, 2014 at 12:35 pm

    Artem, I sympathize with you. The loss of a loved one is a loss that is irreplaceable by nothing and no one. It's hard, hard, sad to tears. And, most importantly, that it is impossible to do anything.
    But you have memories in which your Father is alive and no one will take them away from you. You can contact them at any time. When things don't work out, think about what your Father would do or what advice he would give you.
    You can hate yourself, but not for long, then it is better to analyze yourself and figure out why you did it. It would be nice to use paper and a pen and write down: why you are dissatisfied with yourself, your life, why you feel worthless, what problems you have (better call them tasks). Problems tend to weigh in when we run them around in our heads. When we start asking questions: what can I do, how, what can I do right now and then act, life begins to change. If you have any questions, write here or personally through the contact form.

    no, I don’t want to, I can’t have the strength, two years ago my son died 17 years old, yes there are still children 20 years old and 14 years old, but I’ve been in a coma for 2 years and I drink antidipressants, I sleep, I don’t eat much, I lost 15 kg, I can’t and I don’t I don’t want to see or hear anyone ... my husband is supportive, but he is also already in such a state as a zombie ... ..

    November 27th, 2014 at 09:42 pm

    Vera, you suffered the hardest blow - the death of your son. It is as if a piece of your heart was cut off and the wound is still bleeding. They say it heals, but your grief will always remain with you. And you need to learn to live with this, especially since you have someone to live for: for yourself, for your children, for your husband. Two years is already a decent time, if you can’t cope, contact a psychologist - your existence in this state can hardly be called life. Specialist help needed.

    My brother is a disabled person of the second group (a mentally ill person) lives with his parents. If someone knows, then living with such people is unbearable. From the house he took out everything that can be taken out and sold. Mother and father are pensioners. They have literally turned into zombies already. I live separately, I don’t have a personal life because I have to pull my parents. I practically live for them. I work in a factory surrounded by rude and evil people. I would really like to stop my life path, because I no longer have the strength, when Mom comes home from work, she calls in another tantrum and tells what her brother did again. Life does not please, but on the contrary, each new day is like another test.

    December 3rd, 2014 at 08:43 pm

    Olya, your situation is really difficult. Think about whether there is at least something good in your life? My opinion: the plus is that you live separately from your parents and brother. So, you can build your life the way you see fit. Yes, it’s difficult and difficult for you, but action is needed to change. Start with small steps. What will they be? This is entirely up to you. Ask yourself questions. What do you want from life? What are you interesting in? What can you do right now to improve your life?
    You cannot change the lives of your loved ones. I think you yourself understand this. Change your life. Let it become interesting and joyful.

    Hello, I am 14 years old. I would like to consult and get advice on how to be ... You know, after looking

Believe me, you are not the only person in the whole world who has lost his taste for life, who is not happy with anything. In fact, the lost interest in the world and everything around is often the result of depression, apathy, but not always.

Feelings: everything is annoying, very sad, tired of everything, it can also arise for other reasons. By the way, experienced psychologists say that you can’t think like that, it attracts negative energy.

If you don't want anything in life, then nothing will happen. Isn't this a reason to try to change something, start developing and get out of an oppressed, joyless state? Fight with yourself!

So, what to do if there is no mood, if everything around looks gray and gloomy, depressing and annoying.

Why don't you want anything

Perhaps it is worth understanding the reasons why interest in life has disappeared, everything around has ceased to please.


Yes, imagine that banal overwork can act as a catalyst contributing to the state of “everything around is not fun » , but, on the contrary, infuriates.

Indeed, sometimes a person does not have the courage to admit to himself that he is overworked, that his pursuit of profit does not give him any spiritual food and interferes with ordinary rest.

Therefore, you just need to forget about business for a while, nourish yourself with vital energy and breathe deeply and feel freedom.

Feeling useless

For a long time, the wise classics told readers about "superfluous people", unfortunately, and now there are a lot of them. Yes, it happens that people, even close ones, become unnecessary to each other, they disperse to the sides and become strangers.

This turns a more vulnerable person into a gray and gloomy one, kills his self-esteem. Sometimes it’s worth finding the strength in yourself to move on and then there will be the one who will understand and love.

Feeling indebted to others

There is a type of people who consider themselves constantly indebted to someone. Others take advantage of this and "ride" them.

Eternal debt does not bring joy, everything shrinks inside and a feeling of anxiety leads to the fact that there is nothing else in life that gives pleasure.

Lack of purpose and communication

When you don’t dream of anything, you don’t strive for anything, existence becomes boring and insipid.

Almost everyone is a social being, where the lack of communication manifests itself in depression.


Being engaged in the same business, a person sees only one side of life, which bothers with its monotony.

For a normal existence and good mood, harmony in everything is necessary. Rest is needed from any work, and work saves from constant rest. No matter how funny it sounds.

Inability to enjoy simple little things

Sometimes, in order to laugh, it’s enough just to look out the window, start admiring the doge, the leaves on the trees, a funny dog, importantly hurrying about its business.

The psychologist's advice suggests that it is necessary to let go of the internal springs, get rid of the brakes on emotions, liberate yourself and become open on the path to your own happiness.

What to do when everything stops bringing joy

Having found out the reasons why everything has ceased to bring joy, let's start fighting it. How? Now we'll tell you.

Naturally, there is no universal system, but you need to look for opportunities to do something, not give up, try and everything will definitely work out.

We hope that one of the proposed methods will become that lifeline that will pull you out of gray hopelessness and paint life again with bright colors. You will no longer know what depression, boredom and melancholy are.

Getting Started

If you sit in one place and do nothing, sadness and longing will not go anywhere. It is desirable to entertain yourself with something.

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For example, you can start by cleaning the apartment, painting the radiators to the music, start learning Spanish, which you have long dreamed of mastering, offer your help to your neighbors, buy a sea pig, and so on. There are no emotions - get down to business and they will certainly appear!

Hobbies and contrast

We recall what we have long dreamed of doing, but somehow our hands did not reach. Start sewing toys, build match houses, record music, play musical instruments, paint pictures. In general, do, draw, plan, dance, but, most importantly, have fun.

Empty, what to do, if nothing pleases, then go to a nursing home, a boarding school, it may be worth visiting the hospital or visiting the guys in the orphanage.

Chat with these people and you will understand that they have much less reason to have fun than you, but it is unlikely that they are all in a prolonged depression.

Support these people, try to help them and all thoughts about yourself alone will evaporate. Believe me, nothing inspires so much as the opportunity to help and be needed by someone.

Dealing with appearance

Remembers his appearance and body. This applies not only to women, but also to the stronger sex. As the saying goes, a healthy mind in a healthy body! At the same time, the body should also be beautiful.

Actively engaged in training, go to the gym, run in the morning, go to the school of fitness, dancing, aerobics, sign up for riding courses. We do everything to diversify our life with action.

By the way, a camping trip or an activity in large groups of interests perfectly cheers up. Here everyone is waiting for communication, a lot of impressions, a sea of ​​emotions.


If a person seems to be doing well, but still a feeling of joy is an infrequent guest, you need to try to make yourself laugh. How to do it? Let's start with comedy films. Yes, not all of them are good, but there are just killer ones.

This includes old Russian cinema, French films, American films. They will make even the most serious person laugh, and they will certainly cope with depression.

And you can also read jokes, subscribe to groups with funny cases. It is also possible to organize a draw yourself. Start moving, keep an eye on the quirky people on the street. Watch their behavior. It helps!

By the way, sometimes psychologists advise walking down the street and smiling at passers-by. There is no need to fear that you will be mistaken for a person who is slightly out of his mind. Someone will think so, and someone will smile in response.

Organize a "party"

We remember school friends, student comrades. Invite them to visit or gather in a cafe. Try to organize a meeting between people with whom you have similar views and interests.

It's hard to believe, but with them there is an opportunity to have a great time. Learn to play chess, create a detective or mafia club, perhaps there are like-minded people in fishing and scooter racing.

No need to go into yourself, you should share energy, and be able to absorb it.

Looking for your purpose and setting a new goal

Perhaps it is worth remembering. Look for the meaning of life, analyze what caused the bleak state, find this moment and try to start all over again.

Take a more difficult task, try to change, then there will be a chance for further development.

It is not necessary to go to the intended goal by leaps and bounds, the main thing is to go towards it slowly but surely. When a new meaning appears in life, a person will find joy.


Sometimes nothing pleases in life because of simple fatigue. Stop, relax and take your mind off everything. Go to the forest, kindle a fire, go to the river, to the sea, listen to the cries of seagulls and the sound of the surf.

Nature will help heal spiritual wounds, put feelings in order, feel harmony, absolute unity.

These simple and very simple tips will help you cope with the blues. If you are overwhelmed by melancholy and the world is painted in gray, you need to relax, cheer up, every day step towards your dream.

The main thing is to gain strength. A person himself must want to change his life when nothing pleases him, and then he will be able to get out of the situation as a winner.