Lesson summary topic: wild animals, senior group. Lesson summary for senior preschool children “Wild animals of our forests”

Summary of GCD in the senior group.

Topic: “Wild Animals”

Target: To consolidate and generalize children’s ideas about wild animals, their appearance, habits, and lifestyle in winter.

Integration of educational areas:“Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Educational:teach children to write descriptive stories using a graphic diagram. Expand and activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Wild Animals” (animal, beast, fur, skin, paw, den, hole, hollow, predatory, change, sleep).

Continue to form the grammatical structure of speech (the use of nouns with the suffixes -onok-, -enok-, -at-, -yat-).

Educational: develop children’s coherent speech, speech hearing, visual perception and attention; fine and gross motor skills.

Educational: to cultivate love and respect for nature, the desire to be kind, caring, and friendly.


Doll Old Man - Lesovichok, diagram of the description of the animal; diagram-model of animal dwellings; cards with pictures of animals; gouache, foam rubber, a basket with hay, nuts and a jar of honey; Christmas trees.

Preliminary work:View slides depicting wild animals in our forests and their young; conversation about the life of wild animals in winter. Reading the fairy tale by L. Tolstoy “The Squirrel and the Wolf”, the story by E. Charushin “The Little Foxes”. Learning riddles about wild animals. Familiarization with the animal description diagram.

Progress of the lesson.

A knock is heard behind the door.

Educator: Guys, let's see who came to us.

(the teacher puts a doll of an old man - a forest boy on his hand)

Lesovichok: Hello guys! Today I came to visit you, and I want to invite you on a journey to a fabulous winter forest, but before you go, I invite you to guess my riddles. Do you agree?


1.Long ears, fast legs.
Gray, but not a mouse.
Who is this?
2. Red-fiery lump,
With a tail like a parachute,
Jumps quickly through the trees,
He was there...
Now it's here.
He's as fast as an arrow.
So this is...
3. Red-haired cheat
Hid under the tree.
The cunning one is waiting for the hare.
What is her name?..

4. Clubfooted and big,
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves pine cones, loves honey,
Well, who will name it?

Pictures with animals are displayed on the board.

Lesovichok: Well done boys! Guessed all the riddles! All these animals are my friends. And I would like to know what you know about my friends, so I have prepared tasks and games for you in the forest. Good luck guys!

(Lesovichka doll disappears)

Educator: Well guys, are we going on a trip to the forest?

What can you use to go into the forest?

Children's answers

Educator: Let's go skiing

(Imitation of putting on skis)

We're going skiing into the forest

We're climbing the hill

Sticks will help us walk

The road will be easy for us.

Educator: So you and I found ourselves in the forest. Look how beautiful it is here, how snowy it is.

What time of year is it now?

How did you find out? What signs of winter do you know?

That's right, winter-winter came to the cities and villages, wrapping the fields and forests in a white blanket.

Winter the dressmaker.

It's quiet in the forest
The winter dressmaker entered.
Birches are very happy:
- Thanks for the outfits!

Fluffy and white
Winter has made its outfits.

And for forests and fields -
Let them be warmer!

To all the trees in the forest,
Winter gave us handkerchiefs,
And dressed them in fur coats -
I'm having fun!

Do you know who lives in the forest? (Children list the names of animals: wolf, fox, bear, hare, squirrel, elk, wild boar).

How can you call them in one word? (Wild animals).

Why are they called that? (Because they take care of themselves, get their own food, build their own housing)

Guys, we didn’t come here just like that, Lesovichok left us games and tasks to find out what you and I know about his friends - wild animals. Let's take off our skis to make it easier for us to complete our tasks.

And here is the first task.

Lesovichok asks to tell:

How do animals prepare for winter? (The squirrel dried mushrooms, stocked up on nuts. The bear made a den for itself, accumulated fat over the summer, the wolf, hare and fox exchanged their summer coats for winter ones, warmer, fluffier ones).

Well done! You spoke correctly about wild animals and how they prepare for winter.

And here is the second task:

Please listen to the poem, and then tell me who it was talking about (I suggest you sit on the chairs)

Somehow in the winter sometimes

The animals walked along a forest path

A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox,

A hedgehog rolled after its mother,

A bear cub followed the mother bear,

The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel,

Behind the mother hare are slanting hares,

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs...

Who is this poem about? (Children's answers)

(if the children find it difficult, then ask guiding questions

For example: Who was sneaking after the fox - little fox)

How can we call them in one word (little fox, bear cub, wolf cub)


Well done, you completed the task!

Here's the next task:

Lesovichok suggests playing the game “Who Lives Where?”

Go to the easel and sit down.

Do people have their own homes?

Where do you live? (children's answers)

Do animals have their own home?

I have pictures for you, look at them and determine which animal belongs to which dwelling? (the teacher seeks complete answers from the children)

This is a hole. Who lives in it? A fox lives in a hole

This is a den. A bear lives in it.

This is a hollow. A squirrel lives in it.

This is a bush. A hare is hiding under it.

Well done! You are very attentive and observant.

And now we’ll play the game “Guess Whose Footprints”

(Animal tracks are laid out on the carpet; do the children guess whose tracks?)

I suggest you relax a little and play the game “Teremok”

There is a tower in a field.

He is neither short nor tall.

There is a lock on the door.

Who would help us open that lock?

On the left is a bunny, on the right is a bear.

Pull back the bolt!

On the left is a hedgehog, on the right is a wolf.

Press the lock!

Bunny, bear, hedgehog, wolf

The mansion is opened.

Guys, Lesovichok prepared the next task for us at the table, let’s go through and see what’s there.

(we go to the tables, the teacher explains the technique of doing the work)

Now write down descriptions of the animals you got. A hint diagram will help you with this. First, you will tell us the name of your animal, whether it is wild or domestic, where it lives: in the forest or with a person. Then describe what size it is, what its body is covered with, what it eats.

A diagram of the story about the animal is posted.

Children write descriptive stories about their animals using a diagram.

Well done boys

But still, children, in our winter forest wild animals are sad: after all, they also want people to take care of them sometimes. I prepared a basket with gifts, for whom do you think?

Honey is for the bear.

Nuts are for squirrels.

Hay is for the hare.

Let's leave the basket in the forest and slowly hide ourselves. After all, wild animals are very shy and cautious. Say goodbye to our winter forest and wild animals. We start to leave and see a bag under the tree.

Oh, guys, what is that bag under the tree and who left it?

We unfold the bag. And there are mushrooms - treats. I treat the children.

NatalyaS Svetikova
Lesson summary “Wild Animals” (senior group)


1. Consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals;

2. Enrich children's vocabulary on a lexical topic.


Educational objectives:

1) activate vocabulary on the topic " Wild animals";

2) learn to answer questions with complete answers;

3) teach to agree in gender, number, case;

Developmental tasks:

1) promote the development of auditory attention;

2) promote the development of coordination of movements, fine and gross motor skills;

3) promote the development of logical thinking;

Educational tasks:

1) strive to instill respect among children for each other;

2) strive to cultivate a feeling of love in children

3) respect for nature.


1. Pictures with the image wild animals,

2. masks wild animals,

3. riddles about wild animals,

4. bear painting (separate body parts).

Progress of the event:

1. Organizational moment.

Let's remember our rule:

We always speak beautifully.

That's right, slowly

Who wants to talk

He must speak out

Everything is correct and clear

So that everyone can understand.

2. Surprise moment “Letter”.

Educator: Guys, today I went to our kindergarten and found an envelope in the mailbox, but from whom it was not written. There is a riddle on the envelope, let's guess it, maybe then we'll find out who it's from.

What kind of guy is this?

Sat on a branch by an oak tree?

Small, but businesslike,

It doesn't sit at all in vain:

He has no hammer, no hands

Knocking on the trunk: knock Knock.

Will find a crack in the bark -

The long nose sticks into it,

Will pull you out by the back

Any larva.

That guy is not simple -

This is our forest doctor.

Children: Woodpecker

IN: Well, now we know who this letter is from. Shall we read it?

D: Yes

IN: Hello, dear boys and girls. There was a problem in our forest, there was a blizzard. Animals everyone has fled and cannot find their houses. Help me please. And to find animals, guess puzzles:

1. A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots. (Hare)

2. The tail is fluffy, golden fur

Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

3. She is small, her fur coat is lush,

Lives in a hollow, gnaws nuts. (Squirrel)

4. In summer he walks without a road

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den

From the frost, hiding your nose. (Bear)

5. Who is cold in winter?

Is there an angry, hungry wandering around the forest? (Wolf)

IN: Well done guys, you completed this task. What do we call all these animals?

D: Wild animals.

IN: We found animals, do you remember in the letter the woodpecker said that the blizzard had swept away all their houses, let’s help find them?

D: Yes.

3. Game: "Who lives where?"

IN: Let's connect with a wild line animal with its home.

D: The bear is sleeping in a den. The wolf lives in a den. The fox lives in a hole. The squirrel lives in a hollow. The hare lives under a bush.

IN: Well done and you completed this task. But we still have tasks from woodpecker:

4. Game “Collect animal"

IN: When the woodpecker flew towards us with a letter, he was carrying a drawing animal, but remember there was a snowstorm, a strong wind scattered all the parts of the drawing, let's find and collect them.

D: This is a bear's head. This is a bear ear. This is a bear's body. These are the bear's front paws. These are bear hind legs. This is a bear's tail.

IN: Which we got the animal?

D: Bear.

IN: Well done, you did it. Now it's time to rest.

Physical education minute

The Wolf and the Hare

(Children stand in a circle, hands to shoulders, fingers clenched into a fist.)

One, two, three, four - (Children extend their fingers one by one, starting with the index fingers and ending with the little fingers.)

The hare stuck out his ears (Children raise their bent arms to their heads (depict "ears").)

Here he is, a gray wolf, a wolf,

He clicks his teeth, clicks! (The teacher claps in front of him (the wolf clicks his teeth).)

Bunny, me, and you, and you, (Springing half squats.)

6. Fairy tale: “Like a bunny looking for its mother”

IN: One day a woodpecker in the forest heard someone crying pitifully. He sat on a tree branch and began to observe. He knew that he needed to behave very carefully in the forest so as not to scare animals so as not to harm them. The woodpecker saw that the baby was crying, a small white lump with a small fluffy tail and big ears. He called pitifully, “Mom! Mother!"

Suddenly a squirrel jumped onto an oak branch and asked:

- What's happened? You are lost?

- Yes, I lost my mother.

-What is your mother like? Does she have fluffy tufts on her ears?

“No,” the baby cried bitterly.

A bear waddled out from behind an oak tree and said:

– Perhaps your mother wears a shaggy brown fur coat?

A rustling sound was heard, and a hedgehog rolled out from under the stump. She frowned with concern and said.

“I know your mother has thorns on her back.”

“No,” the baby continued to cry.

The bushes began to move, and a fox came out.

-Who is crying here? Does your mom have a fluffy red tail like that?

“No,” the baby suddenly laughed. - Where did you see this? mom: with a fluffy tail, in a brown fur coat, with needles on the back, with tassels on the ears?

“Yes, indeed,” all the forest mothers laughed. – What is your mother like?

- My mom is the most beautiful!

“We know, we know,” the forest mothers began to shout. How good it is to know your mother's signs. And then his mother jumped out into the clearing. The baby rushed to her. She rubbed gently, soothing her cub. How happy all the forest mothers were about this meeting!

IN: Children, do you recognize this baby?

D: This is a bunny.

IN: Tell me, what is his mother like?

D: The hare has a fluffy coat, gray in summer and white in winter. The hare has long ears, slanted eyes, and a small fluffy tail. The hare's front legs are short and her hind legs are long.

IN: Which animals offered to become his mother?

D: Squirrel, hedgehog, fox, bear.

IN: Are you glad that the little bunny found his mother?

D: Yes.

IN: You and I found the bunny’s mother, let’s also find the other forest babies their mothers. But before we find them, let's play with our fingers.

7. Finger gymnastics.

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts (knock on the table with your fists)

Little fox-sister,

She-wolf, hedgehog,

Teddy bears for clubfoot,

Bunny with a mustache. (Curb your fingers on each animal, starting from the big one)

Who needs a scarf?

Who cares,

Who cares? (Pound your fists on the table)

8. Game: “Find mom.”

IN: On the card there are several contour images of forest mothers superimposed on each other, and next to it is an image of one cub. You must circle the picture of the mother whose baby is on your card.

9. Summary classes.

Well done, you worked very well today, completed all the tasks that were given to you

Woodpecker suggested in his letter.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of individual lesson “Wild and Domestic Animals” (junior group) Form of implementation: Travel. Goal: To consolidate the knowledge of a child of primary preschool age about wild and domestic animals. Tasks: 1.

"Wild animals". Lesson summary on the formation of grammatical categories and the development of coherent speech (senior group) Lesson summary on the formation of grammatical categories and the development of coherent speech (Senior group) Lesson topic: “Forest lesson” (to lexical.

Abstract of the educational activity “Wild animals in the winter forest” (middle group) Abstract of the educational activity “Wild animals in the winter forest” Educational area: knowledge Type of activity: directly educational Age.

Goal: To create conditions for clarifying and systematizing children’s knowledge about wild animals. Objectives: Consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals.

Abstract of GCD in the senior group on the topic: “Wild animals of our forests.”

Lesson topic: Wild animals of our forests

Target :

  • Clarify and systematize children's knowledge about wild animals in our forests.



  • Practice the formation of complex adjectives, possessive adjectives, nouns with the suffix ИШ.
  • Practice forming relative adjectives from nouns, agreeing nouns. and adjectives.
  • Development of hand-eye coordination.
  • development of fine motor skills.
  • To consolidate children’s ideas about the habitat of animals, to activate the vocabulary of nouns: den, hole, lair, hollow.
  • Clarification of the meanings of spatial prepositions and the ability to use them in speech.
  • Agreement of numerals with nouns
  • Strengthen the ability to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.


  • Expand, enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic.
  • Promote the development of phonemic awareness.
  • Development of coherent speech skills.


  • Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers.
  • Foster a caring attitude towards nature.


  • Audio recording “sounds of the forest”, plot pictures of families of wild animals, pictures of dens, holes, hollows, “labyrinths” for each child, “find mother and baby” for each child,

Progress of the lesson

Org. moment

Tell me guys, can you solve riddles? Well, now let's see!

1. Guessing riddles about the animals of our forests.

Lives in a hole
chews the crusts
short legs,
afraid of cats

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
Sleeping in a snowy hut

Who is cold in winter
He walks around angry and hungry.

What kind of forest animal
Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree?
And stands among the grass -
Are your ears bigger than your head?

She is more cunning than all the animals,
She is wearing a red fur coat.

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not just one thread.

Sits on a branch, not a bird.
There is a red tail, not a fox...

A green animal is jumping.
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
And a mosquito and a fly.

What great fellows you all are!
Where do these animals live? (In the woods)
Do you want to get into the forest? (Yes)

2. Departure to the forest.

To get to the forest, you need to take the train and go far from the kindergarten. Stand one after another - like trailers - and let's hit the road. When the music stops, the train stops immediately. The doors open: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.” Gorodskaya station. This is not our stop, because we are going into the forest, which means we need the Lesnaya station. Remember the names of the stations that we will pass so that you can name them correctly on the way back. Be careful, the doors are closing, the next station is “Rechnaya”, “Polevaya”. (for each station slide: forest, river, city, field)

The game continues to the Lesnaya station.

Now we have arrived in the forest, sit down on the stumps (chairs).

3. Relaxation(sounds of the forest)

Place your hands on your knees, close your eyes and listen.

4. “Hide and Seek with a Bunny”

There is a lot of interesting things in the forest. Look who's hiding behind the tree... Oh, it's the bunny who wrote us a letter. Look, he's hiding from us, maybe he wants to play hide and seek with us? Look where the bunny is hiding now (the hare is hiding behind a tree, behind a stump, under a tree, between trees, behind a stump, etc.) (slides “bunny is hiding”)

5. Game “Which one?” Which?"

But the bunny is still afraid to come out to us, and in order for him to understand that we are not strangers in the forest, we need to talk to him in the forest language - I will say the word, and you add the word “forest” to it. What mushroom? What's the road? What lake? What berries? What kind of clearing? What kind of air? What is the path? What are the smells? What river? What sounds?

Well done, the bunny came out to us, and he invited us to take a walk in the forest.

6. Physical minute

Autumn day, forest path (marching at a calm pace)
The animals went to water.
A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox. (sneak on their toes)
A little hedgehog was rolling after its mother hedgehog. (squat and slowly move forward)
A bear cub followed the mother bear. (they waddle)
The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel. (jump squat)
Behind the mother hare there are slanting hares. (jump on the spot)
The she-wolf led the wolf cubs behind her, (walking)
All mothers and children want to get drunk. (clap)

After the game “To the watering hole,” the children sit down at the tables.

Speech therapist. Children often get lost on the way -
We will help mothers find their children.

7. “Help the mothers find their babies.” Assignment on individual sheets.

8. “Name the animal’s family.”

The speech therapist together with the children review the presentations and name the “families” of animals (mama, papalis, child - fox) - squirrel, hedgehog, wolf, bear, hare.

They're probably already waiting for the bunny at home; he's completely playing with us and has forgotten where he lives. Shall we help him?

9. “Who lives where.”

Great! Well done, you reminded the bunny that he lives in a hole, and now let’s help him find the path to his house.


First, draw a path to the hole with your finger, then trace it with a colored pencil.

10. "Return to Kindergarten"

What great guys you all are. Our trip to the autumn forest has come to an end and we need to return to kindergarten. How do we do this? (By train)

Stand one after another - like trailers - and let's hit the road. When the music stops, the train stops immediately. The doors open: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.” Polevaya station. This is not our stop, because we are returning to kindergarten, which means we need the “Kindergarten” station. Be careful, the doors are closing, the next station is “Rechnaya” and “Gorodskaya”.

The game continues to the "Kindergarten" station.

For each station there is a slide (city, field, river, forest)

Lesson summary

Well done boys! What did you like most about the lesson?

Mikheeva E.P.,
teacher speech therapist