Bad energy in the apartment are signs of what to do. How to fix the aura in the apartment for a positive one. Why is housing energy negative?

To do this, wash your hands with soap under the tap. Then wash your hands with salt and wait until they dry. After that, squeeze your hands and remember them, stretching your fingers. Then rub the palms of both hands in a clockwise direction. And finally, shake your hands. To shed the remnants of negative energy. In total, it will take you no more than ten minutes to clean your hands.

6. Re-cleaning

To check how well the cleaning was done and whether a second cleaning is required (which needs to be done in three days), light a candle and wait until half of it burns out. When melted wax appears on the saucer and candle, look at its shape. If it is ugly, and the wax itself is dark, then the dirt still remains. And if the wax turns out to be light and flows down in even beautiful streams, then your apartment is completely cleared of negative energy.

And for prevention...

We light candles

It is very useful to light candles at home, especially in a room in which something happened before or is happening now. The cleansing power of fire is incomparable! So feel free to arrange romantic evenings with lots of candles for your loved ones, or just occasionally light it up in the evening to create a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

We use natural flavors

Feel free to use different scents and incense. But make sure they are natural. Various essential oils, aroma lamps and more are the perfect solution. They will not only treat the aura of your home, but will also cheer you up, improve your well-being and stimulate creative energy. The main thing is to find "your" flavors.

My floor

It is very useful to wash the floors in the house with water, to which herbal decoctions are added. Artemisia, St. John's wort, succession, juniper, pine have a special power that heals the energy of the house. And at least once a year, despite the abundance of mops of all designs and configurations, you need to wash the floor with your hands - this will create a special aura in your home.

For additional disinfection, cleansing the aura of the house and giving it a fresh scent, add a few drops of essential oil or a mixture of them to the water for mopping. According to the situation, mood and season, you can use different smells - eucalyptus, lavender, juniper, citrus, coniferous oils.

Wet cleaning

Do wet cleaning as often as possible and wipe dust, especially from hard-to-reach places - under the bed, behind cabinets, in corners and on the mezzanine. Do not let the pipeline become clogged - this indicates accumulated negative emotions. dripping or flowing water takes wealth, health, and money out of the home, so keep your plumbing system in good working order by closing the toilet lid after use.


At any time of the year, in any weather, you need to ventilate the room at least once a day - do not make a draft, but give access to clean, fresh air. It drives out negative energy from the house and brings in new, healthy energy.

Bells and wind chimes

Hang bells and wind chimes in your home. The sound of bells scares away subtle living beings and purifies the space. Scientists have repeatedly proven that the sound of bells and bells changes energy so much that it even suppresses the development of epidemics, the growth of mold, fungi and parasites, as well as severe suicidal and depressive states! In addition, the bell, hung over the door, with its ringing, as it were, invites the benevolent energy to enter the house. "Singing Winds" also helps to cleanse the space of your home and circulate energy.

In the house where we live, a special atmosphere is created that absorbs the positive and negative moods of the owner. An apartment with good energy radiates warmth, guests feel comfortable and cozy. In such a space, indoor plants do not fade for a long time. In a house with negative energy, failures, troubles and illnesses accumulate.

Signs of bad energy

Quite often it happens that in such a space a person constantly feels empty, inexplicable headaches appear, household members often get sick.

In a “bad” house, quarrels and conflicts happen all the time. Close people cannot find understanding with each other. Negative energy is the work of the owners themselves. Anger and irritation transfer their power to things. Furniture and paintings absorb everything that is happening around.

If you notice that you dropped a coin and it does not make a ringing sound, then your apartment is not in in perfect order. This is reflected in the state of mind: you can sleep badly at night, and wake up broken and exhausted in the morning.

If you light a candle and go around all the rooms with it, then the place where negative forces accumulate will be determined by fire. The candle will go out or smoke heavily. Yes, you yourself will understand that you are not comfortable here: there will be anxiety and a feeling of discomfort.

IN free time walk around the apartment starting from the hallway and observe your feelings. Bad energy is usually collected in separate parts at home, and you need to understand where it is. At the end of your experiment, mentally identify the center and stay there for a while. Then you will understand what prevails in the apartment: evil or good.

Ways to clean the room from bad energy

Exists a large number of ways to get rid of bad energy. All of them came to us from ancient times. It is best not to keep cracked china plates and cups in your home. After performing the rite of purification, you will feel a surge of strength and vigor, and your life and relationships with loved ones will improve.

  • Install any electrical appliances in unfavorable places. It could be an air freshener or a radio. They immediately absorb the negative and translate into a more positive direction.
  • Put pieces of wood in places of accumulation of strong negative energy. It radiates heat and takes away the bad. For this, aspen, oak, birch and spruce are quite suitable. Pieces of trees need to be changed periodically.
  • In order to always be quiet and calm in the house, learn to avoid conflicts and showdown yourself. Your actions and actions materialize and create an energy background.
  • IN zago home It is useful to hang old shoes on the fence. It's not only protective amulet, but also a strong purification attribute. As for the apartment, place a pair of wicker bast shoes on the wall.

Water is a protector from evil thoughts

Water is capable of absorbing everything bad. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out general cleaning in the apartment more often. Thoroughly wash the floors, paying particular attention to the corners, the water washes away all negativity and creates a special space that is not susceptible to negative external influences.

In negative places, you can put a glass of water at night, and pour it over the threshold in the morning. If you feel a surge of anger before going to bed, then the water will take over this surge of negativity.

If you have Bad mood, having problems at work or in personal life, it is best not to carry this into the house. Try to find a body of water along the way. Let it be a river or a stream, run across the bridge, and all your worries and worries will be left in the past. Running water is a strong amulet against the evil eye and envious people.

It is always necessary to remember that the house is a special area where we spend most of our lives. We are accustomed to rest in the house after labor day We equip it with care and love. Therefore, it is important that only good things surround us here. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.07.2015 09:40

Psychic Marilyn Kerro on her official website talked about where it is best to store your ...

To find out what kind of energy is in your home, make a few different observations. For example, in a house with good energy, spilled water slowly dries up, flowers in vases do not fade for a long time, metal objects are cool to the touch, and wooden objects are a little warm.

In "dark" houses, a fallen coin does not ring, milk turns sour faster, hot food cools quickly, salt instantly dissolves in water, oil melts before our eyes, the candle smokes, its light rushes about and goes out.

It is good to check the energy places in the apartment with a pendulum. Make it yourself from any weight: silver, copper or crystal. The main thing is that it is only yours.

Check places by asking: "Is this a good place? Rocking back and forth means yes, side to side means no." Gradually move away from the dirty place and determine its boundaries.

On negative areas, you can put any electrical appliances, but not books. They will immediately absorb the negative and give it to the reading owner.

Put pieces of aspen, oak, birch and spruce in places of strong negative energy - they absorb this energy, and maple, bird cherry, mountain ash, hazel and juniper can even convert it into positive energy. Pieces of trees should be changed periodically.

It is also good to put glasses of water on negative places at night, and pour them over the threshold of the apartment in the morning. You can put a silver object or an egg into the water. Use plain water, not holy water.

To make the house always cozy, clean, calm and comfortable, learn to be like that yourself, because all our words, anxieties, negative emotions materialize on the walls, furniture, things, paintings, even flowers.

Get some kind of vessel in the house, for example, a jug, and mentally put bad mood, sorrows and failures into it. When you feel that the jug is full, throw it in the trash and get a new one.

Do not allow yourself to be angry before bed - you create a program for the night and simply do not rest. Neutralize bad mood interesting book, funny movie, nice music.

Be sure to get rid of unnecessary things, especially with bad energy left over from deceased relatives associated with your failures. If you have not used a thing for a year or more, you definitely do not need it.

If you're in a particularly bad mood, try running across a river on a bridge or across a shallow stream. Running water has special energy qualities, it will cut off any ill-wisher or envious person from you.

In a private house, it is very useful to hang old shoes on the fence. Someone else's gaze clings to them, and they take the first energy blow. And in a city apartment, you can hang wicker bast shoes on the wall in the corridor.

Just remember that a house, an apartment is not just housing where we come to eat and sleep after work, but our living space, our territory. He reflects us, and we reflect him. We charge the house with our energy, it charges us.

No wonder they say: "My house is my fortress", "In my own house, the walls help!" Get rid of the junk accumulated over long years, sort out the rubble and part with the past.

The bad energy of the apartment or house in which you live will definitely have a negative impact on your health and well-being. What can be done to improve the energy of a house or apartment?

People invite me to work on the energy cleansing of apartments and houses when they feel obvious discomfort in their home, they have disagreements with their neighbors, frequent breakdowns occur household appliances, unpleasant incidents accumulate, etc. All these factors, and even in combination with the garbage seen at the threshold of the door, lead the owners of the house to think about the presence of witchcraft damage in the apartment or in the house. But, according to my observations, this is not only about black witchcraft. It happens that when I enter the house, I really feel the heavy, dirty energy of the dwelling, however, no damage is found in the house. Sometimes this happens because of the unfortunate location of the house, for example, when the house is built on a crossroads or on the site where there used to be a cemetery. With such houses, it is hardly possible to do something radical in order to improve its energy, so I recommend that the residents of these houses change their place of residence. It is also difficult to correct the energy of the house or apartment where the murder or suicide took place.

But more often the problem lies in the "indifferent" attitude of the owners of houses and apartments to their homes. Please read the following quote from Theodore Dreiser's The Financier very carefully, and you will understand what I mean: " ... The house, undoubtedly, leaves an imprint on its inhabitants. We regard ourselves as individuals standing outside and even above the influence of our dwellings and things; but there is a subtle connection between them and us, by virtue of which things reflect us as much as we reflect them. People and things communicate to each other their dignity, their refinement and strength..." In other words, an inevitable energy exchange takes place between us and our homes: just as we "charge" our house with beauty and ennoble its interior, so our house "charges" us with well-being and increases our chances of success. A noble, "thoroughbred" interior improves energy apartments, and continuously works to increase the respectability of its owners, stimulates them to improve the quality of life.And vice versa: if we, pardon the frankness, make an untidy barn out of our house, this same barn returns dirty negative energy to us, which leads residents of such sheds to the loss of good luck, health and well-being.Many houses and apartments where I did energy cleanings made an extremely depressing impression on me with old torn wallpaper, heaps of unnecessary rubbish everywhere, ridiculous pictures and magazine clippings on the walls, dirty dishes and oven...

Don't misunderstand me, we are not talking about doing the so-called "European-style renovation" in every house! I understand perfectly well that the material level of the majority of our fellow citizens will not allow them not only to arrange marble countertops and oak parquet in their homes, but even to level the ugly curved walls and ceilings with drywall. However, I have seen a lot of rather modest, but well-maintained apartments. An interesting fact: in order for the dwelling to become cozy and well-groomed, it is necessary, first of all, to take out the rubbish from it, and not vice versa. I confess that the idea of ​​this publication came to me after I was engaged in the energy cleaning of another apartment. There really was a corruption there, and I figured out this problem. But when I finished work and put out the candle, I wanted to call a garbage truck to the entrance, and take out of this apartment mountains of some empty boxes, old calendars, "killed" dishes, empty cans and bottles, shabby magazines that no one will ever read will, but also throw them away, for some reason, sorry. Often bad energy apartment occurs only because of the rubbish that filled it.

So, the first step in a serious cleansing and positive renewal of the energy of your home should be the total removal of garbage. Be ruthless, make a real holiday for the trash can! Not only old magazines, newspapers, clothes and countless boxes are subject to removal. Remember, having at least slightly chipped dishes in the house is Bad sign depriving your family of well-being. It is necessary to throw away all plates, cups, saucers, vases and mirrors that have defects, nicks and cracks. No "repaired" ceramics and glued handles! Using such items, you spoil the energy of your apartment. And, accordingly, ruin your life. And do not forget to look under the bed, where a lot of "necessary" things usually find a peaceful shelter. There shouldn't be anything under the bed! Otherwise, you will get sick. By the way, a side note for those people who plan to equip fashionable figured multi-level ceilings with indispensable built-in lights: get creative with the shapes of the ceiling, as you please, but do not allow any differences in ceiling levels in the bed area. Above beds in bedrooms and children's rooms, the ceiling should be uniform.

In general, reading one or two explanatory books on Feng Shui (the Eastern doctrine of "correct repairs") will not hurt anyone. Just do not forget that blindly following all the recommendations of Feng Shui is a completely unreasonable undertaking. The fact is that the teachings of Feng Shui are applicable, first of all, to oriental dwellings, which are made in accordance with East Asian traditions and climatic conditions. The Japanese, Koreans and Chinese learned how to make air conditioners not so long ago, so small windows and mushroom-shaped houses were quite consistent with the idea: "The less sun, the easier it is to breathe." The shape of buildings, roofs, windows, the location of doors - all this is done completely differently by the Chinese and Japanese, so do not take into account the idea that, for example, "according to Feng Shui, the best door is wooden, and iron is bad, and the door opens must go in." On the wooden door that opens inward, it remains to write with red paint: "Dear thieves, knock on the door with your foot, come in and take what you want!" But, in general, in the manuals on Feng Shui, you will find a lot of useful things for yourself. At the very least, put such a book on the shelf instead of a bunch of Rabotnitsa magazines for '92.

On the threshold of this or that apartment with bad energy, I just hear the cry of the unfortunate dwelling: “Re-paste the wallpaper on the ceiling!”, “Hang a nice mirror in the bathroom!”, “Finally take care of the baseboards!”, “Disassemble the mess in the corridor! "," Tear off this stupid fifteen-year-old mural from the wall! A person who does not want to hear or see anything of this, and simply flops down on the sofa in the evening to stare at the TV box, nothing good in life shines, this is an absolute axiom. I repeat the main idea that I am trying to convey to my readers: the more work, taste and money we "invest" in our home, the more health, life luck and prosperity we will receive as a result. This is true both from the point of view of psychology and from the standpoint of bioenergetics.

If you are already imbued with the idea of ​​​​a total energy renewal of your home, after taking out all the unnecessary, almost unnecessary and almost necessary things, do a general cleaning of your home. This should be a truly "general" cleaning, and not just washing windows and knocking out decrepit carpets that you somehow forgot to throw away. It is necessary to remove dirt, dust and cobwebs from everywhere, from the most inaccessible places, even from under the refrigerator and wardrobe. The fact is that physical rubbish serves as food for the so-called "astral rubbish". That is, it attracts the elemental spirits of the lower nature, which provoke irritability, squabbles, laziness and apathy, which leads to even greater desolation. More dirt means more food for harmful spirits. This vicious cycle needs to be broken with good cleaning. If you do not see some dust, it does not mean that it is not there. Bad astral spirits will find their food under the bathroom, in the pantry, and under the same refrigerator.

The final stage is the ritual energy cleansing of an apartment or house with fire and water, best time for which - any Thursday with a waning moon. It is done like this. Slightly open windows or vents (energy waste should have an exit), light a wax candle and go around each room with it, moving clockwise. If the flame of the candle crackles profusely, dark streaks of wax and black smoke appear, find a specialist, as you apparently have damage in your house. To enhance the cleansing effect, you can from time to time toss small pieces of incense on the candle flame. The incense will crackle, this is normal. Be careful with the candle, use a wide candlestick and do not make sudden movements. Melted wax tends to splash in all directions, especially on trousers (I rely on personal experience). When you go around the house with candles, leave it burning by front door inside the house, and repeat the same way, spraying in the corners of the rooms and along the baseboards baptismal water. Then the candle can be extinguished with your fingers.

I understand that few people immediately "ripe" for such actions, because a thorough cleaning and change of their housing will require not only lifting a soft spot from a soft sofa, but also significant changes in thinking. Most people are generally sensitive to any changes, because an integral feature of a person is the fear of change and the desire for stability. But these changes will not only make your home more comfortable and beautiful, which is not bad in itself, they can serve as the beginning of a new, much more prosperous stage in your life.

Additional information on this topic is contained in my article.

It has come into your life significant event- buying your own living space or you just decided to change the rented dwelling to a new one.

If after that you notice a deterioration in one of the areas of life, it is quite possible that the fault is bad aura in the apartment, the signs of this may be different. In this article, we will learn how to identify negative energy in a home, and also consider possible options her corrections.

Signs of a bad aura in the apartment

People tend to associate negative events with any changes in life. We all know a lot of all kinds of signs that even sound absurd. How often do we hear the stories of acquaintances or friends that after something happened their whole life went awry and this is the complete fault of this event, object or person.

Yes, often it is simply far-fetched by people in order to somehow justify their failures or mistakes. But there are also really serious problems that are caused by some event, for example, a change of apartment.

As you know, energy, both positive and negative, is a power flow that has many branches and permeates literally the entire space around us.

The closest comparison that immediately comes to mind is a river. It is this part of nature that most fully reflects the whole essence of energy, its movement and properties. Over time, a certain layer of sediments accumulates in the channel of each river, which is characteristic only for it.

In the case of energy flows, a person's dwelling acts as such a kind of channel. It is our apartments that are containers in which this or that energy is accumulated. Moreover, the influence is in both directions: we form the aura of the home, and it, in turn, affects us.

The longer a person lives in an apartment or house, the denser and heavier the aura of this dwelling becomes.

Layer after layer, energy accumulates in walls, objects and simply in the interior of the apartment. Therefore, it is important to immediately determine the type of energy that prevails in a particular living space. But before doing this, you should make sure that the phenomena that disturb you are directly related to the dwelling, and not caused by something else.

Ask yourself whether any negative streak appeared after the move, or whether its beginning is located far from the date of entry into the new home. By the way, the pursuit of failures or any negative events some time after the change of scenery is not a sign of the purity of the aura of the apartment.

It is quite possible that the already mentioned layering of energy has played a cruel joke on you. We will talk about this phenomenon in more detail below, when we consider indicators of negative energy.

Another sign that something is wrong with your new home is that everyone should feel it. If you have children, they will begin to sleep restlessly, the elderly will feel constantly ill, emotional people, as well as owners of sensitive inner world fall into depression and feel moral pressure. IN married couples quarrels become frequent, even if this has not been observed before.

It is possible that several members of your family will express a desire to leave the new home as soon as possible. In the same case, if you are alone and there are no other people in the apartment or house, then use one or more of the indicators described below.

Finding out whether Negative influence massively necessary in order to determine whether the negative impact is directed only at you or is it really a bad aura in the apartment. What to do if mass character is not observed? It is possible that you have become a victim of the evil eye or any other influence of dark energy.

Diagnostics is important in all areas human life, not only in esotericism, so you should not neglect it.

If you are confident with the signs, then you should move to a more subtle diagnostic level, namely, the use of indicators to accurately determine the strength of the negative energy that reigns in the home. Some of them can also be used at the time of choosing a future home to make sure its aura is clean.

Indicators of a bad aura in an apartment

The easiest indicator to use, which is inherent in every person by nature itself, is ourselves. This method is a kind of standard, but it often works flawlessly.

Remember your past, did it ever happen that when choosing a new home, any apartment seemed repulsive to you, or, having entered it, you sharply felt headache? It is possible that this indicator worked at that moment. But this method also has a significant disadvantage.

There are apartments that at first glance do not have any negative impression. You can even live in such a place for several months and only then begin to feel negative energy. This is caused by the so-called layering of energy. Remember the geological section - the rocks are deposited one on top of the other, while it is impossible to know what kind of rock is hidden under the visible layer. The same is true with energy. Such cases, by the way, most often occur in those apartments that have been empty for some time.

Without a person, the aura of the apartment calms down and its negative layer, one might say, settles at the bottom, hiding behind neutral energy.

We drive into it, thereby causing a new energy seething. We are gradually digging up these deposits and sooner or later we get to that very negative. That is why you should not blindly believe this indicator. You felt bad as soon as you crossed the threshold - the indicator worked, the apartment does not suit you. Did not feel anything - check one or more indicators.


Pets, as you know, are well aware of any, even the most insignificant energy changes. This is especially characteristic of cats, since they are a kind of conductor between the energy and the physical world.

In an apartment with a negative aura, the animal will begin to get nervous, it will try to find a place where its influence is minimal, or it will try to break out through the front door.

This method is very good and often helps to determine exactly what kind of aura the apartment in front of you has. However, it should be remembered that not every animal is suitable for such a diagnosis. In cases where the animal itself is nervous and any change of scenery causes him stress, this method of determining energy will not work. If you bring a calm animal into the apartment, then it will let you know with 100% accuracy what kind of aura the home has.


The next indicator is accurate, but it takes time, plus it comes with the risk of losing something valuable to some people. It's about about indoor plants. The point is that representatives flora just like all living things, it has its own energy body. Of course, it is very simple, but thanks to this, such accurate diagnostic properties are achieved.

The impact of negative energy on the human body is akin to the effect that small doses of poison produce - it slowly undermines human health. But what happens if such a solution is poured into the soil of the plant? It will die within a few days. The same thing happens with plants that are in rooms with a negative aura for some time.

The time of death of the plant varies depending on the strength of the negative energy, it may well be a couple of days or several months, but these cases will be united by one thing - the plant will certainly die. At the same time, neither changing the room nor changing the frequency of watering are able to save him.

church candle

There is another indicator, but it is quite controversial. In this diagnostic method, a church candle is used, with which it is necessary to go through all the rooms of the dwelling and follow the reaction of the flame.

In those apartments where the aura is negative, there is a trembling of fire, in addition, when burning in such a room, a crackling from a candle is heard. The controversy of this method lies in the fact that a person is characterized by an incorrect interpretation and wishful thinking.

A variant with an ordinary draft is quite possible, but the diagnostician will appreciate the shaking or even the extinction of the flame as a terrible sign. The sound can also be caused by some features in the manufacture of a candle, which will also give false information. Therefore, the use of this indicator can be used as an additional one to confirm the diagnosis made by one of the methods described above.

Causes of a bad aura in an apartment

Now let's look at the possible main reasons why energy changes from positive to negative. Of course, quite often negligent sellers or landlords hide such information or do not attach any importance to it at all, but in some cases it is possible to find out something like this in advance.

The possession of such information will not only save a lot of time that you would have spent on diagnosing the aura, but also simply immediately dismiss the unsuccessful option at the selection stage.

Illness of the former owner of the apartment

First of all, it should be noted that the most known cause- a disease with the subsequent death of a person. Such apartments are shunned even by those people who have no idea about the esoteric and are extremely skeptical about this.

By itself, death, which occurred due to age, does not carry practically any energy. This phenomenon is as natural as, for example, birth, you should not be afraid of this. But as we know, quite often a person dies not due to age, but due to some kind of illness.

Doubly bad if this disease brought him torment. Such a combination saturates the aura of the apartment with such negative energy that it is quite capable of projecting the disease of the deceased onto new residents.


Another option, which is also associated with death, but no longer from illness. If a murder was committed in a dwelling, or if one of the past tenants committed suicide, then this leaves an indelible mark on the aura of the apartment.

Of course, the perturbation of the energy in this case is somewhat less, since the disease poisoned the aura of the home for a long time, and this negative surge occurred once. There are exceptions, this applies to those options when the murder was preceded by the torture of the victim, or if the person who committed suicide had experienced any negative emotions.


In general, negative emotions have a negative effect on the aura of the apartment and without murders or deaths. We are talking about those cases when past tenants were in constant conflict with each other and saturated with these emotions the entire energy of the home.

In addition, there are times when scandals and conflicts are directly related to the apartment and its division, then all the negativity is sent straight to the aura of the home and worsen it. Once in such a room, the family will certainly begin to sort things out, thereby further nourishing and strengthening the negative that is in it.

Dark rituals

It is quite rare to find a case of deterioration of the aura of the apartment, which entailed the conduct of all kinds of dark rituals or exorcisms. As you know, such actions have an extremely negative impact on the karma of those who practice them. The negative side effect is so strong that it even extends to the aura of the dwelling, poisoning it and making it uninhabitable.

Negative aura at home

The most unpromising option for correction is the negative aura not at the apartment, but at the whole house as a whole. This happens in cases where construction is carried out on the site of old cemeteries, burials and the like.

Also, the use of the building as an object, for example, a hospital for mentally ill people and any other institution in which people often experience suffering and anguish, can serve as a negative aura of the whole house.

There are cases when people, after buying an apartment, pulled out whole balls, pulling the right thread. For example, after diagnosing the negative aura of the dwelling, the tenants found out the history of the apartment in which the suicide was committed, then it turned out that such cases occurred throughout the house, and the result of such an investigation was the information that the house itself was built on a burial. Therefore, one should not neglect the study of the history of not only a separate apartment, but also the house of the whole house as a whole.

How to fix the aura in the apartment for a positive one

Of course, the most the best option, which is guaranteed to save you from the negativity of the home will be moving to another home. However, this option is not suitable for everyone, because often people find a negative aura some time after the purchase and they have no desire to look for an apartment again. In cases where the situation is not very neglected, you can resort to several options.

Charms for the home

The first way is to make a positive aura at home on our own. To do this, we need all kinds of amulets, as well as small bars made of wood. It is important to remember that such a bar must be made either from poplar or linden - these trees perfectly absorb all negative energy.

Amulets are better to choose proven by many people, with rich history and made from natural materials.

There are no special recommendations on which ones they should be, since each culture has a huge number of them and they work about the same. And do not forget that, first of all, we ourselves are a powerful source of energy, so let it be purely positive, try to avoid unnecessary showdowns or screams, put only positive bricks into the fundamental aura of your new home.

Help from a clergyman

The second way is to invite a priest to the house. This option, judging by the reviews, really works and does a very good job of clearing the aura. But you should only remember that the clergyman is invited purely to your apartment. If the problem is not in her aura, but in the energy of the house, then his arrival will give absolutely nothing.

Therefore, first make sure that the history of the construction of the building is clean, and then resort to the help of a priest.

Help esoteric

The third way is to call a specialist from the field of esotericism. With this option, you should be careful, because there is a high chance of stumbling upon a scammer. A real specialist will note that the cause of the problems is a bad aura in the apartment, the signs of this are immediately noticeable for a professional in his field. Such a person will not only clean out all the negativity, but also put powerful protection, which will protect your home from negative external influences in order to harmonize your family life.