retrograde pluto. What can you do during Saturn retrograde? If a person is familiar to you, or you have been cooperating with a company for a long time, then make a deal, just treat the drafting of contracts and important papers more carefully and scrupulously than usual.

The retrograde movement of Mercury or the movement back is the path of the planet visible from the Earth. The retrograde effect occurs as a result of the difference in the speeds of the Earth and Mercury relative to the Sun. In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac, which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business. Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times a year. The duration of the retrograde phase is 20 days.

Mercury represents communication, telephone calls, correspondence, mail transfers, our daily mobility and short trips; all kinds of communication, means of communication, exchange of information, goods and contacts with our immediate environment. It symbolizes our type and style of thinking, as well as the ability and opportunities to raise our awareness both on current issues and in the field of our education. Its transit plays an important role in negotiations and business agreements.

Being the nearest planet from the Sun, Mercury is the main filter of our consciousness in the stream of perception of the world. During the period of its retrograde, there is a slowdown in thought processes, a desire to analyze the accumulated information. Retrograde Mercury is not focused on new connections, new impressions, it immerses in the understanding of what we have already learned, it tends to put things in order in our thoughts and contacts.

What can be observed during the retro-Mercury period

At this time, people are more immersed in themselves, they think and communicate a little differently, their mental attention is directed either to the past or to the metaphysical. One way or another, but their contact with the real plan at this time is reduced. There may be a need for privacy and reduced contact. Written communication may be used more frequently, and absent-mindedness and forgetfulness are common. Many of the cases that have already been started can turn out to be “hung”, in many cases it becomes difficult to complete what has been started for reasons beyond our control. The conclusions made at this time will not be final and will require re-examination and revision in the future.

At this time, rules may change, contracts may be revised, deadlines may be postponed, the publication of manuscripts submitted for publication may be delayed, difficulties and delays in the preparation of documents increase. Texts sent to the publishing house at this time may sin with inaccuracies or shortcomings, proofreaders may not notice gross typos. The probability of errors in accounting documentation increases, important points of information may fall out of sight. In studies, it is more difficult to learn new material; when traveling, misunderstandings, delays, flight delays are frequent. Business trips to new places and for new reasons are often not productive. This period can lead to problems in the field of communication and information exchange (telephone, postal services, e-mail, communication on Internet forums), agreements, decisions, marketing, data processing and storage. At this time, communications equipment, household appliances and transport are more likely to fail and break down, more often than at other times, there are delays in flights at airports. Pets may need more attention. These trends may be more pronounced on days near Mercury's retrograde (R) or direct (D) reversals, that is, near the start and end dates of retrograde on the calendar.

Read more about the essence of retrograde, retro-loops of planets and astrological interpretation of these periods in the article "Retrograde periods of planets in 2017"

This is an unfavorable time for starting important negotiations, for concluding agreements, signing contracts, going to court to file a lawsuit, for business trips, getting a job, starting a business, changing activities, starting new projects, buying communications equipment, office equipment and major purchases; for diagnostics and medical examination; to contact new specialists, to start new business relationships, new cooperation; for dangerous trips to new places and the beginning of learning something new; presentation of new ideas and projects.

At this time, it is useful to return to old cases and put them in order. This can be the completion of already started cases and projects, sorting the archive, cleaning the computer of unnecessary files. At this time, you can make backup copies of important data and documents, backup the site. More detailed work on topics that for some reason have been postponed is useful. Returning now to the old ideas, we can find something useful and important in them, this is the time for finalizing projects. To use the effect of retrograde, it is possible to outline repeated steps for this period in cases that did not get results from the first attempt.

Life does not stand still, waiting for the direction of Mercury, and, sometimes, it is at this time that we are forced to deal with paperwork, go somewhere, etc. In this case, remember some rules. If it is impossible to reschedule the dates of the trip, the submission or receipt of documents, the conclusion of the current contract, negotiate and agree on all points, be extremely attentive to dates and numbers; double-check what you have written, read the fine print; check the documents upon receipt, for example, a visa, for the accuracy of the dates. When arranging a meeting or a trip, agree on all the nuances, make sure that you understand everything correctly and that you understand you correctly.

Accumulate energy. This is the time of analysis and preparation of the things that will need to be carried out after the retro period of Mercury. For people of creative professions, this time can be very fruitful. It brings new ideas for the embodiment of unfinished images and plots, now you can understand and work out in more detail what previously did not fit into a finished image or concept.

You can meet up with old friends you haven't seen for a long time. This is a good time to restore lost ties, to renew cooperation. People from the past may appear in our lives. At this time, old connections will be more useful than new acquaintances.

For holders of natal Mercury retro, periods of transit Mercury retro may be more fruitful than for direct holders, as retrospection is their natural environment. But astrological recommendations for the period of this transit are common to all, since we are all part of the world in which we live, and the world is in the retro phase of Mercury. Therefore, new initiatives and the beginning of something important, in business, for example, and in other areas where a person depends on people and external circumstances, for the owner of natal Mercury retro will have the same consequences as for others. At the same time, often, in people with natal Mercury retro, important events in life take place on transit Mercury retro, those events that do not depend on their actual choice.

About the transit of retro-Mercury in combination with the natal chart from N. Markina's book "Cycles of the Planets":

« The natal house, through which Mercury retrograde passes, will be an important area of ​​experience. The topics of this house will require from a person clarity of thought, clarity of speech, understanding of personal interests. In the sphere of this house there is a need to search for new criteria and new ideals. All radix planets affected by the passage of retrograde Mercury will naturally be included in the general process. The period of retrograde movement of the planets is of particular importance when it falls on an angular house, especially on the Radix Ascendant. Retrograde loops along the Ascendant and the first house require changes in behavior, attention to speech and gestures, appearance, occur in a nervous state of tension, but allow you to correct the expression of planetary functions, realize the initiatives taken earlier, and detect errors in previous endeavors, move away from old unproductive stereotypes of behavior”.

Periods of retro-Mercury in 2017

Time is given in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For Kyiv in winter you need to add +2, in summer +3 hours,

for Moscow, you need to add +3 hours during the year.

On April 6, 2017, Saturn, which in astrology is responsible for order, law, career, reputation, restrictions and discipline, becomes retrograde and will be in retrograde motion until August 26. About the features of Saturn retrograde, as well as how to spend this time with benefit, read this article.

What is retrograde? The retrograde effect occurs as a result of the difference in the speeds of the Earth and the planet relative to the Sun, as a result of which, to an observer from the Earth, it seems that the planet is moving backwards. In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac that it has already passed in its direct motion.

Each planet has its own periods of retrograde. The planet Saturn goes retrograde every year for 4 and a half months. In 2017, Saturn turns retrograde at 27 degrees Sagittarius and the entire period of retrograde will be in this sign. And this means that everything related to the sign of Sagittarius will be subject to the most stringent revision and revision - higher education, philosophy, jurisprudence, law, affairs related to abroad and long trips, culture, religion.

Saturn retrograde affects social life more than personal. To some extent, we can say that the phase of Saturn retrograde is much “closer in spirit” to those people whose Saturn is also retrograde in their birth chart.

The Saturn retrograde factor must be taken into account by those people who are engaged in business or are included in any serious structures, for example, hold public office or are representatives of the law.

When considering the possible influences of a retrograde Saturn, one should first of all take into account the general rules regarding retrograde planets, namely: any retrograde planet slows down affairs that fall within its sphere of influence, it seems to turn back time and make a person follow in their own footsteps, and more than once.

The retrograde planet returns us to things that were abandoned halfway or unfinished for a number of subjective or objective reasons, provides an opportunity to correct mistakes, adjust plans, and introduce additional components. For this reason, during the period of retrograde, you should do old things, and not start new ones.

Saturn is no exception. The period of its retrograde phase of movement is the time of completion of affairs, summing up, revisions, revision of plans, changes to plans, etc.

At this time, restructuring often begins, the reorganization of everything that fits the definition of "structure". Thus, with Saturn retrograde, the feeling of inviolability, fundamentality, stability disappears, and the spirit of change begins to soar in the air. Although these changes may be limited, for example, to the change of one or two leaders, and this is where the reorganization ends.

During the period of retrograde Saturn, it is not recommended to start new large-scale and long-term business. It is better to use this time as a preparatory phase, but not the initial one. In matters for reliability, it is better to rely on the well-known and time-tested.

Saturn is called the planet of difficulties, obstacles and restrictions, it does not bring quick luck, like Jupiter. But it should be remembered that many serious achievements in our life are impossible without patience, perseverance, willpower, self-discipline and endurance. And the period of Saturn retrograde is just a very suitable time for the development of these wonderful qualities in yourself.

Retrograde planets are part of the normal course of life. These periods are not always positive, so you should know about them in advance. In August, the reverse movement will begin Mercury.

You can plan things not only in accordance with the lunar calendar and horoscopes, but also in accordance with information about the movement of the planets. Analytics about the movement of a particular planet allows you to look into the future for a fairly long period of time.

Mercury is the planet of action. This is the planet that governs desires, fortitude, physical form. All this is interconnected, so work on yourself during the retrograde period should be comprehensive.

Mercury will start moving backwards on August 13 and end on September 5, so this state will last until the end of summer. In total, there are three or four periods of Mercury retrograde in a year. In this case it will be the third period. You should be careful about him, but his negative will be less noticeable than in other periods.

Benefits of Mercury retrograde

Retrograde has a positive side, because absolutely everything is turned inside out. Good becomes bad and bad becomes good. This suggests that on August 13, Mercury will positively perceive laziness, lack of desire, a little apathy. This will be a great period to just take a break from the problems associated with work, business, money. Try to just immerse yourself in your activities or hobbies.

When Mercury goes into a state of reverse motion, it seems to calm down. This can be good for people who are quick-tempered or constantly under stress.

What can a person do if he does not fulfill his duties and solve some important matters? That's right, plan for the future. Try to analyze your past shortcomings and work on the mistakes. From August 13, you should not only find flaws in yourself, but also find motivation in order to eradicate them. Moreover, for this you will have all the conditions.

Take care of your home. Mercury will help you with routine work. Rearranging furniture, starting repairs, or simply bringing the home into proper shape will give you good luck.

Negative aspects of Mercury retrograde

The backward movement of the first planet has a very negative effect on any surgical interventions. Be careful in everything, because wound healing will be worse than usual. This is especially true for athletes and extreme sports enthusiasts. Most accidents happen during these periods. This does not mean that training should be postponed, no. The fact is that you will need more attention to security.

A cautious approach in love will be needed for lonely people, since in the standard state Mercury helps to increase the charisma of courageous people. In the retrograde state of this planet, you will have less chance of making a new acquaintance.

At work, mistakes are possible in the most important matters. The harder you try to focus on work, the harder it will be for you to do it. Try not to act selfishly, because Mercury moving in the opposite direction wants to see in people a desire to help others.

The retrograde of this planet has a bad effect on attention, on quick wit, therefore, training is difficult and the first days at a new job are more difficult. If you are going on vacation from August 13 to September 5, then it is better to approach acclimatization issues as carefully as possible. It can be very difficult.

As for physical activity, it is better to observe the golden mean and not overwork your body. Water procedures and walks should replace your gym for a while. It is better to observe the daily routine and do not eat too fatty foods or fast food. Alcohol will also be superfluous.

One way or another, but Mercury at the end of this summer will not be as negative as it could be expected earlier. Astrologers are sure that the right approach will help you not only live through the end of August without problems, but also get rid of negative programs and thoughts that block energy. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.07.2017 03:22

Mercury rules the environment. This planet has a number of features that everyone who is interested in...

IN 2019 Mercury will retrograde three times, and during this time you should not start new projects, buy any media, any little thing, as well as all means of transportation (bicycles, rollers, cars). Validity retrograde mercury :
- from 5 to 28 March;
- from July 8 to August 1;
- from October 31 to November 20.

Jupiter will retrograde from April 10 to August 11, and will have an impact on people who have natal chart strong in cosmic status Jupiter. Retrograde Jupiter will bring some inhibition to the activities associated with those areas for which it is responsible. These are social relations, issues of culture, science and education, social and political activities, legal issues, etc. At this time, business-related problems are possible, especially if a person decides to innovate, expand the scope of activities or take out a loan, attract investors. During retrograde Jupiter you should not start activities, it is better to complete previously started projects.

Saturn will start in 2019 retrograde motion April 30th and will end on September 18th. This will affect social life more than personal. This is the time for completion of cases, summing up, revisions, revision of plans, changes to plans, etc. You can start rebuilding, reorganizing everything that fits the definition of "structure". During this period, it is not recommended to sign long-term contracts, register enterprises, buy real estate, move, marry.

Uranus will start in 2019 retrograde motion August 12 and will end on January 11, 2020. This is a planet of surprises, sudden decisions, insights, therefore, during the period retrograde Uranus you can suddenly begin to review and reevaluate your abandoned and unfinished business, remember your old unrealized ideas that once took deep roots in the past and remained in the subconscious.

Neptune will move to retrograde from June 21 to November 27 and will increase subconscious forces, increase phenomenal and extrasensory abilities - clairvoyance and clairaudience, the ability to guess, predict, foresee, predict. It can free from a wide variety of cult dogmas, prejudices and superstitions and will contribute to more serious introspection and self-criticism.

  Pluto in 2019 will retrograde from 24 April to 3 October. The planet of deep transformations will affect the sphere of the state system and the internal structure of any organizational relations.

What zodiac signs and at what time will it affect retrograde motion planets, see the table below for details.

date Time Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Zodiac sign
6.01.2019 23:27:08 Ending Aries
5.03.2019 21:18:30 Start Fish
28.03.2019 16:58:08 Ending Fish
10.04.2019 20:00:04 Start Sagittarius
24.04.2019 21:47:38 StartCapricorn
30.04.2019 3:55:01 Start Capricorn
21.06.2019 17:35:13 Start Fish
8.07.2019 2:14:27 Start a lion
1.08.2019 6:57:03 Ending Cancer
11.08.2019 16:36:51 Ending Sagittarius
12.08.2019 5:26:47 Start

The planet responsible for career growth, diligence and self-discipline went into retrograde motion on April 6 this year and will continue its destructive effect on people until August 25. Astrologers recommend looking for new sources of income, returning to the old, but proven ways of earning.

Saturn retrograde - what can and should be done

Despite all the negativism of the reverse movement of the planet, you can benefit for yourself with a skillfully composed strategy of behavior. It is necessary to correctly perceive all the changes taking place around you. Astrologers recommend:

  • Work hard and hard, not expecting a quick return on work;
  • Solve legal issues using intuition;
  • Periodically cleanse the house and body of negativity with water, fire and salt;
  • Analyze past events in order to make an actionable plan.

Retrograde Saturn in 2017 favors the completion of previously started projects and the receipt of dividends from cases that were started a long time ago. But it's better not to start anything new.

The winners will be those who will work, as they say, "the old fashioned way", without the desire to hit the big jackpot quickly. The same applies to relationships with people: give preference to old trusted friends and do not try headlong to rush to new romantic acquaintances.

To achieve success, astrologers recommend not focusing on the observance of moral standards, although not deliberately provoking the situation. Those who will be cunning and skillfully dodge when participating in legal processes will also be able to receive their winnings. Retrograde Saturn 2017 will affect the energy of people, that bypassing the established rules will be easier than usual.

Retrograde Saturn - what absolutely can not be done

The retrograde aspect of the planet Saturn will bring difficulties to all those whose activities are connected with real estate, construction, careers in executive authorities and at the state level.

Note that from April 10 to May 3, 2017, along with Saturn, there will also be Mercury retrograde. This combination is especially dangerous for people who are accustomed to action and quick results.

Be patient, because all the problems that arose during the period of the reverse movement of Saturn, as they say, came into your life seriously and for a long time. Therefore, refuse to participate in dubious deals and adventurous projects where you can simply be used as a victim.

The climax of life's failures will be in August 2017, when retrograde Saturn will begin to prepare for the usual rhythm of movement. For this month, it is better to refrain from important decisions and moves and act in accordance with the situation, without much thought over what has been done and said.

Retrograde Saturn and personal life

In relationships between people, Saturn is responsible for the harmony and evenness of contacts. Therefore, during the period of the reverse movement of the planet, breakdowns in agreements, deceit, lack of logic in the actions of friends and loved ones are possible.

Flirting and casual dating, tied up when the situation is in retrograde Saturn, will not lead to a serious relationship in the future. Try not to take to heart all the words that will be said to you and do not draw quick conclusions. It is quite possible that everything that will happen in the love sphere from April 6 to August 26 will simply collapse without a trace.

Retrograde Saturn and business

A sufficiently long period of the reverse movement of the planet, which is responsible for career growth and success in work, will force everyone to work off their karmic debts and come to terms with the existing state of affairs.

From April 6 to August 25, a general downturn can be expected in the economy, and a period of chaos, reforms and general confusion will be felt both at the state level and at the level of small and medium-sized enterprises. Particular attention will be required in such areas of life as:

  • Buying and selling real estate;
  • Increased attention from regulatory authorities;
  • Difficulties in the field of agriculture.

The energy of Saturn retrograde will force many to act harder than usual. Job requirements will be overstated, and the opportunity to prove yourself will be in jeopardy due to an overly narrow scope of opportunities.

However, people who are accustomed to act thoughtfully and without haste can see progress in their work. However, such success will be paid for by daily hard work and the general seriousness of the attitude towards life.

The most critical for business will be the final stage of the reverse movement of Saturn, in the month of August. But starting from April 6 and during the remaining four months, you will have to work hard for the future result without any special expectations.

Compassion and mercy towards needy people will positively affect karma. Having reconciled with a friend or loved one with whom there has been a conflict relationship for a long time, you will effectively clear your mind and thoughts of unnecessary negativity and resentment.

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