Who stayed home the most 2. The story of Evgenia Feofilaktova

Do you want to know how much Doma-2 participants earn while on the project? Looking ahead, let's say that the fee of the heroes of the reality show exceeds the average salary in Russia. Otherwise, why would young people be so eager to get on the set of the famous television set?

30 thousand - minimum

For the first 3 months, any newcomer or newly arrived participant from among the old-timers of the project does not receive a monetary reward. But they are provided with a roof over their heads and a full refrigerator of products for free.

Products for the TV set are purchased several times a week, taking into account the wishes of all participants.

However, according to the old-timers, after a month of being on the project, the fee can still be “knocked out” from the management of the show, if you persist. And, of course, if there is something to pay for a beginner.

In 3 months, the new hero of "House-2" should prove himself well, ideally - win the audience's love and build relationships with someone. If the ratings of the participant begin to grow exponentially, the fee immediately increases.

The minimum paid to the heroes of a reality show is 30 thousand rubles, and the maximum reward is 250 thousand rubles. True, according to rumors, this is not the limit, because they try to hide the exact fees of the Domovtsy from the public.

It is more profitable when a whole family in a row takes part in the shooting, for example, a husband, wife and mother-in-law.

From the moment when the participants of "House-2" begin to transfer money to the card, they are considered officially employed. Yes, the heroes of the show receive a real salary, with which the project management pays taxes.

“Being active” on the TV set is not an easy job for each participant. They do not adhere to a specific scenario, they do not learn monologues and dialogues.

But they must include maximum charisma and ingenuity, not sit in the shadows in order to arouse the interest of the public.

A nice bonus for the participants of "House-2" is the fact that the management takes on most of the expenses: childbirth, weddings on the project, plastic surgery, flights to the islands.

That is, what in Moscow costs a lot of money and what most participants are unable to pay for, they receive completely free of charge.

Unlike, for example, office employees who are entitled to a bonus based on their performance, Doma-2 participants are not paid bonuses.

Although many viewers probably think that for another scandal or an interesting affair on the project, the heroes of the show are rewarded with money.

If the offender is also injured, you can immediately find yourself outside the perimeter, in the status of a retired participant.

Fees of the most popular "domovtsev"

The maximum fee of 250 thousand rubles is paid to the top participant Marina Afrikantova. The girl will marry Roman Kapakly the other day, with whom she has been twisting love on the project for a long time.

Due to family disagreements, the lovers decided to simply sign at the registry office and not arrange a magnificent celebration.

After Marina and Roman leave the project, they will settle in the capital's apartment, which Kapakly won at Dom-2, becoming the "Person of the Year". This is another advantage of the TV set: the opportunity to participate in contests and win chic gifts.

150 thousand rubles are paid monthly to Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko. The same amount was paid to Ilya Yabbarov, who left the project a few months ago (however, the other day he returned again and whether he can hold out at Dom-2 is a question).

But when Aliana Ustinenko was married to Alexander Gobozov, they were paid 500 thousand for two.

Add another 130 thousand rubles to this amount - that's how much Aliana's mother-in-law, Olga Gobozova, earned on the project per month - and you get a decent contribution to the overall family budget.

The participants of the most famous Russian show, like many other reality shows, earn quite well. However, the exact information about how much money is given to TV heroes at the end of each month is absolutely secret, and only former household members give some comments on this matter.

What does the salary for "House 2" depend on?

Olga Buzova, Ksenia Borodina, Alexander Zaydoinov, the Pynzar family and others receive decent pay for their stay on the project. In most cases, it amounts to tens of thousands of dollars a year. You can find out how much Ksenia Borodina earns.

The cash reward of showmen depends on how long a person is on the site. Once on "House 2", the participant does not immediately receive anything, with the exception of free meals and accommodation. As soon as the hero was able to stay on the project and attract attention, his fee immediately increases. Growth starts from 500 dollars a month and reaches several thousand.

If a person is not interesting, does not show initiative and does not make a fuss, then his salary remains at the level of 30,000 rubles. That is why the project has such a large number of intrigues and provocations.

How long do you need to hold out to start earning decent money? Already after a month's stay at the telestroke, the participant is issued a deposit card, on which the salary is charged. The fee is divided into two parts: the first of them is issued "for life" and is freely available, and the second is deposited and accumulated until the telehero leaves the project.

It is worth noting that by all means they try to send newcomers “out of the gate” faster. Nevertheless, only truly bright specimens remain at Dom 2. The most active households have a salary of over 300 thousand rubles. For comparison, in this article you can see the fees of the actors of the series "Univer".

The popularity of individuals depends on how many significant events happened with their participation. The most rated are:

  • scandals,
  • wedding,
  • divorces,
  • birth of a child.

In addition, the guys are not forbidden to earn extra money outside the project. Opposite photography and various performances are welcome. A large number of advertisements can be seen right during the broadcast, when participants unobtrusively praise certain products. For this, sponsors pay them a lot of money, because the rating of the TV show has been consistently high for many years.

For the sake of a salary increase, some participants are ready for almost anything: how much gossip, intrigue and even fights can be seen in the perimeter almost daily. In addition to shocking, the heroes manage to work at a construction site, practice vocals, dance, tour and launch their own business projects.

How much do the most rated heroes of House 2 earn?

If the minimum salary on the project starts from 30,000 rubles, then how much do reality show stars get? The fees for individual participants are as follows:

  • Andrey Cherkasov, Evgeny Kuzin and Vlad Kadoni said that their remuneration is 100-150 thousand rubles, not counting additional income from advertising, filming and performances in nightclubs.
  • Married couples, such as Pynzar, Zhemchugovs receive about 100 thousand rubles. That is, if you calculate how much is the joint income per family, you get a considerable amount - 200 thousand rubles. For example, in addition to project earnings, Pynzari owns an online clothing store under their own brand, and Daria is also modeling at the same time.
  • The most interesting personalities receive a little less than the hosts themselves "House 2", whose fees range from 40,000 to 45,000 thousand dollars a month.
  • A well-known household member, Alexander Zadoinov, had a salary of 3,000 thousand dollars when he came to the perimeter, and later, when he began to build scandalous relationships, 6,000 thousand. Today he can be called an “old-timer” of the TV show. The project financially encourages an exemplary family man for $4,000. But such heroes are rare: few people make good money from the first month of their stay at Dom 2.

In connection with the crisis, the salaries of participants suffer changes not for the better. At the same time, the organizers reduced the cost of food: they removed delicacies from the daily menu and reduced the number and variety of food products.

But no one forbade buying provisions at their own expense. One of the participants said that even business trips and trips home have to be paid out of pocket.

Serious passions boil on the TV set, thunder rumbles and lightning flashes. Dreaming of building love, the characters in fact not only think about the high, but also tritely try to earn money! It has long been no secret that participants live on everything ready and receive wages for it. And these amounts clearly exceed the earnings of people who daily languish in stuffy offices from eight to eight.

According to rumors, the hosts of the show receive about 2 million rubles a month. The ex-host, and now a happy mother, Ksenia Sobchak, admitted in an interview that in 2012 she earned three million for her work on the project. And what about the ordinary "household"?

"To work at a construction site" - now this phrase has lost its original meaning. You can earn from 30 to 200 thousand rubles on the project. Of course, per month. Moreover, taxes are also deducted from honestly earned money. So those very ardent parasites and loafers on the screens, which irritate many inexpressibly, are also respectable taxpayers.

The harsh contract prohibits disclosure of details, but the journalists managed to find out some information. To start getting paid on the show, you need to go through a trial period: everything is serious, just like in life outside the perimeter. After 2-3 months, the first receipts on a bank card will begin.

Olga Rapunzel, Andrey Chuev and "TV grandmothers"

"Stars", which are most loved or hated by the audience, receive about 150-200 thousand per month. These include Olga Rapunzel and Andrei Chuev. Many far-sighted participants in the television set decide to pull up members of their family to such an easy income. And so the very “TV grandmothers” appeared. By the way, these ladies are becoming popular in social networks, and there is no less intrigue around them than among the young! So, recently a large-scale showdown between Tatyana Afrikantova and Irina Agibalova began on the Web: not only defiant public accusations were used, but also TV broadcasts, however, not yet with Andrei Malakhov.

Afrikantova even went beyond the perimeter due to disagreements over her fee: “I yapped all day, and I was paid like an old grandmother. I took such a blow on myself ... Why did they pay me 80? I got hoarse there. Moreover, I know that the same Olga Vasilievna Gobozova was paid 130 thousand rubles. As a result, having not received the amount corresponding to the requests, she did not find anything else but to proudly leave the project.

Tatiana Kirilyuk

You can increase your own wages not only by scandals on the site, but also on your own. For example, ex-participant Tatyana Kirilyuk told Komsomolskaya Pravda how she did it: “I sat in suckers for a very long time and got thirty. When my aunt found out about this, she lost her temper and called the management: “Tanya lives there sincerely, she only spends twenty on antidepressants after Bogdan, and you give her thirty ?!”

Aliana and Alexander Gobozov

Stepan Menshchikov, one of the most popular participants in the show, is frank: “I have not been bound by a contract for a long time, so I can say: yes, the guys get money. Any work must be paid. The participant's fee depends on who he is, what benefit he brings to the project, what authority he has, status in the team. The amount of the fee is from zero to 200 thousand rubles. The approach to each participant is individual. You can start receiving money after a month of being on the project. The hero comes up and says: “Guys, I spent a month of my life on you, I was a top participant, let's conclude an employment contract ...” When you start demanding, your attitude changes, respect appears. But again, everything is individual. Some go not for money, but for fame. They are willing to work for free. And if a person has not shown himself in any way on the project, then they will not pay him. ”

Fees allow many participants to save up to start a business or simply purchase housing in the capital, and not in their hometown. If it turns out to create a “strong” family in which hurricanes will constantly rage, then the efficiency will increase. So, Aliana and Alexander Gobozov received 500 thousand a month.

Food, "plastic" and treatment - at the expense of the office

Management of pregnancy

Daria and Sergey Pynzar, having decided to leave the show, already had a solid "airbag" in the form of real estate and clothing stores. At the same time, the couple managed to become parents of two children, being outside the perimeter! Of course, vitamins for pregnant women, childbirth and other very costly activities were paid for by the channel's management.

plastic surgery

On the project, you can also take care of yourself, changing for the better. Numerous plastic surgeries "House-2" is a real encyclopedia of modern surgery! But all this does not cost the participants anything. Moreover, the project is a family, and if someone needs help, it will be provided. So, Andrei Chuev's legs failed, and his treatment was paid for.

Taxi, phone, groceries

And in general, life outside the perimeter in Moscow and in the Seychelles is especially comfortable. Fresh products are purchased several times a week, taking into account the wishes of the household, who can also travel by taxi for free, they do not have to spend money on telephone calls. No utility bills, air conditioners are not turned off during the heat wave to save electricity ... Paradise?

Advertising on Instagram

An additional source of income for TV show participants, like other modern public figures, is advertising on Instagram. This social network can be called a real gold mine. The cost of posts varies depending on the number of subscribers. The texts themselves are presented under different sauces: sometimes it is difficult to guess that we are not looking at good advice, but a paid recommendation.

To be honest, when this “construction of the century” began, I did not miss a single episode. Watched with my daughter. They knew everyone by name, worried about who the Sun would stay with, would the participants really expel the unfortunate Olga Buzova. The guys were looking for their soul mate, built relationships, built a real house.

The construction did not end in any way, the composition changed almost completely, I lost interest. Over time, I learned that the guys get money for participating in the project. It became interesting: how much?

What do participants get paid for?

Newly arrived relationship builders go through a trial period, participate in the project for 2 months free of charge. Further, it all depends on the person himself.

He should be active in finding a couple, intrigues, aggravation of relationships between young people are welcome. All of this is paid for.

The amount depends on the personal contribution to the popularity of the program, individual rating. For fights, they can be kicked out of the project, but for the ability to scream, to unbalance someone, they will accrue a bonus.

Instagram to the rescue: a significant source of income for the “builders of love” is advertising on social networks. networks. According to statistics:

  • Olga Buzova has more than 16 million subscribers;
  • Ksenia Borodina has over 13 million;
  • Aliana Gabozova - 1.5 million;
  • Olga Orlova has over a million fans.

Considering that each participant has his own page, with the growth of popularity, the prices for posts and advertising revenues increase. The project has an advertising service that has entered into contracts with various companies.

We will reveal the "terrible" secrets about the income of participants

The most interesting thing that viewers want to know is how much they pay for building relationships in front of the whole country. It turned out that the amount of income is strictly individual. There is no place for passive participants in the project; passions, intrigues, jealousy are valued here.

That is, everything that makes the audience not tear themselves away from the screens, wait for a new series of this live show. The first salary is assigned after two months: 20 thousand rubles. With the increase in popularity, human activity, the salary gradually grows to 50-250 thousand rubles. For example:

  • the scandalous married couple Gabozovs receives up to 500 thousand a month for two;
  • before his departure, Stepan Menshikov earned almost 200 thousand rubles a month;
  • Alena Vodonaeva - 250 thousand;
  • tantrums Victoria Karaseva cost more than 210 thousand.

Andrey Chuev, Nikita Kuznetsov and Marina Afrikantova received from 150 to 200 thousand rubles for their charisma.

The maximum amount of earnings at Dom-2

Naturally, the brightest "builders" of House-2 received the maximum fees (about 250 thousand rubles a month). These include:

  • married couple Dasha and Sergey Pynzari;
  • Zhenya Fiofilaktova;
  • Andrey Cherkasov;
  • Rustam Solntsev.

After leaving the project, these people opened their own business, successfully appearing in commercials. From time to time they visit the launch pad at Dom-2.

Leading salaries are much higher. For example, Ksenia Sobchak's fee on the project reached 100 thousand dollars, while the rest of the presenters reached 40 thousand dollars.

Maybe I should go too?

Despite the assurances of skeptics, Dom-2 still has high ratings, the flow of people who want to get there does not dry out. By our standards, life on the project is a real paradise. They feed for free, you don’t have to pay for housing, telephones, treatment, everything is paid for. New season planned:

To be invited to a casting, you need to fill out a questionnaire on the site, wait for a call. Further, everything depends on desire, charisma, the ability to behave differently from everyone else.

If you say at the interview that you are going to build love, then you are unlikely to be hired. This show, it requires extraordinary stories, inappropriate behavior, an explosion of emotions.

I realized that even for such a salary, it is difficult for me to flaunt my feelings, to live under cameras for a long time. It seems to me that a bright future cannot be bought at such a price: demonstrating oneself in an obscene manner, even humiliation on the screen for the whole country.

And how do you feel about "House-2"? See? Let the kids go?