Hans Christian Andersen The Tin Soldier summary. The Steadfast Tin Soldier

The main character of H.H. Andersen's fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” is a toy soldier cast from tin. Together with other tin soldiers, he was given to one boy for his birthday. It must be said that the main character of the fairy tale differed from his brothers in that he had only one leg. To make these soldiers they used a tin spoon, and there wasn't enough tin for him. But the soldier stood steadfastly even on one leg.

The boy placed all the donated soldiers on the table, where there were many other toys. The most beautiful toy was a cardboard palace, in front of which there was a mirror lake with swans. On the threshold of the palace, its owner, a dancer, stood on one leg. The soldier liked her so much that he only thought about her.

When everyone in the house went to bed, the toys came to life and began to play on their own. An evil troll jumped out of the snuffbox behind which the soldier stood. He didn’t like that the soldier was looking at the dancer, and the troll harbored a grudge.

In the morning, the children moved the soldier to the window and a gust of wind caused him to fall out onto the street. They looked for the soldier, but did not find him. It had rained heavily and the ditches were full of water. Two boys passing by found the soldier. They decided to build him a boat from newspaper and send him on a journey on the water. The current was strong and the soldier was quickly carried away into the river. He bravely endured the dangerous voyage and thought about the dancer. At some point, the paper boat began to sink, but the soldier never reached the bottom of the river. He was swallowed by a big fish.

The belly of the fish was dark and cramped. But the soldier was persistent, he patiently endured all difficulties. Time passed and the soldier saw the light. It turns out that the fishermen caught the fish, and the cook brought it from the market to the house, where she began to cut it up. It was a miracle that the soldier again ended up in the very house where his journey began. The delighted cook took the soldier to the children. He again saw familiar toys and the lovely owner of the cardboard castle.

At that moment, one of the boys, perhaps taught by the evil troll, suddenly grabbed the soldier and threw him into the stove. From the heat of the flame, the soldier made of tin began to melt. And at that moment, from a gust of wind, the cardboard dancer took off and landed right in the flame of the stove, next to the tin soldier. It immediately burned down, and by that time the soldier had also melted.

In the morning, the maid found in the oven only a lump of tin that looked like a heart and a burnt brooch that once hung around the neck of a cardboard dancer.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main message of the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” is that persistence sometimes works wonders. If you have the ability to endure all the hardships and hardships, then you will definitely return to those you want to see. This fairy tale, due to the fault of an evil troll or by chance, has a sad ending, but the main characters of the fairy tale ended up together.

The fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” teaches you not to pay attention to envy and hatred, which sometimes comes from some ill-wishers. To be persistent means to be able to overcome difficulties and not bend under the blows of fate.

In this fairy tale, I liked the tin soldier, who steadfastly endured all the blows of fate. He wanted to be with the dancer - and he stayed with her.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”?

He who holds fast wins.
Happiness helps those who are resilient.

The fabulous and amazing story “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” is always interesting for children, as it tells about the strong but short love of two heroes who do not say a single word throughout the entire plot. But this story about strong love ends tragically and sadly.

Andersen's collection "Fairy Tales Told to Children"

In 1935, a small book by an already famous children's writer was published in Denmark. This collection was a huge success and immediately sold out. Even the author himself did not expect that his small but instructive tales would enjoy such success.

This collection also includes the fairy tale story “The Steadfast Tin Soldier,” a summary of which is in this article. After the publication of this book, a new tradition appeared in Denmark: the book by Hans Christian Andersen now began to be republished at the same time. Each time it came out of print on the eve of Christmas and New Year holidays, and parents purchased it to give a pleasant and long-awaited gift to their children.

Summary of the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”

The child is given a gift on his birthday. These are twenty-five little soldiers made of tin. But only one of them is very different from the rest. And all because when the toys were made, at low tide there was not enough material, and the warrior was left without one leg. In Andersen's fabulous and instructive story “The Steadfast Tin Soldier,” a brief summary helps to understand the main idea of ​​the work. At night, toys come to life. And this is already interesting for kids, because they dream of it being like this.

When all the toys in the boy’s room come to life, the soldier, who was watching everything, saw a small and fragile dancer with whom he immediately fell in love. The dancer was beautiful! Her every movement, every wave of her hand - it was all magnificent. But the author in the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, a summary that always interests children of different ages, shows both the tension and the silence that reigns in the room when a terrible troll appears. He immediately notices the soldier and, seeing that he liked the dancer, warns him not to even look at her.

But the warrior did not pay any attention to the formidable troll and continued to admire the thin and fragile ballerina. Then the villain promised that he would definitely deal with him. This is what happens in the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier.” Let’s continue the summary with the fact that in the morning the toy was placed on the windowsill, and the window was open. The wind blew, he could not stand on one leg and fell out. While he was lying under the window, it began to rain.

Soon the boys find the toy, they made a small boat out of paper and put a soldier in it and sent it into the ditch. On the way, first there is a collision with a rat, and then, when the ship capsizes, the toy is swallowed by a fish. It ends up on the table of the owner of the house where the tin soldier used to live. And yet the end is sad: the boy throws the toy into the fireplace. The wind carries the dancer there too.

Screen adaptation

Andersen's fairy tale "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", a summary of which is in this article, was filmed both in Russia and abroad. The best work is the animated film of the same name, which was released in 1976.

Although before this there were already attempts to film Andersen’s fairy tale. The first took place in 1934. The director was Ub Iwerks, and the cartoon was called "Jack in the Box." There were other attempts.

H.H. Andersen is the author of fairy tales known throughout the world. His fairy tales are read by both children and adults; they contain deep meaning. One of his creations is “The Steadfast Tin Soldier,” a story about one soldier who was different from all his brothers. He was one-legged because there was not enough tin for the second leg.

The main meaning of Andersen's fairy tale The Steadfast Tin Soldier

This touching story says that love is stronger than all terrible troubles and disappointments. And even if the world is full of evil and ignorance, you can overcome a lot if there is love.

Summary of Andersen The Steadfast Tin Soldier

The parents of a little boy decided to give their son 25 tin soldiers. The boy was very happy with the gift and immediately began to play with them. At this time, the one-legged but very persistent tin soldier was captivated not by playing with the boy, but by a beautiful dancer who stood on one leg and gracefully raised her other leg above her head. She lived in a cardboard house, the house was very beautiful. It had a beautiful garden, a lake and many rooms. And the beauty herself was made of cardboard, and on her chest there was a shiny brooch.

The soldier was so impressed by her beauty that he could not take his eyes off the dancer, but only thought about how to get to know her, the girl also looked at him. He decided to come closer, but suddenly his path was blocked by an evil troll who jumped out of a snuffbox standing near a cardboard house. He didn't like the way the soldier looked at the pretty girl. The troll cursed the soldier, promising him big trouble the next morning.

With the onset of dawn, the soldier was found lying near the snuffbox and placed on the window; with a blow of wind, he fell straight from the third floor and got stuck between the stones. This is where the journey of the poor tin soldier began. On his dangerous path, he met an annoying rat who wanted to catch him, then a stream of water washed him into a large canal. And when the soldier fell to the bottom, he did not stop thinking about one thing, about that beautiful dancer whom he loved so much. But fate had many surprises in store for him; the soldier was swallowed by a fish. He spent a lot of time in the fish's stomach until the fish were caught by fishermen and it went straight to the kitchen table of the very house where it was lost.

The cook, having discovered an amazing find, immediately made the boy happy. And now the soldier was already at home, he saw a familiar room and that same cardboard house. But the boy acted cruelly to the soldier; he threw him into the burning fireplace. The soldier melted, but held firm. He could not take his eyes off his beloved, who was also looking at him. A draft swept through the room, and the cardboard dancer flew straight into the fireplace. It burned instantly and the soldier had already melted by that time.

In the morning, in the smoldering room, the cleaning lady found a small piece of tin that looked like a heart and a darkened, no longer so sparkling brooch.

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The Steadfast Tin Soldier- a fairy tale by the Danish writer H.H. Andersen.

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier" summary

A boy is given 25 tin soldiers for his birthday, one of which is missing a leg. Since it was cast last, there was not enough tin for it. At night, the toys come to life and begin to live their own lives.

The soldier finds love - a beautiful dancer. Suddenly a troll appears from the snuffbox and says: “Tin soldier, you don’t need to look!” Angry that the soldier is ignoring him, the troll threatens to deal with him. The next morning the soldier is placed on the window, which suddenly opens and the soldier falls.

It starts to rain. The soldier is found by two street boys, who put him on a homemade boat, which they launch into a ditch. Along the way, he meets a rat who demands his passport. When the water from the ditch rushes into the canal, the boat sinks and the soldier is swallowed by a fish. This fish ends up in the kitchen of the toy's owner. The fish is cut open and a tin soldier is found. He is taken back to the nursery. Some boy threw the poor guy into the fireplace. The dancer is carried there by a gust of wind, and she burns, and the soldier melts.

To the question Brief summary of Andersen's fairy tale. The Steadfast Tin Soldier specified by the author Drizzle the best answer is The Steadfast Tin Soldier

Answer from Ilnar Khusainov[newbie]
A little boy was given 25 tin soldiers in a box. One of them was missing a leg - apparently there wasn't enough tin. On the very first day he saw a beautiful toy castle, and in it - a beautiful dancer who stood on one leg. It was love! But the evil troll living in the snuffbox decided that the soldier was no match for such a beauty... In the morning the soldier was placed on the window, from where he fell onto the street, where he was never found. Two boys set the figurine sailing on a paper boat. A water rat tried to catch up with the sailor under the bridge. After an accident at a waterfall, where water fell into a wide canal, the soldier was swallowed by a fish, which then ended up on the cook’s table in the very house from whose window the soldier fell on that memorable morning. His love still stood there on one leg. Suddenly a little boy threw the soldier into the oven, and a draft brought the dancer there. In the morning, the maid found a piece of tin in the shape of a heart and a burnt brooch in the ash of the stove.

Answer from Ivan Starukhin[newbie]
Hans Christian Andersen. "The Steadfast Tin Soldier". A bright, kind fairy tale that reveals (like a number of other stories by the storyteller) the tragedy of “not like everyone else.” The action takes place in a miniature world of things and toys, which are brought to life by the author's imagination. A toy tin one-legged soldier, who, due to his peculiarity, finds himself on the sidelines from his brothers, meets a mechanical ballerina, in whom he sees a kindred spirit. But an evil little troll who lives in a snuffbox stands in the way of their friendship, and because of his cunning the soldier gets into trouble. Having fallen from the window of a room, the little hero is forced to wander in a cruel and huge city world, but does not lose hope of meeting his beloved. It seems that he is doomed; his paper boat sinks in a drainage canal, and the soldier is swallowed by a huge fish. But this fish then ends up in the kitchen of the very house where the little boy, the owner of the toy squad, lives. The soldier meets the ballerina, and the envious troll throws them into the fireplace. In the ashes they find a ballerina's shoe and the melted but resilient heart of a tin soldier. The meaning of the fairy tale; love is immortal.

Answer from European[newbie]
*BLLIIN* What a cool story (S_P_A_S_I_B_O) Ivan Strarukhin
$ $

Answer from T N[newbie]

Answer from ARGUN228 PRO[newbie]
A little boy was given 25 tin soldiers in a box. One of them was missing a leg - apparently there wasn't enough tin. On the very first day he saw a beautiful toy castle, and in it - a beautiful dancer who stood on one leg. It was love! But the evil troll living in the snuffbox decided that the soldier was no match for such a beauty... In the morning the soldier was placed on the window, from where he fell onto the street, where he was never found. Two boys set the figurine sailing on a paper boat. A water rat tried to catch up with the sailor under the bridge. After an accident at a waterfall, where water fell into a wide canal, the soldier was swallowed by a fish, which then ended up on the cook’s table in the very house from whose window the soldier fell on that memorable morning. His love still stood there on one leg. Suddenly a little boy threw the soldier into the oven, and a draft brought the dancer there. In the morning, the maid found a piece of tin in the shape of a heart and a burnt brooch in the ash of the stove.