Project “Formation of ecological culture of children by means of music. Ecological dance marathon Children's dance on an ecological theme

Natalia Guslistaya, choreographer: “My step to support the environment is to create a ballet and show this theme in my work”

Natalya Guslistaya is a choreographer, actress, stunt performer and producer. Behind her are Bejart's ballets and shootings in Hollywood films. In Moscow, she presented the international environmental festival Love, Earth, Universe. The star guest of the festival was actor Owen Wilson, the star of the films Darjeeling Train, Marley and Me and Midnight in Paris. The general sponsor of the project was VTB Bank.

How was the festival?

- Pretty good for a first time. There were, of course, problems, but I think next time it will be better.

– What are the problems?

We had the music turned off for three minutes. But I saw how clean and confident the troupe was dancing: they continued to work in silence. This only happens in movies!

- Who was dancing?

- When we danced at UNESCO, I had dancers from different countries, but here I gathered from several theaters - from the Kremlin Palace, and also called circus performers.

– How was the idea of ​​the festival born?

- In May 2011, I received a call from UNESCO and was offered to write a libretto for the ballet for the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight. They sent me music, and I realized that this is just a madhouse - very difficult. There was not even an even rhythm. It was written by an American composer and took sounds that attract aliens.

– Is there such music?

- Yes. The composer himself works for NASA in New York. He took the sounds that aliens are said to respond to.

- Has anyone recorded this?

- I don't know, I think so. They say it.

– Were there any aliens at the ballet?

- No! Although he told me that they could fly.

- Were you invited alone or did you have to compete with someone?

– The choice was between Andris Liepa and me. They chose me. But at that time I was filming in Russia, in Brigade-2, so I had to find part of the troupe in Russia in order to immediately start working.

Was it difficult to put together?

Yes, it's very difficult! When we arrived in Paris, no one knew with whom they would dance. I had to imagine: here there will be one person, then someone else. On the other hand, it was very interesting, the dancers learned from each other. Completely different schools, but the combinations are mine. I like to mix styles, nationalities. It gives something extraordinary.

The ballet tells about what can happen if the end of the world comes. And it can come only because of people - nature reacts to our actions

– But so far you have talked about UNESCO, and the festival was held in Moscow.

– Yes, everything went very well, there was a great press. Pierre Cardin offered to cooperate after that. Maybe next time I'll work with him in Paris. We returned with the participants to Moscow, and the idea came up to create just such a festival.

– Why is the topic ecology?

- My libretto was written in defense of the Earth: how to save each other, how to live without wars and greed. The ballet tells about what can happen if the end of the world comes. And it can come only because of people - nature reacts to our actions. The earth will collapse, and I show what can come out of it. I wanted to show: do not do this, otherwise there will be nothing left of us.

- And how did you find the answer, what will save you from wars and greed?

– I have love, earth, universe. That is the name of the festival. If we respect and love each other, if we do not get angry at each other, quarrel, nothing terrible will happen on Earth.

- Why did you decide attract?

– We were introduced in America by Rob Schneider. Wilson immediately struck me as very open and touching. When I began to think about who to invite from my friends, it turned out that everyone was busy. I immediately remembered Owen, but did not believe that he would agree. And when she offered, he replied that he loved everything ecological. “I,” he says, “will be happy to come. And I will plant a tree and support you with this idea.”

- What was his role?

- Say a few words. If they suddenly don’t understand me with ballet, then at least they will listen to a Hollywood star. You never know, I think maybe he will say more than I do. My step in support of ecology is to create a ballet and show this theme in my work. Now, maybe someone else will take that step - maybe some photographer will open a gallery. Something needs to change so that people pay attention to this topic.

- And where did you plant a birch?

- In a restaurant. They brought us a birch tree, and Owen and I planted it. This was his contribution to the environment.

- Last year we had fires, a lot of forests burned out. Maybe it was necessary to go to the forest?

- It was necessary to!

- And Owen Wilson came for a long time, what did he do here?

- Arrived for four days. Well, I took part in the festival, then we walked around Moscow, I showed the sights. He liked this. This time it was warmer - before that it was in January.

- What are the future plans for the festival “Love. Earth. Universe"?

– I would like to show in America. Modernism is more valued there than here. Everything has to be explained. In addition, they are invited to Monaco.

– And how will it develop, will the festival be an annual event?

- In Russia, I think, I will hardly show it. We will perform in Europe and America.

- Yes. The artistic side can tell more than words. Therefore, I always try to convey something to people. I do the same in my roles.

– Do you already have any ideas on what topic to turn to next time?

- Yes. Maybe banking. We are here, as they say, another crisis in 2012.

– Is there a difference between perception in Europe and in Russia?

- Eat. In the West, the public is more prepared. Here they asked me: “And on purpose, your ballerinas did not stretch their feet and fell.” Specially! I wanted the dancers to understand, feel what they were doing and react, not copy me. In Moscow, everything is more technical. They need to lift their leg higher and do more pirouettes. Here, everyone is stiff, very tough classics. They simply do not know how to do anything else, and I do not think that this is good. The dancer must dance whatever is given to him.

– Did you study in Moscow?

– I studied at the choreographic school at the Bolshoi Theatre, then graduated from the Royal Ballet School in London, and then went into modern: I danced at Rabot and at Béjart.

At what point did you have to retrain yourself?

- After the Bolshoi! In London, even the classics are taught differently, and modernity is immediately taught. You train your body so much that you can change like a chameleon. I wanted to get a lot of different information, styles and then mix them up. We live in the 21st century, pure ballet no longer exists. Everything is developing, and rightly so. But in Russia, for some reason, it’s not like that: we have a classic that has always been made. But she's not the best anymore. They think that this is correct, although it is no longer so.

– You have found application of forces in various fields. And what gives you the most pleasure?

- Today - to act in films. When you do a choreographic production, it is the dancer who shows your idea. And he might not understand. In the cinema, I communicate with the audience myself. And if something is not completed - my fault.

- Where are you filming now?

– Starred in a new film with Dolph Lundgren. It's called "In the Name of the King - 2". It's coming out for hire soon. There I was a witch, saved Dolph Lungdren and performed stunts myself - fought with knives, killed, ran. In Russia, she starred in "Brigade-2" and two TV series: "Decoy Man" and "Petrovich".

– Is there a difference between filming here and in the West?

- Eat! For some reason, things take a lot longer here. 15 shooting days we can't finish since May. I don't understand why this is? This does not please me - in America I did everything in three months and started another project. I like to do a variety of things, I try to keep myself busy as much as possible: to stage something, to produce, to act in films.

But in Russia, for some reason, it’s not like that: we have a classic that has always been made. But she's not the best anymore

But when do you have time to train?

- I try to find time and keep myself in shape. Although I don’t perform on stage anymore - there were two injuries.

- Are you bored?

- I miss very much! Sometimes I watch my production and think: “Damn, I would rather dance.” Kidding! My dancers are very good.

– Was it difficult to organize everything here?

If I had brought a movie about sex and rock and roll, they would have said: "No, Natasha, I'm sorry, this does not suit us"

– The biggest difficulty was in the Kremlin Palace itself. It is impossible to go there - everything is by passes. Looks like I got the scene wrong! But I was lucky - a lot of people believe in me. Sponsors who helped, VTB was the general sponsor. Everyone liked the idea. Probably, if they had brought a movie about sex and rock and roll, they would have said: “No, Natasha, I'm sorry, this does not suit us.” I don't think I changed the world much, but at least I tried.

Elena Astakhova

SLIDE #1. (subject project)

ecological education is a relatively new area of ​​preschool pedagogy. The ability to live in harmony with nature, with the environment environment education should be started as early as possible.

One of the important funds education of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world is music. Influence music on the formation of an ecological culture in a child is very large. Music, like any other art, is able to influence the comprehensive development of the child, lead to the transformation of the world around.

So I put it on my shoulders musical the head falls the task of educational, educational, educational activities and among children, And among parents on the problems of harmonious education children.


The urgency of the problem.

People living in the modern world of society have many problems, but perhaps one of the most acute and urgent is the problem of preserving the environment. environments. I think that only ecological outlook and ecological culture living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the state in which it is now. In our time, there is a threat that we cannot reach the hearts of the younger generation with good, environmentally pure classical music, a lyrical folk song or a funny joke, because on television and radio, children hear something completely different. Consumer attitude towards nature and deterioration ecology requires the formation of the foundations of ecological culture among preschoolers.



If ecological education and training will be by means of music, it will help to teach children to see beautiful to cultivate love for nature, personal responsibility for its preservation, form initial knowledge and skills environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and for the child himself.


To form the ecological culture of children by means of musical- figurative knowledge of nature.

Based on the goal, I set tasks:

SLIDE #5. (tasks)

1. Drive musical images on musical activities for development ecological culture;

2. Use in class musical images in different forms musical activity.

3. Broaden your horizons children connect learning with life, learn to apply knowledge in practice.

4. Develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, ability to analyze. To study the impact of human activities on the environment Wednesday.

5. Cultivate respect for nature.

6. Involve parents in joint activities with children and teachers.

To solve the tasks, I used the following methods and facilities:

SLIDE #6. (methods and facilities)

1. Observation, visual illustrative material.

2. Selection of documentary, fiction.

3. Conversations with children.

4. Testing, questioning, diagnostics.

5. Classic music, reflecting (imitating) sounds of nature.

6. Sounds of nature without musical accompaniment in the recording.

7. Sounds of nature with musical accompaniment in the recording.


Members project: music director, kindergarten pupils, educators, parents.


Implementation period project– 2012-2013 academic year.

Expected result.


At children will be formed developed aesthetic senses, a sufficient level environmental knowledge, ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Preschoolers will acquire additional skills of collective activity.

SLIDE #10. (stages project)

Implementation project took place at three stage: preparatory, main, final.

SLIDE #11.

Stage 1. Preparatory.

To keep the participants interested project, I put the following tasks:

Make a list musical works.

Pick up information in the literature. Use Internet resources.

Develop scenarios for events and classes with inclusion musical works with the sounds of nature.

Interaction with parents.

SLIDE #12. (phone library, visual material)

When selecting musical works I take into account age characteristics children. Hearing music is an active internal process concentration which gives children the opportunity to perceive and understand various types, genres musical art. In the process of systematic work, children acquire the ability to listen music, remember and recognize it, begin to enjoy it; they are imbued with the content of the work, the beauty of it forms and images. At children growing interest in music and then love for her.

SLIDE #13. (Scenery)

Music evokes in children various feelings and emotions, joy, a sense of beauty while using visual material, scenery. For the preparation of design and costumes for the holidays, I attracted educators and parents.

SLIDE number 14. (attributes to the dance "Cornflower Country")

Children especially like to perform dances and compositions with attributes. They try to perform movements synchronously and more clearly.

SLIDE number 15. (attributes to the dance "Bibika")

Stage 2. Basic.

SLIDE #16.

For this stage, the following tasks:

Interest children project. Develop a cognitive interest in the natural world.

Attach children to Russian folklore in connection with ecology.

Develop musical creativity.

Spend mornings, holidays.

Work with parents.

SLIDE #17. (noise orchestra).

Through musical images the child learns the beautiful in the surrounding reality, in nature.

In the classroom, the children sang chants and songs about animals. From musical They learned from images that the cat is the mother of kittens, the hen is the mother of chickens. Just as you shouldn't hurt your mothers, so you shouldn't hurt animals. And if the guys sing "drink milk children - you will be healthy", then, of course, they will treat the cow with love, knowing that it gives milk. Growing up, children begin to understand that animals are good, kind, that they are alive, they cannot be offended, they must be treated with care. children there is a desire to protect animals, to help them. There is a love for wildlife.

SLIDE #18 (choral singing)

One of the main musical creation tools image is a melody, organized rhythmically, enriched with dynamics, timbre, supported by accompanying voices.

Children sang at themed matinees songs: "Autumn knocked on our door", "Harvest", "Mushroom", "Rain", "Umbrella", "Herringbone - forest aroma", "Spring drops". Song performance "On the farm" preschoolers were accompanied by playing on children's musical instruments.

SLIDE number 19. (game "happy rain")

Musical images are created using the complex means of musical expressiveness and are an emotional reflection of the images of the real world. No kind musical activity cannot fully develop on a purely verbal level. As part of the ongoing project with preschoolers younger and middle age, improvisational games were held under music("Merry rain", "Leaves fly in the wind and fall on the path", "Round dance around the Christmas tree").

SLIDE #20. (dancing)

For an emotional impact that creates an upbeat, joyful, cheerful mood, I used recordings of various children's songs by famous composers, as well as music by contemporary authors. And most importantly - included dancing. At the holidays, the children performed "Dance of Autumn Leaves", "We are not afraid of the rain", "Bibibka", "Cornflower Country", round dances: "Vesnyanka", and etc.

During the main stage, I conducted a conversation on topic: "Good and evil" with older children. Found out how children understand what is "good" And "evil". Helped them clarify these concepts. The children gave examples from real life. It was necessary for the production of the musical "Earth's Birthday", which I developed to maintain the active interest of the guys in project.

Analyzing my work, I would like to note that using various forms, methods and methods of work, children began to have more ecological education. They admire nature, want to have pets, take care of them. Majority children love to do different things musical activity: listen music, sing songs, dance.

SLIDE #21.

Stage 3. Final.

The task of the final stage was to identify the completeness of the functioning of the entire system of measures with its optimal impact on the performance of all participants project on the quality of education.

At the final stage of implementation project I made this presentation. And also, our preschoolers took part in the district music competition"Ding Don" where they performed the musical "Earth's Birthday".

SLIDE number 22 (song "Spring", orchestra)

These are the most active members. project. They performed with excitement and at the same time with pleasure on stage in the House cultures. The children showed their creativity in musical activity like an orchestra, dance, song. In the vocal category Masha Bocharova was awarded a special prize. At the end of the competition, our artists received an award - sweets and toys.

SLIDE #23 (aliens, dance "Bibika")

Music reveals vivid images to children, affects children's souls, and has a great influence on moral and emotional feelings.

SLIDE #24 (aliens, dance "Cornflower Country")

IN musical works have a huge educational potential. And so I believe that formation of ecological culture of children by means of music is a more successful and productive upbringing.

SLIDE #25 (Result project)

As a result of the implementation project increased levels of creativity children and knowledge in the field of ecology. The relationship between the family and the preschool institution has changed positively.

Methodical development of cognitive-ecological music lessons in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution
Subject: "My native land"

Recently, the problems of ecology in the world have come to the fore, and the environmental education of children has become one of the important areas of preschool pedagogy. After all, it is at preschool age that the foundations of a person's worldview, his attitude to the world around him, are laid.

This problem is relevant for our region as well. And I really want everyone living in our small Motherland to love our land, our nature, its peculiar beauty, to treat all living things with care.

The purpose of the lesson is:- education of a humane, socially active, creative person, able to understand and love the world around and nature through the means of music.

To achieve this goal, I set myself the following tasks:
To develop in preschool children ecological ideas, knowledge about the values ​​of nature and the rules of behavior in it;
To educate children in the moral qualities of the individual and love for their native nature;
Contribute to the accumulation of emotionally positive experience of communication with nature through musical images (listening, singing, dancing, playing musical instruments);
Provide children with the opportunity to widely apply the initiative of creativity in music classes and in free activities;
To acquaint children with their native land through the introduction of multimedia technology (slide-film in blocks).

Classes are divided into blocks: "Trees", "Wild Animals", "Rivers and lakes and their inhabitants", "Flowers", "Birds". In each block I distinguish two parts: - Cognitive part - Musical and game.

Children to the music of "Sounds of Nature" enter the music room and sit on the chairs.

M.r. Hello dear guys! The theme of our music lesson "My native land".
Children, a letter came to our kindergarten from the owner of the forest - Lesovichka. Let's read what he writes to us.

"Hello guys. Lesovichok is writing to you. I have a problem, our forest was bewitched by an evil witch. And now in our forest it is very boring and sad. I turned to you to help me. And, if you complete all the tasks, then the forest will definitely be disenchanted and flowers will bloom in it again, the voices of birds will be heard, all the inhabitants of the forest will come to life.

M.r. Well, guys, let's help Lesovichka?
Children: Yes!
M.r. Then let's not waste time, now let's stand near the chairs, close our eyes and say the magic words:
“Turned around, circled and we found ourselves in the forest” (circling) .

Scenery (trees without leaves appear)

M.r. Open your eyes, sit down. Here we are in the enchanted forest.
What kind of forest? Oh, how sad, oh, how dull and dark. And, indeed, the songs of birds are not heard, the rustling of leaves is not heard, the sun is not visible. We need to help the forest. Let's do the first task.

1 task "Trees"
The trees are so bewitched that they have forgotten their names. Let's help them remember their names. (Showing pictures - trees: maple, mountain ash, birch, oak, spruce)
Children's answers
M.r. What do these trees have in common? (trunk, branches, leaves)
Children's answers

M.r. Right. The image of Russia is unthinkable without the Russian birch. In our region there are extraordinary birch groves that delight the human eye. Many songs have been composed in her honor. Now listen to the music fragment and tell me what is the name of this song?
Children's answers

M.r. Yes, it was the Russian folk song “There was a birch in the field”. And now let's play this song with an orchestra. You need to play, harmoniously, rhythmically, at the time to start playing each group of instruments.

(Annex 1)

M.r. Now we will get up and sing the round dance song "Birch". Remember, children, that the song should be sung slowly, loudly and in unison.


M.r. Well done, sit down!

We must protect the beauty of the earth! I think that none of you will break branches of trees and will not let others do it. Right?
Children's answers

M.r. We have completed the first task. The trees came to life. Scenery (trees with leaves appear)

2 task "Wild animals"
In the second task, wild animals of our forests are bewitched. They lost their mothers in the forest.
It's time to remember the names of forest mothers and their cubs and play the game: "Who is with whom?"
- Who is the mother of the rabbits? (hare)
- Who is the mother of the foxes? (fox)
- Who is the mother of the cubs? (bear)
Who is the mother of the wolf cubs? (wolf)
- Who is the mother of the hedgehogs? (hedgehog)

M.r. Children, listen to what happened once with hedgehogs ...
The hedgehog has small, soft, fluffy hedgehogs. So that they would not be cold, their mother warmed them with her body. But the hedgehogs had to be fed, and it was scary to leave the kids alone: ​​they would suddenly freeze. If the hedgehog will only warm them, then the hedgehogs will remain hungry, so the mother hedgehog decided to go and quickly get food for her cubs. Suddenly, boys appeared from behind the bushes. They saw a hedgehog and took it home. Little hedgehogs were left alone. They are cold and hungry.
- What do you think will happen to hedgehogs without a mother?
Children's answers

M.r. That's right, they die. And what had to be done so that the hedgehogs did not die? (it was necessary to let the hedgehog go, she herself will find her way home)
Children's answers

M.r. Remember, you need to protect those animals that are not listed in the Red Book. The cubs, when they see their mother, rejoice, and we also know how to have fun.
Get up in pairs, let's dance to the dancing Russian folk music. COUPLE DANCE "THE MONTH LIGHTS"(Annex 3)

M.r. Here we are with the second task. Animal babies have found their mothers. Scenery (animals appear)

3 task "Reservoirs and their inhabitants"
The next task is to solve the riddles:
I am born small
I come from the stream
And I will run to the sea -
I can become wide. (River)

People live under water
Walking backwards... (Raki)

She lives by the water, sings songs loudly.
Her mouth is a trap for flies, but her name is ... (Frog)

She is in the lake, she is in the puddle,
She is spinning like a snowflake over us,
She is boiling in our kettle,
Does she run and murmur in the river? (Water)

M.r. Well done, solved all the riddles.
There are many rivers and lakes in our native land. These are the rivers: Msta, Shegrinka, Hogrinka, Peretna, as well as picturesque lakes with the names: Borovno, Bottling, Linen, Zaozerye, Peretno, etc. All lakes and rivers are rich in fish. It is necessary to protect and not pollute water bodies, otherwise they may become unsuitable for its inhabitants and humans.
And now the fishermen, hurry up and catch more fish.


M.r. We also completed the third challenge.
They guessed the riddles, learned about the water expanses of their native land, and also showed a dance. Scenery (a pond and its inhabitants appear)

4 task "Flowers"
It just seems to us that only trees grow in the forest. In fact, a huge number of flowers grow there, which cover the ground with a blue, white and yellow "carpet". It happens that you walk in the middle of the forest and suddenly find yourself in an amazing clearing, where bluebells, chamomiles, St. John's wort, cornflowers and many other flowers grow. Many forest flowers are so good that you can admire them for a very long time. It is surprising that no one waters them, does not weed them, and does not care for them at all, but they grow beautifully on their own.

The fourth task that we have to complete is to perform the “Dance of Flowers”.
M.r. So, we completed the fourth task, helped the woodman. Scenery (flowers appear)

5 task "Birds"
In the forest live "our smaller brothers" - birds. Birds are the protectors of the forest, as well as gardens, fields and orchards. They destroy a huge number of harmful insects per day. Guys, protect the birds, feed them in winter. Birds decorate our life. What kind of children are the forest without birds singing?
And the next task is to find out the voices of some birds of our region.

SONG "CUCKOO"(Annex 6)

Scenery (birds appear)

M.r. Guys, we have coped with all the tasks. Look how bright and joyful it became in the forest. The forest came to life, everything woke up, the sun shone, birds sang songs. So, you and I helped the woodsman and disenchanted the forest.
And it's time for us children to return to kindergarten. Let's stand near the chairs, close our eyes and say the magic words: "Turned around, circled and found themselves in kindergarten."

- Where were we today? ( In a magical enchanted forest)
- And who did they help to disenchant the forest? ( Helped Lesovichka)
— What did you like the most?
Children's answers

M.r. Children, you were active today and that is why we completed all the tasks so quickly. Well done!
And now we will watch a slide film.


I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,
And suddenly he sighed, as if alive;
And the continents whisper to me:
- Take care of us, take care of us!
In the anxiety of groves and forests,
Dew on the paths, like a tear!
And the springs quietly ask:
You take care of us, take care!
The deep river is sad
Losing their shores
And I hear the voice of the river:
You take care of us, take care!
The deer stopped his run:
Be a man, man!
We believe in you - don't lie.
You take care of us, take care!
I look at the globe - the globe of the earth.
So beautiful and dear!
And lips whisper in the wind:
"I will save you, I will save you!"

Annex 1

All children have musical instruments.
Under the first part of the Russian folk melody, children play on spoons, and under the second part, bells sound.

Annex 2
SONG "BEREZONKA" (A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina)
1. In the meadow, in the meadow, green,
There is a birch tree standing alone.
The birch tree leaned low,
The birch tree squealed bitterly.

2. You tell me what happened to you,
Why did you bow your head.
I met bad people
The green branches broke off for me.

3. We treated the green birch,
And they gave cold water to drink.
The birch tree has become green,
She became curly, cheerful.

Annex 3
1. a) They go in a circle in pairs, a common hand with an “arrow”
b) circling "boat"
2. a) Expose the heel, holding hands with a "boat"
b) circling "boat"
3. a) Throw out the legs, holding the hands "shelf"
b) circling "boat"
4. a) scattered in pairs disperse around the hall
b) circling "boat"

Appendix 4
(Burenina A. I. "Rhythmic Mosaic" Disc 1 No. 2)

Annex 5
(T.I. Suvorova "Ecological dances")

Appendix 6
SONG "KUKSHKA" ( Show group "Smile")
1. Green edge go in the cold,
In the forest, the cuckoo cries cuckoo, cuckoo,
In the forest, the cuckoo calls cuckoo, cuckoo.

2. Cuckoo, where is the hut? We need to go to the stairs.
The cuckoo does not hear us, cuckoo, cuckoo,
Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo-coo-coo-coo,
The cuckoo cuckoo, cuckoo, doesn't hear us.

3. Well, what are you talking about in vain, you talk like a bitch.
Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo-coo-coo-coo,
The cuckoo was offended and no more cuckoo.

Title: Scenario of cognitive-ecological musical lesson in the preparatory group "My native land"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, music, senior preschool age 6-7 years

Position: music director of the first qualification category
Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 5"
Location: Novgorod region, Okulovka

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