Prayer to the holy matron of Moscow for help in the family and the preservation of well-being. Conspiracy for well-being: a trouble-free tool for financial prosperity

The prayer for prosperity and well-being is considered the most necessary prayer in any family. Everyone knows that abundance and well-being allows you to save your energy and family happiness for a long time. But what if there are problems with prosperity? In this case, prayer is needed. That's just what saints to contact with her, not everyone knows.

Who is Nicholas the Wonderworker, and how can he help in well-being?

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy, so they pray to him for various reasons:

  • Among the people, Nicholas the Wonderworker was also called Nicholas the Pleasant. And he became famous for treating people. They even talk about cases when a dead person came to life with the help of St. Nicholas, hence the name Miracle Worker.
  • When this man died, he was immediately canonized as a saint. After that, families who found themselves in difficult life situations began to turn to him for help.
  • It must be remembered that one can turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker only with faith in him. In addition, a praying person must clearly follow God's commandments.
  • Prayer for prosperity and well-being to Nicholas the Wonderworker can help resolve some financial problems. You can also pray for health.
  • Pray to this saint and students who hope to successfully pass the exams.

How to pray to St. Nicholas for well-being?

If there is a desire to pray to the saint that money appears in the house, this should be done correctly. In no case should one hope that as soon as the words of prayer are uttered, Nicholas the Wonderworker will immediately throw a lot of money on his head. Nothing comes for free, so you have to work hard, and the saint will help in striving and point to a suitable source of income that will make it possible to live comfortably. During prayer, one should not think about anything other than what is asked. It is desirable that the goal be set clearly.

Prayer for prosperity and well-being should be pronounced only with bright thoughts, otherwise Nicholas will not help if evil can be done to someone through the money given to the saints. In order for Nikolai the Ugodnik to hear a prayer, it should be said at least forty times a day. The saint was kind and sympathetic during his lifetime, so it is advisable to donate something to the poor who really need it. It doesn't have to be money, you can give clothes or food. There is no need to hope that the money in the wallet will appear on its own, the saint loves and encourages those who try. It is advisable to pray in front of the icon, which every Orthodox Christian should have in the house.

Prayer words can be:

“Oh, Miracle Worker Nicholas, fulfill my prayer, but add money to me in order to raise children and provide everything necessary. I do not want them to need anything, but suffer from hunger. I want to give them a decent education and a happy future. Do not refuse help, and I will not forget your good deed. I will lead a righteous life and do no harm to anyone. I will share with the poor and will not refuse to help my neighbor. Forever and ever, amen!”

What prayer will help achieve prosperity?

There are many prayers that will help achieve prosperity. Few people can say what is the most powerful prayer for material well-being and prosperity, because any words that are spoken with faith in the soul become strong. In order to have well-being in the family, you can turn for help not only to various saints, but also to God himself, who will surely hear the prayer and help those who need it. A praying person can appeal to the Almighty not only with the help of a special prayer. You can apply on your own. The main thing is that every word of prayer comes from the very depths of the soul.

Prayer for Prosperity and Abundance:

“Beloved archangels and angelic hosts, ascended masters!
Thank you for the abundance in my life, for the opportunity to express the divine light in a way that all people can benefit from. Thank you for the peace, happiness, love that you give me. Thank you for the time and strength that you have given me so that I can realize my dreams and desires. Thank you for your financial support of my life. I reverently accept all your gifts and ask that you do not leave me during my whole life. Amen".

What role does prayer for well-being and prosperity play?

Every person should remember God and constantly turn to him with prayer. If an Orthodox Christian forgets about such a simple rule, then there may be serious problems in family life.

Prayer for well-being and prosperity in the family plays an important role and will help achieve such goals:

  • Every family dreams of prosperity in the house, so it’s worth asking God for help every day, while bowing your head humbly.
  • Well-being lies not only in money, but also in the fact that spouses are faithful to each other, so a special prayer for fidelity should be said.
  • You can pray for well-being, prosperity, as well as for the health of all relatives and friends, then a person will not be afraid of any problems and hardships, and even envious people will not be able to resist.

What icon can bring prosperity to the family?

The icon should be present in the life of every Orthodox Christian. When a person prays in front of her, she is filled with prayer power, which is why any icon can be considered miraculous. It is important that a person himself believes that God will hear him. If the spouses had a misfortune, and they felt that their marriage was under threat, you should seek help from the icon and pray to her. You can pray to any patron saint, then he can become an intercessor and give wisdom in order to overcome everything.

What icons can you pray for family happiness?

In fact, like prayers, there are a lot of icons that you can pray for happiness and prosperity. So let's focus on the most important ones:

  • A prayer for prosperity and well-being is pronounced in front of the "Unfading Color" icon. They pray for the happiness of the Most Holy Theotokos with the hope that she will be able to take care of prosperity and understanding in the family. She will also protect the family from betrayal.
  • The icon of the Holy Trinity is strong, before which they pray for an improvement in relations between husband and wife, especially if quarrels have begun between them.
  • The patrons of strong family ties are Peter and Fevronia. When saying a prayer, it is necessary to ask the saints that the marriage be strong, and the spouses be faithful to each other and be able to overcome any grief.
  • A strong prayer for prosperity and well-being is pronounced in front of the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, which has always been a protector from serious illnesses and trials. If you turn to the holy Matrona with a request for the well-being of the family, then the saint will create a real miracle.
  • You should also pray in front of the icon, which is called "Kazan". It depicts the Mother of God, who has always been considered the patroness of small children and, of course, the keeper of the family hearth.
  • You can also pray for the well-being of the Mother of God in front of the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice". Wives who have a drinking husband especially pray before her.
  • The "Burning Bush" is considered to be a family icon. She protects from various natural disasters and quarrels. With the help of prayer in front of the icon, you can return understanding and happiness to the family.

Orthodox prayers for well-being and prosperity must be said in worship before God, because only saints can keep peace and tranquility in the soul of believers.

How to pray to the Matrona of Moscow?

Saint Matrona lived not so long ago, and there are even witnesses who saw her with their own eyes. The Lord endowed her with great power, so Matrona can heal a person and fulfill any cherished desires. When saying a prayer, it is necessary to ask the saint to help resolve the issue that was difficult. Prayer for material well-being, prosperity is pronounced when trouble has occurred in the house or problems have arisen. It is necessary to pray before the icon and ask that the holy Matrona herself ask before the Lord God for the one who is praying, and then a miracle will happen.

When should you pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia?

They pray before the saints that love, mutual understanding and patience for each other reign in the family. The spouses during their lifetime were faithful and became the standard of a real married couple. If you pray daily in front of the icon, then you can save the marriage from divorce and prevent the spouses from committing treason.

How to pronounce a prayer in front of the icon of Peter and Fevronia?

Prayer should be pronounced calmly, it is desirable to do this as a miraculous verse. In prayer, they ask that the hearts of the spouses become softer, so that the young family will always have prosperity and well-being, and also small children will appear. You can ask for satiety, mercy and kindness. Such a prayer for prosperity and well-being will certainly help young people to get on their feet and not need anything. It is worth saying a prayer every evening, only then the saints will help.

Is it possible to pray for the well-being of the Mother of God?

The Mother of God is the great heavenly queen, who has always stood up for the protection of the family. She especially patronizes women and children. A prayer is said to the Mother of God for well-being and prosperity, therefore, before the icon, you should ask for the well-being of the family, pray for mercy for your children and husband, and also pray that the Lord does not leave in a difficult moment and there is always something to eat on the table in the family.

If you pray to the Mother of God every day, then this will be a guarantee that the family will be able to live happily ever after, and its days will not be overshadowed. It is worth praying to the icon humbly, then peace and tranquility will always be present in the house. A correctly pronounced prayer in front of the icon and with a candle will enable the spouses to be faithful until the end of their days, and their house will always be filled with well-being and children's laughter.

How to pronounce the prayer to the Mother of God correctly

The prayer to the Mother of God for well-being and prosperity is especially strong, therefore it must be pronounced according to all the rules:

  • You should turn to the saint not only when there is a need to ask for something, but constantly visit the temple on holidays that are dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. At these moments, her spirit is most powerful.
  • The Pokrov is considered a particularly important holiday. On this day, any request that will be addressed to God and the Mother of God will be crowned with success, but you must humbly ask the Blessed Virgin.
  • A girl who comes to a feast dedicated to the Mother of God and defends the service will be able to receive everything that she asks for in return.
  • It is necessary to read a prayer in the morning, so that later the whole day will be a success and please only with pleasant events. The patron saint will be able to give happy years of family life.

Prayer to the Mother of God:

“Blessed Lady, take my family under your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and non-controversy to all that is good. Do not allow anyone from my family to separation and a difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance.And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, all evil conditions, various insurance and devilish obsession.Yes, and we will collectively and separately, clearly and secretly, glorify your holy name always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen».

As you can see, there are a lot of prayers for well-being and prosperity, and it doesn’t matter at all which saint to choose. You can pray in front of the icon to any saint so that he asks God to come down and fulfill the request. It is important to set goals correctly and not wait in the end for everything to come true on its own, as you will have to make a lot of effort yourself. After all, only for perseverance and diligence will a person be rewarded according to their merits. In no case should you pray and think about your problems, because God will not be able to hear such petitions, but on the contrary, will refuse to help, because it is important that prayer comes from a pure heart.

Housewives have been engaged in home magic since ancient times. They, as the guardians of the hearth, took into their own hands both the protection of the house and the attraction of prosperity and love to it. Simple but effective methods are popular in our time.

A special kind of magic is tied to the energy of a person and a house. As you know, each house is able to "accept" the owners, help them, protect the warmth and comfort of family relationships. However, with a neglectful attitude, houses often reject negligent settlers and try in every possible way to "survive" them. Everyone involved in home magic will say with confidence that the main thing is to love the place where you live. It is necessary to understand and accept your home, take care of it.

You can often hear conversations of grandparents, strange for modern times, about how they yearn for their wooden houses, with whom you could talk, run your hand over the logs and feel their warmth and “breath”. Modern stone structures are very reluctant to touch. However, many can say with confidence that there is a certain character in their apartment, house, cottage.

Home magic: make friends with your home

Try to feel what your native walls want to communicate. It's best to do it all alone. Find a comfortable place and position, relax, close your eyes and let your thoughts flow freely. After a while, you will be able to intuitively feel what is missing in your home. The emotional background will change, and you will understand where to glue the wallpaper, and where to wipe the dust or put a vase of flowers. Open your eyes and look around: the subconscious will tell you what changes and rearrangements will be optimal for a comfortable life. Use amulets that protect the house from any manifestation of negativity. After you feel and understand these needs, proceed to magical conspiracies.

We attract prosperity to the house: the best conspiracy

A strong and effective conspiracy will work better if you are confident in your abilities and desire to help yourself and loved ones achieve well-being. The goal that you set for yourself should be selfless and aimed at helping. It is worth carrying out the ritual after cleaning, when the house breathes cleanliness and freshness, and in solitude.

In the evening, spread a clean white tablecloth or just a white cloth on a table (any). In the center, place a glass filled with clean water up to half. Prepare a handful of coins, silver and gold items (spoon, earring, chain - whatever you have). It is advisable to use aromatic oils and incense that attract wealth. Close your eyes and imagine what you will do when you have enough funds. Remember about the house - you will probably want to change and update something. As soon as the picture becomes bright, proceed to the plot. Carefully, so as not to spill the water, throw coins into the glass and say:

“This is my clean house. And I'm in it. Mistress and keeper. Eliminator of troubles and sorrows. My strength is with me. Peace in the soul. I attract prosperity, I wish my family only joy. I collect coins, put them in clean water. A coin for new things, another for food, a third for furniture, a fourth for health, a fifth for fun, a handful for a home for comfort. Silver and gold, so that family life is rich.

When the water in the glass rises to the brim, cover it with a piece of white cloth and leave it until morning. This water should be poured over the money tree or any flower that gives you the most joy. Dry the coins and put them in the wallets of your household.

We speak the house for well-being

You will need spring or spring water. In winter, melt water from snow is suitable. It must be poured into a clay or wooden container. Put the vessel on the table, and place a lighted candle around, an empty bowl, a handful of earth on a cloth, a living plant. These items symbolize the forces of nature that will help you achieve well-being through home magic. The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced slowly:

“Spring water, given by nature, you nourish the earth that gives birth to life. Your strength is limitless. I ask you for strength for your well-being and the prosperity of your family. Bright fire is sunny, you dispel the darkness of the night, give off warmth and nourish all life on earth. I ask you for a drop of warmth for the well-being of the family hearth. I create a new life, I give well-being to my family. There will be only joy in my house - there is no place left for sadness and despondency.

In an empty container, drip a little wax from a candle, fill in the ground, plant a plant and pour spring water. So you create your own amulet that will attract well-being to your home.

Attract love with home magic

This conspiracy is considered one of the best. It does not require much effort, only faith and desire to achieve the goal. It was used by our ancestors, and its power is able to bring bright and warm feelings into the house, tied to trust and mutual understanding.

You will need the brightest memories associated with the family. Love for a husband, children, a sense of pride in the household, joint celebrations - everything that gives you pleasure. It is better to indulge in memories alone. Love needs to materialize. Choose for yourself what you can do: knitting, embroidery, weaving - everything that you can do with your own hands. Our grandmothers used to knit socks for each member of the family, weaving their love into patterns. Things made by your hands will become the best talismans and amulets for households. Do something that you can give to your family and friends by saying at work:

“I weave love into patterns, I leave a particle of myself. I will finish the work, I will bow to the house, I will smile at the Sun, I will agree with the Moon. They will guard my house and love in it.

In order to attract love to the house, you need to use simple words of a strong conspiracy when you clean, wash windows, cook:

“I bring cleanliness, I open windows and doors. I attract love. I lure you into the house. For sweet pastries, for a hearty lunch. My house does not know sorrows and troubles. Love will come, it will remain with us, it will curl up in an armchair.

These rites are as simple as they are powerful. Remember that your sincere concern and desire to arrange life in the best way will definitely change life for the better. Home magic, the covenants of ancestors and signs will help you avoid trouble and make the house a real fortress and stronghold for the family. We wish you prosperity and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and


Oh, Blessed Lady Mother of God! With fear, faith and love before Your honest icon, we bow down, we pray to You: do not turn Your face away from those who resort to You, implore, Merciful Mother, Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, may our country be peaceful, but His holy Church is unshakable may he also keep from unbelief, heresies and schism, and save him. Not imams of other help, not imams of other hope, except for You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, illnesses, troubles and from sudden death; grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thought, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, yes, all of us, gratefully singing the majesty and mercy of Thy, manifested over us here on earth, we will be honored with the Kingdom of Heaven and there with all the saints we will glorify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


Prayer first.

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the only hope for us sinners! We resort to You and pray to You, as if you had great boldness before the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who was born of You according to the flesh. Do not despise our tears, do not disdain our sighs, do not reject our sorrow, do not disgrace our hope in Thee, but pray to the Lord God with Your motherly prayers, may we, sinners and unworthy, be freed from sins and passions of the soul and body, die to the world and live for Him one for all the days of our belly. O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, travel and protect and protect those who are traveling, deliver the captives from captivity, free those who suffer from troubles, comfort those who are in sorrow, sorrow and adversity, alleviate poverty and all bodily malice, and grant everyone everything that is necessary for the stomach, piety and life temporary. Save, Mistress, all countries and cities and this country and this city, even this miraculous and holy icon of Yours is given as a consolation and protection, deliver me from famine, destruction, coward, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, and turn away all anger against us righteously moved. Grant us time for repentance and conversion, deliver us from sudden death, and at the time of our exodus appear to us, Virgin Mother of God, and deliver us from air ordeals, the princes of this age, vouchsafe the right hand at the Terrible Judgment of Christ, and make us heirs of the eternal good, let us glorify forever the magnificent name of Your Son and our God with His Father without Beginning and His Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two before the icon of the Theotokos Feodorovskaya

O Most Merciful Lady, Queen of the Theotokos, accept our humble prayer, and do not reject us, our Intercession and Refuge, and do not disdain us, the unworthy, but as if Merciful, do not stop praying, Thou hast given birth to him, may she grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, yes will save us the image of the message of fate. Have mercy on us, Lady, have mercy on us, for there is no salvation for us from works. The same is true with the cry of Ty: have mercy on Thy servants, and show our barren heart fruitful of good deeds. Look down on us unworthy. You are our hope and cover, life and light to our heart. Like the Non-Evening Light from Thy womb, illumine our soul, Pure, and cast away every darkness of our heart. Grant us tenderness, repentance and contrition of the heart. Vouchsafe us for all the days of our belly to do the will of Your Son and our God and in everything to please Him alone. O Mother of God, do not stop praying to the One who was born from You for all who flow with faith to this miraculous image of Yours and give them quick help and comfort in sorrows, and misfortunes, and suffering, deliver them from slander and human malice, from enemies visible and invisible, and every need and sorrow. Save our fatherland, this city and all cities and countries from all troubles and needs, and make our God be merciful to us, turn away all His wrath against us moved and deliver us from His proper and righteous rebuke. O God-loving Lady, Angels adornment, glory to the martyrs and all the saints of joy, pray with them to the Lord, may we in repentance end our life. In death, the hour, Blessed Virgin, deliver us from the power of demons and condemnation, and the answer, and the terrible trial, and bitter ordeals, and eternal fire, yes, having been granted the glorious Kingdom of God, we magnify Thee and glorify Christ our God, incarnated from Thee, Himself glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer three before the icon of Our Lady Feodorovskaya

To whom shall I call, Lady; to whom I will resort in my sorrow; to whom I bring my tears and sighs, if not to You, the Queen of Heaven and earth. Who will tear me out of the mud of sins and iniquities, if not You, O Mother of the Belly, Intercessor and Refuge of the human race. Hear my groaning, console me and have mercy in my sorrow, protect me in troubles and misfortunes, deliver me from bitterness and sorrows and all sorts of ailments and diseases, from enemies visible and invisible, pacify the enmity of those who torment me, may I be delivered from human slander and malice; so free me from your flesh of vile customs. Cover me under the shade of Your mercy, may I find peace and joy and cleansing from sins. I entrust myself to your Maternal intercession: wake me Mother and Hope, Cover and Help and Intercession, joy and consolation and an ambulance in everything. Oh wonderful mistress! Everyone who flows to You, does not leave without Your all-powerful help: for this sake, and I am unworthy, I run to You, so that I will be delivered from sudden and fierce death, gnashing of teeth and eternal torment. I will receive the Kingdom of Heaven and I will be honored with you in the tenderness of the heart of the river: rejoice, Mother of God, our zealous Intercessor and Intercessor, forever and ever. Amen.


O many-sided Mother of God, Exceeding all the daughters of the earth, according to Your purity and the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our many painful sighs and save us under the shelter of Your mercy. Otherwise, for refuge and warm intercession, don’t you know, but, as if you have boldness to the One who was born from you, help and save us with your prayers, so that we unstoppably reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the One God, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen..


O servant of God, schemamonk Kirill and schemamonun Mary! Listen to our humble prayer. Even if your temporary life has ended naturally, but you do not depart from us in spirit, perpetually, according to the commandment of the Lord, teach us to walk and patiently wear your cross helping us. Behold, together with our reverend and God-bearing father Sergius, your beloved son, boldness towards Christ God and His Most Holy Mother naturally acquired. The same and now wake up prayer books and intercessors for us, unworthy servants of God (names). Wake us the intercessors of the fortress, but by faith we will save you by your intercession, we will remain unharmed from demons and from evil people, glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.


O our all-honorable and blessed Father Alexis, the marvelous elder of Moscow and the whole Church of Russia, praise and joy! Having great love for the Lord, immutably fulfilling the covenants of the Gospel, thou didst lay thy soul for the flock, having a merciful heart for all who ask for thy help. Accept this little prayer of ours, and as in your earthly life you quenched every tear and delivered you from all sorrow, so now, merciful prayer book and our intercessor, take burdens, illnesses and sorrows, use our Fill the suffering heart with joy and beg God, the Lover of mankind, for forgiveness our sins; Yes, having cleansed the soul with repentance, let us turn to a virtuous life. Hey, elder Alexis, be a good shepherd to us too, guiding us on the path of salvation, so that with your prayers we will pass the path of our life without blemish and find the Heavenly Fatherland, even if you are with the angels and all the saints stand before the Throne of the Holy Trinity, glory being of the Father Without Beginning with His Only Begotten Son and the Most Holy , and Good, and His Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


“Heavenly, Lord, the Lord God, our Savior, save the servant of God (say the name), save us sinners, save my family, drive away evil spirits from us, deliver us from the evil one, do not lead us into free temptation or involuntary, forgive us grave sins, heal us from illness, from all misfortunes by Your mercy, from a car, from cattle, from a running beast, from a creeping reptile, from a wicked man by Your mercy. Amen".


“In the hut of the image, on the images of the Mother of God with the Christ child, where she looks, the unclean spirit does not live there. Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos, have mercy, look around with your pure, undefiled gaze, so that it would crumble into dust and ashes, which is disgusting to You, Most Holy, and to our Lord! Give the monastery a peaceful spirit, drive away evil sorcery from it, which is done by the enemy of our kind. I put up a cross, I light a candle, corners, I sprinkle Jordanian water to the glory of the Lord, as a reproach to the unclean. Amen".


There are people who are so gambling on cards that it can end badly. If your husband or son is addicted to this game, you need to break the ace of diamonds into four parts with the words:

“There is no ace of diamonds and there is no desire to take it in hand. Amen".

Sew the card into the clothes in which the rocker plays. The cards will oppose him.


“As Judas denied Christ, so let the servant (pronounce the name of the husband) renounce wine. Amen".


They slander mash, beer, wine, when the moon is waning, at midnight three times:

“Just as a dead person does not rise from the grave, does not drink green wine, so you, servant of God (say the name), do not drink either from dawn in the morning, or at noon for the day, or from evening to night. Amen".


Take a black poppy, talk about it and throw it at your doorstep.

“Not invited, do not enter. The dawn of the morning orders, the dawn of the day orders, the dawn of the evening drives, the dawn of the night buries from friends. Amen".


Bring water from the church and after sunset, chant on it:

“As you and I married for love, by agreement, as we lived and had children, so be you as unspoiled as at the beginning. Amen".


Speak on the water and let's drink three times.

“Where are you, dog tooth? - In the mouth. Where are you, husband's jealousy? — In trouble. So the husband would not be jealous, would not grind his teeth and would not yell, would not wave his hands. The word is strong and stucco. Amen".


“Just as a child loves a mother up to seven years old and does not want to take a step without her, so does a husband. the servant of God (say the name) looked at the servant of God (say the name). And they would rejoice at each other, as a mother rejoices at a child, and a child rejoices at a beloved mother. I lock my plot on holy keys, holy locks. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


Take a piece of the handkerchief with which you wiped your tears, burn it in the evening on a candle flame, while repeating the words:

“You burn, fire, my tears are flammable, drive trouble into the dense forests, let it get lost in those forests, never return to my house; let my husband’s heart take pity, the tongue is not defiled by an evil word, so that I don’t enter the house with fear, so that I can live my life with an affectionate husband.

Repeat these words three times, and in the morning, when you feed your husband, put the ashes from the burnt piece of handkerchief into your food.


Stand naked in front of a mirror. Hair is free, in the right hand - a glass of milk, in the left - a spoonful of honey. Eat honey and, after reading the spell, drink milk, looking in the mirror:

“Mother gave birth to me. The bee applied honey. The cow gave milk. How sweet honey is, so I would be a slave (say the name) sweet. Just as a person cannot live without milk, so a slave (say the name) could not live and be without me. Word, lock, key, language. Amen".


Talk about some gift or thing that your husband will then have.

“You take a thing from me, you give me your peace. Not in the middle of the day, not in the middle of the night, you wouldn’t have peace and urine without a slave (say the name). Amen".


If your husband was bewitched by another woman, bring water from the church, after sunset, read the following over it:

“Kate, you and I got married for love, by agreement, as we lived and had children, so be you as unspoiled as at the beginning.”

Then make sure that your husband drinks this water.


If the husband nevertheless left you, but his things remained in the house, you need to do this: take his thing, cross yourself, put it under the mattress where he used to sleep with you, and after 12 o’clock at night read slander by the bed:

“I took a thing from the bodies, removed it from my eyes for 7 days, put it under the mother, asked the sorcerer for help. Matitsa, roll over, slave (say the name), return home. Amen".

Do not touch a thing for seven days and read a slander all seven days.


Put the thing that belongs to your husband on the sofa, cover it with a pillow and say the spell:

“Miu tiu rin rin rin. Shibo ribo gin would be lip.”

Repeat as many times as the age of you and the man in total. Remove the pillow from the pillow and take a bath with it in the bath, rubbing your body with it. You will have such an attractive force that the man will certainly return.


Sprinkle salt slandered by this thief into food for your husband:

“The salt of the earth is given by God, I have been told from the betrayal of the servant of God (say the name), so that my husband loves me more than life and does not leave me anywhere. Key, lock, salt on the threshold. Amen".


To establish peace in the family, you need to say for tea, for water and let your husband drink:

“Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, I do not take water, but I return life. To have such a clean life, like a slave (husband's name) with a slave (wife's name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The family, like a small church, cannot exist without prayer and worship. Famous Orthodox prayers for the well-being and happiness of the family ...

Prayer to the Lord for children

Lord Jesus Christ, be Thy mercy on my children (names), keep them under Thy shelter, cover from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open their ears and eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children (names), and turn them to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy on my children (names) and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Your Gospel and guide them on the path of Your commandments and teach them, Savior, to do Your will, as You are our God.

Prayer for the family to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my spouse and our children peace, love and non-controversy to all that is good; do not allow anyone from my family to separation and a difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, every evil situation, various insurance and devilish obsession. Yes, and together and separately, clearly and secretly, we will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Holy Mother of God, save us! Amen.

Prayer to the Archangel Varahiel - the patron saint of pious families, the heavenly ranks of the incorporeal

O great Archangel of God, Archangel Barahiel! Standing before the Throne of God and from there bringing the blessings of God to the homes of the faithful servants of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, good haste in everything, and on enemies victory and overcoming, and will keep us for many years, always. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

This is also interesting: Prayers to the Guardian Angel for all occasions

Prayer to the Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, Miracle Workers of Murom

About the greatness of the servant of God and the wonderworkers of the future, the faithfulness of Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, the city of Murom, the intercessor and guardian, and for all of us, zeal for the Lord of prayer! We resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: lift up your holy prayers for us sinners to the Lord God, and ask His goodness for all that is beneficial to our souls and our bodies: faith in the right, hope for the good, love is not hypocritical, piety is unshakable, in good deeds prosperity, pacification of the world, fruitfulness of the earth, well-being of the air, health of the body and salvation of souls. Intercede from the King of Heaven, the Church of Saints and the entire power of Russia, peace, silence and prosperity, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your Fatherland and all Russian cities from all evil; and all the faithful people who come to you and worship with your holy relics, overshadow the grace-filled action of your God-pleasing prayers, and fulfill all their petitions for the good. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, which are lifted up with compunction, but wake up intercession for us to the Lord, and make us worthy of your help to improve eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven: let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiping God, forever centuries. Amen.

This is also interesting: Prayers and conspiracies on your birthday

Prayer for all family and everyday needs of the holy blessed Xenia of Petersburg

Oh, simple in the way of her life, homeless on earth, the heiress of the cloisters of the Heavenly Father, blessed wanderer Xenia! As if before, you had fallen into illness and sorrow at your tombstone and filled it with consolations, now we too, overwhelmed by pernicious circumstances, resorting to you, we ask with hope: pray, good celestial lady, that our steps would be corrected according to the word of the Lord to the doing of His commandments, and yes God-fighting atheism will be abolished, which has captivated your city and your country, casting us many-sinners into mortal fraternal hatred, proud self-exaltation and blasphemous despair. Oh, most blessed of Christ, for the sake of confounding the vanity of this age, ask the Creator and Giver of all blessings to grant us humility, meekness and love in the treasure of our heart, faith in strengthening prayer, hope in repentance, strength in a difficult life, merciful healing of our soul and body , chastity in marriage and care for our neighbors and sincere ones, our whole life renewal in the purifying bath of repentance, as if all-praisefully singing your memory, let us glorify the miraculous in you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for advice and love between spouses to the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian

O great and all-praised apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, confidante of Christ, our warm intercessor and quick helper in sorrow! Beg the Lord God to grant us the remission of all our sins, even if we have sinned from our youth, in all our life, deed, word, thought and all our feelings. At the end of our souls, help us sinners to be delivered from air ordeals and eternal torment, and by your merciful intercession we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
