Famous cities of italy list. The best cities of italy - a map of italy with cities in Russian, the most beautiful, large italian cities


10th place - Catania

  • Population: 315 052
  • Region: Sicily
  • Square: 180.88 km2

Catania has become the trophy of many empires throughout its history: from the Greeks to the Romans, from the Arabs to the Normans and the Spaniards. However, the most terrible enemy of the locals is right at your side - Mount Etna, the largest and most active volcano in Europe, which destroyed the city with a series of earthquakes and a lava flow in 1693. Catania also has a second name - the city is usually called Black: this is due to the fact that it is completely built of volcanic stone of a specific black color. The color of the city's houses successfully contrasts with the bright color of the sea and the sky (by the way, it is sunny for 2,500 hours a year). Thus, Catania is the sunniest city in the country.


9th place - Bari

  • Population: 321 687
  • Region: Apulia
  • Square: 116 km 2

Bari - the capital of the Puglia region - is located at the very base of the heel of the Italian boot. "If there was a sea in Paris, it would be a little Bari", - locals say with the arrogance of true southerners, and this opinion is very similar to the truth: the air here is imbued with the charm of medieval European cities, and the abundance of attractions can easily compete with the historical center of the capital of France. In a word, Bari is a kind of miniature cultural capital of the Italian south.


8th place - Florence

  • Population: 379 102
  • Region: Tuscany
  • Square: 102.41 km2

Florence is located in the Tuscany region, on the Arno River, at the foot of the Northern Apennines. The city was founded in 59 BC. e. Julius Caesar. Although long before that, the Etruscans lived here. In 570, the Lombards captured the city, and two hundred years later, the Franks. The heyday of Florence falls on the XV-XVI centuries, when the city becomes a major cultural center. At this time, the great Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Petrarch, Dante live and work here.


7th place - Bologna

  • Population: 379 102
  • Region: Emilia-Romagna
  • Square: 140.73 km2

Bologna is a city in central Italy, the administrative center of the province of Bologna, as well as the region of Emilia-Romagna. The oldest university center in Europe. It is considered one of the first cities in Italy in terms of living standards, both because of its highly developed industrial traditions and its location at the intersection of important transport routes. In the Middle Ages, there were about 180 towers in Bologna, which gave the city a special look. They were built by wealthy families, among whom there was a competition: whoever builds a tower above the others is worthy of the highest honor. Now there are about 12 towers left.


6th place - Genoa

  • Population: 594 254
  • Region: Liguria
  • Square: 243.56 km2

Genoa is the capital of the province of the same name and the region of Liguria. This port city is located on the Ligurian Sea and its entire history is connected with navigation and trade. The local harbor is still one of the most important in Italy, as well as one of the largest in Europe. The main attraction of the Genoese port is its lighthouse, known as "la Lanterna". In addition, Genoa is a center of heavy industry and shipbuilding, and is part of the main industrial triangle of Italy, which also includes Milan and Turin. Today, Genoa is a city of universities, as well as a tourist and scientific center. In 2004 it was proclaimed the European Capital of Culture.


5th place - Palermo

  • Population: 676 527
  • Region: Sicily
  • Square: 160.59 km2

Palermo is located on the Tyrrhenian Sea, but the city is a heavily used port, so locals and tourists prefer to go to the beaches in the area where the water is cleaner. However, if you walk along Vittorio Manuele Street to the City Gate of Happiness, you can admire a very beautiful view of the sea surface and just sit on the shore, enjoying the light breeze. In addition, there are many gardens and parks in Palermo, among the most famous are the Botanical Garden with a collection of 12 thousand plant species, the Garibaldi Park with ancient fig trees that amaze with their powerful roots, and Villa Giulia, decorated with fountains and lush flower beds.


4th place - Turin

  • Population: 899 291
  • Region: Piedmont
  • Square: 130.01 km2

Turin is a large city in northwestern Italy, the business and cultural center of the Piedmont region and the entire north of Italy. The city is located on the Padan Plain at the foot of the Western Alps. Turin is an important transport hub, the second industrial center of the country after Milan. Heavy industry is especially developed here, in particular, the automotive industry, the production of marine engines, aircraft manufacturing, etc. The traditional sectors of the Turin economy - textile, food, clothing, etc. - also retain their importance. Turin is one of the most famous European cities, it is often called "Capital of the European Baroque", "capital of the Alps", "automobile capital of Italy" And "cradle of Italian independence".


3rd place - Naples

  • Population: 989 598
  • Region: Campaign
  • Square: 117.27 km2

Neapolis has always been and remains a controversial city - in the capital of the Campania region there is a place of outright poverty and fabulous wealth, garbage heaps and priceless historical monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Naples is the largest industrial center in Italy. Metallurgy, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, oil refining and petrochemical, light and food industries are developed here. This is a large port (cargo turnover over 10 million tons per year).


2nd place - Milan

  • Population: 1 331 586
  • Region: Lombardy
  • Square: 181.76 km2

Milan is the second largest city in Italy, the largest industrial, financial, commercial and transport hub of the country, an important cultural center, as well as a legislator of European fashion. The city is famous for its museums, art galleries, theaters, architectural monuments, educational institutions (university, conservatory, Academy of Arts, etc.). Milan, along with Rome, is one of the oldest cities in Italy. In its place was a Celtic settlement. Almost all the conquerors in European history - the Gauls, Romans, Goths, Lombards and Franks, as well as a whole series of rulers from France, Spain and Austria, took part in the administration of Milan at one time.


1st place - Rome

  • Population: 2 870 493
  • Region: Lazio
  • Square: 1287.36 km 2

Rome is the capital of Italy and the region of Lazio, the largest in the country and one of the most visited cities in the world. The city stands on 12 hills, and its center - the old city - on seven hills. The Tiber River flows through the city from north to south. For hundreds of years, Rome was a small settlement in the center of the Italian peninsula. However, the favorable location and aggressive policy, together with a number of innovations in military affairs, gradually brought him to a leading position, first in the region, and then in the region. The Roman state reached its heyday under the emperor Hadrian in the 2nd century AD. e., when military and economic power was combined with peace within the empire. The population of Rome exceeded 1 million people.

Rome is a unique city, within its boundaries there is a whole independent state - the Vatican. It is the main center of Catholicism with an abundance of Catholic churches, created by the best Italian architects and decorated with the works of great Italian artists and sculptors. Masterpieces of Italian painting and sculpture are collected in the Vatican, Capitoline Museums, in the Borghese Gallery, Lateran. Many archaeological finds are presented in the Roman National Museum, the Museum of the Villa Giulia. Works of art of the XX century. collected at the National Gallery of Modern Art and the National Printing Office.

Today, being a symbol of the ancient empire and the modern Republic of Italy, Rome combines the grandeur of the past millennia and the romance of modern times. This is a city of chic restaurants in spacious squares and shady summer cafes in the cramped, narrow streets of the old quarters.

All cities and resorts in Italy for travel. List of the most famous regions, regions, cities and resorts in Italy: population, codes, distances, the best descriptions and reviews of tourists.

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Cities, resorts and regions of Italy on the map and alphabetically

The first thing to know is that Italy is very large and very different. The South is completely different from the North, and the mainland is not like the islands. Therefore, read useful and brief reviews about all the provinces and regions of Italy: regions and islands, South, Center and North of Italy.

Cities of history

The "eternal city" and the absolute center of Italian history, Rome is a "must-see" for all lovers of times gone by. The number of Roman sights is so great that in order to somehow facilitate perception, they are usually divided into large groups of different historical periods: ancient, Byzantine, medieval, etc. The Vatican, with its St. Peter's Cathedral and the residence of the Pope, makes a significant contribution.

The abundance of ancient ruins is located in the vicinity of southern Salerno - there are three famous archaeological parks here at once: Pompeii, Paestum and Positano. You can walk along the ancient streets and get acquainted in detail with the structure of ancient cities - from the capitol and the forum to the brothel and public toilets. Bonus - the most beautiful mosaics, and to this day they have not lost their liveliness of colors.

Known from school textbooks, the history of Syracuse is a significant center of the ancient Greek world and the variety of architectural monuments associated with it. Visit numerous ancient fortified palaces and marvel at the grandeur of the ancient Greeks in the Neapolis Archaeological Park.

Sweet Naples, measuredly soaring in a trembling haze of heat, leisureliness and contentment with life, is the birthplace of no less sweet Neapolitan songs, as well as the now all-Italian pizza.

The beaches of Italy

Picturesque rocky and gentle sandy beaches in Italy are almost equally divided, and any sun-lover can find a place to their liking here. For the most part, Italian beaches are well (and in some cases just wonderful) well-groomed, equipped with umbrellas, sunbeds and other accessories necessary for a comfortable stay at the water's edge. As a rule, these same amenities are paid, but the beaches (and the tourists themselves) are only good: in this way, the number of splashing people is limited - if all the umbrellas and sunbeds are occupied, you need to look for another beach. In addition, the beaches of each region of the country have their own pleasant features. For example, the Venetian Riviera is famous for its wonderful fine dolomite sand, in Sorrento you can dive in the marine reserve and travel through underwater caves, the Ligurian coast has a picturesque indented coastline, and the beaches of the Tuscan Riviera, in addition to the ideal sea and a high level of relaxation, offer stormy nights. entertainment, often not far from the surf line. And of course, the proximity of monuments of history, architecture and art pleasantly dilutes the idle lying on the shore.

Thermal resorts in Italy- 5 different springs with water temperature up to +34 °C suitable for drinking, mineral baths and mud therapy.

  • Chianciano Terme - cold and hot mineral springs of increased "armor-piercing", the waters of which can get rid of a whole range of diseases.
  • Fiuggi is a unique mineral water that dissolves and removes stones from the kidneys.
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    This is one of the most popular holiday countries among tourists from all over the world. The rich history of Italy, its colorful architecture, warm sea and beautiful beaches will appeal to everyone. This is a country of celebration, entertainment, sparkling wine and famous Italian cuisine.

    Popular tourist cities in Italy are majestic Rome, romantic Venice, trendy Milan, inspiring Florence, amazing Verona and the pearl of the south Naples. Each of them is unique and unique in its own way, and having visited them, you will definitely want to return there.

    City of Rome

    The capital of Italy and the most populous city in this country is the majestic. The visiting card of the city of the Colosseum is the ancient Arena, built back in the distant year 72 of the beginning of our era. The Roman Forum, the Pantheon, the Sistine Chapel, and many other sights amaze with their magnificence.

    In the vicinity of the city there is a small state of the Vatican, the main Catholic center of the whole world. Every year it is visited by a huge number of tourists. Rome is a striking combination of modern buildings with ancient buildings.

    City of Venice

    Have a good rest in the best cities of Italy!

    During the Middle Ages, Venice, Florence, Milan, Genoa and other major Italian cities were independent communes with their own army, treasury and legislation. It is not surprising that these "states", which are part of modern Italy, have retained many unique features that make them different from each other. What is known about them?

    Italian cities: Rome

    The "Eternal City" was erected on seven hills in 753 BC. According to legend, its founders were the brothers Romulus and Remus, whose distant ancestor is a brave man who became famous thanks to the Trojan War. Archaeologists insist that the first settlements here were formed much earlier. All Italian cities are beautiful, but none of them can compare with Rome in beauty. The capital of modern Italy is a visual aid for those interested in ancient architecture.

    Once a small village, it is 1285 square kilometers. The number of inhabitants of the capital exceeds 3 million. The territory of the city contains many examples of ancient architecture, for example, the Pantheon, built before our era and perfectly preserved, the Colosseum amphitheater - a huge stadium where gladiatorial battles once took place. Today it provides space for 50,000 people. The city-state of the Vatican and its colossal museum complex, which includes over 1,000 objects, is located on the territory of the capital. Located in Rome and St. Peter's Basilica - the temple, which is considered the largest in the world.

    Interesting legends and traditions are associated with many places in the capital of Italy. For example, the custom tells visitors to throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain if they want to return to Rome.

    What is known about Venice

    If any locality is able to compete with Rome in terms of the number of ancient sights, then this is Venice. Like other Italian cities, the "bridge" that unites the West and the East has its own zest. Venice is located on an island archipelago, "strewn" with its famous canals. The length of the water artery as a whole is about 4 km, in certain places the depth reaches 5 m. The city is located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

    The area of ​​the city is 412 square kilometers. More than 300 thousand people live in Venice. Also, there are always a lot of tourists in the city, who are attracted not only by the opportunity to swim on a gondola. It is in Venice that the majestic Doge's Palace is located - a building of the 15th century, made in the Gothic style. Modern architecture is also interesting, for example, the buildings of Burano. Burano is a small island, the houses of the inhabitants of which are colored with all shades of the rainbow. The city owes its famous Venetian gardens to Napoleon.

    Facts about Florence

    The heyday of Italian cities, which began in the 11th century, turned Florence into one of the most powerful communes of that time. However, the history of this place began even before our era with a small settlement founded by the Romans. Now it is a large settlement, on the territory of which about 350 thousand people live. The area of ​​the city is 103 square kilometers, it is located on the Arno River. Florence is almost officially recognized as the place where the Renaissance was born. No wonder it is called a city-museum, operating 24 hours a day.

    Florence gave the world many geniuses, including Galileo, Dante. It is the birthplace of some famous artists, for example, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo. In the pride of the city, now there are paintings by Titian, Raphael, da Vinci. The city architecture is also interesting, for example, the temple of Santa Maria del Fiore, which was built over 140 years. It is curious that Michelangelo was fully responsible for the interior decoration of the cathedral, while the equally famous Giotto worked on the exterior.

    What is known about Naples

    Which Italian city is considered the most energetic? Of course, Naples, comfortably spread out on the southern coast of the country. The streets of this settlement are filled with cars, scooters and pedestrians, but no one bothers each other. Neapolitans come across as the busiest people in the world, but will always find a few minutes and smiles for foreigners. It is believed that it was the inhabitants of Naples who first came up with carnivals.

    Naples is the third largest city in Italy. At the moment it is inhabited by about a million people. The settlement is located in a seismically dangerous zone, since on its territory there is an active volcano Vesuvius. The last eruption took place in 1944.

    Past and present of Milan

    In the Middle Ages, Milan was included in the list, which consisted of the most powerful Italian city-states. If you do not take into account Rome, it is the largest settlement in the country. The area of ​​Milan is about 2 thousand square kilometers, over 1.3 million people live on its territory.

    Today, Milan is the financial and economic capital of Italy, and the city is also one of the world's fashion capitals.

    Where did Romeo and Juliet live?

    Listing the medieval Italian cities that played an important role in the history of the country, one cannot miss Verona. This small town owes its fame primarily to the great Shakespeare, who "settled" here the most famous literary heroes in the world - Romeo and Juliet. Juliet's house was built in the 13th century. On its territory there is a statue of this young girl, whose story turned out to be so tragic. Attracts tourists and the famous balcony.

    The city is located in the northeast of the country, spread out on the Adige River. It is home to approximately 260 thousand people. It is curious that the small town attracts about 3 million tourists every year, probably due to its romantic history. Medieval buildings have also been preserved on its territory, among which the most famous is the Cathedral of Verona - a complex, part of which was built back in the 12th century. Also here is the Roman Arena - one of the oldest stadiums in the country.

    Naming the famous Italian cities, one cannot ignore Bologna. The city is famous primarily for its developed industry, thanks to which a high standard of living has been maintained here for several decades. At the moment, the number of its inhabitants tends to 400 thousand. The settlement also has its own patron, who is declared to be Saint Petronius.

    It is interesting that it is located in Bologna. According to historical documents, this institution has been accepting students since 1088. Of interest to connoisseurs of medieval architecture is Maggiore, on the territory of which you can see palaces built in the 13th century. Also, the city is rightfully proud of its "leaning towers", preserved from 1109.

    Bologna's unofficial name is "Fat". This is due to the fact that amazing dishes are served here, the recipes of which are kept secret by the locals.

    Of course, Perugia is far from the most famous Italian city, but it is one of the most ancient settlements in the world. It is first described in chronicles created in the 9th century BC. The city, which survived many buildings, is famous for its history, full of bright events that can be studied in any of the local museums.

    Modern Perugia is a "fortress" located on a ridge of hills. Students who want to learn Italian should stop by the University for Foreigners, which is located in this city, home to many famous artists of the Middle Ages, including Raphael.

    The grandeur of Genoa

    In ancient times, Genoa retained its status as an important port hub for centuries, being located on the northwestern Italian coast. Trade flourished in this city, the standard of living of its inhabitants almost always remained high.

    Genoa managed not to get lost even today. Proof of this is the title of European Capital of Culture, awarded to the settlement in 2004. The city is interesting for its magnificent palace complexes in the Baroque style, ruins preserved from the time of Ancient Rome, and cozy old churches. The historical center can be called unique, literally strewn with curious sights.

    What is known about Turin

    The names of Italian cities that have played a role in the centuries-old history of the state are not yet finished. It is impossible not to tell about Turin, which for four years remained the capital of the country after its unification in 1861.

    Turin of our days is a museum that has no end, luxury boutiques, cozy side by side with souvenir shops, excellent restaurants where tourists can comfortably experience the delights of local cuisine. This city will appeal to those interested in baroque architecture, as many palaces are built in this opulent style. By the way, it was here that the Winter Olympics were held in 2006.

    Other cities in Italy

    Siena is a city that has been located on three hills for many centuries. Many buildings of this settlement are under the care of UNESCO, as they are of great historical value. Only the approximate date of the foundation of Siena is known - 9-5 centuries BC. The legend attributes the construction of the city to the sons of Rem, the founder of Rome. made in the form of a shell.

    Pisa is a place that almost everyone has heard of thanks to the famous Leaning Tower, which has become its unofficial symbol.

    These are the most interesting cities that Italy is famous for.

    In the holiday period that has begun, many of our compatriots choose beautiful Italy as a place to relax. For those who are no longer surprised by the bustle of the eternal city of Rome and the shopping of Milan, our selection of the coziest Italian cities on the seashore.

    Probably, each of us has ever dreamed of spending, if not life, then at least a vacation in a quiet village by the sea, drinking coffee and tasting wines in local restaurants, listening to the voices of seagulls and the sound of the surf.


    (Total 10 photos)

    Vernazza is considered the most organic, beautiful and picturesque town of the Italian "five lands" (Cinque Terre) of Liguria. Today, a little over a thousand people live here, so Vernazza is also one of the quietest towns, and only calm Manarola can compete with it. Against the backdrop of multi-colored multi-storey tower houses, the older medieval walls of galleries, palaces, a monastery and, of course, a castle, whose low walls once guarded the peace of local residents from pirate raids, catch your eye. In the narrow streets of Vernazza, at steep angles going down to the sea, at almost every step you can see boats "parked" by the houses as naturally as the cars that stand in our yards at the entrances look.

    Portofino is a resort on the Ligurian coast. It is surrounded by hills covered with olive trees. From the windows of the panoramic cable car, the whole town is visible at a glance. Guy De Maupassant liked to visit here, who wrote about Portofino: "This green bay in the realm of harmony and peace, so contrasts with all the vain anxieties of our life." It has everything: untouched nature and magnificent beaches, architectural monuments and expensive shops. The former fishing village has turned into an amazing resort that world celebrities love to visit.

    Atrani is a small town on the western coast of Italy, in the Campania region, in the province of Salerno. Atrani carefully preserves its medieval origin and with its picturesque lanes, arches, courtyards, squares and stairs, it looks like a festive Christmas scenery washed by the sea. During the time of the Amalfi Republic, the most noble families lived in this town. The coronation and burial of the Doges took place here. Atrani is located just 700 meters from Amalfi, in a natural amphitheater, surrounded by huge cliffs rising up. The center of Atrani is far from the noisy roads of the coast, as only local residents are allowed to enter the city: this helps to maintain a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere in the town.

    Positano is one of the most famous resorts in southern Italy, located on the Gulf of Salerno, on the Amalfi Coast. The beauty of the local landscapes made Positano a mecca for artists back in the 19th century. The town is scattered over three small valleys sandwiched between mountains and the sea. Characteristic colorful houses climb the steep mountain slopes. From almost anywhere in the town offers a magnificent view of the sea. Positano has been known since Roman times. According to legend, it was founded by the god of the sea, Neptune (Poseidon). The islets of Galli off the coast of Positano are mentioned in the Odyssey - according to Homer, it was here that the sirens lived. From the Middle Ages, watchtowers built to protect against Saracen pirates have been preserved in the town.

    Ravello is a city of music with romantic gardens, cool alleys and medieval architecture. In the 11th-13th centuries, at the invitation of wealthy merchants, Arab architects came to Ravello and built magnificent palaces here. To this day, Ravello has retained the charm of the ancient village. The rich culture of Ravello is closely linked to its musical heritage. Wagner often rested here, in love with this place, which inspired him to write many of his famous works. Every year in the summer, a festival of symphonic music named after him is held here. From the slopes of the terrace on which Ravello is located, magnificent landscapes of the Amalfi Coast open up.

    Manarola is a small fishing town in Liguria, northern Italy. The city is located on a cliff overlooking the wild coastline of the Ligurian Sea. It is also one of the five cities that make up the Cinque Terre. Manarola is the oldest and one of the smallest cities of the famous five. In the center of the town is the Church of San Lorenzo, built in 1338. In the western part there is a small harbor, and in the east there is a square where locals often gather to discuss any important issues. Although there is no beach, it is a good place for snorkeling and exploring caves and rock crevices. A special staircase was built to descend to the water. The main industry here is traditionally fishing and winemaking. Even in the days of the Roman Empire, the local wine was valued for its excellent taste.

    Sorrento has always been known as a prestigious holiday destination: Roman patricians built villas in the vicinity of the city, and Emperor Tiberius himself settled on the nearby island of Capri. Sorrento is located on steep cliffs of volcanic tuff, breaking off into the Gulf of Naples. Tasso Square can be called the heart of Sorrento. It is from here that the main shopping street Via Corso begins, famous for its restaurants, shops and clubs. Sorrento has two ports, Marina Piccola and Marina Grande. Every morning, sea rockets leave from Marina Grande for the islands of Capri, Ischia, Procida and the neighboring cities of Positano and Amalfi.

    The small town of Rapallo is located 40 kilometers from Genoa. There are many historical monuments here - ancient cathedrals and churches, the oldest is the church of St. Gervasio and Protasio, which is mentioned in ancient manuscripts of the 6th century. Rapallo is a very clean, noble and cozy city. In one of the best hotels of the 19th century, located on a high bank near the port, Hemingway liked to stay. Every day, snow-white yachts moor to the shores of Rapallo.

    Lerici is a bizarre mixture of buildings, small coves and rocky cliffs that pierce the sparkling sea. This is a favorite vacation spot for residents of the northern part of Italy, as here you can enjoy a relaxing and comfortable stay away from the crowds of foreign tourists. The main attraction of the town is an old medieval castle.

    10 Castiglioncello

    Castiglioncello is a small town in the province of Livorno, located on a cape washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea. The city is surrounded by pine and oak forests, as well as picturesque hills that literally break off and fall down, forming rocks, small bays and cozy bays with charming beaches. Even the ancient Romans and Etruscans, and later the Medici in the Renaissance, could not pass by the beauty of these lands. Recently, Castiglioncello has become famous as a resort town, in which Marcello Mastroianni and Luchino Visconti built their villas. The town allows you to lead a calm and measured lifestyle, eliminating unnecessary fuss and noise. Castiglioncello is a secluded resort for the elite. Mass tourism is an unwritten taboo here. Therefore, Castiglioncello attracts many creative people, including artists who founded the commune here.