Mikhail Prishvin bibliography. Prishvin, Mikhail Mikhailovich

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin is a talented writer, master of classical prose, philosopher. In each of his works, Prishvin immerses the reader not only in the wonderful world of nature, but also in the hidden corners of human consciousness, drawing a fine line of reflection on the meaning of existence. And Prishvin's biography is diverse and full of surprises.

Childhood and youth of Mikhail Prishvin

Mikhail Prishvin was born on February 4, 1873 in the Khrushchevo-Levshino family estate in a wealthy family. The huge house went to the Prishvin family from the rich and successful grandfather Dmitry Ivanovich, who was the richest Yelets merchant. Mother, Maria Ivanovna, was a respectable Old Believer and a quiet housewife, raising five children. The writer's father, Mikhail Dmitrievich, "became famous" throughout the region as an avid hunter, horse race player and adventurer. It was he who became the man who radically changed the life of little Prishvin and all his loved ones.

The addiction of the father of the family played a cruel joke on him. Mikhail Dmitrievich lost not only his entire fortune and the family business (stud farm), but also his grandfather's family estate. Unable to cope with difficult times, his father was seized by paralysis, from which he soon died. As a result, Maria Ivanovna was left without a livelihood with small children in her arms. It is worth paying tribute to this strong woman, she was able not only to raise everyone to their feet, but also to give a good education to everyone.

For a year of elementary school, little Misha studied at an ordinary village school. In 1883, he was enrolled in the first class of the Yelets classical gymnasium. Unfortunately, Mikhail Mikhailovich did not work out with his studies. He now and then stayed for the second year and clashed with the teachers. For six years, the future writer graduated from only 4 classes. In 1889, Mikhail Prishvin was expelled from the gymnasium, the last straw was a conflict with a geography teacher. Surprisingly, on the contrary, studies were easy for Mikhail's brothers (the elder became a financial official, the other two became doctors).

Life of Mikhail Prishvin

Young Prishvin is sent to his mother's childless brother merchant Ignatov in Tyumen. Here, under the close guidance of his uncle, the author took up his mind and eventually graduated from the Tyumen Alexander Real School. Then he entered the Riga Polytechnic. But here again the character of Mikhail Prishvin played a cruel joke on him. Not wanting to continue the work of his uncle, the writer Prishvin joined the student Marxist circle, for which he eventually paid the price. Arrest for a year and two years of exile - such a sad result.

Abroad, Prishvin finally received a diploma from the agronomic department of the University of Leipzig in 1902, specializing in a land surveyor. Then he returned to his homeland, married his first wife, Efrosinya Pavlovna. This marriage gave Prishvin three children (one of whom, unfortunately, died in infancy).

Immersed in the profession, Mikhail Mikhailovich until 1905 worked as an agronomist in Luga. And then, in parallel, he begins to write stories and notes on scientific topics. But it doesn't stop there. And now, in 1906, the first story "Sashok" was published from his pen, which was immediately published in the magazine.

Creativity of Mikhail Prishvin

Prishvin is so captivated by writing that he decides to leave his agricultural activities and completely immerses himself in creativity. Mikhail Mikhailovich is hired as a newspaper correspondent. But nature still pulls the writer Prishvin, so he begins to travel around the North. It is here that the famous tales of Prishvin () are born. The author visited the coast of the White Sea, conquered many islands, as well as the Arctic Ocean.

Having received significant importance and recognition in literary circles, he became friends with and, as well as with. But they had a tense relationship with them, as they did not agree on political views.

During the First World War, the Revolution and the Civil War, Mikhail Mikhailovich worked as a war correspondent. Honestly reflecting the events that took place at the front. After the writer works as an ordinary rural teacher, and in the 30s he decides to try himself in the field of an auto mechanic. Yes, he is so fond of this occupation that he buys a van "Mashenka" and begins to travel again.

During the years of evacuation in 1945, his famous fairy tale comes out from under the pen of Prishvin. It is worth noting that many of Prishvin's works were published during the author's lifetime. Some of them are illustrated with personal archival photographs taken by Mikhail Mikhailovich with his camera. More than 2,000 of his photographs have survived to this day.

Death of Mikhail Prishvin and memory

The writer died from a fatal disease (cancer of the ventricle). It happened on January 16, 1954. Prishvin was buried in Moscow, his grave can be found at the Vvedensky cemetery.

Many note that Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin possessed a subtle skill in conveying wildlife. Reading his works, you plunge into the fabulous world of sounds, light, smell. You know exactly what surrounds you and what you see with your own eyes. No wonder he said that "Prishvin is a singer of the Russian breed."

Mikhail Prishvin- Russian writer, prose writer and publicist. In his works, he paid special attention to the issues of human existence, reflecting on the meaning of life, religion, the relationship between a man and a woman.

Prishvin defined his place in literature as follows: “Rozanov is an afterword of Russian literature, I am a free application. And all…”

Prishvin's biography

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin was born on February 4, 1873 in the family estate of Khrushchevo-Levshino, Oryol province. His father, Mikhail Dmitrievich, was engaged in the selection of horses, was an excellent rider, and was also an avid hunter.

In addition, the head of the family was interested, as a result of which a beautiful garden and many flowers grew in the courtyard of their house.

The mother of the future writer, Maria Ivanovna, was a housewife and raised children.

In addition to Mikhail, four more children were born in the Prishvin family.

Childhood and youth

When Mikhail Prishvin was still just a child, his father became interested in gambling and gradually lost the entire family estate. Soon he became paralyzed, after which he died.

Thus, Prishvin's mother had to independently put the children on their feet and take care of the household.

Mikhail Prishvin in childhood

When Mikhail graduated from elementary school in 1882, he was sent to study at the Yelets Gymnasium.

He had a very poor performance in all subjects, so he was twice left for the second year.

Studying in the fourth grade, Prishvin came into conflict with one of the teachers, as a result of which he was expelled from the gymnasium. His interest in science awakened only when he began to live in his uncle's house.

In 1893, Mikhail Prishvin graduated from the Alexander Real School, and then entered the Riga Polytechnic School at the department of the Faculty of Chemistry.

During this period of biography, serious changes took place in his worldview.

In the mid-20s, Prishvin began working on the autobiographical novel "Kashcheev's Chain", on which he would work until the end of his life.

A few years later he bought a van, calling it "Mashenka". On it, he traveled around, collecting material for his works.

After that, a car of the Moskvich-401 brand appeared in Prishvin's biography, which is today in his house-museum. On this car, he managed to visit the Far East.

Having received a lot of impressions from the trip, he wrote the book Dear Animals. Then Mikhail Prishvin visited Yaroslavl, after which he wrote the story "Undressed Spring".

At this time, he began to be especially interested in photography. He took pictures of animals and birds, as well as photographed trees, forest edges and other landscapes. Later, the writer designed his books with photographs taken by him.

The main work in Prishvin's biography is the "Diaries", consisting of 8 volumes. In them, he detailed his vision for life, religion and the political situation in the country.

Personal life

The first wife in the biography of Mikhail Prishvin was Efrosinya Banykina. In this marriage, they had three children - Lev, Peter and Sergei (the latter died in early childhood).

Over time, the writer lost interest in his wife and decided to leave for another woman.

Mikhail Prishvin and Valeria Liorko

At the age of 67, Prishvin married Valeria Liorko. An interesting fact is that the second wife was 26 years younger than him. Their family union lasted 14 years, until the death of the prose writer.


Six months before his death, Prishvin was diagnosed with stomach cancer. The disease progressed rapidly and a few months later the writer died.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin died on January 16, 1954 at the age of 80. The famous Russian writer was buried at the Vvedensky cemetery in Moscow.

) - Russian Soviet writer, author of works about nature, hunting stories, works for children Born on January 23 (February 4), 1873 in the Yelets district of the Oryol province (now the Yelets district of the Lipetsk region ), in the family estate Khrushchevo-Levshino, which at one time was bought by his grandfather, a prosperous Yelets merchant Dmitry Ivanovich Prishvin. The family had five children.

The father of the future writer Mikhail Dmitrievich Prishvin, after the family division, received the Konstandylovo estate and a lot of money. He lived like a lord, led Oryol trotters, won prizes at horse races, was engaged in gardening and flowers, and was a passionate hunter.

One day, my father lost at cards, so I had to sell the stud farm and mortgage the estate. He did not survive the shock and died, paralyzed. In the novel "Kashcheev's Chain", Prishvin tells how his father drew "blue beavers" for him with a healthy hand - a symbol of a dream that he could not achieve. Nevertheless, the mother of the future writer, Maria Ivanovna, who came from the Old Believer family of the Ignatovs and remained after the death of her husband with five children in her arms and with an estate mortgaged under a double mortgage, managed to rectify the situation and give the children a decent education.

In this article we will introduce you to a very interesting author - a representative of Russian literature. We will describe his biography and work. Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich (years of life - 1873-1954) was born in 1873, in January. He was born on the Khrushchevo estate, located in Prishvin's life and work, we will describe sequentially, in chronological order.

The family of the future writer comes from merchants. A dreamy and enthusiastic father, who died early, as well as a mother, poetic, tender, but at the same time hardworking, practical, strong-willed - both parents had a great influence on shaping the character of the future writer.

Revolutionary ideas in the life and work of Prishvin

Mikhail's early childhood was spent in the countryside, where he observed the concerns and needs of the peasants. The writer tells us about studying at the Yelets gymnasium, and then in Tyumen in a real school in the novel "Kashcheev's Chain", which is autobiographical.

From this work, we also learn about how the student Prishvin was captured by the idea of ​​\u200b\u200buniversal happiness. During this time, he translated various revolutionary literature, and also propagated ideas among the workers. After that, Mikhail Prishvin was arrested (1897). Sitting in a prison in Riga, in solitary confinement, he made a mental journey to the North Pole to pass the time. The writer was very sorry that they did not give ink and paper, otherwise he would certainly write a diary of this trip.

Life in Europe

Prishvin, whose pages of life and work are fraught with a lot of curiosity, after exile to continue his studies, goes abroad in 1900. Life in Europe, of course, could not help but influence the formation of his inner world. Mikhail Mikhailovich sensitively perceived the culture of Western Europe. He admired Goethe, loved the music of Wagner, and also saw in Nietzsche's books a fusion of philosophy and poetry. Prishvin graduated in Leipzig (1902). At this time, he completely withdrew from participation in the political struggle, because he realized that he was incapable of it. The revolution frightened Mikhail Mikhailovich, he was a dreamer, not a fighter at all.

Prishvin's first love

At the same time, one of the most important events in the life of the future writer happened. He met a student girl from Russia in Paris. The biography and work of Prishvin reflected the influence of this girl, which we will now tell you about. The Kashcheev Chain tells about love and a break with this student, who refused Prishvin, realizing that he was unable to "penetrate into the soul" of another. Mikhail Mikhailovich had to first learn to love, "become a husband", and not just admire female beauty. That is, it was necessary first to mature spiritually. It was this girl who in many ways made Mikhail Mikhailovich a writer, as he himself admitted, saying that all his poetic experiences come from two sources: love and childhood.

Village life, marriage

For several years, having returned to his homeland, Mikhail Prishvin lives in the village, where he works as an agronomist, and is also engaged in scientific work in the field of agriculture. He decided to live the way "all good people" live, giving up his hopes for personal happiness. Prishvin married a "simple and illiterate" peasant woman, who became his assistant.

The beginning of literary activity

Unexpectedly for himself, at the age of 33, Mikhail Mikhailovich realizes his vocation for literary creativity. After that, he dramatically changes his lifestyle, becomes a correspondent for the newspaper Russkiye Vedomosti, published in St. Petersburg. Here, since 1905, he often publishes notes and essays on peasant life. The fact that this writer began with journalism was of great importance for the writer Prishvin: in essays and articles, he honed his skills, learned to concisely express thoughts, and also comprehended the art of expressiveness and accuracy of language.

Mikhail Mikhailovich also wrote works of art, novels and short stories. But only one story called "Sashok" was published in 1906 in "Spring" - a children's magazine. The rest of the manuscripts were returned from the editorial offices: "complicated psychological things" were not given to Prishvin. The writer was pursued by failures.

Journey to the North

Then Prishvin decided to take a letter of recommendation from the Geographical Society, with which he went to the North (Norway and Karelia, 1907). He has long attracted the writer with his secret, and Mikhail Mikhailovich has been studying this wonderful world for two summers in a row. The life and work of Prishvin at that time were very active. He brought from his travels records of fairy tales and epics, notebooks with travel notes, as well as numerous photographs. In addition, he read a scientific report, after which Prishvin was elected a member of the Russian Geographical Society, and was also awarded a silver medal.

Two books of essays

The essay books "Behind the Magic Kolobok" and "In the Land of Fearless Birds" were a kind of report on the travels made. The latter seemed to the writer not very successful, in his opinion, it was too scientific. He considered his creative beginning in which essays were placed on the life of taiga peasants and fishermen, as well as on the northern harsh nature. However, this work also resembled a fascinating fairy tale. Its beginning corresponded to this genre: "In a certain kingdom..." But at the same time, the fairy tale does not obscure the truthful description of the beggarly life of the people of the North, their ignorance. The writer, however, reveals, first of all, the beauty in these people, speaks of their closeness to nature, human dignity, and nobility.

Other travels and works written about these trips

The artist writes books and travels every year. The life and work of Prishvin at this time are closely interconnected. So, after he visited the Kerzhensky forests, "Light Lake" came out. The essays "Black Arab" and "Adam and Eve" reflected the impressions of visiting Central Asia. The book "Glorious tambourines" was published after a trip to the Crimea.

The author himself called the work "Black Arab" "festive". When creating it, Prishvin was not constrained by a specific task of the editors, so he was able to turn everyday material into an oriental fairy tale, building his work on the idea of ​​a fantastic transformation of the traveler and the area. The image of the traveler is interesting: he pretended to be a man who had taken a vow of silence. This book is very musical and picturesque. Readers were delighted with her, and M. Gorky even offered to publish a three-volume collected works of Mikhail Mikhailovich in "Knowledge".

Fame, rapprochement with modernists

By the beginning of the First World War, the name of Prishvin became widely known in literary circles. The work of this writer was highly appreciated by many of his contemporaries, such as I. Bunin, A. Blok, A. Remizov, M. Gorky, Z. Gippius, V. Bryusov. Prishvin became especially close to modernist writers. He found support and participation in their environment, published in their publications. He called Remizov his teacher. The modernists attracted Mikhail Mikhailovich's attention to art, creativity, as well as the high demands placed on the word. It is known that Prishvin had an idea for a novel called "The Beginning of the Century", he drew up his plan, individual "pieces" and sketches were preserved in the archive. This idea, unfortunately, was not realized.

Sending to the front line as a correspondent

After the outbreak of the First World War, the writer went to the front line as a newspaper correspondent. His illusions that this war could bring the government and the people closer dissipated quickly. Prishvin begins to protest against the many countless victims she has made. War is inhumane - this is the main idea of ​​all his essays and articles.

Prishvin is a member of the Scythians association

The writer, like the main part of the advanced intelligentsia of our country at that time, warmly welcomed the February Revolution. He soon joined the Scythians association, to which such writers as E. Zamyatin, A. Remizov, S. Yesenin, A. Bely, V. Bryusov and others belonged, who shared a view on the history of the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries. They focused on the Russian countryside, the peasantry, and not on the proletariat, and also tried to "combine" Christianity with socialism.

The life and work of Prishvin in the first years after October

The revolution is an event that affected the fate of many people, including the author of interest to us. A brief chronicle of the life and work of M. M. Prishvin in the first years after October is as follows.

After the revolution, Mikhail Mikhailovich began to cooperate with the Socialist-Revolutionary publications - the newspapers Early Morning, Volya Naroda, Delo Naroda - until they were closed as counter-revolutionary.

In the period from 1918 to 1919 in Yelets, he worked as a teacher of the Russian language, an organizer of local history. In 1920, he left this city with his family for his homeland. The writer worked as a school director and teacher. He also organized a museum of estate life in the former Baryshnikov estate.

The period from 1922 to 1924 is marked by the following events. Mikhail Mikhailovich moves with his family near Moscow, to the Taldom district. Here he is working on a book called "Shoes", and also begins to write the autobiographical work "Kashcheev's Chain", which we have already mentioned. There are short stories about nature, hunting stories.

"Springs of Berendey"

In 1925, the writer moved to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, engaged in local history work. A book called "Springs of Berendey" is published - one of the most famous works, in which the world of nature is fully reflected in the work of Mikhail Prishvin. The book tells about the people with whom the writer worked and lived. It shows Prishvin's special approach to the disclosure of the themes of nature and man. The author emphasizes kinship with the whole world of people, saying that all the elements of the natural world have entered into man. In many ways, this world determines our activities, even our appearance. Trees and animals are prototypes of people. Nature in lyrical miniatures is endowed with the characteristics of the human inner world. Without understanding Prishvin's philosophy of nature, it is impossible to deeply read the works he wrote. He is distinguished from other artists of the word by the fact that he connects all the main questions raised in books with this theme. The essence of human being is revealed through the image of nature.

1930s in the life and work of Prishvin

In 1931, in the spring, Prishvin went on a trip to the Urals on the instructions of the editors of the Our Achievements magazine, in which he worked at that time. And in the autumn of the same year - to the Far East, where the life and work of M. Prishvin continued.

The book "My Essay" appeared in 1933 with a preface by M. Gorky. Essays based on the materials of the trip to the North were written at the same time and called "Fathers and Sons". The story "The Root of Life" (another name is "Ginseng") was published in the magazine "Krasnaya Nov" in the same year. In this book, contemporaries saw the poetry of transforming life with the help of creativity, which was in general consonant with the pathos of Soviet literature. However, if most of the writers of Prishvin's contemporaries talked about collective labor (collective farms, factories, new buildings), Mikhail Mikhailovich wrote about the organization of a deer reserve. His heroes are Chinese and Russian. The story describes their work and life, their relationship. The main idea is the unity of people of different nationalities.

Prishvin was reproached for deliberately moving away from modern reality, not depicting the historical era in the work (at the beginning of the century, this story takes place). However, something else was important for the writer: to express his own thoughts about creativity. The poem written by him is fanned by the romance of "blessed" labor, kinship between different people, as well as nature and man. Ginseng is a source of youth and health, the root of life, but at the same time it is also a spiritual source that helps determine a person's life path. For the first time, the author combined with his own biography the story of a fictitious person who ended up in the Far East during the Russo-Japanese War. One of the most important motives of the work is also autobiographical - a feeling of nagging pain that pervades the hero when remembering his first love, as well as newfound joy when the lost happiness is in another woman. All this reflects the biography of Prishvin Mikhail, briefly described by us.

We continue our story. In 1934, a number of other important events marked his life and work. Prishvin M. M. goes to study the automotive business in Gorky, and then goes to the northern forests. Impressions of the nature of these places were reflected in the essays "Berendeev thicket", as well as in the collection for children "The Chipmunk Beast".

In 1939, the writer was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, and the following year he married VD Lebedeva and spent the summer in the Moscow region, in the village of Tyazhino. The works "Forest drops", "Phacelia", as well as a cycle called "Grandfather's felt boots" appear.

The life and work of the writer during the Second World War

During World War II, in August 1941, the writer was evacuated from the capital to the Yaroslavl region, the village of Usolye. In 1942, work continues on the third part of the novel "Kashcheev's Chain". In 1943, Stories about Leningrad Children were published. In connection with his 70th birthday, the writer was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

The chronicle of the life and work of M. M. Prishvin of this period is marked by the following further events. In the summer of 1945 he lived in Pushkin, near Moscow, where the "Pantry of the Sun" was created. The Golden Meadow collection appeared in 1948.

In 1952, the writer resumes work on "Kashcheev's chain", the third part.

January 16, 1954 is the date that ends his life and work. Prishvin M. M. died in Moscow.

Evaluations of Prishvin's creativity and personality

Mikhail Mikhailovich is a peculiar writer. Contradictory assessments caused the life and work of Prishvin among his contemporaries. Bakhtin wrote a lot about him, Bokov, Kazakov, Kozhinov highly appreciated Prishvin. Sharply spoke about the work of Mikhail Mikhailovich Tvardovsky, Sokolov-Mikitov, Platonov. However, the writer believed in the love and understanding of descendants, and today there are really a lot of Prishvin's readers.

Prishvin's diary

Mikhail Mikhailovich sincerely rejoiced when he met understanding in readers, he often said that he was writing for a reader-friend who was capable of co-creation. In the last years of his life, he was often visited both in Dudin and in Moscow by such admirers of his talent as S. Marshak, V. Shishkov, Vs. Ivanov, K. Fedin. Prishvin saw "his reader" in Paustovsky, the closest writer to the "spirit of creativity." They are related by lyricism, love for nature, as well as a heightened attention to the artistic word. K. Paustovsky spoke enthusiastically about the diary that M. M. Prishvin kept for half a century. He believed that two or three lines from it would be enough for a whole book, if they were expanded.

Many writers have been known to keep diaries. However, Prishvin considered working on it the main business of his life. It was possible to publish part of the recordings from which "Forget-Me-Nots", "Eyes of the Earth", "Forest Drops", "Phacelia" were born. However, during his lifetime, as well as for a long time after his death, most of the records could not be published, since they were considered an expression of ideologically incorrect, erroneous views. In the diary, the writer was indignant, pondered, recorded the signs of the times, conversations with people. From the records you can learn a lot about the peculiarities of life in our country in the first half of the 20th century.

M. M. Prishvin today

The originality of the work of M. M. Prishvin is now appreciated. Today, this author really has a lot of readers. Much has been written about the life and work of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. The outgoing editions of Mikhail Mikhailovich's books are quickly sold out, he is remembered and loved in his native Yelets, in Tyumen, where he studied, as well as in Karelia, where he traveled a lot, and in Dunin, where the last years of the writer's life passed.

Today, the curriculum certainly includes the works of such a writer as Prishvin. Life and creativity (grade 6, school curriculum in literature) is studied in all schools in our country. Although not many hours have been devoted to this topic. Only a brief biography of M. M. Prishvin is considered. For children, this is enough. Perhaps, at a more mature age, there will be a desire to get to know the life and work of such an interesting author in more detail. This article is written just for those who want to know the details of the life and work of Mikhail Mikhailovich, which are not talked about in high school.

The prose writer M. M. Prishvin was born on February 4, 1873 in the family estate of Khrushchevo-Levshino near Yelets (now the Stanovlyansky district), once bought by his grandfather, a successful Yelets merchant Dmitry Ivanovich Prishvin. There were seven children in the family. The father of the future writer Mikhail Dmitrievich Prishvin died early. In 1882, M. M. Prishvin was sent to study at an elementary village school, in 1883 he was transferred to the first grade of the Yelets classical gymnasium, and in 1888 he was expelled from the 4th grade for impudence to teacher V. V. Rozanov.

Already a mature writer, M. M. Prishvin will assess the two most important incidents of his gymnasium years in this way: “Two events in childhood and adolescence were of great importance in my life: the first was an escape from the Yelets gymnasium to some beautiful free country of Asia, the second was an exception me from the Yelets Gymnasium. The first event subsequently defined me as a traveler, hunter, artist of the word and storyteller, the second - as a seeker of good human relations or as a citizen. In this clash of freedom and necessity, my conscious life began.

Expelled from the gymnasium, Mikhail Prishvin went to the city of Tyumen to his mother's brother I. I. Ignatov, a major Siberian industrialist, where he graduated from the Tyumen real school. In 1893-1897 he studied at the Riga Polytechnic and became interested in the ideas of Marxism. In 1897 he was arrested for participating in Marxist circles, spent a year in prison, and then was sent into exile for two years in Yelets.

He spent two years in his mother's house, helping her run the household. His agronomic knowledge also came in handy. But the mother insisted that her son finish his education, and since M. M. Prishvin was forbidden to study in Russia, in 1900, having received permission to leave for Germany, he entered the agronomic department of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Leipzig.

After graduating from the university in 1902, M. M. Prishvin returned to Russia. For some time he worked as an agronomist, but after traveling to the North (through Karelia, the Solovetsky Islands and Scandinavia) in 1906-1907 he seriously turned to literature. In 1906, his first story, "Sashok", was published, and later the books "In the Land of Fearless Birds" (1907), "Behind the Magic Kolobok" (1908) appeared, which helped their author to find himself in the center of the literary life of St. Petersburg. The ethnographic component of M. M. Prishvin’s work was also appreciated: in 1910 he was awarded the silver medal of the Imperial Geographical Society and the title of its full member. In 1912-1914 his first collected works were published in three volumes.

In 1914, after the death of his mother, the writer inherited a plot of land in Khrushchevo and was going to build a house there. But the First World War began, and M. M. Prishvin went to the front as an orderly and war correspondent.

After the revolution, he returned with his family to Khrushchevo, from where they moved to Yelets in 1918. Mikhail Mikhailovich began teaching at the former Yelets gymnasium, from which he was expelled in childhood. He worked as an instructor of public education in the Yelets district, gave lectures at the people's university in the city of Yelets, was the organizer of the Soviet archival business in the city and county, and was in charge of the library in the village. Quilting. These were very difficult years in the life of the writer: disorder, lack of bread, hunger, the invasion of Mamontov, who ruined the city.

In 1920, M. M. Prishvin left Yelets forever. He lived in his wife's homeland in the Smolensk region, then in the Moscow region; conducted pedagogical activity, was engaged in hunting and local history.

In 1922, he began writing the autobiographical novel Kashcheev's Chain, which created unique images of his native estate, Khrushchev's garden, and Yelets. Among the diary entries of 1952, the following is found: "And I realized that" Kashcheev's chain "is a boy's song about his homeland." The novel was published in the seven-volume collected works of the writer (1927-1930).

In the 1930s, Mikhail Mikhailovich traveled a lot: the Far East, Khibiny, Solovki, Belomorstroy, as a result of which the story "Ginseng" (1933) was written, the idea of ​​the novel "The Tsar's Road" was born.

M. M. Prishvin created original collections of miniature short stories from the life of nature: “Springs of Berendey”, “Calendar of Nature”, “Hunters were”, “Forest drops”. In 1945, his fairy tale "The Pantry of the Sun" appeared, which received the first prize at the "Best Book for Children" competition announced by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, and became a textbook work. He completed his last work - the fairy tale story "The Ship Thicket" - the plot continuation of the "Pantry of the Sun" a month before his death.

The feeling of the homeland never left the writer: “I have been wandering all day between the lindens, and suddenly I remembered Khrushchev. There, too, the air was so easy to breathe. Since then I have not breathed such air, I have not lived in a healthy nature, and little by little I forgot that it exists. I lived in swamps, in mosquitoes, accepting such nature as virgin, the best ... And that's why, when I left the swamps and stood here on deep soil, where lindens grow and there are no mosquitoes, it seems to me that I returned to Khrushchevo, to the best beautiful place that never happened in the world.” Mikhail Mikhailovich liked to look at the painting "Khrushchev". He wrote in his diary on April 21, 1953: “What is so expensive to present this picture? ... nothing, a dirty pond ... two brick pillars from the gate, a skinny acacia, a black earth distance in fields and ravines. And nothing, nothing for the prying eye... For myself, inexhaustible wealth and every minute everything is new... And there is no end to such moments left in the picture of my childhood.

Author's works

  • Collected works: in 8 volumes / entry. Art. V. D. Prishvina; comments L. A. Kisileva; ill. F. V. Domogatsky. - M .: Art. lit. – 1982-1986.
    • T. 1. Works of 1906-1914. - 1982. - 830 p. : ill., 1 sheet. portrait
    • T. 2. Kashcheev's chain: [novel]; Worldly bowl: [story]; Works of 1914-1923 / [comment. V. N. Chuvakova]. - 1982. - 680 p. : ill.
    • T. 3. Works of 1924-1935. - 1983. - 542 p. : ill.
    • T. 4. Works of 1932-1944 / [comment. R. B. Valbe, T. Yu. Khmelnitsky]. - 1983. - 734 p. : ill.
    • T. 5. Lesnaya drops; Stories about Leningrad children; The story of our time; Pantry of the sun; Works of 1938-1953 / [comment. V. V. Krugleevskaya, L. P. Platonova]. - 1983. - 486 p. : ill.
    • T. 6. Sovereign's road; Ship thicket / [comment. V. D. Prishvina and others]. - 1984. - 439 p. : ill.
    • T. 7. Nataska Romka: [from the hunting diary 1926-1927]; Eyes of the earth / [prepared. text and comments. V. V. Krugleevskaya, A. A. Makarova]. - 1984. - 479 p. : ill.
    • T. 8. Diaries, 1905-1954. - 1986. - 759 p.
  • [Works]: in 2 volumes / [compiled, prepared. texts, comments. L. A. Ryazanova, Ya. Z. Grishina]. - M .: Life and Thought, 2001. - (Library of Moscow State Pedagogical University).
    • Book. 1: The mundane bowl. – 636 p. : ill., portr.
    • Book. 2: Spring of light. – 572 p. : ill., portr.
  • Favorites. - Moscow: Goslitizdat, 1946. - 554 p.
  • Favorites / [comp., after the last. and note. I. Motyashova]. – M. : Moskov. worker, 1975. - 351 p. - (School library).
  • Favorites. - M. : Pravda, 1977. - 463 p.
  • Selected works / [comp., intro. Art. and note. B. S. Dykhanova]. - M. : Pravda, 1988. - 462 p.
  • Diaries. 1920-1922 / [comment. Ya. Z. Grishina]. – M. : Moskov. worker, 1995. - 332 p.
  • Diaries. - St. Petersburg: Rostock. – 2007.
    • Early diary. 1905-1913. - 2007. - 555 p.
    • 1914–1917 / [prepared. text by L. A. Ryazanova, Ya. Z. Grishina; comments Ya. Z. Grishina, V. Yu. Grishina]. - 2007. - 604 p.
    • 1918–1919 / [comment. Ya. Z. Grishina]. - 2008. - 555 p.
    • 1930–1931 / prepared. text by L. A. Ryazanova, Ya. Z. Grishina. - 2006. - 701 p. : portrait
    • 1923-1925. - 2009. - 559 p.
    • 1932–1935 / prepared. text by Ya. Z. Grishina; comments Ya. Z. Grishina. - 2009. - 1008 p.
    • 1936-1937. - 2010. - 992 p.
    • 1938-1939. - 2011. - 607 p.
    • 1940-1941. - 2012. - 880 p.
    • 1942-1943. - 2012. - 811 p.

Literature about life and work

  • Prishvina V. D. Our house: [About M. M. Prishvin] / V. D. Prishvina. - M .: Mol. guard, 1977. - 334 p.
  • Memories of Mikhail Prishvin: collection / [comp. Ya. Z. Grishina, L. A. Ryazanova]. – M.: Sov. writer, 1991. - 366 p. : ill.
  • Yelets reality: local historian. Sat. - Yelets: Orius, 1998. - Issue. 6. Part 1. Mikhail Prishvin from Yelets / ed. V. P. Gorlov. – 55 s.
  • “The city seemed at first to be only a cathedral” (Prishvinsky Yelets) / G. P. Klimova; The motif of the "Turgenev woman" in the novel by M. M. Prishvin "Kashcheev's chain" / Yu. B. Egerman; “Solitary”, “Fallen Leaves” by V. Rozanov and “Diaries” by M. Prishvin / A. M. Streltsov // Literary local history in the Lipetsk region: textbook. allowance. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - Yelets, 1999. - 215-234.
  • Kondratiev E. Literary alley of the village of Stanovoye: [bust of M. M. Prishvin opened in the village. Stanovoe; the author is a dace. sculptor N. Kravchenko] // Trud. ‒ 2001. - 9 Aug. - P. 13.
  • Mikhail Prishvin: topical issues in the study of creative heritage: materials of scientific. conf., dedicated 129th anniversary of the birth of the writer. - Yelets: YSU them. I. A. Bunina, 2002. - Issue. 1. - 258 p.
  • Fedyukina T. Mikhail Prishvin: return: [about the opening of the monument to M. Prishvin in Yelets on Torgovaya Street on September 8; sculptor N. Kravchenko] // Lipetsk newspaper. - 2002. - September 10.
  • Shiryaev Yu. V. Songs of the Chernozem region: Sat. poems: to the 125th anniversary of the birth of fellow countryman Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin / Yu. V. Shiryaev. - Yelets, 2002. - 56 p.
  • Varlamov A. N. Prishvin / A. N. Varlamov. - M .: Mol. guard, 2003. - 848 p. – (Life of remarkable people; issue 1048 (848)).
  • Mikhail Prishvin: topical issues in the study of creative heritage: materials of scientific and practical. conf., dedicated 130th anniversary of the birth of the writer. - Yelets: YSU them. I. A. Bunina, 2003. - Issue. 2. - 292 p.
  • Shmanov E. In the homeland of Prishvin // Land of Lipetsk. Historical heritage. Culture and Art / ed. A. M. Tarunov. ‒ Lipetsk: NIICentre, 2003. ‒ S. 172-173. ‒ (Heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation).
  • Shakhov V. V. "War and Peace" by Mikhail Prishvin: (diaries and journalism of M. M. Prishvin. 1941-1945) // Essay on the Great Victory: Lipetsk echo of the war / V. V. Shakhov. - Lipetsk: Infol, 2004. - Part 1. - S. 10-13.
  • Borisova N.V. Philosophy of Russian cosmism in the creative heritage of M. Prishvin // Russian literature and philosophy: comprehension of man. - 2004. - Part 2. - S. 129-136.
  • Krasnova S. V. Russian national pride nurtured by the Yelets pedagogical field (I. A. Bunin, M. M. Prishvin, S. N. Bulgakov) // Formation of the cultural and educational environment of the Lipetsk region (Elets region). - Yelets, 2004. - S. 188-224.
  • Private bussiness. Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich: memoirs of contemporaries / comp. L. A. Ryazanova, Ya. Z. Grishina. - St. Petersburg. : Rostock, 2005. - 527 p.
  • National and regional "Cosmo-Psycho-Logos" in the artistic world of the writers of the Russian Steppe (I. A. Bunin, E. I. Zamyatin, M. M. Prishvin): scientific reports, articles, essays, notes, abstracts, doc. / resp. ed and comp. N. N. Komlik. - Yelets: YSU them. I. A. Bunina, 2006. - 489 p.
  • Bezzubtseva A. Gymnasium period of M. M. Prishvin in the autobiographical novel "Kashcheev's Chain", the writer's diary, memoirs and documents // My Motherland - Lipetsk Territory: collection. - Lipetsk, 2008. - Issue. 4. - S. 108-127.
  • Mikhail Prishvin: Dialogues with the Epoch: Vseros. scientific conf., dedicated 135th anniversary of the birth of the writer. - Yelets: YSU them. I. A. Bunina, 2008. - 258 p.
  • Shchukina E.P. Escape to "Asia": [about M. Prishvin - a high school student Yelets. gymnasium] // Lipetsk Bulletin of the archivist: scientific-inform. bul. - Lipetsk. - 2008. - Issue. 13). - S. 101-103.
  • Who were the descendants of the writer? : [hon. guest conf., dedicated. The 135th anniversary of the birth of M. Prishvin, was the granddaughter of the writer N. P. Belyakov] / prepared. T. Fedyukina // Talisman. - 2008. - March 22 (No. 6). – P. 6.
  • Vorobyov N. House of Prishvin passions: [dace. local historian V. Zausailov discovered new data on M. Prishvin's residence in Yelets] // Newspaper MG. - 2009. - March 25 (No. 12). – S. 29.
  • Kapustina N. Love and hate of Mikhail Prishvin: [memorable places in Yelets associated with the name of the writer] // Talisman. - 2009. - June 20 (No. 12). – P. 7.
  • Kukrak S. Prishvin all in his childhood and in his homeland // Golden Key. - 2009. - 4 Aug. (No. 16). - S. 23-25.
  • Podoksenov A. M. Mikhail Prishvin: philosophical and ideological contexts of creativity: monograph. / A. M. Podoksenov. - Yelets: YSU them. I.A. Bunina, 2009. - 348 p.
  • Lavrenova E. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin // Yelets Bulletin. – 2010. – 16 Aug. (No. 32). – P. 14.
  • Podoksenov A. M. Mikhail Prishvin and Vasily Rozanov: worldview context of creative dialogue: monograph. / A. M. Podoksenov. - Yelets: YSU them. E. A. Bunina; Kostroma: KSU im. N. A. Nekrasova 2010. - 395 p.
  • Borisova N. "The Leshy of the Russian Logos": the life and creative destiny of Mikhail Prishvin // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2011. - No. 1 (January-March). - S. 130-144.
  • Borisova N. Teachers and students: from the chronicle of the Yelets gymnasium // Lipetsk newspaper. - 2011. - May 12. – P. 4.
  • Demin R. The first book of the writer: // Red Banner [g. Dace]. - 2012. - 7 April.
  • Lyapin D. A. An unfortunate fugitive // ​​History of the Yelets district in the XVIII - early XX centuries / D. A. Lyapin. - Saratov: New wind, 2012. - S. 160-162.
  • Perevozkina I. Prishvin - writer and agronomist: [some facts about the life and work of M. M. Prishvin from research. school student's work settlement Falcon Yelets. district] // In the native land [Elets district and the city of Yelets]. - 2012. - 25 Oct.
  • Piskulin A. A. From the Podstepye to Pomorye. Yelets Territory and Vygovsky Territory - the historical regions of Russia in the work of I. A. Bunin and M. M. Prishvin: monograph. / A. A. Piskulin. - Yelets: YSU them. I. A. Bunina, 2012. - 241 p.
  • Podoksenov A. M. The artistic world of Mikhail Prishvin in the context of the worldview discourse of Russian culture of the XX century: monograph. / A. M. Podoksenov. - Yelets: YSU them. E. A. Bunina; Kostroma: KSU im. N. A. Nekrasova, 2012. - 334 p.

Reference materials

  • Brief literary encyclopedia. - M., 1971. - T. 6. - S. 23-24.
  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M., 1975. - T. 20. - S. 604.
  • Vladimir Encyclopedia. - Vladimir, 2002. - S. 353.
  • Lipetsk encyclopedia. - Lipetsk, 2001. - T. 3. - S. 110-111.
  • Glorious names of the land of Lipetsk: biogr. ref. about the known writers, scientists, educators, artists. - Lipetsk, 2007. - S. 73-75.
  • Russian Soviet prose writers: biobibliogr. decree. - L., 1964. - T. 3. - S. 684-736.
  • Russian writers, XX century: biobibliogr. words. - M., 1998. - Part 2. - S. 224-230.
  • Russian writers of the 20th century: biogr. words. - M., 2000. - S. 573-575.
  • Russian writers. 1800-1917: biogr. words. - M., 2007. - T. 5. - S. 142-151.
  • "... Mikhail Prishvin from Yelets ..." // Gorlov Viktor Petrovich: personal page of the site "Elets and Yelets". - Access mode: