Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures. Outline of a lesson on the development of speech (senior group) on the topic: Considering the plot picture "Autumn Day" and compiling stories on it

Main general education program MADOU

"Kindergarten No. 3"

Age group: senior.

GCD Theme: Consideration plot picture"Autumn Day" and compiling stories based on it. The development of speech.

Purpose: To improve the ability of children to compose narrative stories based on a picture, adhering to the plan.


1. Exercise children in a purposeful examination of the plot picture;

2. Learn to compose detailed and interesting stories-descriptions of the picture, encouraging children to verbal statements, to answers-evidence when solving a speech logical problem;

3. Raise aesthetic feelings in children.

Types of activity: Communicative, game.

Forms of organization:

Forms of implementation of children's activities: Conversation, writing a story adhering to the plan.

Equipment: painting "Autumn Day", stars for encouragement, natural leaves various breeds trees.

Preliminary work:

GCD progress.

Organizing time. PI will ask the children to go to the window and from the window we will observe the weather with the children on the street. I ask the children questions about the state of the weather, I invite them to recall excerpts from a poem by classical poets about autumn.

Lesson progress : I inform you that it will be a very interesting lesson, today I will show you a picture

What would you name this painting?

What time of year did the artist depict? how to say it in one sentence?

It is true that the artist depicted an autumn day and in the same way called his painting “Autumn Day”. But how did you guess that the picture is a day?

It's light outside. The children are returning from school. Walking grandmother with her grandson.

And why did you decide that the day is autumn?

The leaves on the trees turned yellow, turned red, fall off. The children began to learn. On the shelves of the vegetable tent are the gifts of autumn.

What autumn day is in this picture?

Warm, sunny.

On a warm, sunny day, it's especially nice to be around. How is it shown in the picture?

Blue skies and bright yellow treetops. Yellow and blue tones pleasing to the eye, amusing.

I give the children a speech sample of the story in the picture:

It's a warm autumn day outside. blue sky and light lace golden foliage pleasing to the eye, beckon to the street.

Slowly, the children return from school. One of the boys was met by his mother. She has a dog on a leash. The boy looked at the dog. He stands near the vegetable stand and waits for his grandmother. Grandmother buys vegetables and talks to the seller. Both women smile, rejoicing at the fine day.

On a fine autumn day, it is difficult to sit at home - it pulls you outside! Schoolchildren walk slowly. The first grader was met by his mother. She has a dog on a leash. A preschooler boy does not take his eyes off the dog. He stands near the counter with vegetables, waiting for his grandmother.

Did you like my story?

What did you like about him?

What did you like most about my story?

Now let's learn to talk about it.

We listen to stories in the picture of 2-3 children; in case of difficulty, I suggest that the children help the narrator, I suggest words and phrases to the children for an expressive description.

We analyze each story with the participation of all the children of the group, I encourage the children.

Then I invite the children to come up with their own name for the picture, I encourage creativity and ingenuity.

At the end of the lesson I spend with the children didactic game“Guess what branch these kids are from? "(children look at the leaves from the trees and call this tree). We determine the winners in the game, we reward.

Summary of the lesson , I encourage children, I stimulate with asterisks.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of directly educational activities in the senior group "Viewing the picture and compiling stories based on the plot picture "Happy Swimming", using TRIZ elements." Priority area: communication

Program ContentEducational Objective: Continue to teach children through system analysis look at the picture and understand its content....


Implementation of the content of the program in educational areas : « Speech development», « cognitive development», « Artistic and aesthetic development».

Types of children's activities: communication, perception fiction and folklore, musical, visual.

Goals : to acquaint with a reproduction of the painting by A. Savrasov “Late Autumn”; learn to describe the objects depicted in the picture, highlighting them characteristics; develop the ability to differentiate vowel sounds by ear, develop aesthetic feelings; to form the ability to convey their feelings, sensations in statements, the idea of ​​​​neutral colors(black, white, dark grey, light grey) , use these colors when creating a picture of late autumn; learn to name and distinguish vowel sounds in words, come up with words with a given sound, convey in the drawing the landscape of late autumn, its color(lack of bright colors in nature) , use to create an expressive drawing different materials: gouache, colored wax crayons, simple graphite pencil.

Targets preschool education : knows the characteristic features of each season; is short story and answers to the teacher's questions about the features of natural phenomena in autumn; defines general mood and the nature of the musical work; retells the content of poems about autumn, using the appropriate vocabulary in speech.

Materials and equipment : reproductions of paintings by A. Savrasov; colored wax crayons, simple graphite pencil, watercolor, gouache of different colors.

organized activities of children

1. Organizational moment.

Listen to N. Nekrasov's poem:

Late fall,

The rooks flew away

The forest is exposed

The fields are empty.

Guys, we all know that now the season is autumn. And what happens to her? What time of autumn is it?(The period of late autumn.) What is she late fall what can you say about her? Do you like late autumn? Why? What autumn do you like?

2. Storytelling based on the landscape painting "Late Autumn".

Do you like the weather when it is cloudy, it is raining, the air is clean, fresh? At this time, you feel very calm, peaceful. Everyone imagines and feels autumn in their own way. Poets and writers express their attitude to autumn through the word, artists use colors, composers convey the character of autumn and their attitude towards it with the help of sounds.

Let's listen musical composition the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. This song is about parting with the outgoing summer. It contains regret about the withering nature. Listen to the gentle music flowing smoothly. Let's close our eyes and imagine late autumn to the music. What is the nature of the music? What did you feel when you listened? What autumn did you see before your eyes? What kind of music reflects the life of nature? The composer P. I. Tchaikovsky saw such a late autumn.

We listened to music, imagined autumn, and now look at the illustration of Savrasov's painting "Late Autumn". Listen to I. S. Nikitin's poem "The garden is quiet, the trees have turned black ...".

The garden is quiet, the trees have turned black...

Ashamed of involuntary nakedness,

Bushes hide in the fog.

Rooks empty cradles

Shakes the wind and is dead

Grass falling to the ground.

I. S. Nikitin

Do the words of the poet I. Nikitin fit the picture of A. Savrasov? In what colors did poet I. Nikitin paint autumn?(Black - “the trees turned black ...”; dead - “dead fallen grass ...”.) What colors of late autumn did the artist capture in his landscape?(Gray, dull, cold.) What mood do you think this picture expresses? And the poem by I. Nikitin? What helped you to hear sadness, sorrow, melancholy in the poem?(Music.) Let's mentally transport ourselves there, to this drooping birch. How do you feel in such weather, when it is late autumn outside - cold, chilly, damp weather. Show your mood in this weather.

Children depict their feelings, emotions with the help of facial expressions.

Guys, what do you think the poet is talking about in these lines?

The garden is quiet, the trees are blackened,

Ashamed of involuntary nakedness,

Bushes hide in the mist...

How do you understand the expression"... involuntary nudity", "rooks empty cradles" ? What does the author say in these lines:"dead drooping grass" ? And look at the sky in the picture? Can we determine if there is wind? How can you see it? What is late autumn in the picture?(Sad, sad.) Listen to another poem by A. Pleshcheev and tell me, what kind of autumn did you imagine?

Boring picture!

Clouds without end

The rain is pouring down

Puddles on the porch…

stunted rowan

Wet under the window

Looks village

Gray spot.

What are you visiting early

Autumn, come to us?

More heart asks

Light and warmth!

What autumn do you imagine?(Boring, dull, rainy.) What do you think, can late autumn be called " sad times"? Why? If now we go to the window, what can we see there?(Damp, gray, wet autumn.) Yes, guys, now from our window we see the colors of late autumn. But this is just a moment - short and fleeting. Now it is there: we see a sad birch, and withered grass, and the earth after the rain; and tomorrow all this may not be - snow will fall, and nature will be covered with a snowy white blanket for many months before the arrival of spring. A. S. Pushkin in his poem said about late autumn as follows:

sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me ...

3. Drawing "Late autumn".

We will not be sad about the passing autumn. What is typical for late autumn?(It is raining, sometimes it is snowing, the leaves have almost fallen off, the trees have darkened, they are bending from a strong wind, dark clouds often move across the sky.) Tell us what autumn landscape you want to draw. What colors will you use? How to arrange the drawing on a sheet of paper?

Children follow the pattern.

4. Summary of the lesson.

Consider all the drawings and choose the most expressive and most accurate. Explain your choice.

A series of plot pictures intended for independent compilation of stories by children.


An adult asks the child to arrange the plot pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with a full answer and compose a story on their own.

1. Answer the questions:
Who and where lost balloon?
Who found the ball on the field?
What was the mouse and what was his name?
What did the mouse do on the field?
What did the mouse do with the ball?
How did the ball game end?

2. Compose a story.

Sample story "Balloon".

The girls were tearing cornflowers in the field and lost the balloon. Little mouse Mitka ran across the field. He was looking for sweet grains of oats, but instead he found a balloon in the grass. Mitka began to inflate the balloon. He blew and blew, and the ball got bigger and bigger until it turned into a huge red ball. A breeze blew, picked up Mitka with the balloon and carried him over the field.

Caterpillar house.

1. Answer the questions:
Who are we going to write about?
Tell me, what was the caterpillar and what was its name?
What did the caterpillar do in the summer?
Where did the caterpillar once crawl? What did you see there?
What did the caterpillar do to the apple?
Why did the caterpillar decide to stay in the apple?
What did the caterpillar make in her new home?
2. Compose a story.

Sample story "House for the caterpillar."

The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in compiling a children's, author's story.

Lived - lived a young, green caterpillar. Her name was Nastya. She lived well in the summer: she climbed trees, ate leaves, basked in the sun. But the caterpillar did not have a house and she dreamed of finding it. Once a caterpillar crawled up an apple tree. I saw red Big apple and started chewing on it. The apple was so tasty that the caterpillar did not notice how it gnawed right through it. The caterpillar Nastya decided to stay in the apple. She felt warm and comfortable there. Soon the caterpillar made a window and a door in its dwelling. Got a wonderful house

New Year's preparations.

An adult asks the child to arrange the plot pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with a complete answer and compose a story on their own.

1. Answer the questions:
What holiday was coming up?
Who do you think bought the tree and put it in the room?
Tell me what the tree was like.
Who came to decorate the Christmas tree? Think of names for the children.
How did the children decorate the Christmas tree?
Why was the ladder brought into the room?
What did the girl eat on top of her head?
Where did the children put the toy Santa Claus?
2. Compose a story.

Sample story "New Year's preparations."

The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in compiling a children's, author's story.

Approached New Year's celebration. Dad bought a tall, fluffy, green Christmas tree and put it in the hall. Pavel and Lena decided to decorate the Christmas tree. Pavel took out a box of Christmas decorations. Children hung flags and colorful toys on the Christmas tree. Lena could not reach the top of the spruce and asked Pavel to bring a ladder. When Pavel installed a ladder near the spruce, Lena attached a golden star to the top of the spruce. While Lena was admiring the decorated Christmas tree, Pavel ran to the pantry and brought a box with a toy Santa Claus. The children put Santa Claus under the Christmas tree and ran away from the hall satisfied. Today, parents will take their children to the store to choose new costumes for the New Year's carnival.

Bad walk.

An adult asks the child to arrange the plot pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with a complete answer and compose a story on their own.

1. Answer the questions:
Name who you see in the picture. Come up with a name for the boy and a nickname for the dog.
Where the boy walked with his dog
What did the dog see and where did it run?
Who flew out of a bright flower?
What was the little bee doing in the flower?
Why did the bee bite the dog?
What happened to the dog after the bee sting?
Tell me how the boy helped his dog?
2. Compose a story.

Sample story "Unsuccessful walk".

The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in compiling a children's, author's story.

Stas and the dog Soyka were walking along the alley of the park. Jay saw a bright flower and ran to smell it. The dog touched the flower with its nose and it swayed. A small bee flew out of the flower. She collected sweet nectar. The bee got angry and bit the dog on the nose. The dog's nose was swollen, tears flowed from his eyes. Jay lowered her tail. Stas was worried. He took a band-aid out of his bag and stuck it over the dog's nose. The pain subsided. The dog licked Stas on the cheek and wagged its tail. Friends hurried home.

Like a mouse painting a fence.

An adult asks the child to arrange the plot pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with a complete answer and compose a story on their own.

1. Answer the questions:
Come up with a nickname for the mouse that you will talk about in the story.
What did the little mouse decide to do on the day off?
What did the mouse buy in the store?
Tell me what color was the paint in the buckets
What paint did the mouse paint the fence with?
With what color paints did the mouse draw flowers and leaves on the fence?
Think of a sequel to this story.
2. Compose a story.

A sample of the story "How the mouse painted the fence."

The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in compiling a children's, author's story.

On the day off, the little mouse Proshka decided to paint the fence near his house. In the morning Proshka went to the store and bought three buckets of paint from the store. I opened it and saw: in one bucket - red paint, in the other - orange, and in the third bucket green paint. Mouse Prosha took a brush and began to paint the fence with orange paint. When the fence was painted, the mouse dipped a brush in red paint and painted flowers. Prosha painted leaves with green paint. When the work was done, friends came to visit the mouse to look at the new fence.

Duckling and chicken.

An adult asks the child to arrange the plot pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with a complete answer and compose a story on their own.

1. Answer the questions:
Come up with nicknames for the duckling and the chicken.
What time of year is shown in the pictures?
Where do you think the duckling and the chicken went?
Tell how friends crossed the river:
Why didn't the chicken go into the water?
How did the duckling help the chick swim to the other side?
How did this story end?
2. Compose a story.

Sample story "Duckling and chicken."

The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in compiling a children's, author's story.

On a summer day, the duckling Kuzya and the chicken Tsypa went to visit the turkey. The turkey lived with a turkey dad and a turkey mom on the other side of the river. Duckling Kuzya and chicken Tsypa came to the river. Kuzya plopped down into the water and swam. The chick did not go into the water. Chickens can't swim. Then the duckling Kuzya grabbed a green leaf of a water lily and put Chick on it. The chicken floated on a leaf, and the duckling pushed him from behind. Soon friends crossed to the other side and met with a turkey.

Successful fishing.

An adult asks the child to arrange the plot pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with a complete answer and compose a story on their own.

1. Answer the questions:
Who went fishing one summer? Come up with nicknames for the cat and dog.
What did your friends take with them?
Where did the friends settle down to fish?
What do you think the cat started screaming when he saw that the float went under the water?
Where did the cat throw the caught fish?
Why did the cat decide to steal the fish that the dog caught?
Tell me how the dog managed to catch the second fish.
Do you think the cat and the dog still go fishing together?
2. Compose a story.

Sample story "Successful fishing."

The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in compiling a children's, author's story.

One summer, Timothy the Cat and Polkan the dog went fishing. The cat took a bucket, and the dog took a fishing rod. They sat down on the bank of the river and began to fish. The float went under the water. Timofey began to shout loudly: "Fish, fish, pull, pull." Polkan pulled out the fish, and the cat threw it into the bucket. The dog threw the bait into the water a second time, but this time he caught an old boot. Seeing the boot, Timothy decided not to share the fish with Polkan. The cat quickly picked up the bucket and ran home for dinner. And Polkan poured water out of his boot, and there was another fish. Since then, the dog and the cat have not gone fishing together.

Resourceful mouse.

An adult asks the child to arrange the plot pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with a complete answer and compose a story on their own.

1. Answer the questions:
Come up with a name for the girl, nicknames for a cat, a mouse.
Tell me who lived in the girl's house.
What did the girl pour into the cat's bowl?
What did the cat do?
Where did the mouse run out and what did he see in the cat's bowl?
What did the little mouse do to drink milk?
What surprised the cat when she woke up?
Think of a continuation of this story.
2. Compose a story.

Sample story "Resourceful little mouse."

The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in compiling a children's, author's story.

Natasha poured milk into a bowl for the cat Cherry. The cat drank a little milk, put her ears on the pillow and fell asleep. At this time, the little mouse Tishka ran out from behind the closet. He looked around and saw milk in the cat's bowl. The mouse wanted milk. He climbed onto a chair and pulled a long macaroni out of the box. The little mouse Tishka quietly crept up to the bowl, put the macaroni in milk and drank it. Cherry the cat heard a noise, jumped up and saw an empty bowl. The cat was surprised, and the mouse ran back behind the closet.

How a crow grew peas.

An adult asks the child to arrange the plot pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with a complete answer and compose a story on their own.

1. Answer the questions:
What time of year do you think the cockerel walked across the field?
What did the cockerel bring home?
Who noticed the rooster?
What did the crow do to eat the peas?
Why didn't the crow eat all the peas?
How did the bird sow pea seeds in the ground?
What appeared from the earth after the rain?
When did pea pods appear on plants?
Why was the crow happy?
2. Compose a story.

A sample of the story "How a crow grew peas."

The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in compiling a children's, author's story.

In early spring, a cockerel walked across the field and carried a heavy sack of peas over his shoulders.

The cockerel noticed the raven. She jabbed her beak at the sack and tore off the patch. Peas fell out of the bag. The crow began to feast on sweet peas, and when she had eaten, she decided to grow her crop. With its paws, the bird trampled several peas into the ground. Rain is coming. Very soon, young shoots of peas appeared from the ground. In the middle of summer, tight pods with large peas inside appeared on the branches. The crow looked at her plants and rejoiced at the rich harvest of peas that she managed to grow.

Municipal budgetary educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 68
Examination of the painting "Late Autumn". Drafting descriptive story Educational area"Communication"
Developed by: Mezhakova Olga Vasilievna, educator MBDOU d / s No. 68, Belgorod
- clarify children's knowledge about the signs of autumn;
- to form the skills of compiling a short descriptive story using reference diagrams;
- activate the "autumn" vocabulary: slush, bad weather, bad weather, brown, rusty, red grass, withered leaves;
- develop coherent speech, thinking, attention, imagination;
- to form spatial and temporal representations;
- Raise interest in landscape painting.

Equipment: painting “Late Autumn”, letters “s”, “o”, “n”, numbers “1”, “2”, “3”, P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Day", basic schemes for compiling a descriptive story.

Lesson progress

Guys solve the riddle
I bring the harvest
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
Trees undress
But I'm not afraid of pines
And Christmas trees ... I ... (Autumn)
- Guys, let's invite the words that live in the fall to visit? I will pronounce different words. As soon as you hear the word that lives in autumn, you will have to clap your hands.
- September, drops, snowstorm, slush, rain, snowfall, leaf fall, bad weather, swallow, November, snowdrift, dandelion, golden, strawberries, mushrooms, August, October.
- The words that you invited will remain with us in the lesson.
- Autumn has three sons. What are these sons?
- What is the name of the first son of autumn? Release the first sound of this word from the cam - "s".
- Kolya, find the letter "c", put it under the number "1".
- Call the second autumn month the way we will write.
- October.
Sing the name of the first sound of this word "o" in a voice.
- What is the name of the third son of autumn? Release the first sound of this word from the "n" cam.
- Read the word "DREAM".
- Do you think Mother Osenina would choose this word for herself?
- What happens in nature at the end of autumn?
- In autumn, all nature prepares for sleep, for rest. Some animals will hibernate, they hide in holes and fall asleep, while others will not behave like this. active image life like summer. The trees have shed their leaves.
- ABOUT different times composers write music. Listen to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Day"
- What would you like to do with this music?
- Sit down, sleep...
- Many artists depict autumn scenery. What period of autumn did the artist depict in this picture?
- End of autumn.
- How did you guess?
- The trees are bare, the grass withered, darkened, turned brown, rusty.
- Look at the picture carefully and tell me its name.
- "Late fall".
What colors did the artist use in his painting?
- Cold, dark.
- What do you see in the foreground?
- The road.
- Which road?
- Wide, long, dirty.
- What do you see on the road?
- There is a wide muddy puddle and small puddles on the road.
- Whom did the artist depict further, on the road?
- Further, on the road, the artist depicted schoolchildren. They are going to school.
- Look to the left, who do you see on the left, on the side of the road?
- On the left, on the side of the road, there are four crows.
What is on the right side of the road?
- To the right, from the road, the picture shows different trees: birches, maples, pines.
What do you see in the distance in the picture?
- Trees, and behind them is a village, and behind the village is a dense forest.
- I think the artist depicted a clear day. You agree with me?
- No, the picture shows a cloudy, rainy, gloomy day.
- How did you define it?
- There is no sun, the sky is low, gloomy, gray. Dark, rain clouds float across the low sky.
- Only very attentive and sharp-sighted guys can see everything that is in this picture. Take binoculars. What else do you see in the picture?
- In the distance lies a long-tailed, white-sided magpie. A flock of birds are circling high in the sky. A magpie sits on a branch.
- Children, how do birds portend bad weather, bad weather?
- Crows gather in flocks, fly high and low, croak loudly, and magpies crackle.
- Guys, this picture is not easy, it sounds. Imagine that you and I entered the picture and ended up on this hillock, or on this road, near the village. Close your eyes and imagine what sounds you heard?
- The cries of birds, the rustle of leaves, the sound of the wind, the crackling of branches.
- Inhale deeply. What air?
- Cold, raw, fresh.
- Now I will wave a magic twig, and you will turn into autumn leaves.

Psycho-gymnastics "Autumn leaves"

Where are the leaves?
- On the tree.
- And how do they hold on to the branch?
- Petiole - as if it were a hand.
- The leaves are firmly attached to the twig. The wind is blowing... the wind is blowing harder... strong wind blew...
Falling, falling leaves
Leaf fall in our garden...
yellow, red leaves
They curl in the wind, they fly.
- All the leaves flew off, the wind subsided. Where are you now? What do you feel?
Someone says that he is lying in a puddle, someone hid under a bench, someone was taken home for a bouquet...
- You, little leaves, would like to fly to distant countries? The wizard-wind blew, lifted the leaves from the ground, they swirled in the air and flew. What do you see from above?
- Land, houses, river.
- The wind died down, you sank to the ground. I will touch you with a magic twig, and you will turn into children again and tell me what kind of leaves were and where did you grow?
- I was an aspen leaf and grew up on an aspen ...
- We are with you again in our group. Who guessed what we are going to do now? There are diagrams of the story on the board.
- Write a story.
- Help me write the first sentence correctly:
Late autumn is coming.
Next, the children make up a story in a chain, based on the diagrams.
It was a cloudy autumn day.
The sky was dark, grey, gloomy, low.
Dark rain clouds floated across the low sky.
Recently passed heavy rain.
Large puddles and small puddles formed on the road.
In the distance, schoolchildren are walking along a dirt road.
The trees are bare.
On the oaks and maples there were the last withered leaves.
A cold damp wind plucks the leaves of the trees and blows them away
away from the tree.
Wintering birds gather in flocks, fly high and low,
looking for food.
Let's end our story with a poem.
autumn days
Big puddles everywhere
The last leaves
The cold wind is spinning.
- What other poems do you know about late autumn?
Children read poems
I. Bunina "Forest, like a painted tower",
A. Pleshcheeva "Autumn",
A. Pushkin "Already the sky was breathing in autumn" ...