Rules for conducting electronic business correspondence. Email Usage

1 448 0 With the advent of the twenty-first century and the ubiquity of computers, business correspondence on paper has practically died out - it is used only where an exorbitant level of formality is needed. But this does not mean at all that the rules of business correspondence have also died out. Even in emails, they should be respected.

Business correspondence rules

When you sit down to write a business letter for the first time, you will probably feel confused. After all, this is not at all the same as dropping a message to a friend or relative. How to contact the interlocutor? To use emoticons or not? How to fill in all these numerous fields?

You should start in order and remember to start with the general rules for handling email work letters.

  • Examination. If business correspondence is not your main field of activity, you can check your mail twice - in the morning, when you come to work, and in the afternoon. If communication with clients and business partners is part of your daily activities, it will be easier to install an email client that will display notifications of letters on the desktop.
  • Answer. Unspoken etiquette requires that the answer to the letter be written as quickly as possible, therefore, letters can only be ignored if there is a matter that does not tolerate distraction. The official rules say that a letter should be answered within ten days if it came by mail, and two days if it came by fax.
  • Storage. You should make sure that emails do not end up in the spam folder. In addition, they cannot be deleted: otherwise, in the event of a conflict, it will not be possible to simply turn to the correspondence and see who is right.
  • Usage. You can use the company's email address only by conducting correspondence on its behalf. If for some reason it is required to use a personal E-mail for correspondence, you should make sure that it looks official and does not contain obscene or vulgar words.
    We figured out the storage, figured out the response time and what E-mail to use. All this is easy to remember and you can move on to the next step: here comes a business letter. How to answer it so as not to offend the interlocutor?
  • Correctly. Letters like “Hi, Vasya, I received your letter and now I thought ...” should be left for personal correspondence. Conducting business correspondence requires correctness and courtesy. You can not use jargon, expressive, rude expressions. You can’t put emoticons, even if you have been working with the interlocutor for several years. You can’t turn to “you” and be familiar - the letter should be polite and dry.
  • Competently. Literacy is an indicator of cultural development, an intellectual level, a way to maintain the reputation of a company and write a letter in style. If your Russian written language is bad - which is common and not at all a reason for shame - use special services to check grammar, spelling, punctuation.
  • Adequately. Even the most competent and correct answer can be wasted if the interlocutor simply does not understand what you are talking about. Therefore, one should either refrain from professional terms, or give their decoding. Also, you should not use too complex or not too common words that can confuse the interlocutor. And, of course, you can not insert words whose meaning causes you doubts.
  • logical. If you do not know the answer - ask the interlocutor to wait, find out and write another letter. If known, check that it is stated in the letter consistently, logically and clearly, and only then send it.
  • Beautiful. The design is just as important as the content. You should use paragraphs, quote the question, and only then give an answer, use numbered and bulleted lists.

In order to respond to an incoming letter, it is enough to do it competently, correctly, adequately and logically. But how to write a letter first?

First, you need to format it correctly:

  • Subject . The "Subject" field in the body of an e-mail should not be ignored, because it is by reading it that the interlocutor will form the first impression of what is required of him. Ideally, it should look like this: “The name of the enterprise, the essence of the problem” - “JSC Romashka”. Glass supplies.
  • Signature . Most mail services allow you to set up an automatic signature, which should contain: “Name, position, company” - “Makarova I.V., chief accountant of JSC Romashka”. This form will allow the recipient to easily figure out who he is addressing and how to start his answer.
  • Greetings . The greeting should not be familiar - no "Hello", "good day", "aloha" and other similar options. A neutral "Hello" or "Good afternoon" would be best.
  • Appeal . Appeals by name - "Anya" - instead of the full one - "Anna Dmitrievna" look familiar and can spoil the whole impression of the letter. Therefore, it is better to choose an address by name and patronymic.
  • Length . Letters that are too long are hard to read. Therefore, the volume that fits into a standard page of a text editor is considered optimal.

General rules for working with letters, replies and new letters - it's easy to learn how to write all this. But there are a few more things to remember:

  • Content . The letter should contain the reason for which it was written, a consistent description of it, and only after questions and suggestions.
  • Importance . Most mail services have an "Important!" checkbox that you can mark when writing. Then such a letter will be highlighted in the recipient's folder.

IMPORTANT! You can't use a flag just like that - otherwise a really urgent letter will simply drown in an abundance of thoughtlessly selected ones.

  • End of dialogue . According to the rules of unspoken etiquette, the one who started it ends the correspondence.
  • Time. Sending letters at the end of the working day and in the afternoon of Friday is not only a bad form, but also a hopeless undertaking - all the same, the answer will come only the next morning or even on Monday.
  • Politeness . Congratulations on the upcoming holiday. Thank you for your answer. If it is not possible to respond to an urgent letter promptly, the addressee should be notified of this.
  • Attachments . Any attachment should be packed into an archive and the recipient should be notified about it separately in the body of the letter.

IMPORTANT! The rules of electronic business correspondence require attentiveness to the interlocutor - you need to let him speak, ask questions, do not demand anything in an ultimatum form.

Types of email

The rules governing correspondence may vary slightly depending on where the letter is going to go.

  • Internal correspondence implies that it is desirable to respond to letters on the same day so as not to stop the work of one's own enterprise, and also that the tone of the letter may be somewhat more familiar than in other cases.

IMPORTANT! It would be a good idea to develop a single template for internal correspondence, according to which employees can write letters quickly, without breaking their heads over the structure.

  • External correspondence implies a greater degree of formality, as well as the need to filter professional slang - often an interlocutor from another company simply does not understand specific words.
  • International Correspondence implies more formality, as well as the need to take time zones into account. So, sending a letter to New York in the morning and waiting for the answer to come in the near future, worrying and hurrying, is not worth it - after all, the employee who must answer the letter is most likely still basking in bed.

There are no big differences, however. Politeness, literacy and the ability to clearly formulate a request are valued everywhere.

How to write a business letter

To prepare a document, use Microsoft Word and the following rules:

  • letterhead of the organization;
  • Times New Roman font;
  • wide margins;
  • size 12-14 p.;
  • line spacing - 1-2 p.;
  • write the page numbers of the letter at the bottom right side.

If this is an international correspondence, then the letter is written in the language of the addressee.

Structure of a business letter:

  1. Appeal;
  2. Preamble;
  3. Main text;
  4. Conclusion;
  5. Signature;
  6. Application.

What else is important to remember:

  • Refer to "you" to the interlocutor.
  • If you are writing a response to an incoming letter, make a note about it at the very beginning, for example: “To your appeal, dated 01/01/2020…”
  • If the letter was received with aggression, do not become like an opponent and do not use aggressive, pleading expressions and an orderly tone in correspondence.
  • Write each new thought on a new line, so the information will be better perceived. Don't make long paragraphs. Maximum 5-7 sentences.
  • Avoid words written in Caps Lock (capital letters) - such text is perceived as a threat.
  • Don't forget to include the sender's contact information and the date the letter was sent.
  • Do not use emoticons and quotation marks in business correspondence.
  • Do not use foreign words, pick up a Russian synonym.
  • Write in one font. Do not use colored text and excessive underlining, bold highlights, etc.
  • Be courteous with the interlocutor and open in communication. Clarify his opinion and ask what he thinks about it. Show empathy and respect.
  • Watch how your opponent responds.

Standard phrases that can be used

In order not to think every time in what form to put thoughts in, you can use the standard phrases adopted for business correspondence:

  • Appeal. "Hello, dear Igor Petrovich"- if you know the recipient personally. "Hello, Mr. Smirnov"- if you write to him for the first time in your life. The military is usually referred to "Hello, Comrade Colonel Smirnov".
  • Notice. Standard phrase example: "We inform you that...". It can be changed to "Please be informed", "let you know", "let you know".
  • Explanation. To tell the recipient about the purpose of the letter at the very beginning, you can use the constructions: “In response to your request…”, “In order to carry out work…”, “In order to provide assistance…”, “In accordance with your wishes…”.
  • Request. Ask in a letter should be according to the formula "We ask you…".
  • Offer. “We can offer you…”, “We recommend you…”.
  • Confirmation. “We confirm…”, “We have received…”.
  • Refusal. “Your proposal has been rejected…”, “For the reasons described below, we cannot agree…”, “Your proposal has been considered and found to be non-constructive”.

Formality is the best companion of business correspondence, but it is important that the meaning is not lost behind official phrases. A good example of a business letter would look like this:

Hello, Igor Petrovich!

In connection with the expansion, OJSC "Romashka" needs to increase the batches of raw materials for the production of equipment by 25%. Our cooperation with the Margaritka company has been going on for 5 years and so far we have not had any reasons to complain. Therefore, we propose to discuss the possibilities of increasing supplies and the difficulties that may arise.

With the hope of productive cooperation, the General Director of OJSC "Romashka", Smirnov G.V.


The life of a modern person is not complete without constant interaction with other people. In this age of rapidly developing information technology, people are increasingly turning to e-mails, sometimes replacing the need for face-to-face meetings. The ethics of business correspondence implies the observance of some important rules that affect the result of correspondence interviews.

In fact, business correspondence is a significant element of business communication. In some cases, it cannot be dispensed with. If a person is going to conduct business correspondence, he needs to know several components. So what should you pay attention to?

Speech literacy

If during an oral conversation it is still possible to make a speech error and the interlocutor will treat this with indulgence, then in a business letter the presence of such flaws is completely unacceptable. Your recipient in this case, most likely, will put the letter aside and will not continue to read. Whoever you write to, try to do it correctly, without spelling and punctuation errors.

Literacy of speech is valued everywhere. The knowledge of such an employee will be welcome everywhere. Sometimes diligence can replace a lack of knowledge, which, if desired, can be made up for, obtained in various ways.

Conciseness and clarity of presentation

In a business letter, it is necessary to state only the essence of information that is of practical value. It is absolutely unacceptable to indulge in long, lengthy discussions, to bore your addressee with unnecessary details. All these details will not be useful, but will only disappoint him, lead to the thought of the uselessness and uselessness of the information offered.

In a business letter, information should be presented in a very structured and concise manner. Your task is to convey to the interlocutor a specific thought, news, and not lead him to deep reflections on life.


In business correspondence, it is extremely important to respect the deadlines for sending a letter and try to respond as quickly as possible. Let's say, if an accomplished client expects an immediate response from you on some important issue, then delay and any delay can lead to undesirable consequences, such as: cancellation of the contract, disruption of an important transaction, etc. Sending emails on time is also important because by doing so you show your opponent how much he means to you.

Formatting an email

When composing an email, it is extremely important to consider several important points. How it is framed depends on what impression the recipient will have of you.

Fill in the "Subject" field

Surprisingly, in practice, a situation often occurs when important letters that contain the necessary and necessary information are left without indicating the appropriate subject! Such inattention or deliberate unwillingness to burden oneself with unnecessary actions actually turns into missed deadlines, an increase in the likelihood that the letter will not be opened by the addressee at all.

For this reason, filling in the "Subject" field is mandatory. This must be done even if you are not going to tell the interlocutor anything significant. The network has a fairly high percentage of spammers who intentionally pollute e-mail and distribute malware.

Having a personal appeal

Agree, it is much more pleasant to read letters in which appeals to the addressee appear than faceless ones and it is not clear to whom they are addressed. The presence of an individual appeal in the letter emphasizes its importance. In addition, by doing so, you are silently talking about respect for your correspondence interlocutor. There is no need to allow familiarities, always refer to the addressee by name and patronymic.

Correct address

How many mistakes could be avoided if all users of Internet resources were extremely careful when filling out an email address. Although potential clients or others with whom they have daily contact often leave their email addresses written down on paper, it is later found out that they do this in a very illegible way. It is for this reason that many options arise when a compiled and finished letter is not sent or even goes to the wrong address. Always specify the address of an important opponent, try to fix it yourself in the diary or ask to send you a test letter.

Working with information

Before sending a finished letter to an addressee or a group of addressees, it is worth working with the formatting of information. Sometimes you have to send quite large amounts of information via e-mail. In this case, it is much more reasonable to make a data archive. Photos and other documents should be attached to the letter in a separate file. Never unnecessarily overload the letter with unnecessary information.

Thus, the ethics of business correspondence implies strict adherence to reasonable norms and rules that every confident user of a personal computer should know.

Writing letters to relatives and friends is very different from letters in the business world. A well-formed letter allows the interlocutor to form a correct idea of ​​the reputation and image of the company that sends it, and also largely affects the desire for further cooperation.

Email Usage

The development of Internet technologies has greatly simplified the work with clients and counterparties of companies - business partners, suppliers, wholesale customers.

Every company now has an e-mail box and allows almost instantly sending commercial offers, reporting to partners and higher authorities, applications and contracts.

The benefits of email include:

  • fast message delivery, which greatly speeds up the process of transactions and operations;
  • low cost. Compared to regular mail or courier delivery, email costs much less. When mailing, you can use services that can be absolutely free and will allow you to send thousands of letters daily;
  • reduction of management levels in the company - any employee of the company can directly contact the manager with a proposal of any ideas. Email thus stimulates innovation and allows organizations to grow faster. But in this case, it is necessary to ensure that e-mail does not turn into a kind of “complaint book”, when employees will write letters to the head of the company for any reason, distracting him with really important issues;
  • the ability to transfer large amounts of data. All mail services have cloud services that support the storage and use of large amounts of data that are easily and seamlessly transferred from one email address to another;
  • secure data transfer and the ability to back up information. Faxes or regular mail are more vulnerable;
  • the possibility of a faster response to customer needs - e-mail allows you to quickly respond to complaints or suggestions from consumers.

However, this type of communication also has its drawbacks. First of all, this may be due to the incompetence of specialists who send out letters and, as a result, a violation of coordination between the company and its customers. Knowledge of the basics of business communication ethics is a basic requirement for those individuals who are responsible for mailing lists in an organization.

Rules and etiquette of formal e-mail correspondence

Communication with friends and acquaintances by e-mail is very different from business letters, where slang, addressing to "you", the use of abbreviations (only if these are not generally accepted and commonly used abbreviations) are unacceptable. The reputation of the company, customer loyalty to it and its overall image in the market in which it operates depend on how competently and professionally the letter is written.

Consider the basic rules that will allow you to create high-quality and appropriate business ethics letters:

  • It is always necessary to indicate the subject of the letter, which would correspond to its main content. For example, if this is an invitation to a banquet for partners, then the subject of the letter should be “Invitation for the head” (or indicate his name and patronymic). It is important to understand that organizations receive a large number of letters, and if the subject of the letter indicates who it is intended for, it will be easier for the secretary of the organization to transfer it;
  • when replying to a letter, it is imperative to save the history of previous correspondence - so the recipient can, if necessary, re-read those messages that were sent earlier. Since a lot of letters come and go in a business environment, it is difficult to keep in mind all the information from partners, because such an answer to a letter will allow you to refresh your memory of what was discussed;
  • addressing “You” is the main rule of business correspondence, as well as the fact that any letter should begin with a greeting and end with the phrase “Respectfully, full name, position”;
  • the response should be as prompt as possible, as this directly affects the company's reputation. In the business world, it is customary to respond to emails within a few hours and not to delay the response for more than one day.

How to conduct business email correspondence with clients

Business correspondence is a whole art that has been studied for years, and only with the experience of communicating with partners a certain style of writing messages is developed.

Separately, the content of the letters should be noted: it should not go beyond the scope of the message, it should be concise. It is not necessary to lead to the main question for a long time, it is better to immediately identify the problem, which makes it necessary to write a letter.

Clients should be aware of what is happening in the company, but you should not abuse their time and make frequent mailings - this way you can easily fall into the spam category and cause distrust on the part of customers. Regular mailings can be carried out on such occasions as: a reminder of the company, its promotions and special offers, the launch of new products, changes in the organization's coordinates (location, phone, mail).

Ethics of e-mail correspondence with partners

  • abuse exclamation or question marks;
  • excessive use of different colors and fonts, as well as capital letters;
  • insert emoticons or other funny pictures into letters.

The letter must be literate, both from a spelling and punctuation point of view.

business email examples

The following are examples of well-written letters sent by e-mail:

  • Hello Ivan Ivanovich. In response to your request, we send you our commercial offer as an attachment. For all questions, you can contact the product manager: 500-50-50 (Peter);
  • Good afternoon, Petr Petrovich. Ivanov & Partners is pleased to inform you that now we are located in the very center of the city - in a new modern office located at the address: Sidorova street, house 5, office 100. Sincerely, Ivanov I.I., head of the company.

Collect contacts and addresses of business people at Expocentre exhibitions

One of the effective methods of collecting contacts and addresses of future business partners is visiting exhibitions at the Expocentre Fairgrounds. Before carrying out this work, it is necessary to stock up with a large number of your own business cards so that when meeting businessmen they can be exchanged. It is important not only to give and receive business cards in return, but also to develop your own questionnaire, according to which it will be better to get a general idea about the enterprise or company represented by the exhibitor. The questionnaire should contain contact details, information about the company profile, key points on supplies and purchases, and reflect the role of the company representative in the organization.

The list of participants and the layout of the exposition can be viewed on the exhibition website. It is better to collect contacts not only from exhibitors, but also from visitors to the exhibition, because Almost all visitors in one way or another are connected with the theme of the event.

Office correspondence is a very special genre that you must master if you are going to climb the corporate ladder. Good business writing skills will serve you faithfully: they will help you communicate with subordinates, superiors and partners, emphasize your education and outlook. The style of communication should be restrained, purposeful, without deviating from a given topic.

Features of business communication

Any communication, both personal and written, is interaction with people in order to exchange information, impress, and negotiate. Nothing human is alien to us, we sometimes give vent to emotions, but in the business sphere there should be no place for the violent manifestation of our feelings, character traits and temperament.

It is impossible to imagine that at an international meeting the presidents of different countries sang songs, laughed out loud or expressed personal dislike. That's what etiquette exists to make our life as comfortable and orderly as possible.

An important feature of business communication is that it cannot be cut off in mid-sentence. For every letter you receive, you need to write a reply, even if you don't feel like it. If you receive a call and you do not have time to pick up the phone, be sure to call back. Of course, communication with some people is unpleasant. That is why the list of mandatory qualities of a manager includes stress resistance.

A business meeting, a phone conversation or a business e-mail correspondence will certainly have some purpose. As a result, the parties must come to conclusions, discuss the project, agree on a strategic partnership, and so on.

Email Rules

In written speech, there are perhaps even more restrictions and conventions than in oral speech. Communicating with the interlocutor directly, in a personal meeting, we can make an intonational emphasis on this or that fact, clarify something if the interlocutor did not understand us. If a speech error is made, we can correct it immediately. But in a business letter, we must be extremely clear and precise so that the words do not imply a double interpretation.

They used to say: “Paper will endure everything,” implying that even unreliable facts can be written. We are of the opinion that business correspondence should be as honest as possible. By the way, now paper letters are sent less and less. Basically, they transport contracts and other documents. In this case, letterheads are used as evidence of the high status of the organization.

Nowadays, in most cases, business correspondence takes place in the virtual space, and it has its own characteristics. When the dialogue is just starting, it is customary to write a greeting according to etiquette, for example: “Hello, dear Oleg Sergeevich! ". And at the subsequent address during the working day, the greeting can be omitted.


Written communication, including by e-mail, requires adherence to language norms and impeccable literacy. After all, correspondence will reveal your gaps to an educated interlocutor. Therefore, we advise you to check what is written with the help of special services, if you are not completely sure of your own knowledge.

We list the general rules that require the ethics of electronic communication. They are quite simple, but many, alas, neglect them:

  • the beginning of each sentence is capitalized;
  • a period is put at the end of the phrase so that the meaning of what is read is clear;
  • to sort out the problem and suggest solutions, it is useful to use a bulleted or numbered list;
  • for clarity, it is good to use tables, graphs, charts;
  • do not specifically try to seem like an intelligent, educated interlocutor, do not complicate simple thoughts with excessive participial and participle turns;
  • the simpler you express your thoughts, the better;
  • although in everyday speech the culture requires avoiding jargon, in the business environment, professional jargon and borrowings from English are now considered good form (but do not overdo it!).

Types of business letters

Their structure is almost the same. As for the volume, long text does not look good in the body of the letter. It is better to issue it as a separate file and attach it as an attachment. In this case, in the letter itself, after the greeting, you need to briefly indicate what the attachment is about.

Letter structure (beginning)

In addition to general rules, it is important to know some details of business writing. We will give the rules that will be appropriate in the vast majority of cases.

The beginning of an email is called a header. It has the logo of the organization. It is useful to always have at hand (that is, on the desktop of your computer) a template in which this logo is entered.

Unlike offline communication, modern rules do not oblige you to greet the addressee, and you can immediately state the essence of the matter by calling him by name and patronymic. However, many continue to write at the beginning of the message: “Good morning! ", "Hello! ", "Good evening! ' or 'Greetings.' And in this, too, there is no deviation from the norm.

The requirements for the body of the letter suggest that it is in it that the meaning of the correspondence lies. Dividing the text into paragraphs is considered good form, a sign of an attentive attitude towards the interlocutor. In each paragraph, one or another aspect of the topic is named and disclosed. In addition to identifying the problem, it is customary to suggest ways to solve it. So to speak, to reveal a business idea in miniature.

Structure of the letter (conclusion)

How to send a business message?

Most office employees have a very extensive archive of letters in their e-mail box. So that the interlocutor does not get confused in a long correspondence, it is recommended to send a letter in the form of a reply. When you click on the appropriate box at the beginning of the subject of the letter, the English abbreviation “Re…” appears. This is very convenient, because the addressee will immediately remember the progress of the correspondence.

You can save the entire history of virtual communication with this interlocutor, or you can leave only the last or most significant quotes. Modern business etiquette requires you to respond quickly to emails. After all, we spend a significant part of our day at a work computer. In addition, mail can be checked from mobile devices.

If you are worried about whether the letter has reached the addressee, use the convenient "Receipt Notification" function, which is available on almost all mail servers. Thus, it will be clear to you that the letter has been viewed.

Quite often, the first contact in the business world begins with written communications - business letters. But if it is written without following the rules of business letter etiquette, then the contacts that have just begun can be interrupted, and you will lose a client or business partner. Therefore, you probably won’t have to convince anyone how important it is to be able to write business letters that will help create a favorable impression about you personally and about your company as a whole.

Basic rules of business correspondence. Modern forms of correspondence developed over 150 years ago. It is generally accepted that their homeland is England, where the rules for compiling business correspondence were first introduced.

General rules of correspondence

1. Before you start writing letters to a business partner, you should understand the following points for yourself:

Type of letter (covering letter, letter of order, letter of notice, letter of reminder, letter of presentation, letter of refusal, letter of guarantee, etc.);

Is a response to your letter expected (there are conditions when a response to a letter is not expected, for example, a presentation letter);

Will the content of the letter be clearly understood by your addressee, will it leave any ambiguities regarding the issue of correspondence;

Are you sure that the letter sent by mail will arrive on time (if not, it is better to use telefax, DHL services or send a letter via the Internet).

2. The tone of the letter should always remain correct.

3. It is necessary to carefully select vocabulary, avoiding inaccuracies, ambiguity, excessive use of professional words. The text of the letter should be easy to understand.

4. A business letter should be written only on the letterhead of the organization on behalf of which you are speaking. Since the appearance of a letterhead is a kind of business card for your company, the design of an official letterhead should be treated with particular care. The more formal the letterhead, the more formal the tone of the letter should be.

When preparing documents, it is recommended to use the Microsoft Word text editor (software product of Microsoft Corporation) using Times New Roman Cyr font size No. 12 (for tabular materials), 13, 14, 15, Times DL size No. 12, 13, 14 through 1 -2 intervals.

When drawing up a business letter, page numbers are put down on the right side of the page, and when drawing up other business documents - in the middle of the top margin of the sheet.

The text of the letter itself is recommended to be printed on A4 forms at 1.5-2 line spacing, on A5 and smaller forms - at one line spacing. Details of the document (except text), consisting of several lines, are printed with one line spacing.

Written requests must be answered within 10 days of receipt.

Faxes and e-mails must be answered within 48 hours, excluding weekends

Rules for writing a business letter in Russia

In Russia, the design of official forms is regulated by regulatory documents and, first of all, GOST 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation Requirements.

GOST established two standard formats for document forms - A4 (210 x 297 mm) and A5 (148 x 210 mm). Each sheet of a document, drawn up both on a form and not on it, must have margins of at least 20 mm - left; 10 mm - right; 20 mm - top; 20 mm - lower.

These requirements for paperwork are enshrined in Russian law, but the author recommends using them when compiling a business letter to a foreign partner.

Depending on the degree of closeness with your correspondent, the appeal may begin with the words “Dear + surname (first name, patronymic)” or “Dear + first name and patronymic (first name)”. Words such as "Dear", "Mr", "Madam", "Deputy Director", "Head of Department", etc. under no circumstances should it be reduced. Otherwise, the recipient has the right to think that you do not really respect him very much. And the letter should end with words of gratitude for cooperation. And then before your signature is put the expression: "Respectfully, ..." or "Sincerely yours ...".

It is unacceptable to use “you” in official letters, even if in life you and this person are not only in business, but also on friendly terms.

Typically, a business or service letter consists of several typical structural elements:

1. Header area.
In this part of the letter, a corner stamp of the organization is placed on the left, indicating the name of the organization, its postal and other details, as well as the registration number and date of registration of the letter as an outgoing document. If the service letter is a response letter, then it also indicates to which document this letter responds.
The details of the addressee are placed on the right side of the header.

Below the corner stamp is a title to the text of the document. The heading language structure may look like:

ü preposition "About" + noun. in the prepositional case: "On the supply of cars";

ü on the question "About" + noun. in the prepositional case: "On the issue of the supply of spare parts";

ü concerning + noun. in the genitive case: "Concerning the purchase order", etc.

2. The actual text of the letter. The main features of the design of the text of the letter are as follows.

ü The text of a business letter, as a rule, should relate to one issue or multiple questions if they are related and will be considered in one structural unit destination organization.

ü The text of the letter, as a rule, consists of two parts. The first part sets out the reason, basis or justification for compiling the letter, provides links to documents that are the basis for preparing the letter. The second part, starting with a paragraph, contains conclusions, proposals, requests, decisions, etc.

Structure of a business letter

1. Name of the sending organization.

3. Date of writing the letter.

4. Address of the recipient of the letter.

5. An indication of a specific person.

6. Opening address

7. An indication of the general content of the letter, i.e. letter subject.

8. The main text of the letter.

9. The final formula of politeness.

10. Signature.

11. Indication of the application.

When writing a business letter to a Russian partner, there are a few more rules to remember.

The position of the person to whom the document is addressed is indicated in the dative case, for example:

to CEO
JSC "Alfa Business"
V.A. Prokhorov

JSC "Beta Holding"
Chief accountant
V.M. Ivanov

If you put the abbreviations "Mr", "Mrs", then the respondent's surname is written first, followed by initials.

The document should not contain more than four recipients. The word "Copy" before the second, third, fourth addressees is not indicated. With a larger number of recipients, a mailing list of the document is compiled.

When sending a letter to the organization indicate its name, then the postal address.

When sending a document to an individual, indicate the name and initials of the recipient, then the postal address

A mark on the presence of the application named in the text of the letter is made out as follows:

Application: for 5 liters. in 2 copies .

If the letter has an attachment not named in the text, then indicate its name, number of sheets and number of copies; if there are several applications, they are numbered, for example:

If applications are bound, then the number of sheets is not indicated.

If the application is not sent to all the addresses indicated in the document, then a mark on its presence is made out as follows:

Application: for 3 liters. in 5 copies. only in the first address.

The requisite "Signature" includes the name of the position of the person who signed the document (full if the document is not issued on a letterhead, and abbreviated - on a document issued on the company's official letterhead); personal signature; signature decoding (initials, surname), for example:
